Communication Subsystem - Pratt & Bostian - P
Communication Subsystem - Pratt & Bostian - P
Communication Subsystem - Pratt & Bostian - P
the earth's shadow passes across the satellite, as illustrated in Figures 2.21 and:'
longest duration of eclipse is 70 min, occurring around March 21 and September:::"
year.To avoid theneedfor large,heavybatteries,part or all of the communications~~
load may be shut down during eclipse, but this technique is rarely used when ~
or data traffic is carried. TV broadcast satellites may not carry sufficient batter:'"
ity to supply their high-power transmitters during eclipse, and may shut doWIl.
cating the satellite 20° W of the longitude of the service area, the eclipse will 0
1 A.M. local time for the service area, when shutdown is more acceptable. Bat
usually of the nickel-hydrogen type which do not gas when charging and have -
liability and long life, and can be safely discharged to 70% of their capacity. A 4
conditioning unit controls the charging current and dumps excess current from ~
cells into heaters or load resistors on the cold side of the satellite. Sensors on
teries, power regulator, and solar cells monitor temperature, voltage, and current
ply these data to both the onboard control system and the controlling earth s~
the telemetry downlink. Typical battery voltages are 20 to 50 V with capacities ;:t
100 ampere-hours.
been much greater, resulting in a lower cost per telephone circuit or transmitted h::;
each succeeding generation of satellite. The satellite transponders have limited ~J
power and the earth stations are at least 36,000 km away from a GEO satellite, ..:
ili received power level, even with large aperture earth station antennas, is very sI11<C
rarely exceeds 10-10 W. For the system to perform satisfactorily, the signal powen
exceedthe power of the noise generatedin the receiverby between5 and 25 dB, de~
on the bandwidth of the transmitted signal and the modulation scheme used. Wr;t
power transmitters, narrow receiver bandwidths have to be used to maintain the m:
signal-to-noise ratios.
Early communications satellites were fitted with transponders of 250 or 50C
bandwidth, but had low gain antennas and transmitters of 1 or 2 W output powe;:,
earth station receiver could not achieve an adequate signal-to-noise ratio when ~
bandwidth was used with the result that the system was power limited. Later g;::
tions of communications satellites have transponders with greatly increased a
power-up to 200 W for DBS-TV satellites-and have steadily improved in band...-
utilization efficiency, as seen in Figure 3.9. The total channel capacity of a s
that uses a 500-MHz band at 6/4 GHz can be increased only if the bandwidth
increased or reused. The trend in high-capacity satellites has been to reuse the
able bands by employing several directional beams at the same frequency (sp..
frequency reuse) and orthogonal polarizations at the same frequency (polari~
.. _~ii-= -~~-
w w 6
Year of first 1965 1967 1968 1971 1975 1980 1986 (planned)
Dimensions 0.71 m dia x 1.42 m dia x 1.42 m dia x 2.38 m dia x 2.38 m dia x 15.27 m across 3.6 m dia x
0.59 m high 0.67 m high 1.98 m high 7.01 m high 7.01 m high solar sails x 11.7 m high
6.71 m high
Notional capacity 240 240 1500 5000 11,000 plus 24,000 plus 33,000 plus
two-way telephone 2 TV channels 2 TV channels 2 TV channels
Design lifetime 1.5 years 3 years 5 years 7 years 7 years 10 years 10 years
Spacecraft cost $3.6M $3.5M $4.5 M $14 M $18 M $25 M $140 M (first
five satellites)
Launch cost $4.6 M $4.6M $6 M $20 M $20 M $23M ?
Cost per telephone $23,000 $11,000 $1,600 $810 $494 $200 ?
circuit year
Contractor Hughes Hughes TRW Hughes Hughes Ford Aerospace Hughes
..... .
FIGURE 3.9 Illustration of the growth in size and weight of Intelsat satellites over 3 decades.
frequency reuse). Large GEO satellites also use both the 6/4 GHz and 14/11 G
bands to obtain more bandwidth; for example, some GEO satellites have achieved
effective bandwidth of 2250 MHz within a SOO-MHz band at 6/4 GHz and a 250-
band at 14/11 GHz by a combination of spatial and polarization frequency reuse,
later generations of Intelsat satellites have achieved up to sevenfold reuse of their fre-
quency bands.
The designer of a satellite communication system is not free to select any frequeR...:
and bandwidth he or she chooses. International agreements restrict the frequencies
may be used for particular services, and the regulations are administered by the appro
priate agency in each country-the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in dr
United States, for example. Frequencies allocated to satellite services are listed in T~
4.1 and 4.2 in Chapter 4. The bands currently used for the majority of services are 6 -
GHz and 14/11 GHz, with 30/20 GHz coming into service. The 6/4 GHz band was a.-I
panded from SOO-MHzbandwidth in each direction to 1000-MHz by a World Admi~
trative Radio Conference in 1979, but other services share the new part of the band em.:
may cause interference to the satellite communication link. Similar bandwidth is avaL.-
able at 14/11 GHz, " and Ka-band satellites will be launched in the first decade of 2000 ~
exploit the wider"bandwidths available in the 30/20 GHz bands. A different frequency ~
required for the transmit path (normally the higher frequency) at the satellite because ~
high-power transmit signal would overload the receiver if they both operated at the sam;:
The SOO-MHz bands originally allocated for 6/4 and 14/11 GHz satellite com-
munications have become very congested and are now completely filled for some seg-
ments of the geostationary orbit, such as that serving North America. Extension of tk-
bands to 1000 MHz will eventually provide greater capacity as the new frequenci~
come into use. Many systems now use 14/11 GHz for TV broadcast and distribution.,
and 30/20 GHz systems are introducing Internet-like services from GEO. The standar.:
spacing between GEO satellites was originally set at 3°, but under regulations covering
North America and much of the rest of the world, the spacing has been reduced to 2C
The move to 2° spacing opened up extra slots for new satellites in the 6/4 and 14/1:
GHz bands.
Satellite systems designed for Ku band (14/11 GHz) and Ka band (30/20 GHz~,
have narrower antenna beams, and better control of coverage patterns than satellites us-
ing C band (6/4 GHz). As the available orbital slots for GEO satellites have filled up
with satellites using the 6/4 and 14/11 GHz bands, attention has focused on the use of
Ka-band satellite links must accept larger outage times vidual users very well. The user wants high-speed, high
due to rain than 14/11 GHz links, and are therefore bet- volume data delivery from the Internet to send video
ter suited to data transmission than voice. The trans- clips and high resolution photographs (known generi-
mission of data can be delayed when a rain fade affects cally as multimedia), but does not send equivalent vol-
the link, but a telephone conversation will be ended if umes of data into the Internet. A lower capacity link
the link fails for more than a few seconds. In the time from the user is adequate, and this suits Ka-band links
frame 2001-2010 several Ka-band satellite systems will with large hub antennas and small user terminals. The
come into service. The major market appears to be data link will suffer occasional outages, perhaps for a total
relay, particularly Intemet access. Satellites support of 25 h in a year, when heavy rai!! is falling through the
asymmetric data links such as service to indi- path between the satellite arid the user's small terminal.
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