Counseling Report
Counseling Report
Counseling Report
Clients Problem/Issues/Concerns:
Counselee reported not being able to cope up when face to face came up. She was
experiencing stress from school, family and business. She has been dissatisfied
about the things that are presently happening with her life. Currently, she has been
feeling empty, feel like giving up, drained and loneliness is slowly consuming her –
she claimed that she’s doubting her own decisions and strength where will it lead
During the pandemic, you may experience stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and
loneliness. And mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, can
worsen. Further, balancing your classes, family responsibilities, work schedule, and
social life can be hard due to the increased workload and greater difficulty of
courses. In some classes, tests or projects also make up a large percentage of
students' grades. So, this is also a stressor.
All I can recommend is for her to socialize more often and exercise. Moving her body
is one of the best stress-reducing activities. Making time to walk or run outside, bike,
dance, or practice yoga might be just what she need to be calm. Daily exercise
naturally produces stress-relieving hormones in her body and improves her overall
physical health.