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GRADE LEVEL: Grade 7/8



 Material specification The learners The learners shall be LO 1. Plan and prepare for 1 WEEK TLE_IAEPAS9-
- Assorted wires and cables demonstrate an able to terminate termination/connection of Jan 31 12TCEC-IIIa-20
 Task requirements understanding of and connect electrical wiring/electronics Feb 1, 5, 6, 7
- Splicing the underlying electrical wiring and circuits
- Jointing principles in electronic circuit 1.1 Check materials in accordance
- Soldering terminating and based on standards with specifications and tasks PTask- wire
 Tools and equipment connecting and work site 1.2 Select appropriate tools and splices on
- Pliers electrical wiring procedures equipment in accordance with illustration
- Cutters and electronic tasks requirements board
- Screw driver circuits based on 1.3 Plan task to ensure that OHS
- Soldering gun standards and guidelines and procedures are
- Multitester work site followed
 OHS guidelines and procedures 1.4 Prepare electrical
procedures wiring/electronic circuits
 Electrical wiring diagram correctly prepared for
 Electronics kit connecting/ termination in
accordance with instructions and
work site procedures
 Safety in handling tools LO 2. Terminate/connect 1 WEEK TLE_IAEPAS9-
 PPE electrical wiring/electronic Feb 8, 12, 13, 12TCEC-IIIb-c-
 Workplace safety circuits 14,15, 19, 20 21
 Methods of terminating/ 2.1 Observe safety procedures in
connecting electrical wiring/ using tools and use personal
electronic circuit as per protective equipment PTask-
specification and 2.2 Undertake work safely in Soldering
manufacturer’s accordance with the workplace technique on
requirements and standard procedures prototype
- Clamping 2.3 Use appropriate range of board
- Pin connection methods in
- Soldered joints termination/connection in
- Plugs accordance with specifications,
 Sequencing of operation manufacturer’s requirements and
 Proper settings and safety
adjustments of accessories 2.4 Follow sequence of operation
 Reporting correctly according to job
2.5 Adjust accessories used, if
2.6 Confirm
undertaken successfully in
accordance with job specification
 Testing procedure of LO 3. Test 1 WEEK TLE_IAEPAS9-
electrical wiring/ electronic termination/connections of Feb. 21, 22, 25, 12TCEC-IIId-e-
- Multitester electrical wiring/electronics 26, 27, 28 22
 Safety precautions in circuits
terminating/connecting 3.1 Conduct testing of all
electrical wiring/ electronic completed termination/
circuit connections of electric
- PPE wiring/electronic circuits in
compliance with specifications
and regulations using appropriate
procedures and equipment
3.2 Check wiring and circuits
using specified testing procedures
3.3 Respond to unplanned events
or conditions in accordance with
established procedures
 Work instructions The learners The learners shall be LO 1. Determine criteria for 1 WEEK TLE_IAEPAS9-
- Job order demonstrate an able to test testing electronics components Feb. 29 12TEC-IIIf-23
- Work order understanding of electronic 1.1 Clarify work instructions Mar. 4, 5, 6, 7
 Person in charge the underlying components based based on job order or client
- Supervisor principles in on manufacturer’s requirements
- Manager testing electronic specifications and 1.2 Consult responsible person
- Instructor components testing criteria for effective and proper work
 Criteria for testing based on coordination
components manufacturer’s 1.3 Interpret
- controls specifications datasheets/application notes
- functionality, including and testing based on manufacturer’s
flow criteria specifications
- interoperability 1.4 Define testing criteria to
- performance ensure that components meet
- reliability technical and quality
1.5 Discuss testing criteria to
relevant personnel
 Methods of testing LO 2. Plan an approach for 1 WEEK TLE_IAEPAS9-
components component testing Mar. 11, 12, 13 12TEC-IIIg-24
- automated 2.1 Identify various testing
- inspection methods based on the types of
- platform testing electronic components
- prototyping 2.2 Determine the characteristics
 Testing strategy and appropriateness of testing
- Passive testing methods to be used during
- Dynamic testing development and on completion
- In-circuit testing 2.3 Consider testing methods in
relation to appropriate testing
2.4 Develop a plan for testing
components at specified points
during development and on
2.5 Check required test and
measuring instruments and tools
in accordance with established
2.6 Establish a recording system
to document testing results,
including problems and faults
 Test and measuring LO 3. Test components 1 Week TLE_IAEPAS9-
instruments 3.1 Apply testing methods to Mar. 14, 18, 12TEC-IIIh-i-25
- Variable DC power supply ensure that the products meet 19, 20, 21, 25
- Digital VOM creative, production, and
- analog VOM technical requirements
- dual trace triggered 3.2 Record problems and faults
oscilloscope detected by testing and
- function generator document remedial steps taken
 Tools in records system
 Record system 3.3 Resolve problems and faults
- description of fault detected during testing in
- identification of code accordance with agreed project
- user responses or industry practice
- written or verbal 3.4 Evaluate final products
comments against the previously
- retest result determined criteria
3.5 Document testing process and
submit summarized evaluation
report to relevant personnel
 Evaluation of the testing LO 4. Evaluate the testing process 1 week TLE_IAEPAS9-
process 4.1 Identify successful testing Mar. 26, 27, 28 12TEC-IIIj-26
- Proper handling of methods and those that led to
components difficulties based on industry
- Proper use of equipment standards
and instruments 4.2 Evaluate testing process and
- Proper handling of tools records system based on
- OHS policies and standard procedures
guidelines 4.3 Document test
- 5S results/findings for subsequent
 Documentation of testing components testing
Completion of Requirement April 1,2
3rd QA April 3, 4

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