Pro 109 Rev 7
Pro 109 Rev 7
Pro 109 Rev 7
Cat. No. 3067, 3068, 3069 Helena Laboratories
TITAN GEL ImmunoFix-Plus is intended for the identification of materials completely dissolved.
monoclonal gammopathies using protein electrophoresis and Storage and Stability: The packaged buffer should be stored at 15 to
immunofixation. 30°C and is stable until the expiration date indicated on the package.
Diluted buffer is stable two months stored at 15 to 30°C.
SUMMARY Signs of Deterioration: Discard packaged buffer if the material shows
Immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) is a two stage procedure using signs of dampness or discoloration. Discard diluted buffer if it becomes
agarose gel high resolution protein electrophoresis in the first stage and turbid.
immunoprecipitation in the second. The specimen may be serum, urine or 3. Acid Blue Stain
cerebrospinal fluid. There are numerous applications for IFE in research, Ingredients: The stain is comprised of acid blue stain.
forensic medicine, genetic studies and clinical laboratory procedures. The WARNING: FOR IN-VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE ONLY. DO NOT
greatest demand for IFE is in the clinical laboratory where it is primarily INGEST.
used for the detection and identification of monoclonal gammopathies. A Preparation for Use: Dissolve the dry stain in 1000 mL 5% acetic acid.
monoclonal gammopathy is a primary disease state in which a single Storage and Stability: The dry stain should be stored at 15 to 30°C and
clone of plasma cells produces elevated levels of an immunoglobulin of a is stable until the expiration date indicated on the package. The stain
single class and type. Such immunoglobulins are referred to as solution is stable for six months when stored at 15 to 30°C in a closed
monoclonal proteins, M-proteins, or paraproteins. In most cases they are container. Used stain may be returned to the container and reused.
indicative of a malignancy such as multiple myeloma or Waldenstrom’s Signs of Deterioration: The diluted stain should be homogeneous
macroglobulinemia. Differentiation must be made between polyclonal and mixture free of precipitate.
monoclonal gammopathies because polyclonal gammopathies are only a
4. TITAN GEL IFE Protein Fixative
secondary disease state due to clinical disorders such as chronic liver
Ingredients: The fixative contains 10% sulfosalicylic acid and 10%
diseases, collagen disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic infections.
acetic acid.
Alfonso first described immunofixation in the literature in 1964.1 Alper and WARNING: FOR IN-VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE. CORROSIVE.
Johnson published a more practical procedure in 1969 as a result of their NEVER PIPETTE BY MOUTH. DO NOT INGEST.
work devoted to the detection of genetic polymorphisms of ceruloplasmin Preparation for Use: The fixative is ready for use as packaged.
and Gc-globulin and the conversion of C3 during activation.2 They later Storage and Stability: The fixative should be stored at 2 to 6°C and is
extended their studies to genetic polymorphisms of complement stable until the expiration date indicated on the vial.
components and the identification of alpha1 antitrypsin.3, 4 Immunofixation Signs of Deterioration: The fixative should be a clear, yellow solution.
has been used as a procedure for the study of immunoglobulins since
5. Antisera to Human IgG, IgA, IgM, Kappa Light Chain and Lambda
1976.5, 6 The TITAN GEL ImmunoFix methods offer many advantages.
Light Chain
These include ease of interpretation, excellent resolution, reagent
Ingredients: Antisera vials in the kit contain monospecific antisera to
conservation, enhanced sensitivity, within-run quality control and rapid
human immunoglobulin heavy chains, IgG, IgM, IgA and to human light
chains, Kappa and Lambda. The antisera have been prepared in sheep
In addition, the ImmunoFix-Plus method offers a larger 12-lane gel which and goat. Each vial of antiserum contains sodium azide as a
allows greater diversity and efficiency in testing protocols. Some of the preservative and a stabilizer.
various uses include simultaneously testing a patient’s serum and urine, WARNING: FOR IN-VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE ONLY. Refer to the
batching urines to run kappa and lambda antisera with protein Sodium Azide Warning.
separations or adding IgD and IgE to the standard serum profile. Preparation for Use: The antisera are ready for use as packaged.
Storage and Stability: The antisera should be stored at 2 to 6°C and
PRINCIPLE are stable until the expiration date indicated on the vial.
Proteins are first resolved by electrophoresis. In the second stage, the Signs of Deterioration: Extremely cloudy antisera may be indicative of
soluble antigen and its antibody are allowed to react. The resultant bacterial contamination.
antigen-antibody complex(es) may become insoluble (as long as the
antibody is in slight excess or near equivalency) and precipitate. The SODIUM AZIDE WARNING
precipitation rate depends on the proportions of the reactants, To prevent the formation of toxic vapors, do not mix with acidic solutions.
temperature, salt concentration and the pH of the solution. The unreacted When discarding, always flush sink with copious amounts of water. This
proteins are removed by a washing step and the antigen-antibody will prevent the formation of metallic azides which, when highly
complex (which might be visible as a white cloudy band in unstained gel concentrated in metal plumbing, are potentially explosive. In addition to
against a dark background), is visualized by staining. The bands in the purging pipes with water, plumbing should occasionally be
protein separation are compared with the precipitin bands obtained with decontaminated with 10% NaOH.
REAGENTS Specimen: The specimen may be serum, cerebrospinal fluid or urine.
1. TITAN GEL IFE-Plus Gel Serum Specimen Preparation:
Ingredients: Each gel contains agarose in tris-barbital/aspartate buffer 1. Dilute all serum samples with 0.85% saline. Sample dilutions should be
with 0.1% sodium azide and thimerosal added as preservatives. freshly prepared on day of use.
WARNING: FOR IN-VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE ONLY. CAUTION: DO a. Dilute serum 1:2 for the SPE reference pattern.
NOT INGEST. The gel contains barbital which, in sufficient quantity, can b. Dilute serum 1:10 for the immunofixation electrophoresis patterns.
be toxic. Refer to the Sodium Azide Warning. c. When typing minimonoclonal specimens, if the sample IgG level
Preparation for Use: The gels are ready for use as packaged. exceeds 1500 mg/dL, the sample should be diluted 1:20 for the IgG
Storage and Stability: The gels should be stored at room temperature position only.
(15 to 30°C) and are stable until the expiration date indicated on the d. When typing IgM or Lambda proteins in specimens containing
package. The gels must be stored in the protective packaging in which minimonoclonal bands, a sample dilution of 1:5 is recommended for
they are shipped. DO NOT REFRIGERATE OR FREEZE. the IgM and Lambda patterns.
Signs of Deterioration: Any of the following conditions may indicate Urine Specimen Preparation:
deterioration of the gel: (1) crystalline appearance indicating the Detection of Bence Jones proteins (free kappa and lambda light chains):
agarose has been frozen, (2) cracking and peeling indicating drying of If necessary, concentrate urine sample to 100 mg/dL of total protein for
the agarose, (3) bacterial growth indicating contamination. testing for all patterns.
2. TITAN GEL IFE Buffer Cerobrospinal Fluid Specimen Preparation:
Ingredients: The buffer contains barbital and sodium barbital with 0.1% Concentrate CSF to an IgG level of 100-200 mg/dL for typing oligoclonal
sodium azide and thimerosal as preservatives. bands in CSF. Use concentrated specimen for all patterns.
CAUTION: DO NOT INGEST. The buffer contains barbital which, in 1. Evaporation of uncovered specimens may cause inaccurate results.
sufficient quantity, can be toxic. Refer to the Sodium Azide Warning. 2. Plasma should not be used because the fibrinogen may adhere to
Preparation for Use: Dissolve one package of buffer in 1500 mL the gel matrix resulting in a band in all patterns across the gel.
deionized or distilled water. The buffer is ready for use when all Storage and Stability: Fresh serum, CSF or urine is the specimen of
choice. If storage is necessary, samples may be stored covered at 2 to Refer to Summary of Conditions for all other testing parameters.
6°C for up to 72 hours.
Materials Provided: The following materials are contained in the kits A. Patient Sample Preparation
associated with TITAN GEL ImmunoFix-Plus. 1. Dilute the patient serum samples with 0.85% saline as follows:
Cat. No. 1:2 (1 part serum + 1 part saline) for the serum protein pattern
TITAN GEL ImmunoFix-Plus Kit 3067 1:10 (1 part serum + 9 parts saline) for identification of all
TITAN GEL IFE-Plus Gels (10) immunoglobulins.
TITAN GEL IFE Buffer (1 pkg) Identification Dilution for Serum
Acid Blue Stain (1 vial) SP 1:2
TITAN GEL IFE Sample Templates (10) IgG, IgA, IgM, 1:10
TITAN GEL IFE Antisera Templates (10) Kappa, Lambda
TITAN GEL Blotter A-Plus (30) 2. If necessary, concentrate urine and spinal fluids according to
TITAN GEL Blotter C-Plus (30) instructions provided in SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND HANDLING.
TITAN GEL Blotter D-Plus (10) B. Preparation of TITAN GEL Chamber
TITAN GEL Blotter X-Plus (10) 1. Dissolve one package of TITAN GEL IFE
TITAN GEL IFE Antisera Kit 3068 Buffer in 1500 mL distilled or deionized
TITAN GEL IFE Protein Fixative (1 x 0.75 mL) water. Mix well for complete dissolution.
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human IgG (1 x 0.75 mL) 2. Pour 50 mL buffer into each inner section
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human IgA (1 x 0.75 mL) of the TITAN GEL Chamber. Total buffer
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human IgM (1 x 0.75 mL) volume = 100 mL. (Alternately, pour 25 mL
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human Kappa (1 x 0.75 mL) into each of the sections of the EWC
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human Lambda (1 x 0.75 mL) Electrophoresis Chamber. Total buffer
TITAN GEL IFE Light Chain Antisera Kit 3069 volume for EWC = 50 mL.)
TITAN GEL IFE Protein Fixative (2 x 0.75 mL) 3. Cover the chamber until ready to use to prevent evaporation.
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human Kappa (2 x 0.75 mL) C. Sample Application
TITAN GEL IFE Antiserum to Human Lambda (2 x 0.75 mL) 1. Remove the TITAN GEL IFE-Plus Gel from the protective package.
Materials provided by Helena Laboratories but not contained in the 2. Gently blot the surface of the gel with TITAN GEL Blotter C-Plus.
kits above: 3. Place the TITAN GEL IFE Sample Template on the gel so that the
Cat. No. small hole, in the end of the template, is positioned at the lower left,
ImmunoFix Controls (3 x 0.5 mL) 9400 and the application slits align with the arrows on the gel edges.
TITAN GEL IgD (1 x 1.0 mL) 9409 Proper placement of the template
TITAN GEL IgE (1 x 1.0 mL) 9410 is with the slightly rough side of
κ κ λ λ
IFE Trivalent Antisera (1 x 1.0 mL) 9411 the slits away from the gel SP G A M SP G A M
IFE Antisera to Free Kappa Light Chains (1 x 1.0 mL) 9412 ensuring uniform absorption of the ➞
IFE Antisera to Free Lambda Light Chains (1 x 1.0 mL) 9413 sample. Apply slight fingertip
Dialamatic Microdispenser and Tubes (1-10 mL) 6210 pressure to the template making TITAN GEL IFE-PLUS
Dialamatic Microdispenser and Tubes (10-100 mL) 6275 sure there are no air bubbles
TITAN GEL Chamber 4063 between it and the gel.
I.O.D. (Incubator, Oven, Dryer) 5116 Note: When wearing rubber gloves to perform this step, place a
EWS Digital Power Supply 1520 Blotter A-Plus over the template and then apply fingertip pressure.
Titan Plus Power Supply 1504 The powder from the gloves can produce artifacts on the gel.
TITAN GEL Isoenzyme Incubation Chamber 4062 4. Apply 2.0 µL of the appropriate serum sample dilution or
TITAN GEL Multi-Staining Set 1558 concentrated urine or cerebral fluid onto the template slit. If urine
EWC Staining Rack for TITAN GEL Iso•Dot 1556 and CSF have been concentrated, use the concentrated sample in
Immuno SuperPress® 9035 every position across the gel.
EWC (Electrophoresis Work Center) 1551 5. Wait five (5) minutes after the last sample has been applied to allow
(Includes electrophoresis chambers, incubation the samples to diffuse into the agarose.
chamber, dryer and staining racks). 6. After allowing the samples to absorb into the agarose, gently blot
Materials and Supplies Needed but not Supplied:
Glacial Acetic Acid
Destaining Solution: 5% acetic acid. Store at 15 to 30°C ➞
SP G A M κ λ SP G A M κ λ
Laboratory Rotator ➞
SP G A M κ λ SP G A M κ λ
SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS the template with a new TITAN GEL Blotter A-Plus and then
Gel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TITAN GEL IFE-Plus Gel carefully remove the template.
Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dissolve in 1500 mL
Buffer Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mL each side D. Electrophoresis of the Sample Gel
Serum Dilution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:2 (.85% Saline) for SP Pattern 1. Place the TITAN GEL IFE-Plus Gel in the inner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:10 (.85% Saline) Immunoglobulin identification sections of the electrophoresis chamber,
Blotter A-Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blot application area agarose side up, with the edges of the gel in
Sample Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 µL the buffer. The application point should be on
Sample Absorption Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 minutes the cathodic (-) side. Only 1 gel can be run per
Application Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cathode chamber. A maximum of 2 chambers can be run on the power
Electrophoresis Time/Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 minutes/120 volts supply.
Fixative Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 drop (approx. 35-50 mL) 2. Place the cover on the TITAN GEL Chamber.
Antisera Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 drop (approx. 35-50 mL) 3. Electrophorese the gel:
Incubation Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 minutes TITAN GEL Chamber: 120 volts/20 minutes
Press Conditions . . . . . Press 1- 1 Blotter C-Plus & 1 Blotter X-Plus EWC Chamber: 120 volts/25 minutes
Press 2- 1 Blotter C-Plus & 1 Blotter D-Plus ALTERNATE ELECTROPHORESIS PROCEDURE
Press Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 minutes and 1 minute 1. While the sample is absorbing into the gel, pour 125 mL buffer into
Wash Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 minutes each of the outer sections of the TITAN GEL Chamber. Total volume
Drying Time/Temp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 minutes/56°C = 250 mL. Remove the TITAN GEL Chamber Cooling Device from
Staining Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 minutes the refrigerator and place it in the center of the TITAN GEL
Destaining Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 x 2 minutes Chamber. Wet the entire surface of the cooling device with a few
Drying Time/Temp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 minutes/56°C drops of buffer.
2. Quickly place the TITAN GEL IFE Gel in the electrophoresis
Recommended EWC Parameters: chamber, agarose side up, on top of the TITAN GEL Chamber
Buffer Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 mL each side Cooling Device. The application point should be on the cathodic (-)
Electrophoresis Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 minutes side. Avoid trapping air bubbles between the agarose gel and glass
Electrophoresis Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 V of the Chamber Cooling Device. Run one gel per chamber.
3. Prepare a wick for each side of the gel by placing three TITAN GEL gel in a drying oven at 56-60°C for 1 minute or until the agarose is
IFE Wicks together in two sets making two thick wicks. Evenly align completely dry.
the edge of each set of wicks, and dip them into the chamber buffer. 7. Stain the gel 4 minutes in Acid Blue Stain. Again a single gel can be
Then attach the wicks to each side of the gel parallel to the edge of laid in a shallow staining dish or 2 gels can be stained together in a
the TITAN GEL Chamber Cooling Device. Gently rub one finger TITAN GEL Multi-Staining Dish and Rack.
across the gel at the wick contact area to insure good contact and to 8. Place the gels in 2 washes of Destain Solution for 1 minute each or
displace trapped bubbles. until the background is clear. (See Materials and Supplies Needed
4. Place the cover on the TITAN GEL Chamber. but not Supplied for destain formulation.)
5. Electrophorese the gel at 250 volts for 15 to 18 minutes. 9. Place the gels in the I.O.D. at 56-60°C until destain has evaporated
PART II: IMMUNOFIXATION and gels are completely dry (about 2-4 minutes).
1. Remove the electrophoresed gel from the chamber. 10. Observe the control wells for the presence of precipitin rings
2. Place the gel in the TITAN GEL Isoenzyme Incubation Chamber indicating appropriate reactivity in the antisera, and interpret results.
which has been lined with a damp blotter or filter paper. Be sure the Stability of End Product: The completed, stained and dried
gel is laying flat against the wet blotter. Should the gel maintain a immunofixation gel is stable for an indefinite period of time.
bowed shape after removal from the electrophoresis chamber, Quality Control: The ImmunoFix Controls (Cat. No. 9400) are
moisten the blotter in the incubation chamber sufficiently to hold it recommended for use as qualitative controls for verification of the
flat. appropriate reactivity of the antisera. The set contains three monoclonal
3. Apply the IFE Controls proteins; IgG Kappa, IgA Lambda and IgM.
a. Since the control wells are very small and maybe filled with buffer
after electrophoresis, blot them very carefully with Blotter A-Plus
to ensure that the wells will hold all control material applied.
b. Align the Antisera Template on the
gel so that the slits in the template
are aligned over the antisera G A M κ λ SP G A M κ
Shaded areas indicate that text has been modified, added or deleted.
Helena Laboratories
Beaumont, Texas
Pro. 109