Has04 Report
Has04 Report
Has04 Report
SECOND YEAR 2022/2023
This report tends to show the importance of field work placement for the
students, from this report there are some areas that shows, the organization
that students choose as their place for conducting the field work and also the
report will show how the organization works as the one of the main place
that deal with The ministry of trade and industrial development also how the
organization benefit or contribute in the development of the Tourism
industry of Zanzibar.
Mostly the second section of the report used to show what the students gain
from the field work placements, which could be the knowledge of new things
that did not be aware of before the field due to the different activities that
conducted such as conservation and documentation as the main activities
that took place during the whole field. Not only that, but also this section
showed the challenges that the students went through and which used to
resolve those challenges.
The last section of the report used to show how the students benefited from
the field works, such as what changes was caused during the field and the
perception of the students toward the tourism before the field, also this
section tend to show the opinions of the students for the both institutions
due the experience they got from the whole field work placements.
The completion of this field work report is the result of commendable efforts
from various people.
First, I would like to thank my God who gave me the good health and energy
to complete all eight (8) weeks of my field work placement at Imara Hotel &
I like to give my special thanks for those people who supported me and
spending a lot of their time to direct and support me to the whole my field
time from my Hotel field supervisor my teachers as well as my auditor for
giving me good advice morality and also my special thanks should be
managing director of Imara Hotel & Spa. Mr. SHAABAN KHAMIS ABDULLA as
well as the head department of front office Mr. THOMSON JOVINE and other
staffs of that stay with me for time of eight 8 weeks without confusion or
problem and always they tell me good and straight line to pass through.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................II
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................IV
TABLE OF CONTENT.......................................................................V
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................. VI
1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................VI
1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD WORK PLACEMENT.....................................................VI
1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION............................................................ VI
1.3FUNCTIONS OF ORGANIZATION........................................................................VI
1.4 STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION..............................................................VII
1.5 ROLES OF ORGANIZATION........................................................................... VIII
1.6 MISSION OF THE ORGANIZATION.................................................................. VIII
1.7 VISION OF THE ORGANIZATION.....................................................................VIII
1.8 THE SYMBOLS OF IMARA HOTEL & SPA......................................................... VIII
FIGURE 2. THE SYMBOLS OF IMARA HOTEL & SPA.................................................VIII
1.9 REVIEW OF THE INDUSTRY THAT WORKS WITHIN................................................IX
CHAPTER TWO...............................................................................X
2.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TASK UNDERTAKEN.......................................................X
2.2 LESSON LEARNT FOR EACH TASK....................................................................XI
2.3 CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED DURING FIELD STUDY............................................ XI
2.4 THE WAYS OF RESOLVE CHALLENGES............................................................. XII
CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................XIII
3.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................XIII
3.1 STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION.........................................................................XIII
3.2 SUGGESTION TO INSTITUTE OF TOURISM.........................................................XIII
3.3 SUGGESTION TO ACCEPTING INSTITUTION......................................................XIV
3.4 CONCLUSION............................................................................................XIV
4.0 REFERENCES.........................................................................XV
The field work has been taken eight weeks, stated from September 7 st to 29st
October 2022. It was taken on at Imara Hotel & Spa in Paje. The practical
work happened after the university made communication with manager of
Imara Hotel & Spa then allowed to take a study for given period.
Through this field work practice the only place that been take practical is to
study how tourism can be implemented in this organization.
1.3Functions of organization
To provide lodging accommodations
To comprise of several business or revenue centers.
Hotels exist to provide service and to generate a profit for the owners
Hotels - exist to serve and enrich society
Hotels are meant to provide all of the comforts of home to those away
from home
To take and passing on messages.
To manage the Front of House sales facilities.
To promoting and marketing the business.
To handling customer, complain and queries.
To ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation and licensing
To maintaining statistical and financial records.
3.4 Conclusion
Moreover, both Government and NGO private sector like Hotels, University,
school, Colleges, Travel agencies, must unite and establish union to discuss
different things for benefit of our nation. Every institution has its own
function in our country and also every institution has played a great
contribution in our nation in the process of building the nation. It is advice to
pay taxes to the government regularly for the benefit of our nation.