Alonso 2015
Alonso 2015
Alonso 2015
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Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Objective: To evaluate whether the age of disease presentation helps to better characterize the disease
Accepted 7 September 2015 phenotype in PsA.
Available online xxx Methods: Retrospective cohort study that included 205 consecutive patients fulfilling the CASPAR criteria
for PsA. Study outcomes were assessed using univariate and multivariate analyses according to the age
Keywords: of onset of both skin and joint disease (cut off at 40 years).
Psoriasis Results: Early onset psoriasis (EOP) showed more extensive skin involvement (OR 2.3, P = 0.011), axial
Psoriatic arthritis
pattern as disease onset (OR 4.6, P = 0.009) and mixed pattern during evolution (OR 2.4, P = 0.019), family
Cardiovascular risk factors
Age at disease onset
history of both psoriasis (OR 3.1, P = 0.003) and PsA (OR 4.0, P = 0.021), higher prevalence of HLA-C*06
(OR 2.03, P = 0.03) and HLA-B*27 (OR 2.7, P = 0.02). Early onset arthritis (EOA) had more family history
of PsA (OR 2.9, P = 0.007), and HLA-B*27 positivity (OR 5.9, P < 0.0001). Patients with late onset arthritis
(LOA) were more likely to have DM (OR 4.0, P = 0.009), hypertension (OR 2.5, P = 0.004), dyslipidemia (OR
2.3, P = 0.011), and obesity (OR 1.7, P = 0.012). Late onset psoriasis (LOP) tended to have more obesity
(OR 1.9, P = 0.035), DM (OR 9.4, P < 0.0001), hypertension (OR 4.1, P < 0.0001), and ischemic heart disease
during follow-up (OR 5.9, P = 0.021). In multivariate analysis, LOP predicted DM development (OR 12.1,
P = 0.006). LOA was shown to be an independent risk factor for hypertension (OR 5.2, P = 0.039).
Conclusion: Age at disease onset exerts a strong influence on several domains of disease phenotype in
PsA. Therefore, this descriptor should be considered a good stratification option for epidemiological and
genetic studies in PsA.
© 2015 Société française de rhumatologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects is unclear at present [3]. Similarly, a split between early and late
1%–3% of the general population, with the highest incidence and onset disease has been proposed in PsA [2,4].
prevalence observed in white populations [1]. Psoriatic arthritis Another interesting aspect in the study of psoriatic disease is the
(PsA) is also a common feature of what is now called psoriatic dis- fact that cardiovascular (CV) comorbidity seem to be more frequent
ease [2]. At present, HLA-C*06 and B*27 are the most important in subjects with age of onset over 40 years. In that sense, type 2 DM
genetic biomarkers in psoriatic disease since they establish marked appeared to be related to the presence of arthritis and an onset
traits that in turn allow phenotypic differentiations in both popu- age after 40 years in one psoriasis study [5]. Although psoriasis is
lations [2]. Since the seminal work by Henseler and Christophers, associated with a higher prevalence of CV risk factors in adults,
early onset psoriasis (EOP) or type I, refers to patients with onset the relationship between the age of onset and its influence on the
before 40 years, more extensive skin disease, strong family aggre- development of this kind of risk is not completely understood [5,6].
gation and HLA-C*06 positivity. On the contrary, late onset psoriasis Recently, a French study showed that the age of onset of psoriasis
(LOP) or type II, refers to an onset at or after 40 years, being more did not seem to confer an additional risk for the development of CV
sporadic and seldom family-inherited, and its genetic background and metabolic comorbidities during adulthood [7]. However, sev-
eral studies in psoriasis and PsA do suggest this association [8–12].
Although currently the division of psoriasis into two major types
(I and II) is a widely accepted descriptor of this condition, it is
∗ Corresponding author. unclear whether this division can also be applied to patients with
E-mail address: (R. Queiro). PsA. Nor do we know whether the stratification of psoriatic disease
1297-319X/© 2015 Société française de rhumatologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Alonso S, et al. Age at disease onset may help to further characterize the disease phenotype in psoriatic
arthritis. Joint Bone Spine (2015),
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BONSOI-4296; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 S. Alonso et al. / Joint Bone Spine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
according to age at disease onset will be of help to better charac- than 140/90 mmHg during follow-up, chronic use of antihyper-
terize the clinical and CV risk profile in these patients. The aim of tensive treatment or diagnosis by medical specialist;
this study was to find out whether the stratification of psoriatic dis- • dyslipidemia: defined as the ongoing finding of cholesterol fig-
ease according to the age of onset helps to better define the disease ures above 240 mg/dL or triglycerides figures above 200 mg/dL
phenotype of these patients. during follow-up, chronic treatment with lipid-lowering drugs,
or diagnosis by medical specialist;
1. Methods • obesity: defined as the presence of a body mass index (BMI)
greater than 30 kg/m2 , whereas overweight involves a BMI
This was a retrospective cohort study including 205 consecutive between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 ;
patients treated at a single university hospital who fulfilled the CAS- • smoking habit: we consider as active smokers, all those smoker
PAR classification criteria for PsA [13]. These patients were attended patients at the time of the study (irrespective of the number of
according to a standard protocol in a monographic PsA clinic within cigarettes); on the other hand, those patients with past smoking
our Rheumatology department. All demographic, clinical, labora- habit (at least five years), but not being active smokers at the time
tory, therapeutic and radiographic variables were collected in a of the study, are regarded as former smokers;
standardized manner as depicted below. Patients were informed • ischemic heart disease: defined as at least one cardiac event such
about the objectives of the study and consent informed sheets as acute myocardial infarction, stable or unstable angina, diag-
were signed by all participants. This study was conducted follow- nosed by medical specialist;
ing the rules of good clinical practice (Helsinki Declaration). An • cerebrovascular disease: any transient or permanent event as
institutional ethics committee of Hospital Universitario Central de a result of a disorder of cerebral circulation either ischemic or
Asturias approved the final version of this study. hemorrhagic diagnosed by medical specialist;
• peripheral vascular disease: defined as the presence of at least
1.1. Study population and study variables one episode of peripheral arterial ischemic disease diagnosed by
medical specialist.
The cohort was composed by 112 men and 93 women with a
mean age of 52.9 ± 13 years. The description of joint patterns was 1.3. Statistical analysis
made on the basis of the dominant pattern observed in the last
5 years of follow-up. Patients with 4 or less swollen joints were Descriptive statistics with mean and standard deviation for
labelled as oligoarthritis category; those who presented 5 or more quantitative variables and percentages for qualitative variables
were tagged under the polyarthritis category. Patients who pre- were included. Differences between qualitative variables were
sented radiographic sacroiliitis with inflammatory back pain (IBP), analysed by using Chi2 and Fisher’s exact tests. Differences between
irrespective of the presence of peripheral arthritis, conformed the quantitative variables were analysed by using Student’s t-test. To
axial pattern. For the purposes of this study, patients were strati- determine the strength of the association of each variable depend-
fied in early and late onset disease according to a cut off point of ing on the age of onset of psoriasis and PsA, an odds ratio (OR)
40 years. This cut off was applied for onset ages in both skin and of each variable (univariate analysis) was estimated, with its cor-
joint disease. responding confidence interval (CI) of 95%. To infer the value of
Family history of psoriasis and PsA was collected. Educational each variable in the occurrence estimation of each cardiovascular
level was assessed and classified under three categories accord- risk factor depending of the age of onset, significant variables in
ing to the achieved degree: primary, secondary (high-school), and the univariate analysis (including age) were introduced in a multi-
university studies. Data regarding skin disease included the main variate analysis with a backward stepwise approach. The statistical
type of psoriasis, location of lesions, nail disease and percentage analysis software package used was SPSS v.19.0.
of patients with involvement of three or more body areas. Psoriasis
was confirmed by a dermatologist. In relation to the clinical features
of arthritis, both the onset pattern of arthritis (oligoarticular, pol- 2. Results
yarticular, axial, mixed, distal interphalangeal (DIP) involvement,
enthesitis, or dactilitis) depending on the dominant pattern over We evaluated 205 patients, 112 (54.63%) males and 93 (45.37%)
the first six months of disease, as well as the main pattern dur- females. The mean age was 52.9 ± 13 years. The mean age at psoria-
ing follow-up were taken into account. Pelvic, lumbar and cervical sis onset was 30.5 ± 17.1 years and the mean age of onset of arthritis
lateral X-rays were included in the radiographic study to assess was 43.3 ± 14.2 years. The mean lag time between the onset of pso-
spinal involvement. X-rays of affected areas during follow-up were riasis and onset of arthritis was 14.6 ± 12.6 years.
also obtained. Laboratory data included the following routine tests: Educational level was distributed as follow: 52.7% of patients
blood and urine biochemistry, hemogram, ESR, HLA-B*27, HLA- had primary school education, 25.8% had secondary education and
C*06, RF and CRP. 21.6% had a university degree.
Glucocorticoid, NSAID, conventional as well as biologic DMARD Baseline demographic, clinical and cardiovascular characteris-
use was collected. tics of patients are shown in Table 1. During follow-up, men showed
more frequently nail disease [57.1% vs. 38.7; OR 2.1 (1.2–3.7)
1.2. Definition of cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular P = 0.009] and higher lipid levels [36.6% vs. 23.7%; OR 1.9 (1.1–3.4)
outcomes P = 0.045].
In 139 patients, psoriasis debuted before the age of 40 with an
The following variables were also collected: average age of onset of disease of 20.7 ± 9.7 years, versus 66 patients
with psoriasis after 40 years (average onset age 53.5 ± 7.6 years).
• diabetes mellitus (DM): defined by the analytical finding during A higher latency between the onset of skin psoriasis and arthri-
monitoring of glucose elevation of more than 126 mg/dL on two tis in patients with EOP was observed, specifically an average of
fasting determinations, chronic treatment with antidiabetic or 18 ± 7.6 years in patients with EOP versus 6.6 ± 5.6 years in patients
insulin, or diagnosis by medical specialist; with LOP (P < 0.0001).
• high blood pressure (hypertension): defined as finding at least Regarding the clinical features, EOP patients presented with
two determinations on different days of blood pressure greater more extensive skin disease (P = 0.011), greater family history of
Please cite this article in press as: Alonso S, et al. Age at disease onset may help to further characterize the disease phenotype in psoriatic
arthritis. Joint Bone Spine (2015),
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BONSOI-4296; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
S. Alonso et al. / Joint Bone Spine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3
Table 1 Table 2
Demographic, clinical and cardiovascular risk factors of the study population. Univariate comparison between patients with early and late psoriasisa .
Please cite this article in press as: Alonso S, et al. Age at disease onset may help to further characterize the disease phenotype in psoriatic
arthritis. Joint Bone Spine (2015),
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4 S. Alonso et al. / Joint Bone Spine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
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arthritis. Joint Bone Spine (2015),
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BONSOI-4296; No. of Pages 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS
S. Alonso et al. / Joint Bone Spine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5
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Please cite this article in press as: Alonso S, et al. Age at disease onset may help to further characterize the disease phenotype in psoriatic
arthritis. Joint Bone Spine (2015),