Lecture3 Module 5
Lecture3 Module 5
Lecture3 Module 5
This theory was formulated by Felix Bloch in 1928. This theory takes into account that
electrons exhibit wave character as they move between atoms in a solid. It further assumed that
the potential varies in a periodic manner in the solid. This theory successfully explained the
classification of solids into three groups, namely conductors, insulators and semiconductors.
When two atoms come close, one energy level splits into two energy levels (as shown
below). When three atoms approach each other closely, the original level splits into three levels;
four atoms produce four levels and so on (Fig.1 a, b , c, d). In general, N interacting atoms cause
a particular energy level to split into N levels. The group of energy levels resulting from splitting
is so closely spaced that it is called an energy band.
Fig. 1: Energy level splitting and band formation.
In order to find the allowed energies of electrons in solids, we have to apply Schrödinger
wave equation for an electron in a crystal lattice. As Band theory inspects about the periodic
potential but not the constant potential where equilibrium forces are ignored inside a solid. To
explain the poriodic potential by involving the quantum mechanical treatment Kronig and Penny
resolved the model called Kronig Penny Model (The Kronig-Penney model is a simplified model
for an electron in a one-dimensional periodic potential. The possible states that the electron can
occupy are determined by the Schrödinger equation.) Fig. 2 (a & b) shows the actual potential as
seen by an electron in the crystal lattice in one dimension.
Free electron theory was given to explain the properties of solids. The fundamental
assumptions was electron moves in a constant potential well.
The free electron theory was successfully explained the electric conductivity and
thermionic emission of metals.
But failed to explain the classification of materials as solids, insulators and
To solve this problem the basic assumption of free electron theory was modified by
Bloch proposed that the electron inside the material are not in constant potential but they
are moving in periodic potential well as per the periodicity of lattice (atom sites inside
the solid material).
Kronig and Penny define the periodic one dimensional square potential well (giving the
shape of a square potential well.)
They explained mainly Band in solids and classification of semiconductors and
An energy band diagram is a graphic representation of the energy levels associated with top
energy band and the next lower energy band in a solid. The energy band diagram shows two
bands with a gap in-between (see Fig. 3).
The upper band is called the conduction band and the lower energy band is called the valence
band. These two bands are separated by a forbidden gap. This energy gap is more popularly
called band gap and is denoted by the symbol Eg. The conduction band corresponds to the
energy values of free electrons that have broken their valence bonds, and hence have become
free to move in the crystal. The bottom of the conduction band represents the smallest energy
that the electron must possess to become free. Only the free electrons can move in the crystal
under the influence of the externally applied electric field. Hence, these electrons are called
conduction electrons and the energies of such electrons constitute the conduction band. The
band showing the energy values of valence electrons that are engaged in covalent bonding is
called the valence band.
Classification of Solids:
The concept of energy bands helps us in understanding the division of solids into three groups.
The nature of the energy bands determines whether the solid is an electrical conductor or
insulator. According to the band theory, the electrical conductivity a solid is characterized by the
energy gap Eg separating the outermost energy bands namely, the valence band and the
conduction band. The ability of electrical conduction is decided by the order of magnitude of the
energy gap Eg.
Fig.4. Energy band formation in a conductor (a) Half filled conduction band. (b) Empty
upper band overlaps on a totally filled lower band.
In some solids, an upper vacant band overlaps the valence band or the valence band itself is half-
filled, as shown in Fig. 4. It means that electrons in the valence band have easy access to levels
in the upper vacant band. For this reason, very large numbers of electrons are available for
conduction, even at extremely low temperatures. When electric field is impressed across the
solid, electrons readily jump into upper unoccupied energy levels of the vacant band and current
flows in a large measure in the solid. Therefore, these solids exhibit good electrical conductivity
and are called conductors.
Fig. 5: Energy band structure of a semiconductor
In some solids the band gap is narrow and of the order of 2 eV or less, as shown in Fig.5.
Acquisition of small amounts of energy from the vibrations of atom can raise electrons from
the valence band to the conduction band. The conduction band is then partially filled. If a
potential is applied across the material, it causes the electrons in the conduction band to move
to upper levels. As a result, current flows in a modest measure in the solid. Such solids are
called semiconductors.
Some solids (Fig. 6) have band gaps that are very wide (Eg > 3 eV). It would require the
acquisition of very large amounts of energy to cause an electron to jump from the valence
band to the conduction band. Very few electrons can get this large amount of energy to jump
from valence band to conduction band at ambient temperature. Hence, there are very few
electrons in the conduction band. When a voltage is applied across the solid, negligible
current flows and the solid exhibits very low electrical conductivity. These solids are called