Criteria For The Appointment of Professors
Criteria For The Appointment of Professors
Criteria For The Appointment of Professors
This document sets out criteria for the award of research-related titles by the
University of St Mark & St John. The research posts addressed within the document
are those deemed necessary to develop and deliver the research-related objectives
outlined in the University of St Mark & St John’s Strategic Plan 2014-2024: Challenging
The posts represent a significant development in both the priority given to research
and the standing of research leaders and research-active staff within the institution.
Individually and in combination, the post-holders will be responsible for meeting the
strategic objectives relating to research, knowledge exchange, postgraduate research
students and aspects of the taught postgraduate and undergraduate portfolio.
1. Professors
1.1.1 The University distinguishes itself through the way in which it transmits
knowledge and research. It does this through effective teaching informed by
knowledge generated by others and by the effective transmission of knowledge
and research generated by its own staff. The creation and dissemination of
original knowledge that makes a recognized impact on student learning and/or
policy or practice within the wider academy, society or in practice-based
communities represents a major contribution to the life of the University and
beyond. Such contributions will be supported and celebrated just as other
achievements are recognized and rewarded through, for example, differentiated
workloads and promoted posts for teaching and administration.
1.1.2 The title of any Professorship will be determined through either the process of
developing the academic and business case for external advertisement or
through the internal promotions process. In both cases the decision will be
reached via discussion between the newly appointed Professor and Vice-
Chancellor in liaison with both the Executive Dean for Research, Postgraduate
and Innovation and the relevant Faculty Dean. Criteria for the Award of the Title
of Professor
1.2.1 The title of Professor represents the highest grade for academic appointments
(Grade 10) and is reserved for those who have made outstanding contributions
to the advancement of their subject area. Such contributions will normally be
recognized internationally and will be recognized nationally at the very least. As
one of the highest distinctions the University can confer, applications for the title
of Professor must be supported by unequivocal evidence of achievement. The
evidence base must be provided by the applicant within the letter of application,
supporting evidence, curriculum vitae and interview and supported further by
three external referees proposed by the applicant and two external referees
selected by the University.
1.2.2 Applicants for the title of Professor must demonstrate outstanding achievement
supported by appropriate evidence in relation to at least two of the three criteria
below. One of the two criteria must be that of a) Research and Scholarship and
the applicant must also demonstrate a minimum of significant achievement in
relation to the third criteria. All successful applicants for the title of Professor
will have an earned PhD or professional doctorate.
1.3. Eligibility, Conditions and Process for Applications for the Award of
Professorial Title
1.3.1 Any member of academic staff currently employed by the University and at
Senior Lecturer level or above is entitled to apply for a Professorship although it
is anticipated that applicants will have well-established academic and external
1.3.2 External applicants for vacancies will be considered for the award of the title of
Professor if the advertised vacancy is an academic post with the advertised title
of Professor or if the vacancy is an academic post advertised at Grade 10. All
Grade 10 appointment panels should be constituted in such a way that they
comprise the necessary membership of the Professorial Panel required to make
a decision on the award of Professorial title without having to convene a specific
meeting of the Professorial Advisory Panel. An interview panel comprising four
from the six senior academic members of the Professorial Advisory Panel is
deemed to be sufficient to make a decision without convening the full
Professorial Advisory Panel. In exceptional cases, however, a specific meeting of
the Professorial Advisory Panel may be convened to expedite a decision relating
to a new appointment.
1.3.4 Where the application is successful the title will be conferred from 1st August
and the new grade and salary will also take effect from that date. The
Professorial Panel does not set salaries or terms and conditions as these are
determined in line with wider institutional and sector norms and policies.
1.3.5 Applicants who are successful in being awarded the title of Professor will present
an inaugural Professorial lecture, normally within one year of being awarded the
1.3.6 Professors will sign the formal Professorial Roll book at an annual ceremony to
welcome and congratulate new Professors.
1.3.7 The title of Professor will be held permanently by the appointee subject to
satisfactory performance which will be reviewed annually by means of the
Performance Review and Development process.
1.3.8 Professorships are Grade 10 posts on spot point salaries with Professorial
salaries reviewed by the Remunerations Committee every two years. Professors
will be invited to make a written case, in advance of the Remunerations
Committee, for incremental progression or, in exceptional cases, a discretionary
bonus payment. The Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean for Research,
Postgraduate and Innovation will have an opportunity to provide input into the
deliberations of the Remunerations Committee in respect of decisions relating
to Professorial pay and reward.
1.4.1 A Professor is a senior academic figure within the University and is responsible
for developing their own research portfolio and that of others through providing
research leadership, mentoring and coaching. The Professor is a role model for
academic staff and students and an ambassador for the University. As such, the
role of Professor demands the highest standards of academic integrity and
1.4.2 The Professor will continue to develop their research and scholarship, learning
and teaching and professional and external standing in line with the University’s
strategic plan and targets set annually as part of the annual review by:
1) Developing and leading an area of research within the University
2) Improving the vitality and sustainability of the University’s research
environment and culture
3) Securing external funding for research projects
4) Publishing high quality outputs that demonstrate originality, significance
and rigour and meeting the University’s threshold for inclusion in
research assessment exercises such as the Research Excellence
5) Demonstrating research impact that has reach and significance
6) Providing academic leadership for early career researchers
7) Supervising research students to successful completion
1.4.3 The workload of Professors will be agreed annually with the relevant line
manager and it is anticipated that teaching-related duties (teaching and
administration) will not normally form more than half of a Professor’s work.
2. Associate Professors
2.1.2 The title of any Associate Professorship will be determined through either the
process of developing the academic and business case for external
advertisement or through the internal promotions process. In both cases the
final decision will be made through discussion between the newly appointed
Associate Professor and Vice-Chancellor and in liaison with the Executive Dean
for Research, Postgraduate and Innovation and with the relevant Faculty Dean.
2.2.1 The title of Associate Professor represents a promoted grade (Grade 9) for
academic appointments and is reserved for those who have made significant
contributions to the advancement of their subject area and are deemed to have
the potential to make outstanding contributions. Such contributions will
normally be recognized at least nationally. Applications for the title of
2.2.2 Applicants for the title of Associate Professor must demonstrate significant
achievement supported by appropriate evidence in relation to at least two of
the three criteria below. One of the two criteria must be that of a) Research and
Scholarship and the applicant must also demonstrate a minimum of sustained
achievement in relation to the third criteria. All successful applicants for the title
of Associate Professor will have an earned PhD or professional doctorate.
2.3 Eligibility, Conditions and Process for Applications for the Award of the title
of Associate Professor
2.3.1 Any member of academic staff currently employed by the University and at
Senior or Principal Lecturer level is entitled to apply for an Associate
Professorship although it is anticipated that applicants will already have a
recognized academic and external profile.
2.3.2 External applicants for vacancies will be considered for the award of the title of
Associate Professor only if the advertised vacancy is an academic post with the
advertised title of Associate Professor. Where posts are advertised as Senior or
Principal Lecturer vacancies successful applicants will have an opportunity to
apply for the title of Associate Professor once in post and as part of the annual
call for applications.
Stage 2: A meeting of the Professorial Panel will be held in January or February where
decisions will be made as to whether or not applicants meet the criteria and
proceed to interview. The candidate will have ensured that their three referees
have provided references to the Panel in time for the references to be circulated
with the Panel paperwork.
Stage 3: For applications proceeding to Stage 3 the Chair of the Panel, in consultation
with other Panel members, will invite two independent referees to comment on
the application. Independent referees’ reports will be received in time to be
circulated with the papers for the interview panel members. Interviews will
normally be held in May or June.
2.3.4 Where the application is successful the title will be conferred from 1 st August
and the new grade and salary will also take effect from that date. The
Professorial Panel does not set salaries or terms and conditions as these are
determined in line with wider institutional and sector norms and policies.
2.3.6 The title of Associate Professor will be held permanently by the appointee
subject to satisfactory performance reviewed annually at the Performance
Review and Development discussion.
2.3.8 The role of Associate Professor is seen as a step towards a full Professorship and
Associate Professors will normally be expected to be in a position to apply for a
full Professorship within five years of becoming an Associate Professor.
2.4 Associate Professorial Role
2.4.1 An Associate Professor is a promoted post within the University and the post-
holder is responsible for developing their own research portfolio and profile and
that of the wider University and colleagues working in their discipline or subject
area. The Associate Professor is both a role model for academic staff and
students and an ambassador for the University. As such, the role of Associate
Professor demands the highest standards of academic integrity and collegiality.
2.4.2 The Associate Professor will continue to develop their research and scholarship,
learning and teaching and professional and external standing in line with the
University’s strategic plan and targets sets annually as part of the annual review by:
1) Developing an area of research within the university
2) Improving the vitality and sustainability of the university’s research
environment and culture
3) Securing external funding for research projects
4) Publishing high quality outputs that demonstrate originality,
significance and rigour and meeting the University’s threshold for
inclusion in research assessment exercises such as the Research
Excellence Framework
5) Demonstrating research impact that has reach and significance
6) Providing academic leadership for early career researchers
7) Supervising research students to successful completion
8) Supervising taught postgraduate and undergraduate dissertation
students in an area related to their expertise
9) Teaching up to four modules in their area of expertise and contributing
to other teaching as required
10) Leading initiatives that develop linkages between teaching and research
11) Enhancing the profile of the University by communicating research
findings with a range of audiences and through a variety of media
12) Assuming roles in academic associations, professional bodies, editorial
boards or conference organising committees
13) Presenting papers at major conferences and securing invitations to
speak at external events
14) Contributing to networks of influence in research, policy or practice
that enhance the research profile of the University
2.4.3 The workload of Associate Professors will be agreed annually with the relevant
line manager and it is anticipated that teaching-related duties (teaching and
administration) will not normally form more than two-thirds of an Associate
Professor’s work.
3. Emeritus/Emerita Professors
3.1.1 The University will seek to establish and maintain a cadre of Professors
Emeritus/Emerita in recognition of their contribution to the university and to
supplement and complement the Professoriate employed by the University. The
title of Professor Emeritus/Emerita is conferred upon those who have achieved
great distinction as Professors of the University and whose continued affiliation
with the University will add significantly to the University’s strategic goals of
enhancing academic credibility and financial sustainability.
3.3.1 As high profile ambassadors for the University the following eligibility criteria
and conditions must be upheld:
• The title of Professor Emeritus/Emerita may be conferred on Professors of
the University when they retire or within one year of retirement
• The title will only be conferred on those Professors who continue to
remain research active in disciplines or subject fields aligned with the
University’s focus relating to its taught programmes or research agendas
• Professor Emeritus/Emerita positions are normally awarded for a period
of five years, are subject to annual review and can be extended with the
approval of Academic Board following recommendation from the
Professorial Advisory Panel
• The title does not normally attract remuneration and where any
remuneration is provided it must be agreed in advance by the Executive
Dean for Research, Postgraduate and Innovation and Vice-Chancellor and
normal contractual processes must be followed through the Department
of Human Resources.
3.4.1 The role and duties of the Professor Emeritus/Emerita will be agreed annually
by the Executive Dean for Research, Postgraduate and Innovation and approved
by the Professorial Advisory Panel.
3.6.5 Applicants, both successful and unsuccessful will be informed by the Secretary
to the Professorial Advisory Panel.
4. Visiting Professors
4.1.1 The University will seek to establish and maintain a cadre of Visiting Professors
to supplement and complement the Professoriate employed by the University.
4.2.1 Conferment of the title of Visiting Professor will be reserved for outstanding
individuals who meet the following criteria:
• Hold an outstanding reputation in their discipline, subject area, profession
or field
• Are prepared to commit time, effort and expertise to the advancement of
• Attend events hosted by the University and designed to raise the profile of the
4.3.1 As high profile ambassadors for the University the following eligibility criteria
and conditions must be upheld:
• The title of Visiting Professor may be conferred on individuals from higher
education or any other professional sector that is aligned with the University’s
focus relating to its taught programmes or research agendas
• Members of staff of the University are not eligible to apply for appointment as
Visiting Professors
• Visiting Professorships are normally awarded for a period of five years, are
subject to annual review and can be extended with the approval of Academic
Board following recommendation from the Professorial Advisory Panel
• The title does not normally attract remuneration and where any remuneration
is provided it must be agreed in advance by the Faculty Dean and Executive Dean
for Research, Postgraduate and Innovation and normal contractual processes
must be followed through the Department of Human Resources
4.4.1 The role and duties of the Visiting Professor will be agreed annually by the
relevant Faculty Dean and approved by the Executive Dean for Research,
Postgraduate and Innovation.
4.4.2 Visiting Professors are not normally employed by the University, although
remuneration can be provided for specific work undertaken by Visiting
Professors on behalf of and in agreement with the University. Such work might
involve extended periods of regular teaching or the leadership of specific
development projects or initiatives. Any remuneration should be discussed and
agreed in advance by the Dean of the relevant Faculty and approved by the Vice-
Chancellor as Chair of the Professorial Advisory Panel.
4.5.2 Nominations for the appointment of Visiting Professors are sent to the Secretary
of the Professorial Advisory Panel by the Faculty Dean or Executive Dean in
whose area the Visiting Professor will make the majority of their contribution to
the work of the University
4.5.4 The application will be considered by the Professorial Advisory Panel which will
take up references if it deems there is a prima facie case to make the
appointment. Following receipt of the application and references the
Professorial Advisory Committee will make a recommendation to the Vice-
Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor will inform the relevant Faculty Dean, Academic
Board and the Board of Governors of the decision at the earliest opportunity.
4.5.5 Applicants, both successful and unsuccessful will be informed by the Secretary
to the Professorial Advisory Panel.
4.5.6 The title of any Visiting Professor will be determined through either the process
of developing the academic and business case for external advertisement or
through the internal promotions process. In both cases the final decision will be
made through discussion between the newly appointed Visiting Professor and
Vice-Chancellor and in liaison with the Executive Dean for Research,
Postgraduate and Innovation and the relevant Faculty Dean.
5. Visiting Fellow
5.1.2 Visiting Fellows will establish a close association with the University for a
particular purpose or set of activities and for a specified period of time, normally
three years.
5.2.1 Conferment of the title of Visiting Fellow will be reserved for individuals who
are established figures in their field and who meet the following criteria:
5.3.1 As ambassadors for the University the following eligibility criteria and
conditions must be upheld:
• The title of Visiting Fellow may be conferred on individuals from higher
education or any other professional sector aligned with the University’s focus
relating to its taught programmes or research agendas
• Members of staff of the University are not eligible to apply for appointment as
Visiting Fellows
• Visiting Fellowships are normally awarded for a period of three years, are
subject to annual review and can be extended with the approval of Academic
Board following recommendation from the Professorial Advisory Panel
• The title does not normally attract remuneration and where any remuneration
is provided it must be agreed in advance by the Faculty Dean and Vice-
Chancellor and normal contractual processes must be followed through the
Department of Human Resources any subsequent appointment as a member
of staff within the University would not result in automatic retention of the title
of Fellow or lead automatically to any other specific title as specific post titles
are subject to different criteria and different appointment processes
5.4.1 The role and duties of the Visiting Fellow will be agreed annually by the relevant
Faculty Dean and approved by the Professorial Advisory Panel.
5.4.2 Visiting Fellows are not normally employed by the University, although
remuneration can be provided for specific work undertaken by Visiting Fellows
on behalf of and in agreement with the University. Such work might involve
extended periods of regular teaching or the leadership of specific development
projects or initiatives. Any remuneration should be discussed and agreed in
advance by the Dean of the relevant Faculty and approved by the Chair of the
Professorial Advisory Panel.
5.5.1 The appointment of Visiting Fellows will be made by the Vice-Chancellor on the
basis of advice from the Professorial Advisory Panel
5.5.2 Nominations for the appointment of Visiting Fellows are sent to the Secretary
of the Professorial Advisory Panel by the Faculty Dean or Executive Dean in
whose area the Visiting Fellow will make the majority of their contribution to
the work of the University
5.5.4 The application will be considered by the Professorial Advisory Panel which will
take up references if it deems there is a prima facie case to make the
appointment. Following receipt of the application and references the
Professorial Advisory Committee will make a recommendation to the Vice-
Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor will inform the relevant Faculty Dean,
Academic Board and the Board of Governors of the decision at the earliest
5.5.5 Applicants, both successful and unsuccessful will be informed by the Secretary
to the Professorial Advisory Panel.
5.5.6 The title of any Visiting Fellow will be determined through either the process of
developing the academic and business case for external advertisement or
through the internal promotions process. In both cases the final decision will be
made through discussion between the newly appointed Associate Professor and
Vice-Chancellor and in liaison with the Executive Dean for Research,
Postgraduate and Innovation and the relevant Faculty Dean.
6.1.2 If an application by a member of the Panel is being considered then the applicant
will be replaced as a Panel member by a senior academic colleague nominated
by the Academic Board. Members of the Professorial Advisory Panel cannot be
cited as referees for applicants.
6.3.1 The conferment of the title of Professor or Associate Professor will be made by
the Vice-Chancellor in each case on the recommendations of the Professorial
Advisory Panel.
7.1 Applications for the post of Professor and Associate Professor should be
submitted by the last day of October each year; details of the application process and
criteria will be circulated by the Department of Human Resources by the end of
September each year.
7.2 Where applications are successful appointments will take effect from the 1 st
August the following year.
7.4 All internal applicants are strongly advised to discuss their application with the
Executive Dean for Research, Postgraduate and Innovation and with their Faculty
Dean in advance of submitting an application.
7.5 Applications should be submitted to the Department for Human Resources by the
31st October in any year.
7.6 Applications should contain the following:
a) A letter of no more than four pages focusing on the criteria for
appointment noted above
b) A full curriculum vitae which lists all qualifications, posts, roles, teaching-
related achievements, administrative roles, research grants, awards,
publications and presentations
c) Copies of four research outputs from the last five years and which
demonstrate outstanding achievement in the case of Professorial
applications and significant achievement in the case of applications for
the title of Associate Professor
d) Copies of four further pieces of evidence that demonstrate achievement
and impact at the appropriate level in relation to both or either i)
Learning and Teaching or ii) Professional and External Standing
e) A list of three referees who are familiar with the applicant’s work and will
be able to provide expert comment on the applicant’s suitability for the
post. Details for each referee must include name, title, institutional
affiliation, address, telephone and email. All referees must be external to
the institution and, in the case of Professorial applications, at least two
referees must be current Professors and at least one of the three
referees must be based outside the UK. The referee will only be
contacted to provide a reference should the application be taken
forward to the full interview stage.
7.7 The Professorial Advisory Panel will meet in January or February each year. At its
meeting the Professorial Advisory Panel will review each case against the criteria
and decide if there is a prima facie case for interview. Where a prima facie case is
established the applicant will be invited for interview in May or June. Where a
prima facie case is not established the candidate will be provided with written
feedback from the Secretary to the Panel and will be offered the opportunity of a
meeting to receive feedback from one of the Panel members. Written feedback
will normally be provided within three weeks of the Panel meeting.
7.8 Where the Panel decides that a prima facie case for interview exists, the Chair,
advised by Panel members and/or subject experts, will confirm the referees
nominated by the applicant. The Chair, again advised by Panel members and
subject experts, will nominate two further referees and references will be sought.
Referees will be sent the candidate’s letter of application and full curriculum vitae
and will have access to the submitted evidence and publications together with a
covering letter from the Secretary to the Panel to which a copy of the Procedures
and Criteria for the Appointment of Professors is appended.
7.9 The Chair, advised by the Panel and subject experts, will also confirm an external
member of the interview panel. The external member must be an existing
Professor and must not have any conflict of interest with the applicant. The
applicant should be advised of the external at least two weeks in advance of the
applicant and the external.
7.12 Where the candidate has satisfied the requirements of the Panel the Chair or
delegated member of staff will inform the candidate of the successful outcome
of the interview, agree a title for the Professorship or Associate Professorship and
liaise with Human Resources to produce a new contract that will come into effect
from 1st August in the year of the interview.
7.13 Where the candidate has not satisfied the requirements of the Panel the Chair or
delegated member of staff will inform the candidate of the unsuccessful outcome
of the interview, provide feedback and agree a development plan for a future
application should the candidate wish to take up this opportunity. Candidates will
not normally reapply within two years.
7.14 The Secretary to the Panel will advise all five of a candidate’s referees of the
outcome of the interview process. Applicants who do not proceed to interview
should inform their three referees of the outcome of the application.
7.15 The Chair of the Panel will advise both Academic Board and the Board of
Governors of successful applications.
7.16 The Chair of the Panel, advised by the Panel Secretary, will submit an annual
report to the September meetings of both the Academic Board and Board of
Governors in which the application process and outcomes are evaluated.
7.17 There is no appeal against the decision of either the Professorial Advisory
Panel or the Professorial Interview Panel.
Appendix 1
Definition of Research
The definition of research used to inform the application and appointment process is
that adopted by the 2014 Research Excellence Framework:
Appendix 2
As an indicative guide rather than an actual template, the following lists highlights the
type of information that should be included in the CV and normally presented in
reverse chronological order:
Qualifications: with details of dates, award titles and awarding institutions
Employment: history with details of dates, posts and employing organisations
External Profile:
• Programme leadership
• Programme development
• Module leadership
• Module teaching