Application 14 - EMS in Food Retail
Application 14 - EMS in Food Retail
Application 14 - EMS in Food Retail
In food retail stores, refrigeration and lighting are the bulk ends uses for
electricity accounting for about 80% of the total use, likewise space
heating, and cooking dominates natural gas use. The energy
consumption for refrigeration is high due to the fact that most of the
food products have to be kept in refrigerators to preserve them and to
ensure product quality.
After cooling, the seasonality of loads is another factor that increases the
use of energy. Seasonal loads can be the result of changes in weather,
such as the diverse seasons or operation of the building. For example in
the season of summer, elevated usage of electricity for refrigeration is
observed in order to sustain the refrigerator temperature compared to
outside heat.
For all the energy concerns in the food retail stores, remote data
acquisition is considered as a solution which eliminates most manual
data collection and entry.
The Solution
The ultimate aim of energy savings in food retail store or supermarket is
to reduce the energy bills. To accomplish peculiar energy savings and
energy optimization, submetering of individual energy systems such as
lighting, ventilation, computer rooms, etc. is optimum. For sub-metering
practices, it can be considerably cumbersome for the system
maintenance person to measure energy data of every meter manually.
Energy management system plays an indispensable role in this
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