Christmas Essay Topics

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Christmas Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Christmas Essay Topics" presents a unique set of challenges. The
difficulty lies in striking a balance between capturing the essence of the festive season and offering
fresh perspectives on a theme that has been explored extensively. The challenge is not merely in
narrating the familiar tales of joy, family gatherings, and gift exchanges but in finding a unique angle
that engages the reader and adds a fresh perspective to the well-trodden path.

Choosing the right topics within the broader theme of Christmas adds an additional layer of
complexity. One must navigate through the myriad possibilities, considering the significance of each
sub-topic and its potential to captivate the audience. Striking a balance between the traditional
elements of Christmas and the contemporary relevance of the chosen topic is no easy feat.

Moreover, weaving a narrative that is not only informative but also emotionally resonant requires a
nuanced approach. It involves blending facts, anecdotes, and personal reflections to create a tapestry
that not only educates but also evokes a sense of connection and nostalgia. This demands a delicate
touch, as too much sentimentality can verge into cliché, while an overly academic tone may alienate
the reader from the warmth inherent in the Christmas spirit.

Research is another aspect that contributes to the difficulty of writing on this topic. Despite its
ubiquity, Christmas has diverse cultural and historical dimensions that may require thorough
investigation. This depth of exploration is essential for providing a comprehensive understanding and
avoiding superficiality.

In conclusion, the task of writing an essay on "Christmas Essay Topics" demands not only literary
finesse but also creativity in selecting and presenting themes within the broader spectrum of
Christmas. It is a delicate dance between tradition and innovation, familiarity and novelty, making it
a challenging endeavor for any writer.

For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on various topics, including Christmas, professional
services like offer a platform where similar essays and much more can be ordered.
These services can provide support in navigating the complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-
crafted and engaging final product.
Christmas Essay TopicsChristmas Essay Topics
The Epic Of Gilgamesh Flood
Throughout history, there have been many different stories, fables, and myths, all
deriving from many different cultures, but all with the same basic elements and
storylines. One of the common stories we see in these cultures histories, is that of a
flood that wipes out the human race. In all of the flood accounts, we can learn a little
about what these cultures believe. Some say a flood like this actually happened, while
others believe this to be a symbol for a greater message. All the flood stories have many
similarities, but also many differences, resulting from a difference in cultural beliefs.
Based on this alone, it is easy to conclude that these stories must be a symbol for
something greater, and didn t actually happen. To begin,... Show more content on ...
First, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, with Utnapishtim, he brings his wife, craftsmen, and
riches on his ship with him. In contrast to this, Noah only brings his family along on
his ship. Also in Noah s story, it rained for forty days and forty nights, the water lasted
for one hundred and fifty days, and he spent forty days on the mountain. In Utnapistim
s story, the flood only lasted for seven days, and he was only stuck on the mountain for
seven days as well. When stranded on the mountain, Utnapishtim sent out three birds.
First, a dove that returns, next a swallow that returns, and finally a raven that leaves
and does not return. While Noah is stuck on the mountain, he only sends out two birds,
but one of which he sends out multiple times. First, a raven that returns, next a dove
that returns, then the same dove that returns, but this time with an olive leaf, and
finally the same dove again that leaves and does not return. In Noah s story, there is
only one God that is the destroyer, the protector, and the promise maker all in one. In
Utnapishtim s story, there are three different gods that fill these rolls. The god Enil is
the destroyer, the god Ea is the secret giver and protector of life, and the god Bellet ili is
the promise maker. At the ends of both stories, both Utnapishtim and Noah are rewarded,
except Utnapishtim is granted eternal life, whereas Noah is given another three hundred
Characteristics of the Amphioctopus Marginatus Essay
The Amphioctopus Marginatus is of the Kingdom Animalia because like other
members of this kingdom, it is both multicellular and is a heterotroph. This species is
also part of the phylum Mollusca because like other mollusks, it has a coelom, (letter
B on the first phylogeny tree), a visceral body mass, and a mantle (letter C).
Furthermore, because it is not part of the phylum Chordata, it does not have the
notochord (letter A) (Doc 2). It is of the class Cephalopoda, because like other members
of this class, such as Asteroceras Confusum, the Marginatus has a merged head and foot
(letter F), a siphon (letter D), and a ring of tentacles (letter E) surrounding the head (Doc
1). As a member of the order Octopoda, this species has eight arms... Show more content
on ...
The dark veins, suggest a convergent evolution because no other species in the genus
show these lines but other sea floor dwelling animals such as the tasseled angler fish use
branched veins to camouflage themselves (Doc 6). The second phylogeny tree shows a
closer view at the relationship between members of the family Octopodidae who all have
arms that unite at the base of the mantle (letter A). Both the sub Family of
Bathypolypodinae and the Eledoninae have poisonous venom (letter B) (Doc 8). The
Bathypolypodiane also have extensive membrane connecting their tentacles (letter
C). The Benthoctopus and Bathypolypus both do not have an ink sac (letter D) unlike
the Teretoctopus (Doc 6). The Letter E represents a small body size something that is
common in both the Arcticus and Valdiviae (Doc 6). The Bathypolypus Arcticus has a
relatively large lifespan six years (letter F) unlike the Valdiviae which live for
approximately one to three years (Doc 4). The letter G represents a differently shaped
Hectocotylus found only in the Bathypolypus Valdiviae (Doc 9). The letter H
represents the presence of conical papillae (Doc 1). The letter I represents the presence
of poisonous venom which is found in the genus Hapalochaena and can be deadly (Doc
7). The letter J represents large eggs something that is common only to the members of
the genus Ameloctopus (Doc 2). The letter K represents a deep lateral and a short dorsal
web (Doc
The Real Estate Bubble Crisis
From the late 1990 s to mid 2000 s the United States experienced an unprecedented run
up of real estate prices across the country that reached a peaked in 2006, in some areas
up to an eighty percent increase. After the increase in prices, there was a sudden
collapse of real estate prices in 2008, brought on by a surge in foreclosures, and an
increasing inventory of housing.1 Foreclosure increases came from an unprecedented
rise in mortgages called, subprime mortgages. These risky subprime mortgages, and the
cottage industry within the financial sector that profited from them, created an overly
leveraged and over exposed finance industry that created a massive recession when the
bubble popped. In this essay, we will look into the many... Show more content on ...
Foreign investors starving for fixed income securities that also had returns better than
government securities, decided to invest in mortgage back securities provided by Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac. In order to take advantage of the savings glut Wall Street firms
began to package many of these sub prime mortgages together and create what was
known as a mortgage backed security.1 A mortgage backed security, was an asset
backed security that was secured by a collection of upwards a several hundred
mortgages. The issue was the mortgage back securities provided by Fannie, Freddie,
and investment banks were given good ratings by rating agencies such as Standard
and Poor s and Moody s, even though these assets were toxic. They gave the mortgage
back securities good ratings, because their risk assessment models solely used
previous housing data, and did not include any possibility of a fall in housing prices.3
As a result, overseas investors believed they were getting secure assets with above
average returns, but instead they were getting very toxic assets instead. So the interest
in these mortgage back securities continued the flood of savings, continuing the
suppression of interest rates and maintained the status quo.2 Banks lent out these sub
prime mortgages at a prolific rate because even if the borrower foreclosed, banks were
still able to make a profit, as they resold a higher priced house. Another form of easy
credit came from the historically low short term rates
Daniel D Addario s Article Everything Is Trolling Now
Daniel D Addario wrote an article called Everything is Trolling Now, which is about
internet trolling. Trolling is generally regarded as an intentionally offensive remark or
action against a person or group of people who hold a certain ideology in order to get a
reaction (421). However, D Addario takes note in the article of an apparent
oversaturation of the word troll. Individuals will call many different things a form of
trolling, to the point that it seems as though just holding an opinion is enough to be
considered as a personal attack against other people. D Addario even mocks this by
occasionally placing quotation marks around the word troll, to call into question a
particular instance of its usage. Through sourcing, comparisons,... Show more content on ...
He uses this metaphor to address what might be the underlying problem in regards to
trolling: People don t want to actually think critically of their own opinions or the
opinions of others. We all simply assume that we re right in our taste of music, for
example, because it s what we ve always enjoyed, and we can t imagine a world where
we are wrong in our tastes. But, despite the complexity of the internet and the amount
of data, opinions, and news articles floating around, we haven t mentally evolved to
be able to process all of that. Not just in the respect that there is so much on the
internet to begin with, but also in the respect that we ll read an opinion article and not
seriously attempt to reconcile what we read in the article both to what know and what
we believe. We want to believe that we re right either all or most of the time, but don t
want to put in the effort to prove that we actually are correct. We don t want to put in
effort we don t think that we need to put in. As long as humanity continues to try not to
really think about what we believe, the word troll will continued to be overused by
anyone and
The Importance Of Sleep Deprivation
Humans sleep is a biological need just like breathing, eating, and drinking, although
people often assume that sleep deprivation is not as impactful to their bodies. Sleep
deprivation is when you do not get enough daily sleep and it can take a toll on one s
body (Pilcher Allen, 1996). When one s sleep cycles are out of rhythm, they do not
reach the rapid eye movement (REM) stage while they are sleeping, or when they have a
diagnosed sleep condition. Sleep quality is equally important when discussing sleep
deprivationbecause one can get the daily recommendation of sleep for one s age group,
although by not reaching the REM sleep stage or having a sleep diagnosis can be an
interruption. Simply put, it is sleep quality over quantity (Pilcher Allen, 1996). A
common claim that people say is that they do not function any differently when they
are sleep deprived than when they are not. Only ten percent of people do not, in fact
function differently when they are sleep deprived (Curcio, Ferrara, Gennaro, 2010).
Furthermore, by people not being able to recognize signs of sleep deprivation that
enables them of being aware of mental stress. Memory, learning processes as well as
cognitive functioning in the brain are impacted heavily by sleep (Curcio, Ferrara,
Gennaro, 2010), which then can affect teenagers and college students in school. On the
contrary, Curcio, et al. (2010) take into consideration that there are other stresses in
teenager s and college students lives like
Tattoos In Western Culture
Tattoos in Western Culture The art of tattooing has changed in modern times quite
drastically. It is slowly becoming more acceptable to own and display tattoos on one s
body. In more conservative times, those with tattoos were looked on as social outcast,
turned down for jobs and seen as strange outsiders. However, within the past half century,
tattoos have steadily become more acceptable. Millions of people in America now
proudly tattoo their skin, with everything from religious symbols to naked women. There
is a whole industry based around tattoos, tattoo care, and basically everything tattoo.
There are now expensive clothing lines that base their imagery on tattoo art, such as the
Ed Hardy brand (no matter how stupid the clothes... Show more content on ...
With that high of a percentage, the popularity of memorial tattoos obviously has a
direct impact on the overall popularity and acceptance of tattoos in general. All of
these are possible reasons as to why tattoos have become more popular in recent years.
However, the most likely reason for the spike in popularity is not one, but all of these
reasons. They all increase the number of people willing to go out and get tattoos, and
all of them are responsible for making tattoos more acceptable by society. The rise in
popularity has created a community for those associated with the art form. There are
conventions, shows, magazines, and websites dedicated solely to the art of tattooing.
Not only is there a community for those who adorn tattoos, but that community is
broken up into different classes. There are three separate sub classes of this tattoo
community. The first is the biker/working class. These people are often poorer and have
cheaper tattoos. They are looked down upon by the highest class as being losers and
outsiders, and the high class in the tattoo community feels no connection with them. The
next class is the young punks. This young class is obviously made up of young
members, a lot of them involved in some other sub culture, music, MMA fighting, etc.
There is some overlap between this class and the other classes, since some of them are
richer and some are poorer. At the
The Story Of The Movie Lucy And I Were Up Front
Everything was going great on our way home our two week long mission. Lucy and I
were up front, talking side by side about the new addition of Sorcerer Magazine while
Natsu and Gray walked behind us. They were bickering once more about something
that I didn t bother to pay any attention to. And Happy was most likely walking besides
them. Happy wasn t to happy with me at the moment, as I had stepped on his tail by
accident while trying to help out Natsu take down a monster. No matter how many
apologize nor the amount of fish offered would let the little guy glance in my
direction. We were only a few minutes from getting back to the guild. We re only a few
moments away from getting back to the guild after being away for a whole week and
you haven t injured yourself. Lucy placed her handon my shoulder, congratulating me
on the victory of my lack of clumsiness during our mission. You somehow always
manage to harm yourself. I guess you re right, I said sheepishly, running a hand threw
my knotted hair. Even if I tripped over myself I would somehow end up with a
sprained ankle or a conclusion. I ve had countless encounters of stumping down
staircases, and knocking into chairs at the guild. I guess you could say I lack a perfect
balanced to even walk in a straight line. Lucy spoke too soon. While we were heading
down a flight of stairs Natsu and Gray s bickering turned into a full on fight with pushing
and shoving. To put the story short, Gray bonked

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