Paradisoashley Tlqinitial
Paradisoashley Tlqinitial
Paradisoashley Tlqinitial
Save this file as LastFirstName_TLQInitial.docx (KnowlesBeyonce_TLQInitial.docx)
For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories (E/A/I). Be honest. This is an
opportunity to document growth
Provide examples of your experiences in the leadership domain
Identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing as a teacher leader.
Summarize your strengths and areas of possible growth.
Boxes will expand as needed.
Exploring/Emerging (E) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader relies on ongoing assistance
from more experienced colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The teacher leader is moving
toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his practice.
Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader is able to provide independent
leadership and easily applies what s/he has learned about leadership.
Integrating/Innovating (I) - a level of development in which the teacher leader is fully skilled and
confident. The Integrating/Innovating teacher leader contributing to the broader educational
community through staff development, research, or publication in professional journals.
Domain 5: Promotes the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement E A I
a. Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools X
aligned to state and local standards.
b. Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and X
interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning.
c. Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in X
challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to
identified issues.
d. Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in X
instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
Three Examples of Domain 5 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. When I work with other members of my team We have not used the data from the Summative
on creating assessments, we always work to assessments to improve student learning. As we jump
make sure that our assessments have similar into the next unit, it is hard to go back and review the
rubrics in grading. This way we can show the material with the teachers. Finding the time to meet
data of the students to admin. and coming up with ideas on how to improve has been
2. Through sharing lesson plans, we support each challenging this semester.
other and trust in the insight that we all
provide in the PLC meetings. Having teachers
that teach different levels, also helps to
improve the engagement of the teachers.
3. The input of the data from assessments has
shown that the rigor of the assessments needs
to be more far to all learners. We are
improving the assessments to make sure they
are appropriate for the material taught.
Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Qualities (adapted from Teacher Leader Model Standards ( 4
1. Although I teach math, the students and I Not being able to meet with my colleagues and
also chat about the daily situations discuss our personal lives limits my ability to help
happening around the world and in the promote their understanding of the community
community. I like to share my insight on around them. We are all so busy with our own
the world from an adult and someone who lives that it is hard to come together and share
loves to learn about others. advise.
2. I work with families to connect them with
other teachers, tutors, and counselors to
best help the students through their
personal lives.
3. I collaborate with other teachers to help
them understand the diverse needs of our
students. Teaching the lower math classes
leads me to have more learning needs in
the classroom. I am happy to share
thoughts and ideas of how to best help
these students and communicate with
families to show our support from all side.
Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Qualities (adapted from Teacher Leader Model Standards ( 6