St. Jude Sub-Parish Catholic Strategic Plan 2022-2026
St. Jude Sub-Parish Catholic Strategic Plan 2022-2026
St. Jude Sub-Parish Catholic Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 1
Mission Statement………………………………………………………….3
Core Values………………………………………………………………...3
About this document…...…………………………………………………..3
About Us …………….……………………………………………………..4
Sub-Parish Review ………………………………………………………...5
Our strategic priorities…………………………………………………….7
IMPLEMENTATION ……………………………………………………….9
PRAYER ……………………………………………………………………9
An inclusive and dynamic Catholic Community that fosters physical, social and
spiritual growth.
Mission Statement
To Serve Christ through collective participation based on human and spiritual,
Guided by the Holy Spirit, members of St. Jude Sub-Parish Catholic Church are
drawn together as one family to celebrate God our Father through the
Sacraments and Worship in Jesus Christ, to build community in service to one
another as Jesus showed and taught us, to proclaim God's love in “ALL” we say
and do.
“You must love one another, just as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)
Core Values
PRAYER: We celebrate and embrace the traditions of the Catholic faith
centred on the Eucharist, inspiring our community to grow spiritually through
the liturgy, the sacraments, and many forms of personal and communal prayer
SERVICE: We discern our gifts and talents to serve the parish and to live the
principles of Catholic traditions to help those in need
COMMUNITY: We extend genuine hospitality to all, creating a community
that supports one another throughout our faith and life.
The Saint Jude Sub-Parish Catholic Church is enthusiastic about the
development of its 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. St. Jude Sub-Parish welcomes the
opportunity to do just that! Keeping the focus on The New developments and
specific local issues identified by the parishioners themselves, St. Jude has
established goals and objectives to guide its decision-making over the next five
years. This Strategic Plan and the church’s detailed work plans serve as tools to
inform the direction of the sub- parish as well as provide measurements of
progress. A performance management tracking system will be used to ensure
that St. Jude is efficient and effective, while meeting the identified religious
needs of the sub-parish. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed and updated
annually as part of St. Jude ongoing commitment to continuous quality
The St. Jude sub-parish Council supports this strategic plan and commits itself,
staff and necessary resources to implement and achieve the outcomes. This plan
has been approved and adopted by the Parish Pastoral Council on April 12,
Sub-Parish Committee
Judith Nsubuga Aloysious Mukalazi
Gorret Nsubuga Patrice Ssembirige
Moses Mukirane Olivia Nagawa
Kayongo Bob Victoria Kasirye
Nsubuga Justine Bangi Rosemary Apolot
Nsenge Charles
Strategic Planning Committee
Judith Nsubuga Aloysious Mukalazi
Gorret Nsubuga Patrice Ssembirige
Moses Mukirane
The success of the Strategic Plan depends on your participation as a parishioner!
The purpose of this strategic plan is to publish our Parish mission statement,
priorities, and strategic goals for the 2021 – 2026 planning horizon. This
strategic plan helps to focus our sub-parish activities and actions toward a
common objective and goal. It serves to get everyone “on the same sheet of
music” and to orient our collective goals and activities. Once shared, we will
measure and assess our sub-parish activities against our objectives. We will
continue to explore our planning efforts with the parish’s planning guidance and
will update this plan in 2026.
Sub-parish overview
St. Jude sub-parish Catholic Parish is situated along old Kampala-Jinja Road
which connects to Mukono Christian University. It is one and a half kilometres
from Seeta Town and 3 kilometres from Namiryango parish. It belongs to
Lugazi diocese.
THE SWOT ANALYSIS – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Risks
A summary of the themes from the SWOT analysis are shown in the table
Internal Strengths
i. Existing Music /Singing group (choir)
ii. Welcoming/Cooperative Sub-Parish
iii. Friendly/People-Person Priests
iv. sub-Parish Supports Programs/Church Upkeep
v. We have a core group of committed and active parishioners (practicing
Internal Weaknesses
i. Poor Communication about
ii. Poor mobilisation of the parishioners to be participate fully in church
iii. In the past ten months we’ve experienced declining attendance among
families and young adults
iv. Over the same time period we’ve had declining offerings and
v. are old and outdated. We do not have our sub-Parish facilities
vi. Parishioners have many competing demands on their time
External Opportunities
i. Interaction with Other Churches
ii. Diocese “Catholics Come Home” Effort
iii. Use of Catholic-Owned Radio Stations
iv. More Engagement with The Community
v. create a sub-parish Festival
vi. Combining with Other sub-parish Retreats
vii. Reach out to outstanding catholic personalities for support
viii. Seek grants and donations from the catholic churches abroad
External Risks
i. Economic and social demands Competing for Mass Time
ii. Increased Financial Obligations on families
iii. People have busy lives – Church competes with commitments such as
iv. We are competing with the secular culture and social media
v. Some parishioners in our parish have a culture of complacency – “it’s
good enough”
vi. Hard economic times (poverty) and epidemic diseases
This information, along with other inputs, provided the basis for identifying the
church’s strategic priorities and goals.
Strategic Goals:
Our strategic goals are those critical issues that we believe are critical based
upon the operating environment and the unique situation of St. Jude sub-parish.
These strategic goals are directly tied to the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats that we assess impact St. Jude sub-parish. As the
sub-Parish leadership and Parish teamwork toward mission priorities on a daily
basis, these strategic goals should be continuously considered and pursued.
The St. Jude strategic priorities support the mission and contribute to providing
high quality Catholic services to the St. Jude sub-parish Catholic Church
Priority #1: Improve Faith Formation. The St. Jude Church community will
foster a deeper relationship with God our Creator through Jesus Christ his Son
and instil a greater confidence in showing and sharing our Catholic faith with
guidance from the Holy Spirit.
Develop and communicate a parish code of practice, stating that participating in
development and formation activities is an expected part of all the parishioners.
Goal: The St. Jude sub-parish Church community will foster a deeper
relationship with God our Creator through Jesus
Christ his Son and instil a greater confidence in showing and sharing our
Catholic faith with guidance from the Holy Spirit.
Strategies & Objectives:
i. Increase spiritual development.
ii. Increase awareness of the importance of keeping holy the Sabbath day.
iii. Increase praying of the Rosary
iv. Increase percentage of parishioners attending mass every Sunday and
others days as per the catholic church calendar.
v. Begin a Welcoming Committee for new families, individuals, etc.
vi. Develop a family support program (childcare).
vii. Provide money in the operating budget to satisfy demand.
viii. Provide a flexible schedule to meet the needs of participants.
ix. Involve more men in attending mass
Priority #2: Strengthen the Parish Community. The St. Jude Church
community will enlarge and improve its work through voluntary, and better
Goal: The St. Jude sub-parish Church community will enlarge and improve its
Strategies & Objectives:
i. Encourage sub-parish parishioner’s participation in church and
community activities.
ii. Invite more individuals to share in the daily and weekly work of the
iii. Improve parish communication.
iv. Conduct monthly sub-Parish meetings (so the right hand knows what the
left hand is doing).
v. Increase communication between the parishioners and the sub-Parish
vi. Identify and Capture sub-parish duties and responsibilities.
vii. Create a list of the duties and steps taken (Standard Operating Guideline)
by the individuals who “run” the church’s activities.
Goal: to acquire land where all church infrastructure will be established
Strategies & Objectives:
i. Prioritise essential projects on an annual basis.
ii. Publicise these projects including justification and estimated cost.
iii. Establish a fundraising working group to raise funds for these projects, if
necessary, including application for external funding.
iv. Encourage parishioners to participate in raising money or physical assets
to the parish
Priority #4 Mobilise resources and funds to construct St. Jude sub-parish
Catholic Church
Goal: to implement the building plan to meet the needs of our parish
Strategies & Objectives:
i. Recruit, train & commission the finance and development committee
ii. Access the architectural drawing of the plan for the church building
iii. Contract the architecture to provide the bills of quantities
iv. Identify a single point of responsibility to direct fundraising efforts for
the sub parish
v. Establish a sub-parish financial and development committee to oversee
all the monies collected
vi. Plan & Budget Events, needs & plans of groups taking part in the
preparation of the budget
vii. Annual budgets directed to Finance committee for consideration
viii. No. of projects funded at St. Jude Parish
ix. Ensure accurate accounting & banking system in place for collection,
counting & banking of money
x. Finance & Development Committee identifies a major project for the sub-
Parish, fundraise & fund Identified drawings & Bills of Quantity (BQ)
xi. The Chairman of Finance Committee & the Treasurer will offer proper
collection, management of audited financial reports at all levels
xii. Host parish listening sessions regarding projects
xiii. Categorize parish needs into small and large projects.
xiv. Establish a plan for Fundraising
xv. identify a person to prepare grants and Foundation Applications
xvi. Identify projects for grant/foundation funding
xvii. Gather supporting documentation for grants
xviii. Secure a parishioner willing to lead the grant effort.
Priority # 5 Pastoral Care and Liturgy
In the Pastoral Care we recognize our responsibility to our sisters and brothers
who are in need: physical, emotional or spiritual.
Strategies and objectives
i. Create the Liturgical Committee
ii. Fostering active liturgical participation for Parishioners
iii. Creating an environment that promotes ways of worship for the family of
iv. Preparation and participation in liturgical activities
v. Developing of Parish Liturgical Guidelines
vi. Vibrant Liturgical celebrations
vii. To respect the administration of Sacraments
viii. Involving Parishioners in the liturgy of the Mass
ix. Parish Guidelines on liturgical celebration
x. All groups are prepared, active & participate in vibrant Masses
xi. Parish hymn book containing ordinary songs & prayers that are common
to all
Infants, children, junior, youth, young adults, engaged adults & married
couples & adults enjoy Catholic instructions
Active & trained members offering services to parishioners
Upon approval by the Parish leadership, we recommend implementation of this
strategic plan. We do recognise that resources are constrained and that thesub-
Parish leadership, working in coordination with the Parish Staff, and Parish
Council will need to prioritise and identify activities in each priority area. We
cannot take on every activity at once, and will need to prioritise our efforts and
appropriately allocate resources.
Our implementation plan is listed below and comprised of key steps:
i. Concept briefing to Leadership team, sub-Parish committee, Parish
Council, and parishioners
ii. Focused team training and concept development with sub-Parish and
Parish Council, committee and ministry leaders.
iii. Establishment of a Strategic Action Team that will work in coordination
with the sub-Parish Leadership, and Parish Council to implement
elements of this plan and to conduct semi annual assessments
iv. Share this plan with the diocese of Lugazi planning team
v. Share this plan with Parish priest of Nmilyango parish, Pastoral Staff and
Parish Council