Summative Crit B C Form 2 Acid and Carbonate Rocks
Summative Crit B C Form 2 Acid and Carbonate Rocks
Summative Crit B C Form 2 Acid and Carbonate Rocks
i) A short introduction to the real-life problem
❏ What is happening to marble statues? What factors can affect it?
❏ Describe the science behind how it happens.
iii) State the independent variable, and describe how you will change it.
iv) State the dependent variable, and how you will measure it.
v) List your controlled variables, and explain how and why you will control them.
❏ What fixed value did you use for each controlled variable?
❏ What method did you use to keep them the same?
❏ If they were not kept the same, how might it affect the DV?
vi) Write a prediction of the relationship between your variables
❏ Use scientific explanation. Refer to acid, base, particles, neutralization reaction,
concentration, carbon dioxide…)
i)Draw a diagram of your experimental set up (it must be 2D, scientific drawing, with labels)
ii) List the materials you used, how many were used and how you used them.
iii) Write a step-by-step guide so that somebody else can follow what you did exactly
❏ Include quantities of each material used in the steps
❏ Include repetitions you did and what was changed
❏ Include safety instructions!
Task specific rubrics
1~ Attempted to state what acid rain is and how some factors affect it. Research question is
2 missing/incorrect.
3~ The research questions is stated, but limited details about the science behind the acid
4 rain problem is provided
5~ A brief summary of the problem is outlined with some discussion on the science behind
6 the problem. The science is relevant to the problem being tested. Research question is
clearly stated.
7~ The background of the science behind acid rain is explained in detail with a
8 neutralization chemical equation. A person reading this can get the context about the
science involved in the practical. A research question is clearly stated and elaborated on
why it is of interest.
1~ Some attempt at making a prediction but it is not clear and no scientific explanation is
2 provided.
5~ A prediction is provided with a scientific explanation but the explanation is missing some
6 details.
3~ Stated at least 2 relevant variables but have not explained scientific justification on how
4 and why they need to be controlled.
5~ At least 3 controlled variables that affect the experiment are discussed and adequate
6 explanation to how and why they impact the experiment is provided. The independent
and dependent variables are correctly identified and explained
7~ At least 5 controlled variables are identified which are all relevant to the investigation.
8 The variables are discussed in detail on how and why they need to be controlled. The
independent and dependent variables are also correctly identified and explained. The
independent variable quantities are stated and explained as to how they are changed.
The measurement of the dependent variable is clearly discussed.
1~ An attempt is made to design the experiment but details are lacking in the method or are
2 incoherent. The experiment cannot be replicated using the method provided.
3~ Stated a method that describes how the independent variable is manipulated and how the
4 dependent variable in the experiment is measured. No precaution is provided.
5~ The method provides some safety precautions, and is explained in detail in which it can
6 be followed by others. Materials and equipment are correctly selected for different
purposes but the method is missing some details.
7~ The safety precaution is applicable to the investigation, and the method is clearly
8 explained and discussed with all the correct materials and equipment to be used. Others
reading the method can clearly follow and perform the experiment. Missing details do not
hinder the experiment method
i) Describe any qualitative observations
❏ What did you see in the experiment?
❏ What happened when you changed the IV?
ii) Record the raw, unprocessed data + iii) processed data (e.g. average values…)
❏ Table of results
❏ An example of any calculation you made
i) a summary of what your results showed
❏ Describe your graph trend
❏ Summarize a relationship from the graph
❏ Is your conclusion applicable to all situations? If not what limitations are there?
ii) explain your findings with scientific reasoning
iv) discuss whether or not your results support your prediction
❏ Is your data reliable enough for you to believe in your conclusion but not your prediction?
❏ Are there any major errors/ anomalies in your graph? If so, did they cause a problem for
you to make a conclusion from the investigation?
ii) explain how each error could have affected the results
❏ Did it cause the results collected to be higher / lower / less precise than it should have? Is
the effect serious? Why?
iii) any improvements or extensions to the investigation
❏ How can your improvement be carried out in our science labs?
Assessment Rubric
Criterion C: Processing and evaluating
5~6 Data table and graph format are mostly correct (e.g. titles, labels, units…).
7~8 Data table and graph format are near perfect. A trend line or curve is drawn.
Presentation is neat and tidy.
1~2 Pointed out a pattern/trend from the graph shape or the data.
3~4 Described the shape of the graph and a pattern/trend found in the data.
5~6 Given some explanation about the experiment result, referring to the chemical
7~8 Given a correct and detailed explanation about the experiment result, referring to
how particles interact in the reaction.
5~6 Compared between your prediction and the experiment results. Brief discussion on
data collected.
7~8 Discussed whether the experiment was reliable enough to help you judge whether
your prediction is correct or wrong. Discussion on the amount of data collected,
anomalous data, trials collected, and obvious trends in data/graph.
1~2 Stated whether your experiment results were accurate and precise.
3~4 Stated a minimum of one relevant problem with the methodology provided.
5~6 At least 2 relevant problems are stated with some scientific explanation on how
they affected the results collected.
7~8 At least 3 relevant problems are discussed in detail with correct scientific
explanations on how they affect the results collected.
3-4 Attempted to solve the problem(s) stated earlier, and the improvements seem
5-6 Improvements for each problem are provided and some justification on how the
improvement helps solve the problems are stated. The improvements are relevant
to the experiment.
7-8 Improvements for each problem are provided and explained in detail on how each
of them improve the experiment. The improvements are highly relevant to the
experiments and would result in a more accurate result.