Essay Writings Topics
Essay Writings Topics
Essay Writings Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing Topics" might sound paradoxical at first glance. The
challenge lies in the vastness and diversity of potential subjects within the overarching theme. It's
akin to navigating an expansive ocean of ideas, where the sheer abundance of possibilities can be
both overwhelming and exhilarating.
One difficulty is deciding which specific aspect of essay writing topics to focus on. The term
encompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from the technical aspects like essay structure and formatting
to the creative elements of selecting engaging and relevant subjects. The writer must strike a balance
between offering practical insights into the mechanics of essay writing and delving into the more
subjective realm of topic selection and development.
Moreover, the task involves a certain level of introspection. The writer must reflect on their own
experiences, challenges, and triumphs in grappling with essay topics. This self-reflection adds a layer
of complexity, as it requires a thoughtful exploration of personal growth and learning, making the
essay not only an informative piece but also a journey of self-discovery.
Additionally, the dynamic nature of the essay writing landscape further complicates the process.
Trends, preferences, and academic expectations evolve, demanding constant adaptation and
awareness from the writer. Staying relevant and insightful in the face of these changes requires a
commitment to ongoing research and an understanding of the ever-shifting nuances of essay writing.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Writing Topics" demands a delicate balance
between the technical and creative aspects of writing, a willingness to engage in self-reflection, and
a commitment to staying abreast of the evolving landscape of academic writing. It's a challenge that
requires dedication, adaptability, and a genuine passion for the craft.
For those seeking assistance with such endeavors, it's worth exploring the resources available on
platforms like . Here, similar essays and a wealth of related content can be found,
offering valuable insights and guidance to writers navigating the intricate world of essay topics and
Essay Writings TopicsEssay Writings Topics
Incarceration Substance Abuse
Currently, America incarcerate a higher percentage of its citizens than any other
industrialized nation in the world. The negative impact of addiction to alcohol and drugs
on American culture and society is inescapable. Although various treatment models have
been developed and implemented over the years, a monumental number of people
struggling with substance dependence continue to be under treated. Whereas, many
people are questioning the criminalization people face because they ingest or consume
drugs, for the most part, the criminal justice system focus more on incarceration instead
of rehabilitation for the offenders and addicts.
Many Americans who are incarcerated were ingesting drugs or drinking alcohol, or both,
while committing their ... Show more content on ...
Grella, Hser, Teruya and Evans (2005) also noted a growing consensus among healthcare
providers in recent years regarding the need to improve the quality and provide for better
accountability by using evidence based treatment interventions for substance abuse
problems. Conversely, Gondles emphasized that the criminal justice system has a
responsibility to society and to offenders to continue developing and evaluating efficient,
effective, and cost conscience methods of delivering valid, evidence based treatment and
programs (2010, p. 6). Additionally, Gondles suggested that, We also have a legal, ethical,
and moral obligation to return offenders to the community in a reasonable state of health
to facilitate their successful reentry (2010, p. 6). Some significant examples of efforts by
the healthcare community to develop such guidelines include:
1.The principles of drug abuse treatment developed by the National Institute on Drug
Abuse (NIDA) identify a core set of empirically based interventions that can be used to
guide clinical practice (Grella et al., 2005, p. 469).
2.Equally, Hon (2003) reported that, The active ingredients of effective treatment for
alcohol problems have been distilled from several generations of research into the
treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence (2003, p.
Different Forms Of Identity Theft
Identity theft is when someone steals or takes your personal information using it without
your permission and can damage your finances, credit history and reputation. The
different forms of identity theft include social security identity theft, financial identity
theft, driver s license identity theft, criminal identity theft, medical identity theft,
insurance identity theft, synthetic identity theft, tax identity theft and child identity theft.
Social security identity theft is one of the most common because the social security
numberis one of the most valuable government based identity asset and American can
possess. When someone steals it, they can sell it to undocumented workers or use it to
steal properties. Using your social security
Operation Management on Ikea
An objective of writing this report is to identity and analyzes operation system applied
in IKEA, the well known low cost yet high quality home of furnishing. Function, process
and strategy of IKEA operation system will be accessed to identity the core competency
that lead to the successfulness of IKEA in the world. Besides, other purpose in complete
this report is to analyze the strength and weakness of operation system in IKEA.
Operation management is procedure where processes of production or deliver goods and
services is being monitoring and managing. Operations management is the activity of
managing the resources which produce and deliver products and services (Slack,
Chambers and Johnston, 2010). Operations ... Show more content on ...
As IKEA stores are located away from the urban areas, many customers may only
patronize the stores during weekends. Hence, the store may be relatively quiet during
the weekdays and highly packed with shoppers over the weekends. In the case of IKEA,
although it adopts the self service concept in their stores, it actually still maintains a high
level of contact with their customers. To ease and facilitate consumer s shopping, IKEA
provides catalogues, measuring tapes, shopping list and pencils. In addition, IKEA stores
are designed to have a family shopping experience with customer services and facilities
such as a restaurant, day care facilities and a Swedish shop. Parents can leave their
kids in a supervised play area, or keep their children with them in pushchairs provided
(Slack, Chambers and Johnston, 2007). The key point about IKEA is that it is different
to the rest of its industry. In typical furniture stores similar products are grouped together
and the final delivery of products to customers may take several weeks.
3.0 Problem of IKEA s Function
IKEA s corporate philosophy is to provide goods at a reasonable price. However, in
providing products at a lower price than expected, then profit maximization is reduced
(Rigby, 2011). This would be a possible threat on profit and may affect the growth for
IKEA. To prevent their stock from becoming dead stocks, IKEA only order items when
they are low in stock, provided the demand is there. Such as
Rigel And Deimos Creation Story
Originally there were two brothers ,Rigel and Deimos. Rigel, the God of stars, and
Deimos, the God of the planets, battled for the right to claim the sun as their own. The
sun was not just another empty void waiting to be filled with life, it was the most
beautiful thing ever to exist. The radiant sun was in fact a woman an oddity. Her name
was Melea. Rigel wanted the sunas a star and Deimos wanted it as a planet. Deimos
wanted to cripple Rigels power so he created a black hole to absorb his stars and
temporarily weaken his brother. Rigel, sullen by his brother s actions, conjured all of
his remaining power and shot down a shooting star to his brother s planet Kai. Kai was
one of many of Deimos s planets and like most of his brothers other... Show more content
on ...
As they grew up, their ability to utilize and apply their elemental powers became
phenomenal. They showed that they were truly prodigies. But amidst all of this Terra
and Astraea contested to marry Ignis. Ignis resided in his home, which happened to be
a volcano. The two Goddesses came to prove their worth to the God, but were evenly
matched. The Ignis decided that a battle would suffice for his hand. The goddesses
gathered at the top of the volcano and prepared to battle. As the battle began, Terra used
her powers over the Earth to cast tremendous boulders at Astraea. As Ignis watched the
giant rocks fly towards Astraea, he began to regret his decision. In an effort to save
Astraea, he projected spirals of fire towards the boulders. The fire flew through the air
just in time to destroy the boulders and save Astraea s life. Ignis was relieved, but
before he had the chance to explain, Terra became a wave of anger . She flung bigger
boulders faster than ever before. With only seconds until the rocks would impact
Astraea, both Ignis and Astraea s powers of fire and spirit met the gigantic boulders.
Never before had any three elements been combined. The elements fire, earth, and spirit
unexpectedly soldered. After the smoke and ashes and cleared, the gods were amazed.
Standing in front of them were two beings, that had never been created before. A woman
and a man had been created from the three elements combining. The goddesses
The Virtue Of Silence Essay
Of all the virtues that most men and women disregard, it is silence. People go about in
their everyday lives not even noticing the beauty of one s quot;inner silence. quot; Try
an experiment: Close your eyes. Tune out the sounds from everything that s surrounding
you, and focus on what is going on inside you. Take a deep breath and just listen. How
many inner voices did you hear? Most people do not even realize the amount of noise
that is carried around in the human body. As you can see, even in the remarkably noisy
age we live in, the real noise is on the inside. But even these noises can dissappear if one
wishes. All one needs to do is study one of many religions, such as Buddhism, ... Show
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One has to be able to drown out all sounds so that there is no sound to be heard. It s as
though it doesn t exist.
The Christian and Jewish methods, however, differ greatly. These two separate religions
believe that to go about reaching a state of perfect silence and meditation, one must pray
to God. Both of these religions teach that if a person wanted to drown out the rest of the
world, including one s own self, that person must pray. A meditative prayer where people
fall into a trance, allowing only thought to occur. No sound can penetrate their thoughts.
Absolute, utter silence.
Christianity, and mainly Monasticism, believe that silence keeps the heart and soul
pure. By not speaking, one may not taint their lips with quot;evil quot;. Hence, in
monasteries, monks take on vows of silence. They believe that with the help of God
they can overcome the urge to speak evil against anyone else, thus keeping there souls
pure. This, however, is much harder than it seems. Jews and Buddhists do not always
need to keep silent. Jews meditate and pray on a weekly basis. Buddhists, too, don t
feel as though they need to take on a full time vow like the monasteries demand. It is
detrimental to a monastic lifestyle that a vow of silence be kept. Its importance is to
help a monk concentrate on his prayers and his love of God. People who disregard this
important rule of monasticism are not tolerated because