Exposicion Tx-Obesidad

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Position Paper

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics: Interventions for the Treatment of
Overweight and Obesity in Adults
It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that successful treatment of It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition
overweight and obesity in adults requires adoption and maintenance of lifestyle be- and Dietetics that successful treatment of
overweight and obesity in adults requires
haviors contributing to both dietary intake and physical activity. These behaviors are adoption and maintenance of lifestyle be-
influenced by many factors; therefore, interventions incorporating more than one level haviors contributing to both dietary intake
of the socioecological model and addressing several key factors in each level may be and physical activity. These behaviors are
more successful than interventions targeting any one level and factor alone. Registered influenced by many factors; therefore, in-
terventions incorporating more than one
dietitian nutritionists, as part of a multidisciplinary team, need to be current and skilled level of the socioecological model and
in weight management to effectively assist and lead efforts that can reduce the obesity addressing several key factors in each level
epidemic. Using the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Evidence Analysis Process and may be more successful than interventions
Evidence Analysis Library, this position paper presents the current data and recom- targeting any one level and factor alone.
mendations for the treatment of overweight and obesity in adults. Evidence on intra-
personal influences, such as dietary approaches, lifestyle intervention,
pharmacotherapy, and surgery, is provided. Factors related to treatment, such as in-
tensity of treatment and technology, are reviewed. Community-level interventions that
strengthen existing community assets and capacity and public policy to create envi-
ronments that support healthy energy balance behaviors are also discussed.
J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016;116:129-147.

HE PURPOSE OF THIS ARTICLE evidence focuses as much as possible
This Academy position paper includes the
is to provide an update to the on systematic reviews and/or meta-
authors’ independent review of the litera-
2009 position paper on adult analyses, randomized controlled trials ture in addition to systematic review con-
weight management and (RCTs), and other evidence-based ducted using the Academy’s Evidence
incorporate the revised Academy’s guidelines. Analysis Process and information from
evidence-based adult weight- In 2012, 34.9% of adults in the United the Academy’s Evidence Analysis Library
management guidelines from the Evi- States were obese and another 33.6% (EAL). Topics from the EAL are clearly
delineated. For a detailed description of
dence Analysis Library (EAL) and the were overweight.2 The high prevalence
the methods used in the Evidence Analysis
2013 American Heart Association, of overweight and obesity in the Process, go to www.andevidencelibrary.
American College of Cardiology, and United States negatively affects the com/eaprocess.
The Obesity Society (AHA/ACC/TOS) health of the population, as obese in- Recommendations are assigned a rat-
Guideline for the Management of Over- dividuals are at increased risk for ing by an expert work group based on the
weight and Obesity in Adults.1 The developing several chronic diseases, grade of the supporting evidence and the
balance of benefit vs harm. Recommen-
scope of the paper has been expanded such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
dation ratings are Strong, Fair, Weak,
to include a socioecological approach disease (CVD), and certain forms of Consensus, or Insufficient Evidence.
and provide evidence regarding cancer.1,3 Because of its impact on Recommendations can be worded as
community-based and policy-level in- health, medical costs, and longevity, conditional or imperative statements.
terventions designed to reduce the reducing obesity is considered to be a Conditional statements clearly define a
prevalence of overweight and obesity public health priority.4 specific situation and most often are
stated as an “if, then” statement, while
in communities in the United States. Weight loss of only 3% to 5% that is
imperative statements are broadly appli-
Within those areas in which various in- maintained has the ability to produce cable to the target population without
terventions are described, included clinically relevant health improve- restraints on their pertinence.
ments (eg, reductions in triglycerides, Evidence-based information for this and
blood glucose, and risk of developing other topics can be found at www.
2212-2672/Copyright ª 2016 by the andevidencelibrary.com and subscriptions
type 2 diabetes).1 Larger weight loss
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. for nonmembers can be purchased at
reduces additional risk factors of CVD
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2015.10.031 www.andevidencelibrary.com/store.cfm.
(eg, low-density and high-density

ª 2016 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS 129

lipoprotein cholesterol and blood expenditure, in the minimum to meet be outside of awareness, is not associ-
pressure) and decreases the need for the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines ated with enhanced satiation, and
medication to control CVD and type 2 for Americans (150 minutes per week compensation does not appear to occur
diabetes. Thus, a goal of weight loss of of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes over time.
5% to 10% within 6 months is per week of vigorous-intensity physical
recommended.1 activity)8 and ideally to meet the FACTORS INFLUENCING
EAL Recommendation: “The regis- American College of Sports Medicine’s ENGAGING IN MODERATE- TO
tered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) Position Stand for weight-loss mainte- VIGOROUS-INTENSITY PHYSICAL
should collaborate with the individual nance (>250 minutes/wk of moderate-
regarding a realistic weight-loss goal intensity physical activity),9 and
As with food intake, there are internal
such as one of the following: up to 2 lb enhance cardiovascular fitness. Preser-
and external factors that influence how
per week, up to 10% of baseline body vation of changes in lifestyle behaviors
much moderate- to vigorous-intensity
weight, or a total of 3% to 5% of baseline is required to achieve successful
physical activity (MVPA) one engages
weight if cardiovascular risk factors weight-loss maintenance.10
in. Internally, physical limitations and
(hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and
discomfort and beliefs about how
hyperglycemia) are present.” (Rating:
Strong, Imperative) FACTORS INFLUENCING FOOD MVPA influences health have been
INTAKE related to amount of MVPA achieved.13
Mood and, specifically, core affective
Eating behavior is generally believed to
GOALS OF ADULT OBESITY be influenced by both internal and
valence (eg, good/bad feelings) in
TREATMENT response to engaging in MVPA are
external cues.11,12 Internally, two sys-
related to future physical activity.14
While intentional weight loss of at tems have been identified that assist
Also as engaging in regular MVPA in-
least 3% to 5% improves some clinical with regulating intake.11 The first sys-
volves consistently making decisions to
parameters,1 to sustain these im- tem is the homeostatic system, in
engage in a behavior that requires costs
provements, this degree of weight loss which neural, nutrient, and hormonal
to achieve the long-term cumulative
needs to be maintained. While there is signals allow communication between
health benefits, it is theorized that
no standard definition for length of the gut, pancreas, liver, adipose tissue,
strong executive control and optimized
time for maintenance of weight loss for brainstem, and hypothalamus. The
brain structures supporting executive
it to be considered successful, duration arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus
functioning (ie, dorsolateral prefrontal
of 1 year is often used.5 While long- integrates these signals and regulates
cortex) is an important internal
term weight-loss maintenance is one hunger, satiation, and satiety in
of the challenges in obesity treatment, response to the signals via higher
The social and physical environ-
it is possible. For example, the Look cortical centers that influence the
ments are also believed to be factors
AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) sympathetic and parasympathetic ner-
that influence engaging in MVPA. How
trial, an RCT with >5,000 adults with vous system, gastric motility and hor-
supportive other individuals are to
type 2 diabetes, reported that 39.3% of mone secretion, and other processes
MVPA efforts and the potential inter-
the 825 participants who received a relevant to energy homeostasis. The
action with others who are active are
lifestyle intervention (consisting of a second internal system is the hedonic
external factors that can promote
reduced-energy dietary and physical system, which is influenced by the
physical activity.13 Different physical
activity prescription, and a cognitive hedonic (“liking”) and rewarding
environmental dimensions, such as
behavioral intervention) who lost at (“wanting”) qualities of food and is
walkability, land use, public trans-
least 10% of their body weight at year 1 regulated by the corticolimbic sys-
portation availability, safety, and aes-
maintained at least a 10% weight loss at tem.11,12 It is through the hedonic sys-
thetics, in residential and/or work
year 8, and another 25.8% maintained a tem that environmental cues influence
neighborhoods have also been shown
5% to <10% weight loss at year 8.6 consumption.11,12 The hedonic system
to influence physical activity.16 Finally,
To achieve a reduction in weight that does have a strong impact on intake, as
within a home or work setting, the
can be sustained over time and is demonstrated in situations when
option of engaging in sedentary be-
improve cardiometabolic health, eating occurs after reports of satiation
haviors, especially those that are
obesity treatment ideally produces and when there is no nutrition need
screen-based, can also influence
changes in lifestyle behaviors that (eg, the dessert effect).12 It is believed
contribute to both sides of energy bal- that cross talk does occur between
ance in adults. Thus, the diet should be these two internal systems; however,
altered so that reductions in excessive little is known about this process.11 SOCIOECOLOGICAL MODEL OF
energy intake and enhancements in Many external factors influence OBESITY INTERVENTION
dietary quality occur, so that the like- consumption, but environmental vari- The socioecological model provides a
lihood of achieving recommendations ables that appear to greatly influence framework that proposes that multiple
provided in the 2010 Dietary Guide- intake are food availability and variety levels of influence can impact energy-
lines for Americans (DGA)7 is and energy density and portion size of balance behaviors and weight out-
increased. Along with changes in di- food.12 Research has found that when comes. Levels of influence include
etary intake, obesity treatment should availability, variety, energy density, and intrapersonal factors, community and
encourage increases in physical activ- portion size increase, intake is height- organizational factors, and government
ity in order to increase energy ened.12 The increased intake appears to and public policies.18


Intrapersonal-Level Obesity nutrition therapy (MNT).” (Rating: (1.0 or more to less than 1.4); low
Intervention Fair, Imperative) active (1.4 or more to less than 1.6);
The vast majority of research forming Once an RDN initiates the nutrition active (1.6 or more to less than 1.9);
an evidence-based approach to obesity care process, data about the client (see and very active (1.9 or more to less
treatment has focused on intervention Figure 1) should be collected to assist than 2.5).” (Rating: Consensus,
at the individual level, in which treat- in individualizing MNT. An assessment Imperative)
ment targets intrapersonal-level fac- can include, but is not limited to, di- EAL Recommendation: “The RDN
tors that assist with changing energy etary intake; social history, including should assess motivation, readiness
balance behaviors. The nutrition care living or housing situation and socio- and self-efficacy for weight manage-
process, which includes nutrition economic status; and motivation for ment based on behavior change
assessment, diagnosis, intervention, weight management. Resting meta- theories and models (such as cognitive-
monitoring, and evaluation, represents bolic rate should be determined, and behavioral therapy, transtheoretical
an intrapersonal-level of focus. The that, combined with activity level and model, and social cognitive theory/so-
Academy’s evidence-based adult calculation of usual dietary intake in cial learning theory).” (Rating: Fair,
weight-management guidelines from terms of energy and nutrient content, Imperative)
the EAL focus on obesity treatment can assist with developing dietary pa-
at the intrapersonal level, incorpo- rameters that may be appropriate to Dietary Intervention. As treating
rating the nutrition care process within target during intervention. In the EAL, obesity requires achieving a state of
its recommendations. physical activity is listed with food- negative energy balance, all effica-
and nutrition-related history, and level cious dietary interventions for obesity
of physical activity is required to esti- treatment must decrease consump-
Assessment. As with any nutrition mate energy needs. To assist with tion of energy. There are many di-
assessment, applicable information assessing physical activity, “A Physical etary approaches that can reduce
that can assist in the development of Activity Toolkit for Registered Di- energy intake, with some approaches
a nutrition diagnosis and intervention etitians: Utilizing Resources of Exercise more greatly reducing intake than
for obesity is essential (see Figure 1 is Medicine,” was developed by the others. However, the degree of weight
for suggested data to collect for Weight Management and Sports, Car- loss generally reflects the size of the
assessment). Determining body mass diovascular, and Wellness Nutrition decrease in energy intake achieved.
index (BMI; calculated as kg/m2) is dietetic practice groups, in collabora- Thus, the reduction in energy intake
often the first step of obesity treat- tion with the American College of is the primary factor to address in a
ment, as it identifies whether a client Sports Medicine. dietary intervention for obesity
is overweight or obese. Using the EAL Recommendation: “The RDN treatment.1 As many dietary ap-
current criterion for overweight and should assess the following data in or- proaches reduce energy intake, a cli-
obesity, individuals with a BMI der to individualize the comprehensive ent’s preference and health and
25.0-29.9 (overweight) or 30 weight-management program for nutrient status should be taken into
(obese) should be identified and pro- overweight and obese adults: food- consideration when a dietary inter-
vided with obesity treatment.1 Other and nutrition-related history; anthro- vention for obesity treatment is pre-
anthropometric and medical mea- pometric measures; biochemical data, scribed.1 See Figure 2 for dietary
sures, such as waist circumference, medical tests and procedures; interventions and a summary of the
blood pressure, lipids, and glucose, nutrition-focused physical findings; evidence-base regarding ability to
should be taken to assess for cardio- and client history.” (Rating: Strong, produce weight loss or not, or
vascular risk.1 This will assist with Imperative) whether evidence is lacking for con-
matching obesity treatment benefits EAL Recommendation: “The RDN clusions to be drawn.
with risk profiles and making appro- should assess the energy intake and EAL Recommendation: “During
priate referrals.1 nutrient content of the diet.” (Rating: weight loss, the RDN should prescribe an
EAL Recommendation: “The RDN, in Strong, Imperative) individualized diet, including patient
collaboration with other health care EAL Recommendation: “If indirect preferences and health status, to achieve
professionals, administrators, and/or calorimetry is available, the RDN and maintain nutrient adequacy and
public policy decision-makers, should should use a measured resting meta- reduce caloric intake, based on one of the
ensure that all adult patients have the bolic rate (RMR) to determine energy following caloric reduction strategies:
following measurements at least needs in overweight or obese adults.” 1,200 kcal to 1,500 kcal/day for women
annually: height and weight to calcu- (Rating: Consensus, Conditional) and 1,500 to 1,800 kcal/day for men;
late BMI; and waist circumference to EAL Recommendation: “If indirect energy deficit of approximately 500 kcal/
determine risk of CVD, type 2 diabetes, calorimetry is not available, the RDN day or 750 kcal/day; one of the evidence-
and all-cause mortality.” (Rating: Fair, should use the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation based diets that restricts certain food
Imperative) using actual weight to estimate RMR in types (such as high-carbohydrate foods,
EAL Recommendation: “The RDN, in overweight or obese adults.” (Rating: low-fiber foods, or high-fat foods) in
collaboration with other health care Strong, Conditional) order to create an energy deficit by
professionals, administrators, and EAL Recommendation: “The RDN reduced food intake.” (Rating: Strong,
public policy decision makers, should should multiply the RMR by one of the Imperative)
ensure that overweight or obese adults following physical activity factors to EAL Recommendation: “For weight
are referred to an RDN for medical estimate total energy needs: sedentary loss, the RDN should advise overweight


Assess Monitor and Evaluate


Food- and nutrition-related

 Beliefs and attitudes, including food preferences and motivation  Beliefs and attitudes, including motivation
 Food environment, including access to fruits and vegetables  Food environment, including access to fruits
 Dietary behaviors, including eating out and screen time and vegetables
 Diet experience, including food allergies and dieting history  Dietary behaviors, including eating out and
 Medications and supplements screen time
 Physical activity  Medications and supplements
 Physical activity
Anthropometric measurements
 Height, weight, body mass index  Weight, body mass index
 Waist circumference  Waist circumference
 Weight history  Weight history
 Body composition  Body composition
Biochemical data, medical tests,
and procedures
 Glucose and endocrine profile  Glucose and endocrine profile
 Lipid profile  Lipid profile
Nutrition-focused physical
 Ability to communicate  Affect
 Affect  Appetite
 Amputations  Blood pressure
 Appetite  Body language
 Blood pressure  Heart rate
 Body language
 Heart rate
Client history
January 2016 Volume 116 Number 1

 Appropriateness of weight management in certain populations (such as

eating disorders, pregnancy, receiving chemotherapy)
 Client and family medical and health history
 Social history, including living or housing situation and socioeconomic status
Figure 1. Data needed to assess, monitor, and evaluate a comprehensive weight-management program from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Evidence Analysis
Investigated using RCTsa
January 2016 Volume 116 Number 1

Diet Investigated using RCTs Lacking investigation for

with evidence considered with evidence considered weight loss using RCTs
supportive for weight loss non-supportive for weight loss

Small, food-based
Increasing fruits and vegetables X
Decreasing sugar-sweetened beverages X
Decreasing fast food X
Portion control X
Larger-, energy-, macronutrient- and/or dietary pattern-based
Low-calorie diet X
Meal replacement/structured meal plans X
Very-low-calorie diet X
Low-carbohydrate X

Low glycemic index/load without energy restriction X

High protein with energy restriction X
Dietary-pattern focused
Energy density X
DASH with energy restriction X


Mediterranean with energy restriction X
Dietary-timing focused
Eating frequency X
Timing of eating X
Breakfast consumption X
Figure 2. Evidence-base for dietary interventions for weight loss in adults. Sources include 2013 American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and the
Obesity Society Guideline for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Evidence Analysis Library.
RCTs¼randomized controlled trials; bDASH¼Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

or obese adults that as long as the if energy-containing beverages are not items); portion-controlled utensils
target reduction in calorie level is consumed in place of SSB when SSB are where food is delivered in specific
achieved, many different dietary ap- reduced. While few studies have serving sizes; or communication stra-
proaches are effective.” (Rating: examined the effect of solely reducing tegies such as MyPlate, developed as an
Strong, Imperative) SSB on weight loss, an RCT conducted adjunct to the DGA,7 to assist with
EAL Recommendation: “During by Tate and colleagues24 found that consuming appropriate serving sizes of
weight maintenance, the RDN should replacing caloric beverages with water specific foods. The EAL’s Relationship of
prescribe an individualized diet or diet beverages resulted in weight Single Serving Portion Size Meals and
(including patient preference and losses of 2% to 2.5% during a 6-month Weight Management Project states
health status) to maintain nutrient period. While concerns have been that single-serving portion-sized meals
adequacy and reduce caloric intake for raised about increases in hunger, which are a tool that can be used as a part of a
maintaining a lower body weight.” may increase overall energy intake weight-management program. This
(Rating: Strong, Imperative) when non-nutritive sweetened foods project’s key findings were that eating
EAL Recommendation: “For weight and beverages are consumed, a recent one or more single-serving portion-
maintenance, the RDN should advise RCT found that consumption of at least sized meals per day as part of a weight-
overweight and obese adults that as 24 oz of non-nutritive sweetened bev- management program resulted in a
long as the target reduction in calorie erages during a 12-week behavioral reduction of energy intake and weight
level is achieved, many different weight-loss intervention reduced sub- loss in adults.
dietary approaches are effective.” jective feelings of hunger as compared
(Rating: Strong, Imperative) with a 24-oz water consumption Larger, energy, macronutrient,
comparison.25 and/or dietary pattern-based
Small, food-based changes. It has changes. Dietary approaches that
been proposed that small behavior Fast food. Food prepared away from target larger nutrient (eg, energy and/
changes, those that shift energy balance home, in particular fast food, comprises or macronutrient) and or dietary
by 100 to 200 kcal/day, may be helpful an increasing amount of the American pattern-based changes (eg, Mediterra-
for weight management.19 It is important diet and contributes to the epidemic of nean diet) are predominantly consid-
to recognize that this degree of energy obesity.26 Fast food is generally high in ered efficacious for weight loss and
deficit is much smaller than what is energy density and commonly pur- produce the recommended amount of
currently recommended to produce chased in large portion sizes, thereby weight loss,1 as many RCTs investi-
clinically relevant weight loss.1 It is hy- contributing to excessive energy gating these diets have shown that
pothesized that small behavior changes, intake.26 Due to the relationship be- they reduce energy intake enough (500
such as reducing intake of sugar- tween fast food and increased energy kcal/day to 750 kcal/day) so that the
sweetened beverages (SSB), may be intake, in the context of a weight-loss degree of negative energy balance
more feasible and sustainable than larger dietary regimen, avoidance or reduc- achieved produces at least a 3% reduc-
behavior changes, such as changing tion of the frequency of consumption of tion in percent body weight.1 These
macronutrient composition of the diet. foods away from home is typically dietary interventions have either an
recommended. However, no RCT has explicit energy goal per day or provide
been conducted to examine whether an ad libitum approach without a
Fruits and vegetables. Within the formal energy goal that still produces a
context of promoting healthy diets, the reducing fast food alone, with no other
changes in the diet, produces weight reduction in energy intake, usually by
increased consumption of fruits and restriction or elimination of specific
vegetables has gained recognition, in loss.
foods and/or food groups, or provision
large part due to the findings of the At this time, research conducted in of prescribed foods (eg, meal replace-
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop the area of small, food-based changes ment).1 Outcomes indicate that all of
Hypertension) and DASH-Sodium indicates that only changes in SSB, and the larger, energy, macronutrient, and/
RCTs.20,21 Increasing fruits and vegeta- no other small food-based change, can or dietary pattern-based approaches
bles is a dietary change that can reduce assist with weight management. It is produce a weight loss of about 4
dietary energy density, enhance satia- important to note that the weight loss to 12 kg at 6-month follow-up.1 After
tion, and assist with decreasing overall found with reducing SSB alone, while 6 months, slow weight regain occurs,
energy intake, particularly if fruits and statistically significant, is below the and at 1 year, total weight loss is 4
vegetables are consumed instead of amount of weight loss that is recom- to 10 kg, and at 2 years, total weight
other foods higher in energy density.22 mended to improve cardiometabolic loss is at 3 to 4 kg.1 As this is the
Those RCTs that have examined the health.1 pooled effect of the weight loss ach-
influence of solely increasing fruits and ieved with the energy, macronutrient
vegetables with no other dietary Portion-control changes. RDNs have and/or dietary pattern-based change
changes on weight management have long endorsed skills that include diets, the individual weight-loss out-
generally not produced weight loss.23 portion control for lifelong weight comes for each diet described in this
management.27 Portion control can be paper are not reported (except for the
SSB. Reducing SSB should be helpful accomplished in a variety of different very-low-calorie diet [VLCD] as this
for weight management if compensa- ways, including using packages con- diet has a lower energy prescription
tion to the reduction in energy taining a defined amount of energy than all other diets; meal re-
consumed from SSB does not occur and (eg, complete meals, individual food placements, as they are a specific form


of the low-calorie diet [LCD] and their conventional foods, may produce Low carbohydrate. A low-carbohydrate
weight loss is included to allow com- greater short-term weight loss as diet is commonly defined as consuming
parison with the LCD; and timing of compared with an LCD composed of no more than 20 g of carbohydrate per
eating, as this diet was not included in traditional foods.28,31 For example, a day.34,35 Energy and other macro-
the AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for the meta-analysis of six studies comparing nutrients are not restricted in low-
Management of Overweight and an LCD composed of conventional foods carbohydrate diets. Once a desired
Obesity in Adults).1 or meal replacements found a 2.54 kg weight is achieved, carbohydrate intake
Although no one diet approach that and 2.43 kg greater weight loss in can increase to 50 g per day.36
targets larger nutrients or dietary pat- the meal-replacement group for the While amount of weight loss ach-
terns is considered to be more effica- 3-month and 1-year follow-ups, ieved is not considered to be different
cious than another diet approach, some respectively.28 between a low-carbohydrate and low-
of the diets have differential effects on EAL Recommendation: “For weight fat, LCD especially over 12 months or
cardiometabolic outcomes and dietary loss and weight maintenance, the RDN longer, research does suggest that
quality. While research in these differ- should recommend portion control and these diets may produce differences in
ential effects is limited, available meal replacements or structured meal cardiometabolic outcomes during
research on cardiometabolic outcomes plans as part of a comprehensive weight loss.1 For example, a low-fat,
specific to a diet intervention, after weight-management program.” (Rat- LCD produces a greater reduction in
controlling for effects attributable to ing: Strong, Imperative) low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
weight loss, and diet quality are than a low-carbohydrate diet, while
described here for the corresponding a low-carbohydrate diet produces a
VLCD. A VLCD provides 800 kcal/day
diet. If measures of cardiometabolic greater reduction in triglycerides and a
and provide a high degree of dietary
outcomes and diet quality are not re- larger increase in high-density lipo-
structure (VLCDs are commonly
ported on in a section, this indicates protein cholesterol than a low-fat, LCD.1
consumed as liquid shakes).32,33 The
that there is very little evidence avail-
VLCD is designed to preserve lean body
able to report about the influence of  Low-glycemic index/glycemic load.
mass; usually 70 to 100 g/day of protein
the diet alone on these parameters.
or 0.8 to 1.5 g protein/kg of ideal body There is currently no standard defini-
weight are prescribed.32 VLCDs are tion of a low-glycemic index or low-
Energy focused. Two of the most considered to be appropriate only for glycemic load diet. The effectiveness
widely investigated dietary pre- those with a BMI 30, and are increas- of a low-glycemic index diet without
scriptions for weight loss are the LCD ingly used with individuals before hav- restriction of energy intake on weight
and the VLCD. Along with varying ing bariatric surgery to reduce overall loss is fairly poor.37 With regard to
in energy goals, these two diets differ surgical risks in those with severe cardiometabolic outcomes, a recent
in the amount of structure they obesity.32 A meta-analysis of six RCTs RCT found that when coupled with
provide. comparing weight-loss outcomes of energy restriction, a low-glycemic in-
VLCDs to LCDs found that although dex diet controlled glucose and insulin
VLCDs produce significantly greater metabolism more effectively than a
LCD. An LCD is usually >800 kcal/day, high-glycemic index, low-fat diet.38
weight loss in the short-term (4
and typically ranges from 1,200 to 1,600
months), 16.1%1.6% vs 9.7%2.4% of
kcal/day.28 Structure can be increased in
initial weight, there was no difference in High protein. A high-protein diet is
the LCD with the use of a meal plan, in
weight loss between the diets in long- commonly defined as consuming at
which all food choices and portion sizes
term follow-up (>1 year), VLCD least 20% energy from protein, with no
for these choices for all meals and
¼ 6.3%3.2%; LCD ¼ 5.0%4.0%).32 standard amount defined for fat or
snacks are provided. Use of meal re-
placements, usually liquid shakes and carbohydrate.39 For weight loss, high-
bars, containing a known amount of Macronutrient focused. Many RCTs protein diets also include an energy
energy and macronutrient content also have been conducted to help determine restriction. A high-protein diet is often
increase structure in the LCD diet. These which mix of macronutrients best pro- achieved through consumption of
methods of increasing structure in the motes weight loss, while including conventional foods, but high-protein,
diet are believed to be helpful for other positive metabolic benefits. What portion-controlled liquid and solid
adherence to an LCD because they is important to recognize about meal-replacement products can also be
reduce problematic food choices, and macronutrient-focused diet prescrip- used on a high-protein diet.
decrease challenges with making de- tions is that when one macronutrient is
cisions about what to consume. In altered, there will be a change in the Dietary pattern focused. Dietary
addition, meal replacements can other macronutrients. Thus, prescrip- patternfocused prescriptions empha-
enhance dietary adherence via portion tions for macronutrient-focused diets size the importance of the overall diet
control, limiting dietary variety, and have often targeted changing one by providing recommendations about
convenience.28-30 Meal plans and the macronutrient, allowing the other two types of foods to consume, rather than
partial meal-replacement plan, which macronutrients to change as different providing recommendations about
prescribes two portioned-controlled, food choices are made. The name of the amount of energy or macronutrients, to
vitamin/mineral-fortified meal re- macronutrient-focused diet is usually consume.7,40 The DGA promotes
placements per day, with a reduced based on the one macronutrient that is adopting an eating pattern to assist
energy meal and snack composed of targeted for change. with weight management and reduce


disease risk.7 As these diets focus on diet, and how dietary energy density shown to be more efficacious than
types of foods to consume and may not should be calculated (ie, as energy den- another at producing clinically mean-
produce greater weight loss than other sity is greatly influenced by water, ingful weight loss.
types of diets, they enhance consump- dietary energy density varies greatly
tion of foods that are generally depending on whether and how bever- Dietary-timing focused. While re-
considered beneficial in the diet and ages are included in calculations and search on dietary interventions for
enhance overall dietary quality.41,42 no standard calculation has been obesity have predominantly focused on
determined).46 food choices that impact energy,
macro- and micronutrient, and food
Energy density. Energy density is the group intake,55 dietary interventions
ratio of energy of a food to the weight DASH. DASH is a dietary pattern that
was developed to reduce hypertension can also address factors that influence
of a food (kcal/g). Energy density is the overall timing of the diet (eg, fre-
largely determined by the water con- in individuals with moderate to high
blood pressure. DASH encourages the quency of consumption, timing of
tent (higher water content lowers en- consumption, and breakfast consump-
ergy density), but is also affected by the consumption of fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, nuts, legumes, seeds, tion). It is important to note that
fiber and fat content (more fiber lowers research on the effect of timing of
energy density and less fat lowers en- low-fat dairy products, and lean meats
and limits consumption of sodium, in intake on obesity treatment outcomes
ergy density) of foods and beverages is very limited.
consumed. As low-energy density addition to caffeinated and alcoholic
foods have fewer kilocalories per gram beverages.47 A daily energy limit is not
weight, low-energy density foods allow a component of the original DASH diet, Eating frequency. Eating frequency is
consumption of a greater weight of but when one is provided with the commonly defined as the number of
food relative to energy consumed, DASH diet, weight loss occurs.48,49 The eating occasions (meals and snacks)
which may assist with appetite control DASH diet combined with weight loss occurring per day. A greater number of
and reducing energy intake.22,43 significantly enhances reductions in eating occasions consumed increases
Basic eating research has found that blood pressure above that achieved by overall eating frequency. At this time,
serving meals with foods low in energy weight loss alone.49 there is no standardized definition of
density results in decreased meal en- what constitutes an eating occasion.56
ergy intake.22 For example, one study Common parameters used to define
Mediterranean. There is not a stan- an eating occasion include amount of
reduced energy density by 20% for en- dard definition for the Mediterranean
trées served at breakfast, lunch, and energy consumed, type of substance
diet, but generally the Mediterranean
dinner, on three different days, using ingested (eg, food or beverage), and the
diet reflects the dietary patterns of
three different methods (reducing fat, amount of time that has elapsed since
Crete, Greece and southern Italy in the
increasing fruits and vegetables, or the start of the previous eating occa-
early 1960s.50 The traditional Mediter-
adding water to entrées), with a sion.56,57 Few RCTs have been con-
ranean diet was focused on plant-based
different method used to reduce en- ducted that examine the influence of
foods (eg, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts,
ergy density each day. With the eating frequency on weight loss, and
seeds), minimally processed foods, olive
reduction in energy density, energy those that have been conducted have
oil as the primary source of fat, dairy
intake per day decreased, ranging not found that a higher eating fre-
products, fish, and poultry consumed in
from 39644 kcal/day to 23035 quency produces greater weight loss.56
low to moderate amounts, and minimal
kcal/day, with the largest decrease amount of red meat.51 As with the DASH
occurring when fat was reduced in diet, the Mediterranean diet can be Timing of eating. When and how
entrées.44 prescribed with or without an energy much energy you eat during the day
Few RCTs have been conducted to restriction, but if weight loss is desired, can also be important for weight
examine the effect of a low-energy it does appear that an energy-restriction management. Potentially consuming
density diet on weight loss and component is needed.52 In addition, the more energy earlier in the day, rather
currently there is no standard method Mediterranean diet may improve car- than later in the day, can assist with
known to best reduce energy density in diovascular risk factors, such as blood weight management.55 The mecha-
the diet.45 Results from these trials pressure, blood glucose, and lipids, more nism of action by which timing of
about weight loss are mixed, and this so than a low-fat diet,53,54 but more eating might assist with weight man-
may be a consequence of the methods research is needed in this area. agement is by influencing circadian
used to reduce dietary energy density, rhythm.55 Potentially, eating a greater
the degree of reduction in energy den- In summary, there are several dietary amount earlier in the day may assist
sity achieved, and whether or not en- approaches that target larger nutrient with synchronization of peripheral
ergy restriction was included. To better (eg, energy and/or macronutrient) and oscillators with the suprachiasmatic
understand how recommendations to or dietary patternbased changes (eg, nucleus, assisting with maintenance of
reduce energy density can be imple- Mediterranean diet) that can produce an appropriate circadian rhythm.55
mented, guidelines need to be devel- the recommended amount of weight There is only one RCT that has been
oped regarding what is considered to be loss.1 At this time, as long as the diet conducted to examine timing of energy
low-energy density and high-energy helps to reduce energy intake by 500 to intake and weight loss.58 In this 12-
density (currently no definition exists), 750 kcal/day, there is no one diet that week intervention, the overweight
how best to lower energy density of the falls into this category that has been and obese women with metabolic


syndrome who were randomized to the the role of sedentary behaviors and activity as part of a comprehensive
group that consumed most of their obesity treatment. weight-management program, individ-
energy earlier in the day lost more ualized to gradually accumulate 150 to
weight (8.71.4 kg vs 3.61.5 kg). Physical activity. MVPA is defined as 420 minutes or more of physical activity
activity that is 3.0 metabolic equiva- per week, depending on intensity, un-
lent units (METs; a MET of 1 is gener- less medically contraindicated.” (Rat-
Breakfast consumption. One dietary ally considered the RMR).9 There is a ing: Consensus, Imperative)
pattern factor that has been proposed EAL Recommendation: “For weight
large body of research, including RCTs,
to influence weight status is regular maintenance the RDN should encourage
examining the influence of MVPA on
consumption of breakfast.59 Similar to
obesity treatment.9 While increasing physical activity as part of a compre-
eating frequency, there is no stan- hensive weight-management program,
MVPA alone is not believed to be the
dardized definition of breakfast, but individualized to gradually accumulate
best strategy for weight loss and pro-
common parameters that are believed 200 to 300 minutes or more of phys-
duces less weight loss than decreasing
to be important in defining breakfast ical activity per week, depending on
energy intake, the combination of
include time of day of consumption, intensity, unless medically contra-
increasing MVPA with decreasing en-
time of consumption after ending daily indicated.” (Rating: Consensus,
ergy intake produces the largest
sleep, and types of foods and beverages
weight loss.9,64 For example, a recent Imperative)
consumed at breakfast. Only three RCTs
meta-analysis of diet or exercise in-
have examined the influence of break-
terventions vs combined behavioral Sedentary behavior. Sedentary be-
fast consumption on weight loss, with
weight-management programs found havior is defined as sitting activities
all trials being of short duration (16
at 12 months that the combined pro- with a very low level of energy
weeks), and no investigation found
gram had greater weight loss than the expenditure (<1.5 METs).65 Sedentary
greater weight loss with breakfast
diet-only programs (mean difference in behavior occurs in a variety of domains
weight loss achieved for combined (ie, leisure, occupation, transportation,
behavioral weight management vs diet and recreation), and includes working/
Overall, the results of intervention
only was 1.72 kg) and the exercise- playing on the computer or tablet,
research examining the effect of
only programs (mean difference in driving a car, and watching television
dietary-timing focused interventions
weight loss achieved for combined (TV). Given that greater time spent in
do not suggest that increasing eating
behavioral weight management vs ex- sedentary behavior, independent of
frequency or consuming breakfast
ercise only was 6.29 kg).64 However, time performing MVPA, has been
improve weight-loss outcomes, but
for weight-loss maintenance, research associated with increased risk of
consuming most of an individual’s en-
has consistently demonstrated that a obesity,66 it is now recommended that
ergy earlier in the day may enhance
high level of MVPA is imperative.9 The sedentary behavior, particularly leisure
weight loss.
difference in the roles of MVPA for screen time (eg, TV watching; com-
EAL Recommendation: “For weight
weight loss and weight-loss mainte- puter and tablet use), be reduced in
loss and weight maintenance, the RDN
nance is believed to be due to the de- adults to improve weight and health
should individualize the meal pattern
gree of energy deficit required. Weight status.66,67
to distribute calories at meals and
loss requires a larger energy deficit There are several mechanisms by
snacks throughout the day, including
(approximately 500 to 1,000 kcal/ which reducing sedentary behavior
breakfast.” (Rating: Fair, Imperative)
day for 1 to 2 lb of weight loss per may assist with weight management.
week), which is challenging to achieve The first is through increasing energy
Activity Intervention. Activity in- via increased MVPA alone. For weight- expenditure. Research indicates that
terventions are designed to enhance loss maintenance, equilibrium of en- when time engaged in sedentary
energy expenditure, which assists with ergy intake to expenditure is needed; behavior is reduced, while little to
the achievement of negative energy thus, higher levels of MVPA allow en- none of the newly acquired free time is
balance that is required for weight loss. ergy intake to be greater, which may reallocated to MVPA, a significant
However, it is important to recognize help long-term adherence to dietary amount of time is reallocated to light
that activity interventions may assist goals. The current recommendation for physical activity (1.5 to 2.9 METs).68,69
with weight management via other physical activity is a minimum of 30 The reallocation of time spent in
mechanisms that are not well under- minutes of moderate-intensity activity sedentary behavior to light physical
stood (eg, sparing of fat-free mass with on most days of the week (150 min/ activity may increase overall energy
weight loss, enhanced ability for en- wk).8 However, higher levels of MVPA expenditure due to light physical
ergy regulation, and ability to buffer (>250 min/week) are recommended activity’s higher MET values as
the negative effects of stress on for weight-loss maintenance.9 To compared with sedentary behavior.
weight).63 Traditionally, activity in- enhance cardiovascular outcomes The second mechanism is through
terventions have focused on increasing associated with increasing MVPA, reducing food consumption. Eating
MVPA, as this type of activity has ideally minutes spent in MVPA is appears to be a complementary
higher energy expenditure than other accumulated in bouts of at least 10 behavior to some sedentary behaviors,
activities (eg, light physical activity) minutes.8 particularly TV watching.70 As TV
and also improves cardiovascular EAL Recommendation: “For weight watching is reduced, energy consumed
health. Recently, focus has turned to loss the RDN should encourage physical while watching TV decreases, thus


lowering intake.69 Few RCTs have with changing eating and activity be- that participants receiving a median
examined reducing sedentary behavior haviors.73,74 In DPP, the lifestyle inter- amount of 60 minutes of motivational
during obesity treatment, and the two vention received a reduced-energy diet interviewing in an encounter, with
trials that have were of a small sample and a physical activity prescription number of encounters ranging from
size (<15 participants) and of short within the context of a CBT interven- one to five or more, reduced BMI by
duration (8 weeks), and did not find tion.74 In DPP, during the 2.8 mean years 0.72 more so than participants only
significantly greater weight loss with of follow-up, the lifestyle intervention receiving usual care.77
the conditions that prescribed reducing lost 5.6 kg of weight, which was signif-
sedentary behavior to <10 hours/week icantly greater than the other two Acceptance and commitment
of TV watching (comparison was an conditions (placebo¼0.1 kg; metfor- therapy. A “third wave” of behavioral
intervention that prescribed increasing min¼2.1 kg).74 As mentioned previ- therapy has developed, which is based
MVPA to 200 minutes/wk).69 ously, Look AHEAD produced significant on the use of acceptance-based strate-
The research on activity interventions weight-loss outcomes in the condition gies. These strategies shift the focus
demonstrate that increasing MVPA is an that received the CBT intervention, with from reducing the occurrence of aver-
important behavioral target in weight significant weight loss reported across sive internal thoughts and feelings to
management, particularly in weight- time, even up to 8 years follow-up being able to experience these
loss maintenance. Additional research (lifestyle intervention with CBT¼ thoughts and feelings to assist with
is required to understand if reducing 4.7%0.2%; education comparison¼ promotion of behavior that is
sedentary behavior should also be a 2.1%0.2% of initial weight).6 The congruent with personal values.78 It is
behavioral target in obesity treatment materials for the CBT intervention for believed that these approaches
interventions. both DPP and Look AHEAD are available enhance mindfulness, which can
and accessible to the public (DPP: enhance understanding of the personal
Behavior-Change Intervention. https://dppos.bsc.gwu.edu/web/dppos/ decision that one makes and reduce
Behavior-change theories and models dpp; Look AHEAD: www.lookaheadtrial. mindless behavior.78 One acceptance-
provide an evidence-based approach org/public/home.cfm). RDNs played a based approach that has recently been
for changing energy-balance behaviors large role in intervention in Look examined for improving obesity treat-
that are important for obesity treat- AHEAD.75 ment is Acceptance and Commitment
ment.71 At this time, it is not known Therapy (ACT). While few RCTs have
what is the best combination of Motivational interviewing. Motiva- examined ACT and obesity treatment,
behavior-change strategies and tech- tional interviewing focuses on the style ACT appears to produce an amount of
niques to apply in treating obesity.72 of interaction between a practitioner weight loss similar to CBT and may
Instead, it is believed that a variety of and client. Motivational interviewing produce greater weight loss in those
strategies from different behavior emphasizes collaboration, evocation, more susceptible to eating cues (eg,
change theories can be applied to assist and autonomy.76 Collaboration guides have greater food-related thoughts and
with changing behaviors.71 Evidence- practitioners to be “supportive part- feelings when exposed to external food
based interventions for behavior ners” rather than “persuasive experts,” cues), disinhibited eating, or emotional
change have developed from behav- which contrasts with the prescriptive, eating.78
ioral theory, which is a theoretical expert-driven style commonly used in
framework that proposes that with the dietary interventions. Evocation en- The research on behavior change in-
use of learning principles, such as courages the practitioner to draw out terventions demonstrates that CBT and
classical and operant conditioning, the client’s personal motives and motivational interviewing effectively
healthy behaviors can be learned. values regarding behavior change. change eating and physical activity
Finally, autonomy emphasizes a client’s behaviors so that meaningful weight
Cognitive behavioral therapy. personal choice, in which the re- loss occurs. However, not all in-
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) uses sponsibility and decisions about dividuals respond to obesity treatment,
a directive, action-oriented approach behavior changes fall under the client’s, even when CBT and/or motivational
and provides skills to help individuals rather than practitioner’s, control. interviewing are implemented; thus,
learn to develop functional thoughts Motivational interviewing emphasizes additional strategies, such as ACT,
and behaviors.71 CBT proposes that that the intervention for obesity would continue to be developed to assist with
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors be driven by the client, rather than the behavior change in obesity treatment.
interact to impact health outcomes. practitioner. Using this approach, EAL Recommendation: “For weight
Cognitive and behavioral strategies motivational interviewing is believed loss and weight maintenance, the RDN
are emphasized to effect change. to enhance motivation and self- should incorporate one or more of the
Commonly used strategies in CBT efficacy, which are considered to be following strategies for behavior
include self-monitoring, goal setting, key for changing, and sustaining, change: self-monitoring; motivational
problem-solving and preplanning, behavior change.76 Motivational inter- interviewing; structured meal plans
stimulus control, cognitive restructur- viewing has an additional benefit, in and meal replacements and portion
ing, and relapse prevention. Two widely that it can be delivered at a low in- control; goal setting; and problem
recognized obesity intervention trials, tensity (ie, shorter and less frequent solving.” (Rating: Strong, Imperative)
the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) dosages).77 For example, a review of 10 EAL Recommendation: “For weight
and the Look AHEAD trial, provide ex- RCTs examining motivational inter- loss and weight maintenance, the RDN
amples of the use of CBT in assisting viewing and obesity treatment found may consider using the following


behavior therapy strategies: cognitive EAL Recommendation: “For weight on-demand interaction. Thus, it is
restructuring; contingency manage- loss, the RDN should prescribe at least believed that smartphones provide the
ment; relapse prevention techniques; 14 MNT encounters (either individual opportunity for frequent and interactive
slowing the rate of eating; social sup- or group) over a period of at least 6 feedback, tailored messaging (via text or
port; stress management; and stimulus months.” (Rating: Strong, Imperative) e-mails), and immediate access to social
control and cue reduction.” (Rating: “For weight maintenance, the RDN support.80 Interactive applications, “apps,”
Fair, Imperative) should prescribe at least monthly MNT can assist with decision making on be-
encounters over a period of at least 1 haviors, as they can provide timely feed-
Comprehensive Lifestyle Inter- year.” (Rating: Strong, Imperative) back on health behaviors in real time.80
vention. Obesity treatment incorpo- Smartphones are theorized to have the
rating a dietary prescription that eHealth in Intervention. Interventions ability to maintain important components
results in an energy deficit of at least that can be delivered without face-to- of face-to-face interaction (eg, account-
500 kcal/day, a physical activity pre- face contact with the use of technology ability, feedback, social support) without
scription of at least 150 minutes of are believed to have the capability to face-to-face time.80 As this is a new area of
MVPA per week, and a structured decrease intervention costs and increase research in weight management, it is not
behavior-change intervention is classi- the reach of the intervention for those clear at this time how efficacious these
fied as a lifestyle intervention.1 who are in need of treatment.79 The programs will be, but it is believed that
Combining all three components— development of efficacious technology- these types of programs will outperform
diet, physical activity, and behavioral based weight-loss interventions are computer-based interventions.80
strategies—in intervention produces thought to have the potential for great
greater weight loss than an interven- public health impact.79 Supplements. In a 2009 systematic
tion that uses these same components review of the efficacy and safety of
singularly. The lifestyle interventions Computer-based interventions. herbal medicines used for obesity
of DPP and Look AHEAD that The first modern technology-based treatment, Hasani-Ranjbar and col-
produced significant weight loss are intervention developed for weight leagues81 reported on weight change
examples of a comprehensive lifestyle loss was computer-based programs, in and body composition outcomes in 17
intervention.73,74 which various aspects of the Internet RCTs. Compounds containing ephedra,
EAL Recommendation: “For weight were used. These programs include Cissus quandrangularis, ginseng, bitter
loss and weight maintenance, the RDN those with an intervention website, melon, and zingiber were found to be
should include the following compo- which provided many different helpful in significantly reducing body
nents as part of a comprehensive weight- Internet-based features (posted edu- weight (summary data were not
management program: reduced-calorie cation materials, tracking systems, included in the review); however, sup-
diet, increasing physical activity, use of discussion boards, chat rooms, plements containing ephedra and
behavioral strategies.” (Rating: Strong, e-mails), or more e-mailbased pro- bofutsushosan (an oriental herbal med-
Imperative) grams in which interventionists inter- icine) were found to have some adverse
acted with participants via e-mail. A effects. Food-based supplements, such
Cochrane Review of computer-based as caffeine, carnitine, calcium, choline,
Intensity of Intervention. According programs for weight loss found that chromium, lecithin, fucoxanthin, garci-
to the 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for for interventions lasting 6 months, nia cambogia, capsaicin (cayenne pep-
the Management of Overweight and computer-based interventions pro- per), green tea extracts, kelp, taurine,
Obesity in Adults, frequency of contact duced greater weight loss than mini- conjugated linoleic acid, psyllium, py-
appears to be an important character- mal interventions (1.5 kg).79 ruvate, leucine, forskolin, b-sitosterol,
istic of intervention for weight-loss However, face-to-face interventions and tea, have been labeled “fat burners”
outcomes.1 Comprehensive, lifestyle produced greater weight loss than and have been proposed to increase
intervention, delivered on site, with computer-based interventions (2.1 weight loss by increasing fat meta-
face-to-face contact, providing an kg).79 Only one study in the review bolism.82 However, according to Jeu-
average of one to two treatment ses- reported the cost-effectiveness ratio, kendrup and Randall, only caffeine and
sions per month (eg, 6 to 12 sessions in thus conclusions could not be drawn green tea have shown enhanced fat
6 months), produces about 2 to 4 kg of about this aspect of computer-based oxidation, but the effect of the increased
weight loss in 6 to 12 months, which is programs.79 In agreement with this, fat oxidation on weight management is
significantly greater than usual care the 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guidelines not clear. All other proposed food-based
(minimal intervention control group).1 state that comprehensive interventions supplements lack sufficient evidence of
Comprehensive, lifestyle intervention delivered onsite by a trained interven- increased fat metabolism at this time.82
delivered at a high intensity (14 ses- tionist produce larger weight loss than In 2013, Hasani-Ranjbar and col-
sions in 6 months) produces greater comprehensive interventions delivered leagues83 reported on another 33 RCTs
weight loss relative to usual care than by the Internet or e-mail.1 using herbal- and food-based supple-
the weight loss that occurs with ments and suggested that the efficacy
comprehensive, lifestyle intervention Smartphone-based interventions. Un- and safety of these supplements is still
delivered at low-to-moderate intensity like computers, smartphones are usually mostly unknown and long-term RCTs
(eg, intervention delivered in 12 ses- carried by users everywhere they go and are needed to enhance our under-
sion in 6 months) relative to usual are almost always on. These features of standing of the role of supplements and
care.1 use provide the ability for real-time, obesity treatment.


One helpful resource regarding sup- spotting, and fecal incontinence. Due Laparoscopic gastric banding. The
plements comes from the National to the potential loss of fat-soluble lap-band does not permanently alter
Center for Complementary and Alter- vitamins, orlistat should be taken the anatomy of the gastrointestinal
native Medicine, which houses a vari- with a vitamin supplement. A meta- tract, but instead places a thin, inflat-
ety of fact sheets on a number of analysis concluded that weight loss able band around the top of the stom-
herbal- and food-based supplements with orlistat (60 to 120 mg three ach to create a new and smaller
(http://nccam.nih.gov/health/atoz. times/day) was 2.9 kg greater than stomach pouch. This surgery requires
htm). placebo at 12 months.86 extensive follow-up to make sure the
Lorcaserin. Lorcaserin is an agonist band is properly adjusted. Ten-year
Commercial Programs. Commercial of the serotonin (5-HT) 2c receptor in follow-up of lap-band surgery in-
programs are weight-loss programs the hypothalamus and enhances feel- dicates maximum weight loss was
that are usually not delivered by a ings of satiety. Lorcaserin at a dose of about 20% at 1 to 2 years, with main-
health care provider and can provide 10 mg twice a day resulted in a 3.3% tenance of 15% weight loss at 10
various options of types of support for greater weight loss than placebo.85 years.89 Popularity of the lap-band has
weight loss to consumers. Options can Lorcaserin was well tolerated with decreased in the United States, pri-
include face-to-face programs, pre- side effects in >5% reported as head- marily due to inferior weight loss,
packaged food, and Internet-based aches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, dry complexity of follow-up, a lower
programs. Little research has been mouth, and constipation. Lorcaserin is remission rate to diabetes, and a
conducted on commercial options for a Drug Enforcement Administration greater need for reoperation due to
weight loss, but what has been con- schedule IV drug, with low potential complications.
ducted suggests that commercial- for abuse.85 Gastric bypass. The bypass, long
based, comprehensive weight-loss in- Phentermine/topiramate. Phenter- considered the gold standard obesity
terventions delivered in face-to-face mine, an appetite suppressant, causes a operation, permanently alters the
formats have produced an average decrease in food intake by stimulating anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract. In
weight loss of 4.8 to 6.6 kg at 6 months the release of norepinephrine in the the bypass, a small pouch is created at
when conventional foods are hypothalamus. A controlled-released the top of the stomach and a part of the
consumed and 6.6 to 10.1 kg at 12 formulation of phentermine/top- small intestine, the jejunum, is
months with use of prepackaged food, iramate, a schedule IV drug, is attached to a small hole in the pouch.
and that these weight losses are approved for the treatment of obesity. Thus, the surgery allows food to bypass
greater than minimal-treatment con- The dosage begins at a low dose for 14 part of the stomach and small intestine.
trol interventions.1 This suggests that days (3.75 mg phentermine/23 mg The bypass results in a typical weight
commercial programs that provide topiramate extended-release once a loss of 35% at 1 to 2 years, which has
comprehensive programs may be a day), transitions to a mid-dose (double been shown to be maintained at 30%
viable option for treatment. the low dose), and then to a high dose weight loss at 10 years.89 The bypass
(mid-dose twice a day) if weight loss is has the highest mortality rate, rate of
Medications. Comprehensive lifestyle not achieved after 12 weeks. If 5% complications, and the most severe
interventions are efficacious at pro- weight loss is still not achieved after 12 metabolic abnormalities of the three
ducing weight loss, however, there is weeks on the high dose, the medica- surgeries. With the bypass, there is
large variability in the ability to tions should be discontinued. Weight greater need for protein, iron and
implement and maintain changes rec- loss was 3.5%, 6.2%, and 9.3% greater vitamin supplementation, and moni-
ommended in these interventions. For than placebo in the low, mid, and high toring of calcium and vitamin D
those that have difficulty losing weight doses, respectively.87,88 Adverse events levels.90
(BMI 30 or BMI 27 with obesity- occurring in >5% of patients include Sleeve gastrectomy. The sleeve, the
related medical issues, such as high paresthesias, dizziness, dysguesia, newest of the three bariatric pro-
blood pressure, high cholesterol, or insomnia, constipation, and dry mouth. cedures, permanently alters the anat-
type 2 diabetes),84 medications may be See the section on sleeve gastrectomy omy of the stomach because a portion
helpful for achieving weight loss. There for the EAL recommendation for the of the stomach is removed, producing
are three medications for obesity use of medication. a tube-shaped stomach or sleeve, and
treatment approved for long-term use now has data on more than 5 years of
(up to 2 years).85 Surgery. While comprehensive life- follow-up. The sleeve is gaining in
Orlistat. Orlistat is a lipase inhibitor style interventions are considered the popularity, as it produces similar
that causes dietary fat to be excreted mainstay of all weight-management weight loss and remission of type 2
as oil in the stool and is recom- treatment, for patients who are un- diabetes (80% of patients with dia-
mended to be taken with a diet con- able to achieve or maintain weight loss betes before surgery are able to con-
taining 30% fat. The nonprescription that improves health or for obese pa- trol their blood glucose levels 5 years
dose of orlistat provides approxi- tients at high medical risk, adjunctive after bariatric surgery)91 as occurs
mately 80% of the weight loss seen treatments are needed.1 Bariatric sur- with the bypass, but at lower cost,
with the prescription dose. Orlistat is gery is an option that is increasingly with lower rates of complications and
not absorbed to any significant degree used in those individuals with extreme mortality.90,92,93 Metabolic complica-
and the side effects relate to the fat obesity, or with those with a lower BMI tions with the sleeve are also fewer
in the stool, including abdominal but with obesity-related comorbid than with the bypass, however, rec-
cramps, flatus with discharge, oily conditions.1 ommendations still include vitamin


supplementation and monitoring of Community-Level Obesity density and, thus, contribute to exces-
iron, calcium, and vitamin D levels. Intervention sive energy intake and obesity.97 In
For bariatric surgery, the 2013 AHA/ Within the socioecological model addition, it is proposed that environ-
ACC/TOS Guideline states that for in- framework, community-level obesity ments with reduced access for physical
dividuals who are obese, weight loss at interventions focus on utilizing and activity (few greenways, parks, and
2 to 3 years after bariatric surgery strengthening existing community sidewalks) produce inactivity, which
ranges from 20% to 35% of initial weight, assets and capacity in changing also contributes to obesity.98 Most of
with a greater weight loss of 14% to 37% energy balance behaviors that can the research in this area is observa-
for bariatric surgery as compared with produce weight loss. These types of tional, so it is not clear at this time
nonsurgical comparators.12 interventions generally focus on whether changing these environ-
EAL Recommendation: “For weight increasing capacity for providing and mental factors will reduce the preva-
loss and weight maintenance, the RDN enhancing access to intervention, with lence of obesity.98 When communities
should implement MNT and coordinate community-based organizations and/ implement these environmental
care with an interdisciplinary team of or interventionists providing the changes to assist with lowering the
health professionals (may include intervention, and/or altering the com- prevalence of obesity, a “natural
specialized RDNs, nurses, nurse practi- munity environment to assist with experiment” is created, and evaluation
tioners, pharmacists, physicians, physi- promoting energy-balance behaviors is needed to understand how these
cian assistants, physical therapists, helpful for weight management. environmental changes influence
psychologists, social workers, and so on) One example of a community-level weight.
especially for patients with obesity- intervention focusing on increasing EAL Recommendation: “The RDN
related comorbid conditions. Coordina- capacity for providing and increasing should recommend use of community
tion of care may include collaboration access to intervention is the use of resources, such as local food sources,
on use of US Food and Drug Admin- YMCAs as a site for delivering inter- food assistance programs, support
istrationapproved weight-loss medi- vention. For example, a comprehen- systems, and recreational facilities.”
cations; and appropriateness of bariatric sive lifestyle intervention modeled (Rating: Strong, Imperative)
surgery for people who have not ach- after the DPP delivered to community
ieved weight-loss goals with less inva- members at high risk for diabetes by Policy-Level Obesity Intervention
sive weight loss-methods.” (Rating: YMCA employees produced 6% weight Policy-level obesity interventions are
Consensus, Imperative) loss at 6 months.94 A review of faith- generally framed as interventions
Monitoring and Evaluation. To de- based interventions designed for developed at the federal, state, or local
termine effectiveness of any interven- African-American females, which are government level that implement
tion implemented, outcomes need to implemented in faith-based settings broad changes that are believed to help
be monitored over time and evaluated in the community and are also change energy-balance behaviors that
for degree of success achieved. See designed to increase capacity for can produce weight loss. The broad
Figure 1 for suggested areas to monitor providing and access to intervention, changes are designed to influence
and evaluate for effectiveness of a also found significant reductions in everyone for whom the policy has
comprehensive weight-management anthropometric measures across re- been developed. Two policy-level in-
program. viewed studies (for studies reporting terventions that are believed to be
EAL Recommendation: “The RDN change in weight, the range of change helpful for reducing the prevalence of
should monitor and evaluate the effec- in weight was 3.6 to 9.8 lb).95 obesity include menu labeling and
tiveness of the comprehensive weight- Another example that increases ca- taxing the cost of certain foods. Menu
management program for overweight pacity and access to intervention and labeling is under Section 4205 of the
and obese adults, through the following that often has a focus on changing the Patient Protection and Affordable
data: food and nutrition-related environment is worksite wellness Health Care Act (www.gpo.gov/fdsys/
history; anthropometric measure- programs. A review of worksite well- pkg/BILLS-111hr3590enr/pdf/BILLS-111
ments; biochemical data, medical tests, ness weight-management programs hr3590enr.pdf). Ideally, consumers can
and procedures; and nutrition-focused found that those programs that use the labeling information on menus
findings.” (Rating: Strong, Imperative) focused on strategies to increase to make choices that could assist with
If weight loss is not occurring at the physical activity and change dietary reducing intake, provided they are
expected rate, total energy needs may intake were generally successful at motivated to do so.99,100 Menu labeling
need to be reassessed. assisting with weight maintenance or does seem to influence purchasing
EAL Recommendation: “For weight producing modest weight loss (for decisions that cause a reduction in
loss and weight maintenance, the RDN studies reporting change in BMI the overall energy purchased in some, but
should monitor and evaluate total en- range of change was 0.14 to 1.4).96 not all, consumers in some types of
ergy needs and consider one of the For changing the community envi- restaurants.101 For example, women
following (if necessary): re-measure ronment, it is hypothesized that envi- were found to decrease mean amount of
RMR using indirect calorimetry; recal- ronments with a greater density of energy per purchase at coffee chain
culate Mifflin-St. Jeor equation; or re- fast-food outlets and/or lower density restaurants but men did not, and mean
apply a new physical activity factor to of farmers’ markets or other types of amount of energy per purchase did not
RMR to estimate total energy needs.” markets with fresh produce encourage decrease in burger and sandwich res-
(Rating: Consensus, Imperative) dietary intakes that are high in energy taurants.101 More research is needed to


understand what factors influence pur- implementation, and evaluation of inequalities found within environ-
chasing decisions in restaurants for these interventions, an understanding mental contexts may underlie obesity
menu labeling to have a broader impact. of the SEM is required. Interventions disparities.105 This suggests that in-
Another policy-level intervention with a SEM approach will target terventions containing multiple levels
gaining momentum is creating a tax change at one or more levels, either of the socioecological model will be
that can be levied on unhealthy foods directly or indirectly, through multi- more effective at reducing health
(eg, non-nutrient-dense, energy- level, multisectoral interventions.104 disparities.
dense foods) to help reduce their For example, an intervention designed
consumption. The tax could also to reduce overweight and obesity in
potentially be combined with a plan to adults might be developed in which a Addressing Weight Bias
subsidize healthier foods, thus poten- state enacts a law targeting worksites Individuals with overweight and
tially increasing consumption of to ensure that worksite cafeterias pro- obesity can encounter weight bias in
healthy foods. It is not clear at this vide nutrition information about health care settings by health pro-
time how this type of policy would available food choices to employees fessionals.106 Weight bias is demon-
influence eating behavior and obesity, and provides financial incentives to strated when health care professionals
but the little research conducted in companies to encourage the develop- have beliefs that those with obesity are
this area suggests that small excise ment of worksite wellness programs; a lazy, noncompliant to intervention, and
taxes are unlikely to affect obesity company with several worksites de- lack self-control.106 Those experiencing
rates and that while higher excise velops a wellness program that screens weight bias from health care pro-
taxes are likely to reduce obesity in at- employees for health risks, refers em- fessionals are more likely to avoid
risk populations, higher excise taxes ployees who are overweight or obese health screenings, cancel appointments,
are believed to be less politically to an on-site RDN, and provides finan- demonstrate maladaptive eating be-
palatable or sustainable.102 cial incentives to employees to haviors, and experience poorer out-
encourage improving improve weight comes when receiving treatment for
RESPONSIBILITIES OF FOOD status; and the worksite RDN provides overweight or obesity.107,108 Thus, RDNs
AND NUTRITION MNT, incorporating employees’ indi- should ensure that health care experi-
vidualized needs and preferences, to ences for individuals with overweight or
referred employees and incorporates obesity are free of weight bias. Ensuring
To address obesity, it is believed that
family members into sessions to assist that RDNs understand the complex eti-
interventions are needed that can
with changing the home environment ology of obesity, thus that there are
incorporate multiple levels of the
and increasing family support. This contributors to obesity that are outside
socioecological model that can be sus-
approach incorporates several levels of of personal control, and the difficulties
tained for many years.103 Thus, in-
the socioecological model, allowing around achieving significant, sustain-
terventions for obesity need to address
them to intersect, and enhance overall able weight loss, may increase empathy
changing individual-level energy bal-
weight-management outcomes. To regarding the challenges of obesity
ance behaviors; be delivered in many
develop an ecological approach, treatment and reduce weight bias.108
settings to increase accessibility to
developing collaborative partnerships
intervention; influence the environ-
among all stakeholders is key104 and
ment in which clients live, work, and Scope of Practice
should be encouraged within the field
play; and impact on policy that can
of nutrition. Integrated ecological-based in-
assist with providing a context for
terventions will provide solutions that
supporting engagement in energy-
cover multiple jurisdictions, requiring a
balance behaviors within the popula- Addressing Health Disparities wide range of skills.103 No one profes-
tion to improve weight management.
The prevalence of overweight and sion will be able to provide all skills
obesity continues to remain higher in required for the development, imple-
Understanding the non-Hispanic black adults and Hispanic mentation, and evaluation of these in-
Socioecological Model adults, as compared with non-Hispanic terventions to address obesity. Thus,
Although obesity is a result of a chronic white adults, indicating a health rather than acting independently, RDNs
imbalance of energy intake and energy disparity.2 To address these disparities, will need to develop relationships with
expenditure, it is now recognized that a greater understanding of the multi- others to be involved in the SEM
these individual-level behaviors are level factors associated with energy approach. These relationships will
influenced by determinants at multiple balance is needed. While energy bal- include traditional health care partners,
levels, which enhances understanding ance is influenced by a multitude of such as physicians, pharmacists, and
that individual choices are shaped by individual-level factors (eg, genetics, psychologists, but also nontraditional
the wider context in which they biology, individual behavior, and partners, such as city planners, archi-
occur.103 Thus, ecological models— individual-level social determinants), tects, and legislators. Within these re-
models that incorporate multiple levels research suggests that contextual as- lationships, the role of the RDN is to
or systems—of health promotion are pects of social determinants, particu- provide expertise in the area of nutri-
increasingly promoted to address larly those related to environmental tion, which includes MNT and related
chronic health conditions.104 For RDNs factors, are important to address, as areas, community and public health
to be included in the development, pervasive socioeconomic and racial nutrition, foodservice systems, school


nutrition, and sustainable resilient key component of obesity treatment.1 Task Force. The five As are: 1) assess:
healthy food and water systems.109 Thus, the expertise of the RDN and ask about behavioral health risk(s) and
nutrition and dietetics technician, factors affecting choice of behavior
REIMBURSEMENT FOR OBESITY registered (NDTR) is essential for the change goals or methods; 2) advise:
TREATMENT INVOLVING MNT development, implementation, and provide specific and personalized
evaluation of any intervention behavior change advice; 3) agree:
Reimbursement for MNT provided by
designed to reduce overweight and collaboratively select appropriate treat-
RDNs is essential to the field of di-
obesity. ment goals and methods that take into
etetics.110 The Patient Protection and
account the client’s values and motiva-
Affordable Health Care Act provides
tion to changes; 4) assist: aid the client
coverage for nutrition services in the MNT in achieving goals by incorporating
area of obesity counseling for adults.111 The Academy’s definition of MNT is behavior change techniques, supple-
However, the role of the RDN in broader than other entities.114 MNT, as mented with adjunctive medical treat-
providing nutrition services covered by defined by the Academy, is an individ- ments when appropriate; and 5)
the Patient Protection and Affordable ualized approach to disease manage- arrange: schedule follow-up sessions so
Health Care Act is open to interpreta- ment that incorporates the nutrition that ongoing assistant and support can
tion by those paying for these ser- care process and is provided by an be provided.
vices.110 In addition, the Centers for RDN.114 Thus, when treatment for While RDNs are not specifically out-
Medicare & Medicaid Services provides overweight and obesity is being deliv- lined as a practitioner for delivery of
coverage for Intensive Behavioral ered at the individual level, the role of intensive behavioral counseling, if an
Counseling for Obesity for eligible the RDN, along with the NDTR, is to RDN provides care under conditions
Medicare beneficiaries.112 As with Pa- provide evidence-based intervention specified under the regulation, services
tient Protection and Affordable Health that incorporates the nutrition care can be billed by the one of the specified
Care Act, the role of the RDN in Inten- process. providers. RDNs developing relation-
sive Behavioral Counseling for Obesity
ships with the specified providers
is not covered. While RDNs are not
Multidisciplinary Teams (general practice, family practice, in-
specifically designated as the sole pro-
As stated earlier, interventions for ternal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology,
viders of MNT under these reimburse-
overweight and obesity that incorpo- pediatric medicine, geriatric medicine,
ment strategies, RDNs can provide
rate any level of the socioecological nurse practitioner, certified clinical
services and receive reimbursement.
model will require an intervention that nurse specialist, and physician assis-
Third-party payers use a standardized
includes more than just a focus on di- tant) may create avenues for RDNs to
numeric coding set, and within this
etary intake. A multidisciplinary provide treatment for obesity that is
system the MNT codes, which include
approach to disease treatment, espe- reimbursed.
those for obesity, describe the services
cially in the case of obesity and chronic Wadden and colleagues116 conduct-
of RDN. The diagnostic codes are usu-
disease, is recommended.115 The type ed a systematic review of behavioral
ally determined by the referring
of intervention will designate what counseling for overweight and obese
physician, as it is not within the scope
other disciplines should be involved, primary care patients from RCTs pub-
of practice for a RDN to make a medical
lished between 1980 and 2014, finding
diagnosis.110 However, the exception to and what other training an RDN and
NDTR may benefit from. no studies in which primary care
this is in the case of BMI codes, as BMI
practitioners delivered counseling that
represents a mathematical calculation
followed the Centers for Medicare &
based on measurements that are Medicare and Intensive Medicaid Services guidelines. However,
within the RDN’s scope of practice to
Behavioral Counseling the investigators found that trained
perform.113 In a recent survey of coding
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid interventionists (eg, those trained in
practices of RDNs collected by the
Services approved the provision of lifestyle intervention, which included
Academy, of those RDNs who
intensive behavioral counseling for RDNs) succeeded in producing weight
completed the survey, obesity was the
obesity when delivered by qualified loss within patients from primary care.
second highest disease or condition
primary care and other select practi-
from which reimbursement was
tioners.112 Intensive behavioral coun-
received from third-party payers.110
seling includes a maximum of 22 Advocacy
Only diabetes was ranked higher than
face-to-face sessions over 12 months, To address the obesity epidemic, in-
obesity for receiving reimbursement
but a weight-loss goal of 3 kg must be terventions need to include larger
from third-party players from
met by 6 months in order for counseling environmental and policy changes, or
responding RDNs.110
sessions to continue to 12 months. Fre- public health initiatives, that will pro-
quency of contact is one face-to-face vide opportunities to support and be-
ROLE OF THE RDN AND visit every week for the first month, haviors that assist with weight
NUTRITION AND DIETETICS one face-to-face visit every other week management.117 These types of strate-
TECHNICIAN, REGISTERED, IN for months 2 to 6, and one face-to-face gies have shown previous success at
TREATMENT OF OVERWEIGHT visit every month for months 7 to 12 if addressing public health concerns (eg,
AND OBESITY IN ADULTS the weight-loss goal has been met. Each reducing smoking, increasing seat belt
Changing dietary intake so that a visit is to include the five As approach use).118 To develop these strategies,
reduction in energy intake occurs is a adopted by the US Preventive Services advocacy from RDNs and NDTRs is


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