2021-04-18 - Degradation Inhibitors and Metal Additives - V11
2021-04-18 - Degradation Inhibitors and Metal Additives - V11
2021-04-18 - Degradation Inhibitors and Metal Additives - V11
April 2012
Grégoire Léonard
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
2. Degradation types ............................................................................................................... 5
3. Metal effect on MEA degradation ...................................................................................... 6
3.1 Effect of metals on oxidative degradation ................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Oxidative degradation mechanism ............................................................................ 7
3.1.2 Effect of iron ............................................................................................................. 8
3.1.3 Effect of copper ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1.4 Effect of nickel ........................................................................................................ 12
3.1.5 Effect of chromium ................................................................................................. 12
3.1.6 Effect of vanadium .................................................................................................. 12
3.1.7 Effect of manganese ................................................................................................ 13
3.1.8 Effect of silver ......................................................................................................... 14
3.1.9 Effect of other metals .............................................................................................. 14
3.1.10 Effect of combined metals..................................................................................... 14
3.1.11 Comparison of the different metals ....................................................................... 15
3.2 Effect of metals on CO2 degradation .............................................................................. 17
3.3 Effect of metals on MEA thermal degradation .............................................................. 18
3.4 Effect of metals on SOx and NOx degradation................................................................ 18
3.5 Conclusion on metal effect ............................................................................................. 19
4. Degradation inhibitors ...................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Chelating agents ............................................................................................................. 22
4.1.1 Bicine ...................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 EDTA ...................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.3 HEDTA ................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.4 TEA ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.5 Gluconate ................................................................................................................ 25
4.1.6 Potassium-sodium tartarate ..................................................................................... 25
4.1.7 HEDP, DTPA, DTPMP, citric acid, NTA............................................................... 26
4.1.8 Conclusion about chelating agents .......................................................................... 26
4.2 Radical and O2 scavengers ............................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 MDEA ..................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.2 Formate and formaldehyde ...................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Na2SO3 .................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.4 NH2OH .................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.5 Inhibitor A ............................................................................................................... 29
4.2.6 Inhibitor B ............................................................................................................... 31
4.2.7 Various sulfur continuing products ......................................................................... 31
4.2.8 Conclusion about radical and O2 scavenger ............................................................ 32
4.3 Conclusion about degradation inhibitors........................................................................ 32
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 33
6. List of abbreviations ......................................................................................................... 35
7. Table of Figures ............................................................................................................... 36
8. Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 37
1. Introduction
This report is part of a PhD thesis currently taking place at the University of Liège in
collaboration with the company Laborelec. A Degradation Test Rig (DTR) has been built in
order to evaluate solvent degradation in CO2 capture conditions. Details about degradation
effects and about the DTR may be found in a previous report (PhD mid-term report, G.
Léonard, 2011). Experiments to study the effect of process conditions on degradation are in
progress with 2-ethanolamine (MEA) as benchmark solvent.
This report presents first a brief overview of the different degradation mechanisms and
associated products, followed by a literature review about metal influence on MEA
degradation and a state of the art review about degradation inhibitors.
2. Degradation types
Four main degradation types have been identified. It is important to note that the
boundaries between the different types are not always clear, so that different classifications
of degradation reactions may coexist. Here are the main ones, based on the work of Epp et
al (2011):
- Thermal degradation. With the only effect of temperature, MEA degrades and
decomposes above 200°C (Epp et al., 2011). However, Lepaumier has shown that
MEA (4M in water) can also degrade at 140°C but in a much lower extent than in
presence of CO2 and/or O2 (Lepaumier, 2008). The degradation products proposed
were NH3 and HEEDA (N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine).
- Oxidative degradation. Many authors agree on the fact that oxidative degradation
is a free radical chain reaction (Lepaumier, 2008; Bedell et al., 2011; Voice, 2011).
The main degradation products are ammonia and organic acids (formic, acetic, glycoli
and oxalic acids). Moreover, ions resulting from organic acids may further react with
MEA to form Heat Stable Salts (HSS).
- Reaction of MEA with flue gas contaminants such as SOx and NOx. SOx and
NOx are hydrolyzed into inorganic acids when in solution. Those acids react with the
amine via a reversible acid-base reaction to form salts. These salts can be recovered
by thermal reclaiming (Epp et al., 2011).
3. Metal effect on MEA degradation
The presence of dissolved metals in the solution may promote solvent degradation. Several
works have reported that the presence in the solvent of dissolved metals like iron (Fe),
copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and vanadium (V) may catalyze oxidative
degradation reactions. Fe, Cr and Ni may leach from columns and pipes walls, and Cu and V
are sometimes used as corrosion inhibitors. It is then important to consider dissolved metals
for representative results. The different studies published on this subject are listed in Table
Goff and Oxidation Inhibitors for copper and iron Fe2+, Cu2+, Mn2+,
Rochelle, 2006 catalyzed degradation Mn7+
Bello and Idem, Effect of corrosion inhibitor NaVO3 on
2006 MEA oxidative degradation
Carboxylic acids,
Sexton and Oxidation products of amines in CO2
Cu2+, Fe3+, V5+ EDA, Nitrite,
Rochelle, 2006 capture
Uyanga and Effect of corrosion inhibitor NaVO3 on
Idem, 2007 MEA O2 and SO2 degradation
Sexton and Catalysts and inhibitors for MEA Cu2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Fe2+, NH3, carboxylic
Rochelle, 2009 oxidation V5+ acids, …
Effect of metal on MEA thermal
Davis, PhD, 2009 Cu, Cr, Ni, Fe, V1 MEA, HEEDA
Captech 2007 Effect of iron Fe1 Not reported
Voice and Oxidation of different amines at absorber
Fe2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, NH3, MEA
Rochelle, 2011a conditions
Fe2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, V,
Voice and
Inhibitor screening with hot gas FTIR Cr, Ni, Ti, Mo, Co, NH3
Rochelle 2011b
Sn, Se, Ce, Zn1
Voice and Catalysts and inhibitors screening for Mn2+, Mnx+, Fe2+,
Rochelle 2011c MEA oxidation Cr3+, Cu2+, V7+
In this section, we will mainly address oxidative degradation. The effect of each metal will be
described separately, as well as the effect of the metal concentration for iron and copper,
the effect of combined metals and the metal influence on the observed degradation
products. Finally, the effect of metals on other types of degradation will briefly be evocated.
Many authors agree on the fact that oxidative degradation proceeds according to a chain
reaction (Lepaumier, 2008; Bedell et al., 2011; Voice and Rochelle, 2011a). Free-radical
chain reactions can be described by initiation, propagation and termination steps. During the
initiation step, a free radical is formed by the cleavage of a homolytic covalent bond. This
initiation may be due to temperature, light, or metal catalyst (Belfort et al., 2011).
RH R• + H• Initiation
R-R 2 R•
The generated radicals may then react with Oxygen to form peroxy radicals, which further
react with a C-H bond via a hydrogen abstraction reaction, generating hydroperoxides. The
chain reaction can progress further via the cleavage of hydroperoxide into two radicals
(Belfort et al., 2011).
R• + O2 ROO• Propagation
The termination step is the recombination of two radicals to form a stable molecule, the
degradation product. In the case of MEA, NH3 and formic acid are among the main final
degradation products (Voice and Rochelle, 2011a).
Studying this chain reaction in details, Bedell (2009, 2011) proposes three main degradation
pathways for MEA where metals play different roles:
Oxidation state not reported
- Direct one-electron oxidation by a metal ion:
NH2-CH2-CH2-OH + M(n+1)+ NH2-CH2-CH2-OH• + Mn+
This reaction may occur via the formation of a complex between MEA and the metal
or between MEA, O2 and the metal. The generation of MEA radicals initiates the chain
reaction. Complexation of metals by MEA has been observed by Kumar (1982) in the
case of Ag2+. Bedell has also reported complexes of Fe2+ and Cu+ with various amines
(Bedell, 2011).
In this case, metals facilitate the propagation steps by catalyzing the generation of
radicals from hydroperoxide as presented on Figure 1 (Voice and Rochelle, 2011b).
Moreover, the presence of hydroperoxides is also due to the action of the metal
catalyst. For instance, with iron, Bedell (2011) proposes the following reactions:
To summarize, metals have an essential catalytic effect by generating free radicals that
will initiate and propagate chain reactions, leading to formation of degradation products
and MEA degradation.
Iron is the main component of stainless steel, so that its presence cannot be prevented
during CO2 capture. In solution, iron can be present under the form of Fe2+ or Fe3+ (it can
respectively be added as FeSO4 or FeCl3). It seems from Chi and Rochelle (2002) that Fe2+
has a larger catalytic effect on MEA degradation than Fe3+. The higher catalytic effect of Fe2+
compared to Fe3+ is represented on Figure 2 at both CO2 lean and rich loading. The
production of NH3 is used as tracer for the oxidative degradation of MEA.
Figure 2: Effect of Fe2+ and Fe3+ on NH3 evolution (Chi and Rochelle, 2002)
Explanation for the higher influence of Fe2+ compared to Fe3+ may come from the Fe2+-
catalyzed pathway for hydroperoxide formation proposed by Bedell (2009) and presented in
section 3.1.1.
Although Blachly and Ravner (1965a) have performed all their experiments with degradation
inhibitors (see chapter 4 about degradation inhibitors), they have also stated that Fe2+ has a
larger catalytic effect on NH3 production than Fe3+ (Figure 3). Moreover, in the presence of
degradation inhibitor, bulk iron has no impact on NH3 production.
All the authors from Table 1 that have studied the influence of Fe2+ have confirmed its
catalytic effect on the oxidative degradation of MEA. Chi and Rochelle (2002) have also
evidenced (Figure 4) that a higher metal concentration induces a higher oxidative
degradation, both with Fe2+ (dissolved FeSO4, left chart) and Fe3+ (dissolved FeCl3, right
Figure 4: Influence of the iron concentration (Chi and Rochelle, 2002)
Only one other work (Goff and Rochelle, 2004) has studied the impact of varying Fe2+
concentration, with similar evidence of a NH3 production increasing when the metal
concentration is increased (Figure 5). However, the authors have stated that the degradation
rate dependence on iron concentration was much lower than first order. They attribute this
to the limiting O2 mass transfer due to insufficient agitation rate during their experiment.
Furthermore, Figure 5 shows that CO2 loading has an impact on the MEA degradation rate.
Diverging from previous results of Chi and Rochelle (2002, see also Figure 2) and from the
results they first obtained (Goff and Rochelle, 2003, see Figure 6), they have shown that the
degradation rate was higher in case of unloaded solutions (Goff and Rochelle, 2004). This
latest result has been confirmed in the case of metal-free solutions as well as in presence of
vanadium catalyst (Bello and Idem, 2006). The reason for this lower degradation rate would
be a decrease of O2 solubility in loaded MEA solutions.
Finally, according to Chi and Rochelle (2002), the CO2-loading has a further effect on MEA
oxidation since only Fe2+ presents a catalytic effect in unloaded solutions. This may be due
to an influence of the solution pH. Unloaded solutions are more basic, so that Fe3+ may
precipitate under the form of Fe(OH)3, which could however not be confirmed visually.
3.1.3 Effect of copper
Since 1966, the large catalytic effect of Cu2+ on the oxidative degradation of MEA has been
evidenced (Blachly and Ravner, 1966). This has been later confirmed by several studies (Goff
and Rochelle, 2003, 2004; Voice and Rochelle, 2011c).
Goff and Rochelle (2003, see Figure 6) have evidenced the influence of Cu2+ on NH3
production rate at both rich (left chart) and lean CO2 loading (right chart). They have found
that the NH3 production rate first increases with the Cu2+ concentration, and then decreases,
so that a maximal NH3 production rate is achieved. However, like for Iron, the rate
dependency on Cu2+concentration was lower than first order, also due to O2 mass transfer
limitations in the bulk liquid.
Figure 6: Influence of Cu2+ concentration at rich (left) and lean CO2 loading (right)
In the presence of bicine (tradename VFS), a degradation inhibitor (see chapter 4), Blachly
and Ravner (1966) have shown that the Cu2+ concentration has a large influence on the
oxidative degradation. Even at 1ppm Cu, Figure 7 shows an effect on MEA degradation in
presence of bicine. However, they did not report about a maximal NH3 production rate.
Figure 7: Effect of Cu2+ concentration on NH3 evolution (Blachly and Ravner, 1966)
3.1.4 Effect of nickel
Blachly and Ravner (1966) have studied the effect of nickel in presence of degradation
inhibitor bicine (VFS). Their study has been performed at 55°C. Bulk nickel rapidly corroded,
inducing severe amine degradation. Dissolved nickel (Ni2+ dissolved from NiCl2) at low
concentration (3.7ppm) had no effect but larger amount (37ppm) induced perceptible
degradation as observed on figure 8.
However, in a more recent study, Voice and Rochelle (2011b) indicate that Ni2 has no
significant effect on MEA oxidative degradation at 70°C.
Voice and Rochelle (2011b and c) have evidenced a mild catalytic effect of chromium2.
According to Blachly and Ravner (1966), chromium has no effect on MEA oxidative
degradation when bicine is present, neither under the form of bulk chromium nor under the
form of chromate. However, a mild effect has been observed when the inhibitor is EDTA.
Vanadium may be present in MEA solutions under the form of NaVO3, a corrosion inhibitor.
Bello and Idem (2006) have tested the effect of V5+ (from dissolved NaVO3) at 55 and 120°C
as represented on Figure 9. In both cases, the addition of V5+ induced higher oxidative
degradation rates.
Oxidation state not reported
Figure 9: Effect of V5+ on MEA oxidative degradation rate (Bello and Idem, 2006)
The catalytic effect of V5+ (NaVO3) has been confirmed by Sexton and Rochelle (2006).
Uyanga and Idem (2007) have also confirmed an effect on MEA degradation in presence of
both O2 and SO2. Voice and Rochelle (2011b) have reported a mild catalyst effect of
vanadium3, but in a second publication (2011c), they have presented vanadium (VO4-) as an
inhibitor. This point must be considered with care since vanadium does not exist at the
oxidation state 7+.
Chi and Rochelle (2002) have tested the influence of Mn7+ (KMnO4) as a potential oxidant of
MEA. The presence of this metal induced a rapid MEA degradation. They have also stated
that the production rate of NH3 was 1mol NH3/mol KMnO4, which would mean a linear
variation of MEA degradation with the Mn7+ concentration. Goff and Rochelle (2004)
confirmed the catalytic effect of manganese. They have studied the impact of Mn2+ (MnSO4)
and Mn7+ (KMnO4) and observed that both oxidation states seriously increased the MEA
oxidative degradation. However, they have supposed that Mn was reacting in a different way
than Fe or Cu since the NH3 evolution rate was varying with time differently than other
metals as shown in Figure 10 (to compare with Figure 4, left chart).
This profile has been confirmed by Voice and Rochelle (2011b) (see also Figure 12). In a
second paper, Voice and Rochelle (2011c) have confirmed the catalytic effect of Mn, making
though a distinction between Mn2+, rather a degradation inhibitor and Mn7+, a serious
oxidant. They have supposed that Mn2+ changes its oxidation state at stripper temperatures,
without giving any further details.
Oxidation state not reported
Figure 10: Profile of NH3 production after KMnO4 addition in MEA (Goff and Rochelle, 2004)
Kumar (1982) has studied the effect of silver on the oxidation of low amounts of MEA. He
has reported that Ag2+ oxidizes MEA. MEA first forms a complex with the metal ions. The
MEA oxidation proceeds by an intramolecular electron transfer within the complex.
Voice and Rochelle (2011b) have performed a large screening of metal effects on MEA
oxidative degradation. Besides the results already described, they have also tested Ti, Mo,
Co, Se, Ce, Sn and Zn4. None of these metals showed significant catalytic effect on MEA
While testing the effect of Inhibitor A, Goff and Rochelle (2006) observed that it was more
difficult to inhibit the degradation when both Fe and Cu were in solution in comparison with
only one metal in solution. This can be observed in figure 11. Sexton and Rochelle (2009)
have confirmed the combined effect of Cu2+ and Fe2+. They described the influence of the
metal combination on the observed degradation products (see next section).
Oxidation state not reported
Figure 11: combined effect of Fe2+ and Cu2+ in presence of inh. A
In the absence of degradation inhibitor, Goff and Rochelle (2004) have shown that Cu
presents a higher catalytic effect than Fe. This has been evidenced by Voice and Rochelle
(2011b) in Figure 11 when comparing Fe2+, Cu2+, as well as Mn2+ at equal molar
concentrations (1mM, respectively 56, 63.5 and 55ppm). According to the authors, Cr and V
only show a mild effect, while the other metals tested (Ti, Co, Mo, Ni, Sn, Se, Ce, Zn) don’t
show any significant effect.
Figure 12: Comparison of the effects of Fe2+, Cu2+ and Mn2+ (Voice, 2011b)
In a second study (Voice and Rochelle, 2011c), the catalytic effect decreases as following:
Mnx+ > Cu 2+
> Fe2+ > Cr3+. The exact oxidation state of Mnx+ has not been defined. The
oxidation state has an effect but this effect for Mn is still unclear in the literature. In this
study, Mn2+ and VO4- are presented as having rather a strong respectively mild inhibiting
effect on MEA oxidation. In the case of Mn2+, this is in direct contradiction with the results
presented on Figure 12, where there may be confusion between Mn2+ and Mnx+.
Sexton and Rochelle (2009) list the metal with decreasing oxidative degradation potential as
following: Cu2+ (or Fe2+/Cu2+) > Cr3+/Ni2+ > Fe2+ > V5+.
According to Blachly and Ravner (1966), the most serious oxidative degradation of MEA in
presence of the inhibitor EDTA is observed with Fe2+ (30ppm) (Figure 13). The catalytic
activity of Cu2+ is neutralized by EDTA. Cr3+ (10ppm) and Ni2+ (30ppm) also influence the
degradation but in a much lower extent than Fe2+. This evidence the fact that the
classification of the respective catalytic effect of metals depends on the degradation
Most studies relate the evolution of NH3 in the experiment flue gas to the degradation rate of
MEA. However, some studies also performed liquid phase analysis and related the results to
the metal added to the solution. This was the case for Sexton and Rochelle (2006 and 2009).
In their first paper, they observed that more formate and glycolate were formed when both
Fe and Cu were in solution compared to only Cu (oxidation states not specified). In the same
way, more NO2 and NO3 were produced, as represented in Table 2.
Table 2: Influence of Fe and Fe/Cu on degradation products (Sexton and Rochelle, 2006)
Those assumptions seem to confirm the larger oxidation potential of Cu/Fe compared to Cu
only. Indeed, the ratio Formate over Acetate/Glycolate (their respective peaks could not be
separated) increases when Fe is present, and formate is a more oxidized degradation
product. The same argument can be applied to the ratio NO3/NO2.
This behavior is confirmed in Sexton and Rochelle (2009). The presence of Fe2+ multiplies by
3 the amount of formate, HEI (1-(2-HydroxyEthyl)Imidazole) and HEF (N-(2-HydroxyEthyl)
Formamide) produced compared to Cu2+ only. However, when the metal catalyst is V5+
instead of Fe2+, less formate and HEI is produced, but more oxamide.
Only little research has been performed to study the effect of metals on the MEA degradation
when the solution is only loaded with CO2 (no O2). Chi and Rochelle (2002) have observed
no NH3 production at 55°C when the feed gas only contains N2 and CO2, whether Fe had
been added to the solution or not. The only exception was the production of NH3 when Mn7+
(KMnO4) was added. The stoichiometry between NH3 production and KMnO4 addition was
The second study performed on this subject showed no influence of V5+ (NaVO3) on MEA
degradation when only CO2 was present in the reactor feed gas (Figure 14). This study was
performed at 120°C by Bello and Idem (2006).
Figure 14: Effect of V5+ on MEA degradation with CO2 (Bello and Idem, 2006)
Davis (2009) has spiked CO2 loaded MEA at 150°C with 100mM of Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu, V5
(respectively 5600, 5200, 5900, 6350 and 5100ppm). No degradation could be observed.
No research could be retrieved on the effect of metals on MEA thermal degradation in the
absence of CO2 and O2.
Pure SO2 degradation has not been studied in presence of metals. However, Uyanga et Idem
(2007) have studied the influence of V5+ (NaVO3) on the MEA-H2O-O2-SO2 system. They
observed an increase of the degradation due to NaVO3 as presented in Figure 15. However,
they did not distinguish between SO2 and O2 degradation, so that no conclusion can be
Oxidation state not reported
Figure 15: Influence of NaVO3 on the MEA-H2O-O2-SO2 system (Uyanda et Idem, 2007)
The influence of metals on MEA degradation has only been studied for the case of oxidative
degradation and degradation with CO2. The influence of metal catalysts on oxidative
degradation has clearly been established. The oxidation potential of metals can be listed as
Mn7+ > Fe2+/Cu2+ ≥ Cu2+> Cr3+/Ni2+ > Fe2+ > Cr3+ > V5+ > Ti, Co, Mo, Ni, Sn, Se, Ce, Zn
Mn2+ is not listed since it is considered as a degradation inhibitor. It has also been evidenced
that the combination of different metals may increase their respective effect.
Moreover, degradation products may be observed in different proportions according to the
metal catalyst. This highlights the fact that degradation pathways still have to be studied.
Finally, different studies have evidenced that the presence of metal has no influence on
degradation with CO2. The influence of metals on MEA degradation with temperature only,
SOx and NOx has not been studied so far.
4. Degradation inhibitors
The role of a degradation inhibitor is to prevent or minimize the MEA degradation during the
CO2 capture process. However, no degradation inhibitor has been proposed so far to prevent
thermal degradation, CO2 degradation, or NOx degradation, and only few studies about
degradation inhibitors consider MEA degradation due to SO2. The reasons are the following:
- Thermal degradation occur at temperatures higher than 200°C (Epp et al., 2011), so
that it is not necessary to consider it in classical CO2 capture processes.
- Degradation due to CO2 results from the CO2 absorption in MEA, a mechanism that is
desired, so that inhibiting this mechanism does not make much sense.
- Degradation with NOx and SOx has rarely been studied because of the low SO2 and
NOx content achievable in power plant flue gas.
A third category has been tested by Goff and Rochelle (2006). Stable salts like KCl, KBr or
KCOOH increase the ionic strength of water, so that the solubility of gases in the solvent
decreases. However, these salts appeared to be poor inhibitors, decreasing the NH3
production by only 15% in the best case. They will not be further considered.
Finally, attention must be paid for distinguishing degradation inhibitors from corrosion
inhibitors. Some corrosion inhibitors have already been evocated in the chapter on metals
(Cu and NaVO3). Their role is to reduce the corrosive character of the MEA solution. As
presented in previous chapter, they usually catalyze the oxidative degradation of MEA.
Table 3 lists the main studies. The inhibitors in bold characters have been presented by the
study’s authors as effective. Some inhibitors may then be presented as effective or
ineffective according to the author. The other inhibitors won’t be discussed further.
Table 3: Studies about degradation inhibitors
Reference Objectives of the study Degradation inhibitor Degradation tracer
Johnson and Stability of a MEA Bicine, HEDTA, EDTA, NH4VO3 NH3, Solution
McElwain, 1964 solution alcalinity
Blachly and Stability of a MEA Bicine, EDTA, Sodium mercaptobenzo NH3, total N,
Ravner, 1965a solution thiazole, Disalycylal propylenediamine, p- peroxides
acetylaminophenol, o-aminophenol,
Quinalizarin, bis-acetylacetene
ethylenediimine, Propyl gallate, Sorbitol, n-
dimethylglycine, Phthaloylglycine,
Blachly and Case study of CO2 capture Bicine, EDTA Total N, MEA
Ravner, 1965b process in submarines normality
Singh, 1970a Patent on deg. inhibitor Triethanolamine MEA
Singh, 1970b Patent on deg. inhibitor Gluconate MEA
Faucher, 1989 Patent on deg. inhibitor MDEA HSS, solution
McCullough et Patent on deg. inhibitor MDEA-Sb HSS, solution
al., 1990 alcalinity
Chi and Effect of iron and deg. Bicine, EDTA, glycine, formaldehyde, DMMEA NH3
Rochelle, 2002 inhibitors
Goff and Oxidative degradation of EDTA, bicine, MDEA, phosphate NH3
Rochelle, 2003 MEA at absorber
Goff and O2 mass transfer effects Formaldehyde NH3
Rochelle, 2004
Lawal and Oxidative degradation of MDEA MEA, MDEA
Idem, 2005 MEA-MDEA blends
Lawal et al., Inhibitor effect of MDEA MDEA MEA, MDEA
Lawal and Oxidative degradation MDEA MEA, MDEA
Idem, 2006 kinetics of MEA-MDEA
Goff and Oxidation Inhibitors for Hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, Mn salts, inh. A, NH3
Rochelle, 2006 Copper and iron catalyzed Na2SO3, formaldehyde, EDTA, Na3PO4, Na2S4,
degradation potassium salts
Sexton and Oxidation products of Inh. A Carboxylic acids,
Rochelle, 2006 amines in CO2 capture EDA, nitrite, nitrate
Sexton and Catalysts and inhibitors Inh. A, inh. B, EDTA, formaldehyde, Na2SO3, NH3, carboxylic
Rochelle, 2009 for MEA oxidation formate acids, …
Carrette and Patent on degradation Hydroquinone, Cystamine, 2- HSS
Delfort, 2009a inhibitor mercaptoethylether, 1-thioglycerol, 2-2'-
thiodiethanol, 2-2'-dithiodiethanol
Carrette and Patent on degradation Hydroquinone, 2-2' thiodiacetic acid, 2-2' HSS
Delfort, 2009b inhibitor dithiodiacetic acid, 3-3'-thiodipropionic acid,
3-3-dithiodipropionic acid, thioglycolic acid
Carrette and Patent on degradation Hydroquinone, 5-5'-dithiobis(1,3,4- HSS
Delfort, 2009c inhibitor thiadiazole-2(3H)-thione), DMTD
N,N-diethanolglycine, also called bicine or VFS (Dow Chemical trade name, Versene Fe-3
Specific), is a metal complexant. Johnson and McElwain (1964) reported in a patent that the
addition of bicine reduced the emitted amount of air contaminant (supposed to be NH3) by
95% over 48hours at 55°C. No metal had been added to the solution. Blachly and Ravner
(1966) tested bicine in metal-free solutions for 6 weeks at 55°C without observing any
In the presence of metals, Chi and Rochelle (2002) showed that bicine reduces the NH3
production rate by 50% in the presence of 56ppm Fe2+ at both lean and rich loading (Figure
Figure 16: Effect of bicine in presence of 56ppm Fe2+ (Chi and Rochelle, 2002)
However, Blachly and Ravner (1966) noted that 100 mM bicine (1,5wt-%) was not effective
in presence of Cu2+ at concentrations varying from 1 to 15ppm. Finally, Goff and Rochelle
(2003) tested bicine but listed it as an ineffective degradation inhibitor when Fe2+ and Cu2+
were both present in solution.
4.1.2 EDTA
EDTA (EthylenDiamine TetraAcetic Acid) is a well-known chelating agent for metals. Johnson
and McElwain (1964) reported that the addition of EDTA reduced the emitted amount of air
contaminant (supposed to be NH3) by 75% over 48hours at 55°C.
Chi and Rochelle (2002) have confirmed a mild inhibition effect of EDTA in loaded MEA (20-
40% reduction of the NH3 formation) at 55°C. Goff and Rochelle (2003) also observed a
reduction by approximately 50% of the NH3 production rate at 55°C.
Blachly and Ravner (1966) reported that EDTA was only mildly effective (less effective than
bicine) into inhibiting MEA oxidation at 98°C in metal-free solution (Figure 17, left), as well
as in Fe2+-spiked solutions. Sexton and Rochelle (2009) showed however that at higher
EDTA concentrations (3wt-% instead of 1.5 wt-%), MEA oxidative degradation due to Fe2+
could be completely inhibited.
In the presence of several metals including both Fe2+ and Cu2+, EDTA induced a reduction of
the NH3 production rate that could not be achieved with bicine alone (Figure 17, right). The
efficient inhibition of Cu2+-catalyzed (in comparison with Fe2+-catalyzed) degradation has
also been observed by Goff and Rochelle (2003, 2004).
Figure 17: Effect of EDTA and Bicine on MEA oxidative degradation without (left) and with
metals (right)
According to Chi and Rochelle (2002), EDTA did not show any inhibiting effect in unloaded
MEA. Furthermore, Goff and Rochelle (2004) reported that the effect of EDTA decreased
with time probably due to EDTA oxidation. According to Sexton and Rochelle (2009), due to
continuous corrosion, the endless supply of Fe2+ may saturate all the EDTA active sites, so
that the Fe-EDTA complexes will have to be regularly reclaimed or fresh EDTA will have to be
regularly fed to the amine solution.
According to Supap et al. (2011), the optimal EDTA concentration for inhibiting O2 and SO2-
induced degradation was 0,07wt-% in metal-free solutions, reducing the MEA degradation
rate by 68% in presence of 6ppm SO2. Higher EDTA concentrations induced more
degradation with O2 and SO2 as represented on Figure 18. Both CO2 loaded and unloaded
solutions degraded slower under SO2 and O2 with EDTA.
Figure 18: Effect of EDTA concentration on O2-SO2 induced degradation
4.1.3 HEDTA
HEDTA (N-HydroxyEthylDiamine TriAcetic acid, trade name Versenol 120) has only been
tested by Johnson and McElwain (1964). They reported that HEDTA reduced the emitted
amount of air contaminant (supposed to be NH3) by 90% over 48hours at 55°C.
4.1.4 TEA
TriEthanolAmine (TEA) has been patented as a degradation inhibitor for H2S and CO2
degradation by Singh (1970a). The authors observed that at 150°C, the MEA degradation
rate over 4 hours was reduced by 85% in presence of TEA. However, no test was performed
in the presence of O2. An advantage of TEA is that this tertiary amine can absorb CO2.
4.1.5 Gluconate
Singh (1970b) has patented gluconate as degradation inhibitor for H2S and CO2 degradation.
He observed that at 150°C, the MEA degradation rate over 4 hours was reduced by 85% in
presence of sodium gluconate. However, no test was performed in the presence of O2.
Voice and Rochelle (2011b) screened various inhibitors but they have not published the
detailed results of their studies yet (Figure 20). They have classified the inhibiting potential
of chelating agents as following:
DTPA (DiethyleneTriaminePentaAcetic acid) >> EDTA >> NTA (NitriloTriAcetic acid)
On the other side, they also reported HEDP (Etidronic acid, 1-hydroxyethane 1,1-
diphosphonic acid), DTPMP (diethylenetriamine penta(methylene phosphonic acid)) and citric
acid as promising chelating agents for inhibiting MEA oxidative degradation.
Many chelating agents have been studied. First generation ligands have shown their limits:
- Bicine is not stable with Cu2+
- EDTA is slowly oxidized with Fe2+
- HEDTA, TEA, gluconate still require more studies
Second generation ligands may prove interesting inhibiting effects (Figure 20):
- Potassium-sodium tartarate presents very interesting properties, especially in
combination with Na2SO3. This has to be confirmed by further studies.
- HEDP also seems very promising, especially in combination with DTPA.
- Citric acid and NTA seem less interesting
Faucher (1989) first patented the use of MDEA (methylDiEthanolAmine) blended with MEA
for inhibiting MEA degradation. Under oxidative conditions, MDEA preferentially reacts with
O2 to protect MEA, so that the MEA degradation rate is reduced by about 80% (Lawal et al.,
2005). To achieve a 90% reduction of the NH3 production rate, Voice and Rochelle (2011b)
have shown that the MDEA concentration must be equal or higher than 20wt-%. This is
much more than conventional inhibitors evocated so far, but it shall be noted that MDEA has
the capacity of absorbing CO2. According to McCullough et al. (1990), the combined use of
MDEA with Antimony is used to inhibit both corrosion and degradation. Antimony is a rather
toxic element that is used in this context as corrosion inhibitor.
However, Sexton and Rochelle (2009) could not confirm those results. They stated that the
addition of formaldehyde increased the MEA loss rate by 30%. Similarly, the presence of
formate increased the MEA loss rate by 20%.
4.2.3 Na2SO3
According to Goff and Rochelle (2006), sulfite (obtained by adding Na2SO3) is rapidly
oxidized into sulfate, competing with MEA for the available O2. Goff and Rochelle (2006)
have shown in Figure 22 that sulfite can reduce the NH3 production rate in systems catalyzed
by Cu2+ and Fe2+, achieving a better reduction with Cu2+ systems. However, above a limit
concentration (~1000mM), Na2SO3 is not soluble anymore and precipitates.
Figure 22: Effect of Na2SO3 on NH3 evolution rate (Goff and Rochelle, 2006)
Even if sulfite is not very efficient as a degradation inhibitor in comparison to inhibitor A for
instance, it would be a cheap degradation inhibitor since it can be derived from SO2
contained in power plant flue gas (Goff and Rochelle, 2006).
Supap et al. (2011) confirm the benefic effect observed with sulfite on O2 and SO2-induced
degradation. They determine the optimal sulfite concentration at 0.05kmol/m³, i.e. 50mM
(Figure 23).
Figure 23: Effect of Na2SO3 concentration on NH3 evolution rate (Supap et al., 2011)
However, Sexton and Rochelle (2009) did not observe any inhibition effect for Na2SO3. They
showed that the addition of 100mM sulfite increased the MEA loss rate by 30% in
comparison to Fe2+-catalyzed system.
4.2.4 NH2OH
NH2OH (hydroxylamine) has been tested by Supap et al. (2011) which propose 25mM as an
optimal inhibitor concentration for inhibiting O2 and SO2 degradation. No other study has
been performed using this interesting inhibitor.
4.2.5 Inhibitor A
Inhibitor A is an inorganic additive developed at the University of Texas (Goff and Rochelle,
2006). Inhibitor A possesses at least three different oxidation states, but the reduced
oxidation states clearly appear to be more effective (Figure 24).
Figure 24: Effect of oxidation state for inhibitor A (Goff and Rochelle, 2006)
According to Goff and Rochelle (2006), inhibitor A is very stable at absorber conditions, so
that it is not consumed with time. This has been confirmed by Voice and Rochelle (2011b).
Goff and Rochelle (2006) described it as a radical scavenger effectively inhibiting MEA
oxidative degradation caused by both Fe2+ and Cu2+ (Figure 25). A higher concentration of
inhibitor A induces a lower NH3 evolution rate in all systems.
In the presence of Fe and Cu, Sexton and Rochelle (2006) observed that proportionally more
glycolate was formed in MEA solutions inhibited with inhibitor A, but the amount of
carboxylic acid formed is much lower than in inhibitor-free systems.
However, according to Voice and Rochelle (2011a) the inhibiting effect of inhibitor A
decreases at higher temperatures in the presence of Fe2+, Cr3+ and Ni2+ (Figure 26),
whatever the inhibitor concentration. At 70°C, steady state in the production rate of NH3 was
not often observed, even after several days.
Sexton and Rochelle (2009) have presented inhibitor B as an effective inhibitor for
preventing MEA oxidative degradation since it decreased the MEA losses by 75% at 55°C in
Fe2+-catalyzed systems. However, it could not reach the efficiency of inhibitor A.
IFPEN has patented various sulfur containing inhibitors at 80°C (Carrette and Delfort, 2009a-
b-c; Carrette and Delfort, 2010; Carrette and Delfort, 2011; Delfort and Carrette, 2009a-b).
Those inhibitors are listed in Table 4, as well as their general formula. Based on the formate
production rate compared to the uninhibited system, the best inhibitor of each family is
Second generation scavengers, especially sulfur containing inhibitors patented by IFP seem
however very promising, reducing the amount of degradation products by more than 99%.
Chelating agents and radical/O2 scavengers are the two main types of degradation inhibitors.
Depending on the operating conditions, both seem to be very promising inhibitors.
Combinations of different inhibitors may also lead to excellent inhibition effect.
Many inhibitors have been tested for limiting MEA oxidative degradation. Some of those
inhibitors also show good results into inhibiting SO2-O2 systems. Tests of new inhibitors are
still in progress.
Most recent MEA degradation inhibitors were developed and tested at absorber temperatures
(equal or lower than 80°C) to study their influence on oxidative degradation. However,
inhibitor stability at stripper temperatures seems to be one of the biggest upcoming
challenges, since the solvent system will be heated up to 120°C during the CO2 capture
Contrary to many test benches, the Degradation Test Rig (DTR) at the University of Liège
allows the testing of degradation inhibitors at that temperature range, which is a good
opportunity to contribute to research on efficient and stable degradation inhibitors for MEA.
Table 5 represents the planning of coming tests on the DTR. Experiments 11 to 15 will not
include any additives. Experiments 16 to 20 will include a mix of stainless steel metals (Fe2+,
Cr3+, Ni2+ and potentially Mn2+). Moreover, degradation inhibitors will be included to
experiments 17 to 20:
- The combination of inhibitor A with a chelating agent like HEDP seems promising.
Voice and Rochelle (2011b) reported an inhibition rate of 90% at 70°C. The stability
of this additive package at higher temperature (120°C) will be studied.
- DMTD has been patented by IFPEN, and promising results has been reported by
Voice and Rochelle (2011b). An experiment to study its stability at 120°C in
combination with HEDP, would be very interesting.
Table 5: Planning of upcoming experiments on the DTR
Exper Start End Days Test T° Ptot PO2 PCO2 PN2 Gas flow Additives
iment (°C) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (mln/min)
11 11/04/12 25/04/12 14 Base case 120 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 -
12 31/04/12 14/05/12 14 Influence of 120 4 0 0.6 3.4 160 -
13 21/04/12 4/06/12 14 Influence of 120 4 0.2 0 3.8 160 -
14 6/06/12 20/06/12 14 Influence of 55 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 -
15 25/06/12 9/07/12 14 Influence of 140 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 -
16 11/07/12 25/07/12 14 Influence of 120 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 Addition of stainless
SS metals steel metals (0.4 mM
Fe2+, 0.1 mM Cr3+,
and 0.05 mM Ni2+,
evtl. 0.1mM Mn2+)
17 30/07/12 6/08/12 14 Influence of 55 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 SS metals + 100
inh. A mM Inh. A
18 8/08/12 22/08/12 14 Influence of 120 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 SS metals + 100mM
inh. A Inh. A
19 27/08/12 10/09/12 14 Influence of 120 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 SS metals + 100
inh. A + mM Inh A + HEDP
HDPE 1wt-%
20 12/09/12 26/09/12 14 Test of 120 4 0.2 0.6 3.2 160 SS metals + HEDP
metal 1wt-% + DMTD 0.4
additives/2 wt-%
6. List of abbreviations
DMMEA DiMethylMonoEthanolAmine
DMTD DiMercaptoThiaDiazole
DTPA Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid
DTPMP DiethyleneTriamine Penta(Methylene Phosphonic acid)
EDTA EthylenDiamine TetraAcetic Acid
HEDP 1-HydroxyEthane 1,1-DiPhosphonic acid
HEDTA N-HydroxyEthylDiamine TriAcetic acid
HEEDA HydroxyEthylEthyleneDiAmine (2-(2-Aminoethylamino)ethanol)
HEF N-(2-HydroxyEthyl)Formamide
HEI 1-(2-HydroxyEthyl)Imidazole
HSS Heat Stable Salts
MDEA MethylDiEthanolAmine
MEA MonoEthanolAmine
NTA NitriloTriAcetic acid
TEA TriEthanolAmine
VFS Versene Fe-3 Specific (bicine)
7. Table of Figures
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