Parkbit Tlqinitial
Parkbit Tlqinitial
Parkbit Tlqinitial
● Save this file as LastFirstName_TLQInitial.docx (KnowlesBeyonce_TLQInitial.docx)
● For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories (E/A/I). Be honest. This is an
opportunity to document growth
● Provide examples of your experiences in the leadership domain
● Identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing as a teacher leader.
● Summarize your strengths and areas of possible growth.
● Boxes will expand as needed.
Exploring/Emerging (E) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader relies on ongoing assistance
from more experienced colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The teacher leader is moving
toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his practice.
Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader is able to provide independent
leadership and easily applies what s/he has learned about leadership.
Integrating/Innovating (I) - a level of development in which the teacher leader is fully skilled and
confident. The Integrating/Innovating teacher leader contributing to the broader educational
community through staff development, research, or publication in professional journals.
Domain 2: Accesses and Uses Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning E A I
a. Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate A
strategies to improve student learning.
b. Facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of A
results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning.
c. Supports colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other E
organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues.
d. Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from E
their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Three Examples of Domain 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
a. In my classroom, I've implemented the Whole I want to grow in advancing my proficiency in utilizing
Brain Teaching approach for effective classroom research and collaborating with colleagues to craft
management, grounded in research on optimal effective teaching methods that cater to the diverse
information processing by the brain. learning styles of our students.
Recognizing the challenges some colleagues
faced with management skills, I introduced this
methodology to support their efforts.
b. To gain insights into guiding a student
performing below grade level, I facilitated the
analysis of the student's cumulative files. This
process has been instrumental in tailoring
instructional strategies to match the student's
grade level.
c. Engaging in discussions with my mentor, we
devised varied approaches to address students
below grade level. Rather than solely relying on
visual cues, we emphasized incorporating
auditory cues and other techniques to enhance
the learning experience. This collaborative
effort aims to provide a more comprehensive
and personalized approach to meet diverse
student needs.
Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Qualities
f. Advocates for sufficient preparation, time, and support for colleagues to work in A
teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning.
g. Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and E
improve student learning.
h. Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning A
and facilitating professional learning.
Three Examples of Domain 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
a. To promote scientific thinking within our While I actively explore various teaching approaches, I
student community, I've introduced a website recognize a gap in advocating and sharing these ideas
to colleagues featuring a range of lessons on with my colleagues. I aspire to develop my skills in
real-life science phenomena. promoting teacher professional development and
b. I've collaborated with a colleague, sharing actively contribute to the growth of our teaching
effective strategies for teaching students to community.
manage their time more efficiently using
c. Additionally, I leverage social media to connect
with teachers nationwide, gaining valuable
insights and perspectives from educators across
the country.
Domain 5: Promotes the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement E A I
a. Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools A
aligned to state and local standards.
b. Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and E
interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning.
c. Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in A
challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to
identified issues.
d. Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in A
instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
Three Examples of Domain 5 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
a. Our teams engage in conversations about our I would like to expand my proficiency in utilizing a
approach to assessing students' knowledge in broader range of assessments and so I can enhance
various subject areas. We deliberate on the both my educational practices and student learning
most effective methods tailored to the outcomes.
characteristics of each subject.
b. I work collaboratively with the 5th-grade
teacher to develop assessments that prove
beneficial for gauging and evaluating our
students' academic knowledge at the start of
the school year.
c. In our team meetings, I guide critical reflections
on assessment data. This process aids in
identifying issues and collectively working
towards effective solutions to enhance our
teaching practices.
Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Qualities
seek insights from a diverse teaching
b. Participating in the Induction Program, I've
found mentoring to be invaluable. It is helping
me to brainstorm and find solutions to
questions collaboratively, which is helping me
also grow as a professional.
c. To support and prioritize student learning, I
communicate with parents, directing them to
additional resources. This collaborative
approach ensures a comprehensive support
system for students both in and outside the
Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Qualities