JBA-Bacterial Glycobiotechnology
JBA-Bacterial Glycobiotechnology
JBA-Bacterial Glycobiotechnology
Biotechnology Advances
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biotechadv
Keywords: The recent advancement in the human glycome and progress in the development of an inclusive network of
Bacteria glycosylation pathways allow the incorporation of suitable machinery for protein modification in non-natural
Pathway engineering hosts and explore novel opportunities for constructing next-generation tailored glycans and glycoconjugates.
Engineered glycans
Fortunately, the emerging field of bacterial metabolic engineering has enabled the production of tailored bio
polymers by harnessing living microbial factories (prokaryotes) as whole-cell biocatalysts. Microbial catalysts
Biopharmaceutical uses
offer sophisticated means to develop a variety of valuable polysaccharides in bulk quantities for practical clinical
applications. Glycans production through this technique is highly efficient and cost-effective, as it does not
involve expensive initial materials. Metabolic glycoengineering primarily focuses on utilizing small metabolite
molecules to alter biosynthetic pathways, optimization of cellular processes for glycan and glycoconjugate
production, characteristic to a specific organism to produce interest tailored glycans in microbes, using prefer
ably cheap and simple substrate. However, metabolic engineering faces one of the unique challenges, such as the
need for an enzyme to catalyze desired substrate conversion when natural native substrates are already present.
So, in metabolic engineering, such challenges are evaluated, and different strategies have been developed to
overcome them. The generation of glycans and glycoconjugates via metabolic intermediate pathways can still be
supported by glycol modeling achieved through metabolic engineering. It is evident that modern glycans
Abbreviations: ABC, ATP-binding cassette; Ac4GlcNAz, tetraacetyl N-azidoacetylglucosamine; α-(1,3)-FucT, alpha-(1,3)-fucosyltransferase; Az-Pse, azido-pseu
daminic acid; β-(1,4)-GalT, Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase; Car, carbapenems; CL, cordiolipin; CPC, cephalosporin C; CPSs, capsular polysaccharides; CS, chondroitin
sulphates; CuAAC, copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition; DNP, 2,4-dinitrophenol; ENGases, β-N-acetylglucosaminidases; EPS, exopolysaccharides; ER,
endoplasmic reticulum; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; F-6-P, fructose-6-phosphate; GAGs, glycosaminoglycans; GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine; geOMVs,
glycoengineered OMVs; Glc3Man9GlcNAc2, triglucosylated high-mannose-type tetradecasaccharide; GlcNAcβ, N-acetylglucosamine β; GlcNAz-CNP, 2-chloro-4-
nitrophenyl-N-azidoacetylglucosamine; GTases, glycosyltransferases; HA, hyaluronic acids; HAS, hyaluronic acid synthase; HMOs, human milk oligosaccharides; HS,
heparin/heparin sulphates; HUS, hemolytic-uremic syndrome; IcL, isocitratelyase; KDO, 3-deoxy-d-mannooctulosonic acid; KS, keratin sulphates; Leg, legionaminic
acid; LLO, lipid-linked oligosaccharide; LNT II, lacto-N-triose II; LPS, lipopolysaccharides; Man3GlcNAc2, mannose3-N-acetylglucosamine2; MetK1-sp, S-adeno
sylmethionine synthetase; MGE, mobile genome expression; MOE, metabolic oligosaccharide engineering; MurNAc, N-acetylmuramic acid; MurU, MurNAc α-1
phosphate uridylyltransferase; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NDP, nucleoside diphosphate; NeuAc, N-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid; NMP,
nucleoside monophosphate; OMVs, outer membrane vesicles; OSTase, OSTs, OTase, oligosaccharyltransferase; PCA, phenazine-1-carboxylic acid; PCN, phenazine-1-
carboxamide; Pse, pseudaminic acid; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine; STEC, shiga toxin-producing E. coli; Tpase, transpeptidase; UDP-GlcNAc, uridinediphosphate N-
acetylglucosamine; Und-PP, undecaprenyl pyrophosphate; UTP, uridine-5′ -triphosphate; XPDH, xilitol-5-phosphate dehydrogenase.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: bn.singh@nbri.res.in (B.N. Singh), vijai.gupta@sruc.ac.uk, vijaifzd@gmai.com (V.K. Gupta).
Received 9 March 2023; Received in revised form 16 May 2023; Accepted 21 May 2023
Available online 24 May 2023
0734-9750/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc.
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
engineering requires adoption of improved strain engineering strategies for creating competent glycoprotein
expression platforms in bacterial hosts, in the future. These strategies include logically designing and introducing
orthogonal glycosylation pathways, identifying metabolic engineering targets at the genome level, and strate
gically improving pathway performance (for example, through genetic modification of pathway enzymes). Here,
we highlight current strategies, applications, and recent progress in metabolic engineering for producing high-
value tailored glycans and their applications in biotherapeutics and diagnostics.
1. Introduction New metabolic routes that go against natural metabolism have also been
introduced in metabolic engineering, highlighting the significance of
The availability of comprehensive information on many biological integrating new metabolic pathways and using metabolic flux to affect
pathways across phylogeny is a breakthrough in biochemistry. In order cell physiology and achieve desired metabolic control (Baker et al.,
to create a glycoconjugate, a carbohydrate, also known as a donor sugar 2013).
(monosaccharide subunit), is covalently joined to amino acids or other Microorganisms, particularly bacteria have long been the primary
functional groups by the process of glycosylation (Helenius and Aebi, source of several beneficial therapeutic products, such as antibiotics,
2001). Glycolysation is a key post-translational modification of proteins antiviral medications, anticancer metabolites, enzymes and chemicals
that affects the natural functions of the protein including its physico that inhibit enzyme activity, and therapeutic proteins (Abu-Qarn et al.,
chemical characteristics, localization, molecular interactions, and half- 2008; Agatemor et al., 2019). Given that metabolism is a fundamental
life (Strutton et al., 2019). In cells, five different types of glycosylation phenomenon that affects all living cells and is necessary for a cell to
take place that are not specific to a single protein. For instance, (i) regulate free energy obtained from organic and other sources. Therefore,
glycans can attach to the nitrogen of asparagine or arginine side chains recent research focussed on implementing metabolic engineering to
(N-linked); (ii) the hydroxyl group of tyrosine, threonine, serine, and improve strains of bacteria that produce useful metabolites, which can
hydroxyproline side chains (O-linked); (iii) the phosphate group of a then be commercialized (Natarajan et al., 2020). This field of study is
phosphoserine (P-linked); (iv) the carbon on a tryptophan side chain (C- even more fascinating since live organism strains that become better
linked); and (v) the components of the glycophosphatidylinositol through mutation and genetic engineering offer a huge chance to pro
(Schjoldager et al., 2020). Among them, N- and O-linked glycosylations duce novel products (Singh et al., 2019). Designer glycosylation path
are associated with several therapeutic glycoproteins (Reily et al., ways installed on metabolically altered bacteria are cutting-edge
2019). With the advance in modern genetic engineering tools & tech manufacturing platforms for the supply of many structurally changed
niques, the cell’s glycosylation pathways can be used to create a wide bioactive molecules, dietary supplements, and vaccinations (Agatemor
range of modified glycans. This process has been successfully displayed et al., 2019). Moreover, metabolic engineering facilitates relatively
in a variety of cell types, such as bacteria, fungi, plants, and mammalian rapid and economically successful methods.
cells (Varki, 2017). First, comprehend why using microbial cells rather than eukaryotic
Glycoengineering is the technique of modifying glycans to make host cells is more advantageous for glycol engineering (Pandey and
them recombinant, medically effective, and safe for human intake Gupta, 2022). It is important to emphasize that microbial cells do not
without inducing immune reactions (Ma et al., 2020). By changing the naturally possess the metabolic glycosylation mechanism or rely on
cellular glycosylation process in various ways, changed glycoproteins protein glycosylation. Specifically, both N-linked and O-linked glyco
are formed during glycosylation, producing engineered glycans with sylation are essential for cell viability in eukaryotes (Reily et al., 2019).
modified size, charge, and solubility. Improved therapeutic effects and Besides, glycosylation plays a substantial role in the growth and devel
involvement in receptor growth and ligand formation are two benefits of opment of cellular structure and metabolism (Lehle et al., 2006).
tailored glycans (Bailey, 1991). Engineering-wise, the capacity to con Fundamentally, it is always challenging to alter the natural metabolism
trol and re-design the various glycan structures at the site of synthesis on of the glycosylation pathway through genetically engineered gene
cell surfaces provides a potent way to understand and alter the molec insertion and deletion, as well as gene overexpression for the production
ular processes underlying glycan-mediated signaling events (Stanley of the glycosyltransferase enzyme. This is because these modifications
et al., 2022). This results in a systematic alteration of glycans during have a noteworthy harmful effect on the fitness of the host. Bacterial
subsequent cellular consequences. However, a thorough understanding cells are able to overcome these issues because they lack native meta
of the genes in charge of producing the glycosyltransferase enzyme and bolic glycosylation mechanisms. In a cell, prokaryotic host cells make it
the substrates necessary for synthesizing the matching glycans is easier to introduce orthogonal protein glycosylation pathways without
necessary for successful glycoengineering. Glycan biosynthesis enzymes, endangering native glycosyltransferases, leading to more uniformly
such as hydrolases and glycosyltransferases, are produced by a number glycosylated protein by-products (Natarajan et al., 2018).
of recently discovred genes in past decades. Modern genetic engineering However, introducing a glycosylation pathway into a prokaryotic
methods simply provide a variety of customized glycans by altering host is not a simple task. The absence of native glycosylation pathways
these crucial gene sequences (Hossain et al., 2016). presented significant engineering challenges. These include incorpo
Metabolic engineering techniques have been widely used, among rating functional pathways for glycosyltransferases so they can catalyze
other approaches, to boost the production of metabolites through ge preferred glycan biosynthesis on a protein target or a lipid carrier and
netic engineering. To harness such biological processes for energy gathering the required amount of essential building block molecules,
transmission, chemical transformation, and supramolecular assembly such as acceptor proteins and nucleotide. Moreover, glycans synthesis in
products, targeted metabolic pathways including all sets of enzymes microbes is a carbon and energy incentive process (Ruffing and Chen,
catalyzing the glycan synthesis process in an organism should be pur 2006). The various interconnected pathways that make up the crucial
posely altered via metabolic engineering (Bailey, 1991). By modifying sugar nucleotide synthesis must be aligned for the systematic avail
desirable biochemical processes or changing individual genes, either by ability of building blocks, which poses some very difficult metabolic
introducing new genes or deleting particular regions through recombi engineering problems. N-linked protein glycosylation pathway of Cam
nant DNA technology, metabolic engineering focuses on the direct in pylobactor jejuni’s was discovered, which significantly boosted bacterial
crease of biological capacity. Another method for altering metabolism glycoengineering (Szymanski et al., 1999). Later, scientists functionally
involves tiny metabolite molecules to control the biological processes inserted the full C. jejuni protein glycosylation locus (pgl), which codes
that produce oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates (Saeui et al., 2015). for the entire N-glycosylation pathway, into a desirable Escherichia coli
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
strain. Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (Und-PP), a native lipid donor for species change proteins primarily by N-linked glycosylation (Abu-Qarn
C. jejuni glycans, is transferred to an acceptor protein aspargine residue et al., 2008). Approximately 50% of all human proteins are thought to be
in E. coli by the PglB oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase). Additionally, glycosylated, meaning they have added sugar molecules. Sugar makes
research has shown that PgIB is compatible with a variety of glycan up to 90% of the mass of some glycoproteins. The synthesis of various
substrates, suggesting that PgIB has relaxed specificity towards glycan therapeutic proteins requires glycosylation, a post-translational phe
substrates (Hug and Feldman, 2011). This enables the introduction of nomenon that executes optimal folding of newly synthesized poly
the desired glycan precursor moiety and the production of customized peptide into three-dimensional structures which impart stability and
recombinant bacterial glycoproteins (Natarajan et al., 2018). proper communication with the host immune system. Because eukary
The idea behind metabolic engineering is to use non-natural tiny otic cell lines are adept at executing sugars attaching to desired con
building blocks, or monosaccharides, to create larger biopolymers with formations, they are initially used for industrial scale glycotherapeutic
increased molecular diversity, including oligosaccharides and poly manufacturing. For example, insulin has been derived from the pancreas
saccharides, through metabolic insertion. Such manipulation involves of humans and other animal sources. But this could not be sufficient to
altering the enzymatic functions that participated in the biosynthesis of meet the present rapid demand for therapeutic proteins. Along with on-
proteins and glycans using small molecules, as well as the metabolic flux going development in genetic engineering techniques, it has become a
that drives the involvement of synthetic amino acids and mono far more favorable platform to express a recombinant protein in
saccharides in the glycan synthesis system of bacterial metabolism different host systems such as bacteria, yeast, insects, plants, and
(Saeui et al., 2015). The methods for metabolic engineering-based mammalian cells (Jaffe et al., 2015). However, the recent finding of a
bacterial glycoprotein engineering are described in this review, along functional N-linked glycosylation pathway in C. jejuni and its successful
with a new approach for producing customized glycans by overcoming expression into the well-explored gram-negative bacterium E. coli fa
the drawbacks and difficulties of microbial cell factories. Further, we cilitates a great opportunity to produce a variety of glycans and glyco
focused on current advances in creating new artificial glycosylation proteins in an economically cheaper way in a most genetically flexible
pathways, identification of targets for metabolic engineering using host (Piirainen et al., 2022). The trisaccharide Galβ-4GlcNAcβ-4GlcNAc
genome analysis, construction of synthetic circuits that could be finely terminal motif N-acetyllactosamine served as a key acceptor for α-1,3
triggered for controlled expression of glycosylation pathway enzymes, fucosyltransferase (α-(1,3)-FucT). The pathway of E. coli DHZ6 for the
and involvement of multidimensional genome editing with the latest synthesis of the Lex-containing tetrasaccharide Galβ-4(Fucα-3)GlcNAcβ-
engineering techniques used for the production of tailored glycans with 4GlcNAc was successfully engineered (Fig. 1A). The strain expresses the
anticipated physiochemical properties. chitinoligosaccharide synthase (nodC gene), the truncated chitinase
(chiA gene), and the α-(1,3)-FucT (futA gene). The chitinoligosaccharide
2. Metabolic glycoengineering synthase NodC generated chitinpentaose, which was subsequently
breakdown into chitobiose and GlcNAc by Chitinase A1 (Dumon et al.,
2.1. Metabolic engineering of glycoprotein biosynthesis 2006). Chitobiose then acts as an acceptor for β-(1,4)galactosyl
transferase (β-(1,4)-GalT), which is encoded by lgtB, to synthesize Galβ-
All life depends on modifying proteins, and almost 70% of eukaryotic 4GlcNAcβ-4GlcNAc. This compound is subsequently converted into 3 by
Fig. 1. Elucidation of metabolic pathway engineering in E. coli for the production of LeX-containing trisaccharides. (A) Chitobiose is produced in the cytoplasm of
E. coli with the help of by chitin-synthase (nodC gene) and chitinase A1 gene (chiA). Then, the glycosylation of chitobiose by Galβ4T (lgtB gene) formes
Galβ4GlcNAcβ4GlcNAc (Dumon et al., 2006). (B) Galβ4(Fucα3)GlcNAcβ3Gal is produced from exogenously supplied Gal by a mutant strain, deficient in gal
actokinase activity and upregulated expression of iGnT (lgtA gene) (Dumon et al., 2006). Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans.
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
α-(1,3)-FucT, which is encoded by futA. The targeted product was pro involved in HNK-1 carbohydrate biosynthesis. Yavuz and colleagues
duced by glycosylation of chitobiose, which served as an acceptor for assessed ability of mouse β-glucuronyltransferase (GlcAT-P) to function
Galβ4T, encoded by lgtB, to form Galβ-4GlcNAcβ-4GlcNAc. Chitobiose is in the E. coli cytoplasm (Yavuz et al., 2008). The product is synthesised
produced in the cytoplasm of bacteria by rhizobial chitin-synthase by the mouse glucuronyltransferase catalytic domain by expressing it in
(nodC gene) and the chitinase A1 gene (chiA), both of which were an engineered strain of E. coli. Lactose is utilized as a carbon source and
introduced from Bacillus circulans into an engineered E. coli strain. internalised by lacY (β-galactoside) and degradation is prevented by
Finally, Galβ-4GlcNAcβ-4GlcNAc is converted into α-(1,3)-FucT by Hel removing the lacZ gene. It is glycosylated by the β-(1,3)GlcNAcT enzyme
icobacter pylori’s α3 fucosyltransferase (futA gene) from H. pylori and the β-(1,4)GalT gene from N. meningitidis. The β-(1,4)
Gal is typically transformed into galactose-1-phosphate (Gal-1-P) by GalT gene from N. meningitidis and the β-(1,3)GlcNAcT enzyme from
the galactose kinase that is encoded by the galK gene once it has entered H. pylori, both glycosylate glucuronylneolactotetraose (GlcAnLc4).
the cytoplasm. A galK-defective host strain (GLK) was created by causing Alternately, glucuronyltransferase can use endogenous Lac and nLc6 as
the galK gene disruption in DC strain that prevent Gal catabolism and substrates, resulting in glucuronyllactose (GlcALac) and glucur
allow it to be utilised exclusively as acceptor. Galβ-4(Fucα3)GlcNAcβ- onylneolactohexaose (GlcAnLc6), respectively. The synthesis of UDP-
3Gal was produced from exogenously supplied Gal by a GLK in gal GlcA is catalysed by UDP glucose dehydrogenases from the E. coli
actokinase activity and upregulating the expression of β3-N-acetylglu strains, namely K5 and K-12 (Fig. 3).
cosaminyltransferase (iGnT; encodes by lgtA gene) (Fig. 1B). Gal entered Antonie and colleagues reported that high-density culture of E. coli
the cell through the Gal permease (galP gene). It was completely con strains overexpressing the corresponding glycosyltransferase and sugar
verted into Galβ-4GlcNAcβ-3Galβ by β-(1,3)N-acetylglucosamine trans nucleotide synthase genes (Fig. 4) can efficiently produce the carbohy
ferase (β-(1,3)GlcNAcT; encodes by lgtA) and β-(1,4)GalT. Then, Galβ- drate moiety of gangliosides GM2 (GalNAcβ-4(NeuAc-3)Galβ-4Glc) and
4GlcNAcβ-3Galβ was mainly fucosylated by FutA into Galβ-4(Fucα-3) GM1 (Galβ-3GalNAcβ-4(NeuAc-3)Galβ-4Glc) and their respective asialo
GlcNAcβ-3Gal (Dumon et al., 2006). E. coli was engineered with heter derivatives, namely aGM2 (GalNAcβ-4Galβ-4Glc) and aGM1 (Galβ-
ologous expression of H. pylori’s FucT and Neisseria meningitidis’s lgtAB 3GalNAcβ-4Galβ-4Glc) (Antoine et al., 2005). Two metabolically engi
genes for in vivo production of fucosylated-N-acetyllactosamine oligo neered strains of E. coli have been developed to produce the carbohy
saccharides (Fig. 2). Downregulated genes in the biosynthetic pathway drate moieties of gangliosides, namely GM2 (GalNAcβ-4(NeuAcα-3)
include wcaJ (involved in colanic acid synthesis) and lacZ (allowed Galβ-4Glc and GM1 (Galβ-3GalNAcβ-4(NeuAcα-3)Galβ-4Glc (Antoine
lactose internalisation by the specific permease LacY). GlcNAcT and et al., 2003). Lactose and N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid (NeuAc), which
GalT, which are used to glycosylate lactose, were encoded by the gene are transported inside the cell by the permeases LacY and NanT, protect
lgtAB. Lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT) is a possible acceptor for α-1,3 it from further degradation caused by the inactivation of the β-galac
fucosyltransferase, resulting in lacto-N-neo-fucopentaose (LNnFP) and tosidase (LacZ) and aldolase (NanA) genes. Cytidine 5′ -monophospho-N-
lacto-N-neo-di fuco-hexaose (LNnDFH). Thus, an E. coli strain that acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-NeuAc) synthase transforms NeuAc into
coexpresses the N. meningitidis genes lgtAB and fucT should be able to CMP-NeuAc, a nucleotide-activated form, which is subsequently trans
synthesize fucosylated derivatives of LNnT from lactose (Dumon et al., ferred onto lactose by α-2,3-sialyltransferase (Lst) gene, resulting in
2001). The catalytic domain of the mouse glucuronyltransferase sialyllactose. N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) transferase (CgtA) uses
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
the endogenous pool of UDP-GalNAc created by the recombinant UDP- sialyllactose, Neu5NAcα2-3Galβ1-4Glc (Fig. 5A). Both CMP-Neu5Ac
GlcNAc C4 epimerase (WbpP) for providing UDP-Gal for galactosyl synthase and α-2,3 sialyltransferase are produced, which enable the
transferase to catalyse the glycosylation of sialyllactose to produce activation of NeuAc into CMP-Neu5Ac intracellularly and its subsequent
II3Neu5AcGgOse3. This substance reacts to produce II3Neu5AcGgOse4 transfer onto lactose. Meanwhile, high density cultivation of β-galacto
and acts as an acceptor for β-(1,3)-GalT. sidase-negative strains that overexpressed the lgtA gene of
The gene of glycosyltransferase that utilizes lactose as acceptor, N. meningitides produced trisaccharide GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glc by 6 g L-1
expressed E. coli result in glycosylation of intracellular lactose. CMP- and prevents lactose degradation due to the cell’s lack of β-galactosidase
Neu5Ac synthase expressing E. coli JM107-nanA and the α-2,3 sialyl activity (Fig. 5B). Further, when lgtB gene N. meningitides coexpressed
transferase genes from N. meningitides utilized to synthesize 3′ - with lgtA, the target trisaccharide converted to lacto-N-neotetraose and
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Fig. 5. Representation of metabolic pathway engineering in E. coli for the production of oligosaccharides. (A) CMPNeu5Ac synthase and the α2,3 sialyltransferase
genes expressing E. coli strain synthesizes 3′ sialyllactose (Neu5NAcα2-3Galβ1-4Glc). The production of CMP-Neu5Ac synthase and β-2,3 sialyltransferase enables the
intracellular activation of NeuAc into CMP-Neu5Ac and its ensuing transfer onto lactose. (B) E. coli expressing the lgtA gene synthesizes trisaccharide LNT-II
(GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glc) and prevents lactose degradation due to the cell’s lack of β-galactosidase activity (Priem et al., 2002).
lacto-N-neoheaxose with the yield of 5 g L-1 (Priem et al., 2002). thoroughly characterised. Three enzymes work together in four suc
Metabolic pathway engineering in E. coli for the production of chi cessive enzymatic processes to convert fructose-6-phosphate (F-6-P) into
tobiose is depicted in Fig. 6. Co-expression of the chitinase gene chiA UDP-GlcNAc (Fig. 7). First, glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (GlmS)
and the rhizobial chitinoligosaccharide synthase gene nodC resulted in converts F-6-P to glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P). The N-terminal
the synthesis of NI,NII-diacetylchitobiose (chitobiose) in E. coli (Cottaz domain of GlmS catalyzes the hydrolysis of L-glutamine to L-glutamate.
and Samain, 2005). Chitobiose was mainly recovered by being phos Ammonia was used in this process, while the C-terminal domain was in
phorylated by the PTS permease ChbBCA. Intracellular chitinbiose was charge of producing GlcN-6-P by using the ammonia. Second, GlcN-1-P
transformed into the trisaccharide Galβ4GlcNAcb4GlcNAc when the was produced from glucosamine-6-phosphate. In a ping-pong bi-mech
gene lgtB for β-1,4-GalT was expressed. This compound could operate as anism that uses glucosamine-1,6-bisphosphate as an intermediary,
an acceptor for glycosyltransferases that recognize the terminal N-ace phosphoglucosamine mutase (GlmM) in a phosphorylated state cataly
tyllactosamine structure. ses this step. Acetylation of GlcN-1-P to form GlcNAc-1-P and conversion
In prokaryotes, the UDP-GlcNAc biosynthetic route has been of GlcNAc-1-P (plus UTP) to UDP-GlcNAc (plus pyrophosphate) was
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
Fig. 7. An illustration of the metabolic pathway used by C. glutamicum to produce UDP-GlcNAc and the metabolic engineering techniques used to manufacture
excessive UDP-GlcNAc (Gauttam et al., 2021). Red or green text is used to indicate the outcomes of overproducing or knocked-out genes, respectively.
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catalysed by the bifunctional glucosamine-1-phosphate acetyltransfer residue, resulting in lipid-linked Gal-1,3-GalNAc. The native E. coli
ase/N-acetyl glucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase GlmU. The flippase Wzx flips the lipid-linked oligosaccharide to the periplasmic
acetylation reaction was catalysed by the C-terminal GlmU domain, face of the cytoplasmic membrane. Then an O-oligosaccharyltransferase
whereas the uridylation reaction is catalysed by the N-terminal domain (O-OST) like PglO from Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NgPglO) or PglL from
(Gauttam et al., 2021). N. meningitidis (NmPglL) transferred the preassembled T antigen glycan
Metabolic pathway engineering in E. coli for the production of glo all at once to a serine amino acid on a Sec pathway-exported acceptor
botriose and globotetraose is presented in Fig. 8. The lgtC gene from protein. It has emphasized that the production of Tn-modified acceptor
N. meningitidis was used to transfer α-1,4Gal transferase to E. coli. Two proteins can be achievable in the absence of EcWbwC, and that
additional genes, WbpP from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (encoded by Galβ1,3GalNAc can also be further elaborated with other sugars like
UDPGalNAc C4 epimerase) and IgtD from Hemophilus influenzae RD NeuNAc before being transferred to proteins. Further, using the same
(encoded by β1,3GalNAc transferase), were overexpressed in E. coli to bacteria crude cell extract was used to express an antigenically authentic
synthesize globotetraose. Further globotriose degradation is prevented Tn-human mucin 1 (Tn-MUC1) glycan which demonstrated reactivity
by the absence of the melA gene, which encodes α-galactosidase. The with antibody 5ES, which has been used particularly for cancer-
LgtD converts globotriose to globotetraose, which encodes β3GalNAc associated glycoforms of MUC1.
transferase (Antoine et al., 2005). Since glycans are secondary gene products that are generated via
Molecular engineering studies suggest that E. coli successfully gly various metabolic steps regulated by different enzymes. The process is
cosylates many proteins, including those of bacterial and eukaryotic an energy incentive and exerts a greater metabolic burden on the bac
origin, by modifying sugar structures. The fundamental eukaryotic sugar terial host cell. So the more convenient approach is using metabolic
trimannosyl-chitobiose has been generated by integrating diverse genes engineering and the inverse metabolic engineering method to focus
into cells (Strutton et al., 2019). A set of orthogonal pathways expressed target pathways and make necessary gene manipulations in them for
in E. coli that employed O-linked protein glycosylation (Fig. 9), in which improved productivity. It was reported that this approach successfully
cancer-associated mucin-type glycans, such as Tn, T, sialyl-Tn, and sialy- enhanced the desired protein amount with the structure of the preferred
T are attached at serine residues of human O-glycoproteins derived glycan without much loss in the total yield of recombinant protein. For
acceptor motifs (Natarajan et al., 2020). The Und-PP-linked GalNAc example, overexpression of IcL enzymes in E. coli increases glycosylation
formed by Acinetobacter baumannii 17978 (AbPglC) that utilizes acti efficiency 3-fold. In the glyoxylate pathway, IcL chops isocitrate into
vated nucleotide sugar base UDP-GalNAc, which was provided by succinate and glyoxylate. Also, it was documented that the process via
C. jejuni UDP-Glc(NAc) 4-epimerase (CjGne). Und-PP-GalNAc was the glyoxylate pathway conserves much carbon utilization compared to
extended by enterohemorrhagic E. coli O104 (EcWbwC) by a single Gal the full citric acid cycle pathway, thus, this conserved carbon could be
Fig. 9. Representation of O- and N-linked glycosylation pathways in E. coli. O-linked glycosylation initiated with the formation of the Und-PP-linked GalNAc by UDP-
GalNAc-dependent AbPglC. EcWbwC extends Und-PP-GalNAc by a single Gal residue, forming lipid-linked Galβ-1,3-GalNAc formation. To transfer the preassembled
T antigen glycan all at once to a serine amino acid on a Sec pathway-exported acceptor protein, the E. coli flippase Wzx flips the lipid-linked oligosaccharide to the
cytoplasmic membrane (Natarajan et al., 2020). For N-linked glycosylation, an endogenous glycosyltransferase WeCA converts GlcNAc1 phosphate to undecaprenyl
phosphate. Alg13 and Alg14 subunits of S. cerevisiae’s β1,4GlcNAc transferase were used to add the second GlcNAc residue to GlcNAc-PP-Und. The first mannose is
added to the glycan by the β1,4-mannosyltransferase (Alg1), and the bifunctional mannosyltransferase (Alg2) adds a α1,3-mannose and a α1,6-mannose in a
branching configuration. Flippase (PlgK) transfers lipid and sugar residues towards periplasmic phase. The integral membrane protein PlgB, a single subunit, exhibits
N-OST activity to transfer the sugar moiety to the protein residue either co-translationally or post-translationally (Valderrama-Rincon et al., 2012).
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
used for glycan precursor synthesis. Similarly, researchers have Und-PP-linked Man3GlcNAc2.
employed inverse metabolism strategies to identify E. coli cells showing A recent study has explored different process engineering and ge
an improved ability to N-glycosylate (Pandhal et al., 2013). They used netic engineering approaches to enhance recombinant N-linked glyco
DNA fragments from E. coli W3110 and expressed them into E. coli sylation in engineered E. coli with Campylobacter-derived PglB (Pratama
CLM24 cells which performed N-glycosylation to create a plasmid-based et al., 2021). By restricting oxygen supply or using an E. coli strain with
genomic library. Potential cells were screened using GalNAc-specific limited disulphide-bond isomerase and oxidoreductase activity, the
lectin peroxidase, which highlighted the improved strain. These authors altered the target protein’s cleavage location and secretion
strains were sequenced and selected for an extra-chromosomal insert. signal and altered how the protein folded in the periplasm. Through
The protein was then labeled with heavy isotopes to identify abundant these modulations, the research team was able to increase the mem
glycosylated proteins. They observed a 7-fold increase in AcrA produc brane residence time of the desired protein for glycosylation and achieve
tion when they tested the effect of ptsA gene overexpression in E. coli a 2-fold increment in glycosylation efficiency. In the subsequent
cells. The process is triggered when the phosphoenol-pyruvate phos experiment, they reported that supplementing the production media of
phorylated PtsA gene later transfers this phosphoryl group to a histidine the oxidoreductase knockout strain with the chemical oxidant cystine
phosphor carrier protein, which initiates the cascade process. This demonstrated improvements in total protein production and cell fitness,
important pathway in E. coli participates in the phosphorylation of N- leading to an enhanced titer of glycoprotein and a high level of glyco
acetylglucosamine and a variety of sugars, which is required in bacterial sylation efficiency. This study suggested that by mimicking the native
glycosylation (Pandhal et al., 2013). Protein glycosylation depends on hosts (C. jejuni and mammalian cells), the cellular process of coordina
lipid carriers and nucleotide–activated sugars as precursor molecules in tion among protein folding, its glycosylation and translocation in the
engineered E. coli. Therefore, plausible strategies for improving glyco heterologous host could potentially improve the production of heterol
sylation efficiency are considered such as increased glycosylation effi ogous recombinant N-glycoprotein.
ciency by supplementing GlcNAc in bacterial culture media, where Bacterial glycoengineering and cell-based production of modified
genes associated with glycan precursor synthesis and lipid carrier were therapeutic glycoproteins homogenously have remained a great chal
recognized as rate-limiting factors (Kampf et al., 2015). lenge due to maintaining cell viability, sufficient production of glyco
The great capacity of C. jejuni PgIB to transfer a variety of Und-PP- sylation components, and a new set of engineered enzyme expressions.
linked glycans residues has been reported (Valderrama-Rincon et al., These issues and the development of an integrated cell-free glycoprotein
2012). This is the first time that eukaryotic N-linked protein glycosyla synthesis method, which offers several potential advantages, were
tion machinery has been assembled in E. coli. A series of glycosyl addressed (Jaroentomeechai et al., 2018). This open system allows
transferases (WecA, Alg13, Alg14, Alg1, and Alg2) involved in direct manipulation of the biochemical system of interest. The new
sequential glycan assembly on the lipid carrier Und-PP in the periplas component can easily be added for target component synthesis, and the
mic face of the inner membrane. WecA (undecaprenyl-phosphate α-N- process bypasses cell viability constraints, the need for OSTs, and
acetylglucosaminyl 1-phosphatetransferase) an endogenous glycosyl extraction of LLO using organic solvent from bacterial membranes. The
transferase (GTase) that transfers GlcNAc1 phosphate to undecaprenyl CFGpS system developed was supported by (i) cell-free protein expres
phosphate. Specifically, an enzyme β1,4GlcNAc transferase of sion and N-linked glycosylation prepared from the extract (crude) of the
S. cerevisiae, which is made up of the Alg13 and Alg14 subunits, was glycol-optimized E. coli strain CLM24 and (ii) glycosylation components
utilized to add the second GlcNAc residue to GlcNAc-PP-Und. The β-1,4- in OSTs and an LLO-enriched extract from CLM24 facilitate co-activated
mannosyltransferase (Alg1) from S. cerevisiae adds the first mannose to protein synthesis and N-linked glycosylation in the reaction system. The
the glycan, and the bifunctional mannosyltransferase (Alg2) carries out resulting mixture makes possible one-pot site-specific glycosylation of
the addition of both a α-1,3-mannose and a α-1,6-mannose in a branched the target protein.
configuration. Flippase used to transfer assembly of lipid and sugar The natural glycoprotein glycosylation requires enzymatic trans
residues towards the periplasmic phase, where they were transferred to glycosylation at GlcNAc-Asn residues. Therefore, researchers have
the asparagine residue of acceptor proteins by a single subunit integral explored several endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidases (ENGases) trans
membrane protein, which shows N-OST activity to transfer sugar moiety glycosylation activity to synthetically modify glycoproteins. ENGases in
to protein residue both co-translationally or post-translationally. addition to their hydrolytic activity possess ability to glycosylate
The modified E. coli strain showed glycosylation of particular GlcNAc-containing proteins. Using site directed mutagenesis, followed
asparagine residues in desired proteins including the Fc domain of an by activity screening result in discovery of ENGase-based glycosynthases
IgG, a scFv, and human growth hormone (hGH) variant. A flow that can able to incorporate highly active synthetic oxazolines sugar for
cytometry analysis was applied to engineer E. coli for enhanced transglycosylation. This system of oxazoline donors and ENGases, in
eukaryotic protein glycosylation (Glasscock et al., 2018). Initially, they which product hydrolyzed catalytic amino acids were removed via
identified the previously developed synthetic pathway in E. coli that mutation technique, efficiently attached homogeneous complex-type
facilitates site-specific glycosylation of eukaryotic proteins with oligosaccharides to IgG with adequate yield (Wang, 2011). Through
mannose3-N-acetylglucosamine2 (Man3GlcNAc2), which presented as this approach, artificial oligosaccharides harboring structural biology
the essential assembly in all human N-linked glycans. The modification probes like stable isotopes or selenium can, at a definite position, con
in the pathway was engineered by introducing multiple GTases from jugate with proteins (Búa et al., 2015).
yeast, oligosaccharyltransferase, and PgIB from C. jejuni. This glycosyl
ation pathway follows three consecutive steps, including glycan 2.2. Metabolic engineering of oligosaccharides biosynthesis
biosynthesis, glycan membrane translocation, and transfer of glycans
onto polypeptide acceptor sequons. But engineered E. coli cells showed As glycobiology developed, it became clear how oligosaccharides
relatively low levels of glycosylated proteins, less than 1% (50 μg L-1). were put together inside of cells with proteins and lipids through
The authors also identified that low glycosylation is due to the low glycosylation pathways and participated as important surface compo
production of lipid-linked Man3GlcNAc2. They identified and specif nents including signalling molecules, receptors, and surface indicators.
ically improved the expression of certain genes using flow cytometry Many of these surface markers were found to be participated in bio
analysis, such as overexpression of two different endogenous biosyn logical communications in a wide range of health and disease signals,
thetic enzymes that participate in GDP-mannose precursor and from cancer to influenza. As a small change in oligosaccharide displays
decreased the expression level of heterologous yeast GTases. This significant immune system modulation, these "oligosaccharide codes"
manipulation imparts a 4-fold enhancement in the level of Man3 help to regulate and modify the important function in diseases. There
GlcNAc2, ultimately leading to a 50-fold rise in the intracellular level of fore, glycans are also considered companions to proteins and nucleic
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
acids because all of them are key players in transmitting and storing acid, NeuAc, and fucose have been successfully integrated into glyco
biological information in virtually all organisms. However, the study of conjugates that appear on the cell surfaces (Sminia et al., 2016). Intro
glycans and the synthesis of tailored glycans is still challenging because duced analogs get inserted into all glycans that utilize monosaccharides
the glycan synthesis process is not template dependent as in the case of of interest for chain building; this allows parallel track down of multiple
proteins biosynthesis and nucleic acids. Glycans occur via a complicated glycan structures. However, this will precisely render the detection of
and dynamic process of chain elongation or trimming of glycans through particular structures that are different from neighboring glycans based
different glycosyltransferase and glycosidase enzymes (Sun, 2018). on motifs and glycosidic bonds. Since both natural and non-natural
Now, metabolic oligosaccharide engineering (MOE) has arisen as a sugar substrates compete for incorporation into cellular glycan synthe
promising method for manipulating glycosylation. In the 1990s, it was sis, the overall detection sensitivity of tailored glycans was reduced.
detected that enzymes that take part in glycosylation salvage pathways Therefore, the desired foreign analog must contain a small non-natural
occasionally catalyze unnatural alterations in the monosaccharide sub moiety so that glycosylation pathway enzymes can efficiently recog
strate structure (Wang et al., 2022). This enlightens the idea of assem nize them and incorporate them into glycans (Kufleitner et al., 2023).
bling desired modified monosaccharides into glycans for tailored glycan Now a day’s variety of chemical probes including inert alkyl chains, and
production. reactive chemical groups such as thiols, azides, alkynes, ketones, iso
In the MOE method, tailored glycans are produced by introducing nitriles and cyclopropenes used to install in non-natural analogs (Sminia
non-natural monosaccharide analogs into biosynthetic salvage path et al., 2016). The reactive groups facilitate the covalent attachment of
ways. The cells transform these non-natural sugars into activated different reporters’ molecules such as fluorescent dyes, biotin, cross-
nucleotide phosphate donors, which are later assembled into targeted linking agents, and radio-labeled isotopes. The major advantage of
glycan structures by glycosyltransferase enzymes. Currently, a diversi chemical probe-based structural analogs in MOE is that the chemicals
fied range of non-natural sugar analogs such as GalNac, GlcNAc, sialic employed as probes allow bioconjugate reactions and easy profiling of
Fig. 10. Aliphatic analogues, natural glycans, ketones and thiols as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form
of glycans.
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
labeled glycans. Such chemical tags offer a variety of purposes, ranging complex synthetic strategies. Because acetyl esters aid in the probe’s
from improved pharmacological and biological properties to drug de passive absorption, each manufacturing technique focuses primarily on
livery through new modes of glycans (Campbell et al., 2007). the final product when using an acetylated monosaccharide based
The breakthrough in MOE begins with the discovery of azide and chemical probe supplied to the MOE target cell. Acetylated mono
alkyne conjugates for metabolic labeling. An amide bond is created by saccharide probes are internalized by the cell, and after their internali
the coupling of an azide and a specially designed triarylphosphine in a zation, the acetyl moieties are dissolved by cytosolic esterases. Then the
ligation that is modelled after the Staudinger reaction (Saxon and Ber probe enters the glycan salvage route, where it is digested and converted
tozzi, 2000). In the most popular copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cyclo into a nucleotide-activated donor substrate. Glycosyltransferase en
additions (CuAAC) reaction, substrates azide and alkyne respond zymes use this substrate in the cell’s ER and Golgi apparatus for glyco
quickly to produce stable triazoles. To remove excess copper from in vivo sylation processes. In this manner, a range of intricate cellular glycan
systems, two protocols were developed, one is an amine-triazole-based structures, including O-glycans, N-glycans, and glycolipids, incorporate
ligand that limits the copper requirement by accelerating the CuAAC the labeled donor sugar probe. Later, such modified chemical handle
reaction, and the other method is strain-promoted azide-alkyne cyclo probes were used for targeted monosaccharide profiling in the complex
additions (SPAAC) reaction, used to escalate the reaction kinetics in a glycans of cells (Sminia et al., 2016).
copper-free fashion (Agard et al., 2005). Later, several photo-controlled
versions of the Staudinger-Bertozzi ligation were discovered and used to 2.4. Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering in bacteria
control bioconjugation reactions within the living system.
Glycans are essential carbon source for bacterial growth and
2.3. Chemical probes and their tagging mechanism in bioconjugation viability. Bacteria synthesize a wide range of unique glycans, which
reaction presents them as the best host for developing tailored oligosaccharides
and novel antibiotics. Therefore, the metabolic labeling of bacterial
As previously discussed, a variety of chemical handles are used to tag glycans is gaining much attention in this research field. MOE can employ
labeled glycans after MOE experiments, such as aliphatic analogues, diverse bacteria strains, including pathogenic strains, such as Haemo
natural glycans, ketones, thiols, alkynes, azides, terminal alkenes, sialic philus ducreyi, H. pylori, and C. jejuni and non-pathogenic strains like
acids, xylose, trehalose, diazoketones, cyclopropenes, diazirines, and E. coli and Bacteroides gragilis. On the other hand, synthetic sugar analogs
norbornenes (Figs. 10-16; Table 1). The basic techniques behind syn degraded during the catabolic process in bacteria, resulting in low
thesizing these chemical handles include amide coupling or other competing probe incorporation in glycans. Using a high concentration of
Fig. 11. Alkynes and azides as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans.
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
Fig. 12. Terminal alkynes as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans.
synthetic probes (azido-glycans) to overcome the above-illustrated surface labeling by 2-fold, which was substantially more extensive la
problem, bacteria also demonstrate low toxicity and high tolerance beling compared to known azide-tagged MOE reagents. This experiment
against chemical probes. Bacteria better tolerate even the CuAAC reac further expanded the toolbox of chemical glycobiology.
tion that generates copper compared to other host cells. Therefore, both Another strategy to express tailored glycans for the production of
CuAAC and SPAAC reactions have been successfully used for MOE in essential therapeutic agents is engineering bacterial cells for peptido
bacteria. Many non-natural glycans entail immense and complex routes glycan (PG) synthesis. PG of bacteria is a necessary biopolymer for their
to systematically produce the probe, which requires labeling targeted survival and a bacterial cell wall component. It also maintains cell shape,
microbial glycans. For example, pseudaminic acid structurally related to aids in cell division, small molecule recognition, and signaling, and aids
sialic acid and found as an O-linked post translational modified flagellin in bearing osmotic pressure inside the cell. The sugar units GlcNAc and
protein in H. pylori and C. jejuni. Aazide-labeled pseudaminic acid (Az- MurNAc that make up the bacterial PG layer are linked by brief peptide
Pse) into the bacterial glycan of the sialic acid class was successfully chains that are bonded to the lactoyl acid residue of MurNAc (de Pedro
incorporated C. jejuni mutant cells lacking the Pse pathway showed the and Cava, 2015). These molecular blocks combine to form a variety of
presence of Az-Pse on the flagella when fed with the azido-Pse precursor, PG, which directly impact human health due to their immunogenic
6-deoxy-AltdiNAz which condensed with phosphoenolpyruvate by properties. PG biosynthesis is a complex and conserved cellular process
pseudaminic acid synthase to give Pse (Liu et al., 2009). that engaged distinct enzymatic steps. The first step in the synthesis of
Using metabolic engineering, a research group triggered an artificial bacterial PG occurs in the cytosol, where nucleoside-activated sugar
immune response against H. pylori, which causes human stomach ulcers units UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide and UDP-GlcNAc are produced. On the
(Kaewsapsak et al., 2013). They first incorporated azide containing inner layer of the plasma membrane, these UDP-linked sugar units are
sugar precursor, peracetylated N-azidoacetylglucosamine (Ac4GlcNAz) used to create the precursors for PG synthesis, undecaprenyl-
selectively onto H. pylori cells. Then azide group ligated with phosphines pyrophosphorylase-MurNAc (pentapeptide)-GlcNAc lipid II is then
conjugated with immunostimulant, 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP) via Stau transported through the cell membrane and involved in the polymeri
dinger ligation resultin display of antigenic azido-functionalized glyco zation process that produces PG. In the final phase of PG synthesis,
proteins on H. pylori cells. In contrast, mammalian cells did not GTase catalyzes the elongation of the PG glycan chain. This is followed
incorporated chemical labeled Ac4GlcNAz in cell surface glycans. Sub by the Tpase reaction, which creates crosslinks between the synthesized
sequently, bacteria were supplemented with anti-DNP antibodies, and PG glycan chains and other peptides.
the effect was analyzed by using an antibody-dependent cell-mediated The pathways involved in PG polymer biosynthesis for bacterial cell
cytotoxicity assay. The result indicated 2-fold bacterial cell deaths, wall formation are an ideal target for developing efficient antibiotics
suggesting metabolically engineered glycans could generate an artificial because these pathways are essential for bacteria and are absent in
immune response against human pathogenic bacteria. mammalian cells. Numerous in vivo PG-labeling agents have been
A recent study has attempted to improve the feeble alkyne-tagged developed recently to investigate PG production in order to clarify the
MOE reagents Ac4GalNAlk 1 and Ac4GlcNAlk 2 into a competent antibiotic’s mechanisms of action and examine host-pathogen in
chemical tag to probe cell surface protein glycosylation (Cioce et al., teractions (Hira et al., 2020). The creation of fluorescent amino acids,
2021). They reported that surpassing bottleneck metabolic steps by namely clickable D-amino acids, and dipeptides of D-amino acids that
using mut-AGX1 potentially enhanced the biosynthesis of nucleotide can be combined with bioorthogonal and provide tools to observe PG
sugars UDP-GalNAlk and UDP-GlcNAlk and boosted bioorthogonal cell assembly. MurNAc/GlcNAc kinase (AmgK) and MurU, two PG recycling
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
Fig. 13. Sialic acids as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans.
enzymes, were utilized in a chemoenzymatic synthesis method to class A penicillin-binding proteins’ DD-transpeptidase activity. Their
change MurU (Taylor et al., 2020). These enzymes utilize and process method explored the heterologous expression of OleD as an efficient
the bioorthogonal handles containing MurNAc mimics. In another study, strategy for PG synthesis by involving GlcNAz metabolism in vivo.
different variants of UDP-MurNAc were used to fluorescently label the
whole bacterial cells. However, only a few studies have been done on 2.5. Metabolic engineering of nucleotide sugar biosynthesis
GlcNAc fluorescent-based PG labeling, however, this strategy is still
poorly explored. Researchers successfully fluorescently labeled PG by Surprisingly, a wide range of glycans and their conjugates may be
employing the ketone moiety and incorporated them into the N-acetyl found in nature. Nonetheless, in the live system, glycosylation pathways
group of GlcNAc (Sadamoto et al., 2008). Recently, a study used the use just nine precursor saccharides as a building block for glycoprotein
bioorthogonal handle GlcNAc to label PG. Using the glycosyltransferase and glycolipid production. GlcNAc, GalNAc, galactose, glucose, glu
OleD, their team created a one-step simple synthesis method for UDP- curonic acid, mannose, xylose, fucose, and N-acetylneuraminic acid are
GlcNAc (Xu et al., 2022) (Fig. 17). Since some of the reactions that some of the most prevalent precursors. However, the availability of
the glycotransferases catalyze are reversible, they are thermodynami nucleotide-activated sugars as a high-energy substrate for glycosyl
cally unfavorable for the synthesis of NDP-sugars. To solve this issue, transferase activities is required for glycosylation and glycan synthesis.
they use metabolic engineering. They added the metabolite GlcNAz-CNP To integrate into complex glycan chains, sugar precursors must be
and a variant GTaseOleD TDP-16, which catalyzed NDP-sugar formation activated before the building blocks into nucleotide donors. Sugar nu
from a 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl glycoside donor and simultaneously in- cleotides are classified into two categories based on the nucleoside
vitro integrated GlcNAz. Further investigation revealed fluorescently attached, such as NMP and NDP. For example, cytidine monophospho-
labeled lipid II that had been incorporated into PG via the bifunctional N-acetylneuraminic acid is an NMP sugar, while uridine or adenosine-
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
t n
Fig. 14. Xylose, trehalose and diazoketones as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans.
diphosphate glucose, guanosine-diphosphate mannose, and UDP- transferase (Eisele et al., 2018). Initially, N-acetylhexosamine kinase
GlcNAc are NDP sugars. The most prevalent nucleotide-active sugar (NahK), a wild type gluco-type 1-kinase was identified that can catalyse
donors are UDP (uridine 5’-diphospho-α-D) and UDP-linked amino the production of GlcNAc-1-P from a GlcNAc acceptor and a 5’-ATP
sugars, which play a major role in the formation of bacterial cell walls as phosphate donor (Nishimoto and Kitaoka, 2007). Then Kinase-
well as glycolipids, glycoproteins, oligosaccharides, and glycosides dependent routes for the synthesis of different nucleotide sugars,
(Wang et al., 2022). In addition, both eukaryotes and prokaryotes including UDP-Gal and UDP-GalNAc, GDP-mannose, GDP-fucose, and
depend on UDP-GlcNAc for several metabolic functions. nucleotide sugars containing unnatural sugar moieties, have been
In much better approach, one-pot syntheses of nucleotide sugar can identified (Fischoder et al., 2019; Tasnima et al., 2019). GDP-mannose
be achieved by using enzyme cascades to manufacture from readily has synthesized through a kinase-free pathway from mannose 1-phos
available and inexpensive starting materials. A glycosylation process can phate (Pfeiffer et al., 2016). NahK has used to effectively convert un
be paired with a nucleotide sugar-producing cascade, and the nucleotide natural GlcNAc/GalNAc analogues to 1-phosphorylated products,
released is frequently recycled to replenish the nucleotide sugar. OPME independent of the stereo-configuration at the C-4 location of the sugar
(one pot, several enzymes) reactions are processes that involve ring (Zhao et al., 2010). The relaxed conformation for N-acyl chain
numerous phases and several enzymes, and single OPME reactions can modifications can allow the addition of bio-orthogonal functionalities
be used to generate more complicated systems. In initial step in enzy loaded with additional tags and labels. In one pot synthesis of UDP-sugar
matic catalysis (kinase catalyzed) sugar get phosphorylation with a derivatives, NahK has combined with other two enzymes includes
nucleoside triphosphate. Whereas in one pot synthesis kinase first pro PmGlmU and PmPpA (Chen et al., 2013).
duces a sugar-1-phosphate and a pyrophosphate forming enzyme Sucrose synthase catalyses the conversion of sucrose to the suitable
finalize the synthesis. For example, to create the pyrophosphate bridge, nucleotide-activated derivative of glucose (NDP-glucose) in the presence
UDP-GlcNAc has been synthesised via a kinase-dependent process using of a pyrimidine or purine nucleoside diphosphate (NDP). Kulmer and co-
a pyrophosphorylase (Fischöder et al., 2019) or an uridylyl 1-phosphate workers used polyphosphate kinases (PPK, a biocatalytic cascade from
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
t t
t n
n n
Fig. 15. Cyclopropenes as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans
Meiothermus ruber) from class II and III of family 2 which catalyzes the E. coli JM109. Further this approach allowing considerably simplified
conversion of UMP into UDP, and sucrose synthase from Acidithiobacillus purification processes (Feng et al., 2004).
caldus for established NDP-glucose production (Kulmer et al., 2017). Recently, researchers have demonstrated a significant accumulation
UMP is much more cost-effective substrate than UDP. In a chemo of UDP-linked activated amino sugar, called UDP-GlcNAc both intra
enzymatic approach used for the synthesis of unnatural UDP-GlcNAc/ cellularly and extracellularly by transforming the biosynthetic pathway
UDP-GalNAc analogs based on method including chemical and enzy of C. glutamicum via MOE strategies (Gauttam et al., 2021). In
matic synthesis with GlmU (Guan et al., 2009). They successfully pre C. glutamicum GRS43 plasmids, they engineered C. glutamicum and
pared facile library of unnatural sugar nucleotides with modification of overexpressed native E. coli genes such as glmS, glmU, and glmM in
diversified bio-orthogonal reactive groups, especially which involved various combinations. These genes are in charge of producing the en
functionalization of C-2 nitrogen group. It was reported that C4 position zymes that catalyze the production of UDP-GlcNAc from the F-6-P
of GlcNAc/GalNAc is comparatively less reactive therefore efforts have substrate (Fig. 7). However, the glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase
been made to modify C4 positions to form unnatural sugars. For gene (nagB), which is required for glucosamine breakdown, is absent
example, 4-OH group did not play significant role in GlmU recognition. from strain GRS43. Subsequently, incorporation and increased expres
Using 4F-GlcNAc-1-phosphate and 4F-GalNAc-1-phosphate analogues as sion of glmS, glmU, and glmM genes engineered in C. glutamicum effi
GlmU substrates the production yield have been enhanced greatly ciently encoded glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, bifunctional
compared to studies using UDP-GlcNAc pyrophosphorylase produced in glucosamine-1-phosphate acetyltransferase/N-acetylglucosamine-1-
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
Fig. 16. Diazirines as chemical probes for glycoengineering. Please see the abbreviation list of Table 1 for full form of glycans
phosphate uridyltransferase, and phosphoglucosaminemutase, respec biological activity, diverse chemistries, and vast therapeutic applica
tively. This increased UDP-GlcNAc concentration intracellularly was tions (Prateeksha Sharma et al., 2022; Singh et al., 2018). Therefore,
more than 50-fold, which is close to 20-fold greater than that of re functional polysaccharides possess immense industrial importance as
combinant L. casei BL23. In contrast, the culture supernatant of recom well. Some of the well-known functional polysaccharides are xanthan,
binant C. glutamicum strains produced 60 mg L-1 UDP-GlcNAc. This high heparin, alginate, chondroitin sulfate, etc. EPS is secreted extracellular
concentration of UDP-GlcNAc facilitates downstream processing and by microorganisms into their surrounding growth medium (Prateeksha
provides product stability. Other research group used starch as starting Rao et al., 2019; Prateeksha et al., 2021; Singh et al., 2009; Singh et al.,
material in a whole cell biosynthetic mechanism, where glucan phos 2015). They form the majority of natural bacterial biofilms and host-
phorylase generates glucose-1-phosphate, which gets converted into pathogen interactions and serve as a protective barrier against unfa
UDP-glucose by pyrophosphorylase. Further, NADH-dependent hy vorable host environments such as pH, degrading enzymes, and immu
drogenase oxidized UDP-glucose into UDP-GlcA via hydroxymethyl nological host defense molecules (Prateeksha Singh et al., 2017; Singh
group. An oxidase may recycle the NADH coenzyme. Then, another et al., 2015a; Singh et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2015b). EPS biopolymers
pathway to UDP-GlcA starts with glucoronic acid, bypassing the NADP- are widely used in food, cosmetics, and feed, as well as in medical and
dependent oxidation step (Meng et al., 2019). technical applications. Glucosaminoglycans (GAGs) are another class of
higher eukaryotic polysaccharides that include four major classes,
namely chondroitin sulphate, heparin/heparin sulphate, dermatan sul
2.6. Metabolic engineering of polysaccharides biosynthesis phate, and hyaluronan, which are primarily made up of HAs and hex
osamines (Schwartz and Domowicz, 2023). The proteoglycans, and
Functional polysaccharide polymers are well known for their high
B.S. Paliya et al.
Table 1
List of glycan-based chemical probes for glycoengineering.
Chemical Sugar analogs and molecular structure Ref.
Class Probe Molecular structure Probe Molecular structure Probe Molecular structure
1 2 1
Aliphatic ManNPro R = CH CH3 GlcNPro R = CH2CH3 GalNPro R1= CH2CH3 (Kayser et al., 1992)
analogues R2= OR3= H R2 = H R2 = H
Natural glycans ManNAc R2= OR3= H GlcNAc R1= CH3 GalNAc R1= CH3
R1= CH3 R2 = H R2 = H
Ketones ManNLev R2= OR3= H GlcNLev R2 = H GalNLev R1= (CH2)2COCH3 (Mahal et al., 1997)
R1= (CH2)2COCH3 R1= (CH2)2COCH3 R2 = H
Alkynes Ac4ManNAlk R1= (CH2)2C≡CH Ac4GlcNAlk R1= (CH2)2C≡CH Ac4GalNAlk R1= (CH2)2C≡CH (Bateman et al., 2013; Zaro et al., 2014)
R2= OR3= Ac R2= Ac R2= Ac
Ac4ManPoc R2=OR3=Ac Ac4GlcPoc R1= OCH2C≡CH Ac4GalPoc R1= OCH2C≡CH
R1= OCH2C≡CH R2= Ac R2= Ac
Azides Ac4ManNAz R1= CH2N3 GlcNAz R1= CH2N3 Ac4GalNAz R1= CH2N3 (Luchansky et al., 2004; Saxon and Bertozzi, 2000; Tian
R2= OR3= Ac R2 = H R2 = H et al., 2015)
Ac4ManN2Azaryl R1= CH2PhN3
R2= OR3= Ac
ManNAz R2= OR3= H
R1= CH2N3
Ac3-4-Az-ManNAc R1= OAc
R2= Ac
R3= N3
1,3,4-O-Bu3ManNAz R2= R3= Bu
R1= CH2N3
Thiols Ac4ManPoc R1=CH2SAc Ac4GlcNTGc R1= CH2SAc (Moller et al., 2012)
R2=OR3=Ac R2= Ac
Terminal alkenes Ac4ManNPtl R1= (CH2)2 –CH=CH2 (Beckmann et al., 2012; Niederwieser et al., 2013;
R2= OR3= Ac Spate et al., 2014)
Ac4ManNAloc R1= OCH2–CH=CH2 Ac4GlcNAloc 1
R2= OR3= Ac R2= Ac
Ac4ManNPeoc R1= O(CH2)3– Ac4GlcNPeoc R1= O(CH2)3–CH=CH2
R2= OR3= Ac R2= Ac
Ac4ManNHxl R1= (CH2)3 –CH=CH2
R2= OR3= Ac
Ac4ManNBeoc R1= O(CH2)2– Ac4GlcNBeoc R1= O(CH2)2–CH=CH2
Class Probe Molecular structure Probe Molecular structure Probe Molecular structure
R1 =
Diazoketones Ac4ManN-t-Iso R1= C(CH3)2CH2– Ac4GalDiaz R1= CHN2 (Andersen et al., 2015; Josa-Cullere et al., 2014)
R2=OR3=Ac R2= Ac
Ac4ManN-n-Iso R1= (CH2)2 –N≡C
R2= OR3= Ac
SiaNProc R1= OCH2C≡CH Ac4FucAz R1= CH2N3 KDO-N3 R1= N3 (Sawa et al., 2006)
(continued on next page)
B.S. Paliya et al.
Table 1 (continued )
Sialic acid Fucose
SiaNAl R1= (CH2)2C≡CH R3= H KDO-alkyne R1= NHCO(CH2)2C≡CH (Wang et al., 2015)
R2= OH
9BA-Neu5Ac R1= OH (Zeng et al., 2009)
(Swarts et al., 2012)
UDP-2-XylAz R1=UDP, R2=N3, 2-TreAz R1= N3, R2= OH, R3= OH, R4= OH
R3=OAc, R4=OAc
UDP-3-XylAz R1= UDP, R2= OH, 3-TreAz R1= OH, R2= N3, R3= OH, R4= OH
R3= N3, R4= OH
UDP-3-XylAz R1= UDP, R2=OH, 4-TreAz R1= OH, R2= OH, R3= N3, R4= OH
R3=OH, R4=N3
6-TreAz R1= OH, R2= OH, R3= OH, R4= N3
Abbreviations: 1,3,4-O-Bu3ManNAz, 1,3,4-tri-O-butanoyl-N-azido-mannosamine; 9AI-KDO, 9-Alkynylate-3-Deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid; 9BA-Neu5Ac, 9-benzaldehyde-N-acetyl-neuramic acid; 9-Cp-NeuAc, 9-
cyclopropeneacetyl-N-neuramic acid; Ac3-4-azido-ManNAc, N-acetyl-(1,3,6-O-acetyl)-4-azido-4-deoxy-mannosamine; Ac4FucAz, per-acetylated azide-fucose; Ac4GalDiaz, tetra-O-acetyl-N-diazoacetylgalactosamine;
Ac4GalNAlk, N-(4-pentynoyl)-galactosamine-tetraacylated; Ac4GalNAz, N-azidoacetylgalactosamine-tetraacylated; Ac4GalNCyoc, N-Cyclopropeneacetylatedgalactosamine-tetraacylated; Ac4GalN-n-Iso, tetra-O-
acetyl-N-(3-isocyanopropanoyl)-D-galactosamine; Ac4GalN-t-Iso, tetra-O-acetyl-N-(2-isocyano2-methylpropanoyl)-D-galactosamine; Ac4GalPoc, N-propargylcarbamate-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-galactosamine; Ac4Glc
NAlk, N-(4-pentynoyl)-glucosamine-tetraacylated; Ac4GlcNAloc, N-(Allyloxycarbonyl)glucosamine-tetraacylated; Ac4GlcNBeoc, N-(But-3-en-1-yl-oxycarbonyl)glucosamine-tetraacylated; Ac4GlcNDAz(3Me), 1,3,4,6-
azidoacetylglucosamine tetraacylated; GlcNLev, N-levulinoyl glucosamine; GlcNPro, N-propanoylglucosamine; Kdo-alkyne, 3-Deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid-alkyne; Kdo-HMMPO, [2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methyl-
3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole 1-oxide]; KDO-N3, 8-azido-3,8-dideoxy-D-manno-octulosonate; ManNAc, N-acetylmannosamine; ManNAz, N-azidoacetylmannosamine tetraacylated; ManNLev, N-Levulinoyl mannosamine;
ManNPro, N-propanoylmannosamine; Neu5Hex, N-(1-oxohex-5-ynyl) neuraminic acid; SiaNAl, N-(4-pentynoyl)neuraminic acid; SiaNProc, N-Cyclopropanoylsialidase; UDP-2-XylAz, UDP-2-azido-4-deoxyxylose; UDP-
growth factors, chemokines, morphogens, and other survival molecules
impart crucial physiological effects, establishing their high biopharma
ceutical applications. The current demand for functional poly
saccharides necessitates the discovery of more diverse polysaccharides,
which has sparked a lot of interest in biotech. Metabolic engineering
facilitates the modification of distinct biosynthetic pathways for poly
saccharide production in microbial cell factories. Applied metabolic
engineering strategies are primarily based on (i) an adequate supply of
nucleotide-linked sugars and donor availability; (ii) recombinant
expression in suitable bacterial host cells; (iii) optimization of substrate
consumption by the recombinant host, and (iv) attenuation of
competing for central carbon fluxes.
Homopolysaccharides like levan or dextran are commonly used in
metabolic engineering, which typically relies on single enzymes that
catalyze the polymerization of di- or oligosaccharide substrates extra
cellularly. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens was engineered by replacing the
levan sucrose SacB natural promoter genes with the more promising
artificial pgrac promoter (Gu et al., 2017). Moreover, secretion effi
ciency was enhanced by swapping the YncM peptide from B. subtilis with
the signal peptide of B. amyloliquefaciens. The recombinant strain
significantly improved levan titers concentration in fed-batch fermen
tations, reaching 102 g L-1. In another work, lipopolysaccharide pro
duction in Xanthomonas campestris was inhibited as part of metabolic
engineering techniques to increase the EPS titer (Schilling et al., 2020;
Steffens et al., 2016). The resulting modification increased nucleotide
sugars precursors and improved EPS yield by 26%. Impurities of xan
thomonadin raise the cost of prodsugarxanthan gum from X. campestris
CGMCC15155. Large volumes of ethanol are needed in the industrial
manufacture of xanthan gum using Xanthomonas campestris
CGMCC15155 because xanthan gum must be extracted from the
fermentation broth and xanthomonadin impurities must be removed. A
xanthomonadin-deficient strain of CGMCC15155 was created by intro
ducing the Vitreoscilla globin (vgb) gene, under the control of the LacZ
promoter, into the region of the pigA gene, which is responsible for
xanthomonadin synthesis (Dai et al., 2019). Although the lack of xan
thomonadins reduced xanthan gum yield, the vgb gene expression
product increased X. campestris metabolism and xanthan gum produc
tion in a modified strain comparable to the wild-type strain. This
reduced ethanol consumption significantly by 133.3% and overall cost
of producing xanthan gum.
HA is the easiest GAG to produce recombinantly, as it does not follow
3-XylAz, UDP-3-azido-4-deoxyxylose; UDP-4-XylAz, UDP-4-azido-4-deoxyxylose.
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
Fig. 17. Peptidoglycan (PG) biosynthetic pathway, showing nucleotide activated UDP-GlcNAc transferred onto Lipid I to form Lipid II. Where, Lipid II act as
precursor for peptidoglycan synthases, catalyzed PG enlargement during cell growth and cell division (Xu et al., 2022).
Another group has also developed novel B. subtilis strain for HA pgsA1 and pgsA2, as well as the cls (Ruan et al., 2020). In the second
production using metabolic engineering. Since, the generation of het strategy, pgsA1 and pgsA2 were overexpressed, as were the CLS genes,
erologous HA puts cell wall synthesis and central metabolism in direct indirectly increasing HAS efficiency and HA production. The VHb gene,
competition. Thus, they stated that suppressing pfkA and/or zwf ex present in the obligate aerobic bacteria Vitreoscilla, can be expressed in
pressions may be a useful strategy to divert carbon flux away from two different ways, improving cell respiration and energy consumption
glycolysis and the PPP, respectively, and towards cell wall biosynthesis. even when oxygen is scarce and, eventually, boosting the production of
Eventually, HA biosynthesis, showed least amount of negative effects on HA. They identified the essential role of glutamine in HA synthesis via
cell physiology (Westbrook et al., 2018). Frequently adopted approach transcriptome analysis. Subsequently, supplementing production media
for heterologous HA production is co-express the core biosynthetic en with glutamine improved HA titers. Low molecular weight heparosan
zymes such as HasA (hyaluronan synthase; HAS), HasB (dehydroge was transferred and cloned into three non-pathogenic E. coli strains:
nase), HasC (uridyltransferase), HasD (acetyltransferase) and HasE BL21 (DE3), HT115 (DE3), and Shuffle T7 (DE3), by carefully analyzing
(phosphoglucoisomerase). Using C. glutamicum, the ideal operon each host bacteria’s growth parameters, such as culture media compo
arrangement for HA production (HasAB and HasABC were found to be sition, culture times, and cloning orders. The research team regulated
optimal for HA biosynthesis in C. glutamicum) and examined how the the heparosan chain length range from 150 KDa to 5 KDa (Roy et al.,
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene deletion by knocking out affected the 2021). Thereby, they successfully engineered E. coli and enhanced the
build-up of HA (Cheng et al., 2017). In Batch and fed-batch fermentation low-molecular-weight heparosan polymer production using a one-step
in a 5-L fermenter with modified strain’s and glucose feeding showed process.
21.6 g L-1, HA titer which was more than 3-fold that of the wild-type The HA biosynthesis pathway was established in B. amyloliquefaciens
Streptococcus. by introducing the HA and UDP-GlcUA synthase genes (Ma et al., 2022).
Researchers used indirect pathway metabolic engineering ap Second, the production of HA was increased by 13% after the inhibition
proaches to boost HA production in engineered C. glutamicum in a of polysaccharide production through the knockout of related genes
separate study (Du et al., 2021). Their four parameters were the targets such as sacB (which encodes levansucrase) and epsA-O (which encodes
for modification separately. The carbon source is the primary factor for extracellular polysaccharides) using the clustered regularly interspaced
cell growth and glycan synthesis. There is a non-PTS (phospho palindromic repeats (CRISPR/Cas9n) system. After adjusting the
transferase system independent) pathway for glucose uptakes in fermentation conditions and adding osmotic agents, 2.89 g L-1 of HA
C. glutamicum, called as the IPGS coupling system. In this system, glucose with a high molecular weight of 1.5 MDa was successfully produced. The
is entered inside the cells by myo-inositol permease (gene: IolT1/IolT2) results concluded that HA can be produced sustainably in engineered
and phosphorylated by glucokinases (Glk and PpgK). However, this B. amyloliquefaciens.
pathway is suppressed by the GntT-type regulator IolR. So, in the first
strategy, they knock out the iolR gene, which activates the non-PTS 3. Different target sites in bacteria for glycol-engineering
system and the efficient uptake of glucose. HAS is important for HA
synthesis. It has been reported that CL acts as a HAS inducer in 3.1. Pathway targeting to capsule polysaccharides
S. equisimilis. CL is synthesized by the key enzyme phosphatidylglycerol
phosphate synthase, which is encoded by two copies of C. glutamicum Capsular polysaccharides (CPSs) are complex carbohydrates that
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
surround the cell wall of many bacteria, providing protection against the code for diagnostic marker proteins for biosynthetic systems. With group
immune system and contributing to virulence (Willis and Whitfield, 2 capsules, various strains of E. coli can flip between Region 1 and Re
2013). Importantly, they can be modified either chemically or through gion 3 genes. Most significantly, these genes are capable of transfer,
metabolic engineering. Metabolic engineering of CPSs has numerous have a separate role in the synthesis of CPS structures, and are employed
applications, including the development of new vaccines and thera in a number of processes such as export and capsule construction on the
peutics, as well as the production of high-value polysaccharides for use cell surface (Cress et al., 2014). Two UDP-sugar intermediates are used
in the food and cosmetic industries. Additionally, due to the intrinsic for the biosynthesis of the GAG-like CPSs, and only one of them utilizes
advantage of avoiding potential contamination issues, using the CPS’s for CPS synthesis. Precursors of UDP-sugar are alternately connected to
recombination system is favourable (Chae et al., 2017; Cho et al., 2015). the non-reducing end of the developing polysaccharide chain during the
Moreover, CPS yield can effectively be enhanced by process optimiza biosynthesis process (Williams et al., 2018). This pathway is a repre
tion, as CPS production can strongly depend on physical parameters sentation of many other bacteria (Fig. 18A,B).
including temperature, pH value, culture medium components, and E. coli K4 and type F Pasteurella multocida produce CPSs, which are
methods of fermentation cultivation such as feeding strategies (Wang related to CS. Whereas, E. coli K4 naturally produces a CPS with a
et al., 2010). disaccharide repeat unit similar to fructosylated chondroitin, offering a
A comprehensive knowledge of the biosynthesis processes is required less expensive and secure substitute for chondroitin derived from ani
for CPS production using a metabolic engineering approach. Generally, mals via bacteria fermentation (Vaidyanathan et al., 2017). In their in
capsular genes that participate in bacterial CPS synthesis are organized dependent and consecutive studies, homologous overexpression of
in clusters in the genomes of those particular organisms. In E. coli, chondroitin polymerase (the kfoC gene), mediated by the IS2 trans
capsular genes are clustered into three regions. Gene correspondence to poson, and homologous overexpression of the rfaH gene (a positive
Region 2 (the central region) is specific for CPS polymerization. Addi regulator that controls K4 expression of the polysaccharide biosynthesis
tionally, these border genes are conserved across multiple serotypes and genes) in E. coli K4 was reported that shows substantial increased CS
Fig. 18. Representation of biosynthetic pathways for capsular polysaccharide (CPS) production in E. coli. (A) Location of genes at different region of conserved and
specific regions. (B) Schematic representation of CPSs biosynthesis pathways in bacteria. PSA hyaluronan/heparosan and chondroitin are CPSs product. Neu5Ac,
UDP-GlcNAc, UDP-GalNAc and UDP-GlcA are non-sulfated GAG precursor subunits (Williams et al., 2018). Enzymes responsible for catalyzing each reaction are
represented by green color (Italic naming).
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
productivity (Cimini et al., 2013). Another team that used metabolic the T antigen disaccharide using UndPP-linked GlcNAc as a primer
glycoengineering overexpressed the transcriptional regulator SlyA, (Valentine et al., 2016). To assure the availability of the necessary
which led to an increase in the expression of the K4 capsule gene cluster substrate UDP-GalNAc, two heterologous glycosyltransferases and a
and a faster rate of fructosylated chondroitin production (Wu et al., nucleotide sugar epimerase were added. Because T antigen expression is
2013). elevated in many cancers, including prostate, breast, colon, and stomach
Increased expression of genes pgm and galU (involved in biosynthesis tumors, recombinant biosynthesis might provide extremely immuno
of biochemical precursor for UDP-GlcA) by introducing additional genic glycoconjugates that trigger antibodies against this critical glycan
copies showed substantial increased in CPSs polysaccharide concentra epitope (Heimburg-Molinaro et al., 2011). In a bottom-up engineering
tions in E. coli K4 (Cimini et al., 2015). Additions of precursor supple approach, the conserved core of trimannosyl chitobiose glycans
ments to growth medium also improve CPS yields. Increasing UDP- (Man3GlcNAc2) in all humans was successfully generated on Und-PP by
GalNac byosynthesis by using glutamine-enriched medium signifi co-expression of 4 eukaryotic glycosyltransferases, the yeast uridine
cantly enhances CPS yields (Xu et al., 2012). Similarly, researchers diphosphate-GlcNAc transferases Alg13 and Alg14, and the mannosyl
found that a lower amount of GlcA in the growth medium showed an transferases Alg1 and Alg2 (Heimburg-Molinaro et al., 2011). The
imbalance in the UDP-GalNAc and UDP-GlcA ratios in E. coli K4 Man3GlcNAc2 structure has been proven to be the minimum structure
(Restaino et al., 2013). This problem was rectified by adding GlcA and necessary for glycoprotein therapeutics’ effectiveness, and it is the most
GalNAc monosaccharides to the growth medium of K4 at the starting often conjugated glycoform to proteins produced in a baculovirus host
point, which led to a 64% increase CPS production (Restaino et al., system. Furthermore, because this structure represents the conserved
2017). core of human N-glycans, it has great potential as a precursor for further
A native heparosan CPS producer, E. coli K5 growth-associated CPS alteration, either in vivo or in vitro (Van Patten et al., 2007).
heparosan, was enhanced by fermentation process optimization (Wang
et al., 2011). It was identified that heparosan chain length has been 3.3. Metabolic engineering of eukaryotic polysaccharides on bacteria LPS
dependable on fermentation conditions, which can further be controlled
by manipulating the type 3 synthase gene and medium substrate con Gram-negative bacteria are surrounded by a dense LPS layer
centrations like UDP-sugar (Ventura et al., 2006). Later, other E. coli embedded in an outer membrane. Functionally, LPS delivers structural
hosts were engineered to resolve the native E. coli K5 pathogenicity integrity to the bacterial cell and is the major component that de
problem. Researchers used plasmid transformation methods and trans termines the bacteria’s pathogenicity. As a result, LPS appeared to be an
ferred four E. coli K5 heparosan byosynthesis genes (kfiA, kfiB, kfiC, and excellent target for metabolic glycan engineering in Gram-negative
kfiD) into E. coli BL.21 (Zhang et al., 2012). The modified strain is able to bacteria via specific and well-defined metabolic labeling of glycans. In
yield 334 mg/l of heparosan. When the kfiC gene was fused with the Gram-negative bacteria, LPS is composed of membrane-anchored lipid A
trigger factor tig gene of E. coli to stabilize kfiC, the resulting yield was with a core oligosacchride attached to it and o-antigenic polysacchride
further improved to 1.5 g/l in the engineered BL.21 strain (Leroux and extending outwards from the bacterial cell (O-antigen-determined spe
Priem, 2016). cies variation). The respective genes involved, and their functions. Wzx
Polysialic acid (PSA) is a linear polymer of sialic acid that can be translocates O-antigen subunits across the inner membrane, while Wzy
synthesized by many bacteria. Metabolic engineering was used to polymerizes the chain up to the length determined by Wzz, and WaaL
modify the E. coli SA8 strain by overexpressing two PSA biosynthetic helps in the ligation of the chain onto complete Core-Lipid A molecules,
pathway enzymes, NeuD and NeuA. Subsequently, they blocked the which are separately translocated by MsbA (Wang et al., 2010). Then
competing catabolic pathway product Neu5Ac by deleting the nanA LPS molecules are assembled and translocated across the peptidoglycan
gene responsible for expressing Neu5Ac aldose, a lyase involved in and outer membrane by the proteins LptA, B, C, D, E, F, and G (Ruiz
Neu5Ac synthesis. The final modified strain produced 85% more PSA et al., 2009). The inner core of LPS is generally composed of two or three
with a final titer of 16.15 g L-1 in fed-batch fermentation (Chen et al., Kdo units, whereas the outer core is made up of the most common
2015). monosaccharides, such as glucose and galactose (Fig. 19).
Researchers also attempted to tag the E. coli LPS O-antigen with
3.2. Metabolic engineering of eukaryotic polysaccharides on the lipid azido labeling of a 3-deoxy-d-mannooctulosonic acid (KDO), a specific
anchored Und-PP bacteria and necessary component of LPS’s inner core, and at least one of its
residues is directly connected to lipid A (Edens, 2005). Due to the vital
Because it is not always feasible or preferred to directly polymerize importance of KDO for Gram-negative bacteria, its pathway is consid
the LPS core. As a result, researchers have looked for additional sites for ered a potential target for novel antibiotics. The modified image was
polysaccharide conjugation, such as the typical lipid anchor, Und-PP. then used to image the bacteria. Interestingly, Gram-positive strains did
The ECA and O-antigen manufacturing routes in E. coli K-12 entail the not exploit KDO in their cell walls; thus engineering KDO offers a way to
installation of a GlcNAc residue on Und-PP by an initial glycosyl image or deliver drugs to concerned bacteria (Dumont et al., 2012).
transferase named WecA. A tetrasaccharide mimicking the LeX antigen According to the study, the insertion of bioorthogonal handles into LPS
(without the fucose residue) was built on Und-PP by adding glycosyl structures offers a promising technological platform for identifying
transferases from Haemophilus influenza. Lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) clinically relevant areas that might be targets for medication adminis
biosynthesis pathway that was capable of altering this Und-PP-linked tration and imaging bacteria for early infection identification. Humans
GlcNAc in the recombinant system. The use of this lipid as a carrier with Sigha toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infections have post-
allowed the glycan to be conjugated to a protein via an diarrhoeal HUS, a potentially fatal illness that causes hemolytic
oligosaccharyltransferase-mediated channel. The purified glyco anaemia and renal failure. Stool culture and O157:H7 serotype detection
conjugate has undergone in vitro enzymatic elaboration to add the are both part of the STEC diagnosis. Recombinant glycoproteins with the
fucose residue to complete the LeX structure (Hug et al., 2011). The use polysaccharides O157, O145, and O121 coupled with carrier proteins
of modified bacteria to manufacture LeX-containing glycoproteins is were created in a separate study using metabolic glycoengineering
noteworthy since these proteins are known to operate as immunomod technology. These glycoproteins serve as serogroup-specific antigens
ulatory molecules (Atochina et al., 2001). Its efficacy has been proven in employed in the serological diagnosis of STEC-associated HUS. When
animal models to alleviate symptoms associated with autoimmune ill these antigens were tested in indirect ELISAs (glycol-iELISAs), the re
nesses (Atochina and Harn, 2006). The Thomsen-Friedrich antigen (T sults showed that STEC O121, O145, and O157 could be distinguished
antigen), a Gal1-3GalNAc disaccharide, is another human-like glycan between healthy and infected children. In addition, Shiga-toxin (Stx), a
generated in a similar fashion. Valentine and their research team created strong AB5 toxin generated by Shigella dysenteriae and E. coli O157,
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
Fig. 19. LPS biosynthetic pathway for metabolic glycans engineering in E. coli. Wzy polymerizes the chain up to the length specified by Wzz, and WaaL aids in the
ligation of the chain onto complete core-Lipid A molecules, which are separately translocated by MsbA. This is followed by Wzx translocating O-antigen subunits
across the inner membrane. The proteins LptA, B, C, D, E, F, and G then construct LPS molecules and transport them through the peptidoglycan and outer membrane.
The outer core of LPS is often constituted of the most prevalent monosaccharides (glucose & galactose), while the inner core typically consists of two or three Kdo
units (Ruiz et al., 2009).
binds to the human glycosphingolipid globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) re substances and materials, production routes and enzymes can be
ceptor. This receptor scaffold contains the trisaccharide, Gal(b1-4)Gal designed and constructed using synthetic biology approaches. SME al
(b1-4)Glc is found in several eukaryotic cell types and is abundantly lows for the creation of advanced microbial cell factories that can effi
found in renal tissue and microvascular endothelial cells (Paton et al., ciently produce a variety of glycans.
Neisseria spp. produces a similar structure of the Gb3 receptor as a 4.1. Metabolic engineering of regulatory network
LOS component as a tactic of host immune envasion (Cress et al., 2014).
The glycosyltransferases LtxC from N. meningitidis and LtxE from On the chromosome, regulatory genes for particular metabolic
N. gonorrhoeae were expressed in E. coli, resulting in the formation of a pathways are frequently found in clusters with genes for the biosynthesis
new LPS-associated Gb3 polysaccharide scaffold. Paton AW and co- of those pathways. Pathway specific regulators can influence the
workers expressed LtxC of N. meningitidis and LtxE of N. gonorrhoeae expression of gene cluster elements in either a positive (activators) or
into E. coli and reported the production of a novel LPS-associated Gb3 negative (repressors) way. In most bacteria, not all of the genes are
polysaccharide scaffold. Further, administering engineered E. coli to expressed at once. Although microbes are excellent at providing us with
mice suggested an effective molecular mimic of the toxin binding site a wide range of important products, they often only make them in the
(Paton et al., 2000). Similarly, another research group expressed glo quantities that they require for their own survival; as a result, they don’t
botetraosylceramide (Gb4) and the gangliosides GM1 and GM2 in E. coli, frequently overproduce their metabolites (Kumar and Prasad, 2011).
which have also proven effective against cholera and STEC in animal However, we want industries to continuously synthesize items. For that,
models (Fischöder et al., 2019). we need to engineer microorganisms using an up-and-down regulatory
4. Tools and strategies for the synthesis of complex and Studies to improve complicated features, such as global transcription
conjugated glycans machinery engineering (gTME), have been further encouraged by the
engineering of regulator proteins using random mutagenesis and
In order to create microbial cell factories more quickly and effi directed evolution approaches. It is possible to use mutations in tran
ciently, systems metabolic engineering was recently developed by scriptional regulators to change cellular metabolism and improve spe
combining conventional metabolic engineering techniques with those of cific phenotypes. The number of genes whose expression is altered by
synthetic biology, systems biology, and evolutionary engineering. Sys these methods is constrained. In order to engineer complicated pheno
tems metabolic engineering (SME) considers multiple processes simul types, a technique is therefore required to integrate all of the in
taneously while developing new microbial strains, including upstream teractions among regulators and create a thorough and sensitive
activities related to raw material preparation, midstream processes regulatory network (Tan et al., 2016).
related to fermentation, and downstream processes related to recovery A regulatory network is composed of regulators that collaborate with
and purification (Ko et al., 2020). Incorporating systems biology genes and proteins to regulate the number of mRNAs and proteins
methods and strategies enables genome-wide-scale estimation of expressed at any given time. More than 4000 genes in E. coli are
cellular conditions, including metabolic fluxes. For a wider spectrum of controlled by more than 200 regulators (Salgado et al., 2006). Thus, by
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
changing regulatory networks, a highly diversified mutational library lactose operon (LacY) was added to the cell to boost lactose absorption
directed to the active regions of several regulators might easily interfere (Choi et al., 2019a, 2019b; Huang et al., 2017). Similarly, Neu5Ac
with cellular metabolism (Liu, 2015). CRISPR-Cas techniques are transporter NanT expression was introduced and sialic acid aldolase
currently used for targeted mutagenesis at the genome scale (Si et al., (NanA) gene was knockout to enhanced extracellular Neu5Ac and pre
2017). In the field of synthetic biology and genome engineering, these vent degradation for sialylated HMO sialylactose synthesis (Priem et al.,
CRISPR-based techniques have great editing efficiency and facilitate a 2002).
wide range of mutations (such as insertions, deletions, and point mu Using living cell factories for oligo/polysaccharrides productions
tations), allowing us to more widely and thoroughly investigate the energy required in form of ATP. Natively, pyruvic acid metabolizes
genetic forum and improve our comprehension of biological systems. through tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle to sustain cell growth and
Recently, Liu and co-workers located an overall regulatory network of metabolite production. In contrast, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) cata
regulatory genes in E. coli that controls or communicates with thousands lyzes the conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid, thus act as limiting
of other genes (Liu et al., 2020). They created a large-scale saturation reaction for metabolite production. Therefore blocking the lactic acid
mutagenesis library that specifically targets the active sites of regulators production pathway via deleting LDH expressing genes leading to in
in the network using a CRISPR-based technique that was previously crease availability of ATP (Zhang et al., 2022).
established, called CRISPR-enabled trackable genome engineering
(Garst et al., 2017). They screen and select many complicated features 4.3. Over expression and modification of key enzymes
necessary for industrial applications using this regulatory network li
brary. Using this approach, the team was able to screen reported and Continuing with the construction of competent metabolic flux
previously identified mutations that enhanced tolerance power and pathways and competing pathway gene removal, altering pivotal genes
improved production phenotypes compared to previous studies. responsible for producing key enzymes by overexpressing them is
considered a direct and effective way to regulate oligo/polysaccharide
4.2. Rational engineering of metabolic flux production. The PPP and TCA cycle enzymes such as isocitrate dehy
drogenase, membrane-bound transhydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate
Rational engineering of metabolic flux refers to the deliberate design dehydrogenase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase are important
and manipulation of metabolic pathways in living organisms to optimize for NADPH regeneration. Therefore, their genes are overexpressed using
the production of specific desired compounds or improve overall metabolic engineering in order to induce a severely reduced state in E.
metabolic performance. This can be achieved through genetic modifi coli and increase the production of fucosyllactose (Huang et al., 2017).
cations or other engineering strategies to enhance the efficiency of Similarly, modifications in genes to overexpress chontroitin synthase for
metabolic pathways, redirect metabolic flux towards desired products, chondroitin production, HA synthase for hyaluronan, and α-1,2/1,3
and improve the overall yield and productivity of a particular metabolic fucosyltransferase for fucosylated HMOs have been experimented with
process. Rational engineering of metabolic flux has wide-ranging ap to enhance target oligo/polysaccharide prodduction (Engels and Elling,
plications in various fields such as biotechnology, bioengineering, and 2014; Zhang et al., 2016). However, limitations of this strategy include
synthetic biology, and has the potential to revolutionize the production the burden on cells for carbon utilisation and metabolism. Thus, a pre
of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and other valuable cise, well-tuned modulation of the pathway, such as optimization of the
compounds. For native producers, the introduction of the salvage route ribosome-binding site and identifying the tunable intergenic regions
can result in the development of a twofold pathway, improving the that maximize and maintain oligo/polysaccharide production along
production of nucleotide sugars. This method is frequently used to create with cell growth.
HMOs, particularly fucosylated and sialylated HMOs. For example, Such a modulated pathway design would work systematically
GDPFuc is naturally produced by E. coli using an inherent de novo following precursor accumulations, then polymerization, leading to
pathway (Petschacher and Nidetzky, 2016). Therefore, the introduction high target carbohydrate producion (Zhang et al., 2018). Cimini and
of the salvage pathway, which contains L-fucokinase/GDP-L-fucose colleagues improved the polymerization module of the pathway by
phosphorylase (FKP), triggered an increase in GDP-Fuc for fuco overexpressing the chondroitin polymerase KfoC gene. Subsequently,
syllactose (FL) production employing Fuc as a substrate. precursor sugar donors UDP-GalNAc and UDP-GlcA generation was
In order to improve the precursor pools, limiting the competing enhanced via modulating genes for overexpressing biosynthetic en
pathways is a widely utilized method of controlling the dispersion of zymes, simultaneously blocking metabolic flux from F-6-P to fructose-
metabolic flux. GDP-fucose is a primary sugar donor for the manufacture 1,6-bisphosphate, resulting in optimization of the precursor module
of fucosyllactose as well as a crucial substrate for the synthesis of colanic (Cimini et al., 2015). Overexpression of fusion proteins assists in form
acid. GDP-fucose production in E. coli was increased by knocking down ing interactions between catalyzing enzymes in sequential pathways and
the UDP-glucose lipid carrier transferase gene wcaJ, which controls substrates. Insertion of such fusion protein operons is also a common
colanic acid biosynthesis. Subsequently, a final 2’- FL (2’-fucosyllactose) tactic to prevent important metabolites diffusion and consumption by
titer of 11 g L-1 was obtained by further overexpression of the rcsA gene, competitive enzymes (Liu et al., 2013). For example, overexpression of
an up-regulator of de novo GDP-fucose production (Drouillard et al., the hasA-B-C operon in recombinant Lactococcus lactis enhanced HA
2006). When competing pathways are deleted, monosaccharides production to 1.8 g L-1. It was reported that varied combinations of
become one of the main carbon sources for cellular growth and get operons result in different amounts of titer (Prasad et al., 2010). Cheng
converted in the salvage pathway by many isomerases instead of being and coworkers engineered C. glutamicum and developed eight strains
utilized in neucleotide sugar synthesis. Therefore, simultaneous deletion with different operons (Cheng et al., 2017). On comparing strains for HA
of isomerases along with competing pathways drives more sugar flow to production, it was confirmed that hasA-B was the best operon for HA
precursor formation (Jung et al., 2019). synthesis with a titer of 21.6 g L-1 compared to operons hasA-D, hasA-C,
Although the above two metabolic fluxes promote sugar donor and hasA-E, which synthesized low HA titers in similar ways to single
biosynthesis, bacteria have some absorbtion limits for substrate. This is hasA strains.
the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of oligo and polysaccharides in a
cell factory. Substrate import can be increased effectively by deacti 4.4. Selection of host strains for heterologous pathway insertion
vating the hydrolase and adding transport proteins. These methods are
frequently employed in the production of HMOs, which use lactose as an To enable the successful production of targeted chemicals, trust
acceptor for glycosyl transfer. Galactosidase (LacZ) was eliminated or worthy microbial host strain selection is crucial. Because of our detailed
only partially inactivated to control lactose hydrolysis, and a redesigned knowledge of their metabolisms and the availability of gene and genome
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
editing technologies, E. coli and S. cerevisiae have been selected as the their capacity to extend N-lactose with specific sugars, resulting in a
two most prominent host strains among a variety of microorganisms wide range of glycans that are synthesized directly on proteins. In order
(Lee et al., 2019). Due to recent developments in modern engineering to effectively produce fucosylated oligosaccharides, which are essential
tools that allow the effective manipulation of various microorganisms, glycan epitopes in a variety of physiological processes, the focus must be
including those less explored, we are no longer restricted to using E. coli on identifying fucosyltransferases. Various protein substrates should be
for the production of tailored glycans and can use microorganisms with used with the recently created glycosylation pathways to investigate and
inherently superior metabolic characteristics towards the target prod solve any potential flaws in the glycosylation system. The result may be
ucts. Any pathogenic microorganisms shouldn’t be employed as pro a well-defined toolkit for glycoengineering that allows E. coli to produce
duction hosts; that should go without saying. Consider whether the specific glycoprotein structures from the bottom up.
microbe naturally produces too much of the desired product, does so
inefficiently, or does not create the desired product at all when choosing 4.5. High-throughput screening tools
the production host. A variety of metabolic glycan engineering strategies
are applied to each of these three conditions. The required mutant can be easily obtained using a variety of
Natural overproducers are undoubtedly the preferable host strains methods such as FACS, colorimetric assays, spectrophotometers, or
for the effective manufacture of glycans because they have already microfluidic sorting apparatuses. With enzyme assays or strain
grown to have a great tolerance and sturdy metabolic fluxes for the screening, it is possible to screen for alterations in colour, fluorescence,
desired products. For example, the human pathogen C. jejuni has an N- size, higher cell density, or other simply noticeable features. However,
glycosylation mechanism that is the best studied (Szymanski et al., many enzymes and strains lack such readily screenable features. The
1999). The Glc GalNAc5 Bac structure of the C. jejuni glycan is a lack of appropriate screening techniques to choose superior variations
branched heptasaccharide, where Bac is for bacillosamine. A range of from a population of strains or enzymes in such circumstances is a severe
periplasmic and extracellular glycoproteins, such as antibodies (Fisher bottleneck in evolutionary engineering. Thus, applying slow and low-
et al., 2011) and conjugate vaccines (Feldman et al., 2005), have been throughput methods like HPLC, GC, or mass spectrometry frequently
created using E. coli cells that are glycosylation-competent. restricts the choice of an enzyme or strain with the required properties.
E. coli as a host expression system has shown considerable promise as Synthetic biology techniques can solve this problem when there are no
a platform for glycoprotein production due to significant breakthroughs simple screening methods available by creating novel screening plat
and unmet demands. Effective prokaryotic glycosylation currently needs forms that broaden the range of features that could be selected and
a bacterial strain with a DwaaL genotype, as shown by the frequently screened.
used E. coli W3110 mutant, CLM24 (Jaffe et al., 2014). WecA, a natural For high-throughput screening applications, biosensors that could
E. coli protein, was found due to mutational research to determine the detect cellular metabolism in vivo are attractive. To quickly test for the
task of the proteins involved in the C. jejuni protein glycosylation (Pgl) desired feature, high-throughput screening techniques like FACS may be
construct. It can transfer GlcNAc, the first eukaryotic core sugar, to the paired with genetically programmed biosensors that interact with
lipid-linked precursor, which serves as the foundation for the remaining intracellular metabolites and produce legible output. Syntheses of gly
bacterial glycan (Linton et al., 2005). After removing the genes that cans involve numerous enzyme reactions, and the level of reaction is
produce and a peptide-proximal 2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxyhexose characterized by the concentration of reaction products, intermediate
(DATDH), the rare sugar that is the pioneer residue on the C. jejuni substances, or some energy molecules. Theoretically, high-throughput
glycan, WecA was able to function by introducing GlcNAc as the primary screening and detection of polysaccharide production levels within a
sugar (Schwarz et al., 2010). single cell can be accomplished using biosensors that detect these in
A strain of E. coli that can produce O-glycosylated proteins in vivo termediate substrates or products (Li et al., 2020; Rogers and Church,
has been created (Du et al., 2019). To do this, a twin plasmid method 2016). An actuator part (such as fluorescent reporters, regulatory
was adopted, with one encoding a target therapeutic protein and the switches, or selection markers) is included in biosensors along with a
other the O-glycosylation-related enzyme machinery. The latter plasmid sensor part (such as riboswitches, enzymes, ribozymes, transcription
contains the genes for a human polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyl factors, or periplasmic-binding proteins) (Michener et al., 2012). Bio
transferase, a 1,3-galactosyl transferase, a C. jejuni UDP-Glc(NAc)-4- sensors for polysaccharide synthesis target substances involved in
epimerase, and a bacterial or human disulfide bond isomerase. The ef glycan chain synthesis and energy metabolism. For example, during
ficacy of this two-plasmid synthetic operon system has been evaluated hyaluronic acid production, cells consume five ATP molecules, two
using native and engineered forms of naturally O-glycosylated human NADH molecules, and one acetyl-CoA.
interferon-2b and human growth hormone with one altered site of In carbohydrate metabolism, pyruvate transformation involves
glycosylation, three proteins with therapeutic promise. In a study, a acetyl-CoA and tricarboxylic acid. Exploiting this Förster Resonance
terminally sialylated N-glycoprotein that resembles the sialylated moi Energy Transfer (FRET) sensor, this detected the pyruvate concentration
ety (Neu5Ac-α-2,6-Gal-β-1,4-GlcNAc-) of human glycans can be pro in real time. The FRET biosensor demonstrated excellent orthogonality,
duced through an E. coli periplasmic pathway (Zhu et al., 2020). high time resolution, and a simple construction method. Similarly, a
E. coli metabolic engineering has produced a wide range of free oli NADPH/NADP+ redox-detecting biosensor was developed for E. coli that
gosaccharides for both academic and industrial use. The next significant used the natural redox-sensitive transcriptional factor (TF) SoxR to
problem is the site-specific synthesis of oligosaccharides on proteins in detect and sort mutant Lactobacillus brevis (LbAdh) strains for NADPH-
the bacterial cytoplasm, which is now being prepared for by researchers. dependent alcohol dehydrogenase, showing enhanced activity for sub
The efforts centre on the metabolic glycoengineering of an N-glycosyl strate 4-methyl-2-pentanone (Siedler et al., 2014). A monosaccharide-
ation pathway in the cytoplasm of E. coli, utilizing heterologous glyco responsive bisensor has been developed based on the high specificity
syltransferases to manufacture specific glycoprotein structures. The N-X- and affinity of Neu5Ac aptazymes that monitor real-time concentrations
S/T sequon is the starting point for the recently identified family of of Neu5Ac (Cho et al., 2013). For the first time, an in vivo active
cytosolic N-glycosyltransferases, which allocate a single glucose residue biosensor was created that responds to NeuAc in a dose-dependent
onto proteins at asparagine (N) residues (Valderrama-Rincon et al., manner (Yang et al., 2017). This is an advanced evolutionary Neu5Ac
2012). It has been established that N-linked lactose is produced in the aptazyme-based biosensor in which the gene tetA (which encodes a
E. coli cytoplasm when N-glycosyltransferases and a galactosyltransfer tetracycline/H+ antiporter, confers the cell’s tetracycline resistance, and
ase are co-expressed. The design of cytosolic N-glycosylation mecha renders the cell sensitised to the toxic metal NiCl2) was fused to the
nisms to synthesize significant glycans on proteins can start with this N- NeuAc aptazyme. Under selection circumstances, intracellular Neu5Ac
linked lactose. It is important to test bacterial glycosyltransferases for content was directly related to cell growth as the Neu5Ac biosensor
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
detected those mutant cells that accumulated a high concentration of reactions, the glycan product incorporates some unique mono
Neu5Ac, which helped the cells survive in high NiCl2 conditions. Since saccharides such as 2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxygalactose, N-ace
biosensors enable high-throughput mutation screening, the author re tylfucosamine, bacillosamine, 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid,
ported an increased Neu5Ac titer from 1.58 g L-1 to 2.61 g L-1. legionaminic acid, rhamnose, and others. Studies report that bacterial
pathogenicity is attributed to a variety of virulence factors produced by
5. Biopharmaceutical applications of bacterial engineered any strain. Also, many bacterial virulence factors, such as glycoproteins,
glycans oligo- and polysaccharides, and glycotransferase effector proteins, are
the products of biosynthetic glycosylation pathways. These glycans
Research and progress in the area of metabolic engineering have contain monosaccharides with species-specific features and contribute
established this technology’s versatile application to biopharmaceutics to forming unique glycan structures, making them suitable targets for
and advanced healthcare on several fronts. By manipulating some tar antivirulence therapies (Williams et al., 2020).
geted glycans displayed on the cell surface using metabolic engineering, Bacterial flagella play an important role in infection spreading, and
it is easy to modulate inside-cell behaviour. The production of tailored many flagella glycans are attributed to bacteria-specific mono
glycans with upgraded pharmacokinetics and additional new delivery saccharides that impart their characteristic diverse structures. For
strategies for in vivo tests impacts the promising role of metabolic en instance, Pse and Leg, along with derivatives of methylglycerol and
gineering for clinical translation. In this section, we discussed several acetamido moieties, are essential for the proper flagellar assembly
aspects of tailored glycan products derived via metabolic engineering process and are catalyzed consecutively by the enzymes PseB-PseC-
techniques in anticipation of recent applications to human healthcare PseH-PseG-PseI. It was reported that strains of H. pylori and C. jejuni
(Table 2). with non-operating Pse gene expression showed defective flagella. Three
small molecules were discovered that inhibited the PseB enzyme of the
pseudaminic acid biosynthetic pathway, thereby inhibiting flagellin
5.1. Metabolic glycoengineering emerged as a novel antibacterial strategy protein production in C. jejuni. This bacterium also incorporates the Pse
derivative 7-acetamidino-Pse (Pse5Ac7Am) during O-linked flagellin
In bacterial glycoconjugates synthesized through glycosylation
Table 2
Various applications of bacterial-based enginnered glycans.
Bacteria Glycan Modification Application Ref.
Aureobasidium Pullulan Inulinase gene transfer from Kluyveromyces Food, chemical, cosmetics, (Ma et al., 2015)
melanogenum P16 marxianus KM into A. melanogenum (P16) agricultural and pharmaceutical
X. campestris Xanthan gum Improve the β-galactosidase food industry, pharmaceutical (Yang et al., 2002)
Xc17L activity industries, agriculture products
Agrobacterium sp. Curdlan Curdlan biosynthesis operon (crd) genes overexpression Thickener, texturizer and stabilizer (Yu et al., 2015)
ATCC31749 in the food industries
P. aruginosa Alginate industrial and pharmaceutical (Maerk et al., 2020)
Azotobacter vinelandii Regulatory proteins, AlgW and AmrZ
Lactococcus lactis EPS Overexpression of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase Prebiotic nutrition, for food texture (Boels et al., 2001;
(GalU) and taste improvement Levander et al., 2002)
Streptococcus Phosphoglucomutase gene (pgm)
Bordetella LPS pagP and pagL Live attenuated vaccine (Increased (Beceiro et al., 2014;
pertussis (LPS modification genes) protection against Rolin et al., 2014)
B. pertussis)
E. coli Carbapenem Overexpression of carbapenem production genes (car gene В-lactum antibiotic (Shomar et al., 2018)
BL21 cluster, carD, carE and carB)
E. coli Isoflavonoid-7-O- Genetically engineered metK for encoding S- Anticancer (Koirala et al., 2019)
K12 methoxides adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthase
B. licheniformis DW2 Bacitracin Enhanced lysine (precursor) supply via metabolic engineering Antibacterial (Wu et al., 2019)
E. coli Human milk lgtA encodes β-1,3-Nacetylglucosaminyltransferase Nutraceutical (Zhu et al., 2021)
oligosaccharides was introduced in host strain
E. coli Colanic acid Byproduct genes and 11 O-antigen production genes were Food and healthcare (Zhan et al., 2022)
deleted. Lipid carrier gene uppS was overexpressed
Pichia pastoris Chondroitin sulfate A kfoC, kfoA, tuaD, C4OST expression, overexpression of dietary supplement for osteoarthritis (Jin et al., 2021)
endogenous genes coding ATPS and APSK
E. coli Expression of kfoA, kfoC, kfoF and vgb (Erenler, 2019)
E. coli Fructosylated Overexpression of kfoA and kfoF (Awofiranye et al.,
O5:K4:H4 chondroitin, 2020; Cimini et al.,
N-glycolyl kfoE deletion
E. coli Globotriose, Overexpressing s lgtC gene for a-1,4-Gal transferase, isolated affinity inhibitors for the toxins in (Antoine et al., 2005)
126E globotetraose from N. meningitides the prevention and treatment of
related diseases
E. coli Nonsulfated HNK-1 Mouse glucuronyl transferase (GlcAT-P) was cloned and Immunological applications (Yavuz et al., 2008)
mutant DJ carbohydrate expressed in an engineered E. coli strain
E. coli Resveratrol Stilbene synthase modification and enhanced intracellular Polyphenol, nutritional compound (Liu et al., 2017)
malonyl-CoA supply
E. coli Hyaluronic acid Multiple genes expression manipulation and introduction of medical and cosmetic applications (Woo et al., 2019)
hyaluronic acid synthase gene hasA from Streptococcus
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
glycosylation (Howard et al., 2009). Interestingly, other researchers vaccine was created (Herbert et al., 2018). The vaccine was evaluated in
identified that the phage protein FlaGrab precisely binds to Pse5Ac7Am a murine model of pneumococcal pneumonia, and its efficacy to prevent
and modified flagellins in C. jejuni, which causes low motility and partial disease invasion was compared to that of Prevnar 13. The study found
growth reduction (Sacher et al., 2020). GT1 (core GlcNAc transfer onto that glycoprotein conjugate vaccines can be successfully produced using
Ser/Thr), GT2 (Rha transfer and Rha methylation), and GT3 are the metabolic glycol engineering techniques. A novel glycoconjugate vac
glycosyltransferases necessary for the production of the type B glycan. cine was developed using a metabolic glycoengineering technique
Here, GT1 and GT2 from the Clostridioides difficile strain were success against Shigella flexneri serotype 2a (Kampf et al., 2015). Engineered
fully knocked out, resulting in low motility in the bacterium. Moreover, PgIB transported the S. flexneri 2a O-polysaccharides to a non-virulent
the mutant strains showed reduced adherence efficiency (Valiente et al., form of the P. aeruginosa carrier protein exotoxin A (EPA) (OTSase),
2016). This study suggested the importance of MGE in type B glycan leading to the production of glycosylated EPA-2a. Further in vivo pro
production against hypervirulent strains of C. difficile. duction of this unique vaccine was optimized by carefully identifying
Metabolic engineering is used to boost the cytosolic supply of and analyzing the glycoprotein synthesis process and parameters. They
NADPH via the PPP. Streptomyces lividans TK24 was engineered for identified that consecutive induction of PgIB and the carrier protein EPA
carbon distribution and NADPH production by overexpressing the enhanced EPA-2a-specific productivity by a factor of 1.6. Additionally,
NADPH-producing enzymes glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (genes: during induction, EPA-2a production was further improved up to 3.1-
zwf1 and zwf2) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (gene: zwf3). fold upon introducing the monosaccharide N-acetylglucosamine (10 g
Furthermore, one allosteric effector gene, opc, which is required for L-1). They also identified the Mg2+ concentration (10 mM) for enzyme
ZWF activity, was found to be overexpressed in various combinations. pathways. All optimized parameters were adjusted and incorporated
The final recombinant strain, S. lividans TK24/pWHM3-Z23O2, showed into high cell density culture, which imparts a 46-fold increased yield of
improved NADPH production and suggested that metabolic engineering glycoconjugate compared to starting shake flask production.
of PPP routes is one of the suitable pathways for secondary metabolite Gram-negative bacteria produce OMVs primarily comprised of
production like antibiotics (Jin et al., 2017). phospholipids, LPS, the outer membrane, and periplasmic proteins.
Importantly, OMVs possess immunogenicity, self-adjuvant, and
5.2. Metabolic glycol-engineering for bioconjugate vaccine production compatible intake by mammalian cells and can be modified by engi
neering, making them a good candidate for vaccine delivery. Re
Currently, metabolic glycoengineering utilized two broad bacterial searchers have developed strategies using metabolic glycol engineering
glycosylation approaches: OTase-dependent or OTase-independent for generating geOMVs displaying S. pneumoniae serotype 14 capsules
(taking place in the periplasmic space); both pathways exploit the bio for making conjugate vaccine in a non-pathogenic engineered strain of
conjugation of saccharides and proteins. Vaccines made with pathogenic E. coli (Price et al., 2016). The recombinant strain was constructed in an
bacteria’s capsular polysaccharides as antigens typically do not activate E. coli strain lacking its O-antigen; they transferred the capsule synthe
T-cells and do not activate B-cells, making them ineffective in the long sizing CPS locus, the required glycotransferases, the flippase (Wzx), and
run. This weak antigenic response can be improved by incorporating the polymerase (Wzy) needed for the synthesis of CPS14, and expressed
target polysaccharides into a protein via bioconjugation. them via an inducible plasmid sequence (pNLP80). CLM37 and CLM24,
Previously reported methods for bioconjugate vaccine synthesis two distinct E. coli mutant strains, were used to assess the expression of
included modification of bacterial polysaccharides (extracted from the CPS14. The enterobacterial common antigen and O-antigen initiator
target bacterium) and, after chemical modification, reinserting and glycosyltransferase (WecA) synthesis initiator glycosyltransferase
linking them to the carrier protein. These conjugated vaccines are sub mutant strain CLM37. In the streptococcus capsule production process,
jected to some downsides; the carbohydrates utilized for formulating WchA is the initial glycosyltransferase, which transfers a sugar residue
such vaccines are generated from harmful pathogenic organisms that to the Und-PP carrier. Both WecA and WchA compete for the common
may be hazardous to health and require higher biosafety precautions. carrier for sugar-lipid attachments. As a result, interrupted WecA gene
Also, glycans with acid-liable sugars do not tolerate the chemical completion for Und-PP was reduced in CLM37, and CPS14 production
treatment steps requisite for purification and crosslinking to proteins. was increased, whereas the CLM24 mutant was used to confirm CPS14
But in the past two decades, alternate strategies of glycoconjugate vac attachment to lipid A, as CLM24 is a waaL mutant in which glycans
cine production in vivo in bacterial cells have yielded some potential remain attached to the lipid carrier and no transfer of CPS14 to lipid A
vaccines closer to commercial licensure products. With the discovery of occurs. The resultant glycoconjugate vaccines (geOMVs) were examined
C. jejuni PgIB oligosaccharyltransferase, it becomes possible in glyco against S. pneumoniae in mice and C. jejuni in chickens.
engineering to efficiently express glycosylated proteins, including
capsular polysaccharides and lipoligosaccharides, in E. coli cells. Re 5.3. Other applications of metabolic engineering for tailored glycans
searchers expressed bacterial polysaccharides and glycoconjugated production
vaccines via metabolic engineering in a family of eleven E. coli strains
(Kay et al., 2022). They transferred S. pneumoniae serotype 4 (SP4) According to research, N-glycan compositions have a major impact
capsule expression and glycans into E. coli using CRISPR recombination on how well IgG antibodies bind to immune cells’ Fc receptors (FcRs)
and developed rationally designed recombinant E. coli strains for the and C1q receptors, which in turn affect the activities of the antibodies.
production of glycoconjugate vaccines. These newly developed strains Fucose is a crucial component of glycoproteins, glycolipids, and other
were modified for reduced endotoxin toxicity by deleting the lpxM gene, glycan structures. Previous research has shown that, when compared to
produced more faithful glycan by deleting the wecA gene (transfer fucosylated antibodies, antibodies without a fucose core have a sub
GlcNAc onto the lipid carrier), introduced undecaprenyl pyro glycan stantially higher avidity for FcRIIIa (Ferrara et al., 2006), thus exerting
chain length determinants for S. pneumonia, and increased the glycan enhanced antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (Mori et al., 2007).
polymer length (Cognet et al., 2003). CjblB (OSTase) was also inserted Therefore, engineering Fc-glycans to eliminate core fucose is one of the
into the genome in order to mitigate the metabolic load on the cell by great strategies to improve the IgG-FcR interaction. Researchers have
minimizing the number of plasmids and antibiotics used for culture identified a highly efficient recombinant fucosidases, namely BfFucH,
selectivity. All strains could potentially express S. pneumoniae capsular from the CAZy database library of bacteria glycosidases present in E. coli
polysaccharides, increasing the yield of pneumococcal conjugate (Tsai et al., 2017). The enzyme was able to hydrolyze the aforesaid
vaccines. fucosidic linkages, particularly the α-1,6-linkage present in the N-linked
Using metabolically engineered E. coli host cells, a low-cost, one-of-a- fucα-1,6-GlcNAc residue on glycoproteins. Subsequent study of BfFucH
kind recombinant pneumococcal protein-polysaccharide conjugate coupled with other fucosidase and endo-glycosidase showed α-1,6-
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
linkage core fucose cleavage and transformed heterogeneous glycopro advanced biopharmaceutical and industrial importance (Martin, 2013).
teins into homogenous glycoforms such as antibodies, Fc fusion proteins, Furthermore, modern molecular methods like gene editing, deletion,
interferon, and the influenza virus superficial glycoprotein and cloning have accentuated advancements in metabolic engineering.
hemagglutinin. Genome-scale models designed for integrated metabolic flux, protein-
A crucial fundamental structural component of HMOs is LNT II. Due glycan interaction, and identification of genes’ expression regulatory
to its use in the creation of complex HMOs and its potential as a nu networks are promoted in developing metabolic engineering strategies.
traceutical, LNT II is receiving a lot of attention. A metabolically However, detailed knowledge of the physiochemical properties of cells
modified E. coli was created that effectively produces LNT II consuming at the molecular level is required before implementing such techniques,
lactose as a substrate and glycerol as a carbon source (Zhu et al., 2021). including enzyme involvement in pathways with kinetics, metabolic flux
The systematic modification of E. coli included strengthening the UDP- distribution, and gene-protein interaction, among others, especially
GlcNAc biosynthesis pathway and the incorporation of β-1,3-N-acetyl when metabolic systems are undergoing desired modifications.
glucosaminyltransferase (LgtA) to construct an LNT II-producing strain. In principle, metabolic engineering is implemented to efficiently
Further, they made modifications at the ribosomal binding site to produce the required materials, such as chemicals and biomolecules for
strengthen the transcription and translation rates of essential pathway drug discovery, healthcare, and food nutrition from heterologous
enzymes and introduced multiple mutations to glucosamine-6- microorganism hosts. The tools and techniques used to achieve the goals
phosphate synthase (GlmS) to minimize feedback inhibition. Including have focused on the overexpression and downregulation of certain genes
the above-mentioned modifications, they constructed a number of to redistribute the steady-state fluxes of target metabolic pathways. Such
engineered strains in which non-essential pathways were also removed required changes at the genomic level can be efficiently made through
by deleting their relevant genes. At last, culture conditions were opti modern CRISPR-Cas9 technology. CRISPR-Cas9 offers a potential
mized, and the resultant engineered strains produced 46.2 g L-1 of LNT II method for substantial precision over other gene editing technologies
with a productivity of 0.77 g L-1 and a content of 0.95 g g-1 dry cell due to its simplicity of use, cost-effectiveness, and a relatively high de
weight. According to recent research studies, several other HMOs with gree of accuracy with efficiency (Roointan and Morowvat, 2016). Zinc-
complex structures, including 2′ -fucosyllactose, 3-fucosyllactose, lacto- finger nucleases (ZFNs) are artificial restriction enzymes synthesized by
N-neotetraose, 3′ -sialyllactose, and 6′ -sialyllactose, have been con combining a zinc-finger DNA-binding domain with a DNA-cleavage
structed via metabolic glycoengineering techniques (Choi et al., 2016; domain. It is a site-specific endonuclease that cleaves DNA at specific
Dumon et al., 2004; Fierfort and Samain, 2008; Lee et al., 2011; Priem positions. ZFNs can be used to alter the genome of both lower and higher
et al., 2002). Some important factors significantly influence recombi organisms precisely and can be used as a prominent tool for metabolic
nation, such as host selection because of the uncertainty of metabolic glycan engineering in bacteria (Ainley et al., 2013). TALEN, transcrip
patterns and the expression of appropriate glycosyltransferases in tion activator-like effector nuclease technology, can also be utilized
microbes. alongside CRISPR-Cas9 and ZFNs for genome manipulations (Joung and
Xylitol is a five-carbon sugar alcohol widely used in industries for Sander, 2013).
various applications. It is used to make syrups, chewing gum, sweet In addition, site-specific recombinases offer excellent tools to
ening agents, and pharmaceutical drugs. Xylitol showed anti-cariogenic manipulate pathway enzymes synthesizing genes on DNA segments.
and anti-diabetic activities. Because it is in high demand, different Another factor that influences the scale of production of tailored glycans
methods of producing it from the substrate glucose have been investi is the design cycle (initial design, build, test, and produce). In metabolic
gated, including fermentation and gene expression. In a single step of engineering, the selected design cycle is constrained by the sheer
fermentation, the key enzyme called as xilitol-5-phosphate dehydroge number of bacterial host variants that require examination before the
nase (XPDH) converts glucose to xylitol. To improve xylitol production, optimum variant is identified. The throughput of the design cycle
researchers used a metabolic engineering approach to express the xpdh directly influences target product development and its rate of produc
gene of C. difficile into an E. coli strain (using expression vector pACYC- tion. Therefore, it is essential to identify where the bottlenecks are and
Duet-1 and followed by induction by supplementing isopropyl -d-1- overcome them. A detailed understanding of metabolic pathway dy
thiogalactopyranoside) with some metabolic pathway modifications namics helps a lot in the successful implementation of the aforesaid
(Abdullah et al., 2022). The subsequent modification of the recombinant approaches. All the required pathway enzyme functionalities, omics
strain was done by eliminating competing pathways that would yield relations with other components, gene regulatory agents, signal trans
four mutants: NA207 (DrpiA), NA208 (DrpiB), NA209 (Dpgi), and duction and enzyme-protein interactions, and protein-protein in
NA211 (DrpiApgi). Among them, mutant NA211 yielded the highest teractions network knowledge facilitate researchers’ ability to apply
xylitol production, 0.585 g L-1, and almost doubled the amount metabolic engineering based on more sophisticated and advanced
compared to the original strain. technology. A constraint-based reconstruction and analysis tool pro
The immune system of body generates antibodies against glycopro vides metabolic engineering to recognize key enzymes and genes
teins produced by cancerous cells, which are considered intriguing through genome-scale modelling of metabolic networks (King et al.,
biomarkers for early cancer detection and could be analysed using 2015).
glycoprotein diagnostics that exhibit cancer glycopeptides (Chatterjee Furthermore, kinetic modeling and pathway design benefit from
et al., 2006). A glycopeptide array utilising synthetic O-glycosylated analysis and improvements in the thermodynamic feasibility of path
mucin segments was developed by adopting two approaches: chemo ways reactions and fluxes. Flux balance analysis and metabolic control
enzymatic fabrication of short glycopeptides and enzymatic creation of analysis are widely used together to determine any reaction fluxes using
bigger mucin fusion proteins in E. coli, along with in vitro O-linked mass balance and objective function equations. Implementing such in
glycosylation utilising GalNAcTs. These studies demonstrate the possi silico modeling is likely to aid in production maximization. Moreover,
bilities and capability of utilising different glycoprotein production artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to determine
systems for use in diagnostic applications (Pedersen et al., 2011). appropriate genes for manipulating pathway dynamics. This technique
produced significantly better results from qualitative and quantitative
6. Future outlook and challenges predictions than conventional kinetic modeling (Choi et al., 2019a,
2019b; Costello and Martin, 2018). Gathering the required information
Since its discovery, metabolic engineering has extensively contrib using the proposed tools may be effective in boosting production via
uted to medicinal science, basic science, and the pharmaceutical in metabolic engineering.
dustry. This newly emerging advanced future technology facilitates the As previously discussed, altering the natural metabolism of the
efficient utilization of bacterial resources to generate tailored glycans of glycosylation pathway in microorganisms is always challenging. The
B.S. Paliya et al. Biotechnology Advances 67 (2023) 108180
genetically engineered gene introduction via insertion and deletion and Declaration of Competing Interest
manipulation of gene expression for the production of the glycosyl
transferase enzyme causes a notable harmful effect on the fitness of the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
host. Moreover, metabolic pathways compatible with one organism are interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
not necessarily compatible with other host organisms and reduce the the work reported in this paper.
expression of essential native proteins. Therefore, to establish all such
modifications, detailed knowledge of the necessary enzymes and pro Data availability
teins that participate in metabolic pathway reactions is required. The
main challenge faced by researchers is the identification of suitable No data was used for the research described in the article.
donor and host organisms due to a lack of information, as not many
organisms have been sequenced and characterised at the genome, Acknowledgments
transcriptome, and metabolome levels, which makes it difficult for ge
netic modifications. The most frequently occurring problem related to The authors would like to acknowledge the Council of Scientific and
selected host organisms is the production and accumulation of toxic Industrial Research, India (OLP-0106). The institutional manuscript
intermediates due to modifications in metabolic pathways and flux. number is CSIR-NBRI_MS/2023/05/11. VKG would like to acknowledge
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