13-How To DesignAssessmentMethods
13-How To DesignAssessmentMethods
13-How To DesignAssessmentMethods
Assessment Methods
Presented by
Office of Strategic Planning & Assessment
Participants’ Learning
Exit exams (standardized, licensure/professional exams)
Thesis, Dissertation
Capstone Course Paper or Project
Program Level Vs. Course
Level Measures
Exams, Tests
Rubric-Based Assignments:
Performance Demo.
How to Select Measures?
Essay questions on an exam
Research paper
Oral presentation
Demonstration of critical thinking skills
Demonstration of technical skills
An Art Show, etc.
Rubrics or Not?
Math questions
Multiple-choice questions
True or false questions
Filling-in-the-blanks test
Matching exercise or test
Hands-on Activity
Directions: For each of the following PLOs, specify what assignment or exam can be used to assess
the PLO. Also, identify if the assignment or the exam need a rubric or a score distribution guide.
Measures Evaluation Instrument
(Assignments or Exams) (Does this assignment need
Program PLOs a rubric or a score
distribution guide?)
Directions: For each of the following course SLOs, specify what assignment or exam can be used
to assess the PLO. Also, identify if the assignment or the exam need a rubric or a score
distribution guide.
Measures Evaluation Instrument
(Assignments or Exams) (Does this assignment
Courses SLOs
need a rubric or a score
distribution guide?)
The pass rate for the exam was 78%, but the pass rate for
the two embedded questions was 50%.
The pass rate for Exam II was 71%, and the pass rate for
the essay question was 65%.