SelfEvaluation AssessmentDocumentation

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Assessment Documentation Self-evaluation Toolkit Version1.0

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This toolkit includes check-list templates and notations that will guide you through a self-evaluation of your:

• plans for assessment (your assessment matrix)

• assessment tools (the tasks, worksheets, etc. that you give to your students)

• assessment records (the mark-books/systems where you record student achievement).

Undertaking the self-evaluation will allow you to identify:

• the features and aspects of your assessment documentation that expectations

• opportunities for the continuous improvement of your documentation and methodologies.

There are ten (10) Standards required by TASC that schools and colleges registered to provide accredited Tasmanian
senior secondary courses must meet.

This toolkit will help you measure your success in meeting the following Standards:

Standard 1: Course providers will ensure that all the knowledge, skills and experiences that comprise a course are
delivered to students, and that all stated course requirements are met

Standard 3: Course providers will ensure that assessment tools meet the requirements of the course and are
valid, fair and equitable

Standard 4: Course providers will ensure that accurate assessment records are maintained.


To undertake the process of self-evaluation you will need:
1. some time and space! (The process could be part of a school-based
professional development session or done on an individual basis. Would it be
best to undertake it individually or as part of a small group of teachers of the
same or similar courses? You decide what works for you and your situation)
2. a copy of this toolkit
3. a copy of the course document
4. your plan for delivery and assessment of a course. (This scope and sequence
may have both the delivery/teaching and assessment plans in the same
document, or a separate assessment matrix. It is the assessment plan/matrix
that is needed for this process)
5. two (2) examples of assessment tasks you use with your students (label them
A and B).
6. your assessment records (mark-book, spreadsheet system or whatever
method you use to record assessments).

Assessment Documentation Self-evaluation Toolkit Version1.0

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COURSE NAME: ____________________________________
Read a features column question. Look to your assessment plan/matrix. If you can clearly see the answer to the features
question, tick the Yes column. If not, make a notation in the No column these can then become a focus of your
continuous improvement processes.

Self-evaluation PART !: Standard 1

Course providers will ensure that all the knowledge, skills and experiences that comprise a course are delivered to
students, and that all stated course requirements are met
Features of the assessment plan/matrix: Yes No
() (X)
Are the noted assessment tasks given clear titles?

1 (e.g. o Design Brief -of-

Are the criterion/ia to be assessed by each task noted?


Are the criterion/ia standard elements applicable to the task noted?

(e.g. Criterion 1- all Elements, Criterion 2 - Elements 1, 2, and 4)

Are the relative weighting/significance of assessment tasks to the overall assessment

of relevant criteria noted?
(e.g. , or a colour code with key)

Are tasks that satisfy work requirements noted as such?

(e.g. by a highlight or the

Are all the criteria / standard elements covered in the totality of the assessment plan?

6 (Have any criteria / standard elements been missed? if so, note in the No column
and revisit your matrix as soon as possible, to ensure full coverage)

Are there sufficient opportunities for learners to demonstrate improvement over

time / consistency of achievement against each criterion?

(Criteria / standard elements need to be assessed several times in order for students
7 to be able to demonstrate improvement, and a consistency of attainment. If a
criterion linked to a specific part of the course content is assessed, say, in Term 1,
are there opportunities later in the year for students to demonstrate currency of
achievement and/or improvement as they experience more of the course?)

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The method of self-evaluation here is the same as for Standard 1, but when judging the features of the selected tasks try
to do so through the eyes of your students just how clear is that feature to them?

Self-evaluation PART 2: Standard 3

Course providers will ensure that assessment tools meet the requirements of the course and are valid, fair and equitable

Features of selected assessment task: Yes No

() (X)

A.1 Does the task have a clear title / heading?

Does the assessment task note the criterion/ia being addressed?

(Also, do my students have access to the criteria wording?)
Does the assessment task note the criterion/ia standard elements being addressed?
(Also, do my students have access to the criteria standard elements wording so that
they know what their work will be assessed against?)
Does the assessment task note the relative weighting/significance of assessment tasks
A.4 to the overall assessment of relevant criteria?

Does the assessment task give clear performance indicators to guide learners?

(e.g. clearly tell them - things like expected

A.5 format and size of the response; how many correct answers (and to which question
types) are needed for a B; guidance as to how the relevant standard elements will be
applied within the context of this specific task?)

Does the assessment task allow assessment of the nominated criterion/ia / standard

(For example, if the task requires an oral presentation, a criterion focused on written
skills cannot be used. If a task does not require or allow for presentation of data in
graphical form, a standard element concerned with the degree of skill or complexity
of such a presentation cannot be included in the assessed elements).

Does the assessment task allow the potential for learners to demonstrate the highest
defined standards (unless otherwise noted)?

(In some maths courses, for example, the very complex operations required by an A
task might be C or B on a specific criterion or standard element. If this is the case, is
this clear to students?)

The assessment task does not privilege any certain groups of students because of
varying socio-economic, cultural, gender, and linguistic backgrounds.

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Self-evaluation PART 2 (continued): Standard 3
Course providers will ensure that assessment tools meet the requirements of the course and are valid, fair and equitable

Features of selected assessment task: Yes No

() (X)

B.1 Does the task have a clear title / heading?

Does the assessment task note the criterion/ia being addressed?

(Also, do my students have access to the criteria wording?)
Does the assessment task note the criterion/ia standard elements being addressed?
(Also, do my students have access to the criteria standard elements wording so that
they know what their work will be assessed against?)
Does the assessment task note the relative weighting/significance of assessment tasks
B.4 to the overall assessment of relevant criteria?

Does the assessment task give clear performance indicators to guide learners?

(e.g. clearly tell them - things like expected

B.5 format and size of the response; how many correct answers (and to which question
types) are needed for a B; guidance as to how the relevant standard elements will be
applied within the context of this specific task?)

Does the assessment task allow assessment of the nominated criterion/ia / standard

(For example, if the task requires an oral presentation, a criterion focused on written
skills cannot be used. If a task does not require or allow for presentation of data in
graphical form, a standard element concerned with the degree of skill or complexity
of such a presentation cannot be included in the assessed elements).

Does the assessment task allow the potential for learners to demonstrate the highest
defined standards (unless otherwise noted)?

(In some maths courses, for example, the very complex operations required by an A
task might be C or B on a specific criterion or standard element. If this is the case, is
this clear to students?)

The assessment task does not privilege any certain groups of students because of
varying socio-economic, cultural, gender, and linguistic backgrounds.

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The method of self-evaluation here is the same as for Standard 1, but this time the focus in on your assessment record.

Self-evaluation PART 3: Standard 4

Course providers will ensure that accurate assessment records are maintained
Features of the Assessment Record/s Yes No
() (X)
Does the record identify the individual learner (e.g., full name)?

Are the assessment tasks noted/listed by title/name of task?

Are assessments dated?
(This is important so that the end points of assessment can be clearly identified.)
Are the criterion/ia assessed clearly noted?

4 If more than one criterion has been assessed by the task, are there individual
assessment judgements noted for each criterion?

Does the assessment record note the relative weighting/significance of the assessment
5 task to the overall assessment of relevant criteria noted?

Is a final assessment rubric (see below) articulated with the assessment record? Is it
6 clear and easy to follow?

7 Is the assessment record backed-up in case of loss of the original?

What is a final assessment rubric?

During the year a student will receive a variety of marks/ratings (such as C+, B-, 78%, 5/10) recording achievement
criteria. At the end of the year a single rating (such as A, B, C, t or z) is reported to TASC for each criterion. The final assessment rubric is an
articulation of the rules or factors used to derive that single, final rating for each criterion, from the various marks recorded. Articulation of these
• removes single-person dependence (what if the teacher was away when final ratings were due? Would someone else be able to derive
final ratings as the teacher intended?)
• ensures consistency, accountability, and .
While final assessment rubrics will differ between courses, and may differ between different classes of the same course (if different assessment
tasks are completed), there are some common principles:
• end-points in learning. Assessments done later in the course are typically more
important (carry more weight/significance) when determining a final rating than
assessments done earlier. Achievement in a criterion is NOT averaged to determine
a final rating
• consistency of demonstrated achievement is considered (a single A at
the end of a course does not necessarily mean a final rating of A)
• the relative weighting/significance of an individual task to the final assessment of that
criterion is considered (achievement of an A on a minor test does not carry the same
significance as a C- on a major, 4 week project)
• course Work Requirement may be more significant than teacher-selected tasks.
There is no prescribed way to articulate a final assessment rubric. What is important is clarity:
ask yourself, based on the
evidence of the assessment record and final assessment rubric another person could make

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Now, lets do a cross-check of the assessment plan/matrix, the selected assessment tasks, and the assessment record.

Self-evaluation PART 4: Standards 1, 3, and 4

Features of the documentation:
• Assessment Matrix Yes No
• Example Assessment Tasks A & B () (X)
• Assessment Record
Do the assessment task titles, criterion/ia assessed (and standard elements if applicable),
and relative weightings in the assessment matrix match these noted features in the
assessment record?
(I.e., is there consistency between the top-level mapping and the record of achievement?
Sample a few assessments tasks noted in the plan/matrix. Do their features (title etc)
match those given in the assessment record?)

Do the assessment task titles, criterion/ia assessed (and standard elements if applicable)
and relative weightings in the assessment matrix match these noted features in the two
selected assessment tasks (A & B having been used for this exercise only to differentiate
(I.e., is there consistency between the top-level mapping and the actual tasks given to
learners? Do their features (their actual title etc) match those given in the assessment

Are the sampled assessment tasks considered for Standard 3 noted in the assessment
record? Is there a match between the record and the tasks regarding:
• The actual title of the tasks? (A & B having been used for this exercise only to
3 differentiate them)
• Criterion/ia to be assessed (and standard elements if appropriate)
• Relative weighting of tasks to final assessment?

Do my ducks line up?

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1) What are the strengths of my assessment documentation (lots of Yes ticks)?

2) What are the specific features I need to add to the documentation or what can be done to improve it? When should
will this be actioned?(E.g., right away, to correct a major error? Prior to giving students their next assessment task?)?

Document type
Improvement Timing/when

3) How, and with whom, will learnings from this self-evaluation be shared?

Assessment Documentation Self-evaluation Toolkit Version1.0

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Version 1.0 May 2022

Office of Tasmanian Assessment,

Standards and Certification
Level 6, 39 Murray Street Hobart
TAS 7000 Australia
GPO Box 333 Hobart
TAS 7001 Australia
Phone: (03) 6165 6000

Assessment Documentation Self-evaluation Toolkit Version1.0

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