Progress Report Term 1 AY 2023-2024

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Student: Keiianna Athaila

Progress Report Term 1 Nahda

Student Number: 2223200012
Academic Year 2023-2024 Grade: 2
Homerom: Jayne Carla Velasco
Report Date: 09/27/2023
Course Teacher Term 1
Art G2 Ahmad Toriq
Able to create Pattern with lines and shapes 4
Able to understand far and near concept drawing 4
Able to understand about shading and create shadow 4
Course Teacher Term 1
Bahasa Indonesia G2 Venty Triastuti
Able to understand the conversation about instruction and order 4
Able to use the polite words to give instruction and order 4
Able to demonstrate simple conversation 4
Able to explain simple description about things 4
Able to demonstrate descriptive sentences 4
Able to read simple conversation 4
Able to read sentences about instruction and order 4
Able to comprehend simple descriptive text 4
Able to write the example of sentences about instruction and order 4
Able to write simple conversation about instruction and order 4
Able to name things 4
Course Teacher Term 1
ELAR G2 Jayne Carla Velasco
Able to use effective strategies to read unfamiliar words, including using phonic knowledge, 4
segmenting and contextual information
Able to extend the range of common words recognised on sight, including homophones and 4
Able to use the initial two letters to organise words in alphabetical order, and to locate words in 4
dictionaries and glossaries
Able to explore and comment on words in texts that make an impact on the reader, including 4
noun phrases and adjectives
Able to use knowledge of punctuation and grammar to read familiar texts with understanding 4
Able to explain how settings and characters are developed in a story 4
Able to follow written instructions to carry out an activity 4
Able to make inferences from texts, including about the feelings, thoughts and motives of story 4
Able to answer questions with some reference to single points in a text 4
Able to read texts silently 4
Able to use recognition of long and short vowel sounds and spelling rules to add -s, -ed and - 4
ing to verbs, including omitting -e before -ing, and doubling consonants where necessary
Able to use effective strategies, including spelling patterns, visual memory, mnemonics and 4
segmenting, to spell some unfamiliar regular and exception words correctly (including for
compound words)
Able to use paper-based and on-screen tools to find the correct spelling of words; keep and 4
use spelling logs of misspelt words, and identify words that need to be learned
Able to use a variety of sentence openings, including using language of time, place and 4
manner, e.g. Later that day, …; In the distance, …; Slowly and carefully, …
Able to use regular present and past verb forms accurately and consistently across a text 4
Able to use organisational features appropriate to the text type, e.g. bulleted and numbered 4
Able to develop descriptions of settings and characters when writing stories 4
Able to begin to write legibly and fluently 4
Able to select appropriate information, with appropriate detail, as needed 4
Able to respond politely to another point of view with a personal point of view 4
Student: Keiianna Athaila
Progress Report Term 1 Nahda
Student Number: 2223200012
Academic Year 2023-2024 Grade: 2
Homerom: Jayne Carla Velasco
Report Date: 09/27/2023
Course Teacher Term 1
ICT G2 M. Haris Nahari
The main parts of computer 4
The function of the main parts 3
Thing computer can and cannot do 4
How to find and download useful words and images 3
Able to explain how everyone can stay safe and happy in the computer room 3
Course Teacher Term 1
Islam G2 Fera Rahmatun Nazilah
Able to recite Surah An-naas 4
Able to recognise Asmaulhusna 4
Able to be emphaty, respectful, and honestly 4
Course Teacher Term 1
Mandarin G2 Jenny Lim
Able to count and write numbers in Mandarin up to 15. 3
Able to write pinyin and know some radicals. 4
Able to pronounce pinyin using the proper tones. 3
Course Teacher Term 1
Mathematics G2 Jayne Carla Velasco
Able to read and write numbers to 1000 in numbers, words and expanded form 4
Able to use base-ten blocks and place value charts to read, write and represent numbers to 4
Able to compare and order two to three-digit numbers using correct terminology 4
Able to identify number patterns, even and odd numbers 4
Able to add and subtract up to three-digit numbers without regrouping 4
Able to add and subtract up to three-digit numbers with regrouping 4
Able to subtract from three-digit numbers with zeros by regrouping in hundreds, tens and ones 4
Able to use base-ten blocks to add and subtract with or without regrouping 4
Able to interpret and represent the part-whole and comparing concept in addition and 4
subtraction using models
Able to interpret and represent the adding-on concept in addition and taking-away concept in 4
subtraction using models
Able to apply the inverse operations of addition and subtraction 4
Course Teacher Term 1
Music G2 Irma Febryani
Able to sing independently on pitch and rhythm with appropriate timbre, diction, and posture 4
Able to tell recite a poem using rhythm 4
Participate in unison and part singing or playing. 4
Course Teacher Term 1
Pendidikan Pancasila G2 Sarah Apridah
Able to explain the meaning of the Pancasila symbols 4
Able to explain the relationship between the symbols and Pancasila principles 4
Able to apply the attitudes that reflect Pancasila in daily life 4
Able to identify the example of living in harmony in the community (at home, school, and 4
Able to define the concept of helping each other in a community 4
Course Teacher Term 1
Physical Education G2 Lukmanul Hakim
Able to follow the class rules and expectations 4
Student: Keiianna Athaila
Progress Report Term 1 Nahda
Student Number: 2223200012
Academic Year 2023-2024 Grade: 2
Homerom: Jayne Carla Velasco
Report Date: 09/27/2023
Course Teacher Term 1
Physical Education G2 Lukmanul Hakim
Able to travel combining shapes, levels, locomotor skills and pathways in general space, 3
personal space, and large group activities
Able to demonstrate chasing, fleeing and dodging 3
Able to identify the techniques of underarm throwing and ball bounce 3
Course Teacher Term 1
Science G2 Jayne Carla Velasco
Able to know that there are different types of models in science, including diagrams and 4
physical models that we can touch
Able to know that life processes common to plants and animals include nutrition, growth, 4
movement and reproduction
Able to know that plants need appropriate conditions, including temperature, light and water, to 4
be healthy
Able to know that materials can be solids, liquids or gases 4
Able to describe differences in the properties of solids and liquids 4
Able to describe how to separate solid/solid mixtures based on the physical properties of the 4
solids (processes involving dissolving are not required)
Able to identify risks and explain how to stay safe during practical work 4
Able to use observations and tests to sort, group and classify objects 4
Able to choose equipment from a provided selection and use it appropriately 4
Able to carry out practical work safely 4
Able to identify whether results support, or do not support, a prediction 4
Able to make a conclusion from results and relate it to the scientific question being investigated 4
Able to describe the function of the major parts of flowering plants (limited to roots, leaves, 4
stems and flowers)
Able to describe differences between things that are living, that were once alive and that have 4
never lived
Term Excused Unexcused Other Absent Tardy Term Excused Unexcused Other Absent Tardy
T1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Year Totals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Definitions of Grading System
NA - Not Assessed
The student has not produced sufficient evidence to be assessed.
1- Needs Improvement
The student needs improvement to meet grade level expectations/standards.
2- Satisfactory
The student has demonstrated basic achievement of grade level expectations/standards.
3- Good
The student has demonstrated good achievement of grade level expectations/standards.
4- Excellent
The student has demonstrated excellent achievement of grade level expectations/standards.
This report is not an official report card. These records or grades cannot be used for official purposes or transfers.
Acknowledged by Aisha Bibi, School Principal

BSD Campus Jalan Raya Serpong BSD CBD Lot II-2 Lengkong Gudang, Serpong Tangerang Selatan
(021) 5022 22 34

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