Final Cle9 Q3 M2
Final Cle9 Q3 M2
Final Cle9 Q3 M2
Module Overview:
In this module, you will seek to rediscover and appreciate the gift of sexuality in order to grow in the virtue of
chastity and make good responsible choices with regard to various sexual issues. We hope to gain a deeper insight
into the gift and responsibility that is our human sexuality by: reflecting on our basic experience of growing up;
understanding the virtue of chastity in relation to the virtues fostered by the sixth and ninth commandments, as well
as the sixth beatitude; and discussing issues related to human sexuality.
Learning Competencies: At the end of this module, you can:
1. Understand that our human sexuality is God’s gift. It is good, beautiful, and is directed towards growing in
greater love for others.
2. Identify the 6th and 9th commandments to promote and uphold the value of chastity and our sexuality.
3. Understand that Chastity is the virtue of using the gift of our human sexuality according to God’s plan.
Instructional Materials:
1. Noel P. Miranda and Philip S. Javier III, “Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom” (Sibs Publishing
House, Inc., Quezon City)
Pre - Assessment
Direction: Before going any further, answer first this pre-assessment section to gauge your prior knowledge. What
is your idea for the following acts and commandments?
1. Masturbation
3. Premarital Sex
5. Contraception
7. Homosexual
Many teenagers have an inaccurate idea of the meaning of chastity. It is common for teenagers, for example,
to view chastity as a threat to their freedom because the media often depict chastity as the unhealthy
repression of sexuality. Sometimes, chastity is presented merely as a burdensome list of don'ts. On other
occasions, chastity is equated with celibacy, the choice to refrain from engaging in the sexual act.
As Christ's disciples, however, we must assert that the virtue of chastity. Like all the other virtues of Christ,
upholds rather than destroys our true freedom. Chastity, in fact, creates in us an inner harmony and a unity
of body and spirit that allow us to use our sexuality to become truly loving persons.
A chaste person, in essence, is someone who is master of his or her sexual appetite, not its slave. He or she
understands the true value of sexuality, disciplines his or her feelings and sexual drives, and expresses his or
her sexuality in accordance with God's plan.
The virtue of chastity can be likened to the virtue of truthfulness or honesty. Just as honesty puts order to
what we say, chastity puts order to our sexual drives and energies, directing our thoughts and actions toward
attitudes and behaviors appropriate to our state in life (CFC 1096).
As growing adolescents, we are called to grow in self-awareness and mastery of our sexual drives and
energies. Priests, religious sisters and brothers, and individuals who have chosen to remain single are called
to channel their sexual energies toward their mission and work of serving God and others.
For married couples, living in chastity means genuinely loving one's spouse with exclusive and permanent
faithfulness. This conjugal love finds expression in different ways: through the intimacy and self-giving
nature of the couple's sexual union, in their genuine respect and concern for their spouse's needs, by
continually nourishing and deepening their relationship through loving fidelity and commitment to their
spouse unto death. In short, the virtue of chastity is a challenge to grow in authentic love of God and others.
Blessed John Paul Il expressed the beauty and power of chastity Familiaris Consortio 33
Old Testament Significance
The virtue of chastity is protected by two commandments: the sixth commandment, "You shall not commit
adultery" (Ex 20:14; Dt 5:18 (1066). The sixth commandment reminds us that the only proper context by
which children, the fruit of sexual union, ought to be raised and cared for is a loving family. By protecting
the family, the sixth commandment draws out the interrelationship of the values of family, life, and chastity.
The ninth commandment, "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife" (Ex 20:17). The ninth commandment
"completes the sixth ... by going to the interior root and source of [the] disorders of the flesh: covetousness
of the heart" (CFC 1089). The ninth commandment reminds us that the source of our sinful acts is our
disordered desires and appetites. Living chastely therefore means so much more than simply avoiding sinful
sexual acts. It also demands that we become more keenly aware of our emotions, thoughts, and desires.
New Testament Significance
Jesus Christ proclaimed the virtue of chastity by word and deed. By preaching the sixth beatitude, "Blessed
are the clean of heart, for they will see God" (Mt 5:8), Jesus taught us that those who strive to live chaste
lives-to be clean of heart-will experience the great reward of personally seeing God in perfect joy and
The sixth beatitude upholds and perfects the sixth and ninth commandments. The sixth commandment
ensures the protection of the human family from acts that can threaten the conjugal love of couples and the
harmony within the family. The beatitude then places the virtue of chastity at the service of the family. Thus
the virtue of chastity not only makes us more wholesome, integrated individuals but also binds the human
family together, making our families one concrete way of encountering God in our lives.
Through the sixth beatitude, Jesus affirms and intensifies the ninth commandment by focusing on the source
of all self-centered sexual acts – the disordered desires of the heart. In His teachings, Jesus taught us how a
person's covetousness can alienate him or her from God and from others. "You have heard that it was said,
'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already
committed adultery with her in his heart" (Mt 5:27-28).
Activity # 1
Directions: Critique each of these sexual moral issues based on the interrelated twofold purpose of sexual act.
A. Masturbation
B. Premarital Sex
C. Artificial Contraception
E. Homosexual Act
Activity # 2
Identify some sexual moral issues in your society. What are those?
What can you do to help people overcome the impediment in growing in chastity?
Processing Question/s:
Directions: Relate the moral demands presented by the sixth beatitude and the sixth and ninth commandments.
1. “Blessed are the clean of heart for they shall see God.”
I noticed
I realized
“To follow Christ is to respect and use God’s gift of human sexuality, integrate one’s sexuality within one’s person
(cf CFC 1093)”
How does Christ heal and perfect our human sexuality?
Assignment: Create a slogan that depicts the cause and effect for doing each of the following acts. Write your
answer on a bond paper.
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if False change the underlined word/s and write the correct
answer on the space provided.
__________________1. Many teenagers have an inaccurate idea of the meaning love.
__________________2. The virtue of Chastity is protected by two command mints: the fifth commandments and
ninth commandant.
__________________3. Premarital Sex, the act of arousing oneself by touching one’s sexual organs.
__________________4. The Church rejects artificial means of contraception and birth control.
__________________5. The Church promotes and enjoins married couples to use only natural means of family