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( 12) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 11,056,919 B2

Matsumoto et al . (45 ) Date of Patent : * Jul. 6 , 2021
( 54 ) POWER TRANSMISSION DEVICE AND ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
SYSTEM 50/10 ; HO2J 50/12 ; HO2J 50/40 ;
(Continued )
Osaka (JP) ( 56 ) References Cited
( 72 ) Inventors: Hiromu Matsumoto , Osaka (JP ) ; U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Hiroshi Kanno , Osaka (JP ) ; Atsushi 2010/0259217 A1 * 10/2010 Baarman HO2J 7/0013
Yamamoto , Kyoto (JP ) 320/108
2011/0046438 A1 * 2/2011 Iwaisako A61B 1/00029
( 73 ) Assignee : PANASONIC CORPORATION , 600/101
Osaka (JP) (Continued )
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 246 days . JP 2012-504844 2/2012
This patent is subject to a terminal dis JP 2012-161110 A 8/2012
claimer . (Continued )
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 15 /956,204 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(22 ) Filed : Apr. 18 , 2018 The Extended European Search Report dated Dec. 7 , 2015 for
European Patent Application No. 15176947.8 .
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data
Primary Examiner Rexford N Barnie
US 2018/0233962 A1 Aug. 16 , 2018 Assistant Examiner Elim Ortiz
Related U.S. Application Data (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Greenblum & Bernstein ,
( 63 ) Continuation of application No. 14/ 805,058 , filed on
Jul. 21 , 2015 , now Pat . No. 9,979,235 . ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data A power transmission device includes power transmission
coils arranged in a line , a power transmission circuit con
Aug. 5 , 2014 ( JP ) JP2014-159429 nected to the power transmission coils and supplying the AC
power to the power transmission coils , and control circuitry
( 51 ) Int . CI . that switches an electrical connection state between the
HO2J 50/60 ( 2016.01 ) power transmission circuit and each of the power transmis
HO2J 50/12 ( 2016.01 ) sion coils , detect a relative position between the power
( Continued ) receiving coil and each of the power transmission coils ,
selects a number of power transmission coils adjacent to
(52) U.S. CI . each other based on the detected relative position , the
CPC H02J 50/12 ( 2016.02 ) ; HOIF 38/14 selected number of power transmission coils being fixed ,
( 2013.01 ) ; H02J 5/00 ( 2013.01 ) ; H02J 770042 and causes the power transmission circuit to supply the AC
( 2013.01 ) : power to the selected number of power transmission coils . In
(Continued ) (Continued )

100 200 100 200

210 210

110c 110d 110f 110g

US 11,056,919 B2
Page 2

an array direction of the power transmission coils , a width ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
Dwt of each of the power transmission coils is shorter than CPC .. HO2J 50/60 ; HO2J 50/70 ; HO2J 50/80; HO2J
a width Dwr of the power receiving coil and Dwt/ 50/90 ; H02J 7/0042 ; HO2J 7/0044 ; HO2J
Dwrs0.875 . 7/025
See application file for complete search history .
(56 ) References Cited
11 Claims , 16 Drawing Sheets
2011/0186905 A1 * 8/2011 Schwab HO1L 51/5212
2012/0256585 A1 * 10/2012 Partovi HO2J 50/80
( 51 ) Int . CI . 320/108
HO2J 50/10 ( 2016.01 ) 2013/0043836 A1 * 2/2013 Hui HO2J 7/025
H02J 50/40 ( 2016.01 ) 320/108
HO2J 50/70 ( 2016.01 ) 2013/0069586 Al 3/2013 Jung et al .
2013/0175877 Al 7/2013 Abe et al.
HO2J 50/80 ( 2016.01 ) 2014/0306655 A1 * 10/2014 Sadakata HO2J 50/10
HO2J 50/90 ( 2016.01 ) 320/108
H01F 38/14 ( 2006.01 ) 2016/0013658 A1 * 1/2016 Kohara HO2J 50/80
HO2J 5/00 ( 2016.01 ) 307/104
HO2J 7/02 ( 2016.01 )
( 52 ) U.S. CI . JP 2012-523814 A 10/2012
CPC HO2J 770044 (2013.01 ) ; H02J 77025 JP 2013-046439 A 3/2013
( 2013.01 ) ; H02J 50/10 (2016.02 ) ; H02J 50/40 JP 2013-070606 A 4/2013
( 2016.02 ) ; H02J 50/60 (2016.02 ) ; H02J 50/70 WO 2013/099221 7/2013
WO 2014/070026 A1 5/2014
( 2016.02 ) ; H02J 50/80 (2016.02 ) ; H02J 50/90
( 2016.02 ) * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 1 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 1A

FIG . 1B
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 2, 2021 Sheet 2 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 2A
110a 110b 110N


FIG . 2B
110a 110b 110N


120a 120b 120N

U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 3 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 3A
110 210

1 li
I 1
Dwr i

FIG . 3B

Dwt 1 210
1 Dwr 1
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 ,2 2021 Sheet 4 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 4A

110a 110b 110c 110d 110e 110f 110g


FIG . 4B
100 200


FIG . 4C
100 200

110f 110g
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 2, 2021 Sheet 5 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 5A

150 1
1 1



1 1


300 140
000 000 Woo :





220b 1



210 1
230 220 220a 1

U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 6 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 5B
150 1

120 1



300 140

, 000


U.S. Patent Ju . 6 , 2021 Sheet 7 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 6




DC |



U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 7



Dwt 210
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 9 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 8A

0000 X

FIG . 8B
X= Dwt / 2

0000 ?
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 10 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 9

0.45 Dwt / Dwr = 0.5


( a)
Dwt / Dwr = 0.875
( b)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
X / Dwt
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 ,2 2021 Sheet 11 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 10A

Dir = 40 mm OUTSIDE SHAPE : 40x40 mm2


Dwr = 40 mm

FIG . 10B

Dlt = 40 mm

00 Dwt
OUTSIDE SHAPE : Dwtx40 mm2

FIG . 10C
200 .
SHIELD ( ALUMINUM ) (45X45X0.5 mm?)
210 45X45X0.5 mm3
100 110 40 X 40 X0.5 mm
(Dwtx40x0.1 mm )
( 100x50x1 mm)
( 100X50X0.5 mm )
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021
2 Sheet 12 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 11 0.65

Dwt / Dwr

= 0.2 TO 0.77
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

FIG . 12


nmax 75
Dwt / Dwr
= 0.2 TO 0.7


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
U.S. Patent Jul . 6.2 2021 Sheet 13 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 13A
X= 0
Y Y= 0

Dit ? Dir

210 110

FIG . 13B
Y = Dlr /2


110 Dir
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021
2 Sheet 14 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 14 0.6


Dit /Dir = 2.5


Dit /Dir = 2.0

Dit / Dir = 1.5

Dlt / Dir = 1.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Y /( Dir/2 )

FIG . 15 0.6







1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Dit / Dir
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 , 2021 Sheet 15 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 16





1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Dit / Dir
U.S. Patent Jul . 6 2, 2021 Sheet 16 of 16 US 11,056,919 B2

FIG . 17






S111 NO S110
ELAPSED ? N = N +1
US 11,056,919 B2
1 2
SYSTEM However, in such conventional technologies, a power
transmission device of a wireless power transmission system
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 of the coil array type that can achieve a reduction in the
APPLICATION thickness or size thereof has been required.
In one general aspect , the techniques disclosed here
This application is a Continuation Application of U.S. feature a power transmission device comprising:
application Ser. No. 14 / 805,058 , filed Jul. 21 , 2015 , which 10 power transmission coils arranged in a line such that each
claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2014- principal surface of the power transmission coils is in
159429 , filed Aug. 5 , 2014 , the entire contents of which are parallel to a surface of the power transmission device, the
hereby incorporated by reference . power transmission coils transmitting AC power wirelessly
to a power receiving coil of a power receiving device;
BACKGROUND 15 a power transmission circuit that is connected to the
power transmission coils and supplies the AC power to the
1. Technical Field power transmission coils ; and
control circuitry operative to :
The present disclosure relates to a power transmission switch an electrical connection state between the power
device and a wireless power transmission system which are 20 transmission circuit and each of the power transmission
used for wireless power transmission by which non - contact coils ,
transmission of power is performed . detect a relative position between the power receiving coil
2. Description of the Related Art and each of the power transmission coils ,
select the power transmission coils adjacent to each other
25 from the transmission coils based on the detected relative
In recent years , movable devices which can be charged , position , thereby fixing a number of the selected power
such as portable information terminals and electric vehicles , transmission coils , and
have become widespread . A wireless power transmission cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC
system for such devices is being developed . As the wireless power to the selected power transmission coils ,
power transmission technology, schemes such as an elec- 30 wherein in an array direction of the power transmission
tromagnetic induction scheme , a magnetic field resonance coils , a length Dwt of each of the power transmission coils
scheme ( a resonance magnetic field coupling scheme) , and is shorter than a maximum diameter Dwr of the power
an electric field coupling scheme are known. receiving coil .
The wireless power transmission system of the electro- It should be noted that general or specific embodiments
magnetic induction scheme and the wireless power trans- 35 may be implemented as a system , a device, a method , an
mission system of the magnetic field resonance scheme integrated circuit , a computer program , a storage medium , or
include a power transmission device provided with a power any selective combination thereof.
transmission coil and a power receiving device provided According to an aspect of the present disclosure, it is
with a power receiving coil . The power receiving coil possible to implement a reduction in the thickness or size of
complements the magnetic field generated by the power 40 the power transmission device of the wireless power trans
transmission coil, whereby it is possible to transmit power mission system.
without bringing electrodes into direct contact with each Additional benefits and advantages of the disclosed
other. embodiments will become apparent from the specification
One of the requirements which are required in wireless and drawings. The benefits and / or advantages may be indi
power transmission is to make it unnecessary to perform 45 vidually obtained by the various embodiments and features
positioning between the power transmission device and the of the specification and drawings, which need not all be
power receiving device . That is , the requirement is that it is provided in order to obtain one or more of such benefits
possible to perform high -efficiency power transmission and /or advantages.
without adjusting the position and orientation of the power
receiving device to particular position and orientation . For 50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
example, as depicted in FIGS . 1A and 1B , even when the
relative position of a power receiving device 200 with FIGS . 1A and 1B are diagrams depicting two examples of
respect to a power transmission device 100 varies , the power the position of a power receiving device with respect to a
transmission efficiency which is maintained so as to be power transmission device , the position in one example is
roughly constant is required . One of the technologies that 55 different from that in the other example;
eliminate such positioning is a method called a coil array FIGS . 2A and 2B are diagrams depicting a plurality of
type. power transmission coils which are connected in parallel;
In the coil array type , a power transmission device has a FIGS . 3A and 3B are diagrams depicting two examples of
coil array formed of power transmission coils , and a power the placement of a power receiving coil , the placement in
transmission coil to which power is applied is selected 60 one example is different from that in the other example ;
according the position of a power receiving coil . As a result, FIGS . 4A to 4C are perspective views depicting the
irrespective of the position of the power receiving coil , it is positional relationship between a power transmission device
possible to perform high -efficiency power transmission . A and a power receiving device in an embodiment of the
wireless power transmission system of such a coil array type present disclosure;
is disclosed in, for example, Japanese Unexamined Patent 65 FIG . 5A is a diagram depicting the schematic configura
Application Publication No. 2012-504844 , U.S. Pat. No. tion of a wireless power transmission system in Embodiment
8,519,668 , 8,629,654 . 1 of the present disclosure ;
US 11,056,919 B2
3 4
FIG . 5B is a diagram depicting a modified example of a Therefore , a reduction in the thickness or size of the
power transmission device in Embodiment 1 ; power transmission device is needed .
FIG . 6 is a diagram depicting an example of a power From the above consideration , the inventors have con
transmission circuit; ceived of the aspects of the present disclosure which will be
FIG . 7 is a diagram depicting the placement relationship 5 described below .
between a plurality of power transmission coils and a power presentA power transmission device according to an aspect of the
receiving coil; disclosure is a power transmission device compris
ing :
FIGS . 8A and 8B are diagrams, each depicting the state of power
the position of the center of the power receiving coil ; transmission coils arranged in a line such that each
FIG . 9 is a graph depicting the dependence of a coupling 10 parallel
principal surface of the power transmission coils is in
to a surface of the power transmission device, the
coefficient on the position of the power receiving coil ;
FIGS . 10A to 10C are diagrams depicting analysis con topower transmission coils transmitting AC power wirelessly
a power receiving coil of a power receiving device ;
ditions ; a power transmission circuit that is connected to the
FIG. 11 is a graph depicting the dependence of a coupling 15 power transmission coils and supplies the AC power to the
coefficient on the ratio between the width of the power power transmission coils ; and
transmission coil and the width of the power receiving coil ; control circuitry operative to :
FIG . 12 is a graph depicting the dependence of the switch an electrical connection state between the power
maximum transmission efficiency on the ratio between the transmission circuit and each of the power transmission
width of the power transmission coil and the width of the 20 coils ,
power receiving coil; detect a relative position between the power receiving coil
FIGS . 13A and 13B are diagrams, each depicting the state and each of the power transmission coils ,
of the position of the center of the power receiving coil ; select the power transmission coils adjacent to each other
FIG . 14 is a graph depicting the dependence of a coupling from the transmission coils based on the detected relative
coefficient on displacement of the power receiving coil in a 25 position , thereby fixing a number of the selected power
transmission coils , and
second direction ;
FIG . 15 is a graph depicting the dependence of a coupling cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC
coefficient on the ratio between the width of the power power to the selected power transmission coils ,
transmission coil and the width of the power receiving coil wherein in an array direction of the power transmission
with respect to the second direction ; 30 coils , a length Dwt of each of the power transmission coils
FIG . 16 is a graph depicting the dependence of the is shorter than a maximum diameter Dwr of the power
maximum transmission efficiency on the ratio between the receiving coil .
width of the power transmission coil and the width of the According to the above - described aspect , the power trans
power receiving coil with respect to the second direction ; mission device is configured so as to include a plurality of
and 35 power transmission coils arranged in a line in a plane and
FIG . 17 is a diagram depicting an example of a flowchart supply power only to a specific number of power transmis
of the operation of the power transmission device in sion coils of the plurality of power transmission coils .
Embodiment 1 . Moreover, the size of each coil is set such that, when the
power receiving coil faces at least some of the plurality of
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 40 power transmission coils for power transmission, the length
of each power transmission coil in the array direction of the
Underlying Knowledge Forming Basis of the plurality of power transmission coils is shorter than the
Present Disclosure length of the power receiving coil in the same direction . On
the other hand, the length of each power transmission coil in
It has been found out that it is difficult to achieve a 45 a direction perpendicular to the array direction in the above
reduction in the thickness or size of the power transmission described plane is set so as to be longer than the length of
devices of the conventional wireless power transmission the power receiving coil in the same direction . For example,
systems of the coil array type described in, for example, as depicted in FIGS . 3A and 3B , the length Dwr of a power
Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. receiving coil 210 in the array direction of a plurality of
2012-504844 , U.S. Pat . Nos . 8,519,668 , 8,629,654 . 50 power transmission coils 110 varies depending on the rela
The detailed explanation will be given below. tive placement of the plurality of power transmission coils
As depicted in FIG . 2A , in an conventional power trans- 110 and the power receiving coil 210. The width Dwt of each
mission device of the coil array type, when N (N is an power transmission coil in the array direction is set so as to
integer greater than or equal to 2 ) coils 110a to 110N are be smaller than the width Dwr of the power receiving coil
connected in parallel and operated, the inductance of all the 55 210 determined by the orientation of the power receiving
coils becomes 1 /N times the inductance of each coil . coil 210 which is assumed at the time of power transmission.
It has been found out that, for this reason , there is a need If the length Dwr of the power receiving coil 210 in the array
to increase the number of turns or the number of stacked direction of the plurality of power transmission coils 110 is
layers in order to increase the inductance of each coil by N 24 mm , for example, the length of each power transmission
times , which makes it difficult to achieve a reduction in the 60 coil in the array direction is set so as to be shorter than 24
thickness or size of the power transmission device . mm and the length of each power transmission coil in the
Moreover, it has been found out that, in a configuration in direction perpendicular to the array direction is set so as to
which N sets of a coil and a capacitor ( 120a to 120N) are be longer than 24 mm .
connected in parallel as depicted in FIG . 2B , it is necessary FIGS . 4A to 4C are diagrams depicting the appearance
to provide a large number of capacitors , which makes it 65 and operation of a power transmission device 100 in an
difficult to achieve a reduction in the thickness or size of the embodiment. This power transmission device 100 is a wire
power transmission device. less charger and has a flat plate - like structure . As depicted in
US 11,056,919 B2
5 6
FIG . 4A , the power transmission device 100 includes a circuit, and a modulation and demodulation circuit for
plurality of power transmission coils 110 ( in this example , communication . The power receiving circuit 220 is config
seven power transmission coils 110a to 110g) arranged in a ured so as to convert the received AC energy ( power) into
line . Each power transmission coil has a shape with a shorter DC energy (power ) or low - frequency AC energy ( power )
side in an array direction (a lateral direction in the drawing ) 5 which can be used by the load . Various sensors that measure
and a longer side in a direction perpendicular to the array the voltage , the current, and so forth which are output from
direction . Though not depicted in the drawing, the power the power receiving coil 210 may be provided in the power
transmission device 100 also includes a power transmission receiving circuit 220 .
circuit that supplies AC power to each power transmission The power transmission device 100 includes the plurality
coil and a control circuit that controls a connection state 10 of power transmission coils 110 , a plurality of switches 130 ,
between the power transmission circuit and each power a resonant capacitor 120 , a power transmission circuit 140 ,
transmission coil . and a control circuit 150. Each of the plurality of switches
When a power receiving device 200 provided with a 130 is connected to a corresponding one of the plurality of
power receiving coil 210 approaches this power transmis- power transmission coils 110. Here , “ to be connected ”
sion device 100, the control circuit electrically connects two 15 means that a switch is connected to a power transmission
power transmission coils closest to the power receiving coil coil in such a way that there is electrical continuity ther
210 and the power transmission circuit. For example, in the ebetween . The plurality of power transmission coils 110 are
state depicted in FIG . 4B , only two power transmission coils connected in parallel with respect to the power transmission
110c and 110d are connected to the power transmission circuit 140 via the plurality of switches 130. One end of each
circuit . In the state depicted in FIG . 4C , only two power 20 power transmission coil is connected to one electrode of the
transmission coils 110f and 110g are connected to the power capacitor 120. The other electrode of the capacitor 120 is
transmission circuit. In this example, power is supplied to connected to the power transmission circuit 140. Each of the
two power transmission coils at all times , but the number of plurality of switches 130 is connected to a terminal of a
power transmission coils to which power is supplied at the corresponding one of the plurality of power transmission
same time may be a number other than 2. The number of 25 coils 110 on the side thereof to which the capacitor 120 is not
power transmission coils to which power is supplied at the connected . This is because the voltage between the capacitor
same time simply has to be smaller than the total number of 120 and each of the plurality of power transmission coils 110
power transmission coils . As described above, by limiting fluctuates greatly. Incidentally, as depicted in FIG . 5B ,
the number of power transmission coils to which power is another resonant capacitor 121 may be connected between
supplied at the same time to a specific number, it is possible 30 the switches 130 and the power transmission circuit 140. By
to suppress fluctuations in inductance . Moreover, by setting providing the two capacitors 120 and 121 at both ends of
the number of power transmission coils to which power is each coil , it is possible to reduce the voltage which is applied
supplied at the same time to a small number such as 2 , a to each coil . This makes it possible use a low -voltage
reduction in the size of the device is achieved because there switch .
is no need to increase the inductance of each power trans- 35 Each power transmission coil 110 may be a thin planar
mission coil excessively. coil formed of a substrate pattern , for example . The power
As described above , it is possible to achieve a reduction transmission coil 110 does not have to be formed of a
in the thickness or size of the power transmission device in single - layered electric conductor pattern and may have a
this manner. configuration in which a plurality of stacked electric con
Hereinafter, a more detailed embodiment of the present 40 ductor patterns are connected in series, the configuration
disclosure will be described . depicted in FIG . 18 of U.S. Pat . No. 8,629,654 , for example .
A coil having such a configuration is referred to as a
Embodiment “ multi -layer wiring coil ” . In addition to that described
above , a winding coil using a copper wire , a Litz wire, a
[ 1. General Configuration ] 45 twisted wire, or the like can also be used . The value of
FIG . 5A is a block diagram depicting the schematic each power transmission coil can be set at 100 or greater, for
configuration of a wireless power transmission system example, but may also be set at a value smaller than 100. The
according to Embodiment 1 of the present disclosure . The capacitors 120 , 220a , and 220b may be provided if neces
wireless power transmission system includes a power trans- sary. It is also possible to use the self- resonant characteris
mission device 100 and a power receiving device 200 . 50 tics of each coil in place of these capacitors .
The power transmission device 100 wirelessly transfers The power transmission circuit 140 may be , forexample,
the power from plurality of power transmission coils 110 to a full- bridge inverter or a D - class or E - class oscillation
a power receiving coil 210 of a power receiving device 200 . circuit. FIG . 6 depicts an example in which the power
The power receiving device 200 includes the power transmission circuit 140 is formed as a full-bridge inverter.
receiving coil 210 , capacitors 220a and 220b , a power 55 The power transmission circuit 140 may have a modulation
receiving circuit 220 , and a secondary battery 230. The and demodulation circuit for communication and various
power receiving coil 210 and the capacitors 220a and 220b sensors that measure the voltage , the current, and so forth .
form a serial and parallel resonance circuit . The power The power transmission circuit 140 is connected to an
receiving circuit 220 rectifies the AC power received by the external DC power supply 300. The power transmission
power receiving coil 210 and outputs the resultant power. 60 circuit 140 converts the DC power input from the DC power
The secondary battery 230 is charged with the DC power supply 300 into AC power and outputs the resultant AC
output from the power receiving circuit 220. The energy power. This AC power is sent out into space by the two
accumulated in the secondary battery 230 is consumed by an power transmission coils selected from among the plurality
unillustrated load . of power transmission coils 110 .
The power receiving circuit 220 may include various 65 The frequency at the time of power transmission is set at
circuits such as a rectifier circuit, a frequency conversion the same value as the resonance frequency of a power
circuit , a constant voltage and constant current control transmission resonator formed of the power transmission
US 11,056,919 B2
7 8
coils 110 and the capacitor 120 , for example. However, the change a power transmission parameter such that a fixed
frequency at the time of power transmission is not limited voltage is supplied to the load , for example. Such a power
thereto and may be set at a value within a range of about transmission parameter may be , for example , a frequency, a
85 % to 115 % of the resonance frequency of the power phase difference between a switching element pair of an
transmission resonator, for example. The frequency band of 5 inverter, or an input voltage of the inverter. When the input
power transmission can be set at a value within a range of voltage is adjusted, the power transmission circuit 140 may
100 to 200 kHz, for example , but may be set at a value out have a DC/DC converter between the DC power supply 300
of the above range. and the inverter. By changing these power transmission
The power supply 300 may be a commercial power parameters, it is possible to change the voltage which is
supply, a primary battery, a secondary battery, a solar 10 supplied to the load .
battery , a fuel cell , a universal serial bus ( USB ) power The power transmission device 100 may include an
supply, a high -capacity capacitor ( for example , an electric element other than the component elements described
double layer capacitor) , a voltage converter connected to the above . For example, the power transmission device 100 may
commercial power supply, or a combination thereof. include a display element that displays the result of detection
The control circuit 150 is a processor that controls the 15 of the power receiving coil 210 or a foreign substance
overall operation of the power transmission device 100. The performed by the control circuit 150. Such a display element
control circuit 150 can be implemented by, for example, a may be , for example, a light source such as an LED .
combination of a CPU and memory storing a computer Moreover, an oscillation circuit and a detection coil for
program . The control circuit 150 may be a dedicated inte- detecting a foreign substance may be provided .
grated circuit configured so as to implement the operation of 20 Moreover, the configuration of the power receiving device
this embodiment. The control circuit 150 performs power 200 is not limited to the configuration depicted in FIG . 5A .
transmission control ( adjustment of a power transmission As long as the power receiving device 200 has the power
state ) by the power transmission circuit 140 and control of receiving coil 210 that receives at least part of the energy
the opening and closing state of the plurality of switches which is sent out from the power transmission coils 110 , the
130 . 25 configuration thereof may be arbitrarily designed .
The control circuit 150 further detects the relative position [ 2. Configuration of the Power Transmission Coils ]
of the power receiving coil 210 with respect to the plurality Next , the detailed configuration of the plurality of power
of power transmission coils 110. In addition thereto , the transmission coils 110 in this embodiment will be described .
control circuit 150 may detect a foreign substance, such as FIG . 7 is a diagram for explaining the relationship
metal , which is close to the power transmission coil 110. The 30 between the size of each of the plurality of power transmis
detection of the position of the power receiving coil 210 and sion coils 110 and the size of the power receiving coil 210 .
the detection of a foreign substance can be performed based In FIG . 7 , for the sake of simplification, each coil is depicted
on the measurement value of a parameter which varies with in the form of a donut; in actuality, each coil has a structure
a change in impedance, such as the voltage , current, fre- including a winding and two leads . Also in the subsequent
quency , and inductance on the circuit . More specifically, the 35 drawings, each coil is simplified in a similar fashion . In
control circuit 150 sequentially turns on a given number of FIGS . 8A and 8B , four power transmission coils 110 are
switches 130 ( for example, two switches 130 ) at a time and depicted as an example , but more power transmission coils
measures any one of the parameters described above every 110 may be provided .
time the control circuit 150 turns on the given number of The plurality of power transmission coils 110 in this
switches 130. When a value out of a specified range is 40 embodiment are arranged in a line in a plane. As depicted in
obtained by measurement, the control circuit 150 can deter- FIG . 10 , the plane means a glass epoxy substrate , for
mine that the power receiving coil 210 or a foreign substance example. The plane is in parallel to a surface of the power
is present near the power transmission coil to which power transmission device. Hereinafter, this array direction is
is being supplied at the time of measurement. In order to referred to as a first direction . The width ( also referred to as
make such detection possible , the control circuit 150 may 45 the length ) Dwt of each power transmission coil in the first
include an unillustrated detection circuit. In the present direction is shorter than the width Dwr of the power receiv
disclosure , the detection of the power receiving coil 210 and ing coil 210 .
the detection of a foreign substance are not limited to a On the other hand, in a direction (hereinafter referred to
particular method and can be performed by any publicly as a “ second direction ” ) perpendicular to the first direction
known method . 50 in the above -described plane , the width (also referred to as
The control circuit 150 in this embodiment selects two the length ) Dlt of each power transmission coil is longer than
power transmission coils which are used in power transmis- the width Dir of the power receiving coil 210 in order to
sion according the relative position of the power receiving prevent a reduction in the charging performance even when
coil 210 with respect to the plurality of power transmission the power receiving coil 210 is slightly displaced in the
coils 110. Then , the control circuit 150 switches the con- 55 second direction .
duction state of the plurality of switches 130 such that AC In the example depicted in FIG . 7 , Dwt Dwr/ 2 , but the
power is supplied only to the selected two power transmis- relationship between Dwt and Dwr simply has to satisfy
sion coils from the power transmission circuit 140. As a Dwt< Dwr. Incidentally, the width Dwr of the power receiv
result , the AC energy is sent out into space from the selected ing coil 210 corresponds to the “ maximum diameter ”
two power transmission coils . 60 described above . When the power receiving coil 210 is
The control circuit 150 may have a communication circuit circular, the maximum diameter Dwr corresponds to a
that performs communication with the power receiving diameter.
device 200. With the communication circuit , it is possible to The inventors of the present disclosure studied the pre
obtain , for example , information indicating fluctuations in ferred size ratio between the power transmission coil and the
the impedance of a load of the power receiving device 200. 65 power receiving coil 210 when the number of power trans
Based on this information , the control circuit 150 can give mission coils to which power is supplied is limited to two.
an instruction to the power transmission circuit 140 to As a result , the inventors have found out that it is possible
US 11,056,919 B2
9 10
to ensure an especially high coupling coefficient when Considering to simplify, what a position relation between
0.2sDwt/Dwrs0.7 . Hereinafter, the above findings will be a wiring area of the power transmission coil 110 and a wiring
explained. area of the power receiving coil 210 becomes closer means
FIGS . 8A and 8B and FIG . 9 are diagrams for explaining that an area where a wiring area of the power transmission
how a coupling coefficient differs depending on the posi- 5 coil 110 overlaps with a wiring area of the power receiving
tional relationship between the power transmission coils 110 coil 210 when viewed from a direction of center axes of the
and the power receiving coil 210. FIG . 8A depicts a state in power transmission coils and the power receiving coil
which the center of the power receiving coil 210 is located becomes larger.
at a point midway between the adjacent two power trans Therefore, the coupling coefficient becomes maximum if
mission coils 110. At this time , the X coordinate of the center 10 a center
of the power receiving coil 210 is 0 (X =0 ) . FIG . 8B depicts the powerofreceiving
the power transmission coil 110 corresponds to
coil 210 when viewed from a direction
a state in which the center of the power receiving coil 210 of center axes of the power
is located on the center of one of the power transmission receiving coil , a size of thetransmission coils and the power
power transmission coil 110
coils 110. At this time , the X coordinate of the center of the
power receiving coil 210 is Dwt/2 ( X = Dwt/ 2 ). 15 being same size of the power receiving coil 210 .
FIG . 9 is a graph depicting a change in the coupling If Dwt/Dwr = 0.5 , a width of the power receiving coil 210
coefficient when X/Dwt is changed between 0 and 0.5 . This becomes two times of width of the power transmission coil
graph depicts the results of calculation performed for two 210 ( two times of width equals a width of the two power
cases : Dwt/Dwr = 0.5 and Dwt/Dwr = 0.875 . transmission coil ) . If the center of the power receiving coil
FIGS . 10A to 10C depict analysis conditions in this 20 210 corresponds to the power transmission coil 110 when
calculation . In this calculation , as depicted in FIG . 10A , the viewed from a direction of center axes of the power trans
power receiving coil 210 has a circular winding (the number mission coils and the power receiving coil , the position
of turns: 8 ) having a size of 40 mmx40 mm . As depicted in relation between the wiring area of the power transmission
FIG . 10B , the power transmission coil 110 has an elliptical coil 110 and the wiring area of the power receiving becomes
winding ( the number of turns: 10 ) of a size of Dwt [mm ] x40 25 the farthest position relation . Then the area where the wiring
mm . The number of power transmission coils 110 was set at area of the power transmission coil 110 overlaps with the
2 and the interval ( pitch ) between the power transmission wiring area of the power receiving coil 210 becomes small
coils 110 was set at a value which is almost the same as Dwt .
FIG . 10C is a sectional view schematically depicting the estAlso . At the time , the coupling coefficient becomes minimum .
configuration and placement of the power transmission 30 sponds toif the the center of the power receiving coil 210 corre
middle point between the adjacent two power
device 100 and the power receiving device 200 assumed in transmission coils 110 when viewed from a direction of
this analysis. As depicted in FIG . 10C , each power trans center axes of the power
mission coil is formed of a coil pattern formed on both faces receiving coil , the positiontransmission
coils and the power
between the wiring area
of a glass epoxy substrate ( FR4 ) by using copper. A mag
netic material is provided on a side of the power transmis- 35 power
of the power transmission
receiving coilnearest
becomes the 110 andposition
the wiring area .ofAlsothe
sion coil 110 where the back thereof is located , and an
aluminum shield is further provided. As for the power the area where the wiring area of the power transmission coil
receiving coil 210 , likewise , a magnetic material and an 110 overlaps with the wiring area of the power receiving coil
aluminum shield are placed on a side thereof which does not 210 becomes largest. At the time , the coupling coefficient
face the power transmission coil 110. The distance between 40 becomes maximum .
the power transmission coil 110 and the power receiving coil Next , if Dwt/ Dwr = 0.875 and X/Dwt =0 , the coupling
210 was set at 3 mm . In this configuration, AC magnetic coefficient became minimum . If Dwt/Dwr = 0.875 and
fields of the same phase , the AC magnetic fields of a X/Dwt =0.5 , the coupling coefficient became maximum .
frequency of 110 kHz, were generated from the two power That is , if Dwt/Dwr = 0.875, the coupling coefficient became
transmission coils 110 . 45 minimum when the center of the power transmission coil
As is clear from the results depicted in FIG . 9 , if Dwt/ 110 corresponds to the middle point between the adjacent
Dwr=0.5 and X/Dwt= 0.5 , the coupling coefficient became two power transmission coils 110 when viewed from a
minimum . If Dwt/Dwr=0.5 and X/ Dwt=0 , the coupling direction of center axes of the power transmission coils and
coefficient became maximum . That is , if Dwt/Dwr = 0.5 , the the power receiving coil as depicted in FIG . 8A . As depicted
coupling coefficient became minimum when a center of the 50 in FIG . 8B , also if the center of the power transmission coil
power transmission coil 110 corresponds to a center of the 110 corresponds to the center of the power receiving coil 210
power receiving coil 210 when viewed from a direction of when viewed from a direction of center axes of the power
center axes of the power transmission coils and the power transmission coils and the power receiving coil , the coupling
receiving coil as depicted in FIG . 8B . coefficient became maximum . Hereinafter, the reason will be
Also if Dwt/Dwr=0.5 , the coupling coefficient became 55 described .
maximum when a center of the power receiving coil 210 If Dwt/Dwr=0.875 , a width of the power receiving coil
corresponds to a middle point between the adjacent two 210 becomes almost same width of the power transmission
power transmission coils 110 when viewed from a direction coil 210 ( almost same width equals a width of the one power
of center axes of the power transmission coils and the power transmission coil ) .
receiving coil as depicted in FIG . 8A . Hereinafter, the reason 60 Then if the center of the power receiving coil 210 corre
will be described . sponds to the middle point between the adjacent two power
Generally, as a position relation between a wiring area of transmission coils 110 when viewed from a direction of
the power transmission coil 110 and a wiring area of the center axes of the power transmission coils and the power
power receiving coil 210 becomes closer, the coupling receiving coil , the position relation between the wiring area
coefficient between the power transmission coil 110 and the 65 of the power transmission coil 110 and the wiring area of the
powerreceiving coil 210 becomes larger. Here , a wiring area power receiving becomes the furthest position relation . Then
of coil means an area where a winding wire exists . the area where the wiring area of the power transmission coil
US 11,056,919 B2
11 12
110 overlaps with the wiring area of the power receiving coil calculated a coupling coefficient for each of the case in
210 becomes smallest . At the time , the coupling coefficient which the center of the power receiving coil 210 is located
becomes minimum . at a point midway between the two power transmission coils
Also if the center of the power transmission coil 110 and the case in which the center of the power receiving coil
corresponds to the center of the power receiving coil 210 5 210 is located on a central axis of one power transmission
when viewed from a direction of center axes of the power coil while changing the ratio between the power transmis
transmission coils and the power receiving coil , the position sion coil width Dwt and the power receiving coil width Dwr.
relation between the wiring area of the power transmission FIG . 11 is a graph depicting the results of this calculation .
coil 110 and the wiring area of the power receiving becomes As depicted in this graph, the coupling coefficient became
the nearest position relation . Then the area where the wiring 10 0.37 or more in both cases when Dwt/Dwr is 0.2 or more but
area of the power transmission coil 110 overlaps with the 0.7 or less , and satisfactory results were obtained .
wiring area of the power receiving coil 210 becomes largest. FIG . 12 is a graph representing the results depicted in
At the time , the coupling coefficient becomes maximum . FIG . 11 as the maximum transmission efficiency nmax
A first case and a second case are two most extreme between the coils . The maximum transmission efficiency
samples within position relations that the power transmis- 15 nmax is given by the following equation ( 1 ) .
sion coil and the power receiving coil are able to exist in the
array direction ( first direction) , the first case being a case
that the center of the power receiving coil 210 corresponds 2 +kQ/ QR - 2V1 + k Q7. QR 1
to the middle point between the adjacent two power trans ????
mission coils 110 when viewed from a direction of center 20
axes of the power transmission coils and the power receiving
coil as depicted in FIG . 8A ( X /Dwt = 0 ) and the second case Here, k is a coupling coefficient, QZx is the Q value of a
being a case that the center of the power transmission coil resonator formed of the power transmission coil 110 and the
110 corresponds to the center of the power receiving coil 210 capacitor 120 , and Qrx is the Q value of a resonator formed
when viewed from a direction of center axes of the power 25 of the power receiving coil 210 and the capacitors 220a and
transmission coils and the power receiving coil as depicted 220b . Incidentally, in this embodiment, since the Q value of
in FIG . 8B ( X /Dwt= 0.5 ). the coil is lower than the Q value of the capacitor, the Q
If X/ Dwt<0 or X/ Dwt>0.5 , adjacent two coils in the value of the resonator is nearly equal to the Q value of the
closest distance from the power receiving coil are selected coil . Under the conditions in this calculation , Q1x = 15 and
again among a plurality of the power transmission coils . By 30 Qxx = 30.
above -mentioned method , the position relation of selected As is clear from FIG . 12 , when Dwt/Dwr is 0.2 or more
adjacent two coils becomes a same position relation between but 0.7 or less , irrespective of the position of the power
power transmission coil and the power receiving , the same receiving coil 210 , the maximum transmission efficiency is
position relation satisfying a range of 0 <X/ Dwts0.5 . 77 % or more and can be maintained at a high value .
Therefore upon considering the range of OsX/Dwts0.5 , 35 Therefore, it has been confirmed that, also from the view
all position relations between the power transmission coil point of the transmission efficiency, it is preferable that
and the power receiving coil are considered in the array Dwt/Dwr is 0.2 or more but 0.7 or less .
direction ( first direction ). And positions of X/ Dwt=0 and Next , the inventors of the present disclosure studied the
X/ Dwt=0.5 are both ends of range where the power receiv preferred size ratio between the width Dlt of each power
ing coil are able to exist in the array direction. 40 transmission coil and the width Dir of the power receiving
The coupling coefficient between the power transmission coil 210 in the second direction . As a result , the inventors
coil and the power receiving coil becomes maximum range have found out that, when 1.0sDwt/Dwrs2.0 , fluctuations in
where the power receiving coil 210 at any position of range the coupling coefficient are relatively small even when the
of OsX/Dwts0.5 . power receiving coil 210 is displaced in the second direc
To recognize two cases of Dwt /Dwr = 0.5 and Dwt/ 45 tion . Hereinafter, the above findings will be explained.
Dwr=0.5 , for example, if a position such that the coupling FIGS . 13A and 13B are diagrams, each depicting the
coefficient becomes maximum is XO ( X = XO ), one of positional relationship between the power transmission coils
X /Dwt= 0 and X /Dwt= 0.5 becomes the farthest position 110 and the power receiving coil 210 when the power
from X = X0. And at the time , the coupling coefficient receiving coil 210 is displaced in the second direction . When
becomes minimum . 50 the power receiving coil 210 is displaced in the second
That is , whatever each size of the power transmission coil direction , by making the width Dlt of the power transmission
and the power receiving coil , the coupling coefficient coil 110 greater than the width Dir of the power receiving
between the power transmission coil and the power receiv- coil 210 , it is possible to suppress a decline in the coupling
ing coil becomes minimum in a first case and a second case , coefficient caused by the displacement of the power receiv
the first case being a case that the center of the power 55 ing coil 210 in the second direction .
receiving coil 210 corresponds to the middle point between FIG . 14 is a graph of a change in the coupling coefficient
the adjacent two power transmission coils 110 when viewed calculated by electromagnetic field analysis, the change
from a direction of center axes of the power transmission which is caused by the width Dlt of the power transmission
coils and the power receiving coil as depicted in FIG . 8A and coil 110 and is observed when the power receiving coil 210
the second case being a case that the center of the power 60 is displaced in the second direction . The analysis conditions
transmission coil 110 corresponds to the center of the power are the same as those in FIGS . 10A to 10C , and Dwt=Dwrx
receiving coil 210 when viewed from a direction of center 0.3 . However, the sizes of the shield , the magnetic material,
axes of the power transmission coils and the power receiving the glass epoxy substrate, and so forth in the second direc
coil as depicted in FIG . 8B . tion are changed under the same conditions depending on
Thus, the inventors of the present disclosure calculated an 65 the value of the width Dit of the power transmission coil 110 .
optimum coil size ratio for each of these two cases such that FIG . 14 reveals that, by making the width Dlt of the power
the coupling coefficient becomes minimum . The inventors transmission coil 110 greater than the width Dir of the power
US 11,056,919 B2
13 14
receiving coil 210 (making Dlt/Dir greater than 1 ) , a decline the inverter. The power transmission circuit 140 sets these
in the coupling coefficient caused by the displacement of the parameters at values suitable for detection of the position of
power receiving coil 210 in the Y - axis direction is sup- the power receiving coil and oscillates . Next, the control
pressed. circuit 150 determines whether or not the monitor values of
At that time , it reveals that, if the power receiving coil 210 5 the current flowing through the circuit , the voltage , the
is placed in a position in which Y=0 , that is , if the power impedance, and so forth are within predetermined ranges
receiving coil 210 is placed in a right position facing two ( step S104 ) . If the monitor values are within the predeter
coils of the power transmission coils 110 , the two coils mined ranges, the power transmission circuit 140 stops
which are driven , the coupling coefficient declines. output ( step S108 ) . Then , the control circuit 150 determines
Thereforeby, when
permitted makingdisplacement
the width Dltin of
transmisis 10 whether or not the variable N is equal to a value obtained by
sion coil 110 greater than the width Dir of the power subtracting 1 from the number Nmax of power transmission
receiving coil 210 , the value of the width Dlt of the power coils ( step S109 ) . If N is not equal to Nmax - 1, the control
transmission coil 110 is determined based on the degree of circuit 150 substitutes N + 1 into the variable N ( step S110 ) .
decline in the coupling coefficient observed when the power 15 Then , steps S102 to S104 and S108 to S110 are repeated
until the monitor values fall within the predetermined ranges
transmission coils 110 and the power receiving coil 210 are or N = Nmax - 1 .
placed in a right position so as to face each other.
FIG . 15 is a graph of the coupling coefficient based on the If it is determined in step S109 that N = Nmax - 1, the
value of the width Dlt of the power transmission coil 110 , the power transmission device 100 waits until a predetermined
coupling coefficient calculated when the power transmission 20 time elapses ( step S111 ) . This is a step which is performed
coils 110 and the power receiving coil 210 are placed in a when significant changes in the monitor values are not
right position so as to face each other. As depicted in this detected after the completion of the determination per
graph, satisfactory results were obtained when Dlt/Dir was formed on all the power transmission coils 110. At this time ,
1.0 or more but 2.0 or less . Dit/Dir exceeding 2.0 is not since it can be considered that the power receiving coil 210
desirable because the coupling coefficient declines sharply if 25 is not present in the neighborhood, the power transmission
Dlt /Dir exceeds 2.0 . device 100 performs step S101 again after waiting for a
FIG . 16 is a graph representing the results depicted in predetermined time.
FIG . 15 as the maximum transmission efficiency nmax If it is determined in step S104 that the monitor values are
between the coils . The conditions are the same as those in out of the predetermined ranges , the control circuit 150
FIG . 12 . 30 determines whether or not communication with the power
As is clear from FIG . 16 , when Dlt /Dir is 1.0 or more but receiving device 200 has been established ( step S105 ) . If
2.0 or less , the maximum transmission efficiency is 75 % or communication has been established , the power transmis
more and can be maintained at a high value . Dlt/Dir exceed- sion circuit 140 performs power transmission by using a
ing 2.0 is not desirable because the maximum transmission parameter value for power transmission ( step S106 ) . This
efficiency declines sharply if Dlt /Dir exceeds 2.0 . 35 parameter value is a value suitable for power transmission
Thus, it has been confirmed that, also from the viewpoint and is set depending on a load ( for example, a secondary
of the transmission efficiency, it is preferable that Dlt/Dir is battery ) of the power receiving device 200. The control
1.0 or more but 2.0 or less . circuit 150 performs the operation in step S105 once every
The fluctuations in the coupling coefficient observed predetermined time during power transmission to check
when the power receiving coil 210 is displaced in the second 40 whether or not communication is interrupted .
direction indicate a similar tendency irrespective of the If it is determined in step S105 that communication has
value of Dwt , the number of feeder coils , and displacement not been established , the power transmission circuit 140
in the first direction . Therefore , in the above results, descrip- stops output ( step S107 ) . In this case , the power transmis
tions have been given by taking up , as an example, a case in sion device 100 waits until a predetermined time elapses
which the number of coils to which power is supplied, the 45 ( step S111 ) . Then , the power transmission device 100 per
coils of the power transmission coils for which settings are forms the operation in step S101 again .
made such that Dwt= Dwrx0.3 , is 2 and there is no displace- As a result of the above -described operation, only when
ment in the first direction ( X = 0 ), but the results are not a state in which the power receiving coil 210 is approaching
limited to those conditions. is detected , it is possible to transmit power by using the two
[ 3. Operation] 50 power transmission coils closest to the power receiving coil
Next, with reference to a flowchart of FIG . 17 , an example 210. Detection of the power receiving coil 210 can be
of the operation of the power transmission device 100 of this performed by intermittent oscillation ( intermittent opera
embodiment will be described . tion) by which several periods of AC are produced once
When the powertransmission device 100 is turned on , the every 1 millisecond to a few seconds , for example. Since
control circuit 150 substitutes 1 into a variable N (step 55 switching to continuous operation is performed only when
S101 ) . The variable N indicates the number of the power the power receiving coil 210 is detected , it is possible to
transmission coil 110. The control circuit 150 selects , as a suppress an increase in power consumption. The operating
power transmission coil to which power is supplied , an N -th frequency of the power transmission circuit 140 in this
power transmission coil and an N + 1 - th power transmission detection operation may be the same as the frequency for
coil ( step S102 ) . At this time , the control circuit 150 turns on 60 power transmission or may be different therefrom .
only two switches connected to the selected two power According to this embodiment, the number of power
transmission coils . Then , the power transmission circuit 140 transmission coils which are used for power transmission is
sets a power transmission parameter at a value for position always limited to a fixed number ( two in the above -de
detection and oscillates for a given length of time ( step scribed example ). Furthermore, the plurality of power trans
S103 ) . The parameters set here may include , for example, 65 mission coils are arranged in a line , and the length of each
the frequency and the amount of phase shift between a powertransmission coil in the array direction is shorter than
switching element pair of an inverter or the input voltage of the length of the power receiving coil . As a result , it is
US 11,056,919 B2
15 16
possible to achieve a reduction in the size of the power [ Item 2 ]
transmission device and implement high -efficiency power The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
transmission . wherein
Incidentally, in the embodiment described above , the in the array direction of the power transmission coils , the
number of power transmission coils which are used for 5 length Dwt of each of the power transmission coils is shorter
power transmission is maintained at a fixed number at all than the maximum diameter Dwr of the power receiving coil
times , but it does not necessarily have to be maintained at a and satisfies 0.2sDwt/Dwrs0.7 .
fixed number. For example, the number of power transmis According to the above - described aspect , by satisfying
sion coils to which power is supplied may be changed 0.2sDwt
depending on the size of the power receiving coil . If the 10 moves in/Dwrs0.7 , even when the power receiving coil
width Dwt of the power transmission coil is 1/3 or less of the coupling coefficientdirection
the array , it is possible to maintain the
width Dwr of the power receiving coil , for example, three and the power receiving coil atthea high
between power transmission coil
value . In addition , it
power transmission coils face the power receiving coil . In is also possible to maintain the efficiency
such a case , power may be supplied to three power trans mission between the power transmission coilofand power trans
the power
mission coils , not two power transmission coils . 15
The present disclosure includes a power transmission receiving coil at a high value .
device and a wireless power transmission system provided Item 31
with the power transmission device which are described in The power transmission device according to Item 1 or 2 ,
the following items . wherein the power transmission coils whose number is fixed
[ Item 1 ] 20 are two power transmission coils .
A power transmission device comprising: According to the above - described aspect , by setting the
power transmission coils arranged in a line such that each number of the power transmission coils to which power is
principal surface of the power transmission coils is in supplied at the same time to a small number such as 2 ,
parallel to a surface of the power transmission device , the reduction in the size of the device is achieved because there
power transmission coils transmitting AC power wirelessly 25 is no need to increase the inductance of each power trans
to a power receiving coil of a power receiving device ; mission coil excessively.
a power transmission circuit that is connected to the [ Item 4 ]
power transmission coils and supplies the AC power to the The power transmission device according to one of Items
power transmission coils ; and 1 to 3 , wherein the selected power transmission coils whose
control circuitry operative to : 30
number is fixed generate magnetic fields of a same phase and
switch an electrical connection state between the power are connected to the power transmission circuit.
transmission circuit and each of the power transmission [ Item 5 ]
coils ,
detect a relative position between the power receiving coil 1 toThe4 ,power
transmission device according to one of Items
in a direction perpendicular to the array
and each of the power transmission coils , 35
select the power transmission coils adjacent to each other direction in the plane, a ratio Dlt/Dir between a length Dit
from the transmission coils based on the detected relative of each of the power transmission coils and a length Dir of
position , thereby fixing a number of the selected power the power receiving coil is 1.0 or more but 2.0 or less .
transmission coils , and According to the above - described aspect , when the ratio
cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC 40 ( Dlt/Dir ) between the length (DR) of each power transmis
power to the selected power transmission coils , sion coil and the length (Dir) of the power receiving coil is
wherein in an array direction of the power transmission 1.0 or more but 2.0 or less , the results indicating a satisfac
coils , a length Dwt of each of the power transmission coils tory coupling coefficient are obtained . Dlt/Dir exceeding 2.0
is shorter than a maximum diameter Dwr of the power is not desirable because the coupling coefficient declines
receiving coil. 45 sharply if Dlt/Dir exceeds 2.0 .
According to the above -described aspect, the relative Moreover, if Dlt / Dir is 1.0 or more but 2.0 or less , the
position of the power receiving coil with respect to the maximum transmission efficiency is 75 % or more and can be
plurality of power transmission coils is detected , two or maintained at a high value . Dlt /Dir exceeding 2.0 is not
more adjacent power transmission coils whose number is desirable because the maximum transmission efficiency
fixed , the two or more adjacent power transmission coils 50 declines sharply if Dit/Dir exceeds 2.0 .
corresponding to the detected relative position of the power Therefore, from the viewpoint of the coupling coefficient
receiving coil , are selected by switching the connection state and the transmission efficiency, it is preferable that Dlt/ Dir
between the power transmission circuit and the plurality of is 1.0 or more but 2.0 or less .
power transmission coils , and the AC power is supplied to [Item 6 ]
the selected at least two adjacent power transmission coils . 55 The power transmission device according to one of Items
As a result , even when the power receiving coil moves in 1 to 5 , wherein a length of each of the power transmission
the array direction , it is possible to maintain the coupling coils in the array direction is shorter than 24 mm , and a
coefficient between the power transmission coil and the length of each of the power transmission coils in the plane
power receiving coil at a high value . In addition , it is also in a direction perpendicular to the array direction is longer
possible to maintain the efficiency of power transmission 60 than 24 mm .
between the power transmission coil and the power receiv- [ Item 7 ]
ing coil at a high value . Therefore, since the number of turns The power transmission device according to one of Items
or the number of stacked layers of each power transmission 1 to 6 , wherein the power transmission coils are connected
coil is not increased and it is not necessary to provide a large in parallel with the power transmission circuit side by side,
number of capacitors in each power transmission coil , it is 65 the power transmission device further includes switches
possible to reduce the thickness or size of the power trans- which are placed between the power transmission circuit and
mission device . the power transmission coils , and
US 11,056,919 B2
17 18
the control circuit switches the connection state between cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC
the power transmission circuit and the power transmission power to the selected power transmission coils ,
coils by switching a conduction state of switches . wherein in an array direction of the power transmission
According to the above -described aspect , since the mag coils , a length Dwt of each of the power transmission coils
netic fields radiated from the plurality of power transmission 5 is shorter than a maximum diameter Dwr of the power
coils are not blocked by the power transmission circuit, it is receiving coil and a ratio between the length Dwt and the
possible to transmit power without a reduction in the trans maximum
[ Item 11 ]
diameter Dwr satisfies 0.2sDwt/Dwrs0.7 .
mission efficiency. A power transmission device that performs non - contact
[ Item 8 ]
The power transmission device according to one of Items 10 withtransmission
a powerofreceiving
power tocoila power receiving
, the power device provided
transmission device
1 to 7 , wherein including : a plurality of power transmission coils arranged
each end of the power transmission coils is connected ,
each another end of the power transmission coils is inconnected a line in a plane ; a power transmission circuit that is
to the plurality of power transmission coils and
connected to one of switches , and 15 supplies AC power to the plurality of power transmission
the power transmission device further includes a resonant coils ; and a control circuit that controls a connection state
capacitor which is connected between the each end of the between the power transmission circuit and each power
power transmission coils and the power transmission circuit . transmission coil , in which in an array direction of the
According to the above -described aspect , by using a plurality of power transmission coils , the length of each
capacitor, it is possible to reduce a voltage which is applied 20 power transmission coil is shorter than the length of the
to each coil . This makes it possible to use a low -voltage power receiving coil , in a direction perpendicular to the
switch . array direction in the plane , the length of each power
[ Item 9 ] transmission coil is longer than the length of the power
A wireless power transmission system comprising: receiving coil , and the control circuit switches the connec
a power transmission device ; and 25 tion state between the power transmission circuit and the
a power receiving device including a power receiving plurality of power transmission coils such that the AC power
coil , wherein is supplied to at least two adjacent power transmission coils
the power transmission device includes power transmis- selected from among the plurality of power transmission
sion coils arranged in a line in a plane , coils according the relative position of the power receiving
a power transmission circuit that is connected to the 30 coil with respect to the plurality of power transmission coils .
power transmission coils and supplies AC power to the [ Item 12 ]
power transmission coils , and The power transmission device according to Item 11 , in
control circuitry operative to : which the control circuit connects a fixed number of power
switch an electrical connection state between the power transmission coils selected from among the plurality of
transmission circuit and each of the power transmission 35 power transmission coils to the power transmission circuit
coils, when performing power transmission .
detect a relative position between the power receiving coil [ Item 131
and each of the power transmission coils , The power transmission device according to Item 12 , in
select the power transmission coils adjacent to each other which the control circuit connects two power transmission
from the transmission coils based on the detected relative 40 coils selected from among the plurality of power transmis
position , thereby fixing a number of the selected power sion coils to the power transmission circuit when performing
transmission coils , and power transmission .
cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC [ Item 14 ]
power to the selected power transmission coils , The power transmission device according to one of Items
in an array direction of the power transmission coils , a 45 11 to 13 , in which the plurality of power transmission coils
length Dwt of each of the power transmission coils is shorter are connected to the power transmission circuit in such a
than a maximum diameter Dwr of the power receiving coil . way that the selected at least two power transmission coils
[ Item 10] generate magnetic fields of the same phase .
A power transmission device comprising: [ Item 15 ]
power transmission coils arranged in a line such that each 50 The power transmission device according to one of Items
principal surface of the power transmission coils is in 11 to 14 , in which if the length of each power transmission
parallel to a surface of the power transmission device , the coil in the array direction is Dwt and the maximum diameter
power transmission coils transmitting AC power wirelessly of the power receiving coil is Dwr, 0.2sDwt/Dwrs0.7 is
to a power receiving coil of a power receiving device ; satisfied .
a power transmission circuit that is connected to the 55 [ Item 16 ]
power transmission coils and supplies the AC power to the The power transmission device according to one of Items
power transmission coils ; and 11 to 15 , in which the length of each power transmission coil
control circuitry operative to : in the array direction is shorter than 24 mm , and the length
switch an electrical connection state between the power of each power transmission coil in the plane in a direction
transmission circuit and each of the power transmission 60 perpendicular to the array direction is longer than 24 mm .
coils , [ Item 171
detect a relative position between the power receiving coil The power transmission device according to one of Items
and each of the power transmission coils , 11 to 16 , in which the plurality of power transmission coils
select the power transmission coils adjacent to each other are connected in parallel with respect to the power trans
from the transmission coils based on the detected relative 65 mission circuit , the power transmission device further
position , thereby fixing a number of the selected power includes a plurality of switches which are placed between
transmission coils , and the power transmission circuit and the plurality of power
US 11,056,919 B2
19 20
transmission coils , and the control circuit switches the wherein , in an array direction of the power transmission
connection state between the power transmission circuit and coils , a width Dwt of each of the power transmission
the plurality of power transmission coils by switching a coils is shorter than a width Dwr of the powerreceiving
conduction state of the plurality of switches. coil and a ratio Dwt/Dwr between the width Dwt and
[Item 18 ] 5
the width Dwr satisfies Dwt/Dwrs0.875, the array
The power transmission device according to Item 17 , in direction being an extending direction of the line in
which one end of each of the plurality of power transmission which the power transmission coils are arranged ,
coils is connected to one end of another power transmission wherein , in a direction perpendicular to the array direction
coil , another end of each of the plurality of power transmis in a plane of the surface of the power transmission
sion coils is connected to one of the plurality of switches , 10 device, a width Dlt of each of the power transmission
and the power transmission device further includes a reso coils is longer than a width Dir of the power receiving
nant capacitor which is connected between the one end of coil .
each of the plurality of power transmission coils and the 2. The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
power transmission circuit . wherein
[ Item 19 ] 15
A wireless power transmission system including : a power in the array direction of the power transmission coils , the
transmission device ; and a power receiving device including width Dwt of each of the power transmission coils is
a power receiving coil , in which the power transmission shorter than the width Dwr of the power receiving coil
device includes a plurality of power transmission coils and satisfies 0.2sDwt/Dwr.
arranged in a line in a plane , a power transmission circuit 20 3. The power transmission device according to claim 2 ,
that is connected to the plurality of power transmission coils wherein
and supplies AC power to the plurality of power transmis- the control circuitry is operative to select only two power
sion coils , and a control circuit that controls a connection transmission coils as the selected number of the power
state between the power transmission circuit and each power transmission coils adjacent to each other.
transmission coil , in an array direction of the plurality of 25 4. The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
power transmission coils , the length of each power trans- wherein
mission coil is shorter than the length of the power receiving the selected number of power transmission coils generate
coil , in a direction perpendicular to the array direction in the magnetic fields of a same phase and are connected to
plane , the length of each power transmission coil is longer the power transmission circuit.
than the length of the power receiving coil , and the control 30 5. The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
circuit switches the connection state between the power wherein
transmission circuit and the plurality of power transmission in a direction perpendicular to the array direction in a
coils such that the AC power is supplied to at least tw plane of the surface of the power transmission device,
adjacent power transmission coils selected from among the a ratio Dlt /Dir between a width Dlt of each ofthe power
plurality of power transmission coils according the relative 35 transmission coils and a width Dir of the power receiv
position of the power receiving coil with respect to the ing coil , is more than 1.0 and is equal to or less than 2.0 .
plurality of power transmission coils . 6. The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
The power transmission device and the wireless power wherein
transmission system of the present disclosure can be widely the width of each of the power transmission coils in the
used for applications that charge or supply power to electric 40 array direction is shorter than 24 mm , and the width of
vehicles, AV devices, batteries, medical equipment, and so each of the power transmission coils in a plane of the
forth , for example. surface of the power transmission device in a direction
What is claimed is : perpendicular to the array direction is longer than 24
1. A power transmission device comprising: mm .
power transmission coils arranged in a line such that each 45 7. The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
principal surface of the power transmission coils is in wherein
parallel to a surface of the power transmission device , the power transmission coils are connected in parallel
the power transmission coils transmitting AC power with the power transmission circuit,
wirelessly to a power receiving coil of a power receiv- the power transmission device further includes switches
ing device; 50 which are positioned between the power transmission
a power transmission circuit that is connected to the circuit and the power transmission coils , and
power transmission coils and supplies the AC power to the control circuitry switches the electrical connection
the power transmission coils ; and state between the power transmission circuit and the
control circuitry operative to : power transmission coils by switching a conduction
switch an electrical connection state between the power 55 state of the switches .
transmission circuit and each of the power transmission 8. The power transmission device according to claim 7 ,
coils, wherein
detect a relative position between the power receiving coil first ends of the power transmission coils are connected
and each of the power transmission coils , with each other,
select a number of power transmission coils adjacent to 60 each of second ends of the power transmission coils is
each other from the power transmission coils based on connected to one of the switches, and
the detected relative position , the selected number of the power transmission device further includes a resonant
power transmission coils being two or more power capacitor which is connected between the first ends of
transmission coils and being fixed , and the power transmission coils and the power transmis
cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC 65 sion circuit.
power to the selected number of power transmission 9. The power transmission device according to claim 1 ,
coils , wherein
US 11,056,919 B2
21 22
the control circuitry is operative to select only two power select a number of power transmission coils adjacent to
transmission coils as the selected number of the power each other from the power transmission coils based on
transmission coils adjacent to each other. the detected relative position, the selected number of
10. The power transmission device according to claim 1 , power transmission coils being two or more power
wherein the selected number of transmission coils do not 5 transmission coils and being fixed , and
overlap each other. cause the power transmission circuit to supply the AC
11. A wireless power transmission system comprising : power to the selected number of power transmission
a power transmission device; and coils ,
a power receiving device including a power receiving wherein , in an array direction of the power transmission
coil , wherein 10 coils , a width Dwt of each of the power transmission
the power transmission device comprises: coils is shorter than a width Dwr of the powerreceiving
power transmission coils arranged in a line in a plane , coil and a ratio Dwt/Dwr between the width Dwt and
a power transmission circuit that is connected to the the width Dwr satisfies Dwt/Dwrs0.875 , the array
power transmission coils and supplies AC power to the direction being an extending direction of the line in
power transmission coils , and 15 which the power transmission coils are arranged,
control circuitry operative to : wherein , in a direction perpendicular to the array direction
switch an electrical connection state between the power in a plane of the surface of the power transmission
transmission circuit and each of the powertransmission device , a width Dlt of each of the power transmission
coils , coils is longer than a width Dir of the power receiving
detect a relative position between the power receiving coil 20 coil .
and each of the power transmission coils ,

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