The salt was analyzed through a series of tests. It was found to be a white, odorless solid that produced carbon dioxide when heated or reacted with acids. Further tests showed the presence of zinc ions through the formation of a dull white precipitate with ammonium hydroxide and blue-white precipitates with sodium hydroxide and potassium ferrocyanide, confirming the salt is zinc carbonate.
The salt was analyzed through a series of tests. It was found to be a white, odorless solid that produced carbon dioxide when heated or reacted with acids. Further tests showed the presence of zinc ions through the formation of a dull white precipitate with ammonium hydroxide and blue-white precipitates with sodium hydroxide and potassium ferrocyanide, confirming the salt is zinc carbonate.
The salt was analyzed through a series of tests. It was found to be a white, odorless solid that produced carbon dioxide when heated or reacted with acids. Further tests showed the presence of zinc ions through the formation of a dull white precipitate with ammonium hydroxide and blue-white precipitates with sodium hydroxide and potassium ferrocyanide, confirming the salt is zinc carbonate.
The salt was analyzed through a series of tests. It was found to be a white, odorless solid that produced carbon dioxide when heated or reacted with acids. Further tests showed the presence of zinc ions through the formation of a dull white precipitate with ammonium hydroxide and blue-white precipitates with sodium hydroxide and potassium ferrocyanide, confirming the salt is zinc carbonate.
EXPERIMENT111 To analyse the given salt for acidicand basic radicals.
Experiments Observation Inference
1. Physical examination (a) Noted the colour of the given salt. White Cu2+, Fe+,Ni, Mn, Co+ absent. (6)Noted the smell of the salt. No specific odour NH,, S and CH,CO0 may be absent. 2. Dry heating test Heated a pinch of the salt in a dry test tube and noted the following: (a) Gas evolved A colourless, odourless gas evolved CO, may be present. which turned lime water milky. (6) Sublimation No sublimate formed. Ammonium halides, iodide may be absent. (c) Colour of the residue Yellow when hot and white when cold. Zn may be present. 3. Charcoal cavity test Mixed a pinch of the salt with double Yellow when hot and white when cold. Zn may be present. the quantity of Na,CO, and heated the mixture on a charcoal cavity in the reducing flame. 4. Cobalt nitrate test Tothe residue obtained in the above Green mass Zn2 may be present. step added a drop of dilute cobalt nitrate solution and heated in the oxidizing flame. 5.Flame test Prepared a paste of the salt with conc. Green flashes seen with naked eye. Zn+ may be present. Hâl and performed flame test. 6. Borax bead test Did not perform this test since the Cu?+, Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe, Mn2, Co' given salt was white. may be absent. 7. Dil. Sulphuric acid test Treated a pinch of the salt with dil. Colourless, odourless gas evolved with CO present H,S0, and warmed. brisk effervescence, turned lime water milky. Shook a pinch of salt with water Salt did not dissolve. taken in test tube. Insoluble C0, indicated. 8KMnO, test To a pinch of the salt added dilute Pink colour of KMnO, was not dis CT, Br, I,Fe*, C,0, are absent. H,SO, warm and then a drop of KMnO, charged. solution. 9. Conc. sulphuric acid test This test was not performed as the salt reacted with dil. H,S0,. CT, Br, I, NO,", CH,CO0, C,0, are absent. 10. Confirmatory tests for carbonate (a) Shook a pinch of the salt with Salt remained insoluble. water Insoluble CO,2- indicated. (6) Tothe salt added dil HCI. Brisk effervescence.with evolution of Insoluble carbonate confirmed. colourless, odourless gas which turned lime water milky. 11. Heated a pinch of salt with conc. NaOH solution No ammonia gas evolved. NH, absent. 12. Preparation of Original Solu tion (0.S.) (a) Shook a pinch of the salt with Insoluble water. (6) Shook a pinch of the salt in dil. Clear solution obtained. HCI. Labelled it as 0.S.
13. As the O.S. is prepared in dil. HCI,
Group-I is absent. Group I absent. (Pb2+ absent) No ppt. formed. Group II absent 14. Through a part of O.S. passed H,S gas. (Pb2+, Cu2+, As+ absent). No ppt. formed Group IIIabsent. 15.To the remaining solution, added a pinch of solid ammonium chloride. (Fest, A13+ absent). Boiled the solution, cooled it and added excess of ammonium hydroxide solution. Dull white ppt. formed. Group IVpresent. 16. Through a part of this solution, passed H,Sgas. (Zn+ present) 17. Confirmatory tests for Zn2+ ion Dissolved the above dull white ppt. in dil HCI. Boiled off H,S. Divided the solution into two parts. White ppt. soluble in excess of NaOH. Zn2+ confirmed. (a) To one part added NaOH solution dropwise. Bluish white ppt. Zn2+ confirmed. (6) To another part, added potassium ferrocyanide solution.