Comrnission Angladcsh: (.-Lniversity Grants (R)

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:l (iovernment of tire Feople's Repr-rblic o1'Ilangiadesh

{.-lniversity Grants Comrnission of []angladcsh

i# #ffi
z\gargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. Dhaka- 1207 'r#
'Lqe -
Te I : ooL/y-tb5 (r) o\h Fax: oob4v-02- 5BI 60203
f<qf<nn"nr rqft
\,v\.vw. Lrgc. gov. bd, E -rnai I : secretary@ u gc. gov. bd

f{el: LiCC/Admir,/P:N:/1 (41)8)120121 q 9 &A Datecl: 26 l)ecernber. l0ll

&fffice ffip^der
fhe aLrtholity of the Univelsity Grairts Comrnissior-r oi Eanglaclesh (LJCC) is k) gfiint h'ir. h,iLl.
Hasanuzzamau. Cffice Attendant, Strategic. Planuing and Quality Assuraiice Ifivision ol'UG(. 1.1 (1-\)Lrif.r-r )

clays E,x-Barrglacleslr lear,'e (Llarned l-earre) with effect from 07-02-2A24b l0-02-2024 ( or 1-l clav's jl'Lrn.r tlri ,-iiti';

of clepartLrre) to visir Irrclia lbr aftencling a programme as "Chitlaitgcla'' at the 2i''l Birarat ltarr!. t\'lolroi5ii;-
Internatiorra] Festival. 2024.

l{elating to ttriis visit follorving terms and conditions will be applied:

(a) The period willbetreated as Recreation leave(Earned leave) on firll avel'ase pzi\.
(b) DLlring the period, his salary and allowarrces r,r,ill be paicl in Bartglacleshi currcttcl as LtsLtiti
(c) UCC or Goverument of tlie Peop)6's RepLrblic of Banglaciesh lvill not bear an;-'iittancial liabilii-r
either in loczrl ol in fbleign cr-rllerr'cy in this regard;
(d) After returirinq" he n-rustjoin UGC iililediat"^ly on the dLre clatc as per usual norr:isipi'acliccs.

With the approvai o1'thc authorit"v

d ft"r,\./-.,? ^r
aszga {g\Y
h4d.,Asaclr-rzzar niri r

Depr-rty Secretaly
&'{ r'" Nzlci" ij[asiul uzritmarr Phonc : 88-02-5ti I 602 i I (i.)liicu)
(Jf'fice Atlenclaut I :-mai I : zafitan accl,'ri 1'enoo,crrrrr
Strategic, Pianning and QLrallty Assurance llivision
Uuiversit) Grants Commission of BangIacleslr
Agargaon, Dhaka-1201.

Ret-: UGC/AdminiP:N:/) (Bhfu)DAnl C{9 * e- Dated: l9 l)eccrrbeI.. \ole

Copv to (UGC):
I \_
I Secretary, UGC, Dhaka. t
2 Director, Stratigic, Plarrrring and QLralit.v Assurance Division, UGC. Dhaka.
) irector (Additional Charge), Finance & Aecounts Division, UCC, Dhaha.
Additional Director, iMCT Division, UGC, Dhalta. (For Lrploadiirg this Office Order in tlrc i.i(i(' ricbsirc)
5. Private Secretary (Deputy Secretary) to the Chairmarr. UGC. Dhalia.
6- 10 Serrior Assistant Secretary/Assistarrt Secretary, Offlce of the Membcr, UCU. tlhalia. l

11. Pei'sonal Officer to the Secretary, UCC, Dhalia. ,tL

r) 11 Fersonal fi 1e/rVaster 1 r le.

Copv'to (other offlces) ;

It. E. F{igh Commissioner of Irrdia to Baugladesir. I-trigh L'oinrrission o1'lnclia.
Plot No: 1-j, irark ltoad. ilariclhara. Dhaka i212.
2 Director Generai, lilmigration ancl Passports, Agargaou, Dhalta.
J Directo;:, Flazrat Shah .lalal (R) International Airporl, Dhalia. I
4 c-lliief secLrritv officer, Ilazrat shalr Jalal (l{) InternationalAirpor-r, Ifhalia.
5 Immigratiott and Customs, Benapole and Darsirana/Burimari l-aucl Por1. Palgr'aur. Lalnrouiriraii'i urriiibI I

l,and Por1. Coainghat, Sylhet.


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