Essay About Republic Day
Essay About Republic Day
Essay About Republic Day
Writing an essay on the topic "Essay About Republic Day" can be both challenging and rewarding.
The difficulty lies not only in capturing the essence and significance of Republic Day but also in
presenting a unique perspective that engages and informs the reader.
Firstly, one must delve into the historical and cultural aspects of Republic Day, understanding its
roots and evolution. This requires thorough research to ensure accuracy and depth in the content.
Then comes the challenge of structuring the essay effectively, organizing thoughts coherently, and
maintaining a logical flow from one idea to the next.
Moreover, expressing personal insights and opinions while staying objective can be intricate. Striking
the right balance between informative content and an engaging writing style adds another layer of
complexity. Crafting a compelling introduction to grab the reader's attention and a conclusion that
leaves a lasting impression is also crucial.
Language proficiency plays a vital role in the difficulty of the task. Ensuring clarity, coherence, and a
rich vocabulary is essential to convey thoughts effectively. Balancing formal and creative language
can be a delicate task, as the essay should be informative while also capturing the reader's interest.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of Republic Day demands a thorough understanding of
the subject, effective organization of ideas, and skilled use of language. It is an intricate process that
requires time, effort, and dedication to produce a piece that not only meets academic standards but
also resonates with the audience.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available.
One option is , where professional writers can help craft essays on a wide range of
topics, ensuring quality and meeting specific requirements.
Essay About Republic Day Essay About Republic Day
Application Of A New Password Protected
A new password protected Training folder has been created on the root of drive R to be
used for all current training materials.
The password is Training. Please do not store anything in this folder until we have all
outdated training materials archived and files and folders re organized.
As we move, and delete files and folders, a TD Mirror folder of the TD folder has been
created as a backup. The TD Mirror folder will be deleted after the re organization project
is complete and The TD folder will be deleted after all files and folders have been moved
to their perspective housing area.
The original Archives folder has been moved (as is) from the TD sub folder in the
Human Resources folder on drive R to the Training folder at the root of R. There are
many versions and copies of the same course stored in the current Archive folder making
it challenging to determine which courses were actually in production (used by the
learners) and which were a work in progress or backups before the final release. In other
words, a course is not considered a version until it is released in Production or to the
public, anything before that time is considered a Work in Progress. These two procedures
seems to cause confusion. Consider the follow story:
A work team for a popular magazine company is tasked with producing a fun, interesting,
an exciting, spring issue. The team begins work drafting concepts and ideas and then
presents them to other team
The Demographic Characteristics Of The Senior Population...
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The demographic characteristics of the senior
population has been changing over time. The rise in diversity and the geographic
placement of seniors can provide an opportunity to examine their use of the social
program SNAP. Characteristics of food insecurity such a geography and race correlate
with higher rates of food insecurity and as these same characteristics continue to grow in
the senior population. Since seniors have the lowest rates of SNAP participation versus
other age groups, and their rates of food insecurity continue to grow it is important to
examine what characteristics impact the likelihood of SNAP take up among this
Demographic Shifts
With increases in longevity, improved quality of life ... Show more content on ...
In 2003 close to 12% of those aged 70 79 years of age faced the threat of hunger, and
that rate grew to about 14% in 2013. For those aged 80 and older there was about a 2%
increase in those facing the threat of hunger from 2003 to 2013, moving from around
9% to close to 11%. All three age groups saw sharp increases from 2007 to 2008, though
the growth was more pronounced in the younger age group (Ziliak Gundersen, 2013,
The pattern of higher rates among younger age groups of seniors also occurs in SNAP
participation. There is a clear age gradient in SNAP participation among seniors. In 2009,
older age categories had lower take up rates among seniors. Seniors aged 60 64 had 34%
take up rate, those aged 65 69 had 33% take up, seniors aged 70 74 had 29% take up,
those age 75 79 had 30% take up, and those older than 80 years of age had 28% take up
(Leftin, 2011).
Like longevity trends, racial trends among the elderly are an important aspect when
looking at demographics of the aging population. The growing aging population is also
changing in composition. The aging populace is moving to be a more racially and
ethnically diverse population than previous aging populations (Ortman Velkoff, 2014).
In 2010, non Hispanic whites made up 80% of adults aged 65 years or older, by 2030
that percent will decrease to 71.2% of the population 65 and older. It is predicted that by
2050 non Hispanic whites will make up fewer than 60% of the
Recognizing The Benefits Of Not Only A Diverse Workforce,
Recognizing the benefits of not only a diverse workforce, but a diverse culture has been
an issue for us since the founding of this nation. We ve seen from the beginning how
intolerance and bigotry was present in a society which proclaimed that all men are
created equal by decree. Our society has struggled with the inclusion of anyone into our
culturewho did not fit the mold of we saw was the norm simply because it was different.
This brief discussion focuses on how those differences can be harnessed to produce a
more productive workforce making the proclamation that all men are really equal come
true. I ll begin by talking about the importance of having people with different lifestyles
included in our workforce. Then I ll discuss... Show more content on ...
People will be more apt to spend their money more comfortably with them (Mayhew,
2017). There are intangible benefits to maintaining a robust diversity policy starting
with the way people are able to engage in interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
Individuals will always have some kind of conflict in the workplace. How people deal
with that conflict will determine the effectiveness of their overall performance. The
more diverse an organization is has a direct correlation to how well people are able to
deal with conflict and adversity. The degree in which we re able to resolve
interpersonal conflict directly affects employee productivity. This high level interaction
also builds the mutual respect we have for each other. When people are able to see and
recognize each other s differences while working through conflict as it arises, builds
respect also allowing an increase in overall productivity (Mayhew, 2017).
Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce A diverse workforce is required to be
successful in today s business market. People want to be a part of an organization which
embraces diversity at all levels and tiers of a company not just at the entry or middle
management. One of the ways to retain a diverse workforce is to ensure people can see
that diversity at every level not just in the new location where they were just hired.
Seeing this will allow a future vision of upward mobility unhindered by barriers
The Dataset Diabetes Details From Efron Et Al
Individual Project 1
This report will cover the dataset diabetes details from Efron et al.(2003). Throughout
this report, we will explore the potential relationship between the ten predictor variables:
age, sex, BMI, average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements (tc, ldl, hdl,
tch, ltg, glu) on a quantitative measure of disease progression one year after the baseline.
There are 442 diabetes patients, or records in the dataset. In this report, we will explore
different methods and cross validation techniques to understand these sample datasets
leveraging linear regression, ridge regression, lasso method and metrics like our MSE,
the mean prediction error and standard errors of the test dataset. First, we will ... Show
more content on ...
With the positive coefficients, we will see an increase in one unit of each variable
separately compared with the advancement in diabetes. With a 0.05 parameter, the
linear regression model selects 5 predictor variables with significance, age, tc, ldl, tch,
and glu. To validate the assumption, we can plot the residuals versus the fitted values to
see if there are any indications of signs of random distributions. For the residual plot,
we see there are no indications or violations of random distribution and can calculate the
MSE of the model, which is 3111.265. Next, we will leverage the best subset method to
select the predictor variables that are truly impactful to the model.
Best Subset Model
With our best subset method, we can leverage our lowest BIC metric to select the best
model. We can plot out best subset method and pinpoint the number of variables to
select. The plot below showcases that the lowest point or value of BIC, contains 6
variables. We leverage the BIC metric because it places a penalty on models with more
or many variables. Meaning, the mode variable a model has, the bigger the penalty. We
can review the coefficients, standard errors, t value, and the p values for the best subset
method with the significant six variables. Our MSE metric for the 6 variable best subset
model is 3090.483, a slight decrease from our linear regression model.