CSS Pseudo Cheat Sheet

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CSS Pseudo cheat sheet

Simple selectors

Selector Syntax Example

div {
Element element

Class .class .alpha { }

ID #id #alpha { }

Universal * *{}

Variations of simple selectors

Elements Syntax Example Description

Two classes .first-class.second-class .alpha.beta { } All elements with classes alpha and beta

Element and class element.class p.alpha { } All alpha class elements inside <p>

Two elements element, element p, div { } All <p> and <div> elements

Two elements element element p div { } All <div> elements inside <p>

Descendant selectors/combinators

Selector Syntax Example Description

Descendant element element div p { } All <p> descendants of <div>

Child element>element div > p { } All <p> direct descendants of <div>

Adjacent Sibling element+element div + p { } <p> element directly after <div>

General Sibling element~element div ~ p { } All <p> element iterations after <div>

Attribute selectors

Selector Syntax Example

[href] {
[attribute] Selects all elements with a href attribute

[lang="fr"] {
[attribute=value] Selects all elements with lang attribute that has a value of "fr"

[attribute~=value] [input~=hello] { Elements with input attribute containing the whitespace separated substring "
Selector Syntax Example

[lang|=en] {
[attribute|=value] Elements with lang attribute value equal to "en" or "en-"(en hyphen)

a[href^="https"] {
[attribute^=value] Every <a> element with href attribute value begins with "https"

a[href$=".docx"] {
[attribute$=value] Every <a> element with href attribute value ends with ".docx"

a[href*="meta"] {
[attribute*=value] Every <a> element with href attribute value has substring "meta"

Pseudo-class Example Description of selection

:active a:active { } All active links

:checked input:checked { } All the checked <input> elements

:default input:default { } All default <input> elements

:disabled input:disabled { } All disabled <input> elements

:empty div:empty { } All the <div> elements with no children

:enabled input:enabled { } All the enabled <input> elements

:first-child p:first-child { } All the <p> elements who are the first child of a parent element

:first-of-type p:first-of-type { } All the <p> element who are the first <p> element of a parent element

:focus input:focus { } Input element under focus

:fullscreen :fullscreen { } The element in full-screen mode

:hover p:hover { } Action effect on mouse hover

:invalid input:invalid { } Input elements with an invalid value

:last-child p:last-child { } All the <p> elements who are the last child of a parent element

:last-of-type p:last-of-type { } All the <p> elements who are the last <p> element of a parent element

:link a:link { } All unvisited links

:not(selector) :not(div) { } All the elements that are not a <div> element
Selector Syntax Example

:nth-child(n) div:nth-child(3) { } All the <p> elements that are the third child of a parent element

div:nth-last-child(3) All the <div> elements which are the third child of a parent element, counting f
{} child element

:nth-last-of- p:nth-last-of-type(2)
The second sibling from the last child of a parent element.
type(n) {}

:nth-of-type(n) p:nth-of-type(2) { } The second sibling of a parent element.

:only-of-type p:only-of-type { } All the <p> elements which are only <p> elements inside its parent

:only-child p:only-child { } All the <p> elements which are only child of a parent element

:optional input:optional { } The input elements with no "required" attribute

:required input:required { } Selects input elements with the "required" attribute specified

:root :root { } The Root element of document

::selection ::selection { } The portion of an element that is selected by a user

:valid input:valid { } All the input elements with a valid value

:visited a:visited { } Selects all visited links

Pseudo-element selectors

Syntax Example Description

::after p::after { } Inserts content after content of <p> element

::before p::before { } Inserts content before content of <p> element

::first-letter p::first-letter { } Selects first letter of every <p> element

::first-line p::first-line { } Selects first line of every <p> element

::placeholder input::placeholder { } Selects input elements with "placeholder" attribute specified

::marker ::marker { } Selects markers in a list

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