Obesity 2019 AIM
Obesity 2019 AIM
Obesity 2019 AIM
In the Clinic®
he role of internists in evaluating obesity is
to assess the burden of weight-related dis-
ease, mitigate secondary causes of weight Treatment
gain (medications, sleep deprivation), and so-
licit patient motivation for weight loss. Internists
should assess these factors and emphasize the Practice Improvement
importance of weight loss for the individual pa-
tient. All patients wishing to lose weight should
be encouraged to monitor their diet and physi-
cal activity and should be referred to high-
intensity behavioral programs. Some patients
with obesity may also benefit from pharmaco-
therapy or bariatric surgery.
姝 2019 American College of Physicians ITC34 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 5 March 2019
among at-risk persons, improves Veterans Affairs health care system reported ing mechanisms and
consequences for treat-
that patients undergoing bariatric surgery had ment. Obes Rev.
physical function, reduces sleep
a reduction in mortality of more than 50% dur- 2017;18 Suppl 1:34-39.
apnea, and improves mood and [PMID: 28164452]
ing 14 years of follow-up (4). The Look AHEAD 13. Hanlon EC, Tasali E, Lep-
sexual function. Subgroup analy- (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial, conducted roult R, Stuhr KL, Don-
ses of data from randomized con- in patients with T2DM, showed that those who
check E, de Wit H, et al.
Sleep restriction enhances
trolled trials show evidence of lost at least 10% of their baseline weight had the daily rhythm of
greater health benefits among circulating levels of
improvements in glycemia, blood pressure, tri- endocannabinoid 2-
persons who lose more weight. glyceride levels, and high-density lipoprotein arachidonoylglycerol.
Sleep. 2016;39:653-64.
Data from the United States and cholesterol levels and a 21% reduction in car- [PMID: 26612385]
Europe suggest reduced mortality diovascular disease (5). 14. Nedeltcheva AV, Kilkus
JM, Imperial J, Schoeller
DA, Penev PD. Insuffi-
cient sleep undermines
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姝 2019 American College of Physicians ITC40 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 5 March 2019
*From 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS [American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and
The Obesity Society] Guideline for Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults.
48. Arterburn D, Wellman R,
Emiliano A, Smith SR,
with a BMI of 27 kg/m or greater tact for maintenance of weight Odegaard AO, Murali S,
et al; PCORnet Bariatric
and a comorbid condition. Sur- loss. The guideline also states Study Collaborative.
Comparative effective-
gery is an option for patients with a that interventions must provide ness and safety of bariat-
BMI of 40 kg/m2 or greater or individualized feedback to the ric procedures for weight
loss: a PCORnet cohort
those with a BMI of 35 kg/m2 or participant and that the coun- study. Ann Intern Med.
greater and a comorbid condition. selor must be a trained interven- 2018;169:741-50.
[PMID: 30383139]
What defines lifestyle tionist (for example, a registered 49. Schauer PR, Bhatt DL,
Kirwan JP, Wolski K,
modification for obesity? dietitian or a layperson with spe- Aminian A, Brethauer SA,
cific training in weight manage- et al; STAMPEDE Investi-
The AHA/ACC/TOS guideline gators. Bariatric surgery
ity per week (with 200 –300 min- is an acceptable alternative to Haavisto P, et al. Effect of
laparoscopic sleeve gas-
utes for maintenance of weight in-person intervention, provided trectomy vs laparoscopic
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
loss per week), and behavioral that the participant interacts with on weight loss at 5 years
strategies to achieve diet and a trained interventionist and re- among patients with
morbid obesity: the
physical activity targets (Table 4) ceives individualized feedback SLEEVEPASS randomized
clinical trial. JAMA.
(17). Behavior modification incor- on their efforts. Weight loss was 2018;319:241-54.
porates a set of principles and noted to be slightly lower in tele- [PMID: 29340676]
51. Courcoulas AP, King WC,
practices, which include self- phone and online programs than Belle SH, Berk P, Flum
DR, Garcia L, et al. Seven-
monitoring, goal setting, prob- with in-person interventions. The year weight trajectories
lem solving, environmental guideline also stated that some and health outcomes in
the Longitudinal Assess-
modification, social support, commercial weight loss pro- ment of Bariatric Surgery
and relapse prevention. grams with published evidence (LABS) study. JAMA Surg.
of safety and efficacy in peer- [PMID: 29214306]
The AHA/ACC/TOS guideline 52. King WC, Chen JY,
reviewed journals can also be Mitchell JE, Kalarchian
states that the standard for high-
prescribed. MA, Steffen KJ, Engel
intensity lifestyle intervention is at SG, et al. Prevalence of
alcohol use disorders
least 14 visits (group or individual An updated systematic review of the efficacy of before and after bariatric
treatment) in the first 6 months, surgery. JAMA. 2012;
commercial weight loss programs that was 307:2516-25. [PMID:
followed by at least monthly con- published in 2015 reported that Weight 22710289]
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Practice Improvement
Since 2012, the American Board Specialties, due to a lack of formal bariatric surgery, and high-
of Obesity Medicine (www.abom fellowship training programs, cre- intensity weight loss counseling
.org) has offered certification in ates challenges for clinicians who is generally covered, as man-
obesity medicine. More than want to practice in the field. dated by the Patient Protection
600 physicians in the United and Affordable Care Act. How-
States take the examination Inconsistent and inadequate re- ever, Medicare Part D excludes
each year. However, the lack of imbursement for obesity thera- medications for weight loss,
recognition of obesity medicine pies creates additional chal- which has led most private health
by the American Board of Medical lenges. Most insurance plans plans not to cover pharmacother-
now have some coverage for apy for obesity.
姝 2019 American College of Physicians ITC46 In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 5 March 2019
Tool Kit
Dietary guidelines from the Academy of Nutrition and
2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans from the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Obesity www.uconnruddcenter.org/weight-bias-stigma
Weight bias and stigma information for patients and
providers from The Rudd Center.
Nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention strategies
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
5 March 2019 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic ITC47 姝 2019 American College of Physicians
Patient Information
how you can lose weight. They will review your meal-replacement diets and intermittent fasting.
medications to see whether any of them might
be causing weight gain. They will also rule out Will I Need Medicine or Surgery to
other causes of obesity that may be treatable,
such as a thyroid disorder. Lose Weight?
Even a small amount of weight loss (5%–10%) can im- If you are not able to lose enough weight through diet
prove your health and lower your risk for complica- and exercise alone, your health care provider may
tions, such as diabetes. Together, you and your pro- talk to you about medicine to help you lose weight.
vider will agree on a weight loss goal and a plan that There are several different kinds available. If you
is right for you. Some strategies include: have severe obesity and have other health problems
• Eating a reduced-calorie diet that includes because of it, surgery may be an option. It can lower
plenty of fruits and vegetables. the amount of food your body can take in and help
• Limiting red meats, processed foods (chips, you eat less.
cookies, sugary cereals), and sugar-sweetened Questions for My Doctor
beverages like soda and juice.
• Eating out less often. • How much weight should I lose?
• Slowly increasing physical activity. Start small, • How many calories should I eat to lose weight?
and work up to 150 minutes per week (about • How can I become more active?
30 minutes per day most days of the week). • Where can I find weight loss support?
Include muscle-strengthening activities at least • I can't seem to stop eating. What should I do?
2 days per week. • Are any of the medicines I take causing me to
• Finding a support network. There are many gain weight? Are there alternatives?
online and in-person weight loss groups, such • Should I consider taking medicine to help me
as Weight Watchers. There are also free lose weight?
smartphone apps for weight loss. • Should I consider weight loss surgery?
姝 2019 American College of Physicians In the Clinic Annals of Internal Medicine 5 March 2019
ER = extended-release; FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration; OTC = over the counter.
*From www.goodrx.com.
†Manufacturer coupons may decrease the price of these agents.
*Supplementation after weight loss surgery is lifelong and is best done with specialized bariatric multivitamins that are formulated
for improved absorption. Most patients should have a basic metabolic panel and a complete blood count done annually. Patients
with prediabetes or diabetes should have hemoglobin A1c level monitored at least annually. Lipid testing in weight loss surgery
patients is similar to that for general primary care but may need to be more frequent in selected patients.
†From reference 55 and from Parrott J, Frank L, Rabena R, Craggs-Dino L, Isom KA, Greiman L. American Society for Metabolic
and Bariatric Surgery integrated health nutritional guidelines for the surgical weight loss patient 2016 update: micronutrients.
Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2017;13:727-741.
‡Not included in most specialized bariatric supplements; must be taken separately.
5 March 2019 Annals of Internal Medicine In the Clinic 姝 2019 American College of Physicians