Uas Mam Anti
Uas Mam Anti
Uas Mam Anti
LIST OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………….….ii
BAB 1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………...1
1.1 BACKROUND…………………………………………………………………2
1.2 PROBLEM FORMULATION……………………………………………….…2
1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………2
1.4 BENEFITS OF RESEARCH…………………………………………………..2
OCCUPANCY RATES……………………………………………………….3
3.1 CONCLUTION………………………………………………………………….8
3.2 SUGGESTIONS…………………………………………………………………8
In preparing this research report and its relation to existing problems, the aim is:
1. To find out the role of the Housekeeping Department in increasing the room occupancy
rate at Jambura Inn.
2. To find out how to increase the room occupancy rate at Jambura Inn
This research is intended to provide knowledge about housekeeping. The benefits of thiS
research are:
1. For Students
Providing experience that can support smooth work in the future, as well as the ups and
downs of working in a hotel. To find out the extent of the role of departments involved
in one hotel.
2. For Academics
Increase knowledge about hospitality science.
3. For Hotels
It is hoped that this can be a contribution to writing about hospitality issues in relation to
tourism development, so that good cooperation can be established between educational
institutions and hotels.
The housekeeping department is the part of a hotel that is responsible for the
maintenance, cleanliness, care, arrangement and beauty of the hotel, both as a whole
and in administration. The housekeeping department is divided into several sections
and each section is headed by a Supervisor.
These sections are:
1. Housekeeping Office Section
Manage administration and communication of all Housekeeping department
2. Floor/Room Section
Maintain cleanliness, tidiness and completeness of guest rooms and surrounding
3. Linen and uniform section
Provide linen uniforms for employees that are clean and ready to use.
4. Roomboy/maid
Officers who are responsible for carrying out the arrangement, maintenance and at
the same time completing the needs of guest rooms according to predetermined
supply standards.
The Housekeeping Department is tasked with cleaning rooms and public areas every
day in both Low Season and High Season. How to clean a Low Season room. Because
the room occupancy rate is low, the roomboy is tasked with checking the room and
providing amenities.
How to clean rooms in High Season, the room occupancy rate is full of staying guests,
the roomboy must clean the BedRoom & BathRoom within 20 minutes in each room.
- Maintain cleanliness, tidiness, comfort and completeness of hotel facilities.
- Report to your superiors if you find damaged equipment so that a Work Order
(WO) is made to the Engineering Department for immediate repair.
- Ensure the safety of hotel items in the room so that they are not damaged.
- Serve guests for all kinds of needs they need
- during your stay.
- Collaborate with other sections and departments such as Front Office, Waiter
(Sumekso, 2001 :9).
- The cleanliness and comfort of a hotel room will have its own impact on
guests. Therefore, housekeeping officers must always improve the quality of
their work.
To improve the quality of employee work, briefings and coaching are held every
day during the morning briefing so that deficiencies and problems that arise are
known both from guests and from the employees themselves. Apart from that,
every time the hotel celebrates its anniversary, events or activities are held.
Jambura Inn prioritizes guest satisfaction, because guests are income for the
hotel. With good service, guests will feel satisfied, creating a good impression
and making guests want to come and stay again. The Housekeeping Department
plays a key role in maintaining the cleanliness, tidiness and beauty of the hotel.
In other words, the role of the Housekeeping Department is:
- The purpose of this service is to ensure the satisfaction of guests who come to
stay overnight or just to eat or hold meetings in one of the existing parts of the
hotel. Serving guests can be done by maintaining cleanliness, comfort, being
polite, giving service well and knowing the condition of hotel guests checking
in and checking out.
a. Cleanliness or appearance
Cleanliness is a factor that can be touched, felt and seen. This is a must, because
cleanliness is the basis of health.
b. Good service
Good service is intangible (cannot be touched) this is the most important and
important thing. Good service will create satisfaction in the heart/feelings and
mind through human touch. Politeness, hospitality and serving with sincerity
that comes from the heart is the key to the success of a service.
c. Comfort
The environment and rooms of a hotel that are clean, attractive and quiet with
satisfactory service will make guests and visitors feel comfortable and at home
staying or returning to the hotel.
d. Facility
e. Peace of Privacy
- Repair the water channel lines so that roomboys don't have difficulties to clean
the bathroom.
- Speed in responding to complaints or complaints from guests. Speed is very
important in handling complaints, if guests' complaints are not immediately
responded to then the feeling of dissatisfaction with the service will become
permanent and cannot be changed, so guests will not want to stay at the hotel.
- It is very important for guests to contact officers, employees or the hotel to
convey comments, suggestions, criticism, questions or complaints. In this case,
Jambura Inn provides media such as a special telephone (hot line service) or
utilizing e-mail on the internet network.
By taking a strategy like this, Jambura Inn will gain other benefits such as:
1. The hotel gets another chance to improve relationships with disappointed
2. Jambura Inn can find out aspects that need to be improved in current services.
3. Jambura Inn will find out the source of its operational problems.
4. Employees at Jambura Inn can be motivated to provide better quality service.
The results above mean that the room occupancy rate at Jambura Inn has
increased by 10-15% from year to year. Even guests who stayed overnight
expressed their expressions of joy at the hotel regarding the service provided
1. The role of the Housekeeping Department in increasing room occupancy levels is that it must
closely hold the duties and responsibilities for room maintenance which includes cleanliness,
tidiness, beauty and comfort of the rooms and also all areas at the Jambura Inn.
2. Room Occupancy Rate at Jambura Inn Increases by 10-15%.
The hotel implements the following strategy:
- The hotel is implementing a strategy by providing discounts.
- Create attractive room decorations both in & out door.
In increasing the room occupancy rate at Jambura Inn, the quality and work discipline of
Housekeeping must always be considered and improved. At the very least, keep trying to maintain
cleanliness, beauty, neatness, discipline, friendliness and politeness in serving new guests and
existing customers so that a good image of the guests emerges.