Droughts and Their Impact

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2 authors, including:

Dionysia G. Panagoulia
National Technical University of Athens


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Dionysia Panagoulia1 and George Dimou2
National Technical University of Athens, Department of Civil Engineering,
Division of Water Resources  Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering,
5 Iroon Polytechniou, 15780 Zographou, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30 210 7722858, e-mail: dpanag@hydro.civil.ntua.gr
Civil engineer, 7 Voutyra, 16673 Voula, Athens, Greece

Man has always faced weather and climate vagaries and problems related to droughts.
However, the recent problems of inadequate water quality, which effectively reduced
the available resources, increased the severity of water deficits. Drought-related
disasters have been more devastating than other natural hazards (earthquakes,
volcanoes, etc), as far as deaths, suffering and economical damages are concerned.
Apart from destructive direct effects, drought events have been followed by secondary,
indirect calamities, such as famine, epidemics, fire, etc. Despite the progress in science
and technology, man is still vulnerable to extreme drought events. The losses increase
due to the continuing development of costly infrastracture, rise in population density,
and decrease of the buffering capacities (deforestation, urbanization, drainage wetlands,
etc). Understanding droughts, their occurrences, mechanisms, characteristics and
regularities is of great importance for the design and management of water resources
The study of drought problems includes the following topics:
 identification of meteorological causes and drought forecast
 evaluation of hydrologic drought characteristics at a site and over a region
 analysis of economic, environmental and social effects of drought
 definition of appropriate policy and management strategies for mitigating and
controlling drought effects.
Although an analytical literature review of droughts is not attempted, an outline of the
most important philosophies in drought definition and effects is given below:
(a) Drought definition stage. In this stage, several disciplines recognize the
importance of the analysis of such a natural hazard and try to identify the
essential features of a definition of drought phenomenon. Among-possible
references, pioneering works from a hydrological point of view include Eredia
(1922), Blumenstock (1942) and Yevjevich (1967); from an agricultural point of
view Van Bavel (1953) and Palmer (1965); from a socio-economic point of view
Tannehill (1947) and Russel et al. (1970).
(b) Drought description stage. This stage includes methods for analyzing historical
droughts aiming at:
 evaluating the risk of future droughts
 determining the consequences on economy, environment, and society
 adopting an appropriate policy for mitigating drought effects
Regarding this stage, there are many references which could be mentioned, for
instance Glantz (1966), Rosenberg (1980), Doornkamp and Gregory (1980),
French (1983), Grigg and Vlachos (1989), Dracup and Kendall (1991), etc.
(c) Integrated system approach stage. In this stage, the single variable and single
discipline approaches are recognized to be insufficient for providing a good
understanding of drought problems. Many attempts have been made for a more
comprehensive analysis in order to characterize adequately the drought pheno-
menon and also for developing a more effective action against its consequences.
As a reference for this stage, several books can be considered (Campbell, 1968;
Warrick, 1975; Yevjevich et al., 1978), as well as the proceedings of several
international symposia (Yevjevich et al., 1983, Urbistondo and Bays, 1987;
Wilhite et al., 1987; Siccardi and Bras, 1989; Tardieu and Plus, 1989).
The aim of this report is to provide a description of the background of the definition
and the available methods characterizing point and regional droughts. Emphasis is given
to the spatial variability over a region, and the effects of drought over the water
consumption and use sectors, such as domestic, agricultural, industrial, etc activities.
Existing data and studies are presented. Finally, some implications for policy and action
programs are provided.

Many drought definitions are adopted in different fields (meteorology, hydrology,
economy of water resources), with reference to various hydrometeorologic variables.
Meteorological drought
Meteorological definitions of drought are the most prevalent. They often define drought
solely on the basis of the degree of dryness and the duration of the dry period. Thus,
meteorological drought has been defined as a period of more than a particular number
of days with precipitation less than some specified small amount (Wilhite and Glantz,
Hydrologic Drought
Definitions of hydrologic drought are concerned with the effects of dry spells on surface
or subsurface hydrology, rather than with the meteorological explanation of the event.
The frequency and severity of hydrologic drought is often defined on the basis of its
influence on river basins. Hydrologic droughts are often out of phase with both
meteorological and agricultural drought.
Agricultural Drought
Agricultural drought occurs when soil moisture is depleted to the extent that crop and
pasture yields are significantly affected. Agricultural drought definitions link various
characteristics of meteorological drought to agricultural impacts, focusing, for example,
on precipitation shortages, departures from normal, or numerous meteorological factors
such as evapotranspiration (Wilhite and Glantz, 1985).
Socio-economic Drought
Definitions which express features of the socioeconomic effects of drought can also
incorporate features of meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological drought (Wilhite
and Glantz, 1985). They are usually associated with the supply and demand of some
economic good. YevJevich (1967) has suggested that the time and space processes of
supply and demand are the two basic processes that should be considered for an
objective definition of drought.
To water managers, drought means problems in meeting demand. In that sense, drought
means not having sufficient water to meet demands because supplies fall below
expected levels. The “expected levels” are socioeconomic, because expectations can be
adjusted. Because of this link with socioeconomics, a drought index that will be useful
to management must incorporate aspects of demand—that is, how adequate are supplies
to meet demand? To design an index for a particular situation, the following approach
might be used:
available water supplies
Index  (1)
expected or mean water supplies
Available water supplies might include surface water, stored water, groundwater,
and soil moisture. The definition given earlier from the City of Portland (Grigg, 1996)
leads to the “Portland water supply index”. This index provides guidelines for the city
to assess the adequacy of its water supplies.


Yevjevich et al. (1978) suggested that the study of drought problems would be
facilitated if drought was considered in a systems context. As Yevjevich et al. (1978)
noted, the physical aspects of drought are derived from the
atmosphereoceancontinent system. Each drought is unique in its set of physical char-
acteristics as well as in its geographic scope and location. In is interesting to note that
Yevjevich considers the physical characteristics of drought to be dictated by the
physical environment. Drought events are shown as inputs to a physical environment
system and a social system. The characteristics of drought events, physical-environment
systems, and social systems combine and interact to produce impacts on the physical
environment and social system. The social system responds to mitigate or alleviate
drought-related impacts. This view of drought reflects the focus of previous studies of
drought on the physical aspects of the phenomenon. Yet the ultimate significance to
society of drought lies in its impacts.


During the 1980s and 1990s the United States and other nations were hit with a number
of droughts, some quite severe. These droughts were so widespread and the effects and
measures so variable that it is impossible to describe all aspects. Some examples related
to Greece will serve to illustrate the range of problems.
Characteristics of Meteorological Droughts of the Last 132 years in the Plain of
Characteristics of meteorological droughts of the last 132 years in the plain of Attika,
Greece, are critically analyzed (Baloutsos et al., 1993). The purpose is to point out the
necessity of the development of a national drought policy which would help to
minimize adverse effects before the occurrence of intense drought phenomena. The data
were collected from the Meteorological station of the National Observatory of Athens.
For the quantification of the intensity of drought the index Y   R  R  / S R is used
and is estimated from the annual amount of precipitation (R), the mean annual value
R and the standard deviation (SR). A drought is characterized as severe, if Y ~ -1.5
From analysis of the data, it was found that 11 severe droughts occurred during the
past 132 years having a mean return period of 12 years. Certain evidence that droughts
were more frequent during the last 90 years than the previous 40 years of this period
eventually appeared to be due to the method of analysis and not to actual events. Most
droughts lasted for one year and only a few having a duration of two years. The most
severe droughts occurred during the period 1988-1990. It was also found that droughts
commence any month from October to January randomly and terminate in October of
the next hydrological year.
Drought and its Potential Causes in Greece
The monthly totals of precipitation of 21 Greek stations for the period 1950-1990 as
well as the calendar of classification of the types circulation were studied (Maheras,
1992). The mean and standard deviations of rainfall totals were calculated for every
station and for all stations. The dry years and seasons were defined. The trend of
seasonal and annual precipitation were also examined. In this study was founded that
(1) the most intense drought occurred in the period 1989-1990, (2) an intense trend of
precipitation for annual and seasonal values was appeared, (3) a trend of increase in the
frequencies of the stable types of circulation in annual and seasonal scale was revealed ,
and (4) the droughts in Greece are accompanied with positive anomalies of the
atmospheric pressure over the Southern Europe and the Mediterranean.
Climatic Instability and Low-Flow Regimes in Greece
The low-flow regimes of Acheloos river at the outfall of the mountainous Mesochora
catchment in Central Greece were analyzed under conditions of global climate change
(Panagoulia amd Dimou, 1995). The climate change pattern was simulated through a set
of hypothetical and monthly GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) scenarios of
temperature increase, coupled with precipitation changes. The daily flow of the
catchment, which is diminated by spring snowmelt runoff, was simulated by the
coupling of the snowmelt and soil moisture accounting models of the US National
Weathewr Service River Forecast System. A low-flow day was defined as a day during
which the streamflow did not reach the quarter of the long-term mean daily streamflow.
In this case the low-flow parameters (occurrences, duration, magnitude, etc.) were
determined. Despite the complicated response of low-flow occurrences to climate
changes, both hypothetical and monthly GISS representations of climate changes
resulted in more and longer low flow episodes foe climates with reduced precipitations
(Fig. 6). All climates yielded larger low-flow mean deficits and smaller mean values of
minimum sreamflows. These results could possibly further jeopardize the river quality,
the reliability of the storages and dams, as well as the water supply from local
groundwater sources.

days per year


















Base case

Figure 6 Mean number of low-flow days per year of Acheloos river at Mesochora
catchment outfall for the HYPO, GISS and base case climate scenarios.

Droughts in Water Reserves in Athens, Greece

Water resources of the greater Athens area are unevenly distributed. In this regard, the
context of the metropolitan Athens area may be summarized in the following

Water reserves in Mm







200 85
0 90
5/2 6/6 7/2 8/2 9/3 10/17 10/31 11/21 12/7 12/31

Figure 7 Drought impacts on the city of Athens, Greece.

components: the area is semiarid and subject to shocks due to the water scarcity; there
has been a rapid and high concentration of population and activities with marginal and
decaying infrastructure; and the management experience of complex systems seems to
be limited. Hence, Athens is under stress with very little resilience to natural hazards.
Karavitis (Grigg, 1996) found that for the 1990-1992 droughts in Athens (the 1990
drought was the worst on record), the databases were neither complete nor reliable and
the water allocation plan was at best haphazard. To illustrate the severity of the drought,
the water reserves of Athens are presented in Fig. 7. To give an indication of the magni-
tude of the problem, in October 1990 the Athens metropolitan area had water reserves
of only 56 days.
Karavitis found that in Athens, drought impact assessment, alert mechanisms, and
contingency planning were generally not satisfactory; responses were piecemeal, with
an emphasis on short-range actions. Measures were applied well after the onset of the
event, with little consideration to the crucial timing factor. Moreover, response since the
drought has not moved to solve the underlying problems of supply and preparedness.


Like floods, management strategies for drought can be summarized as structural and
nonstructural, hardware and behavior. Figure 8 illustrates the range of responses
identified by Grigg and Vlachos (Grigg, 1996).


The lack of a precise and objective definition of drought in a specific situation has been
an obstacle to understanding drought, which has led to indecision and/or inaction on the
part of managers, policy makers, and others. There should not be a universal definition
of drought. Available definitions demonstrate a multidisciplinary interest in drought. It
is useful to subdivide definitions into four types on the basis of disciplinary perspective
(meteorologic, hydrologic, agricultural, and socioeconomic). Most scientific research
related to drought has emphasized the physical over the societal impacts of drought.
Drought severity is sometimes expressed by its societal impacts, although the precise
nature of those impacts is difficult to quantify. Secondary and tertiary effects often
extend beyond the spatially defined borders of drought. Human or social factors often
aggravate the effects of drought.
The vulnerability of large cropland areas, as well as the steady development of
large-scale complex water systems, emphasizes the importance of the regional drought
definition/ estimation in order to plan in advance, the necessary drought control
Despite the fact that many statistical methods and mathematical models allow the
extraction of available information on the underlying hydrologic process from the
station series within a region, a consolidated definition of regional drought is still
The review of the several studies devoted to the regional drought analysis allows us
to distinguish: (i) a simple description of the areal coverage of historical regional
drought events; (ii) the probabilistic estimation of drought characteristics through the
direct use of historical samples; (iii) the analysis of the statistical properties of a few
indices, which describe the space-time variability of the drought phenomenon (in
particular, on the basis of rainfall or streamflow depths).
A number of challenging research and study areas could be distinguished therein as
the agenda for the scientific community during the next decade, related to three classes
of problems dealt with by three working groups:

(1) Descriptive studies and models.

(2) Monitoring.
(3) Forecasting
* Surface/Substance Storage
* High/Flow Skimming
Existing * Interbasin Transfer/ Import
* Cross-Purpose Diversions
* System
I Supply * Water Desalting
Augmentation New * Weather Modification
* Groundwater Mining
* Conjunctive Use
Mixed * Conveyance Grids
* Snow and Ice Management
* Technological Innovation

* Legal Measures
* Economic Incentives/Pricing
Proactive * Zoning/Land-Use Policies
* Public Involvemen/Education
* Prioritizing Demands
Characteristics * Water-Saving Programs
Nature, Measures II Demand Reactive * Reduction of Nonessential Uses
Extent, Reduction * Recycling/Reuse
and Responses
* Metering
*Agricultural Changes
Adjustments *Urban Adjustments

* Forecasting System
* Regulation of Consumption
Anticipatory * User Discretion
Strategies * Interstate Emergency Action
*Conflict Management

* Insurance
III Impact * Spread of Risk
Minimization Loss Absorption *Compensation Damages
* Disaster Relief
* Reserve Funds
* Modify Events
Loss Reduction *Damage Recovery
*Change Water Uses
Figure 8 Management strategies for drought. (from Grigg, 1996)

The most challenging research areas are:

(a) Representation of the temporal and spatial structure of the variability of the
drought phenomena.
(b) Study of the effects of anomalies in atmospheric circulation systems.
(c) Development of a drought taxinomy, that includes, drought descriptors,
probabilities, causes and impacts.
(d) Detecting variations in water quality in surface freshwater bodies and aquifers
related to occurrence and duration of droughts.
(e) Inherent predictability of drought variability as a function of various
(f) Determination of the relative importance of local and regional physical
feedback in intensifying and/or perpetuating drought.
A strong growth area is the study of tele-connections, i.e. linkages of drought
events with other geophysical features (e.g. Indian summer monsoon rainfall versus
snow cover in Eurasia in the preceding winter, ENSO, i.e. El Nino Southrn Oscillations
Altough the possibility of controlling drought events seems, illusory, it is certain
that people will continue to strive towards the progress in understanding, modelling, and
forecasting droughts. This will happen even under the assumption of stationary natural
It has been typical that the occurrence of drought events and significant losses
gives the impetus to the targeted research. This has been called sometimes a “hydro-il-
logical cycle”. A prolonged dry spell triggers the initiation of drought-related studies.
Finally, there is no doubt about the fact that computerization of drought
management is rapidly progressing all over the world. However, in this context one
should stress the significance to the human factor. Machines, without men would
probably deteriorate the socieytal resistance and resilience against disasters.

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