0625 Scheme of Work (For Examination From 2023)

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Scheme of Work

Cambridge IGCSE™ / Cambridge IGCSE (9–1)

Physics 0625 /0972
For examination from 2023

Version 1
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Copyright © UCLES January 2021

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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Motion, forces and energy ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Thermal physics ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
3. Waves .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
4. Electricity and magnetism ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
5. Nuclear physics ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
6. Space physics ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Scheme of Work

This scheme of work has been designed to support you in your teaching and lesson planning. Making full use of this scheme of work will help you to improve both
your teaching and your learners’ potential. It is important to have a scheme of work in place in order for you to guarantee that the syllabus is covered fully. You
can choose what approach to take and you know the nature of your institution and the levels of ability of your learners. What follows is just one possible approach
you could take and you should always check the syllabus for the content of your course.
Suggestions for independent study (I) and formative assessment (F) are also included. Opportunities for differentiation are indicated as Extension activities; there is
the potential for differentiation by resource, grouping, expected level of outcome, and degree of support by teacher, throughout the scheme of work. Timings for
activities and feedback are left to the judgement of the teacher, according to the level of the learners and size of the class. Length of time allocated to a task is
another possible area for differentiation.

Guided learning hours

Guided learning hours give an indication of the amount of contact time you need to have with your learners to deliver a course. Our syllabuses are designed around
130 hours for Cambridge IGCSE courses. The number of hours may vary depending on local practice and your learners’ previous experience of the subject. The
table below gives some guidance about how many hours we recommend you spend on each topic area.

Topic Suggested teaching time (% of the course)

1 Motion, forces and energy It is recommended that this should take about 26% of the course.

2 Thermal physics It is recommended that this should take about 10% of the course.

3 Waves It is recommended that this should take about 18% of the course.

4 Electricity and magnetism It is recommended that this should take about 27% of the course.

5 Nuclear physics It is recommended that this should take about 8% of the course.

6 Space physics It is recommended that this should take about 11% of the course.

Scheme of Work
You can find the up-to-date resource list, including endorsed resources to support Cambridge IGCSE Physics on the Published resources tab of the syllabus page on
our public website here.
Endorsed textbooks have been written to be closely aligned to the syllabus they support, and have been through a detailed quality assurance process. All textbooks
endorsed by Cambridge International for this syllabus are the ideal resource to be used alongside this scheme of work as they cover each learning objective. In
addition to reading the syllabus, you should refer to the updated specimen assessment materials.

School Support Hub

The School Support Hub www.cambridgeinternational.org/support is a secure online resource bank and community forum for Cambridge teachers, where you can
download specimen and past question papers, mark schemes and other resources. We also offer online and face-to-face training; details of forthcoming training
opportunities are posted online. This scheme of work is available as PDF and an editable version in Microsoft Word format; both are available on the School Support
Hub at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support. If you are unable to use Microsoft Word you can download Open Office free of charge from www.openoffice.org

This scheme of work includes website links providing direct access to internet resources. Cambridge Assessment International Education is not responsible for the
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website or the site's owners (or their products/services).
The website pages referenced in this scheme of work were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other aspects of the sites were not checked and only the
particular resources are recommended.


Scheme of Work
How to get the most out of this scheme of work – integrating syllabus content, skills and teaching strategies
We have written this scheme of work for the Cambridge IGCSE Physics 0625/0972 syllabus and it provides some ideas and suggestions of how to cover the content
of the syllabus. We have designed the following features to help guide you through your course.

Learning objectives help your learners by making

clear the knowledge they are trying to build. Pass Suggested teaching activities give you lots of
these on to your learners by expressing them as ‘We
ideas about how you can present learners with
are learning to / about…’.
new information without teacher talk or videos.
Try more active methods which get your
learners motivated and practising new skills.

Resource Plus provides Teaching Packs

and experiment videos to develop you
Formative assessment (F) is ongoing learners’ practical science skills. available
assessment which informs you about for you to view and download at:
the progress of your learners. Don’t www.cambridgeinternational.org/support.
forget to leave time to review what your
learners have learnt: you could try
question and answer, tests, quizzes,
‘mind maps’, or ‘concept maps’. These Independent study (I)
kinds of activities can be found in the gives your learners the
scheme of work. opportunity to develop
their own ideas and
understanding with direct
input from you.
Extension activities provide
your more able learners with
further challenge beyond the
basic content of the course and
help prepare them for A Level Past papers, specimen papers and mark schemes
study and beyond. are available for you to download at:

Using these resources with your learners allows you to

check their progress and give them confidence and

Scheme of Work

1. Motion, forces and energy

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1.1.1 Physical Describe the use of Discuss the importance of measurements. Why do we take measurements? How do we ensure measurements are
quantities and rulers and measuring accurate and precise?
measurement cylinders to find a
techniques length or a volume Set up stations around the laboratory with different measuring instruments, as well as items for measurement, for
learners to move around in small groups or pairs. Learners can take measurements of the following: width of a book,
1.1.2 Describe how to area of laboratory floor, thickness of a piece of paper (they should consider measuring multiples), volume of a small rock,
measure a variety of time to get your attention, time to walk across the laboratory, time of one pendulum swing (measuring multiples), etc.
time intervals using
clocks and digital Make sure learners understand the importance of taking multiple readings and calculating a mean. For a value of a small
timers distance or a short interval of time, learners should measure multiples and calculate a mean (including the period of a
1.1.3 Determine an average
value for a small Interactive websites showing the scale of the real world:
distance and for a www.nikon.com/about/sp/universcale/scale.htm
short interval of time https://scaleofuniverse.com
by measuring multiples
(including the period of Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
oscillation of a Introduce precision, accuracy and error in measurements. The bull’s-eye analogy may help you explain the difference
pendulum) between them. Discuss systematic errors and random errors.

Bull’s-eye analogy of precision and accuracy:


1.1.4 Physical Understand that a Introduce the definitions of scalars and vectors. Using quantities learners have come across before for them to identify
quantities and scalar quantity has which are scalars and which are vectors. Add more examples of scalars to include: distance, speed, time, mass, energy,
measurement magnitude (size) only temperature and pressure. Add more examples of vectors to include: displacement, force, weight, velocity, acceleration,
techniques and that a vector electric field strength and gravitational field strength.
quantity has
magnitude and Use a ball to explain the difference between distance and displacement, relating back to the difference between scalars
direction and vectors. Throw the ball to a learner and ask the class to estimate the distance the ball has travelled. What is the
displacement? Learners should note that in this case the distance is the same as the displacement. The learner with the
1.1.5 Know that the ball can then throw the ball back to you and the learners can estimate the distance and the displacement. Learners
following quantities are should now note that the distance and displacement have different values.
scalars: distance,

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

speed, time, mass, Emphasise that any quantity that links with a direction word is a vector. Both a force of 3.0 N upwards and a
energy and displacement of 0.45 m west make sense; but a temperature of 47 °C sideways does not.
Explain that scalars always add to create a larger value. Discuss the example of going for a rambling walk. The walker
1.1.6 Know that the might walk 1km north, 2km east and 5km north. In total the walker has travelled a distance of 8km and this is a scalar
following quantities are value.
vectors: force, weight,
velocity, acceleration, Explain that vectors have direction and this changes how they add. Introduce simple examples of multiple forces acting
momentum, electric on a block in the left and right direction. Include up and down. Highlight how they can cancel out in some cases. What
field strength and can we do when they do not cancel out and are perpendicular to each other?
gravitational field
strength Introduce how to add vectors graphically. Learners should pick an appropriate scale and use a protractor to measure and
draw angles. Demonstrate both the ‘head-to-tail’ method and the ‘parallelogram’ method for the addition of two vectors.
1.1.7 Determine, by Learners practise adding and subtracting pairs of vectors graphically. You could use online simulations or diagrams to
calculation or visually demonstrate vector addition. (F)
graphically, the
Introduce how to add vectors at right angles to each other mathematically using Pythagoras’ theorem. Learners now
resultant of two
check the resultant vectors for any perpendicular vectors they have previously added graphically with this mathematical
vectors at right angles,
method. (F)
limited to forces or
velocities only Set learners more questions for practice. (F)

A simple plenary task is sorting quantities into scalars and vectors. Do this either as a group activity on the board or in
small groups with the quantities printed onto cards to sort.


Vector addition simulation:


Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Introduce how to resolve a vector into vertical and horizontal components using trigonometry. Use online simulations
and/or diagrams.

Resolving vectors in components:


Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1.2.1 Motion Define speed as Ask learners for a definition of speed. They may be able to explain that it depends on how far is travelled in a certain
distance travelled per amount of time.
unit time; recall and
s Introduce the equation for speed and demonstrate a calculation. This is useful for calculating the speed at a specific
use the equation v =
t point in time or over a small time interval e.g. how fast a car is travelling when caught by a speed camera. Explain that
speed and velocity may have the same value, but velocity can have a negative symbol to show direction.
Define velocity as
speed in a given Consider average speed for journeys where the speed changes: a train making stops at stations, a car slowing down due
direction to traffic, an athlete accelerating to reach their maximum speed in a sprint, etc. Explain that average speed can be
calculated from knowing the total distance travelled and the time taken.
Recall and use the
equation Introduce the equation for average speed and demonstrate a calculation.
average speed =
total distance travelled Learners take measurements of distance and time and use these to calculate speed. They can set up a course of a set
total time taken distance (measured out with a trundle wheel or metre rules) and measure the time it takes for them to walk/run/travel the
distance. Alternatively they can use a long corridor and measure the time it takes for other learners/teachers/visitors to
Define acceleration as travel the measured distance.
change in velocity per
Set learners questions to practise calculation of speed, distance and time. (F)
unit time; recall and
use the equation a = Speed and velocity:

1.2.12 Know that a Extended assessment: 1.2.9 and 1.2.12

deceleration is a
negative acceleration Recap the difference between distance and displacement, and link to speed and velocity. Remind learners of the ball
and use this in demonstration where learners estimate the distance and displacement of the ball as it is passed around the class.
calculations Remind learners that distance and displacement may have different values.

Ask learners to give an example of acceleration. They may suggest a racing car accelerating very quickly off a start line.
Clarify that all objects have to accelerate or decelerate to change velocity. Ask learners to define deceleration. Clarify
that deceleration is negative acceleration and causes the velocity to decrease.

Learners use ticker tape timers to investigate constant velocity, acceleration and deceleration. They measure the
distance between dots, or the distance between a set number of dots and, using the frequency of the ticker tape timer,
calculate values of velocity and acceleration.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners use light gates and datalogger set-ups to measure the initial and final velocities of an interrupt card attached to
a moving trolley or toy car and the time between those measurements. Learners then calculate the acceleration.
Constant acceleration can be achieved by using a ramp or a mass on a pulley.

Set learners questions to practise calculation of acceleration, change in velocity and time. (F)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Use the definition of acceleration to explain the units for acceleration. Show learners how they can be written as ms-2
rather than m/s2 and explain this mathematically.

1.2.4 Motion Sketch, plot and Learners, in pairs, each sketch a distance–time graph, act the motion shown to their partner, interpret the motion of their
interpret distance–time partner and draw the distance–time graph for the observed motion of their partner.
and speed–time
graphs Ask learners what the gradient of a distance–time graph represents. Learners may be able to link their understanding of
how to calculate the gradient to the definition of speed. Show learners how to find the gradient, and thus the speed or
1.2.5 Determine, velocity, of a distance–time graph.
qualitatively, from
given data or the Give learners distance–time graphs to match up with the appropriate description. Examples can include an object
shape of a moving at constant velocity, an object that is accelerating, a stationary object, etc.
distance–time graph or
speed-time graph Give learners descriptions to draw as distance-time graphs. This works particularly well on miniature whiteboards as a
when an object is: group interactive task so that learners can compare and discuss what they’ve drawn. Examples can include someone
walking to the bus stop, someone walking backwards, someone sprinting from standstill, etc.
(a) at rest
(b) moving with Learners use motion sensor and datalogger set-ups to investigate the relationship between motion and distance–time
constant speed graphs. Set learners the challenge of recreating distance–time graphs you give to them – they have to interpret a
(c) accelerating distance–time graph and act out the motion. Learners investigate how constant speed, acceleration and deceleration
(d) decelerating appear on the distance–time graph created by a datalogger connected to a motion sensor.

Learners use ticker tape timers to investigate motion. They measure the distance between dots and, using the time
1.2.6 Calculate speed from between each dot, plot distance–time graphs.
the gradient of a
straight-line section of Learners plot simple distance– or speed–time graphs for their journey to school. They can add more detail by labelling
a distance–time graph the events that take place on the journey e.g. the school bus stops at traffic lights.

1.2.7 Calculate the area Set learners questions that involve interpreting and plotting distance–time graphs. (F)
under a speed-time
graph to determine the Learners can investigate motion and motion graphs further using The Moving Man simulation that plots motion: (I)
distance travelled for https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/moving-man

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

motion with constant

speed of constant

1.2.10 Determine from given To recap their understanding, give learners distance–time graphs for various types of motion such as constant speed,
Motion data or the shape of a constant acceleration and changing acceleration. Learners match the descriptions to the graphs. Learners draw speed–
speed-time graph time graphs from descriptions you give.
when an object is
moving with: Ask learners what the gradient of a speed–time graph represents. Learners may be able to link their understanding of
(a) constant how to calculate the gradient to the definition of acceleration.
(b) changing Set learners questions that involve interpreting and plotting speed–time graphs, as well as calculating acceleration from
acceleration the gradient. (F)

1.2.11 Calculate acceleration Give learners distance–time graphs and speed–time graphs for various types of motions such as constant speed,
from the gradient of a acceleration and deceleration. Learners match up the graphs to reinforce their understanding of these two types of
speed-time graph graph. (F)

Resource Plus
Carry out the Speed–time graphs experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and resources.

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Introduce the equation of motion 𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2 . Use a velocity–time graph showing an object starting at an initial velocity,
u, and undergoing a constant acceleration, a, for period of time, t, until reaching a final velocity, v. The area under the
line is equal to the displacement, s. Demonstrate how to apply this equation of motion to simple examples.

Introduce how the tangent of a curved graph can be used to find the acceleration at that point in time.

1.2.8 Motion State that the Start the lesson by showing learners an apple and asking learners how much it weighs. Learners estimate the mass of
acceleration of free fall the apple. Allow learners to make guesses without saying whether they are right or wrong. A learner may correctly give
g for an object near to the unit of Newtons, rather than grams or kilograms. Introduce the idea that mass and weight are different quantities that
the surface of the are often confused.
Earth is approximately
constant and is Learners investigate the relationship between mass and weight. They use an electronic balance to measure the mass of
approximately various objects or they can use slotted masses of 100g each. Learners use a force meter to measure the weight. They
9.8 m/s2

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1.3.1 Mass State that mass is a plot a graph of weight against mass and calculate the gradient. Introduce the value of the gradient as the gravitational
and weight measure of the field strength.
quantity of matter in an
object at rest relative Relate weight, mass and gravitational field strength together with the equation.
to the observer
Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
1.3.2 State that weight is a
gravitational force on Define gravitational field strength and link to the acceleration of free-fall for an object near to the surface of the Earth.
an object that has Highlight that this value is constant. Explain to learners that all objects experience the same acceleration due to free-fall,
mass but often it does not appear this way due to the presence of air resistance. This will be covered further with terminal
1.3.3 Define gravitational
Stick pictures of the planets and the Sun in our solar system on the walls of the classroom, with values of their
field strength as force
gravitational field strength. Learners hunt to find the different planets and their values of g and use these to calculate
per unit mass; recall
their weight on these planets. Learners may need to first measure their mass using bathroom scales. Some learners may
and use the equation
w be sensitive about their mass so you may offer to share your mass with the class for use in calculations.
g= and know that
this is equivalent to the Learners discuss how Olympic records might change if competitions were held on the surface of Mars one day.
acceleration of free fall Assuming athletes had sufficient air and pressure, learners estimate how records for weightlifting, javelin, high jump,
sprints, etc., would change with a different value of gravitational field strength.
1.3.4 Know that weights,
(and masses) may be Set learners more questions for practice. (F)
compared using a
balance Extended assessment: 1.3.5

Describe, and use the Clarify that a gravitational field is a region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction and this
concept of, weight as value changes depending on the size of the mass creating the field and the distance away from this mass.
the effect of a Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
gravitational field on a
Introduce Newton’s law of gravitation as an equation. Introduce the gravitational constant and highlight its small scale.
This helps to explain why only very large masses produce significant forces.

Ask learners to calculate their gravitational attraction to any other person in the room. Discuss with learners why these
forces go unnoticed.

Learners can investigate attractive force between masses further using the Gravity Force Lab simulation: (I)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1.4.1 Density Define density as Ask learners to define density. They may describe it in terms of how closely packed a substance’s particles are or use
mass per unit volume; the equation.
recall and use the
m Learners consider how heating a substance affects its density. Highlight water as an exception to the general rule that
 solids are denser than liquids.
equation V
Highlight the correct process for converting between g/cm 3 and kg/m3. Learners may feel confident converting between g
Describe how to and kg, but they may get confused with cm3 and m3. Use multiple metre rules to make a physical metre cubed, to help
1.4.2 determine the density them to visualise and understand how squaring and cubing 1m also squares and cubes 100cm, producing a much larger
of a liquid, of a number than they might expect.
regularly shaped solid
and of an irregularly Set learners more questions for practice. (F)
shaped solid which
sinks in a liquid Learners investigate how density relates to floating, how to compare density data and how to find the volume of an object
(volume by using Archimedes’ principle with the Buoyancy simulation: (I)
displacement), https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/buoyancy
including appropriate
calculations. Resource Plus
Carry out the Determining the density of solids and liquids experiments referring to Teaching Pack for lesson
Determine whether an plans and resources.
1.4.3 object floats based on
density data Extended assessment: 1.4.4

Determine whether Learners can investigate liquids that do not mix and consider how their densities determine the order of the liquids.
1.4.4 one liquid will float on Learners can observe/investigate oil on water, coloured fresh water on saltwater, etc. They should compare the density
another liquid based data and make predictions.
on density data given
that the liquids do not https://www.sciencefun.org/kidszone/experiments/layers-of-liquids/
mix Determine the Ask learners to name as many different types of force as possible. Reinforce that all forces are measured in Newtons.
Effects of resultant of two or
forces more forces acting Ask learners to sort the list of forces they have compiled into contact and non-contact forces. They may get confused
along the same with air resistance because air is invisible, but it does make contact at all times. Learners wave their hands around
straight line quickly to feel the ‘wind’ they produce as they move through the air and experience air resistance. Know that an object Introduce free-body diagrams as a simple and clear way of showing the size and direction of forces acting on a body.
either remains at rest

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

or continues in a Learners investigate the effect of multiple forces by making a simple ball from scrap paper and using straws to apply
straight line at similar forces from various angles. Working in small groups they observe what happens when a single force is applied by
constant speed unless blowing through the straw at the paper ball, two forces from different angles and multiple forces in varied combinations.
acted on by a resultant Learners make predictions before testing each scenario. They may note that in reality it is very difficult to each provide
force the same force and apply them at the correct angles. Learners may conclude that forces can ‘cancel each other out’ or
add together depending on their values and direction, relating to the fact that forces are vectors. State that a resultant
force may change the Introduce Newton’s first law and the term ‘resultant force’ to explain how forces produce changes to motion or speed.
velocity of an object by
changing its direction Ask learners to consider what would happen if a tennis ball was thrown in space. They may be able to explain that, as
of motion or its speed long as the ball does not hit anything, it will travel forever as there are no forces to change its motion. Recall and use the Show learners simple free-body diagrams for them to quickly work out the resultant force. Learners can answer by using
equation F = ma and miniature whiteboards. (F)
know that the force
Learners carry out a ‘tug of war’ to demonstrate addition of forces as vectors. Different numbers of learners on either
and the acceleration
side should result in a clear win for the side with the most force.
are in the same
direction Set learners practice questions on finding the resultant force. (F)

Learners investigate forces and motion further using the following simulations that investigate forces and motion: (I)

Extended assessment:

Recap the idea that forces can cause changes in motion or speed, as well as shape. Link Newton’s first law to the
second by highlighting that changes in motion or speed means there must be acceleration.

Introduce the equation F = ma

Set learners simple questions for practice. (F) Describe solid friction Show learners a video of a spacecraft re-entering Earth’s atmosphere and landing safely in the ocean. Ask learners to
Effects of as the force between explain why the spacecraft does not accelerate forever and why it gets so hot. Learners should link the force of friction to
forces two surfaces that may the idea of the spacecraft not traveling too fast and its increase in heat.
impede motion and
produce heating

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Remind learners that friction is present for all objects in motion on Earth due to our atmosphere. Ask learners to suggest Know that friction other sources of friction and a scenario where friction is important e.g. brakes to control the motion of a car. Learners can
(drag) acts on an feel how friction produces heating by quickly rubbing their hands together.
object moving through
a liquid Ask learners to explain the motion of objects acted on by constant forces. Know that friction Remind learners that all objects experience the same acceleration due to free-fall, but often it does not appear this way
(drag) acts on an due to the presence of air resistance. Demonstrate the guinea and feather drop:
object moving through https://spark.iop.org/guinea-and-feather
a gas (e.g. air
resistance) Show the Apollo 15 hammer-feather drop:
1.2.13 Describe the motion of
Motion objects falling in a Extended assessment: 1.2.13
uniform gravitational
field with and without Ask learners to identify the forces on a parachutist. Learners should identify weight and air resistance. Ask learners how,
air/liquid resistance or if, these forces change during the fall.
(including reference to
terminal velocity) Show learners a video of a parachute jump, perhaps the extreme record-breaking free fall parachute jump in 2012. Ask
learners to consider how the velocity changes throughout. Learners sketch a velocity–time graph of the motion as they
watch the video:

Introduce the idea of terminal velocity and the conditions under which it occurs.

Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)

You could give learners the qualitative task of designing, building and testing a parachute to safely protect the fall and
landing of a raw egg. (F)

Learners investigate terminal velocity further by timing the fall of objects through a viscous liquid, such as concentrated
cleaning detergent. Learners set up equal intervals of distance and measure the time it takes for the object to fall. If the
time intervals are equal, the object is falling at terminal velocity.

Learners investigate terminal velocity further using the simulation. Complete toolkit on terminal velocity including
interactive simulation and animations: (I)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Set learners the task of drawing a series of free-body diagrams of a parachutist falling from a plane and opening a
parachute over several snapshots of time. Learners should consider weight and air resistance, direction and size of both
forces, motion before and after the parachute is opened and where terminal velocity occurs. Animations of parachutists
may aid this. (F)

Learners can research factors that affect the value of drag and qualitatively design an aerodynamic vehicle. (I)

Learners can investigate space travel using constant acceleration, building on the idea of a constant driving force with no
drag, and explain why a spacecraft cannot accelerate forever. (I)

How does a package fall from a plane if it is dropped while the plane flies with a constant velocity? Discuss the possible
trajectories and encourage learners to consider the forces acting, ignoring air resistance. Introduce the idea of projectile
motion to learners and see if they can identify other scenarios where it takes place, e.g. firing a cannon ball at an angle
to the horizontal. Demonstrate projectile motion using a simulation:
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/projectile-motion Know that forces may Recap the idea that forces can cause changes in motion or speed, as well as shape.
Effects of produce changes in
forces the size and shape of Learners investigate Hooke’s law using a helical spring and masses. Clarify the difference between length and
an object extension. Learners plot a load–extension graph of their results. Sketch, plot and Learners write out the experimental procedure for collecting the results needed to produce a load–extension graph.
interpret load– Learners then swap procedures with each other and attempt to carry them out explicitly to highlight any errors or missing
extension graphs for instructions.
an elastic solid and
describe the Extended assessment: and
Introduce the equation F = kx and link to the graph plotted. Define the spring constant and show the rearranged
Learners find the spring constant by finding the gradient of their graph. They use the spring constant to make predictions Define the spring for the extension produced by values of force that they did not test.
constant as force per
unit extension; recall Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions for practice. (F)
and use the equation
F Use the load–extension graph to identify the limit of proportionality and link to Hooke’s law (an understanding of the
k= elastic limit is not required).

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Define and use the Learners investigate Hooke’s law further with the Hooke’s law simulation. They can use the simulation to collect, plot and
term ‘limit of analyse results: (I)
proportionality’ for a https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/hookes-law
load–extension graph
and identify this point Learners find the value of weight for the various mystery masses using the Masses and Springs: Basics simulation (I):
on the graph (an https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/masses-and-springs-basics
understanding of the
elastic limit is not Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
required) Learners consider the energy stored by a spring and investigate this, amongst other activities, using the Masses and
Springs simulation: (I)
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/masses-and-springs State what is meant by Ask learners to find the centre of gravity for a ruler or pen from their pencil case. Learners will begin by balancing them
Centre of centre of gravity on their fingers. Ask learners to define the centre of gravity.
Learners investigate their own centre of gravity. Without bending at the knees or waist, they tip forwards while standing Describe an up until they feel they are about to fall. When does this occur? Learners may identify that when their centre of gravity is
experiment to no longer supported by their base (their feet), they become unstable and fall. How can the learners be more stable?
determine the position They may take up a sumo wrestler position with a wide stance and a lowered centre of gravity with bent knees.
of the centre of gravity
of an irregularly Learners try various tasks that are made much more difficult when they are not allowed to shift their centre of gravity:
shaped plane lamina picking up a pen from the floor in front of them with their back and feet flat against a wall, lifting one leg while they stand
sideways to the wall, etc. Learners should notice how they constantly shift their centre of gravity as they move. Describe, qualitatively,
the effect of the Demonstrate ‘tricks’ that seem to defy gravity, but are simply utilising a non-central centre of gravity:
position of the centre
 Make a metre ruler balance on the edge of a desk using some string and a hammer
of gravity on the
stability of simple
objects  Make a matchbox overhang a desk by more than half of its length by placing some coins to one side and holding
them in place in the box with adhesive putty
 Stack some books in a seemingly impossible arc as long as the centre of gravity remains over the table.

Learners find the centre of gravity of an irregular 2-D cardboard shape by suspending it from an optical pin and hanging
a plumb line from the same point. The centre of gravity of the shape will lie beneath the suspension point and the plumb
line will permit learners to mark a line where this must be. Changing the suspension point should allow them to find
another line and where these lines cross is the centre of gravity.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners investigate the centre of gravity of other objects. When do they tip over? How does adding mass to an object
change its stability? e.g. liquid in a wine glass or adding modelling clay to a ruler.

Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)

Learners list objects that are unstable and pick one to redesign e.g. a wine glass or a filing cabinet can be designed to be
wider and lower. (I) Describe the moment Set up a balance beam with two items of different mass either side. Use objects that learners will recognise and engage
Turning of a force as a with. Ask learners how the beam balances with the objects at different locations, but tips when one is moved.
effect of measure of its turning
forces effect and give Ask for two volunteers. Learners may want to declare themselves as the ‘strongest’ and ‘weakest’ in the class. Set the
everyday examples ‘strongest’ learner outside the door and explain that they must open the door but can only place their hands on the door
close to the hinge. The ‘weakest’ learner should try to stop them from coming in, but may use the handle, far away from Define the moment of the hinge. The ‘strongest’ learner will struggle to open the door because, despite their large force, the small distance
a force as moment = from the hinge will decrease the turning effect and their ability to open the door.
force × perpendicular
distance from the Define the moment and introduce the equation.
pivot; recall and use
this equation Learners identify the pivot, the location where the force is applied and the perpendicular distance on pictures of objects
that use moments: water taps, a door, a spanner, a wheelbarrow, etc. Apply the principle of
Learners investigate the amount of force required to tip a clamp stand over by using a force meter and measuring the
moments to situations
force required at different heights (measured with a metre rule) from the base. Learners should find that the moment is
with one force each
roughly the same each time, but more force is required the shorter the distance is from the base (which acts as the
side of the pivot,
including balancing of
a beam Direct learners to set up their own balance beam to investigate. Set learners specific values of force (the weight of the
masses) and distance and direct them to find the missing value that allows the beam to balance. Ask them what State that, when there relationship links their results. Identify the point when the beam balances as equilibrium.
is no resultant
moment, an object is Set learners qualitative and quantitative questions for practice. (F)
in equilibrium
Extended assessment: and Apply the principle of
moments to other Learners can investigate a balance beam with more than one force on each side.
situations, including
those with more than Learners can investigate other scenarios involving moments.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

one force each side of Learners write their own method for demonstrating that there is no resultant moment on an object in equilibrium.
the pivot
Resource Plus Describe an Carry out the Determining the principle of moments experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and
experiment to resources.
demonstrate that there
is no resultant moment Learners can investigate moments further with the simulations: (I)
on an object in https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/balancing-act
equilibrium https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/torque Describe, qualitatively, Introduce motion in a circle by demonstrating a spinning bucket with water inside. Learners can volunteer to try this. The
Circular motion in a circular bucket can be spun horizontally or vertically and as long as it moves fast enough, no water is spilt. Ask learners whether
motion path due to a force the bucket is accelerating and what happens if the rope breaks. Relate this last question to the Olympic field sports of the
perpendicular to the hammer throw or discus throw.
motion as:
Consider other examples of circular motion: cars travelling around bends, cars travelling over a hill, planets orbiting stars,
(a) speed increases if electrons in orbit of a nucleus, a bung on a string, a Ferris wheel, a cyclist on a banked track, etc.
force increases,
with mass and Qualitatively describe circular motion in terms of force, speed, mass and radius.
radius constant
Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)
(b) radius decreases
if force increases, Learners can investigate circular motion further using the Rotation simulation: (I)
with mass and
speed constant
(c) an increased Learners may find it interesting to watch videos of circular motion in a weightless environment, such as those made by
mass requires an Tim Peake on the International Space Station:
increased force to www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/228680/circular-motion-ball-tether-released-vertical-plane
keep speed and
radius constant Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
mv2 F = mv2 / r is not required at Cambridge IGCSE Physics, but it might stretch and interest some learners to introduce this
(F= is not equation. Learners can carry out some simple calculations using the new equation.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

1.6.1 Define momentum as Ask learners which has more momentum, a lorry or a football. The learners may not be able to define momentum, but
Momentum mass × velocity; recall they may identify that a lorry is likely to have more of it. Ask learners what variables they think affect momentum. They
and use the equation may identify mass and velocity (or speed).
p = mv
Define momentum and introduce the equation.
1.6.2 Define impulse as
force × time for which Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
force acts; recall and
use the equation Define impulse and relate to momentum and force.
impulse = FΔt = Δ(mv)
To stimulate learners’ interest, look at real-life applications of impulse, force and momentum calculations, such as its
consideration in car safety. Seat belts, air bags and crumple zones all function to increase the time over which the
1.6.3 Apply the principle of
momentum changes, thus decreasing the force on the passengers in the vehicle if a sudden stop occurs.
the conservation of
momentum to solve Animation of how airbags work:
simple problems in https://animagraffs.com/airbag/
one dimension
Animation of traffic collision reconstruction:
1.6.4 Define resultant force https://animagraffs.com/traffic-collision-reconstruction/
as the change in
momentum per unit A large cloth sheet can be held stretched out with a dip at the bottom and an egg thrown hard at it. The egg will not break
time; recall and use on impact with the sheet, no matter how hard the egg is thrown, but instead faces the most danger from falling onto the
the equation F = ground afterwards. The sheet allows the egg to reduce its large momentum to zero gradually, just like the car features
mentioned. If the egg hits the ground, its momentum reduces too quickly for it to remain intact.

Introduce the conservation of momentum using examples of collisions such as a train and a truck, billiard balls, cars, etc.

Demonstrate how to mathematically solve various simple problems to reiterate the importance of starting from the same
concepts each time and logically reaching a solution.

Set learners questions that use the conservation of momentum to solve simple problems in one dimension. (F)

Demonstrate the transfer and conservation of momentum by dropping a football with a tennis ball below it such that the
football’s momentum is transferred to the tennis ball, causing it to shoot upwards quickly.

Learners can investigate the conservation of momentum further using the Collision Lab simulation: (I)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Look at force–time graphs for impacts and relate to the change of momentum. Consider how a force-time graph for the
object A and object B, and their forces, relate to Newton’s third law of motion

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Relate the definition of impulse to Newton’s second law of motion. State that energy may Ask learners to suggest energy stores. Show pictures as prompts to help learners identify them all e.g. fire for thermal,
Energy, work be stored as kinetic, magnets for magnetic, a runner for kinetic, etc.
and power gravitational potential,
chemical, elastic Ask learners if energy is ever lost. They may identify that energy can be wasted, or transferred to forms that are not
(strain), nuclear, useful, but it is never lost or destroyed.
electrostatic and
internal (thermal) Introduce the principle of the conservation of energy. Provide some examples to show how energy can be transferred
between stores during events and processes. Describe how energy
is transferred between Set up various demonstrations around the classroom with which learners can interact. Learners identify the energy
stores during events stores and the events or processes that allow the energy to be transferred. These demonstrations can include: a
and processes, dynamo, a spring-loaded toy, a pendulum, a cell-powered lamp, a microphone and oscilloscope, a mass on a spring, a
including examples of tennis ball to be dropped, etc.
transfer by forces
Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
(mechanical working),
electrical currents Learners can investigate the conservation of energy further using the Energy Skate Park simulations: (I)
(electrical work done), https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/energy-skate-park-basics
heating, and by https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/energy-skate-park
sound and other
waves Know the principle of

the conservation of
energy and apply this
principle to simple
examples including the
interpretation of simple
flow diagrams

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Work Understand that Ask learners if ‘work’ is done when a bag is carried upstairs. What if the bag is carried along a corridor? What if the bag
mechanical or is dragged along the floor?
electrical work done is
equal to the energy Introduce work done and clarify the relationship between force and distance. Work is only done when some component
transferred of force is applied in the same direction as the distance moved. Work done is the same as energy transferred. Recall and use the Consider examples of doing work, e.g. when a bag is carried upstairs, chemical energy (of the person carrying the bag)
equation for is converted into gravitational potential energy through the process of mechanical working.
mechanical working
W = Fd = ΔE Introduce the equation and demonstrate simple calculations.

Learners investigate the work done by using a force meter to move objects a measured distance: opening a door, lifting
an object onto a table, pulling an object along the floor, etc. They then calculate the work done using their measurements
of force and distance.

Set learners questions for practice. (F) Recall and use the Recap the definition of gravitational potential energy. Ask learners what they think the equation depends on. They may
Energy equation for kinetic identify mass, height and gravitational field strength as important variables.
energy Ek = mv2
2 Derive gravitational potential energy using the definition of work done and weight.
Recall and use the Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
equation for the
change in gravitational Learners investigate the gravitational potential energy of various objects by taking measurements of mass and height. (I)
potential energy
Recap the definition of kinetic energy. Ask learners what they think the equation depends on. They may identify mass
ΔEp = mgΔh
and velocity as important variables.

Introduce the equation and demonstrate a calculation to highlight the mistakes that learners often make with the ½ and
the square of the velocity.

Highlight how doubling the velocity quadruples the kinetic energy. Relate to learners’ understanding of car safety and
speed limits.

Show learners how the conservation of energy can be used to find the final velocity for a falling object by equating
gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Set learners more questions for practice. (F)

Learners can use a falling ball to investigate energy transfer and efficiency by measuring initial and rebound heights.

Using a curved track, ask learners to consider a marble (or ball bearing) rolling down a track that is shallow and then
steep versus a track that is steep and then shallow. Is the kinetic energy at the end the same for both balls? Necessarily,
because the initial gravitational potential energy will be the same if they are released from the same height. Is the final
velocity the same? Necessarily, because the kinetic energy is the same. Does the ball take the same amount of time to
travel down the track in both cases? No, because although the ball reaches the same final velocity in both cases, the one
with the steeper track at the beginning will experience a larger acceleration earlier on, therefore having a higher average
velocity and a shorter time.

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Derive kinetic energy using the definition of work done and the equation of motion 𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠. Explain the equation of
motion first, if learners have not seen it before. Ask learners the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. They may be able to explain this
Describe how useful
Energy simply. Clarify any misconceptions and see if learners can give any examples for either category.
energy may be
obtained, or electrical Assign the different energy sources, as listed in the syllabus, to learners such that they work in small groups to carry out
power generated, research. They can then prepare and present their findings to the rest of the class. Learners should explain how these
from: sources can be used to obtain useful energy and their advantages/disadvantages. Learners mark each other’s
(a) chemical energy presentations and handouts. It will be worth recapping the key points when learners finish their presentations.
stored in fossil
fuels Identify the key energy stores and processes or events in each of the sources to aid understanding.
(b) chemical energy
stored in biofuels Explain the key elements of an electrical power station, including a boiler, turbine and generator, as they are used with
(c) water, including many of the sources.
the energy stored
in waves, in tides, Set learners qualitative questions to consolidate their learning. (F)
and in water
behind Learners can investigate simplified energy sources further using the Energy forms and changes simulation: (I)
hydroelectric https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/energy-forms-and-changes/latest/energy-forms-and-changes_en.html
(d) geothermal Solar cell animation:
resources https://animagraffs.com/solar-cell-module/
(e) nuclear fuel

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

(f) light from the Sun Ask learners what it means for something to be considered ‘efficient’. Define efficiency qualitatively and provide
to generate examples of efficient and inefficient devices e.g. an incandescent light bulb is very inefficient, with an efficiency as low as
electrical power 2%, whilst a transformer is very efficient, with an efficiency of more than 95%.
(solar cells)
(g) infrared and other Extended assessment:, and
waves from the Ask learners to trace the energy obtained from various resources back to their source e.g. water stored behind
Sun to heat water hydroelectric dams was put there by the precipitation cycle through evaporation thanks to heat from the Sun, chemical
(solar panels) energy in biofuels is captured through photosynthesis, etc. Most of these can be linked to the Sun as the main source of
and be the energy (exceptions: geothermal, nuclear and tidal).
source of wind
energy Discuss qualitatively how the Sun releases energy. The process of fusion will be covered in more detail in Topic 5
Nuclear physics.
including references to
a boiler, turbine and Discuss the current viability of nuclear fusion as the future of electrical energy on a large scale. Learners can research
generator where they current advances, techniques, advantages and drawbacks. Learners can share their research and debate the value of
are used funding nuclear fusion research versus other renewable energy resource investment. Describe advantages

and disadvantages of
each method in terms
of renewability,
availability, reliability,
scale and
environmental impact Understand,
qualitatively, the
concept of efficiency of
energy transfer Know that radiation

from the Sun is the
main source of energy
for all our energy
resources except
geothermal, nuclear
and tidal

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Know that energy is

released by nuclear
fusion in the Sun Know that research is

being carried out to
investigate how energy
released by nuclear
fusion can be used to
produce electrical
energy on a large
scale Ask learners what it means when a light bulb is labelled as 60W. What is the difference between a 40W light bulb and a
Define power as work
Power 60W light bulb? Learners may explain that this is a power rating, that the W stands for Watts or that it denotes the energy
done per unit time and
used by the bulb per second.
also as energy
transferred per unit Define power and introduce the equation. Clarify that 1 Watt is equal to 1 Joule per second.
time; recall and use
the equations Set learners simple questions calculating power, work done and time for practice. (F)
(a) P =
ΔE Learners investigate their own power through a number of experiments with learners working in pairs or small groups.
(b) P = One option is one learner can do work by lifting masses from the ground to the table and another learner can time how
long this takes. They should take measurements of the height travelled by the masses. Another option is one learner can Define efficiency as: do work by climbing stairs and another learner can time how long this takes. They should take measurements of the
Energy height of the stairs climbed by the learner. For both experiments, learners calculate force (weight), work done (force x
(a) (%) efficiency =
resources (useful energy output) height travelled) and power.
(total energy input)
Learners consider what it means for something to be more ‘powerful’. They research different cars, planes, etc, and
(b) (%) efficiency =
(useful power output) compare their powers. (I)
(total power input)
Extended assessment:
recall and use these
equations Learners consider what it means for something to be considered ‘efficient’. Define efficiency and introduce the equations.
Clarify that efficiency calculations can be made using energy, work done or power and that efficiency is written as a

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners investigate the efficiency of a kettle. They measure the mass of water added to the kettle, the time that they
have it switched on for and the temperature change of the water. There is no need to boil the water. Learners calculate
the input energy by using the power rating on the kettle and the time measured. Learners then use the specific heat
capacity of water to calculate the energy the water gains from its temperature rise (E=mcΔθ), which is the useful energy
output. They then calculate the efficiency of the kettle and consider any sources of error in the experiment.

Set learners more questions on work done, power and efficiency for practice. (F)

Learners investigate the efficiency of other common household items by considering the energy transfers. (I)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Derive P = Fv and link to understanding of P=W/t, F=ma and v=s/t.

1.8.1 Define pressure as Introduce the concept of pressure through a simple experiment all learners can carry out. They will each need a drawing
Pressure force per unit area; pin and a 100g mass. They place the drawing pin in the centre of their palm, point up. Placing the mass on top of the
recall and use the point, they should feel the force of the mass pressing into their palm. Now they flip the pin over and repeat the process.
F Cupping their palm will allow learners to balance the mass and gradually increase the amount of force on the pin point.
equation p =
A Note: They should stop if it begins to hurt. This simple demonstration involves the same amount of force, but different
values of surface area. Can the learners explain this properly?
Describe how pressure
varies with force and Define pressure and introduce the equation.
area in the context of
everyday examples Learners find their own pressure by using their weight as the force and drawing around their feet on graph paper and
counting the centimetre squares to find the surface area.
Describe how pressure
beneath the surface of Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
a liquid changes with
depth and density of Introduce varied examples of pressure: a camel’s feet, a tractor’s tyres, a stiletto heel, a bed of nails, etc. Ask learners to
the liquid explain how varying the force or the surface area affects the resultant pressure.

Recall and use the Demonstrating a ‘bed of nails’ works well using a piece of wood with multiple nails hammered in place such that a
1.8.4 balloon can be pressed onto them by another piece of wood. It takes a large amount of force to the burst the balloon as
equation for the
change in pressure the multiple nails have a cumulatively large surface area, reducing the pressure on the balloon.
beneath the surface of
a liquid Δp = ρgΔh Learners can investigate the comparative pressure of a stiletto heel to a flat shoe by measuring the surface area as
previously described or by using a tray of sand to produce an imprint for depth comparison.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Demonstrate how pressure in a fluid is the same in all directions by using a plastic bag filled with water and poking small
holes in it with a pin.

Demonstrate how pressure in a fluid increases with depth by using a spouting can filled with water.

Extended assessment: 1.8.4

Introduce the equation for hydrostatic pressure and explain its variables.

Set learners questions for practice. (F)

Learners can investigate pressure further by working with the Under Pressure simulations: (I)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Derive the equation for hydrostatic pressure from pressure = force / area for a column of fluid with a certain height,
density and cross-sectional area. This will prove that hydrostatic pressure does not depend on the area of the fluid.

Learners can feel how a mass on a string will feel lighter when placed into water. Learners may be able to explain why it
feels lighter. They are feeling the upthrust of the water which supports some of the mass’s weight, but not enough to
allow it to float. Link this to the idea of an object feeling a pressure difference on its top and bottom surfaces.

Demonstrate examples of atmospheric pressure: a ruler largely covered by a piece of newspaper is hard to displace,
suction cups can support significant force, a boiled egg can be sucked into conical flask with a fire starter, a heated can
implodes when cooled suddenly, Magdeburg hemispheres support significant force, etc. These all help learners to
understand the presence and strength of air pressure around us.

Introduce the barometer and how it is used to determine atmospheric pressure. Learners can make their own simple
barometers and track weather patterns. (I)

Resource Plus
Carry out the Pressure and the imploding can experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Scheme of Work

2. Thermal physics

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Know the Ask learners to describe the main properties of solids, liquids and gases. Alternatively, split the class into three groups
States of distinguishing and assign each group a state of matter. Direct the learners to work together in their group to model the behaviour of the
matter properties of solids, states of matter, where each learner acts as a molecule or atom within the material. Each group then performs their
liquids and gases demonstration and the other groups guess which state they were trying to represent, before offering improvements or
changes to better represent the state. Know the terms for the
changes in state Learners match up statements about the different states of matter to the correct state of matter. This can be done on the
between solids, liquids whiteboard, on the projector screen, using a simple card sort or on a worksheet.
and gases (gas to
solid and solid to gas Learners investigate the heating curve by starting with ice water and heating it over a Bunsen burner until boiling, taking
transfers are not regular measurements of temperature. Learners plot a temperature-time graph. They may be able to identify the point at
required) which the change of state takes place. Describe the particle Learners investigate the cooling curve using a substance that is solid at room temperature e.g. cetyl alcohol. Heat the
Particle structure of solids, substance in a test tube by placing in a warm water bath. Remove the test tube from the bath and observe the drop of
model liquids and gases in temperature over time as the substance solidifies. Learners plot a temperature–time graph. They may be able to identify
terms of the the point at which the change of state takes place.
Learners need to know the terms for the changes in state between solids, liquids and gases. They can add these to a
separation and motion
heating or cooling curve graph or draw them out as arrows between the names of the states.
of the particles, and
represent these states Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)
using simple particle
diagrams Introduce absolute zero and the Kelvin scale. Link to learners’ understanding of scalars; temperature is a scalar, so how
are there negative values of temperature? Describe the
relationship between Link the idea of absolute zero to the motion of the molecules or atoms within the substance and highlight that at this point
the motion of particles the kinetic energy is at its lowest value.
and temperature,
including the idea that Link the degrees Celsius scale to the freezing and boiling points of water. Convert these values into Kelvin.
there is a lowest
possible temperature Set learners simple questions to practise conversions. (F)
(−273 °C), known as
absolute zero, where

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

the particles have least Learners can investigate changes of state further by using the simulation: (I)
kinetic energy https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/states-of-matter-basics/latest/states-of-matter-basics_en.html Convert temperatures Learners can research the hottest and coldest places on our planet and in the universe. (I)
between kelvin and
degrees Celsius; recall
and use the equation
T (in K) = θ (in °C) +
273 Describe the pressure Ask learners to recap the main properties of solids, liquids and gases. Ask learners explain how pressure can be
Particle and the changes in described in terms of the motion of the particles in gas and the collisions with a surface.
model pressure of a gas in
terms of the motion of Learners investigate the random motion of microscopic particles in a suspension. This can be done by trapping smoke
its particles and their from burning paper in a smoke cell and placing it under a microscope. This provides evidence for the kinetic particle
collisions with a model of matter and is sometimes known as Brownian motion. It can also be shown using polystyrene spheres in
surface deionised water: https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/28836/brownian-motion. Know that the random Make use of simulations to show the arrangement and motion of the molecules or atoms in the different states of matter:
motion of microscopic https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/states-of-matter-basics/latest/states-of-matter-basics_en.html.
particles in a
suspension is Extended assessment:, and
evidence for the kinetic
Return to the properties of solids, liquids and gases and ask learners to explain how the forces and distances between
particle model of
the particles are important.
Remind learners of the definition of pressure as force per unit area and ask them to describe the changes in pressure of Describe and explain a gas in terms of the forces exerted by particles colliding with surfaces.
this motion
(sometimes known as Reiterate that what is observed in Brownian motion are microscopic particles, not atoms or molecules. These
Brownian motion) in microscopic particles may be moved by collisions with light fast-moving molecules (or atoms). As much larger objects,
terms of random we are also continually bombarded by light fast-moving molecules (or atoms) but over such a large area these forces are
collisions between the negligible.
microscopic particles
in a suspension and
the particles of a gas
or liquid

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Know that the forces

and distances between
particles (atoms,
molecules, ions and
electrons) and the
motion of the particles
affects the properties
of solids, liquids and
gases Describe the pressure

and the changes in
pressure of a gas in
terms of the forces
exerted by particles
colliding with surfaces,
creating force per unit
area Know that microscopic

particles may be
moved by collisions
with light fast-moving
molecules and
correctly use the terms
atoms or molecules as
distinct from
microscopic particles Describe, qualitatively, Ask learners what they think will happen to the molecules or atoms inside a substance when the substance is heated.
Thermal the thermal expansion They may suggest it changes state or that the molecules or atoms move around more. Direct the learners to consider
expansion of of solids, liquids and how the increasing kinetic energy of the molecules or atoms results in them spreading out and taking up more room.
solids, liquids gases at constant Alternatively, introduce this idea by asking learners to arrange themselves as if they were the molecules or atoms inside
and gases pressure a solid. Direct them to move as if the solid was being heated. They may need some discussion time as a group to plan
this. Without much instruction, it is likely that learners will move around more and begin to take up more space than Describe some of the previously.
everyday applications

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

and consequences of Learners investigate the expansion of a gas using a small conical flask and a beaker of water. Learners should upend
thermal expansion the beaker so that the mouth is just submerged in the water in the beaker. One learner can wrap their hands around the
conical flask so that the heat from their hands begins to warm the air inside the flask. With some patience, they can Explain, in terms of the observe that the meniscus will begin to move down and bulge outwards into the water. A bubble of air may even escape.
motion and This is due to the expansion of the air inside of the flask.
arrangement of
particles, the relative Learners investigate the expansion of a liquid using a flask filled with coloured water with a long thin glass tube coming
order of magnitudes of out of a bung seal. If the flask is full of coloured water at room temperature and is placed inside a container such that it
the expansion of can be surrounded by boiling water, the thermal energy from the boiling water will cause the liquid in the flask to expand
solids, liquids and up and out of the long thin glass tube. Coloured water is used so that it is more visible. Learners may make the link to
gases as their thermometers, as they work using the same principle.
temperatures rise
Learners investigate the expansion of a solid using a ball-and-ring setup. The ball should fit through the ring initially, but
when heated it expands and no longer fits. Ask learners how to get the ball inside the ring again. They may suggest
cooling it or they may suggest heating the ring. This is a good demonstration of how solids expand but it is not noticeable
to our eyes.

Learners investigate the differing rates of expansion of materials through the heating and observation of a bimetallic
strip. Learners research its use in thermostats.

Learners consider what happens when a material is cooled. They should conclude that the process works in reverse and
the material may shrink or contract.

Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)

Learners investigate various applications where the expansion of materials has been considered in the design process:
leaving gaps between paving slabs to avoid cracking in heat, providing loops in hot water pipes to allow expansion,
allowing slack in telephone wires in case of cooling and contraction in winter, etc. (I)

Extended assessment:

Learners consider the demonstrations of expansion they have seen and explain the relative order of magnitude of the
expansion of solids, liquids and gases as their temperatures rise. Ask learners to link their understanding of the motion
and arrangement of particles to this order of magnitude. Learners consider that gases can experience the most
expansion due to having the weakest bonds between their particles.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Describe qualitatively, Ask learners to consider how increasing the temperature of a gas might affect its pressure, assuming the mass and
Gases and in terms of particles, volume are kept constant. Learners may explain that increasing the temperature will increase the kinetic energy of the
the absolute the effect on the molecules or atoms in the gas, thereby leading to an increased number of collisions between them and the container
scale of pressure of a fixed walls. This increased force leads to an increased pressure.
temperature mass of gas of:
Recap the definition of pressure as force per unit area. This is important for understanding how temperature (and
(a) a change of volume) affects pressure.
temperature at
constant volume Learners qualitatively investigate the relationship between temperature and pressure using a sealed conical flask with a
(b) a change of thermometer and pressure gauge attached to its bung. By placing the flask in different-temperature water baths, there
volume at constant should be a noticeable change in pressure. Volume and mass are kept constant.
Learners consider how different materials will produce different pressure–temperature graphs, but they will all pass through the same point on the x-axis. Relate this to learners’ understanding of absolute zero.
Recall and use the
equation pV = constant
Ask learners to consider how decreasing the volume of a gas might affect its pressure, assuming the mass and
for a fixed mass of gas temperature are kept constant. Learners may explain that decreasing the volume will increase the pressure, as there will
at constant be an increased number of collisions between the molecules or atoms and the container walls. This increased force
temperature, including
leads to an increased pressure.
a graphical
representation of the Learners investigate the relationship between volume and pressure qualitatively with a plastic syringe. If the end is
relationship sealed or blocked with a finger, it becomes increasingly difficult to press the plunger as the volume decreases.

Learners investigate the relationship between temperature and pressure using simulations. (I)

Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)

Extended assessment:

Learners investigate the relationship between volume and pressure using Boyle’s Law apparatus. A column of air is
compressed, its pressure can be measured on a gauge and the volume read from the scale on the tube. Learners plot a
graph of pressure and 1/volume (or volume and 1/pressure) to show the inverse proportionality.

Introduce the equation that links pressure and volume. Demonstrate how to use the equation.

Learners investigate the relationship between volume and pressure further using simulations. Learners can collect
results and plot a graph to prove the relationship. (I)

Set learners more qualitative, as well as quantitative, questions to test understanding. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities


Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Ask learners to consider how increasing the temperature of a gas might affect its volume, assuming the mass and
pressure are kept constant. Learners may explain that increasing the temperature will increase the volume, as there will
be an increase in the kinetic energy of the particles. If the pressure is kept constant, the container must expand to the
keep the number of collisions with its walls constant.

Introduce the ideal gas law, expressed in terms of the number of molecules and introduce the Boltzmann constant.

Set learners simple questions for practice. (F) Know that a rise in the Ask what happens to the particles inside of an object when the temperature of the object is increased. They may recall
Specific heat temperature of an that expansion occurs and link this to the idea of kinetic energy increasing, which is internal energy.
capacity object increases its
internal energy Extended assessment:, and Describe an increase Expand on the concept of the increasing kinetic energy of an object. An increase in temperature links to an increase in
in temperature of an the average kinetic energies of all of the particles in the object.
object in terms of an
increase in the Ask learners why water is used in a hot water bottle. There are lots of good and sensible answers to this question but
average kinetic steer the discussion towards the idea that water is very good at holding its temperature.
energies of all of the
Ask learners why the sand at the beach feels hotter than the water of the sea. They will suggest all sorts of reasons, but
particles in the object
steer the discussion towards the idea that although the land and the sea receive the same energy from the Sun, the land
heats up quicker. Define specific heat
capacity as the energy Define specific heat capacity and introduce the equation. Link to previous examples and highlight that water has a very
required per unit mass high specific heat capacity.
per unit temperature
increase; recall and Learners investigate different metals and compare their properties by plotting multiple sets of results on the same graph
use the equation axes. Learners can plan the experiment themselves considering the equation for specific heat capacity. Ask learners
c= what they need to measure and how this can be measured. Demonstrate the circuit they need to build. Learners can

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Describe experiments either collect results throughout, allowing them to plot a graph, or they can measure the initial and final values and carry
to measure the out a calculation.
specific heat capacity
of a solid and of a Measuring specific heat capacity:
liquid www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2gjtv4/revision/6

Learners investigate the specific heat capacity of water in a similar way to the metal blocks. Learners should remember
to stir the water before taking a measurement of temperature. Alternatively, provide learners with the specific heat
capacity of water and they find the energy the water gains by measuring the temperature change.

Learners write a method for the experiment to measure the specific heat capacity of a solid and of a liquid, clarifying the
differences in investigating the two states of matter.

Learners investigate the varied uses of water and its high specific heat capacity: it is commonly used as a coolant in
power plants, it is essential in regulating the temperature of our planet, etc.

Learners investigate how the specific heat capacity affects the efficiency of processes e.g. a copper cooking pot will
waste less energy in cooking due to its low specific heat capacity.

Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Return to the concept of internal energy and define it. Learners can consider the factors that affect the internal energy. Describe melting and Return to the cooling curve (or heating curve) covered previously. Ask learners to identify when the changes of state
Melting, boiling in terms of happen. Ask learners to identify the different states shown on the graph. Explain that throughout the experiment, energy
boiling and energy input without a is being provided or is being lost. What is happening to the molecules or atoms when the temperature is rising? Learners
evaporation change in temperature may explain that a rise in temperature increases the kinetic energy of the molecules or atoms in the object. Clarify that
melting, solidification, boiling and condensation can be achieved without a change in temperature. This is difficult to Know the melting and reproduce in the laboratory. Show clear graphs to highlight these changes of state.
boiling temperatures
for water at standard Show the heating curve for water. At what temperature does ice melt and water boil? How do these values change at
atmospheric pressure different altitudes? Learners may be able to explain that when climbing a mountain there is lower atmospheric pressure
and this means that water boils at a lower temperature. Learners could watch the BBC Earth Lab (boiling water on Describe condensation Everest) video clip showing this effect:
and solidification in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lyqFkFsH28
terms of particles

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Describe evaporation Ask learners what happens to a glass water when left out over several days. They may identify that the water
in terms of the escape evaporates. How can the water evaporate when there is no heat source to increase the temperature? Learners can
of more energetic explain that the molecules that escape from the surface are more energetic.
molecules from the
surface of a liquid Ask learners how evaporation affects the temperature of an object. They may recall feeling cold when wet from the rain
or after getting out of a swimming pool. They may explain that the evaporation of water from their skin cools them down. Know that evaporation This same process causes liquids to cool as evaporation of the most energetic molecules at the surface occurs.
causes cooling of a
liquid Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F) Describe the Learners investigate states of matter further using simulations: (I)
differences between https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/states-of-matter-basics/latest/states-of-matter-basics_en.html
boiling and https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/states-of-matter
Extended assessment:, and Describe how
temperature, surface Return to the idea of evaporation causing cooling. Learners can explain how this happens. Ask learners to identify the
area and air differences between evaporation and boiling.
movement over a
surface affect Learners investigate evaporation. This can be done in the laboratory or as a homework task. In the laboratory learners
evaporation work in pairs, each pair starting with a known mass and temperature of water. Challenge them to evaporate as much of it
as possible in a set time or give them different variables to investigate. Learners should note that the liquid cools as the Explain the cooling of more-energetic molecules escape from the surface of the liquid. At home, learners can set up various containers of the
an object in contact same mass and temperature of water and place them in varied positions. Learners should vary the size of the container
with an evaporating and the location in terms of air movement and temperature. In both versions of the experiment, learners investigate how
liquid temperature, surface area and air movement affect evaporation. They should be able to come to their own conclusions
and be able to explain that evaporation occurs when the more-energetic molecules or atoms escape from the surface of
the liquid. (I)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Return to the cooling curve (or heating curve) and ask learners what happens to the energy when it does not produce a
temperature rise. Learners may explain that this is required to change the state of the substance. Explain how this
hidden, or ‘latent’, heat is required to make or break the molecular bonds between the molecules or atoms. Define latent
heat as the energy required to change the state of a substance and explain it in terms of particle behaviour and the
forces between particles.

Introduce the equation for specific latent heat. Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Describe experiments Learners investigate conduction using rods made of different materials: glass, aluminium, copper, iron, brass, etc.
Conduction to demonstrate the Learners place one end in the roaring flame of a Bunsen burner while they hold the other end. Learners should place
properties of good their rod carefully on a heat mat once they feel the warmth reach their hand. This will give (a rather subjective)
thermal conductors introduction to the concept of materials being better or worse at conducting.
and bad thermal
conductors (insulators) Resource Plus
Carry out the Heat conduction in metal rods experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and Describe thermal resources.
conduction in all solids
in terms of atomic or Extended assessment:, and
molecular lattice
vibrations and also in A wooden rod attached to a metal rod tightly wrapped in paper and held over a Bunsen burner flame will scorch on the
terms of the movement wooden half but not the metal half. Ask learners to explain why this occurs. They may be able to explain that the metal
of free (delocalised) half conducts the heat energy away, ‘protecting’ the paper, but the wood and the paper are both insulators.
electrons in metallic
conductors An ice cube left on a metal plate will quickly melt, but an ice cube left on a plastic plate will stay solid for much longer.
Ask learners to explain why this occurs. They may be able to explain that the metal conducts heat from the surroundings Describe, in terms of to the ice cube, but the plastic is an insulator.
particles, why thermal
conduction is bad in Place a small ice cube inside a test tube and hold in place with a small piece of metal gauze. The test tube should be
gases and most liquids filled with water and held at an angle above a Bunsen burner’s roaring flame such that the top is directly heated, but the
bottom is not. It is possible to have the top part of the water boiling while the ice in the bottom remains frozen, Know that there are demonstrating that water is a poor conductor.
many solids that
An analogy can be used to explain why metals are generally much better conductors than other materials. Direct the
conduct thermal
learners to stand shoulder-to-shoulder facing the same direction, such that they represent a row of molecules or atoms in
energy better than
a solid. When one end of the row is ‘heated’, the learner on the end will vibrate on the spot and bump into their
thermal insulators but
neighbour, who then bumps into their neighbour, passing the ‘energy’ down the row. Use one learner and a ball to
do so less well than
demonstrate that the delocalised electrons in a metal speed up this process of passing on energy. Throw the ball to the
good thermal
learner at the end of the row, while the row transfers the ‘energy’ through bumping their neighbours. The ball should
easily win the race, confirming that delocalised electrons speed up conduction.

Learners consider examples of materials being the same temperature as their surroundings but feeling colder e.g. a steel
bench versus a wooden bench. Explain that metals conduct our heat energy away from us, giving us the sensation of

Learners investigate uses of conductors and insulators e.g. saucepans are made from metal but their handles are made
from plastic or wood.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners order the states of matter from best conductor to worst conductor. Reiterate that gases do not conduct well due
to the large spacing of their molecules or atoms.

Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F) Know that convection Ask learners how a convection heater is able to heat the whole room. Link suggestions to their understanding of
Convection is an important method expansion and density.
of thermal energy
transfer in liquids and Learners observe a convection current in a convection tube. A Bunsen burner heats the water in one of the bottom
gases corners and the potassium permanganate that colours the water can be seen to move around in a loop. Explain convection in Resource Plus

liquids and gases in Carry out the Convection currents experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and resources.
terms of density
changes and describe Learners observe convection using a glass-fronted box with two chimneys. Placing a lit candle below one of the
experiments to chimneys produces an upward draft of warm air heated by the candle. Placing a source of smoke, such as a burning
illustrate convection straw, above the second chimney will allow learners to see how the second chimney draws in air before it is heated by
the candle and rises out of the chimney above.

Convection (including convection tube and double chimney glass-fronted box) :


Learners can observe convection when two containers of coloured water are brought together and are allowed to mix.
One container should be full of hot water and one should be full of cool or room temperature water. If the hot water is
placed on top, it remains on top and takes a long time to mix with the cool water. If the hot water is placed underneath, it
very quickly moves upwards and mixes with the cool water.

Learners investigate convection by cutting a cardboard circle into a spiral and hanging it from a clamp stand above a
candle. When the candle is lit, it heats the air above it, which rises and causes the spiral to spin.

Learners investigate some real-life applications of convection currents: sea and land breezes, a house’s hot water
system, fires used in tin mines to ventilate the shafts, hot air balloons, etc. (I)

Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. Ensure learners understand why convection cannot take place
in solids. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Know that thermal Introduce radiation as the third and final type of thermal energy transfer and clarify that this type of radiation is unrelated
Radiation radiation is infrared to radioactivity. Highlight that it does not require a medium to travel; the Sun heats the Earth through the vacuum of
radiation and that all space.
objects emit this
radiation Learners observe radiation from different surfaces using Leslie’s cube. They judge the relative temperatures of the
surfaces by placing their hand 1cm away from the surface. They should not touch the surface. They use a thermometer Know that thermal to measure the temperature of the water inside, and an infrared thermometer to measure the surface temperatures.
energy transfer by Learners draw conclusions as to which surfaces radiate thermal energy best.
thermal radiation does
not require a medium Use an infrared camera to observe various objects in the room as well as the learners themselves, and/or find images
online. Learners may link these images to the idea of night vision equipment used by the military and often depicted in Describe the effect of action movies.
surface colour (black or
white) and texture (dull Extended assessment:,,,, and
or shiny) on the
Learners investigate radiation using identical test tubes or metal containers painted black and white. The black surface
emission, absorption
should absorb radiation better than the white, producing a noticeable temperature increase over time.
and reflection of
infrared radiation Learners investigate how the surface temperature and the surface area affect the quantity of radiation emitted. Know that for an object Learners write their own methods on how to investigate radiation. Learners consider how the surface temperature and
to be at a constant surface area of an object affects the rate of emission of radiation.
temperature it needs to
transfer energy away Learners consider how radiation leads to cooling. If the rate at which it transfers energy away is more than the rate at
from the object at the which it receives energy, it will cool. Learners consider the opposite effect e.g. how food is cooked under an oven grill or
same rate that is in a toaster.
receives energy
Learners research and explain how the temperature of the Earth is affected by factors controlling the balance between Know what happens to incoming radiation and radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface. (I)
an object if the rate at
which it receives Learners research how a star’s surface temperature and surface area affects the quantity of radiation received by
energy is less or more orbiting planets. (I)
than the rate at which it
transfers energy away Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)
from the object
Radiation: Know how the www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zttrd2p/revision/3
temperature of the
Earth is affected by

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

factors controlling the

balance between
incoming radiation and
radiation emitted from
the Earth’s surface Describe experiments

to distinguish between
good and bad emitters
of infrared radiation Describe experiments

to distinguish between
good and bad
absorbers of infrared
radiation Describe how the rate

of emission of radiation
depends on the surface
temperature and
surface area of an
object Recap concepts introduced in previous lessons to improve understanding of heating objects such as kitchen pans
Explain some of the
Consequen- (conduction) and heating a room (convection).
basic everyday
ces of
applications and Learners feel the warming effect of having their own body heat reflected back to them by using a space blanket (also
consequences of known as emergency or survival blankets). Learners investigate their properties and how the blankets were designed
conduction, convection and used by NASA.
and radiation,
including: Learners investigate methods of insulation. They insulate identical test tubes in a variety of ways, as well as having a
(a) heating objects control, and place freshly boiled water inside the tubes. They should measure the initial temperature of the water and the
such as kitchen final temperature after a set time. Learners draw conclusions as to which materials and methods produce the best
pans insulation.
(b) heating a room by
Learners research and investigate the elements of a vacuum flask that make it such an efficient insulator of heat. (I)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Explain some of the Learners research the methods used to insulate homes: cavity wall insulation, double glazed windows, loft insulation,
complex applications etc. (I)
and consequences of
conduction, convection Learners research other examples of using our understanding of heat transfer methods for insulation: reflective fireman
and radiation where suits, ironing boards covered in silver material, layered clothing for warmth, etc. (I)
more than one type of
thermal energy Set learners qualitative questions to test understanding. (F)
transfer is significant,
including: Extended assessment:
(a) a fire burning
Learners research and explain examples where more than one type of thermal energy transfer is significant, such as a
wood or coal
fire burning wood or coal and a radiator in a car. Learners identify the types of thermal energy transfer present and how
(b) a radiator in a car
they contribute to cooling/heating.

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Scheme of Work

3. Waves

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

3.1.1 Know that waves Ask learners to name as many waves as they can. They may suggest light, sound, ocean waves, some types of
General transfer energy without electromagnetic waves, etc. Add them as a list or mind map to the board.
properties of transferring matter
wave Introduce the concept that waves transfer energy without transferring matter. A good example of this is a ripple on a
pond or a wave on the open ocean. These water waves can cause boats or ducks to bob up and down, but they do not
3.1.2 Describe what is transport them to shore. Clarify that ocean waves come in and out of shore due to tides and rear up due to the reducing
meant by wave motion depth.
as illustrated by
vibrations in ropes and Learners investigate water waves, individually or in pairs, with the use of trays of water and rulers. They dip a ruler in the
springs, and by water at one end to produce straight wavefronts that travel down the length of the tray.
experiments using
water waves Introduce the categories of transverse and longitudinal waves. Sort the waves learners previously named into the two
categories. Clarify the relationship between the direction of vibration and the direction of the energy transfer for both.
3.1.3 Describe the features
Direct learners to model a wave by working together to make a ‘Mexican wave’. They stand shoulder-to-shoulder facing
of a wave in terms of
the same direction and create a delayed and repeated motion down the line to produce a motion similar to a transverse
wavefront, wavelength,
wave. Learners try increasing the wavespeed, amplitude and wave speed of a wave pulse.
frequency, crest
(peak), trough, Define wavelength, frequency, amplitude and wavespeed. Use the waves introduction simulation to aid these
amplitude and wave explanations:
speed https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/waves-intro
3.1.4 Recall and use the Label the wavefront, crest and trough on appropriate diagrams of waves. Label wavelength and amplitude on appropriate
equation v = f λ diagrams of a waveform.

Know that for a Introduce the wave equation and demonstrate how it is used.
transverse wave, the
Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
direction of vibration is
at right-angles to the Learners investigate waves further using the waves simulation: (I)
direction of the https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-on-a-string
propagation and
understand that Resource Plus
electromagnetic Carry out the Demonstrating wave phenomena experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and
radiation, water waves resources.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

and seismic S-waves Learners carry out the waves in springs part of the teaching pack (Worksheet E).
(secondary) can be
modelled as Demonstrate the difference between seismic P-waves and S-waves by using multiple springs (or slinkies).
transverse Seismic waves in slinkies:
3.1.6 Know that for a www.burkemuseum.org/static/earthquakes/cur-act-slinkies.pdf
longitudinal wave, the
direction of vibration is Learners can research how earthquakes and seismic waves are produced. They may enjoy looking at the Earthquake
parallel to the direction Track website: (I)
of the propagation and https://earthquaketrack.com
understand that sound
waves and seismic P- Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
waves (primary) can Learners investigate what happens when two waves meet in a spring (or slinky). Two waves travelling towards each
be modelled as other do not reflect off each other, like two balls would bounce off each other. Introduce the idea of superposition of
longitudinal waves and how they can lead to constructive and destructive interference.

3.1.7 Describe how waves Introduce the phenomena of reflection, refraction and diffraction using a ripple tank. Reflection can be shown at different
General can undergo: angles using a barrier. Refraction can be tricky to demonstrate clearly; it requires a shallower/deeper region of water.
properties of (a) reflection at a plane You could use a simulation to help clarify.
wave surface
(b) refraction due to a Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
change of speed
(c) diffraction through Show learners different diagrams depicting reflection, refraction or diffraction and ask learners to identify which case is
a narrow gap shown. They could use miniature whiteboards for their answers. (F)

3.1.8 Describe the use of a Learners investigate these phenomena further using the ripple tank simulation: (I)
ripple tank to show: http://falstad.com/ripple/
(a) reflection at a plane
Resource Plus
Carry out the Demonstrating wave phenomena experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and
(b) refraction due to a
change in speed resources.
caused by a Learners carry out the waves in ripple tank part of the teaching pack (Worksheet G).
change in depth
(c) diffraction due to a
(d) diffraction due to an

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extended assessment: 3.1.9 and 3.1.10

3.1.9 Describe how
wavelength and gap Learners identify that diffraction through different-sized gaps will show different amounts of spreading and can cause the
size affects diffraction wavefront to become more or less curved. The size of wavelength also affects the diffraction through a gap, as well as at
through a gap an edge.

3.1.10 Describe how Set learners more qualitative questions which involve sketching diffraction patterns for practice. (F)
wavelength affects
diffraction at an edge Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
Demonstrate the diffraction of white light. Ask learners to explain why this produces rainbows. Have they got any idea as
to why it produces patches of darkness? Define and use the Learners set up the experiment to investigate the law of reflection.
Reflection of terms normal, angle of
light incidence and angle of Resource Plus
reflection Carry out the Demonstrating wave phenomena experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and
resources. Describe the formation Learners carry out the reflection part of the teaching pack (Worksheet F).
of an optical image by
a plane mirror, and Introduce the law of reflection. Link to the results learners found with measuring the angles of incidence and reflection for
give its characteristics, a light ray reflecting from a plane mirror.
i.e. same size, same
distance from mirror, Ask learners what they notice when they look at their reflection in a plane mirror. They can act as a mirror to a volunteer
virtual as they raise their arms up and down or move from side to side in front of them. They may highlight that the left- and
right-hand sides are flipped. Identify the characteristics of an optical image formed by a plane mirror (same size, same State that for distance from mirror as object and virtual). Learners may need an explanation of real images and virtual images. It may
reflection, the angle of help to explain briefly how both are formed. This will be explained in more depth in the section on lenses.
incidence is equal to
the angle of reflection; Image characteristics:
recall and use this www.physicsclassroom.com/class/refln/Lesson-2/Image-Characteristics
Images formed by plane mirrors: Use simple https://opentextbc.ca/universityphysicsv3openstax/chapter/images-formed-by-plane-mirrors/
measurements and Show learners a simple image reflected in a mirror but with small errors: the image might be upside down when it should
calculations for be upright, the image might not be laterally inverted, etc. Learners identify the error in each example, using miniature
whiteboards. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

reflection by plane Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Learners investigate uses of reflection: the periscope, ‘Pepper’s ghost’, etc. They could make their own simple periscope
using mirrors and cardboard, or ‘Pepper’s ghost’ using clear plastic, a filament lamp, a cardboard box and spare
cardboard. (I)

Extended assessment:

Learners use the law of reflection to determine the final destination of a light ray on a sheet of paper as it reflects off a
variety of plane mirrors. They practise their accuracy with using a protractor and drawing ray diagrams. (F)

Give learners a simple image and ask them to draw how it would appear as an image in a plane mirror. (F)

Learners carry out an experiment to find position and characteristics of an optical image formed by a plane mirror using
optical pins. Investigating the position of an image in a plane mirror:
www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/znksd6f/revision/3 Define and use the Introduce refraction with a few simple experiments. Learners observe a pencil placed in a beaker of water. How does the
Refraction of terms normal, angle of pencil appear from different positions of observation? They use a rectangular Perspex (or glass) block to look at a piece
light incidence and angle of of text. How does the image change when viewed from different angles and through the different edges? Learners place
refraction a coin in an opaque cup and move so it is just out of view. Adding water to the cup slowly should make the coin visible.
Can learners explain how this happens? All of these are examples of refraction. Describe an
experiment to show Coin in cup demonstration:
refraction of light www.lovemyscience.com/risingcoin.html
through transparent
blocks of different Direct learners to investigate refraction using a Perspex (or glass) block and a ray box set-up:
Resource Plus Describe the passage Carry out the Demonstrating wave phenomena experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and
of light through a resources.
transparent material Learners carry out the refraction part of the teaching pack (Worksheet F).
(limited to the
boundaries between Learners identify the normal, angle of incidence and angle of refraction on a diagram of refraction and define each term.
two media only) Learners label their own diagram of refraction and write their own method for the experiment. State the meaning of

critical angle

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Explain that refraction occurs due to the light ray changing speed as it travels through a different material. You could use Describe internal the analogy of a shopping trolley or a vehicle traveling from smooth ground to muddy ground at an angle to the verge,
reflection and total and how this affects the wheels, to help learners understand why the change of speed causes a change in direction.
internal reflection
using both It may help learners to remember that when a light ray slows down, it bends towards the normal; ‘slow’ and ‘towards’
experimental and both contain the letter combination ‘ow’.
everyday examples
Define refractive index, Give learners simple combinations of materials for them to decide how the light ray will behave e.g. if the light ray travels
n, as the ratio of from air to diamond, the light ray slows down / speeds up and bends towards/away from the normal. Learners answer
speeds of a wave in the questions by raising their left or right hands for the two options or by using miniature whiteboards. (F)
two different regions
Give learners a light ray ‘obstacle course’ where they estimate the path a light ray takes as it travels through different Define refractive index, materials e.g. if it travels from air to helium, it will bend away from the normal, but if it then travels into glass it will bend
n, as the ratio of the towards the normal. (F)
speeds of a wave in
Learners consider other everyday examples of refraction e.g. a fish will appear in a different location to its actual location
two different regions
due to the refraction of light through water, so a spear fisher should bear this in mind when aiming for the fish. Recall and use the Learners observe how transparent hydrobeads are visible in air and invisible in water. They share the same refractive
sin i
equation n= index as water which results in their invisibility.
sin r Recall and use the Learners observe the refraction of a laser through a large transparent container of coloured water.
equation n= Learners can investigate refraction through different-shaped transparent blocks.
sin 𝑐 Describe the use of Learners investigate refraction through a semi-circular transparent block:
optical fibres,
particularly in Resource Plus
telecommunications Carry out the Measuring refraction and total internal reflection experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson
plans and resources.
Learners carry out the total internal reflection part of the teaching pack (Worksheet E).

Recap the critical angle and the cases of refraction and total internal reflection in a semi-circular block using simulations:

Show learners different diagrams depicting the critical angle, refraction or total internal reflection and ask them to quickly
identify which case is shown. They can answer the questions using miniature whiteboards. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extended assessment:,, and

Learners share their results for the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. Compile the results on the board.

Introduce the refractive index and its equation. Highlight that the refractive index has no unit. Learners substitute their
results into the equation to find the refractive index of Perspex (or glass). Learners should find similar values. Highlight
that the refractive index is a property of a material and can be used to identify an unknown material. It can also be
calculated as the ratio of speeds of a wave in two different regions.

Introduce the equation that links the refractive index to the critical angle.

Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Demonstrate total internal reflection through optical fibres.

Learners research uses of total internal reflection, particularly optical fibres used in telecommunications. (I) Thin Describe the action of Introduce lenses through qualitative investigation. Learners view their thumb through a convex lens with a short focal
lenses thin converging and length, using the lens like a magnifying glass. They use the same lens to produce a real image on a piece of paper with
thin diverging lenses their back to a window. They should be able to see a flipped image of the window and its contents if it is a bright day.
on a parallel beam of They may have to move the lens around to find the correct focus.
Learners use the same lens to produce a real image on a piece of greaseproof paper facing the window. They should Define and use the place the greaseproof paper between their eyes and the window, and the lens between the window and the paper. They
terms focal length, may have to move the lens around to find the correct focus. Alternatively, instead of a window, learners can use a
principal axis and brightly illuminated object. The laboratory can be darkened and a learner, lit by a spotlight, can sit still as the object.
principal focus (focal
point) Explain the difference between converging and diverging lens. Demonstrate and/or allow learners to observe both. Draw and use ray Introduce ray diagrams for lenses and define the focal length, principle axis and principle focus (or focal point).
diagrams for the
Demonstrate how to draw ray diagrams for the formation of a real image by a converging lens. Break down the steps so
formation of a real
they are clear and simple to follow.
image by a converging
lens Learners draw ray diagrams for objects placed at different distances from the converging lens and focal point. They
investigate the location, size, orientation and nature of different distances. (F) Describe the
characteristics of an
image using the terms

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

enlarged/same Explain to learners that a virtual image is formed when diverging rays are extrapolated backwards and it does not form a
size/diminished, visible projection on a screen.
upright/inverted and
real/virtual Extended assessment:, 3.2.37. and Know that a virtual Demonstrate how to draw ray diagrams for the formation of a virtual image by a converging lens. The steps are the same
image is formed when as for a diverging lens but produce a virtual image.
diverging rays are
extrapolated Learners draw ray diagrams for objects placed at different distances from the diverging lens and focal point. They
backwards and does investigate the location, size, orientation and nature of different distances. (F)
not form a visible
Learners can research uses and examples of lenses: projector, photocopier, camera, spotlight, etc. Direct learners to
projection on a screen
draw the ray diagram to show how an image is formed in a magnifying glass, camera and projector. Draw ray diagrams for Relate the idea of a glass lens to the tissue lens inside the human eye.
the formation of a
virtual image by a Lenses and the human eye:
converging lens https://www.cyberphysics.co.uk/topics/medical/Eye/eye_ad.html Describe the use of a Animation of a how a human eye works:
single lens as a https://animagraffs.com/human-eye/
magnifying glass
Direct learners to draw ray diagrams showing a short-sighted eye and a long-sighted eye. Describe the use of
converging and Introduce the concept of using lenses to correct long-sightedness and short-sightedness.
diverging lenses to
correct long- Direct learners to draw ray diagrams showing the correction of a short-sighted eye and a long-sighted eye using lenses.
sightedness and short-
sightedness Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions for practice. (F)

www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zt42srd/revision/2 Describe the Ask learners what colours can be found in white light. Learners may identify the seven colours of the rainbow.
Dispersion of dispersion of light as
light illustrated by the Set learners the challenge of ‘finding a rainbow’ using a ray box set-up and a prism.
refraction of white light
by a glass prism Direct learners to now use their prism to identify the different colours visible by the refraction of white light.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Explain that the order of the colours is related to the order of the frequency (or the wavelength). Know the traditional
seven colours of the Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
visible spectrum in
order of frequency and Learners investigate dispersion of light further using the prism bending light simulation: (I)
in order of wavelength https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/bending-light/latest/bending-light_en.html Recall that visible light Learners can make their own Newton’s disc (or colour wheel) to demonstrate the mixing of colours to make white light or
of a single frequency is the mixing of primary colours to make secondary colours:
described as www.royalacademy.org.uk/article/family-how-to-make-a-colour-wheel-1
Learners research how rain droplets refract and reflect light to produce the spectrum of colour in a rainbow. (I)

You could use the Roy G Biv song by They Might Be Giants as a fun way to help learners remember some (simple)
physics content.

Extended assessment:

Introduce the term “monochromatic” to describe visible light of a single frequency. Demonstrate a laser as an example of
monochromatic light.

3.3.1 Electro- Know the main regions Ask learners which travels fastest, light or sound. Can they provide examples where this is evident? Learners may
magnetic of the electromagnetic suggest lightning and thunder, fireworks and their bang, a starting pistol, etc. Highlight that light travels approximately a
spectrum spectrum in order of million times faster than sound.
frequency and in order
of wavelength Introduce the electromagnetic spectrum as the range of waves that have certain properties in common, whilst other
properties are different. Explain that all electromagnetic waves have the same speed and can travel in a vacuum.
3.3.2 Know that all
electromagnetic waves Split learners into small groups and assign each group a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Learners may use their
travel at the same high textbooks and online resources to research their part of the spectrum. They note down the role in applications, and
speed in a vacuum damage caused by, their part of the spectrum on a piece of paper. They then present the key information to the rest of
the class and add their piece of paper to the whiteboard, in order of wavelength and frequency. Recap the key points as
3.3.3 Describe the typical given in the syllabus.
uses of the different
regions of the Highlight the use of electromagnetic waves in communication, particularly the use of microwaves by artificial satellites.
Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
spectrum including:
(a) radio waves; radio

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

and television You could use the Electromagnetic Spectrum song by Emerson and Wong Yann as a fun way to help learners remember
transmissions, some physics content, as well as the order of the spectrum.
astronomy, radio
frequency The Scale of the Universe website includes the size of the electromagnetic spectrum wavelengths and allows
identification comparison to everyday objects: (I)
(RFID) https://scaleofuniverse.com
(b) microwaves;
satellite television, Extended assessment: 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8, 3.3.9 and 3.3.10
mobile phones (cell
phones), Return to the earlier comparison of the speed of light and the speed of sound. Explain that all electromagnetic waves,
microwave ovens including light, travel at 3.0 x 108 m/s in a vacuum and this speed is approximately the same in air
(c) infrared; electric
Expand on the uses of electromagnetic waves in communication, including: mobile phones, wireless internet, Bluetooth,
grills, short range
cable television and high-speed broadband. Learners should understand which part of electromagnetic spectrum is used
in each case.
such as remote
controllers for Ask learners the difference between digital and analogue. Learners may use the example of digital and analogue
television, intruder watches. Explain the difference between the two types of signals in the context of electromagnetic waves and that sound
alarms, thermal can be transmitted as either. Learners research the benefits of digital signalling over more traditional analogue signals.
imaging, optical
(d) visible light; vision,
(e) ultraviolet; security
marking, detecting
fake bank notes,
sterilising water
(f) X-rays; medical
scanning, security
(g) gamma rays;
sterilising food and
detection of cancer
and its treatment

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

3.3.4 Describe the harmful

effects on people of
excessive exposure to
radiation, including:
(a) microwaves;
internal heating of
body cells
(b) infrared; skin burns
(c) ultraviolet; damage
to surface cells and
eyes, leading to
skin cancer and
eye conditions
(d) X-rays and gamma
rays; mutation or
damage to cells in
the body

3.3.5 Know that

communication with
artificial satellites is
mainly by microwaves:
(a) some satellite
phones use low
orbit artificial
(b) some satellite
phones and direct
broadcast satellite
television use

3.3.6 Know that the speed of

electromagnetic waves
in a vacuum is 3.0 x
108 m/s and is

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

approximately the
same in air

3.3.7 Know that many

important systems of
communications rely
on electromagnetic
radiation including:
(a) mobile phones (cell
phones) and
wireless internet
use microwaves
microwaves can
penetrate some
walls and only
require short aerial
for transmission
and reception
(b) Bluetooth uses
radio waves radio
waves pass
through walls and
the signal is
weakened on
doing so
(c) optical fibres
(visible light or
infrared) are used
for cable television
and high-speed
because glass is
transparent to
visible light and
some infrared;
visible light and
short wavelength

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

infrared can carry

high rates of data

3.3.8 Know the difference

between a digital or
analogue signal

3.3.9 Know that a sound can

be transmitted as a
digital or analogue

3.3.10 Explain the benefits of

digital signalling
including increased
rate of transmission of
data and increased
range due to accurate
signal regeneration

3.4.1 Sound Describe the Introduce sound with some simple experiments. Learners investigate a ‘tin can telephone’, vibrating a ruler against a
production of sound by desk edge and tuning forks. They hit a tuning fork against a rubber bung before submerging it in water, or placing next to
vibrating sources a ping pong ball hanging from a thread. Can learners explain the splash or the sudden movement of the ball? They hit a
metal fork or spoon, attached to the end of two pieces of string, against a desk with the ends of the string in the learner’s
3.4.2 Describe the ears. They should hear the sound travel through the string and the air. Which sound travels faster? Learners add
longitudinal nature of different amounts of water to glass bottles and blow across the mouth of the bottles. Which bottle produces the higher-
sound waves pitched sound? Does it depend on the amount of water present or the amount of air?

3.4.3 State the approximate Remind learners that sound is a longitudinal wave.
range of frequencies
audible to humans as Introduce Boyle’s vacuum pump experiment to show that sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum and remind learners
20 Hz to 20 000 Hz that sound requires a medium to travel:

3.4.4 Know that a medium is http://science.cleapss.org.uk/Resource/Ringing-bell-jar-experiment.vid

needed to transmit
Introduce how a microphone detects sound waves and a cathode ray oscilloscope allows interpretation of them. Ask
sound waves
learners what they notice when loud/quiet/high/low sounds are detected. Identify the amplitude and frequency on the
oscilloscope trace. Relate these variables to the volume and pitch of the sound that is heard.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

3.4.7 Describe how changes Resource Plus

in amplitude and Carry out the Use of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) to visualise sound waves experiment referring to
frequency affect the Teaching Pack for lesson plans and resources.
loudness and pitch of
sound waves Show learners simple wave traces and ask them to identify the properties of the sound: which sound is highest, which
sound is louder, which sound has a lower frequency, etc. Learners can answer the questions using miniature
3.4.10 Describe compression whiteboards. (F)
and rarefaction
Learners investigate wave traces further using the simulation of a keyboard and an oscilloscope: (I)
3.4.11 Know that, in general, www.physics-chemistry-interactive-flash-
sound travels faster in animation.com/electricity_electromagnetism_interactive/oscilloscope_description_tutorial_sounds_frequency.htm
solids than in liquids
and faster in liquids Introduce the idea that humans, as well as other animals, have a specific hearing range. This can be tested simply using
than in gases a signal generator and a loudspeaker. Learners should be quiet throughout. They raise their hands when they believe
they first hear the sound (around 20Hz) and lower it when they can no longer hear the sound (20 000 Hz). As the range
decreases as humans age, it is likely that your learners will have a larger range than you.

Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Extended assessment: 3.4.10 and 3.4.11

Learners look at diagrams of a longitudinal wave and identify compressions and rarefactions.

Remind learners of the metal fork/spoon on a string experiment. The sound travelled faster up the string than though the
air. Can learners explain how the state of the medium (solid, liquid or gas) affects the speed of propagation of the sound
wave? Learners can research how whales communicate over long distances. (I)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Show learners more complicated wave traces showing different sound sources e.g. a range of instruments. These wave
traces are unlikely to be sinusoidal, unlike the waves they have seen previously. Highlight that although the sound
sources can emit the same frequency, the waves can have different qualities (timbres).

Introduce learners to the concept of the Doppler shift and how it changes the frequency and wavelength of a sound wave
so it sounds different. Use simple diagrams that show a source moving into its own sound waves to help learners
visualise this. Redshift will be explored as part of Topic 6 Space physics.

Interference simulation:

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

3.4.9 Sound Define ultrasound as Remind learners of the demonstration of the human hearing range from the previous lesson. Explain that ultrasound is
sound with a any sound above 20 000 Hz and ask learners if they know of any use of this high frequency sound. They may suggest
frequency higher than prenatal scans.
20 kHz
Extended assessment: 3.4.12
3.4.12 Describe the uses of
ultrasound in non- Learners research the uses of ultrasound in cleaning, prenatal and other medical scanning, and in sonar (including
destructive testing of calculation of depth or distance from time and wave speed). Learners will have the opportunity to measure the speed of
materials, medical sound later. (I)
scanning of soft tissue
and sonar including
calculation of depth or
distance from time and
wave speed

3.4.5 Know that the speed of Ask learners to come up with a method to measure the speed of sound. Learners should realise that this is a difficult
sound in air is experiment to carry out because sound travels relatively fast.
approximately 330-350
m/s Ask learners to define an “echo”. They will explain that an echo is the reflection of sound waves. Learners can research
how bats “see” with echolocation. (I)
3.4.6 Describe a method
involving a Introduce the idea of measuring the sound over a large distance. This can be done using a starter pistol or by making
measurement of use of echoes.
distance and time for
determining the speed Measuring the speed of sound using echoes:
of sound in air https://spark.iop.org/measuring-speed-sound-using-echoes

3.4.8 Describe an echo as Measuring the speed of sound using a starter pistol:
the reflection of sound www.schoolphysics.co.uk/age11-14/Sound/text/Speed_of_sound/index.html
If you choose the echo method, relate this to learners’ understanding of sonar. Use wooden blocks to produce a clear
and distinct sound. This needs to reflect off a large flat surface like the side of a building. Learners need to match the
next ‘clap’ to the echo of the previous; it may take some practice to establish the correct rhythm. Learners then work
together to measure the time for multiple claps (20 or so) and the distance travelled.

If you use the starter pistol method, an average result of time should be taken and the experiment should be done over a
large distance (at least 100m).

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners draw a diagram of the experiment they carried out, write a method, collect their results in a table and calculate
the speed of sound. They assess the accuracy of their answer and identify any sources of error.

Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Scheme of Work

4. Electricity and magnetism

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

4.1.1 Simple Describe the forces Ask learners what they know about magnetism. They may suggest various basic concepts and examples.
phenomena between magnetic
of magnetism poles and between Introduce magnetism with some simple experiments. Learners investigate opposite and like poles, suspending a bar
magnets and magnetic magnet from a clamp stand so it is free to move. What happens when a second bar magnet is brought close to the
materials, including the hanging bar magnet?
use of the terms north
pole (N pole), south Learners investigate which materials are magnetic by using a bar magnet. Can they identify the three magnetic elements
pole (S pole), on the Periodic Table?
attraction and
repulsion, magnetised Learners magnetise a bar of steel by stroking the steel in the same direction multiple times with the same end of the bar
and unmagnetised magnet. They test how well it works by trying to pick up steel paperclips.

Learners investigate a magnet’s effect on iron filings and plotting compasses. They will learn about fields later.
4.1.2 Describe induced
magnetism Learners observe a simple ‘magic trick’ using a bar magnet and a large steel paperclip. Attach a piece of string to the
paperclip and secure the end of the string to the base of a clamp stand. Clamp the bar magnet above so that the
4.1.4 State the difference paperclip reaches up to touch it but adjust its position so there is a slight gap. The paperclip appears to ‘float’ up,
between magnetic and straining against its string tether, due to the magnetic attraction to the bar magnet.
materials Learners play with magnetic ‘toys’: magnetic balls that can be made into geometric shapes, rattle magnets that vibrate
together to produce noise, etc.

Learners write observations and explanations of the experiments.

Clarify the key terms in this topic, in particular the difference between a magnetic material and a magnetised material.

Learners should be able to explain how to induce magnetism in a magnetic material by stroking it multiple times with a
magnet or by placing it next to a magnet.

Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

4.1.5 Simple Describe a magnetic Ask learners how they would define a magnetic field. Describe a magnetic field as a region in which a magnetic pole
phenomena field as a region in experiences a force.
of magnetism which a magnetic pole
experiences a force Direct learners to plot magnetic field lines with iron filings to show the shape of the magnetic field.

4.1.6 Draw the pattern and Direct learners to plot magnetic field lines with a compass and how to use the compass to determine the direction of the
direction of the magnetic field. Their plots should also show the shape of the magnetic field.
magnetic field lines
around a bar magnet Learners should be able to sketch the pattern and direction of the magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.

Set learners qualitative questions for practice. Give them diagrams of combinations of bar magnets and ask them to
4.1.7 State that the direction
identify which are the North and which are the South poles. (F)
of a magnetic field at a
point is the direction of Learners investigate making their own compass to detect the Earth’s magnetic field. Can they explain why the North pole
the force on the N pole of a magnet points to the North pole of the Earth?
of a magnet at that
point Learners research information about the magnetic field of the Earth, how it produces the Northern (and Southern) lights
and if other planets have magnetic fields. (I)
4.1.8 Describe the plotting of
magnetic field lines Learners investigate magnetic fields further using the simulation: (I)
with a compass or iron https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/magnet-and-compass
filings and the use of a
compass to determine Extended assessment: 4.1.10 and 4.1.11
the direction of the
magnetic field Remind learners of the magnetic field lines they plotted earlier using iron filings and/or plotting compasses. The strength
of the magnetic field is represented by the spacing of the magnetic field lines.
4.1.10 Explain that magnetic
forces are due to Remind learners of the definition of a “force” and introduce a magnetic force as due to the interactions between magnetic
interactions between fields. Learners have felt this force when investigating the interaction between magnetic poles previously, as like poles
magnetic fields will push apart (repulsive magnetic force) and opposite poles will pull together (attractive magnetic force).

4.1.11 Know that the relative

strength of a magnetic
field is represented by
the spacing of the
magnetic field lines

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

4.1.3 Simple State the differences Ask learners if they know any everyday items that use electromagnets. Learners may be surprised by how common they
phenomena between the properties are.
of magnetism of temporary magnets
(made of soft iron) and Ask learners to sketch the magnetic field around a single current-carrying wire. They can draw this in 3-D or in 2-D from
the properties of above or below. You could introduce the cross-and-dot notation to show the direction of the current in a wire in a 2-D
permanent magnets diagram. Learners will probably sketch various shapes for the field; remind them that field lines only end on poles and
(made of steel) their spacing represents their strength.

4.1.9 Describe uses of Introduce the right-hand grip rule to aid memory of the direction of the current in relation to the direction of the magnetic
permanent magnets field.
and electromagnets
Demonstrate the magnetic field around a current-carrying wire by using plotting compasses (or iron filings) on a sheet of Describe the pattern cardboard held at a right angle to the wire carrying direct current.
Magnetic and direction of the
Extend the concept of the magnetic field around a straight wire to a loop of wire and a solenoid. Learners should be able
effect of magnetic field due to
to logically link the diagrams together by using the right-hand grip rule to predict how each part of wire would produce a
current currents in straight
field that interacts with its neighbours’ fields.
wires and in solenoids
Highlight that a loop of wire carrying direct current is equivalent to two straight wires carrying direct current in opposite Describe an directions. Consider how parallel conductors produce magnetic field patterns due to their currents. Relate these to the
experiment to identify forces on the conductors. If the currents are in the same direction, the force is attractive; with oppositely directed currents
the pattern of a the force is repulsive.
magnetic field
(including direction) Introduce the basic structure of an electromagnet. Highlight the importance of the magnetic core and how iron is used as
due to currents in a temporary magnet.
straight wires and
solenoids Resource Plus
Carry out the How to make an electromagnet experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and State the qualitative resources.
variation of the
strength of the Ask learners what would happen if an electromagnet had a core made of steel. Explain that this would magnetise the
magnetic field around steel and produce a permanent magnet, assuming d.c. is used. Recap the stroking method of magnetisation. Learners
straight wires and write methods on how to magnetise magnetic materials.
Ask learners how to demagnetise a magnetic material. They may suggest using current again, this time alternating. Describe the effect on Learners investigate the methods of hammering and heating on pieces of magnetised iron.
the magnetic field
around straight wires
and solenoids of

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

changing the Learners consider the benefits of electromagnets in comparison to permanent magnets. They may identify that these can
magnitude and be controlled in terms of the strength of the field and be turned on and off as needed.
direction of current
Learners research the uses of electromagnets, such as maglev trains, loudspeakers, relays, electric bells, industrial
lifting magnets, etc. (I)

Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

If your school uses electromagnetic door locks, show them in action. Paperclips can be stuck to the lock when the
electromagnet is on. They will fall when the electromagnet is turned off.

Extended assessment: and

Ask learners what variables affect the strength of the magnetic field around straight wires and solenoids. Use the right-
hand grip rule to demonstrate how changing the direction of the current changes the direction of the magnetic field. Make
use of the magnets and electromagnets simulation to show how the magnitude of the current affects the magnetic field.
This can also be demonstrated using an electromagnet, a d.c. power supply and steel paperclips. Higher magnitudes of
current will hold more paperclips, implying a stronger magnetic field. Demonstrate how changing the direction of the
current flowing through a straight wire or solenoid changes the direction of the plotting compasses showing the direction
of the magnetic field.

Magnets and electromagnets simulation:

https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/magnets-and-electromagnets State that there are Introduce the concept of charge, positive and negative.
Electric positive and negative
charge charges Learners investigate the build-up of static charge using plastic rods and clothes. Rubbing the rods with the clothes
should build up charge on the rods such that they can pick up small scraps of paper, bend a small stream of water or State that positive repel another like-charged rod.
charges repel other
positive charges, Learners may be able to identify other examples where static charge is built up: when taking off a woollen jumper,
negative charges repel shuffling along the carpeted floor with socks on, jumping on a trampoline with socks on, etc.
other negative
charges, but positive Learners may enjoy observing the Van de Graaff generator. There are lots of demonstrations that can be done with the
charges attract generator to show the effects of static electricity.
negative charges

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Describe simple Clarify that charging of solids by friction involves only a transfer of negative charge (electrons). Positive charge (protons)
experiments to show are trapped inside of the nucleus and cannot be transferred by friction.
the production of
electrostatic charges Learners investigate static electricity further using the balloons simulation: (I)
by friction and to show https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/balloons-and-static-electricity
the detection of
electrostatic charges Learners research uses and dangers of static electricity: xerography, discharging vehicles, electrostatic spray painting,
inkjet printers, etc. Explain that charging
of solids by friction Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
involves only a transfer
Resource Plus
of negative charge
Carry out the Static electricity experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and resources.
(electrons) State that charge is Extended assessment:

measured in coulombs
Introduce the unit for charge, the coulomb. Describe an electric Extended assessment:, and

Electric field as a region in
charge which an electric Define an electric field, building on learners’ understanding of gravitational and magnetic fields. Describe an electric field
charge experiences a as a region in which an electric charge experiences a force.
Explain that electric field lines: State that the direction
of an electric field at a  show the path a small positive test charge would take
point is the direction of  point from positive charges to negative charges
the force on a positive  are at right angles to the surface of a conductor
charge at that point  are more closely packed when the field is stronger. Describe simple A uniform field is shown by equally spaced parallel field lines. Ask learners to draw the field lines for different
electric field patterns, combinations of point charges, charged spheres and charged plates (end effects will not be examined).
including the direction
of the field: Demonstrate an electric field’s effect on semolina in castor oil using a high voltage power supply.

(a) around a point Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
(b) around a charged
conducting sphere

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

(c) between two Learners investigate electric fields further using the field simulation: (I)
oppositely charged https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/charges-and-fields
parallel conducting
plates (end effects Experiment notes from the IoP on electric field patterns:
will not be https://spark.iop.org/electric-field-patterns
Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
Define electric field strength, building on learners’ understanding of gravitational field strength. Set learners simple
questions to practise calculations using the equation.

Ask learners what variables they think the force between two charged particles will depend on. Introduce Coulomb’s law.
Set learners simple questions to practise using the equation.

Learners can investigate the force between charges further using the Coulomb’s Law simulation: (I)
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/coulombs-law Describe an Can learners describe the difference between an electrical conductor and an insulator? Can they provide examples of
Electric experiment to each?
charge distinguish between
electrical conductors Ask learners how they would test whether a material is a conductor or an insulator. What items would they use?
and insulators
Introduce basic circuit symbols for a connecting cable, cell and lamp. Learners use these items to test whether objects Recall and use a are conductors or insulators. They complete a simple table of conductors and insulators by testing objects in the
simple electron model laboratory.
to explain the
difference between Explain the properties of a conductor and why metals are such good conductors. Describe electrical conduction in metals
electrical conductors in terms of the movement of free electrons. Remind learners of the demonstration of thermal conduction from Topic 1
and insulators and Motion, forces and energy where electrons helped transfer the energy quicker.
give typical examples
Conductivity simulation:
https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/conductivity Describe electrical
Electric conduction in metals in Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
current terms of the movement
of free electrons Learners investigate the conductivity of various items using the circuit simulation: (I)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners could research semiconductors and how they function to exhibit the properties of both insulators and
conductors, depending on the circumstance. (I) Know that electric Ask learners what measuring instrument is used to measure current, what the unit is for current and what the symbol is.
Electric current is related to the Learners may struggle to remember the unit and symbol as they do not appear to link to the name of ‘current’. Explain
current flow of charge that current is related to the flow of charge. Describe the use of Introduce the ammeter. Demonstrate analogue and digital ammeters: how to connect them in a circuit, how they can be
ammeters (analogue read and how different ranges can be used depending on the current being measured. Learners should recall the
and digital) with difference between analogue and digital from Topic 3 Waves.
different ranges
Set learners the task of investigating the current in various circuits. They measure the current at various points around Know the difference simple series and parallel circuits and draw a conclusion on how current behaves qualitatively. They may struggle to see
between direct current the pattern in the parallel circuit if the values are not very accurate.
(d.c) and alternating
current (a.c.) Explain that the learners have been working with direct current. Introduce and explain the properties of alternating
current. Define electric current
as the charge passing Alternating current and direct current:
a point per unit time; www.furryelephant.com/player.php?subject=physics&jumpTo=ee/10Ms3
recall and use the
Q Extended assessment:,, (a) and
equation: I=
Define electric current as the charge passing a point per unit time, define the ampere and introduce the equation. State that conventional Learners may need a reminder of charge and its unit.
current is from positive
to negative and that Highlight the common use of conventional current, which is from positive to negative. In reality, it is the electrons that
the flow of electrons is move and this flow of electrons is from negative to positive due to their negative charge.
from negative to
Remind learners of their findings from investigating the current in various circuits and explain in more detail. Show
learners simple circuit diagrams with the current labelled at some of the points around the circuit. Learners calculate the
missing values of the current using their understanding of how current behaves in series and parallel circuits. They Know that the current
should recall that the current at every point in a series circuit is the same. (F)
Series and at every point in a
parallel series circuit is the Show learners simple junction diagrams with the current labelled in all wires except one. Learners calculate the missing
circuits same
value, as well as the direction, of the current. They should recall that the sum of the currents into a junction in a parallel
circuit is equal to the sum of the currents that leave the junction.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities State that, for a Set learners questions to practise using the equation and applying their understanding of current in series and parallel
parallel circuit, the circuits. (F)
current from the
source is larger than Learners investigate the flow of charge further using the circuit simulation. The simulation can show electron movement
the current in each or conventional current. Learners use the ammeter to take readings of current at points around various circuits. (I)
Circuit simulation: (a) Recall and use in https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-dc
calculations, the fact
that: Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
(a) the sum of the Introduce Kirchhoff’s first law by reminding learners that the sum of the currents into a junction in a parallel circuit is
currents entering a equal to the sum of the currents that leave the junction. This is an example of the conservation of charge. Kirchhoff’s first
junction in a parallel law is an expression of this basic principle.
circuit is equal to the
sum of the currents
that leave the junction Explain that the sum of

the currents into a
junction is the same as
the sum of the currents
out of the junction Define electromotive Ask learners what measuring instrument is used to measure voltage, what the unit is for voltage and what the symbol is
Electromotive force (e.m.f) as the for voltage.
force and electrical work done by
potential a source in moving a Introduce the terms electromotive force (e.m.f), the energy supplied from a power source to a circuit, and potential
difference unit charge around a difference (p.d), the energy transferred by a current to the components in a circuit. Both are measured in volts.
complete circuit
Introduce the voltmeter. Demonstrate analogue and digital voltmeters: how to connect around a component in a circuit, Know that e.m.f is how they can be read and how different ranges can be used depending on the e.m.f or p.d being measured.
measured in volts (V)
Set learners the task of investigating the total e.m.f of several sources when arranged in series and in parallel. Define potential
Extended assessment:, and (b) and (c)
difference (p.d) as the
work done by a unit
charge passing
through a component

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Set learners the task of investigating the e.m.f and p.d of components in various circuits. They measure the e.m.f around Know that p.d between the power supply and the p.d of components in simple series and parallel circuits. They draw a conclusion on the
two points is measured behaviour of e.m.f and p.d They may struggle to see the pattern in the series circuit if the values are not very accurate.
in volts (V)
Learners may struggle to understand how the p.d across each branch of a parallel circuit can be the same. Explain this Describe the use of using an analogy. Two learners act as lamps in the circuit, you act as the power supply and the remaining learners are
voltmeters (analogue the electrons in the circuit. Direct the ‘electrons’ to move around the circuit, picking up energy (marbles or small sweets)
and digital) with from the ‘power supply’ (you) and distributing them to the ‘lamps’. When the ‘lamps’ are in series, they should share the
different ranges energy from the ‘power supply’, but when they are in parallel they can receive all of the energy that the ‘electrons’ carry
from the ‘power supply’ as each ‘electron’ only passes one ‘lamp’. This highlights that the energy per unit charge, the p.d, Recall and use the is the same as each branch in a parallel circuit and the same as the e.m.f of the source.
equation for e.m.f E= WQ
Show learners simple circuit diagrams with the values of e.m.f and p.d labelled for some of the components in the circuit.
Learners calculate the missing values using their understanding of e.m.f and p.d in series and parallel circuits. They
Recall and use the should recall that the total p.d across the components in a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual p.d.s across
equation for p.d V= WQ
each component and that the p.d across an arrangement of parallel resistors is the same as the p.d across one branch in
the arrangement of the parallel resistors. (F) Calculate the
Series and combined e.m.f of Remind learners of the definitions of e.m.f and p.d and introduce the equations. Demonstrate calculations using the
parallel several sources in equations.
circuits series
Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions for practice. (F) (b) Recall and use in
and (c) calculations, the fact Learners investigate the voltage further using the circuit simulation. Learners can use the voltmeter to take readings of
that: voltage around components in various circuits. (I)
(b) the total p.d across
the components in a Circuit simulation:
series circuit is equal https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-dc
to the sum of the
individual p.d.s across Voltage simulation:
each component https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/battery-voltage
(c) the p.d across an
arrangement of Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
parallel resistances is Introduce Kirchhoff’s second law, linking to learners’ understanding of e.m.f and p.d in circuits. Explain how it relates to
the same as the p.d the conservation of energy. In reality, some electrical energy from the battery may be used to heat the battery itself, due
across one branch in to internal resistance.
the arrangement of the
parallel resistances

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Recall and use the Introduce resistance and ask learners how it will affect current in a circuit.
Resistance equation for resistance
V Use analogies to introduce the concept of resistance e.g. comparing resistance to the difficulty in moving down a corridor
R= I with a lot of other learners moving around you. Describe an Direct learners to investigate the relationship between the current flowing through a resistor and the voltage across it.
experiment to Learners build the circuit from a diagram or may need a demonstration of the set-up. They should collect various results
determine resistance of current and voltage. They should avoid letting the resistor overheat; you may need to tell them a maximum value of
using a voltmeter and current or voltage that they should not exceed to ensure this.
an ammeter and do
the appropriate Introduce the equation for resistance and how it can be used to calculate the resistance from the results of the
calculations experiment. State, qualitatively, the Learners should write a method for the experiment they carried out and explain how to find the resistance of the resistor.
relationship of the
resistance of a metallic Ask learners what variables the resistance of a component depends on. You can use analogies, but make sure they help
wire to its length and rather than confuse learners e.g. a wider corridor (representing the cross-sectional area of the wire) decreases the
cross-sectional area resistance, but not because there is more room (there will be more charge carriers). Sketch and explain the Ask learners what they think the combined resistance will be when multiple resistors are connected in series. Introduce
current–voltage graphs how to calculate the combined resistance.
for a resistor of
constant resistance, a Learners measure the combined resistance of resistors using a multimeter. They test different combinations and come to
filament lamp and a the conclusion that resistance in series is additive, whilst adding more resistance in parallel decreases the combined
diode resistance such that the resistance is less than that of either resistor by itself.

Show learners simple combinations of resistors and ask them to quickly calculate or estimate the combined resistance. Recall and use the
Learners could answer the questions on miniature whiteboards. (F)
following relationship
for a metallic electrical Set learners simple calculation and qualitative questions for practice. (F)
(a) resistance is Extended assessment:, and
directly proportional to
length Learners repeat the experiment to find the resistance of a filament lamp and a diode. Alternatively, learners can
(b) resistance is investigate these components through simulation or discuss qualitatively. Learners should be able to sketch and explain
inversely proportional the current–voltage graphs of a resistor of constant resistance, a filament lamp and a diode.
to cross-sectional area
Return to the instruction from the experiment not to overheat the resistor. Ask learners how overheating would affect the
experiment’s results. Learners should identify that this is the reason that the lamp does not have a fixed resistance.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Calculate the Set learners qualitative questions for practice on different components and their current–voltage graphs. Show graphs
combined resistance that learners match to the components. (F)
of two or more
resistors in series Resource Plus
Carry out the Factors affecting the resistance of a wire experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans State that the and resources.
combined resistance
of two resistors in Remind learners that the combined resistance of two resistors in parallel is less than that of either resistor by itself.
parallel is less than Introduce how to calculate the combined resistance and demonstrate a calculation.
that of either resistor
by itself Set learners questions to test their understanding of the direct proportionality between resistance and the length, and the
inverse proportionality between resistance and the cross-sectional area of a wire, as well as the combined resistance of Calculate the two resistors in parallel. (F)
combined resistance
of two resistors in Learners can investigate the resistance further using circuit simulation. Learners can change the wire resistivity and take
parallel measurements of voltage and current to find the resistance of combinations of resistors. (I)

Battery-resistor circuit simulation:


Circuit simulation:

Ohm’s law simulation:


Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Introduce the equation for the resistance of a wire. Link to the variables already discussed. Set learners simple questions
for practice. (F)

Teach learners how to calculate the combined resistance of multiple resistors in parallel.

Resistance in a wire simulation:

https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/resistance-in-a-wire Draw and interpret Show learners circuit symbols and ask them to identify what they represent.
Circuit circuit diagrams
diagrams containing cells, Set learners the task of constructing simple circuits by interpreting a circuit diagram of symbols.
batteries, power

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

and circuit supplies, generators, Learners can build a simple circuit containing cells and lamps and investigate what happens if one bulb “blows”/is
components potential dividers, removed/is short circuited. Learners can also compare the brightness of bulbs in various circuits whilst keeping the
switches, resistors number of cells constant. Ask learners how they think the lights in their house are wired. They build simple circuits using
(fixed and variable), cells, lamps and switches to model the lighting in a house. What are the advantages of connecting lamps in parallel in a
heaters, thermistors lighting circuit?
(NTC only), light-
dependent Learners play ‘pairs’ or any simple match up game with the circuit symbols and their names to aid recall.
resistors (LDRs),
lamps, motors, Set learners a simple recall test on the circuit symbols to aid and test recall. (F)
ammeters, voltmeters,
magnetising coils, Introduce the NTC thermistor and light-dependent resistor (LDR) and explain their use as input sensors.
transformers, fuses,
Set learners qualitative questions on thermistors and LDRs.
relays, and know how
these components Remind learners of their investigation into resistance of a light bulb as current and p.d changes. Ask learners why the
behave in the circuit resistance changes. Learners consider how to keep the current in a circuit constant whilst the resistance of a component
changes. Learners recall and apply V=IR to show that the p.d across an electrical conductor increases as its resistance Draw and interpret increases for a constant current.
circuit diagrams
containing diodes and Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions to practise calculating current, voltage and resistance on parts of a
light-emitting diodes circuit or on the whole circuit.
(LEDs), and know how
these components Extended assessment:, and
behave in a circuit
Introduce the diode and the light-emitting diode (LED) and explain how they behave in a circuit. Remind learners of Know how to construct conventional current and highlight how the arrowhead of the diode circuit symbol must point in the same direction as
and use series and conventional current flow for the diode to allow current to flow.
parallel circuits
Learners could research common uses of diodes. (I) State the advantages
of connecting lamps in Introduce a variable potential divider. Demonstrate how it can be used in a circuit and take measurements of p.d to show
parallel in a lighting how it works to divide the potential difference.
Introduce the equation for two resistors used as a potential divider. Demonstrate how to use this equation. Know that the p.d
across an electrical Set learners calculation questions on potential dividers for practice.
conductor increases
Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
as its resistance

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

increases for a Using Kirchhoff’s laws, derive formulae for the combined resistance of two or more resistors in series and in parallel.
constant current
Return to the concept of a potential divider and introduce using a variable resistor, thermistor or LDR. Learners discuss Describe the action of how each component would affect the circuit and the values of voltage. Learners may forget that not only will these
a variable potential components cause the values of p.d to change, but that changing their resistance will change the overall resistance of
divider the circuit and thus the current that flows too. Recall and use the Set learners questions to find the voltage for different components in simple circuits for practice. (F)
equation for two
resistors used as a
potential divider 1 = 1
R2 V2 Understand that Introduce electrical energy and power, building on learners’ understanding from Topic 1 Motion, forces and energy.
Electrical electric circuits transfer
energy and energy from a source Introduce the equations for electrical energy and power. Demonstrate how to use the equations.
electrical of electrical energy,
power such as an electrical Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
cell or mains supply, to
the circuit components Introduce the idea that energy is paid for, linking to learners’ understanding of energy sources (and later electricity
and then into the generation). Introduce the kilowatt-hour as an alternative unit for energy, one much more appropriate for the scale of
surroundings energy used in homes.

Set learners the task of estimating the electrical energy used for a period of time (an hour, a day, a week or a year) in Recall and use the
their bedroom or home. They calculate the energy in kilowatt-hours and then calculate the cost using current energy
equation for electrical
power P=IV
Learners look at a real electricity bill to interpret the cost of electricity and how many kilowatt-hours are used in an Recall and use the average home.
equation for electrical
energy E=IVt Set learners more quantitative and qualitative questions on electricity usage. (F) Define the kilowatt- Learners practise their recall of the variables, symbols and units of current, voltage, resistance, charge, energy and
hour (kW h) and power using simple match-up games. Alternatively, they play ‘electricity bingo’ where they fill in a bingo sheet with their
calculate the cost of choice of symbols and you read out definitions for them to identify.
using electrical
appliances where the
energy unit is the kW h

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Learners investigate lamps in series and parallel further using the circuit simulation. They use the voltmeter and ammeter
to take readings in various circuits. They also calculate the power using the results of voltage and current. (I)

Circuit simulation:

4.4.1 State the hazards of: Introduce the topic of electrical hazards through some ‘common sense’ scenarios. Ask learners to identify why the
Electrical following are hazardous: frayed cables, long cables, damaged plugs, water around sockets, pushing metal objects into
(a) damaged
safety sockets, etc.
(b) overheating Lead learners through the identification and explanation of why the following specific hazards are dangerous: damaged
cables insulation, overheating cables, damp conditions and overloading of plugs, extension leads, single and multiple sockets
(c) damp conditions when using a mains supply.
(d) excess current
from overloading Introduce a mains circuit and identify the live wire (line wire), the neutral wire and the earth wire.
of plugs,
extension leads, Introduce double insulation and explain how it protects the user of the electrical appliance. Ask learners to suggest
single and common examples of electrical appliances that have double insulation: a hairdryer, a mains radio, an electric drill, a desk
multiple sockets fan, etc.
when using a mains
supply Introduce the role of earthing and the fuse and how they work together to protect the user of the electrical appliance.

4.4.2 Know that a mains Demonstrate how a fuse ‘blows’ when the current flowing through it is too high. Fuse wire (or any thin easily overheated
circuit consists of a live wire) can be used for this. Increase the current gradually until the wire glows red hot and melts. Clarify that a fuse melts
wire (line wire), a and breaks, but this is often referred to as ‘blowing’.
neutral wire and an
earth wire and explain Demonstrate the hazard of an electrical device having no double insulation and no earth wire. Demonstrate the hazard of
why a switch must be an electrical device having an earth wire but no fuse. Demonstrate how the earth wire and fuse work to protect the user
connected to the live of the electrical device.
wire for the circuit to
Introduce trip switches as ‘resettable’ fuses. Ask learners to imagine how awkward it would be to have to replace every
be switched off safely
fuse on every electrical device in their home. Instead, trip switches protect the home and its appliances. Learners may be
Explain the use and able to identify where the trip switches are in their home: under the stairs, in the garage, in a coat cupboard.
operation of trip
Explain that fuse ratings and trip switch settings depend on the working current of the electrical appliance.
switches and fuses
and choose
appropriate fuse

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

ratings and trip switch Set learners simple questions to identify the fuse needed for various electrical appliances. You could set learners more
settings difficult questions where they calculate the working current using their knowledge of electrical equations from previous
lessons. (F)
4.4.4 Explain why the outer
casing of an electrical Explain that fuses and circuit breakers are wired into the live conductor so that they can protect the user of the electrical
appliance must be appliance. They all cause a break in the circuit such that current can no longer flow.
either non-conducting
(double insulated) or Learners investigate the fuse further using the circuit simulation. Learners add cells to increase the current and
earthed intentionally blow the fuse. (I)

4.4.5 State that a fuse Circuit simulation:

without an earth wire https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-dc
protects the circuit and
Learners may enjoy trying to wire a plug themselves using their knowledge of the mains circuit. Ensure that learners do
the cabling for a
not plug in their plug to the mains.
appliance Describe how the Recap the relay and the loudspeaker from when learners learnt about electromagnets. These both use the magnetic
Magnetic magnetic effect of a effect of current. The relay uses it to magnetically link two circuits, without sharing current. The loudspeaker uses it to
effect of a current is used in produce motion. How does this work?
current relays and
loudspeakers and Introduce the motor effect through demonstration. The rolling bar demonstration requires a moveable conductor to be
give examples of their placed on parallel conducting rods and in a magnetic field such that when direct current flows the bar rolls out of the field.
application The kicking wire demonstration uses a flexible wire or thin strip of conducting metal. It should be connected to a direct
current power supply such that it sits in a magnetic field. When the circuit is turned on, the wire or strip will move out of Force Describe an the field.
on a current- experiment to show
carrying that a force acts on a The rolling bar:
conductor current-carrying www.gcse.com/energy/rolling_bar.htm
conductor in a
magnetic field, The kicking wire:
including the effect of https://physicsmax.com/kicking-wire-experiment-force-conductor-magnetic-field-7869
(a) the current Use the motor effect to explain how a loudspeaker works. The magnetic effect of current in the coil interacts with the
(b) the direction of permanent magnetic field, producing motion. In this case, due to the alternating current used, vibration is caused and
the field sound is made.

Animations of how loudspeakers work:

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Recall and use the https://animatedscience.co.uk/how-a-loudspeaker-works

relative directions of https://animagraffs.com/loudspeaker/
force, magnetic field
and current Extended assessment: and Determine the Explain that the motor effect is when a current-carrying wire in the presence of a magnetic field experiences a force. The
direction of the force relative directions of force, magnetic field and current are all at right angles to each other and can be recalled using
on beams of charged Fleming’s left-hand rule. Use the rule to explain and predict the movement shown previously in the demonstrations.
particles in a
magnetic field Extend learners’ understanding of the motor effect to explain what would happen to a beam of charged particles in a
magnetic field, including the effect of reversing the current or the direction of the magnetic field. Learners treat the beam
of charged particles as the current, bearing in mind the charge of the particles. Learners should be able to predict which
direction the particles will move in, if it all.

Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Ask learners what variables cause more ‘motion’ or force. They may identify the strength of the magnetic field, the size of
the current and how many coils there are, or rather, the length of the conductor in the field.

Introduce the equation F = BIL to calculate the force felt by a wire carrying a current, I, of length, L, due to the interaction
with the magnetic field of strength, B. Set learners simple questions to practise. The Know that a current- Introduce the electric motor as a use of the motor effect previously studied. Ask learners what variables will affect the
d.c. motor carrying coil in a turning speed of the motor. They may identify the current, the strength of the magnetic field and the number of turns on
magnetic field may the coil.
experience a turning
effect and that the Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
turning effect is
increased by increasing: Learners research the uses of electric motors in everyday household items: a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner,
microwave, extractor fan, etc. (I)
(a) the number of
turns on the coil Extended assessment:
(b) the current
(c) the strength of Explain the operation of an electric motor by building up how it works from the force on a current-carrying conductor in a
the magnetic magnetic field previously covered. Introduce two parallel wires with oppositely directed direct currents. Join them into a
field coil. Place them in a permanent magnetic field. Learners should be able to suggest that this will cause the coil to move
up and down in a repeating motion, but without completing a full turn. How can we make the coil move continuously in

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Describe the one direction? Introduce the split-ring commutator and the brushes as a means of reversing the direction of the current in
operation of an time with the motion of the coil.
electric motor,
including the action Electric motor animation:
of a split-ring www.animatedscience.co.uk/animations/
commutator and
brushes Learners improve their understanding of an electric motor by building one in pairs:

Learners label the parts of the electric motor and their role on a diagram. Know that a conductor Introduce electromagnetic induction through a series of experiments. Learners carry out these experiments individually
Electro- moving across a or in small groups.
magnetic magnetic field or a
induction changing magnetic  Each group requires two pole facing magnets on a yoke, a cable and a multimeter for the first experiment.
field linking with a Moving the wire quickly through the pair of magnets on the yoke, or moving the yoke around the wire, induces a
conductor can induce small reading of voltage on the more sensitive voltmeter setting of the multimeter.
an e.m.f in the  Each group requires a bar magnet, a cable and a multimeter for the second experiment. Moving the magnet
conductor quickly into the coiled cable, or moving the coiled cable around the magnet, induces a small reading of voltage.
 Each group requires a small electric motor, two cables and a multimeter for the third experiment. Spinning the Describe an motor’s shaft induces a small reading of voltage.
experiment to
demonstrate For all three experiments, learners investigate how they can increase the voltage reading and what happens if they
electromagnetic reverse the motion.
Explain that electromagnetic induction produces an e.m.f (or voltage and, if connected in a circuit, a current) across an State the factors electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field. This is known as the induced e.m.f (and induced current). Inducing an
affecting the magnitude e.m.f requires movement, either directly of the field or of the conductor within the field. Moving quicker increases the
of an induced e.m.f e.m.f induced. Increasing the length of the conductor in the field, or increasing the number of turns in a coil, increases
the e.m.f induced. Know that the direction
of an induced e.m.f Learners write a method to explain how to demonstrate electromagnetic induction.
opposes the change
causing it Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities State and use the Learners could create their own animation to show electromagnetic induction and how the variables affect the induced
relative directions of e.m.f using simple software like PowerPoint. (F)
force, field and
induced current Learners could investigate electromagnetic induction further using the induced e.m.f (Faraday) simulations: (I)

Extended assessment: and

Link the changing direction of current produced by the induced e.m.f to the changing direction of motion of the conductor
or the magnetic field. Introduce Lenz’s Law to explain this relationship.

Explain the importance of the conservation of energy and the idea of doing work. A force must be exerted on the magnet
to move it and energy is transferred to the electrical circuit through the medium of the magnetic field.

Introduce the right hand rule (similar to Fleming’s left hand rule) to aid learners in identifying and predicting the relative
directions of force, field and induced current.

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Introduce Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Explain the variables and highlight the negative symbol, explained
by Lenz’s law.

Set learners simple questions to practise this new equation. (F) The Describe a simple form Extended assessment: and
a.c. of a.c. generator
generator (rotating coil or rotating Recap how the electric motor can be used in ‘reverse’ to induce an e.m.f by moving the shaft. Ask learners what the
magnet) and the use problem is with this set-up. They may identify that it would create a direct current, when electricity generation requires
of slip rings and alternating current. Ask learners how this can be solved. They may suggest removing the commutator. Introduce the slip
brushes where needed rings as the alternative that will allow a.c. to be generated.

Sketch and interpret As the coil moves up and down through a magnetic field, alternating current is induced. The direction of current graphs of e.m.f. continuously changes. Demonstrate this with models and/or animations.
against time for simple
a.c. generators and Sketch a graph of e.m.f against time for a simple a.c. generator and relate the position of the generator coil to the peaks,
relate the position of troughs and zeros of the e.m.f.
the generator coil to

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

the peaks, troughs and Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
zeros of the e.m.f.
Learners can investigate generators further using the generator simulation: (I)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Explain the generator more using Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law. The Describe the Explain that electricity generation produces alternating current and this is essential for its transport.
transformer construction of a
simple transformer Introduce the transformer by describing its construction.
with a soft iron core,
as used for voltage Demonstrate how different values of coils changes the secondary voltage and current. Can learners spot a pattern?
transformations Refer to the primary and secondary sides of the transformer. Use the terms primary, Introduce the equation that links the voltage and the number of turns on the coil.
secondary, step-up
Explain that a step-up transformer increases the voltage and the number of turns on the coil but decreases the current. A
and step-down
step-down transformer does the reverse. Recall and use the Set learners quantitative and qualitative questions for practice. (F)
equation P = P
Demonstrate a model of how transformers are used in the transmission of electricity. If possible, use a multimeter to take
where p and s refer to
measurements of voltage before and after the step-up or step-down transformers. Explain the advantages of high-
primary and secondary
voltage transmission. Describe the use of Transformers and electricity transmission:

transformers in high- www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zgb9hv4/revision/3
voltage transmission of
electricity Learners can investigate electricity transmission further using the power lines animation: (I)
www.schoolphysics.co.uk/animations/Electricity%20-%20magnetism%20animations/Power_lines/index.html State the advantages
of high-voltage Extended assessment:, and
Explain the function of a transformer by breaking down how it works into simple steps. Explain the principle of
operation of a simple Demonstrate the structure of a transformer and repeat the explanation of its principle of operation.
iron-cored transformer

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Introduce the equation for power and the equation relating power, current and resistance. Demonstrate how to carry out Recall and use the calculations with these equations.
equation for 100%
efficiency in a Set learners calculation questions for practice. (F)
transformer 𝐼𝑝 𝑉𝑝 = 𝐼𝑠 𝑉𝑠
where p and s refer to Explain how transformers reduce power loss in the transmission of electricity. Relate to learners’ understanding of
primary and secondary resistance and energy conservation, linking to the equations. Recall and use the

equation 𝑃 = 𝐼 2 𝑅 to
explain why power
losses in cables are
smaller than the
voltage is greater

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Scheme of Work

5. Nuclear physics

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities The Describe the structure Ask learners to describe the structure of the atom in terms of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged
atom of an atom in terms of electrons in orbit around the nucleus. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. Clarify any misconceptions and
a positively charged ensure sound understanding of the basics.
nucleus and negatively
charged electrons in Ask learners how ions are made. They may be able to explain that atoms form positive ions by losing electrons or
orbit around the negative ions by gaining electrons.
Define the terms proton number (atomic number), Z and nucleon number (mass number), A. Know how atoms may
form positive ions by Set learners simple questions to work out the nucleus number knowing the proton number and the nucleon number. (F)
losing electrons or
form negative ions by Introduce the term nuclide and use the nuclide notation AZX.
gaining electrons
Set learners simple questions to work out the number of protons and neutrons by interpreting nuclide notation. (F) Describe how the Introduce the term isotope and how one element may have a number of isotopes. Show learners examples of this:
scattering of alpha (𝛼) uranium, carbon, radon, etc.
particles by a sheet of
thin metal supports the Set learners simple questions to practise interpreting nuclide notation and identifying isotopes. (F)
nuclear model of the
atom, by providing Learners can investigate the structure of the atom further using the simulation: (I)
evidence for: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/build-an-atom
(a) a very small
nucleus Extended assessment:, and
surrounded by
Introduce the alpha-particle scattering experiment. Explain scientists’ understanding of the atom at the time (the plum
mostly empty
pudding model) for context. What would the scientists have expected to observe? Describe the observations made by
the scientists. What conclusions can be drawn? Explain that this experiment is important evidence for a very small
(b) a nucleus
charged nucleus surrounded by mostly empty space, containing most of the mass of the atom. Use diagrams and/or
containing most of
animations to help your explanation.
the mass of the
atom Learners can investigate the alpha-particle scattering experiment further using the simulation: (I)
(c) a nucleus that is https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/rutherford-scattering
positively charged
Link learners understanding of relative charges and mass of the nucleons to the proton number and nucleon number.

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities The Describe the

nucleus composition of the Set learners questions to practise interpreting the proton number and nucleon number. (F)
nucleus in terms of
protons and neutrons State the relative

charges of protons,
neutrons and electrons
as +1, 0 and -1
respectively Define the terms

proton number (atomic
number), Z and
nucleon number (mass
number), A and be
able to calculate the
number of neutrons in
a nucleus Use the nuclide

notation AZX Explain what is meant

by an isotope and
state that an element
may have more than
one isotope Know the relationship

between the proton
number and the
relative charge on a
nucleus Know the relationship

between the nucleon

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

number and the

relative mass of a
nucleus The Describe the emission Introduce radiation as a random and spontaneous process. The emission of radiation from an unstable and decaying
three types of radiation from a nucleus is random in direction and time.
of emission nucleus as
spontaneous and Introduce the three types of radiation: α, β and γ radiation. Rank the type of radiation in terms of their relative ionising
random in direction effects and penetrating powers. Identify alpha (𝛼), beta Demonstrate the relative penetrating powers of the three types of radiation using radioactive sources and sheets of
(𝛽) and gamma (𝛾) paper, aluminium and lead. Care should be taken with the radioactive sources and learners should observe at a safe
emissions from the distance.
nucleus by recalling:
(a) their nature Describe the nature of each type of radiation: α-particles are two protons and two neutrons (helium nuclei), β-particles
(b) their relative are high-speed electrons and γ radiation are high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
ionising effects
Clarify that radioactive decay creates a more stable nucleus and during 𝛼-decay or 𝛽-decay, the nucleus changes to that
(c) their relative
of a different element.
abilities (𝛽 + are Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F)
not included, 𝛽-
particles will be Extended assessment:,,, and
taken to refer to
𝛽− ) Link the relative ionising effects of the different types of radiation to the kinetic energy and electric charge. When
radiation causes a lot of ionisation, it does not penetrate very far as it loses energy and slows down. Describe the deflection
of 𝛼-particles, 𝛽- Learners consider the charge of each of the types of radiation, using their understanding of the charge of the
particles and 𝛾- components of the atom. Learners should identify that an α-particle has a relative charge of +2, β-particles has a relative
radiation in electric charge of -1 and γ radiation has no charge.
fields and magnetic
fields Learners consider how the types of radiation will deflect in electric fields and magnetic fields, recalling knowledge from
Topic 4 Electricity and Magnetism. Deflection will depend upon the relative charge of the radiation. Explain their relative
ionising effects with Remind learners of nuclide notation and use it to explain the decay equations for α, β and γ radiation.
reference to:
Show learners different decay equations and ask them to quickly identify which type of radiation is shown. Learners can
(a) kinetic energy
answer the questions using miniature whiteboards. (F)
(b) electric charge

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Set learners more complicated questions to test their understanding of α, β and γ radiation and to practise decay Know that radioactive equations. (F)
Radioactive decay is a change in
decay an unstable nucleus Learners can investigate alpha and beta decay further using the simulations. (I)
that can result in the
emission of 𝛼-particles Alpha decay simulation:
or 𝛽-particles and/or 𝛾- https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/alpha-decay
radiation and know
that these changes are Beta decay simulation:
spontaneous and https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/legacy/beta-decay
Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
State that during 𝛼- Learners may be interested in the decay (or nuclear) equations for historically important reactions such as Becquerel’s
decay or 𝛽-decay, the first observation of radioactivity, the first artificial transmutation of nitrogen to oxygen, the nuclear fission of uranium, etc.
nucleus changes to
Explain what occurs inside the nucleus for beta plus decay, as well as beta minus decay, and refer to the conservation of
that of a different
element Know that isotopes of

an element may be
radioactive due to an
excess of neutrons in
the nucleus and/or the
nucleus being too
heavy Describe the effect of

𝛼-decay, 𝛽-decay and
𝛾-emissions on the
nucleus, including an
increase in stability
and a reduction in the
number of excess
neutrons; the following
change in the nucleus
occurs during 𝛽-

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Use decay equations,

using nuclide notation,
to show the emission
of 𝛼-particles, 𝛽-
particles and 𝛾-
radiation Know what is meant Introduce the idea that radiation is all around us. Demonstrate the Geiger-Müller tube and counter and how it
Detection of by background sporadically detects radiation without a radioactive source being present.
radioactivity radiation
Give learners a list of common (and less common) sources of background radiation: radon gas (in the air), rocks and Know the sources that buildings, food and drink, cosmic rays (from the Sun), nuclear weapons testing, nuclear power, medical, etc. Ask
make a significant learners to rank them in order of most radioactive. Learners may be surprised by the order and realise that background
contribution to radiation is common and largely harmless.
background radiation
including: Introduce how the count rate (as shown on a Geiger-Müller counter) is measured in counts/minute. Demonstrate how to
calculate the counts/s.
(a) radon gas (in the
air) Introduce the cloud chamber for detection of alpha-particles. Cloud chambers can detect ionising particles, and alpha-
(b) rocks and buildings particles leave a thick and recognisable track due to their relatively high ionisation power.
(c) food and drink
(d) cosmic rays Make and demonstrate a cloud chamber in the laboratory:
https://home.cern/news/news/experiments/how-make-your-own-cloud-chamber Know that ionising
radiation can be Alternatively, show learners videos of a cloud chamber in action.
measured using a
detector connected to Introduce the spark counter as an alternative for the detection of alpha-particles. You could show videos of a spark
a counter chamber in action:
www.ep.ph.bham.ac.uk/DiscoveringParticles/detection/spark-chamber/ Use count rate
measured in counts/s Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)
or counts/minute
Learners may enjoy watching the Veritasium video on the most radioactive places on Earth: (I)
Use measurements of www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRL7o2kPqw0
background radiation
Extended assessment:
to determine a
corrected count rate

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Demonstrate how to find the count rate of a radioactive source by measuring the background radiation without the
radioactive source. This reading is subtracted from the measurement of the radioactive source to determine a corrected
count rate.

Set learners questions to practise finding the corrected count rate. (F)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

The cloud chamber can also be used to observe fundamental particles (electrons and muons). Introduce learners to the
common tracks seen in a cloud chamber, what is making them and why they behave the way they do.

The standard model:

https://home.cern/science/physics/standard-model Half- Define the half-life of a Introduce the half-life as the time taken for half the nuclei of that isotope in any sample to decay.
life particular isotope as
the time taken for half Show learners decay curves and demonstrate how these can be interpreted to find the half-life.
the nuclei of that
isotope in any sample Demonstrate how to find the half-life from information in tables.
to decay; recall and
use this definition in Set learners simple questions to practise calculating the half-life from different forms of information. (F)
simple calculations,
Resource Plus
which might involve
Carry out the Model to determine half-life experiment referring to Teaching Pack for lesson plans and
information in tables or
decay curves resources.
(calculations will not
include background Learners can investigate the half-life further using the radioactive half-life simulation: (I)
radiation) www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/E18/E18.html

Extended assessment: and Calculate half-life from
data or decay curves Learners research the use of radiation in a household fire (smoke) alarm. (I)
from which
background radiation Explain how the half-life of the isotope within a household fire (smoke) alarm should be long enough to avoid regular
has been subtracted changing of the source. Clarify that the source is not dangerous to humans in the house due to its type, location and
shielding. Explain how the type
of radiation emitted Show learners the inside of a household fire (smoke) alarm and use a Geiger-Müller tube and counter to detect the
and the half-life of the radiation when the shield is removed.
isotope determine

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

which isotope is used Learners research the use of radiation to irradiate food to kill bacteria. This process makes use of radiation’s ability to
for applications damage and kill living cells. (I)
(a) household fire Learners research the use of radiation in measuring and controlling thicknesses of materials with the choice of radiations
(smoke) alarms used linked to penetration and absorption. (I)
(b) irradiating food to
kill bacteria Learners research the use of radiation in medicine to diagnose and treat cancer, as well as the use of sterilisation of
(c) sterilisation of medical equipment. (I)
equipment using
gamma rays Set learners qualitative questions on the uses of radiation and half-life for practice. (F)
(d) measuring and
Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level
Introduce carbon dating as a process that dates any object that was once alive. Carbon-14 exists naturally in our
thicknesses of
atmosphere and is absorbed by plant matter through photosynthesis. This carbon is then transferred to animals who eat
materials with the
the plant matter or who eat animals who eat the plant matter. When a plant or animal dies, the carbon-14 decreases
choice of radiations
through radioactive decay and the amount left can be used to date the remains.
used linked to
penetration and Learners can investigate the carbon dating further using the radioactive dating game: (I)
absorption https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/radioactive-dating-game
(e) diagnosis and
treatment of cancer
using gamma rays The Describe the Extended assessment:

nucleus processes of nuclear
fission and nuclear Introduce fission and fusion as different to the radiation studied so far as they are not random. They are triggered
fusion as the splitting processes that release nuclear energy. However, they still carry many of the same dangers as random radiation.
or joining of nuclei, to
include the nuclide Introduce fission as the process of a massive isotope absorbing a neutron and producing two daughter nuclei and a
equation and release of energy. U-235 nuclei are commonly used and they also release two or more neutrons. These neutrons can
qualitative description create a chain reaction. You could use animations or simulations to help your explanation.
of mass and energy
changes without Introduce fusion as the process of combining two smaller nuclei to form a larger nucleus, with the release of energy.
Set learners simple questions for practice. (F)

Learners can investigate nuclear fission further using the simulation: (I)

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Introduce the main components of a nuclear reactor, including the moderators and control rods. These components help
to control the nuclear reactions and have specific roles.

Learners identify the main components of a nuclear reactor on a diagram and link the other parts to their understanding
of electricity generation: turbine, heat exchanger, etc.

Learners may be interested to hear about, or to research, the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. The Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear disaster of 2011 may also be of interest. Learners consider the similarities and differences between a nuclear
disaster and a nuclear bomb. (I)

Explain the nuclear equation for fission of uranium in nuclear reactors.

Explain that fusion is the source of energy for stars and explain the nuclear equation for fusion of hydrogen in stars.

Learners research current information on fusion on Earth and the difficulties scientists face in making this process viable
for large-scale electricity generation. State the effects of Learners research the health hazards of ionizing radiation. (I)
Safety ionising radiations on
precautions living things, including Explain that radiation can cause damage of cells, through mutation and cell death. It can also lead to cancer.
cell death, mutations
and cancer Learners consider in which cases α, β and γ radiation is most dangerous to humans. They should take into account their
relative penetrating and ionisation powers. They should conclude that α is most dangerous when ingested or inhaled, Describe how and that β and γ can travel through the skin to damage the body internally. (I)
radioactive materials
are moved, used and Learners research the safety precautions for handling radioactive materials. (I)
stored in a safe way
Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F) Explain safety You could tell learners about the story of Alexander Litvinenko, who died from radiation poisoning in 2006. Using their
precautions for all understanding of penetrating powers they may be able to identify which type of radiation was used.
ionising radiation in
terms of reducing Extended assessment:
exposure time,
increasing distance Discuss safety precautions. Reducing exposure time, increasing distance between source and living tissue, and using
between source and shielding are all good practices.
living tissue and using
shielding to absorb

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Introduce a tracer as a substance containing radioactive nuclei that can be introduced into the body and is then absorbed
by the tissue being studied.

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

Scheme of Work

6. Space physics

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities The Know that the Earth is a Ask learners why the North and South poles of our planet experience 24 hours of darkness in winter and 24 hours of light
Earth planet that rotates on its in summer.
axis, which is tilted,
once in approximately Introduce the fact that the Earth rotates on its axis around the Sun at an angle. Use diagrams and/or animations to aid
24 hours, and use this this explanation. Use balls to demonstrate this in the laboratory: one learner can be the Sun and you, or a second
to explain observations learner, move around the ‘Sun’ with a ball representing the Earth, rotating the ‘Earth’ on its axis at an angle as it orbits.
of the apparent daily
motion of the Sun and Ask learners how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun. Clarify that the orbit is slightly elliptical, but the motion can
the periodic cycle of day be approximated as a circle when it comes to models and calculations.
and night
Ask learners how long it takes for the Earth to rotate on its axis and how long it takes for the Moon to orbit the Earth. Know that the Earth Learners may get slightly confused, so simulations may help understanding.
orbits the Sun once in
Ask learners how long it takes for light from the Sun to reach the Earth. Clarify that although light travels faster than
approximately 365 days
anything else, it still takes time to reach us.
and use this to explain
the periodic nature of Extended assessment:
the seasons
Ask learners to define speed. They should remember the equation from Topic 1 Motion, forces and energy. If planets Know that it takes orbit in a circle, how can the distance they travel in one orbit be calculated? Learners may suggest using the
approximately one circumference of the circle. Introduce the time period as the time it takes for one full orbit. Explain the equation and
month for the Moon to demonstrate how to use it in calculations.
orbit the Earth and use
this to explain the Learners practise using the orbital speed equation by calculating the speed of the hour, minute and second hand on a
periodic nature of the clock. (F)
Moon’s cycle of phases
Set learners more questions for practice. (F) Define average orbital
speed from the Learners may be interested to use Google Earth or other Earth viewing apps/websites to observe our planet. NASA’s
2πr Earth-Now app shows orbiting satellites. With Google Earth learners can orbit the planet or zoom in on a location,
equation v = ,
T amongst other things: (I)
where r is the average https://earth.google.com/web/
radius of the orbit and
T is the orbital period; Learners investigate orbital motion further using the simulation: (I)

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

recall and use this https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/gravity-and-orbits

equation The Describe the Solar Ask learners to name the planets. They may be able to name all of the planets and place them in the correct order.
Solar System System as containing: Mnemonics may aid recall e.g. My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming. Learners can make up their own
(a) one star, the Sun
(b) the eight named Explain that the solar system contains our Sun, the planets, dwarf planets (e.g. Pluto), moons and other smaller bodies
planets and know such as comets.
their order from
the Sun Put learners into small groups to research, prepare and present a short presentation on an assigned planet or
(c) minor planets that component of the solar system. Learners should include key information about their astronomical body such as orbital
orbit the Sun, distance, orbital duration, density, surface temperature and uniform gravitational field strength at the planet’s surface.
including dwarf Learners peer mark the presentations and give critical feedback on possible improvements.
planets such as
Pluto and Introduce the accretion model for the formation of the Solar System and link to learners’ understanding of gravity (Topic
asteroids in the 1 Motion, force and energy), circular motion (if covered, Topic 1 Motion, force and energy) and the components in the
asteroid belt Solar System.
(d) moons, that orbit
the planets Remind learners about gravitational forces from Topic 1 Motion, forces and energy. They should recall that different
(e) smaller Solar planets have different values of gravitational field strength and that this affects the gravitational force of attraction.
System bodies,
including comets Introduce the idea that the strength of the gravitational field depends on the mass of the planet and the distance from the
and natural planet.
Introduce the idea that the Sun contains most of the mass of the Solar System and thus has a much stronger Know that, in gravitational field at its surface in comparison to the planets. It is this attractive gravitational force that keeps an object in
comparison to each orbit around the Sun.
other, the four planets
nearest the Sun are Learners could use Google Mars or other apps/websites to observe the components of our solar system: (I)
rocky and small and www.google.com/mars/
the four planets
Learners could find out how many astronauts are orbiting the Earth right now aboard the International Space Station.
furthest from the Sun
They research information about the astronauts and their current missions. (I)
are gaseous and large,
and explain this How many people are in space right now?:
difference by referring https://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com
to an accretion model

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

for Solar System Extended assessment:,, and
formation, to include:
(a) the model’s Use comets as an example of an object in an elliptical orbit and explain that it travels faster when closer to the Sun. Use
dependence on diagrams/simulations to aid this explanation. Link the motion to the conservation of energy from Topic 1 Motion, forces
gravity and energy. Clarify that plants and minor plants actually orbit in ellipses, but they are often considered approximately
(b) the presence of circular, unlike comets. Clarify that the Sun is not at the centre of an elliptical orbit.
many elements in
interstellar clouds Consider an object traveling in an elliptical orbit and how its speed changes. Link the distance from the Sun to the
of gas and dust gravitational attraction felt and the speed at which it travels. Link to the conservation of energy (Topic 1 Motion, forces
(c) the rotation of and energy).
material in the
cloud and the Learners can investigate elliptical orbits and the variation of speed and distance using marbles:
formation of an https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2014/07/Marble-ous_ellipses_-_classroom_demonstration_video_VP02
accretion disk
Set learners questions to practise analysing and interpreting planetary data: finding the mass of a planet using its density
and radius (using knowledge from Topic 1 Motion, forces and energy), calculating the orbital speed using the orbital Know that the strength
distance and duration, ranking planets in terms of their surface temperature and assessing which might be suitable for
of the gravitational field
human life, calculating the weight of various masses on a planet’s surface, etc. (F)
(a) at the surface of
a planet depends Ask learners what happens to the gravitational force as the distance from the Sun increases. They may be able to
on the mass of explain that the force will decrease. Ask learners how this affects the orbital speed of the planets. Learners may make
the planet the link between the gravitational force decreasing and the orbital speed decreasing. Explain this clearly and use
(b) around a planet animations/simulations as needed.
decreases as the https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/gravity-and-orbits
distance from the
planet increases Set learners more complicated questions to test their understanding. (F) Know that the Sun

contains most of the
mass of the Solar
System and this
explains why the
planets orbit the Sun Know that the force

that keeps an object in
orbit around the Sun is

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

the gravitational
attraction of the Sun Know that planets,

minor planets and
comets have elliptical
orbits, and recall that
the Sun is not at the
centre of the elliptical
orbit, except when the
orbit is approximately
circular Analyse and interpret

planetary data about
orbital distance, orbital
period, density,
surface temperature
and uniform
gravitational field
strength at the planet’s
surface Know that the strength

of the Sun’s
gravitational field
decreases and that the
orbital speeds of the
planets decrease as the
distance from the Sun
increases Know that an object in

an elliptical orbit
travels faster when
closer to the Sun and
explain this using the
conservation of energy

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities The Calculate the time it Link the fact that it takes approximately 500 s for light from the Sun to reach the Earth to learners’ understanding of the
Solar System takes light to travel a speed of light (previously referred to as the speed of electromagnetic waves in Topic 3 Waves). Knowing the time and
significant distance the speed of light, learners calculate the approximate distance from the Sun to the Earth. They also calculate the time it
such as between takes for light to reach the other planets or for messages to reach astronauts (via radio satellites).
objects in the Solar
System Astronomical distances can be measured in light-years, where one light-year is the distance travelled in a vacuum by
light in one year. This unit of distance can be useful for establishing how far away different stars are. The Know that the Sun is a
Sun as a star star of medium size, Learners could investigate the relative sizes of moons, planets, stars and galaxies using online videos/animations. (I)
consisting mostly of Scale of the Universe:
hydrogen and helium, https://scaleofuniverse.com
and that it radiates
most of its energy in Introduce the Sun as a star, one of many in our galaxy. In fact, it is a rather average star of a medium size. Discuss its
the infrared, visible properties and its importance to life on Earth.
and ultraviolet regions
of the electromagnetic Ask learners to name stars they know. They may name the Sun, as well as commonly known stars like the Pole star
spectrum (Polaris), Sirius, Betelguese, etc. Know that stars are Explain that stars are powered by nuclear reactions that release energy. Link to learners’ understanding of fusion from
powered by nuclear Topic 1 Motion, forces and energy and Topic 5 Nuclear physics.
reactions that release
Introduce the idea that a galaxy is made up of billions of stars and that ours is called the Milky Way. Other stars in our
energy and that in
galaxy are much further away than our Sun, hence why they appear so small (and dim) in comparison.
stable stars the
nuclear reactions Extended assessment:, and
involve the fusion of
hydrogen into helium Learners need to know the distance of a light-year in metres. More practice calculations may aid memory recall. Stars State that: Hand out cards with the names of the stages of a star’s life cycle for learners to sort. They may not have any idea of the
(a) galaxies are each order at this point. Move around the classroom to give them some clues.
made up of many
Explain the life cycle of a star, differentiating between less massive and more massive stars. Explain each stage, the key
billions of stars
properties of that stage and what causes the star to transition to the next stage. Show images of each stage (where
(b) the Sun is a star in
possible) and name examples: Betelguese is a red supergiant, the Sun is a stable star with nuclear reactions that involve
the galaxy known
the fusion of hydrogen into helium, etc.
as the Milky Way
(c) other stars that Set learners qualitative questions to assess understanding. (F)
make up the Milky
Way are much

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

further away from Learners could look at photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. These images are amongst the best images taken
the Earth than the of the components of our Universe and show a wide range of stars, galaxies and other astronomical bodies: (I)
Sun is from the https://spacetelescope.org/images/archive/top100/
(d) astronomical Learners could look at how humans have interpreted apparent groupings of stars to form constellations and how these
distances can be have been used for navigation throughout history. (I)
measured in light-
years, where one
light-year is the
distance travelled
in (the vacuum of)
space by light in
one year Know that one light-

year is equal to
9.5x1015 m Describe the life cycle

of a star:
(a) a star is formed
from interstellar
clouds of gas and
dust that contain
(b) a protostar is an
interstellar cloud
collapsing and
increasing in
temperature as a
result of its internal
(c) a protostar
becomes a stable
star when the
inward force of

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

attraction is
balanced by an
outward force due
to the high
temperature in the
centre of the star
(d) all stars eventually
run out of
hydrogen as fuel
for the nuclear
(e) most stars expand
to form red giants
when most of the
hydrogen in the
centre of the star
has been
converted to
(f) a red giant from a
less massive star
forms a planetary
nebula with a white
dwarf at its centre
(g) a red supergiant
explodes as a
forming a nebula
hydrogen and new
heavier elements,
leaving behind a
neutron star or a
black hole at its
(h) the nebula from a

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities

supernova may
form new stars
with orbiting
planets The Know that the Milky Introduce our place in the Universe: we live on Earth, orbiting the Sun, the star in our solar system, part of the Milky Way
Universe Way is one of many galaxy, one of billions of galaxies in the finite Universe.
billions of galaxies
making up the Remind learners of the definition of a light-year and explain that our nearest galaxy neighbour, Andromeda, is at least
Universe and that the 25000 light-years away from the Earth.
diameter of the Milky
Way is approximately Remind learners about wavelength from Topic 3 Waves and how it relates to the colour of light.
100 000 light-years.
Introduce redshift as an increase in the observed wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted from receding stars Describe redshift as an and galaxies. If there is time, you could start by explaining the Doppler shift with sound. Learners will have heard this
increase in the effect, even though they may not have realised it.
observed wavelength
Explain that most galaxies, made up of billions of stars, show redshift. Galaxies further away have more redshift, so they
of electromagnetic
must be moving faster. Explain Hubble’s Law to tie these concepts together.
radiation emitted from
receding stars and Explain that if all the galaxies are expanding away from each other, this suggests they may have once been very close
galaxies together. Introduce the Big Bang theory and explain how redshift is evidence for this theory. You could give a bit of
history on the Big Bang theory: why it was a controversial theory at the time when it was proposed, the Cosmic Know that the light Microwave Background as another piece of evidence, etc.
emitted from distant
galaxies appears Demonstrate a simple analogy for the Big Bang theory using a balloon. Partially inflate the balloon and mark multiple
redshifted in ‘galaxies’ on the surface of the balloon using a marker pen. Inflate the balloon further and explain that the ‘galaxies’ all
comparison to light move away from each other.
emitted on the Earth
Set learners qualitative questions for practice. (F) Know that redshift in
the light from distant Learners investigate the expanding Universe using elastic bands and metal washers. They attach the elastic bands and
galaxies is evidence metal washers in an alternating line such that there are 10 washers separated by 9 elastic bands. The washers represent
that the Universe is the galaxies, held together by their own gravity, and the elastic bands represent the space between the galaxies.
expanding and Learners pick a ‘home’ galaxy and measure the distance from their home galaxy to all of the other galaxies. Then they
supports the Big Bang ‘expand’ the Universe by stretching the whole chain of elastic bands and measure the new distances. They plot a graph
theory of the increase in distance against the original distance and consider what the experiment shows.

The expanding Universe experiment:

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Know that microwave https://spark.iop.org/elastic-band-universe

radiation of a specific
frequency is observed You could show learners a full timeline of the Universe to get a sense of scale and the very small amount of time humans
at all points in space have existed.
around us and is
known as cosmic Learners may enjoy the Doppler Shifting song by AstroCapella. The song is quite advanced in content, but memorable
microwave and detailed:
background radiation www.astrocappella.com/doppler.shtml
Learners may enjoy classifying galaxies as part of the volunteer science project Galaxy Zoo: (I) Explain that the CMBR www.zooniverse.org/projects/zookeeper/galaxy-zoo/about/research
was produced shortly
Extended assessment:,,,,, and
after the Universe was
formed and that this Introduce the CMBR and Hubble’s law as key evidence for the Big Bang theory. Explain how the CMBR was produced,
radiation has been how the signal has changed over time and how it can be detected today. Link to learners’ understanding of the
expanded into the electromagnetic spectrum from Topic 3 Waves. Learners may find it interesting to hear how the CMBR was discovered
microwave region of by Penzias and Wilson whilst carrying out a separate experiment.
the electromagnetic
spectrum as the Return to redshift and introduce the idea that the speed at which a galaxy is moving away from the Earth can be found
Universe expanded from the change in wavelength of the galaxy’s starlight. Explain that how far away a galaxy is can be found using the
brightness of a supernova in that galaxy. Know that the speed v
at which a galaxy is Introduce Edwin Hubble as the scientist who showed that there were many more galaxies in the Universe than people of
moving away from the the time thought and who investigated the motion of distant galaxies. Show learners a graph of Hubble’s results. Ask
Earth can be found learners to make their own conclusion. They may explain that galaxies that are further away move faster, suggesting that
from the change in everything is moving away from everything else, which leads to the conclusion that the Universe is expanding.
wavelength of the
galaxy’s starlight due Introduce Hubble’s law and the equation. Learners need to recall and use the equation and know the current estimate for
to redshift Hubble’s constant. They should know that combining the equation and the constant allows for an estimate for the age of
the Universe. Know that the distance
of a far galaxy d can Set learners questions for practice. (F)
be determined using
the brightness of a Ask learners what else can be surmised by Hubble’s evidence of redshift. What happens if we run time backwards? The
supernova in that Universe would be a lot smaller, denser and hotter than it is now, until eventually it is all in a single point. This is the
galaxy basis of the Big Bang theory and Hubble’s law is a key piece of evidence.

Extension: Stretch and prepare for A level

Scheme of Work

Syllabus ref. Learning objectives Suggested teaching activities Define the Hubble Explain the Doppler shift of sound, as well as light, and introduce the expression fo = fs v / (v ± vs) f.
constant 𝐻0 as the
ratio of the speed at Attach a buzzer to a piece of string and spin it in a circle with learners standing a safe distance away in a circle around
which the galaxy is the buzzer. They should notice the sound appears to change in pitch as it moves away and towards them, but can they
moving away from the explain this themselves?
Earth to its distance
from the Earth; recall Video or sound clips of vehicles passing a stationary observer clearly demonstrate the Doppler effect for sound waves.
and use the equation You could use video clips or diagrams to help learners visualise the emitted sound waves and how a moving source
𝑣 changes the wavelength and frequency.
𝐻0 =
Use a long spring (a slinky or a bed spring works well) to demonstrate how the waves are being emitted uniformly by the
Know that the current source, but if the observer moves away or towards the source, the frequency of the waves passing them appears to estimate for 𝐻0 is 2.2 x change e.g. if they move away, they increase the time it takes before another wave passes them, because they are
10-18 per second moving away from the source emitting the waves.
Know that the equation Set learners questions to practise using the expression fo = fs v / (v ± vs) f. (F) 𝑑 1
= represents an
𝑣 𝐻0
estimate for the age of
the Universe and that
this is evidence for the
idea that all matter in
the Universe was
present at a single

Past and specimen papers

Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)

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