Art GD 1 Term 1
Art GD 1 Term 1
Art GD 1 Term 1
Week Lesson Strand Sub strand Specific learning Key inquiry Learning experiences Learning Assessment Remarks
outcome question resources
1 DRAWING Line By the end of the sub How do we In groups learners are Paper, charcoal Oral
1 strand, the learner should identify types of taken for sticks, crayons, question,
be able to: lines and their environmental walks computer. discussion,
Identify different types of characteristics in and or digital tours to observation,
lines in the environment to the environment? identify types of lines portfolios.
use in drawing; on objects e.g. straight
lines, wavy lines,
zigzag lines, curved
lines etc
2 DRAWING Line By the end of the sub How do we draw Learners experiment Paper, charcoal Oral
strand, the learner should different types of with crayons and sticks, crayons, question,
be able to: lines? charcoal in drawing computer. discussion,
create simple forms using How do learners varied lines. observation,
a react when using Learners explore ICT portfolios
variety of lines through charcoal and drawing tools to draw
crayon and charcoal crayons when varied lines.
media; drawing? Learners use lines to
draw human and
animal forms.
1 DRAWING Line By the end of the sub How do we draw Learners experiment Paper, charcoal Oral
2 strand, the learner should different types of with crayons and sticks, crayons, question,
be able to: lines? charcoal in drawing computer. discussion,
create simple forms using How do learners varied lines. observation,
a react when using Learners explore ICT portfolios.
variety of lines through charcoal and drawing tools to draw
digital tools; crayons when varied lines.
appreciate use of lines in drawing? • Learners use lines to
the draw human and
environment animal forms.
• Learners display and
sign about their
own and others’ work
2 DRAWING Shapes By the end of the sub How do you draw In groups learners are Papers, crayons, Oral
strand, the learner should organic shapes and taken for an charcoal sticks, question,
be able to: non-organic environmental walk textured discussion,
identify different types of shapes? and or digital tour to surfaces in the observation,
shapes in the environment identify different environment portfolios
to use in drawing; shapes and computer.
draw different shapes • Individually learner
observed in the to draw different
environment using crayon shapes (from the
and or charcoal and or ICT environment e.g. cups,
tools; books windows etc)
using crayons
and charcoal media
3 1 DRAWING Shapes By the end of the sub What shapes can Individually, the Papers, crayons, Oral
strand, the you identify in the learner to experiment charcoal sticks, question,
learner should be able to: environment? with ICT tools to draw textured discussion,
have fun drawing different How do you draw shapes. surfaces in the observation,
shapes observed from the organic shapes and • Individually, the environment portfolios
environment. non-organic learner to display and and computer.
shapes? sign about own and
others’ wo
2 DRAWING Texture By the end of the sub How do we Learners are taken for Papers, crayons, Signed
strand, the learner should identify texture? an environmental walk charcoal sticks, questions,
be able to: How do we to experience texture textured discussion,
Identify different types of categorise through touch. surfaces in the observation,
textures to use in drawing texture for this Learners are guided to environment, portfolios
level? rub over surfaces e.g. digital images
tree barks, coins, wood
floors, walls, furniture,
books and other
4 1 DRAWING Texture By the end of the sub How do we Individually, learners Papers, crayons, Signed
strand, the learner should categorise explore rubbing-over charcoal sticks, questions,
be able to: texture for this different textured textured discussion,
to rub charcoal and crayon level? surfaces and objects surfaces in the observation,
over paper placed on How do we create e.g. tree barks, coins, environment, portfolios
smooth and rough surfaces texture bricks, wood, floor etc. digital images
to create texture appreciate using crayons and Learners display and
texture of objects in their charcoal? sign about their own
environment. and others’ work
what they like about
the textural effects
made on the paper).
2 PAINT Making By the end of the sub What materials Learners could be Papers, pencils, Signed
AND improvised strand, can be used to guided to powder paints, questions,
COLOUR brushes the learner should be able make improvised identify and name improvised discussion,
to: brushes materials used brushes, digital observation,
a) Name materials that can for making improvised images portfolios
be used to make brushes
improvised brushes
5 1 PAINT Making By the end of the sub What materials Learners could be Papers, pencils, Signed
AND improvised strand, the can be used to guided to collect powder paints, questions,
COLOUR brushes learner should be able to: make improvised materials used for improvised discussion,
make simple brushes from brushes making improvised brushes, digital observation,
local materials brushes e.g. sisal, images portfolios
pieces of cloth, sponge
2 PAINT Making By the end of the sub What materials Learners could be Papers, pencils, Signed
AND improvised strand, the can be used to guided to collect powder paints, questions,
COLOUR brushes learner should be able to: make improvised materials used for improvised discussion,
make simple brushes from brushes? making improvised brushes, digital observation,
local materials How do you make brushes e.g. sisal, images portfolios
improvised pieces of cloth, sponge
brushes etc.
6 1 PAINT Making By the end of the sub What materials Make improvised Papers, pencils, Signed
AND improvised strand, the can be used to brushes using the powder paints, questions,
COLOUR brushes learner should be able to: make materials collected. improvised discussion,
use the improvised brushes improvised • Individually learner brushes, digital observation,
to paint within the outlines brushes? to use the images portfolios
of geometric shapes How do you make improvised brushes to
improvised colour
brushes within the outlines of
shapes (e.g. Triangles,
circles, rectangles).
2 PAINT Making By the end of the sub What materials Make improvised Papers, pencils, Signed
AND improvised strand, the can be used to brushes using the powder paints, questions,
COLOUR brushes learner should be able to: make materials collected. improvised discussion,
Use the improvised improvised Individually learner to brushes, digital observation,
brushes to paint within the brushes? use the improvised images portfolios
outlines of geometric How do you make brushes to colour
shapes. improvised within the outlines of
brushes geometric shapes (e.g.
Triangles, circles,
7 1 PAINT Making By the end of the sub What materials Individually learner to Papers, pencils, Signed
AND improvised strand, the can be used to use the improvised powder paints, questions,
COLOUR brushes learner should be able to: make improvised brushes to colour improvised discussion,
have fun and enjoyment as brushes? within the outlines of brushes, digital observation,
they make improvised How do you make geometric shapes (e.g. images portfolios
brushes and use them to improvised Triangles, circles,
paint simple forms. brushes rectangles).
• Learners to display
and sign their own and
others’ work
2 PATTERN Line By the end of the sub Where do we In groups learners to Papers, pencils, Signed
MAKING patterns strand, the learner should find patterns be guided to observe powder paints, questions,
be able to: in our types of line patterns brushes, digital discussion,
Observe objects with line environment? in the images observation,
patterns in the environment and in portfolios
environment and in digital digital tours
tools to help in creation of
8 1 PATTERN Line By the end of the sub What patterns Individually, the Papers, pencils, Signed
MAKING patterns strand, the do you like? learner to create powder paints, questions,
learner should be able to: patterns using lines in brushes, digital discussion,
create patterns in colour colour and digital images observation,
using lines and digital tools. portfolios
2 PATTERN Line By the end of the sub How do you Individually display Papers, pencils, Signed
MAKING patterns strand, the Create patterns? their patterns, and powder paints, questions,
learner should be able to: appreciate own and brushes, digital discussion,
enjoy creating linear others’ patterns. images observation,
patterns in colour and portfolios
digital tools.
9 1 Dot By the end of the sub Where can we find In groups learners to Papers, coloured signed
patterns strand, the learner should dot patterns be guided to observe pencils, print questions
be able to: around our types of dot patterns in media, digital discussion,
Observe objects with dot school? the environment and in devices. observation,
patterns in How do you create digital media. portfolios
the environment and in dot patterns? • Individually, the
digital media to help in learner to create
creation of patterns patterns using dots in
colour or using digital
2 Dot By the end of the sub Where can we find Individually display Papers, coloured signed
patterns strand, the dot patterns their pencils, print questions
learner should be able to: around patterns, and media, digital discussion,
create dot patterns in our school? appreciate own and devices. observation,
colour or using digital How do you create others’ patterns portfolios
tools for self-expression; dot patterns?
enjoy creating dot
10 1 PATTERN Numeral By the end of the sub Are there In groups, learners be Papers, coloured Signed
MAKING patterns strand, the learner patterns made guided pencils, print questions,
should be able to: using numerals to identify numbers in media. discussion,
observe numbers in the around us? the observation,
environment to motivate environment portfolios
them in creating patterns
2 PATTERN Numeral By the end of the sub Are there Individually, the Papers, coloured Signed
MAKING patterns strand, the patterns made learner to experiment pencils, print questions,
learner should be able to: using numerals with numbers to create media. Papers, discussion,
create patterns in colour. around us? patterns in colour. coloured observation,
• Individually, the pencils, print portfolios
learner to experiment media.
with digital tools to
create numeral
patterns incolour.