FAST Test-02 Management PakLearningSpot

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FAST Test 02
Section 1 Verbal

Reading Comprehension
Passage 1
In Aachen, Germany, and environs, many children have been found to have an unusually high lead content in
their blood and hair. The amount of lead in the children tested has risen above the amount found in workers
in heavy-metal industries. The general public is no longer surprised that the lead has been traced to Stolberg
near Aachen: Stolberg is surrounded y brass foundries and slag heaps which supply building materials to
construct schoolyards and sports halls.
This is but one example…..
When Dr. John W, Gofman, professor of medical physics at the University of California and a leading nuclear
critics ,speaks of “ecocide” in his adversary view of nuclear technology, he means the following: A large
nuclear plant like that in Kalkar, the Netherlands, would produce about 200 pounds of plutonium each year.
One pound, released into the atmosphere, could cause 9 billion cases of lung cancer. This waste product must
be stored for 500,000 years before it is of no further danger to man, in the anticipated reactor economy, it is
estimated that there will be 10,000 tons of this material in western Europe, of which on e tablespoonful of
plutonium-239 represents the official maximum permissible body burden for 200.000 people. Rather than
being biodegradable, plutonium destroys biological properties.
In 1972 the U.S. occupational Safety and Health Administration ruled that the asbestos level in the work place
should be lowered to 2 fibers per cubic centimeter of air, but the effective date of the ruling has been delayed
until now. The International Federation of Chemical and General Workers’
Unions report that the 2-fiber standard was based primarily on one study of 290 men at a British asbestos
factory. But when the workers at the British factory had been reexamined by another physician, 40-70 percent
had x-ray evidence of lung abnormalities. According to present medical information at the factory in question,
out of a total of 29 deaths thus far, seven were caused by lung cancer and three by mesothelioma, a cancer of
the lining of the chest-abdomen. An average European or American worker comes into contact with six
million fibers a day. And when this man returns home at night, samples of this fireproof product are on his
clothes, in his hair, in his lunchpail. “We are now, in fact, finding cancer deaths within the family of the
asbestos worker,” sates Dr. Irving Selikoff, of the Mount Sinai Medical School in New York.
It is now also clear that vinyl chloride, a gas from which the most widely used plastics are made, causes a fatal
cancer of the blood-vessel cells of the liver. However, the history of the research on vinyl chloride is , in some
ways, more disturbing that the “Watergate cover-up “ “There has been evidence of potentially serious disease
among polyvinyl chloride workers for 25 years that has been incompletely appreciated and inadequately

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approached by medical scientists and by regularlatory authorities.,” summed up Dr. Selikoff in the New
Scientist. At least 17 worker have been killed by vinyl chloride because research over the past 25 years was not
followed up and for over 10 years, workers have been exposed to concentrations of vinyl chloride 10 times
the “safe limit” imposed by Dow Chemical Company. In the United Kingdom, a threshold limit value was set
after the discovery of the causal link with osteolysis, but the limit was still higher than that set by Dow
Chemical. The Germans set a new maximum level in 1970, but also higher than that set b y Dow. No other
section of U.S, or European industry has followed Dow’s lead.

1. Which of the following titles best describes the contents of the passage?
A. The Problems of Nuclear Physics
B. Advanced Technology and Cancer
C. Occupational Diseases
D. Cancer in Germany
E. The Ecology of Cancer

2. The author provides information that would answer which of the following questions?
A. What sort of legislation is needed to prevent cancer?
B. Should nuclear plants be built?
C. What are some causes of lung cancer?
D. What are the pros and cons of nuclear energy?
E. Which country has the lowest incidence of occupational disease?

3. According to the author, all the following are causes of cancer except
A. Plutonium
B. Asbestos
C. Vinyl chloride
D. Osteolysis
E. Lead

4. The style of the passage is mainly

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A. Argumentative
B. Emotional
C. Factual
D. Clinical
E. Vitriolic

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that
A. Industrialization must be halted to prevent further spread of cancer-producing
B. Only voluntary, industry-wide application of antipollution devices can halt cancer
C. Workers are partly to blame for the spread of disease because of poor work habit
D. More research is needed into the causes of cancer before further progress can be
E. Tougher legislation is needed to set lower limits of worker exposure to harmful
chemicals and fibers

6. Some workers have been killed by harmful pollutants because

A. They failed to take the required precautions and safety measures
B. Not enough research has been undertaken to find solutions to the pollution problem
C. Available research was not followed up
D. Production cannot be halted
E. Factory owners have failed to provide safety equipment

7. It is mentioned in the passage that the asbestos level

A. Should be lowered
B. Causes heart problems
C. Is linked with osteolysis
D. Is similar to the level of vinyl chloride
E. Is not linked with any known disease

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8. The passage is based on evidence of pollutants in the following countries except

A. United Kingdom
B. United States
C. Sweden
D. Germany
E. Netherlands

Passage 2
These huge waves wreak terrific damage when they crash on the shores of distant lands or continents. Under a
perfectly sunny sky and from an Line apparently calm sea, a wall of water may break twenty or thirty feet high
over beaches and waterfronts, crushing houses and drowning unsuspecting residents and bathers in its path.
How are these waves formed? When a submarine earthquake occurs, it is likely to set up a tremendous amount
of shock, disturbing the quiet waters of the deep ocean. This disturbance travels to the surface and forms a huge
swell in the ocean many miles across. It rolls outward in all directions; and the water lowers in the centre as
another swell looms up. Thus, a series of concentric swells are formed similar to those made when a coin or
small pebble is dropped into a basin of water. The big difference is in the size. Each of the concentric rings of
basin water traveling out toward the edge is only about an inch across and less than a quarter of an inch high.
The swells in the ocean are sometimes nearly a mile wide and rise to several multiples of ten feet in height.
Many of us have heard about these waves, often referred to by their Japanese name of “Tsunami.” For ages they
have been dreaded in the Pacific, as no shore has been free from them. An underwater earthquake in the
Aleutian Island could start a swell that would break along the shores and cause severe damage in the southern
part of Chile in South America. The seawaves travel hundreds of miles an hour, and one can understand how
they would crash as violent breakers when caused to drag in the shallow waters of a coast.

Nothing was done about tsunamis until after World War II. In 1947 a particularly bad submarine earthquake
took place south of the Aleutian Islands. A few hours later, people bathing in the sun along the quiet shores of
Hawaii were dashed to death and shore-line property became a mass of shambles because a series of monstrous,
breaking swells crashed along the shore and drove far inland. Hundreds of lives were lost in this catastrophe,
and millions upon millions of dollars’ worth of damage was done.
Hawaii (at that time a territory) and other Pacific areas then asked then U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey to
attempt to forecast these killer waves. With the blessing of the government, the Coast and Geodetic Survey
initiated a program in 1948 known as the Seismic Seawave Warning system, using the earthquake-monitoring
facilities of the agency, together with the world seismological data center, to locate submarine earthquakes as
soon as they might occur. With this information they could then tell how severed a submarine earthquake was
and could set up a tracking chart, with the center over the area of the earthquake, which would show by

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concentric time bells the rate of travel of the resulting wave. This system would indicate when and where, along
the shores of the Pacific, the swells caused by the submarine earthquakes would strike.
9. One surprising aspect of the waves discussed in the passage is the fact that they
A. Are formed in concentric patterns
B. Often strike during clear weather
C. Arise under conditions of cold temperature
D. Are produced by deep swells
E. May be forecast scientifically
10. The waves discussed in the passage often strike
A. along the coasts of the Aleutian Islands
B. in regions outside the area monitored by the Coast and Geodetic Survey
C. at great distances from their place of origin
D. at the same time as the occurrence of earthquakes
E. in areas outside the Pacific region
11. It is believed that the waves are caused by
A. seismic changes
B. concentric time belts
C. atmospheric conditions
D. underwater earthquakes
E. storms
12. The normal maximum width of the waves is approximately
A. 5 feet
B. 0 feet
C. 1 mile
D. 5 miles
E. 30 miles
13. The U.s. coast and Geodetic Survey set up a program to
I. Prevent submarine earthquakes
II. Locate submarine earthquakes
III. Determine the severity of submarine earthquakes.

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A. I only
B. III only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III.
14. Nothing was done about the waves until
A. insurance could not cover damages
B. the outbreak of World War II
C. a solution was found
D. millions of dollars worth of damage was incurred in Hawaii
E. large areas in Chile were devastated
15. The movement of the waves has been measured at a speed of
A. 30 miles an hour
B. 40 mile an hour
C. 50 miles an hour
D. 100 miles an hour
E. more than 100 miles an hour
16. According to the passage, the waves occur most frequently in the area of
A. the Eastern U.s. seaboard
B. the Pacific
C. Argentina
D. Western Europe
E. Asia
17. Given present wave-tracking systems, scientists can forecast all of the following except
A. the severity of underwater earthquakes
B. the wave’s rate of travel
C. when a wave will strike
D. where a wave will strike

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E. the height of the wave

Sentence Correction
18. The grocer hadn’t hardly any of those kind of canned goods.
A. hadn’t hardly any of those kind
B. hadn’t hardly any of those kinds
C. had hardly any of those kind
D. had hardly any of those kinds
E. had scarcely any of those kind
19. Having stole the money, the police searched the thief.
A. Having stole the money, the police searched the thief.
B. Having stolen the money, the thief was searched by the police.
C. Having stolen he money, the police searched the thief.
D. Having stole the money, the thief was searched by the police.
E. Being that he stole the money, the police searched the thief.
20. The child is neither encouraged to be critical or to examine all the evidence for his opinion.
A. neither encourage to be critical or to examine
B. neither encouraged to be critical nor to examine
C. either encouraged to be critical or to examine
D. encourage either to be critical nor to examine
E. not encouraged either to be critical or to examine
21. The process by which the community influence the actions of its members is known as social
A. influence the actions of its members
B. influences the actions of its members
C. had influenced the actions of its members
D. influences the actions of their members
E. will influence the actions of its members

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22. To be sure, there would be scarcely no time left over for other things if school children would
have been expected to have considered all sides of every matter on which they hold opinions.
A. would have been expected to have considered
B. should have been expected to have considered
C. were expected to consider
D. will be expected to have been considered
E. were expected to be considered
23. Depending on skillful suggestion, argument is seldom used in advertising.
A. Depending on skillful suggestion, argument is seldom used in advertising.
B. Argument is seldom used by advertisers, who depend instead on skillful suggestion.
C. Skillful suggestion is depended on by advertising instead of argument.
D. Suggestion, which is more skillful, is used in place of argument by advertising.
E. Instead of suggestion, depending on argument is used by skillful advertisers.
24. When this war is over, no nation will either be instead in war or peace.
A. either be isolated in war or peace
B. be either isolated in war or peace
C. be isolated in neither war nor peace
D. be isolated either in war or in peace
E. be isolated neither in war or peace
25. Each will be within trading distance of all the others and will be able to strike them.
A. within trading distance of all the others and will be able to strike them
B. near enough o trade with and strike all the others
C. trading and striking the others
D. within trading and striking distance of all the others
E. able to strike and trade with all the others
26. However many mistakes have been made in out past, the tradition of America, not only the
champion of freedom but also fair play, still lives among millions who can see light and hope
scarcely anywhere else.
A. not only the champion of freedom but also fair play,

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B. the champion of not only freedom but also of fair play,

C. the champion not only of freedom but also of fair play,
D. not only the champion but also freedom and fair play,
E. not the champion of freedom only, but also fair play,
27. In giving expression to the play instincts of the human race, new vigor and effectiveness are
afforded by recreation to the body and to the mind.
A. new vigor and effectiveness are afforded by recreation to the body and to the mind
B. recreation affords new vigor and effectiveness to the body and to the mind
C. there are afforded new vigor and effectiveness to the body and to the mind
D. by recreation the body and mind are afforded new vigor and effectiveness
E. the body and the mind afford new vigor and effectiveness to themselves by
28. Play being recognized as an important factor in improving mental and physical health and
thereby reducing human misery and poverty.
A. Play being recognized as
B. By re
cognizing play as
C. Their recognizing play as
D. Recognition of it being
E. Play is recognized as

29. If she was to decide to go to college, I, for one, would recommend that she plan to go to Yale.
A. If she was to decide to go to college,
B. If she were to decide to go to college,
C. Had she decide to go to college,
D. In the event that she decides to go to college,
E. Supposing she was to decide to go to college,

30. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the party.
A. Except for you and I, everyone brought

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B. With exception of you and I, everyone brought

C. Except for you and I, everyone had brought
D. Except for you and me, everyone brought
E. Except for you and me, everyone had brought

31. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, you find a striking contrast between the
philosophy of the Cavalier poets such as Suckling and the attitude of the Metaphysical poets
such as Donne.
A. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, you find
B. When you read the poetry of the seventeenth century, one finds
C. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, he finds
D. If one reads the poetry of the 17th century, you find
E. As you read the poetry of the 17th century, one finds
32. Because of his broken hip, John Jones has not and possibly never will be able to run the mile
A. has not and possibly never will be able to run
B. has not and possibly will never be able to run
C. has not been and possibly never would be able to run
D. has not and possibly never would be able to run
E. has not been able to run and possibly never will be able to run
33. Had I realized how close I was to failing, I would not have gone to the party.
A. Had I realized how close
B. If I would have realized
C. Had I had realized how close
D. When I realized how close
E. If I realized how close
34. The football team’s winning it’s first game of the season excited the student body.
A. The football team’s winning it’s first game of the season
B. The football team having won it’s first game of the season

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C. The football team’s having won it’s first game of the season
D. The football team’s winning its first game of the season
E. The football team winnings it’s first game of the season

35. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a state-of-the-
art micro-computer.
A. if you have access to
B. if he has access to
C. if access is available to
D. by access to
E. from access to

36. No student had ought to be put into a situation where he has to choose between his loyalty to
his friends and his duty to the class.
A. No student had ought to be put into a situation where
B. No student had ought to be put into a situation in which
C. No student should be put into a situation where
D. No student ought to be put into a situation in which
E. No student ought to be put into a situation where
37. Being a realist, I could not accept her statement that supernatural beings had caused the
A. Being a realist,
B. Since I am a realist.
C. Being that I am a realist.
D. Being as I am a realist,
E. Realist that I am,
38. The reason I came late to class today is because the bus broke down.
A. I came late to class today is because
B. why I came late to class today is because
C. I was late to school today is because

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D. That I was late to school today is because

E. I came late to class today is that

Section 2 Quantitative

Problem Solving
Use the following graphs for questions 1–3

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39. If the average annual receipts from the corporation income tax during the years 1967-1970
equal x, then the average annual receipts during this period were about
A. 𝑥
B. 𝑥2
C. 3𝑥
D. 5𝑥
E. 𝑥5
40. The average annual combined outlay for veterans, education and manpower, and health and
income security was roughly what fraction of the average annual outlays?
A. 1
B. 1
C. 2
D. 1
E. 2

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41. If 5 of the average annual outlays for agriculture was spent in the western U.S., what
percentage of average annual outlays was spent on agriculture in the western U.S.?
A. 5
B. 1
C. 1
D. 2
E. 3.2
42. In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed $40 each, 45% contributed $20
each, and the rest contributed $12 each. What percentage of the total contributed came from
people who gave $40?
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 45%
E. 50%
43. A manufacturer of jam wants to make a profit of $75 by selling 300 jars of jam. It costs 65¢
each to make the first 100 jars of jam and 55¢ each to make each jar after the first 100. What
price should be charged for the 300 jars of jam?
A. $75
B. $175
C. $225
D. $240
E. $250
44. A car traveled 75% of the way from town A to town B by traveling for T hours at an average
speed of V mph. The car travels at an average speed of S mph for the remaining part of the trip.
Which of the following expressions represents the time the car traveled at S mph?

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C. 4𝑉𝑇
D. 3𝑆
45. A company makes a profit of 7% selling goods which cost $2,000; it also makes a profit of 6%
selling s machine that cost the company $5,000. How much total profit did the company make
on both transactions?
A. $300
B. $400
C. $420
D. $440
E. $490
46. If 𝑥 = 3, then 9𝑦2 equals
𝑦 𝑧

A. 𝑥2
B. 𝑥 3𝑧
C. 𝑥2𝑧2
D. 3𝑥2
1 22
( ) 𝑥 𝑧9

47. The operation * applied to a number gives as its result 10 subtracted from twice the number.
What is *(*9)?
A. –11
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9
E. 36
48. ABCD is a rectangle. The length of BE is 4 and the length of EC is 6. The area of triangle BEA
plus the area of triangle DCE minus the area of triangle AED is

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A. 0
B. .4 of the area of triangle AEB
C. .5 of the area of triangle AED
D. .5 of the area of ABCD
E. Cannot be determined
49. 36 identical chairs must be arranged in rows with the same number of chairs in each row. Each
row must contain at least three chairs and there must be at least three rows. A row is parallel to
the front of the room. How many different arrangements are possible?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 10

50. Which of the following solids has the largest volume? (Figures are not drawn to scale.)
I. A cylinder of radius 5 mm and height 11 mm (volume of a cylinder is 𝜋𝑟2ℎ)

II. A sphere of radius 6mm (volume of a sphere is 4 𝜋𝑟3)


III. A cube with edge of 9mm (volume of a cube is e3)

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A. I
D. I and II
E. II and III
51. A pension fund has a total of $1 million invested in stock of the ABC Company and bonds of
the DEF Corporation. The ABC stock yields 12% in cash each year, and the DEF bonds pay
10% in cash each year. The pension fund received a total of $115,000 in cash from ABC stock
and DEF bonds last year. How much money was invested in ABC stock?
A. $750,000.00
B. $600,000.00
C. $500,000.00
D. $333,333.33
E. $250,000.00
52. The ratio of chickens to pigs to horses on a farm can be expressed as the triple ratio 20 : 4 : 6. If
there are 120 chickens on the farm, then the number of hoses on the farm is
A. 4
B. 6
C. 24
D. 36
E. 60
53. If x2 – y2 = 15 and x + y = 3, then x – y is
A. –3
B. 0
C. 3

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D. 5
E. Cannot be determined

54. A trip takes 6 hours to complete. After traveling 1 of an hour, 1 3 hours, and 2 1 hours, how
4 8 3
much time does one need to complete the trip?
A. 1
2 hours
B. 1
2 hours, 2 minutes
C. 2 hours, 5 minutes
D. 1
2 hours
E. 1
2 hours, 7 minutes
55. It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size of the bacteria doubles each
day, how long did it take for the bacteria to fill one half of the dish?
A. 10 days
B. 15 days
C. 24 days
D. 29 days
E. 29.5 days
56. A car wash can wash 8 cars in 18 minutes. At this rate, how many cars can the car wash in the
3 hours/
A. 13
B. 40.5
C. 80
D. 125
E. 405
57. If the ratio of the areas of 2 squares is 2 : 1, then the ratio of the perimeters of the squares is
A. 1:2
B. 1: √2

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C. √2 ∶ 1
D. 2∶1
E. 4∶1
58. There are three types of tickets available for a concert: orchestra, which cost $12 each; balcony,
which cost $9 each; and box, which cost $25 each. There were P orchestra tickets, B balcony
tickets, and R box tickets sold for the concert. Which of the following expressions gives the
percentage of ticket proceeds due to the sale of orchestra tickets?
A. 𝑃
100 ×
(𝑃 + 𝐵 + 𝑅)
B. 12𝑃
100 ×
(12𝑃 + 9𝐵 + 25𝑅)
C. 12𝑃
(12𝑃 + 9𝐵 + 25𝑅)
D. (9𝐵 + 25𝑅)
100 ×
(12𝑃 + 9𝐵 + 25𝑅)
E. (12𝑃 + 9𝐵 + 25𝑅)
100 ×
59. City B is 5 miles east of City A. City C is 10 miles southeast of City B. Which of the following
is the closest to the distance from City A to City C?
A. 11 miles
B. 12 miles
C. 13 miles
D. 14 miles
E. 15 miles

60. If 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 8, then 4𝑦 − 6𝑥 is:

A. –16
B. –8
C. 8
D. 16
E. cannot be determined

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61. It costs 10¢ a kilometer to fly and 12¢ a kilometer to drive. If you travel 200 kilometers, flying
x kilometers of the distance and driving the rest, then the cost of the trip in dollars is
A. 20
B. 24
C. 24 – 2x
D. 24 – .02x
E. 2,400 – 2x
62. If two identical rectangles R1 and R2 form a square when placed next to each other, and the
length of R1 is x times the width of R1, then x is


A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 2
E. 3
63. If the area of a square increases by 69%, then the side of the square increases by
A. 13%
B. 30%
C. 39%
D. 69%
E. 130%
64. There are 30 socks in a drawer. 60% of the socks are red and the rest are blue. What is the
minimum number of socks that must be taken from the drawer without looking in order to be
certain that at least two blue socks have been chosen?
A. 2

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B. 3
C. 14
D. 16
E. 20
Use the following table for questions 30-32.

Distribution of Work Hours in a Factory

Number of Workers Number of Hours
20 45 – 50
15 40 – 44
25 35 – 39
16 30 – 34
4 0 – 29
80 3,100
65. What percentage of workers worked 40 or more hours?
A. 18.75
B. 25
C. 1

D. 40
E. 43.75
66. The number of workers who worked from 40 to 44 hours is x times the number who worked up
to 29 hours, where x is
A. 15
B. 3

C. 4
D. 5

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E. 1
67. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the table?
I. The average number of hours worked per worker is less than 40.
II. At least 3 worked more than 48 hours.
III. More than half of all the workers worked more than 40 hours.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. I and III only
E. I, II, and III
68. When a truck travels at 60 miles per hour, it uses 30% more gasoline to travel any distance than
it does when it travels at 50 miles per hour. The truck can travel 20 miles on a gallon of gas if it
is traveling at 50 miles per hour. The truck has only 10 gallons of gas and is 160 miles from its
destination. It takes 20 minutes for the truck to stop for gas. How long will it take the truck to
reach its final destination if the truck is driven at 60 miles per hour?
A. 160 minutes
B. 180 minutes
C. 190 minutes
D. 192 minutes
E. 195 minutes
69. Company A owns 40% of the stock in the XYZ corporation. Company B owns 15,000 shares.
Company C owns all the shares not owned by companies A or B. How many shares of stock
does company A own if company C has 25% more shares than company A?
A. 45,000
B. 50,000
C. 60,000
D. 75,000
E. 90,000
70. How many squares with sides 1 inch long are needed to cover a rectangle that is 4 feet long and
6 feet wide?
A. 24

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B. 96
C. 3,456
D. 13,824
E. 14,266

Quantitative Comparison
71. Column A Column B
Last week Martin received $10 in Last week Miguel sold 100 copies of this
commission for selling 100 copies of a magazine. He received his basic salary of $5
magazine. per week plus a commission of 2¢ for each of
the fist 25 copies sold, 3¢ for each of the next
25 copies sold and 4¢ for each copy
A. B. C. D. E.

A y B

x 30

B 30
2x y
A. B. C. D. E.
73. In triangle ABC, AC  AB and AC  BC (this concerns #23 and #24)
angle B angle A
A. B. C. D. E.
74. Column A Column B
angle B angle C
A. B. C. D. E.

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b c d

b d-c
A. B. C. D. E.
76. Column A Column B
(5) (144) (6) (122 )(52 )
A. B. C. D. E.
77. Column A Column B
7589 63 410
A. B. C. D. E.
78. Column A Column B
(369)(72) (10)(8)(369)
(3)(4)(5) (2)(3)(4)
A. B. C. D. E.
79. Column A Column B
0.9 3
2 10
A. B. C. D. E.
80. Column A Column B
14.4 1.2
A. B. C. D. E.

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