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Module 1: History of Civil Engineering

This lesson discusses the history of Civil Engineering and its practices. This also includes
the brief history of Civil Engineering in the Philippines and its accredited professional
organization, the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (PICE). At the last part of this
module, an introduction to the BS Civil Engineering Curriculum as well as the Program
Educational Objectives (PEOs) and the Student Outcomes (SOs) were included.

Learning Outcomes
Intended Learning Outcome 1: Summarize the history of Civil Engineering and the profession

Topic Outcomes:
1. Recognize the important parts of the history of the Civil Engineering.
2. Identify the remarkable historical structures.
3. Discuss the history of the accredited professional organization for Civil Engineers.
4. Familiarize with the BSCE Curriculum.

History of Civil Engineering

It is difficult to determine the history of emergence and beginning of civil engineering,

however, that the history of civil engineering is a mirror of the history of human beings on this
earth. Man used the old shelter caves to protect themselves of weather and harsh environment, and
used a tree trunk to cross the river, which being the demonstration of ancient age civil engineering.
Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the
beginnings of human existence. The earliest practices of
Civil engineering may have commenced between 4000 and
2000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq)
when humans started to abandon a nomadic existence, thus
causing a need for the construction of shelter. During this
time, transportation became increasingly important leading
to the development of the wheel and sailing.
Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engg and architecture, and
the term engineer and architect were mainly geographical variations referring to the same person,
often used interchangeably. The construction of Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC) might
be considered the first instances of large structure constructions.
Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first documented
engineer, built a famous stepped pyramid for King
Djoser located at Saqqara Necropolis. With simple tools
and mathematics he created a monument that stands to
this day. His greatest contribution to engineering was his
discovery of the art of building with shaped stones.
Those who followed him carried engineering to
remarkable heights using skill and imagination.
Ancient historic civil engineering constructions
include the Qanat water management system (the oldest older than 3000 years and longer than 71
km,) the Parthenon by Iktinos in Ancient Greece (447-438 BC), the Appian Way by Roman
engineers (c. 312 BC), the Great Wall of China by General Meng T’ien under orders from Ch’in
Emperor Shih Huang Ti (c. 220 BC) and the stupas constructed in ancient Sri Lanka like the
Jetavanaramaya and the extensive irrigation works in Anuradhapura. The Romans developed civil
structures throughout their empire, including especially aqueducts, insulae, harbours, bridges,
dams and roads.
Other remarkable historical structures are Sennacherib's Aqueduct at Jerwan built in 691
BC; Li Ping's irrigation projects in China (around 220 BC); Julius Caesar's Bridge over the Rhine
River built in 55 BC, numerous bridges built by other Romans in and around Rome(e.g. the pons
Fabricius); Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduct, Nimes, France) built in 19 BC; the extensive system
of highways the Romans built to facilitate trading and (more importantly) fast manoeuvring of
legions; extensive irrigation system constructed by the Hohokam Indians, Salt River, AZ around
600 AD; first dykes defending against high water in Friesland, The Netherlands around 1000 AD;
El Camino Real - The Royal Road, Eastern Branch, TX and Western Branch, NM (1500s AD).
Machu Picchu, Peru, built at around 1450, at the
height of the Inca Empire is considered an engineering
marvel. It was built in the Andes Mountains assisted by
some of history’s most ingenious water resource
engineers. The people of Machu Picchu built a mountain
top city with running water, drainage systems, food
production and stone structures so advanced that they
endured for over 500years.
A treatise on Architecture, Book
called Vitruvius' De Archiectura, was
published at 1AD in Rome and survived
to give us a look at engineering education in ancient times. It was probably
written around 15 BC by the Roman architect Vitruvius and dedicated to his
patron, the emperor Caesar Augustus, as a guide for building projects.
Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and
construction was carried out by artisans, such as stonemasons and carpenters,
rising to the role of master builder. Knowledge was retained in guilds and seldom supplanted by
advances. Structures, roads and infrastructure that existed were repetitive, and increases in scale
were incremental.
One of the earliest examples of a scientific approach to physical and mathematical
problems applicable to civil engineering is the work of Archimedes in the 3rd century BC,
including Archimedes Principle, which underpins our understanding of buoyancy, and practical
solutions such as Archimedes’ screw. Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, used arithmetic in
the 7th century AD, based on Hindu-Arabic numerals, for excavation (volume) computations.

Educational & Institutional history of civil engineering

In the 18th century, the term civil engineering was coined to incorporate all things civilian
as opposed to military engineering. The first engineering school, The National School of Bridges
and Highways, France, was opened in 1747. The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John
Smeaton who constructed the Eddystone Lighthouse. In 1771, Smeaton and some of his colleagues
formed the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, a group of leaders of the profession who met
informally over dinner. Though there was evidence of some technical meetings, it was little more
than a social society.
In 1818, world’s first engineering society, the Institution of Civil
Engineers was founded in London, and in 1820 the eminent engineer
Thomas Telford became its first president. The institution received a
Royal Charter in 1828, formally recognizing civil engineering as a
profession. Its charter defined civil engineering as: “Civil engineering is
the application of physical and scientific principles, and its history is
intricately linked to advances in understanding of physics and
mathematics throughout history. Because civil engineering is a wide
ranging profession, including several separate specialized sub-disciplines, its history is linked to
knowledge of structures, material science, geography, geology, soil, hydrology, environment,
mechanics and other fields.”
The first private college to teach Civil Engineering in the United States was Norwich
University founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge. The first degree in Civil Engineering in
the United States was awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835. The first such degree
to be awarded to a woman was granted by Cornell University to Nora Stanton Blatch in 1905.[1]

Civil Engineering in the Philippines and A Brief History of Philippine Institute Civil
Engineers, Inc. (PICE)

Civil Engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the design constructions,
including works like roads, bridges, pipelines, railways, canals, dams, sewage systems, airport and
etc. Civil Engineering also deals with the maintenance of the physical and natural built of the
environment, durability, and the safety in the field structure. Civil Engineers are united through
the mandate of organization of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers and is usually called PICE.
This organization aims to build strong foundation among all Civil Engineers in the Philippines.
Civil Engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the design constructions,
including works like roads, bridges, pipelines, railways, canals, dams, sewage systems, airport and
etc. Civil Engineering also deals with the maintenance of the physical and natural built of the
environment, durability, and the safety in the field structure. Civil Engineers are united through
the mandate of organization of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers and is usually called PICE.
This organization aims to build strong foundation among all Civil Engineers in the Philippines.

Brief History of PICE

December 11,1973 PICE was issued a certicate of

registration to culminate and fulfill the vision to merge the two
separate organizations in the country, Philippine Society of Civil
Engineers (PSCE) and Philippine Association of Civil
Engineers (PACE).
Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) was the
first Civil Engineering organization in the country formed by a
group of Civil Engineers mostly from the government sector and
was headed by Engr. Marcial Kasilag who holds the 1st slot in
the PRC Registry of Civil Engineers. PSCE was formed during
the late twenties.
In 1937, another group of Civil Engineers came and formed the Philippine Association of
Civil Engineers (PACE). They came mostly from private sector and Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes
led the said group and be the first president of the organization. The main objectives of the
organization is to ascend the standards of the profession, inspire research and engineering
knowledge and technology to members, foster good fellowship among members, and promote
better relationship and communication with other technological and scientific societies.
PSCE and PACE as one
Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE) proved that they are more active than
Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) resulting to migration of members from PSCE to
PACE. Under the administration of the late PACE president Cesar A. Caliwara when he exerted
more effort to merge the two organization, calling both panel of representative to convene and
commence a series of conversation to make a new and united organization that will benefit the
entire Civil Engineers and Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) came and formed.

PICE Objectives and Goals

PICE aims to conscientiously advance the interest

and promote the welfare of members, promote prestige and
public awareness of the profession, and enhance social
responsibility and community involvement of Civil
Engineers. PICE also observes integrity, professionalism,
excellence, social responsibility and leadership as their core
values that must be develop and exercise among the
members of the organization.[2]
Introduction to BS Civil Engineering as a Bachelor Program and as a Profession

Curriculum Description
Civil Engineering is a profession that applies the basic principles of science in
conjunction with mathematical and computational tools to solve problems associated with
developing and sustaining civilized life on our planet.
The Civil Engineering curriculum is designed to prepare graduates to apply knowledge
of mathematics, calculus-based physics, chemistry, and at least one additional area of basic
science, consistent with the Program Educational Objectives; apply knowledge of technical
areas appropriate to civil engineering; conduct civil engineering experiments and analyze and
interpret the resulting data; design a system component, or process in more than one civil
engineering context; explain basic concepts in management, business, public policy, and
leadership; and explain the importance of professional licensure.
The BSCE Curriculum of Batangas State University (BatStateU) has a total of 188 credit
unit usually completed with eight (8) semesters and two (2) Midterm classes.
BatStateU – Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering has five (5) options of tracks/
specializations namely:
1. Structural Engineering
2. Construction Engineering and Management
3. Water Resources Engineering
4. Geotechnical Engineering
5. Transportation Engineering

Program Educational Objectives

The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering within three to five years after
graduation shall:
1. successfully participate as partners in nation-building in engineering projects
involving structural, geotechnical, water resources, transportation and construction
management; and
2. adhere to professional, moral and ethical standards in the practice of civil engineering

Student Outcomes
1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science and mathematics.
2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specific needs with
consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social,
environmental and economic factors.
3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations
and make informed judgments which must consider the impact of engineering solutions
in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership,
create collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals , plan tasks and meet
6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret
data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning

[1] http://www.thecivilengg.com/History.php
[2] https://steemit.com/engineering/@rigor/civil-engineering-and-a-brief-history-of-pice
Civil Engineering and Society and Other
Civil Engineering & Society
& Other Professions

1 Civil Engineering: Knowledgeand Skills

2 Roles of Civil Engineers

3 Civil Engineering and other Professions

Civil Engineering:
Knowledge and Skills
What is Civil Engineering?
• Civil engineering is the oldest and quintessential engineering
• Civil engineering is the design and construction of public works,
such as dams, bridges and other large infrastructure projects.
• It is one of the oldest branches of engineering, dating back to
when people first started living in permanent settlements and
began shaping their environments to suit their needs

What do engineers need to know?
• A global vision and approach to problem identification and
problem solving in areas such as infrastructure, environment,
facilities, and systems
• A basic management knowledge base in areas such as
business, resources, personnel management, communication
skills, costs and value judgments, and time management

What do engineers need to know?

• A solid foundation in personal and inter-personal attributes

• An involvementwith engineeringpractice as the formal
education evolve

Civil Engineering Basics Knowledge

• supervise project construction and maintenance

• must possess a very broad skill set, from cost
accounting to geology
• Many civil engineers have jobs that require a very
hands-on role in construction, while others may have
positions more heavily weighted toward supervisory and
administrative skills
The important skills needed to succeed in
Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Basics Technical Skills

➢ should have a level of Mathematics and Physics that

allows for the identification and solving of engineering
➢ be skilled in design techniques and working with maps,
drawings, and models, as well as CAD software
➢ to be able to predict any possible future problems and
find solutions for them
Civil Engineering Basics Technical Skills

➢ Math skills
Civil engineers use the principles of calculus,
trigonometry, and other advanced topics in mathematics for
analysis, design, and troubleshooting in their work
➢ Tests of Building Materials
A good civil engineer should have proper knowledge
of different tests of building materials. e.g.: Concrete Test:
Slump test, compression test, split tensile test, soundness etc.
Civil Engineering Basics Technical Skills

➢ Investigation of soil
Various soil tests are conducted to determine the
settlement and stability of soils before starting construction. So as
a civil engineer, you should have enough knowledge of these tests
which are performed at the site
➢ Uses of Surveying Instruments
Usages of surveying instruments like the total station,
theodolite, etc. are also mandatory knowledge for every civil
engineer. These instruments are used for marking and
Civil Engineering Basics Technical Skills

➢ Standard Codes Used In Construction

Every country has its standard safety specifications (e.g.: NSCP,
NBCP) for construction-related works. All new construction should be done
by following all the rules and procedures mentioned in the standard codes.
Otherwise, the chances of failure of a structure will be always high.
➢ Bar Bending Schedule
The bar bending schedule is an essential chart for civil
engineers and civil engineering basics skill, It provides the reinforcement
calculation of the RC beam such as cutting length, type of bending, the
length of bending, etc.
Civil Engineering Basics Technical Skills

➢ Drawing and Design

Drawing and design are the primary keys of an
ongoing project. It provides all the required specifications
of that project. Every site engineer should have the
analyzing power of such drawings and designs.
Managerial Skills

When problems arise, it is common for people involved in

the project on all levels to look to the engineer for guidance and
resolution. Civil engineers must be able to step up to the task and
manage a diverse team of professionals whilst maintaining the
confidence of clients.

➢ Scheduling- project scheduling is a core project management

Managerial Skills

➢ Cost Control- critical topic for project managers. Those without

this skill will be at a disadvantage because budgets are tight. You
need to show that you can deliver your project within the cost
constraints and by managing the project finances intelligently.
➢ Risk Management-The more ‘routine’ the project, the more it is
likely to get outsourced or given to a functional manager who shows
an aptitude for getting things done. Project managers will work on
the more complex, transformative, unique endeavors that require
decent risk
Managerial Skills

➢ Contract Management-is about being able to actively manage that

procurement. Previously many project managers have been able to rely
on their Finance departments to get this sort of work done (and Legal
teams for managing the terms of the deal)
➢ Critical Thinking-is core to being able to make good decisions. You
must weigh up the pros and cons of solutions to problems before
choosing the right way forward. This is what distinguishes a project
manager who is good at managing issues to someone who blows issues
out of the water every time.
Managerial Skills

➢ Project Recovery-showing you know how to turn around a poorly

performing team and the project will certainly set you aside from your
➢ Task Management-be able to create a task list, delegate work to others
and keep on top of progress.
➢ Quality management- ensures that you deliver a product that is fit for
purpose. Unfortunately, project managers often don’t spend enough time
on the quality angle of their projects – it’s one of those processes and set
of tasks that are overlooked as an administrative overhead
Managerial Skills

➢ Meetings Management- Being able to sense when a meeting is going off

the rails and people aren’t paying attention is a key skill for project
managers. It’s helped by sticking to the agenda but it’s also about being
able to read the body language of people in the room to check that you are
getting through the material quickly and comprehensively.
Leadership Skills

Civil engineers take ultimate responsibility for the projects that

they manage or research that they perform. Therefore, they must be able
to lead planners, surveyors, construction managers, civil engineering
technicians, civil engineering technologists, and others in implementing
their project plan

➢ Decision-making-Civil engineers often balance multiple and frequently

conflicting objectives, such as determining the feasibility of plans regarding
financial costs and safety concerns. Civil engineers must be able to make good
decisions based on best practices, their own technical knowledge, and their own
Leadership Skills

➢ Negotiation-Project managers with good negotiation skills will be an

asset to their teams as they seek to resolve conflicts by finding the
win-win scenarios for everyone.
➢ Organizational skills- be able to monitor and evaluate the work at
the jobsite as a project progresses. That way, they can ensure
compliance with the design documents. Civil engineers also often
manage several projects at the same time, and thus must be able to
balance time needs and to effectively allocate resources.
Leadership Skills

➢ Problem-solving skills -Civil engineers work at the highest level of

the planning, design, construction, and operation of multifaceted
projects or research. The many variables involved require that they
possess the ability to identify and evaluate complex problems. They
must be able to then utilize their skill and training to develop cost-
effective, safe, and efficient solutions.
Communication Skills

The ability to communicate effectively is a highly sought-

after skill. Whether dealing with Management or a client,
Engineers need to be able to clearly communicate ideas and give
direction leaving no ambiguity. They must also be able to listen
and benefit from the ideas of others in the team

➢ Written communication skills-From technicians to project

managers, civil engineers at every level need to be able to
communicate via written reports and correspondence concisely.
Communication Skills

➢ Oral communication skills-This entails being able to listen to

clients, officials, team members, and other skilled workers in order to
grasp their concerns and requests effectively. Strong speaking skills
are also necessary for civil engineers when explaining complex
technical information to the people they work and interact within a
concise fashion so that they can easily comprehend the information
being shared.
Communication Skills

➢ Business Case Writing-With the ongoing focus on delivering

business value, being able to write business case (or at least
contribute one) will be a good skill to have.
➢ Sense of Humor- Getting through your projects largely relies on a
good sense of humor and the goodwill of colleagues prepared to pick
up the slack or wait another 24 hours. An ability to see the funny side
of project management will keep you on an even keel.
Other Skills

➢ Creativity -the role of Civil Engineers is applying Engineering

principles to develop solutions within the built environment. Often,
this requires a certain level of creativity. Engineers need to be able to
innovate and improve solutions.
➢ Visualization skills -must be flexible and dynamic in order to identify
and resolve issues before they can become problems. Because there
are so many component parts to large-scale projects, civil engineers
must be able to envision how the interrelationships change when one
or more individual aspects are changed.
Other Skills

➢ Critical thinking-also one of the civil engineering basics skills

required for civil engineers to often overcome the complex problems
and need to find efficient solutions for them. They need to be able to
assess the pros and cons of all possible solutions, and they need to be
decisive in order to choose the best one.
Roles and Functions of
Civil Engineers
Civil engineers play an extremely important role in the society. They are
responsible for maintaining the overall safety of society in several ways
including rural engineering. From constructing highways and buildings to
bridges and tunnels, the responsibilities of civil engineers are many.

Civil engineers are responsible for planning and overseeing different

construction efforts and apply civil engineering principles to ensure that
the constructed structures are safe and sturdy.
Civil Engineers main
role is in
• Surveying
• Planning
• Designing
• Estimation
• Executions of structures like
-- roads

Roles of Civil Engineers

 To use scientific and engineeringprinciples for solutions of different

engineering problems
 To solve engineering problems with the help of field experience, laboratory
techniques, mathematical models, computer and information technology
 To implementmanagementtechniquesfor better managementof man,
material, machines and money
 To carry out planning of building as per its functional needs, as suggested
by clients or user. He must plan the building as per the bylaws.
 To carry out soil investigations for the design of foundation of structures.

Roles of Civil Engineers

 To carry out principles of structures as per the principles of structural

analysis and design. Ensures that the design is safe, durable and economical.
 To prepare the estimates to know the probable cost of completion of work.
 To invite tender and to select contractors for the work.
 To carry out valuation of land or building for the purpose of finding its sale
or purchase price or taxation.
 Civil engineers must work for the general welfare of people.

Functions of Civil Engineering

 Before Construction
 DuringConstruction
 After Construction

Before Construction

Before Construction

 In the beginning technical feasibility, environmental impact assessment and

economical viability of the project are studied. Surveying includes preparing site plan,
contour map and measurement of field dimensions and level

 Soil investigation includes collecting data regarding soil and bearing capacity of soil.

 Based on the collected planning, designing, are carried and drawings are prepared.
Estimates to know the probable cost of completion of work and detailed planning and
scheduling are prepared to carry out different activities in time without delay.

During Construction

During Construction
 Owner, engineer and contractor are the three constituents of a construction team in
engineering profession, hence continuous liaison among themselves is very essential
for the speedy progress of the work.
 Execution of work is actual construction carried out on the site with materials and
equipment's by the skilled and unskilled work force, under technical guidance and
supervision or engineer in charge.
 During construction engineer must supervise the work carried out as per the
specifications for quality control. Costing is the key procedure in arriving the actual
cost of construction
 During construction engineer must supervise the work carried out as per the
specifications for quality control. Costing is the key procedure in arriving the actual
cost of construction
After Construction

Thank you for
joining the class!
Does anyone have any questions?

Chapter 2
To familiarize with the practices of Civil Engineers in relation to their interaction with society.
To understand the relation of civil engineering and other related fields.


Civil engineering is a respected profession which is charged foremost with maintaining public safety. Like
those in the law and medical professions, civil engineers in positions of responsibility are required to be
professionally licensed.

Civil Engineering is the oldest and quintessential engineering profession. It encompasses a variety of
sub- disciplines and jobs.
Civil engineering is “the modification of nature to create and improve human habitats.” Civil engineers
work toward an ideal that is “a standard of perfection, beauty, or moral and physical excellence, especially
as an aim of attainment or realization.” Civil engineers strive to “match deep functionality with aesthetics
in every manifestation of the profession.” Engineers should be mindful that there is a “moral compact
between the engineer and world society.” - Bugliarello (1994)

Civil engineers conceive, design, build, supervise, operate, construct and maintain infrastructure projects
and systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges,
and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. Many civil engineers work in planning, design,
construction, research, and education.

Civil engineers typically do the following:

Analyze long range plans, survey reports, maps, and other data to plan and design projects

Consider construction costs, government regulations, potential environmental hazards, and other factors
during the planning and risk-analysis stages of a project

Compile and submit permit applications to local, state, and federal agencies, verifying that projects
comply with various regulations
Oversee and analyze the results of soil testing to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations

Analyze the results of tests on building materials, such as concrete, wood, asphalt, or steel, for use in
particular projects
Prepare cost estimates for materials, equipment, or labor to determine a project's economic feasibility

Downloaded by Oliver Dimailig (oliver.dimailig@g.batstate-u.edu.ph)

Use design software to plan and design transportation systems, hydraulic systems, and structures in line
with industry and government standards

Perform or oversee surveying operations to establish building locations, site layouts, reference points,
grades, and elevations to guide construction

Manage the repair, maintenance, and replacement of public and private infrastructure

Civil engineering is all about people.

It's the work that civil engineers do to develop and improve the services and facilities that general people
use in their everyday life.


The main objective of CIVIL Engineering associations is to safeguard the profession of translators and
interpreters; to promote among its members the principles of professional competence and decorum by
organizing interpreting market and providing information on the Civil Engineering profession.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)

American Welding Society (AWS)

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)

Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI]

International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors(ICES)


Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers(PICE)

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines(ASEP)

Philippine Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(PSSMGE)


1. Architect
An architect is a person who plans, designs and reviews the construction of buildings. To practice architecture
means to provide services in connection with the design of buildings and the space within the site surrounding
the buildings that have human occupancy or use as their principal purpose.

2. Civil Engineering Technicians

Civil engineering technicians help civil engineers to plan, design, and build highways, bridges,
utilities, and other infrastructure projects. They also help to plan, design, and build commercial, industrial,
residential, and land development projects.

3. Construction Manager

Downloaded by Oliver Dimailig (oliver.dimailig@g.batstate-u.edu.ph)

A construction manager will supervise and manage contractors and laborers at construction sites. Often
they meet with architects, specialized trade employees, and civil engineers on projects or upcoming builds.
They must address emergencies, work delays, or other problems that affect the construction project.

4. Environmental engineers

Environmental engineers use the principles of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to
develop solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in efforts to improve recycling, waste
disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control.

5. Landscape architects

Landscape architects design attractive and functional public parks, gardens, playgrounds, residential
areas, college campuses, and public spaces. They also plan the locations of buildings, roads, walkways,
flowers, shrubs, and trees within these environments. Landscape architects design these areas so that
they are not only easy to use but also harmonious with the natural environment.

6. Mechanical engineers

Mechanical engineers design power-producing machines, such as electric generators, internal combustion
engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as power-using machines, such as refrigeration and air-
conditioning systems. Mechanical engineers design other machines inside buildings, such as elevators and

7. Electrical engineers

An electrical engineer is someone who designs and develops new electrical systems, solves problems and
tests equipment. They study and apply the physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetism and
electronics to both large and small scale systems to process information and transmit energy.

8. Surveyors

Surveyors update boundary lines and prepare sites for construction so that legal disputes are prevented.
Surveyors make precise measurements to determine property boundaries. They provide data relevant to
the shape and contour of the Earth's surface for engineering, mapmaking, and construction projects.

Downloaded by Oliver Dimailig (oliver.dimailig@g.batstate-u.edu.ph)

Module 2
Civil Engineering & Society and other Profession


Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design,
construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including
works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines and

There are two major types of engineering roles performed by civil engineers;

1) Consultant engineers who focus on design work and generally spend more time
in the office or working with clients.

2) Contractors who are more involved in keeping an eye on the physical

construction and are usually based on site.

Learning Outcome/Objective

At the end of this chapter, the students shall be able to:

1. Define Civil engineering
2. Understand the duties of a Civil Engineer
3. Recognize the different kind of profession for a Civil engineer
4. Knowledge on the Engineering Profession in the Philippines

Learning Content/Topic

A. What is an Engineer?

“Engineering is concerned with the implementation of a solution to a practical

problem. A scientist may ask "why?" and proceed to research the answer to the
question. By contrast, engineers want to know how to solve a problem and how to
implement that solution. In other words, scientists investigate phenomena, whereas
engineers create solutions to problems or improve upon existing solutions. A
scientist builds in order to learn. An engineer learns in order to build.”

“Engineering is concerned with the implementation of a solution to a practical

problem. A scientist may ask "why?" and proceed to research the answer to the
question. By contrast, engineers want to know how to solve a problem and how to
implement that solution.

In other words, scientists investigate phenomena, whereas engineers create

solutions to problems or improve upon existing solutions.

A scientist builds in order to learn. An engineer learns in order to build.”

One way to define engineering is: “how to do new things in new ways” (Win
Phillips, 1997)

Another definition is: "Engineering is the application of math and science to

create something of value from our natural resources." The difference between
science and engineering was explained well by Theodore Von Karman, an
aerospace engineer. As he stated: "Scientists discover the world that exists;
engineers create the world that never was."

Even the etymology of the word “engineer” reveals their problem-solving

nature: “It is a myth that engineer originated to describe those who built engines. In
fact, the words engine and engineer (as well as ingenious) developed in parallel

33 | Civil Engineering Orientation

from the Latin root ingeniosus, meaning "skilled". An engineer is thus a clever,
practical, problem solver.”

What is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering is the oldest and quintessential engineering profession. It

encompasses a variety of sub-disciplines and jobs. The civil engineering curriculum
at the University of Colorado (CU) and most other U.S. universities emphasize the
following major sub-disciplines:
 structural
 water resources
 geotechnical
 construction
 transportation

Architectural engineering is often a related but separate degree (such as at

CU). Surveying is a skill used by many civil engineers, but there is a separate
professional licensure for land surveyors. Urban planning is an activity that uses
skills from a variety of the civil engineering sub-disciplines.

Some interesting thoughts on civil engineering by Bugliarello (1994) include:

Civil engineering is “the modification of nature to create and improve human

Civil engineers work toward an ideal that is “a standard of perfection, beauty,

or moral and physical excellence, especially as an aim of attainment or
realization.” Civil engineers strive to “match deep functionality with aesthetics
in every manifestation of the profession.” Engineers should be mindful that
there is a “moral compact between the engineer and world society.”

“Professional engineers should work for the welfare of the public. They are
responsible for observing societal needs, and often have the position and resources
to improve society. As professionals, engineers are expected to set examples in the
work field and to establish themselves as assets to society.” T.D. Oates, 1993

Duties of Civil Engineers

Civil engineers conceive, design, build, supervise, operate, construct and

maintain infrastructure projects and systems in the public and private sector,
including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water
supply and sewage treatment. Many civil engineers work in planning, design,
construction, research, and education.

Civil engineers typically do the following:

 Analyze long range plans, survey reports, maps, and other data to plan
and design projects
 Consider construction costs, government regulations, potential
environmental hazards, and other factors during the planning and risk-
analysis stages of a project
 Compile and submit permit applications to local, state, and federal
agencies, verifying that projects comply with various regulations
 Oversee and analyze the results of soil testing to determine the
adequacy and strength of foundations
 Analyze the results of tests on building materials, such as concrete,
wood, asphalt, or steel, for use in particular projects
 Prepare cost estimates for materials, equipment, or labor to determine a
project's economic feasibility

34 | Civil Engineering Orientation

 Use design software to plan and design transportation systems,
hydraulic systems, and structures in line with industry and government
 Perform or oversee surveying operations to establish building locations,
site layouts, reference points, grades, and elevations to guide
 Manage the repair, maintenance, and replacement of public and private

Civil engineers also must present their findings to the public on topics such
as bid proposals, environmental impact statements, or property descriptions.
Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions ranging
from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer, public works director, and
city manager. As supervisors, they are tasked with ensuring that safe work
practices are followed at construction sites.
Other civil engineers work in design, construction, research, and teaching.
Civil engineers work with others on projects and may be assisted by civil
engineering technicians.
Civil engineers prepare permit documents for work on projects in renewable
energy. They verify that the projects will comply with federal, state, and local
requirements. These engineers conduct structural analyses for large-scale
photovoltaic, or solar energy, projects. They also evaluate the ability of solar array
support structures and buildings to tolerate stresses from wind, seismic activity,
and other sources. For large-scale wind projects, civil engineers often prepare
roadbeds to handle large trucks that haul in the turbines.
Civil engineers work on complex projects, and they can achieve job
satisfaction in seeing the project reach completion. They usually specialize in one
of several areas.
Construction engineers manage construction projects, ensuring that they
are scheduled and built in accordance with plans and specifications. These
engineers typically are responsible for the design and safety of temporary
structures used during construction. They may also oversee budgetary,
time-management, and communications aspects of a project.
Geotechnical engineers work to make sure that foundations for built
objects ranging from streets and buildings to runways and dams, are solid.
They focus on how structures built by civil engineers, such as buildings and
tunnels, interact with the earth (including soil and rock). In addition, they
design and plan for slopes, retaining walls, and tunnels.
Structural engineers design and assess major projects, such as buildings,
bridges, or dams, to ensure their strength and durability.
Transportation engineers plan, design, operate, and maintain everyday
systems, such as streets and highways, but they also plan larger projects,
such as airports, ship ports, mass transit systems, and harbors.
Water Resources engineers covers a broad spectrum, but is primarily
concerned with the study of selected topics in applied hydrology,
hydraulics, applied limnology, water resources systems analysis, water
resources, environmental impact assessment, hydraulic structures,
irrigation and drainage.
The work of civil engineers is closely related to the work of environmental

Civil Engineering Functios

The functions of the civil engineer can be divided into three categories: those
performed before construction (feasibility studies, site investigations, and design),

35 | Civil Engineering Orientation

those performed during construction (dealing with clients, consulting engineers,
and contractors), and those performed after construction (maintenance and

 Feasibility studies

No major project today is started without an extensive study of the

objective and without preliminary studies of possible plans leading to a
recommended scheme, perhaps with alternatives. Feasibility studies may
cover alternative methods—e.g., bridge versus tunnel, in the case of a water
crossing—or, once the method is decided, the choice of route. Both economic
and engineering problems must be considered.

 Site Investigations

A preliminary site investigation is part of the feasibility study, but once a

plan has been adopted a more extensive investigation is usually imperative.
Money spent in a rigorous study of ground and substructure may save large
sums later in remedial works or in changes made necessary in constructional

Since the load-bearing qualities and stability of the ground are such
important factors in any large-scale construction, it is surprising that a serious
study of soil mechanics did not develop until the mid-1930s. Karl von
Terzaghi, the chief founder of the science, gives the date of its birth as 1936,
when the First International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering was held at Harvard University and an international society was
formed. Today there are specialist societies and journals in many countries,
and most universities that have a civil engineering faculty have courses in soil

 Design

The design of engineering works may require the application of design

theory from many fields—e.g., hydraulics, thermodynamics, or
nuclear physics. Research in structural analysis and the technology of
materials has opened the way for more rational designs, new design concepts,
and greater economy of materials. The theory of structures and the study of
materials have advanced together as more and more refined stress analysis
of structures and systematic testing has been done. Modern designers not
only have advanced theories and readily available design data, but structural
designs can now be rigorously analyzed by computers.

 Construction

The promotion of civil engineering works may be initiated by a private

client, but most work is undertaken for large corporations, government
authorities, and public boards and authorities. Many of these have their own
engineering staffs, but for large specialized projects it is usual to employ
consulting engineers.

The consulting engineer may be required first to undertake feasibility

studies, then to recommend a scheme and quote an approximate cost. The
engineer is responsible for the design of the works, supplying specifications,
drawings, and legal documents in sufficient detail to seek competitive tender
prices. The engineer must compare quotations and recommend acceptance
of one of them. Although he is not a party to the contract, the engineer’s duties

36 | Civil Engineering Orientation

are defined in it; the staff must supervise the construction and the engineer
must certify completion of the work. Actions must be consistent with duty to
the client; the professional organizations exercise disciplinary control over
professional conduct. The consulting engineer’s senior representative on the
site is the resident engineer.

A phenomenon of recent years has been the turnkey or package

contract, in which the contractor undertakes to finance, design, specify,
construct, and commission a project in its entirety. In this case, the consulting
engineer is engaged by the contractor rather than by the client.

The contractor is usually an incorporated company, which secures the

contract on the basis of the consulting engineer’s specification and general
drawings. The consulting engineer must agree to any variations introduced
and must approve the detailed drawings.

 Maintenance

The contractor maintains the works to the satisfaction of the consulting

engineer. Responsibility for maintenance extends to ancillary and temporary
works where these form part of the overall construction. After construction a
period of maintenance is undertaken by the contractor, and the payment of
the final installment of the contract price is held back until released by the
consulting engineer. Central and local government engineering and public
works departments are concerned primarily with maintenance, for which they
employ direct labour.

 Research

Research in the civil engineering field is undertaken by government

agencies, industrial foundations, the universities, and other institutions. Most
countries have government-controlled agencies, such as the United
States Bureau of Standards and the National Physical Laboratory of Great
Britain, involved in a broad spectrum of research, and establishments in
building research, roads and highways, hydraulic research, water pollution,
and other areas. Many are government-aided but depend partly on income
from research work promoted by industry.

How to become a Civil Engineer

Civil engineers need a bachelor's degree. They typically need a graduate
degree and a license for promotion to senior positions. Although licensure
requirements vary from state to state, civil engineers usually must be licensed if
they provide services directly to the public.
 Education for Civil Engineers
Civil engineers need a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, in
one of its specialties, or in civil engineering technology. Programs in civil
engineering and civil engineering technology include coursework in
math, statistics, engineering mechanics and systems, and fluid
dynamics, depending on the specialty. Courses include a mix of
traditional classroom learning, work in laboratories, and fieldwork.
Programs may include cooperative programs, also known as co-ops, in
which students gain work experience while pursuing a degree.
Further education after the bachelor's degree, along with the
PE license and previous experience, is helpful in getting a job as a
 Important Qualities for Civil Engineers

37 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Licenses, Certifications and Registrations for Civil Engineers

Licensure is not required for entry-level positions as a civil engineer. A

Professional Engineering (PE) license, which allows for higher levels of leadership
and independence, can be acquired later in one's career. Licensed engineers are
called professional engineers (PEs). A PE can oversee the work of other
engineers, approve design plans, sign off on projects, and provide services directly
to the public. State licensure generally requires

 A degree from an ABET-accredited engineering program

 A passing score on the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam
 Relevant work experience, typically at least 4 years working under a
licensed engineer
 A passing score on the Professional Engineering (PE) exam

The initial FE exam can be taken after earning a bachelor's degree.

Engineers who pass this exam commonly are called engineers in training (EITs) or
engineer interns (EIs). After meeting work experience requirements, EITs and EIs
can take the second exam, called the Principles and Practice of Engineering.
Each state issues its own licenses. Most states recognize licensure from
other states, as long as the licensing state's requirements meet or exceed their
own licensure requirements. Several states require continuing education for
engineers to keep their licenses.

B. What is a profession?

A PROFESSION is defined by:

1. Knowledge - requires formal education, judgment and discretion that are

not routine and cannot be mechanized; continuing education required 2;

2. Organization - sets standards for admission to profession, enforces

standards of conduct, establishes codes of ethics 3;

3. Public Good - purpose of service and preservation of public welfare.

“America’s engineers have always played a vitally important role in developing

America’s way of life and standard of living. From constructing bridges and highways
to exploring the vast earth beneath us, America’s engineers are helping to keep
America moving and safe.” George Bush, 1989

“The American engineering profession needs to reassert its leadership; to

raise its eyes and voices, roll up its sleeves, and do again for the nation what it did
a century ago: make it a winner in the world marketplace. If competing and winning
-- rather than puttering and theorizing -- become the real stuff of an engineering
career, our best men and women, our winners, will once again gravitate toward the
profession, and the impending decline of American engineering will become a thing
of the past.” John F. Welch, Jr. Competitiveness: The Real Stuff of American
Engineering. 1989.

“History provides the big picture, why large-scale projects were built and what
their benefits are to society...You can wake people up to the importance of
infrastructure, the efforts of the 2 civil engineers who have improved the quality of
life through its design and construction, why it needs to be repaired, and where tax
dollars will be going. You can use history to educate...engineers ...about where our
present problems came from.” James M. Fels, 1990; in Morley 1994.

What do engineers need to know?

38 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Based on the 1995 Civil Engineering Education Conference of the American
Society of Civil Engineers, the following areas were identified as fundamental
elements which should be incorporated into Undergraduate engineering education
(ASCE 1995):

1. A global vision and approach to problem identification and problem

solving in areas such as infrastructure, environment, facilities, and

2. A basic management knowledge base in areas such as business,

resources, personnel management, communication skills, costs and
value judgments, and time management

3. A solid foundation in personal and inter-personal attributes ethics

4. An involvement with engineering practice as the formal education evolves

These elements were therefore chosen as emphasis areas for this course, and
should provide a foundation for you as both professional engineers and in your future
courses. What you learn here should help you identify areas where you will need to
be strong in order to succeed as an engineer, and therefore in selecting courses
which will allow you to build your skills in these areas.

Desired Attributes of an Engineering Graduate

1. Good Communication Skills

2. Higher ethical standards

3. Ability to think critically and creatively; independently and cooperatively

4. Flexibility

5. Grasp of Engineering Science fundamentals (math, statistics, physics and

life sciences, information technologies)

6. Good understanding of design and manufacturing processes

7. Basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced

(economics, history, environment, customer and societal needs)

8. Possess a multi-disciplinary, system perspective

Skills in order of importance (in your career):

• Writing

• Engineering

• business/financial

• personal interaction

• computer

Civil engineering is moving somewhat away from the gold-standard of “design

for function”, and expanding to embrace “design to cost and environmental
compatibility”. It is important to recognize the revolution that has occurred in

39 | Civil Engineering Orientation

engineering since the 1960s. Computers and the web have changed many aspects
of the job. Specifically, computers have replaced many things that engineers used
to do. No longer are high-level skills with a slide rule and detailed manual
computations needed, because computers have assumed much of this burden. This
has resulted in significant time savings, freeing engineers to focus on broader
integration issues of importance.

MORE is expected of engineers than any other profession! Civil engineers

are responsible for the well-being of the entire population via water treatment,
wastewater treatment, air pollution control, road design, and design of
dams/buildings/bridges. Our work often goes unrecognized. The public tends to take
the quality of our work for granted – until something goes wrong or performs below

Many of the US Top 7 “Critical Technologies” identified by the National

Government are related to Civil Engineering:

2. Environmental Quality

6. Materials

7. Transportation

“You must learn how to learn. This is part of your preparation for being an
engineer; our profession will require that you keep up with new developments while
you work: Life-long learning”. Dave DiLaura, “Being Smart is Not Enough.”

What kinds of jobs are there for Civil Engineers?

Civil engineers held about 232,000 jobs in 2000 (US Department of Labor;
http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos030.htm). Civil engineering jobs tended to fall into a few
main sectors. These job sectors and the approximate percentage of civil engineers
employed within each are listed and described below.

 Federal Government ~10%

Transportation Bureau
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Energy, Department of Defense, etc.....
Military - Army Corps of Engineers, Air Force Center for Environ.

State or Local Government ~22%

State Department of Transportation
State Department of Natural Resources
County or City Engineer
Public Utilities
Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant, Sanitation Department

Consulting Firms ~51%

Consulting such as CH2M Hill, MWH, Earth Tech, etc…

Construction and Manufacturing ~12%

Industry such as Exxon, Kiewit, etc...

Self Employed ~5%

Ex: usually 1-person “consulting firm” such as Laube Engineering,
Greeley CO Other

Other < 1%
Includes Peace Corps, Universities, research laboratories, etc. . .

40 | Civil Engineering Orientation

During a career, many people change jobs and job type. For example, many
Civil Engineers start in consulting and later move into government positions. Others
move from consulting into self-employment. In almost all cases, self-employment
comes after learning on-the-job under licensed professional engineers (PE’s),
gaining your own PE, and then significant world experience.

What do Civil Engineers do?

Every job and career path is different. The information below provides some
examples and advice about a typical job path. However, every person, every
employer, each job is different and there are no specific rules. Expect the
unexpected. Variety and diversity are the key trait of civil engineering to remember.
If you don’t like one civil engineering job, don’t despair. There is a fit for your skills,
aspirations, and talents out there waiting for you.

First year engineer

Getting off to a strong start is the key to a successful career. Learn the
way things are done, and figure out what you need to do to earn credibility and
respect. Your first impression on your employers will determine the types of
job assignments they give you.


A proper attitude is vital

Have realistic expectations and be willing to earn your place in the
organization. Expect work to be different than college Learn the “art of
being new”

Demonstrate maturity by showing you know how much you DON’T know
Learn as much as you can about your company and the people in it by
listening. College only gives you part of what you need to be
successful. There will be on the job training, so don’t believe you know
everything when you start. Recognize what you don’t know, and make
an effort to learn it quickly. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Learn the culture - each company has its own unique personality and culture
The culture is a unique set of rules and norms, often unspoken and
informal, about how you should behave. Watch how others behave,
observe how people communicate and work together.

Be conscious of making a good impression

Everyone is trying to assess your abilities and strengths, so work hard
to build a good reputation. You want people to notice your maturity,
good judgment, and ability to fit into a team. Show that you want to fit
into the corporate culture. Make an extra effort, do whatever is asked
no matter how trivial.

Learn what your boss wants and expects

Search for opportunities and projects on which you can contribute

Find a mentor to give you advice and help you adapt

A mentor can help you learn the culture, learn what your boss expects
A mentor can help you build a network of colleagues

What you might do:

 write engineering reports (>50% of time)
 call clients and vendors (~10-20%)
 perform design calculations, or calculation checks
 field work: construction oversight; inspection; surveying (~20%)
 data analysis
 special trainings

41 | Civil Engineering Orientation

“The feeling of being part of an effective team is the best feeling in the
world. You WANT to go to work. You don’t mind staying late and working on
stuff if people have faith and trust in your abilities...”
Liz McMahon, during 2nd consulting job at V&K

“Most of my time went to data processing (inputting data into the

computer, working with spreadsheets, etc.) and field work (groundwater
sampling and well monitoring).”
Dr. Victor Magar, currently in the Environmental Restoration Dept. at Battelle

Some examples of civil engineering jobs, based on interviews with

working civil engineers and listed job posting are given below. These have
been grouped by number of years of work experience, as your activities and
expectations of employers grow and evolve as engineers gain experience.

2 - 5 yrs

Environmental Engineer II.

 Analyze and review air quality permit applications.
 Incorporate applicable state and federal regulations with review
conclusions to develop draft air quality operating permits.
 Assist in the writing and review of air quality construction permits.
 BS or higher degree in Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, or
Environmental Engineering from an accredited engineering
curriculum or registered as Engineer-In-Training.
 Two years environmentally related experience, including one
year of experience specifically in air quality engineering.

Excellent written and oral communication skills: State Position, Aug 24, 1997 Post Ad

~5 years as engineer

 Business development
- write proposals; talk with industry to develop a relationship meet
with clients

 Project engineer
- coordinate the activities of other junior engineers
- decide who will do what?
- delegate check their work

 training
- specialty workshops to develop new skills
- present work at technical conferences

“Project Engineer, PE with minimum 4 years experience. Must be

capable of providing coordination, scheduling, and supervision in the technical
design of residential and commercial projects. Verifiable experience in design
of utilities, grading and drainage. Ability to coordinate with clients and review
Aug 24, ‘97 Post Ad

Water Resources - “...successful candidate will be highly energetic,

motivated and a self-starter. We require a BSCE, PE, and 5 years WATER
RESOURCES experience. Experience should include hydrologic and
hydraulic analysis, watershed planning, and computer modelling. HEC1, HEC
RAS, EPA NET, and other model proficiencies are desirable. Masters degree
in Water Resources strongly preferred.”
Aug 24, ‘97 Post Ad

42 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Structural engineer - “5 to 10 yrs experience in structural design of
commercial or light industrial diverse building systems. Must be able to
communicate well with other disciplines and construction personnel. PE
Aug 24, ‘97 Post Ad

>10 years as engineer

 project manager
- select a project engineer
- make sure project stays on budget and on time
- interact closely with client to ensure they get what they want

“Project Manager: Architect/Engineer with minimum 7 yrs experience to

coordinate design of major projects. Requires excellent organizational and
communication skills, management of project information, maintenance of project
schedules, budgets, and communication with internal technical, construction
personnel, and clients. Professional registration required.”
Aug 24, ‘97 Post Ad

“Project Manager. National environmental remediation firm is seeking qualified

candidates...minimum 5 yrs experience in remediation managing long-term or multi-
task projects (health and safety, quality assurance/quality control, budget control,
training and supervision, field crew management, interpreting specs/prints, etc)
required. Requirements include operation of wastewater treatment processes,
computer literacy, and willingness to be at remote sites for 6 to 8 months/yr. Current
40-hr OSHA certification desired.”
Aug 24, ‘97 Post Ad

“Project Manager, PE with 7-8 yrs experience. Must be capable of providing

coordination scheduling, and supervision in the technical design of residential,
commercial, and municipal projects. Ability to coordinate with clients, review
agencies and attend public meetings.”
Aug 24, ‘97 Post Ad


“value engineering” = “accomplishing a required function at a lower cost, without any

reduction in quality”
David Berry, Bench Mark, Burns & McDonnell, Perspectives on Quality

1. identify basic and required functions

2. identify secondary and unnecessary functions
3. Determine the cost to worth ratio for each function
4. Look for alternatives in high cost-to-worth areas


Salary numbers are somewhat hard to find and are highly variable. In
particular, getting current numbers is challenging. This is important because
salaries tend to increase over time due to inflation. Salaries vary by region due
to the local cost of living. Salaries clearly tend to increase as employees have
more years of work experience. Salaries are generally higher for people who
have earned higher degrees (BS vs. MS vs. PhD). Frequently magazine or
web-based surveys are based on people who chose to respond, so the data
are not fully inclusive.

In addition, the yearly salary number ignores bonuses. There has

recently been a trend for companies to give more bonuses, as incentives for
hard work, rather than simply set raises. In a survey, 55% of all engineers

43 | Civil Engineering Orientation

surveyed received bonuses. So if the company does well, the engineers will
be rewarded. This tends to make up for the “dragging” state of pay raises,
which failed to keep pace with inflation in 1995.

The US department of Labor provides the following data on Civil

Engineering salaries:

“Median annual earnings of civil engineers were $60,070 in 2002. The

middle 50 percent earned between $48,360 and $74,700. The lowest 10
percent earned less than $39,960, and the highest 10 percent earned more
than $91,010. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest
numbers of civil engineers in 2002 were:

Federal government $67,410

Local government 62,210
Architectural, engineering, and related services 59,060
State government 58,350
Nonresidential building construction 54,190

According to a 2003 salary survey by the National Association of

Colleges and Employers, bachelor’s degree candidates in civil engineering
received starting offers averaging $41,669 a year; master’s degree candidates
received an average offer of $47,245, and Ph.D. candidates were offered
$69,079, on average, as an initial salary”

It’s important to realize that the average salary increases based on the
level of education you’ve received. Salaries also increase based on the
number of years you’ve worked as an engineer.

2003 web data (http://www.payscale.com/salary-survey/vid-3268/fid-6886)

shows how salaries tend to increase with more experience:

Years’ Experience Salary Range Average

<1 $35,000 - $47,500 $40,000
1-4 $39,000 - $49,000 $42,000
5-9 $48,000 - $56,000 $52,000
10 - 19 $59,000 - $82,000 $65,000
>20 $45,000 - $120,000 $70,000

Thoughts for the Future

Consider getting an advanced degree at some point in your career. The

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) now considers the Master’s degree to
be the basic preparation for professional practice. This is driven largely by the ever
expanding breadth and depth of technical knowledge that is relevant to a practicing
civil engineer.

“On October 9, 2001, the ASCE Board of Direction unanimously approved

revised Policy 465: Academic Prerequisites for Licensure and Professional
Practice. The policy states, "ASCE supports the concept of the Master's
degree or Equivalent as a prerequisite for licensure and the practice of civil
engineering at a professional level."”

“Today, engineering is becoming increasingly specialized. Students should

plan to pursue their master’s degree, regardless of their engineering discipline.
Working between the bachelor’s and masters is encouraged, but the master’s
degree should not be neglected. With a master’s degree, engineers will be given

44 | Civil Engineering Orientation

noticeably more responsibility, more important tasks, more technical tasks, they will
move up the corporate ladder more rapidly, and they will have greater selfconfidence
and better technical skills. ...a master’s degree will pay off with higher salaries and
more rapid advancement.” Victor S. Magar, PE, PhD, Aug. 1997

Therefore, you may want to consider the CU combined BS/MS degree. If you
want to know more, talk to your advisor.

C. Civil Engineering Profession in the Philippines

The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers

The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers or PICE is a professional

organization for civil engineers in the Philippines. It was formed by merging two
separate organizations of civil engineers: one group working from government
sector and the second group working in the private sector.


On December 11, 1973, the

Securities and Exchange Commission
issued Registration Certificate No
This was the culmination and fulfilment
of a vision to merge two separate
organizations of civil engineers in the
country, the Philippine Society of Civil
Engineers (PSCE) and the Philippine
Association of Civil Engineers (PACE).
The Philippine Society of Civil
Engineers (PSCE) was formed sometime in the late twenties by a group of
civil engineers mostly from the government sector. It was the country's first
civil engineering organization with the late Engr. Marcia! Kasilag as its first
president. Engr. Kasilag holds the No 1 slot in the PRC Registry of Civil
Engineers. He then occupied a high-ranking position in the government and
the early members of PSCE were government engineers. There were
relatively few civil engineers in private practice during that time as most of the
early graduates were readily engaged by the various government agencies

In 1937, another group of civil engineers in the private sector, led by

Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes formed the Philippine Association of Civil
Engineers (PACE) Mr Cortes was its first president The major objectives of
both associations were similar to elevate the standards of the profession,
encourage research and engineering knowledge and technology, foster
fellowship among members, and promote interrelation with other technological
and scientific societies.

The Philippine Association Civil Engineers (PACE) proved to be the

more active between the two groups and this resulted to the transfer of many
PSCE members to PACE PACE, under the leadership of President Alberto
Guevarra, was mainly responsible for the passage of Republic Act No. 544
otherwise known as the "Civil Engineering Law" in 1950. It was a milestone in
establishing prestige and safeguarding the interest of the civil engineering
profession in the country.

45 | Civil Engineering Orientation

It was sometime in 1972 under the administration of the late PACE
President Cesar A. Caliwara when more serious effort was exerted to merge
the two societies. Panel representatives were designated by both
organizations to convene and start a series of talk. Leading members of PACE
and PSCE, Eduardo Escobar. Pedro Afable. Angel Lazaro. Jr.. Andres Hizon.
Ambrosio Flores. Tomas de Guzman. Lucas Agbayani, to mention a few were
involved in the negotiation. The choice of a new name, formal accounting and
turnover of assets and liabilities, accreditation of bonafide members and
election rules for the first officers were some of the concerns that were sooner
resolved. Finally, an election of the first officers and directors of the Philippine
Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (PICE) was held sometime in February 1974
and Cesar A. Caliwara became the first President. During his term, the first
International convention was held in the Philippines on May 20 to 24.1975 with
the theme " Civil Engineering in Disaster Prevention Control: Proceedings in
this convention were published into a book and sold to members and public.
Also, the drive to organize provincial chapters was intensified in order to truly
unite the civil engineers of the country. Another historical milestone was the
accreditation (no. 007) of PICE by the Professional Regulation Commission
on August 13. 1975 as the only official recognized organization of civil
engineers in the Philippines.

President Mariano R. Balauag's administration which succeeded

Caliwara's was also characterized by an even vigorous campaign for
membership thru the formation of seventeen (17) Provincial Chapters within a
years time, making a total of twenty four (24) chapters, considerably boosting
the PICE membership. The publication of the "Philippine Civil Engineer”, the
official organ of the stitute was envisioned during his term. PICE's 3rd
president. Ramon G. Hechanova, highlighted his administration by expanding
further the activities of PICE, such as the Continuing Education Program,
publication of the Philippine Civil Engineer, increased the annual membership
dues, studied proposed amendments to the By-laws particularly on the
electoral voting, proposed amendments to Article 1723 of the civil code
pertinent to exploitation of civil engineers in practice, and the creation of the
"Ten Outstanding Civil Engineers" (TOCE) Awards. The establishment of the
PICE Foundation Inc. was envisioned during his terrn. A convention on the
theme 'Civil Engineering in the 80's“ and the annual election held on
November 9,1980 marked the closing of Hechanova's Administration, Jesus
S. Hipolito. a noted professor in Structural Engineering and leading contractor
became PICE's Fourth President on January 1.1981, Hipolito had not yet
finished his term in office when President Marcos named him Minister of Public
Works on November 11,1981, His incumbency then marked the period when
PICE was headed by cabinet members which is no doubt, another feather on
its cap. It was during Minister Hipolito's tenure that the PICE foundation, Inc.
was finally established for the purpose of acquiring a permanent home for the
Institute. It was also during his term that the local engineering consultants have
been given due recognition by foreign financing institutions like the World
Bank. A convention on the theme "Upgrading Civil Engineering
Professionalism and Consultancy" was held which reflected his main
obsession and direction for his entire incumbency. Hipolito served for two
years until December 1. 1982.

The fifth President of the PICE is youthful and handsome Angel L.

Lazaro III, son of Arch./Engr. Angel L. Lazaro. jr., one of the original pillars of
the Institute. "Lilo" Lazaro, as he is fondly called, has a doctorate degree in
Structural Engineering and was then the Dean of the De La Salle's College of

46 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Engineering. He also headed a consultancy group bearing his name and was
actively involved in the government's infrastructure program. The term of
President Lazaro although for one year only (1983), is considered very fruitful
in terms of visible accomplishments. For the first time, the PICE membership
broke the 10.000 mark with 11.448 active members with the formation of ten
(10) new provincial chapters and seven (7) new student chapters. Also for the
first time, existing specialty and fraternal associations of civil engineers such
as ASEP, AGCEP, DACEL and ACE were formally invited to join the Institute
of emphasize and realize the unity of civil engineering profession. The
administration of Dr. Lazaro is also characterized by the intense desire of PICE
members to unite in protecting the right of civil engineer particularly on the
issues confronting the civil engineering profession against the perceived
machination of other technical professions who want to amend the existing
C.E. Law for their selfish interests. Among the various programs implemented.
the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) was given emphasis thru the
conduct of several Regional Technical Conferences and Lecture Seminars in
the local chapters which directly benefited more than a thousand members.

Aber P. Canlas, then the deputy Minister of Public Work and Highways
(MPWH) became the sixth president of PICE in 1984 and kept the presidency
until the end of 1986. It was during Canlas' administration that PICE was
involved in an International activity thru the holding of the 4th conference of
the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations or CAFEO-4, which was
hosted by the Philippine Technological Council (PTC) on September 25-27,
1985 at the Philippine Plaza Hotel. President Canlas, then PICE
representative in the PTC, was the chairman of the federation's Governing
Body and PICE became the lead organization that successfully managed that
prestigious international affair. The seventh President of PICE is the amiable
and ever-jolly Juanito "Janet" Nery Ferrer who was elected when he was
Undersecretary of DPWH. He eventually became the full-pledged secretary of
DPWH before his second term ended in 1988 He herefore became the second
Cabinet Secretary to serve the PICE presidency after past president Jesus
Hipolito. President "Janet', as he popularly known, is well remembered for his
vision in establishing a more solid moral foundation for the next generations
of Filipino Civil Engineers. He was very concerned about the moral re-
orientation and regeneration of our people after the 20 year plunder of the past
government regime. Also, he felt that civil engineers had to bring back the
pride and dignity of the civil engineering profession. It was during Ferrer's
administration that serious efforts were exerted to acquire a permanent
headquarters for the PICE and acquire sophisticated office and equipment
such as microcomputer to better serve the needs of the general membership.
Thru very successful fund-raising activities, the initial amount of P550, 000.00
was placed in the bank as a trust fund under the PICE Foundation, Inc the
plan then was to acquire an office space at the Strata 200 Bldg. of the Ortigas
Complex. And as part of the decentralization program of his administration, a
very successful midyear National Convention was held in Davao City in July
1988 ably hosted by the local PICE chapter of that beautiful and alluring
southern metropolis. The eight President of the Institute is David M Consunji,
a former Secretary of the Department of Public Works, Transportation and
Communication (DPWTC) and the president of a very prestigious construction
firm bearing his name. President Consunji served for two (2) terms striving to
maintain the momentum of the Institute's growth for the last 15 years from
1974 His first term was spent mostly in consultation with the local chapters
trying to identify the problems that beset the Institute because he believed in

47 | Civil Engineering Orientation

the dictum that problems known are already half solved. It is to the credit of
the Consunji administration that the present successful program on Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) for civil engineers was finally resolved and
eventually adopted by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as a
pre-requisite in the renewal of professional license. The ninth President of
PICE is the ever-smiling Romulo M Del Rosario, Undersecretary of the
Department of Public Works and Highways, then in-charge of all DPWH
infrastructure projects in Bicol, the Visayas and the whole of Mindanao.

The first term of President Del Rosario was characterized by an active

campaign for membership and re-activation of the in-active local chapters
including the creation of new and viable chapters, i.e., the PICE AFP-OND
chapter with Charter No 72 and headed by no less than the Chief of the
Engineering Corps of the AFP, Brigadier General Dominador Catibog, jr., as
its charter president. Also, it was during his first term in Office that the
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program was successfully launched
with a series of Regional Technical Consultation (RTC's) or training seminars
conducted in coordination with DPWH and hosted by local PICE chapters in
regional cities. This seminars and other trainings conducted by the local
chapters gave the membership the chance to earn CPE credits units required
by PRC in the renewal of Professional License. And for the first time, a "Civil
Engineering Week" for the period November 3 to 9, 1991 was declared by
Malacariang thru Proclamation No 799 issued on September 20,1991 by
President Corazon C. Aquino. The C E week was celebrated nationwide thru
coordinated activities of all PICE chapters and the PICE National Board
culminating in the most successful and well-attended '91 PICE Annual
Convention (1,400 plus registered participants) The second term of President
Del Rosario was considered very memorable mainly because of the induction
of the Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos as PICE Life Member holding
Certificate No 239. Three new chapters were organized, namely: Camarines
Norte, Angeles City and Tawi-Tawi and given Charter Nos 73, 74 and 75,
respectively. Also life members increased significantly by 51% from 182 in
1992 to 276 as of October 26,1992 Another significant achievement of his
administration is the conferment of the first batch of PICE Fellows, composed
mostly of PICE presidents. The 1992 National Convention surpassed the
record set in 1991 which was highlighted by the Testimonial Dinner in honor
of the Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos at the Fiesta Pavilion of the Manila
Hotel on November 3, 1992.

The tenth President of the Institute is the ever-humble Engr. Antonio A

Mansueto, a PICE Fellow and formerChairman of the PRC C.E. Board of
Examiners. A former City Engineer of Cebu, Engr Mansueto has long retired
from government service and headed a private consultation group. His
administration will be well remembered because of his spirited fight against
the proposed amendment to RA 544 (Civil Engineering Law) and the National
Consultancy Act of 1992 which would authorize corporate firms or juridical
persons to practice civil engineering under the guise of consultancy. From
initial indications at the time, PICE was winning this fight with the wholehearted
support of the different local chapters who sent in strong resolutions to our
legislators supporting the vehement and opposing stand of the National Board
in this regard. Mother very notable achievement of this administration is the
serious initiative to put up a PICE building of its own with the help of all local
chapters particularly the Metro Manila Chapters who were invited to join the
Building Fund Drive. It was hoped then that the PICE Building will house the
National Secretariat and the PICE Library and a dormitory to serve transient

48 | Civil Engineering Orientation

members coming to Metro Manila. On the General Membership growth, the
administration of President Mansueto is credited with the formation of
additional five (5) chapters, namely: Tarlac, Barran, Calbayog, !locos Sur,
Catanduanes and San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, who were given
Charter Nos 76,77,78,79,80 and 81, respectively. Also in this year, the
membership finally topped the 20,000 mark with 397 life members. The 1993
National Convention held on November 11-13, 1993 at the Philippine Plaza
Hotel, broke previous records of attendance and activities implemented. In
1994, Nelson Q Irasga was elected as the eleventh President of PICE He was
re-elected in 1995 He caused a more intensive Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) program in the chapter level thru the creation of a Speakers'
Bureau which offered assistance in technical seminars. Regional Consultative
Conferences were likewise successfully conducted in NCR and region I to XII.
An apprenticeship program for civil engineering graduates was launched
during President basga's 1994 term. The program provided opportunities to
new Civil Engineers to have proper exposure and training in various fields of
practice for three months in selected top government and private offices.
Ground work was also laid out for the establishment of scholarship grants to
deserving CE students all over the Philippines.

During the year, the National Secretariat moved to a more convenient

and newer office at PASDA Mansions, Quezon City. It was here that modern
office equipment such as computer, a laser printer and a fax machine were
acquired by the National Board. These were significant acquisitions that were
meant to expand services to its wide membership. As part of the thrust to get
first-hand information and status of chapters. President Irasga initiated and
convened a dialogue with the chapter Presidents. The inputs were necessary
for the formulation of programs and policies which will ultimately be beneficial
to all PICE members. In this meeting, CPE and other policies concerning the
operation of the national office were clarified for smoother implementation

Publication and printing of the PICE Bulletin, a newsletter in newspaper

form was likewise started. Meantime, PICE's collection increased by 30%
compared to the previous year and were placed in trust deposits, using the
interest earnings only to cover the office rent and purchase of new equipment.

Another significant event for PICE in 1994 was the signing of a mutual
Agreement of Cooperation with ASCE, the American Society of Civil
Engineers. The agreement provides for an exchange of technical, scientific
and professional knowledge between the two organizations. The holding of
the 20th National Convention in November 1994 proved to be another
unmatched success. Some 3,500 delegates participated in the convention
surpassing previous attendance records. Perhaps the most outstanding
achievement of the Irasga administration is the acquisition of 3 condominium
units at Cityland 10 Tower II, right in the heart of Makati City. The property was
purchased in outright cash in the amount of P 4,003,384 90 from compounded
revenues of PICE from 1992 to 1994 (the terms of PP Romulo M. Del Rosario,
Antonio A Mansueto and Nelson Q. Irasga). Four more chapters were formed
in 1995, North Metro Manila, South Metro Manila, Osamiz City and
Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija chapters. It was also in 1995 that efforts to establish
the PICE Research &. Development Foundation were started. The general
idea was to convert the existing PICE Foundation to serve as the R&D group
for civil engineering.

49 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Then DPWH Undersecretary Vicente B. Lopez was elected PICE
President in 1996. During this year, vigorous discussion and consultation were
made by the National Board with the chapters and other affiliate, association,
attempting to come up with a more up-to-date Civil Engineering Law. The
issue of creating Specialty Boards in the Professional Regulation Commission
Board of Civil Engineering was likewise a hotly debated subject. When all pros
and cons were presented to the membership during the 1996 National
Convention for resolution, the decision was to leave RA544 or the Civil
Engineering Law as is as its provision have been time-tested. During the year,
2 regular chapters and 6 student chapters were formed. Three issues of the
Philippine Civil Engineering journal were published and computerization of
membership data was completed with the procurement of new computers and
printers. The new National Administrative Office was re-organized with the
appointment of a new National Administrative Officer, a position vacant for
some years after Melinda del Rosano's retirement. The New National Office
provided expanded services to chapters and members and coordination was
closer. Membership report and remittances of share on dues to chapters
became regular. A serious effort to implement the members' 0-Base was
started. The CPE program of PICE was established complementary to PRC's
guidelines. Various chapters were able to sponsor their own seminars with the
support of the PICE Speakers Bureau and the National Administrative Officer.
PICE entered into Agreement of Cooperation with the Korean Society of Civil
Engineers. One outstanding feat of the Lopez Administration was the receipt
of award from the American Society of Civil Engineers for PICE to host the 1st
Civil Engineering International Conference to be held in 1998, outside the
USA, besting other offers from the other countries. The Mid-year Convention
in Baguio City and likewise the 22nd National Convention were very well
attended and further boosted the financial position of PICE. One of the most
distinguished contractors in the Philippines, the unassuming and spirited
Felipe F Cruz was elected president in 1997 and re-elected 1998. He will
always be remembered as the PICE President who made PICE popular in the
international civil engineering circles, among other feats. PICE's hosting of
First International Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region
sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Japan Society
of Civil Engineers, on the Theme: Asian Infrastructure, Sustainable
Development and Project Management held on February 19-20, 1998 at the
Manila Hotel was a smashing success. At present, PICE has formal linkage
with international professional associations such as the ASCE - American
Society of Civil Engineers; JSCE - Japan Society of Civil Engineers; KSCE -
Korean Society of Civil Engineers and the CSCE - Canadian Society for Civil
Engineering. PICE was the proud recipient of the ASCE INTERNATIONAL
TERRACES. Dubbed as the eighth wonder of the world and built 2000 years
ago, the Ifugao Rice Terraces is the best example of a sustainable
development project that still works. A simple awarding ceremony was held on
February 17, 1998 at a view point in Banaue which is now known as the
Engineers View Point. ASCE President Luther Graef with PICE officials led by
President FF Cruz and Past President Vicente B. Lopez, unveiled the
permanent marker specially made and flown from the US and mounted on a
monument designed by Engr. Angel Lazaro Jr., depicting the Ifugao culture
and art The three societies ASCE, JSCE and PICE made a donation to the
Ifugao Terraces Commission for the upkeep and other programs for the Ifugao
Rice Terraces.

50 | Civil Engineering Orientation

The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc celebrated its 25th
Founding Anniversary in 1998. The deep sense of unity manifested by the
then leaders of the Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE) and the
Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) was given due recognition during
the 24th National Convention citing the meaningful merger of PSCE and PACE
into the PICE and how this merger resulted to a strong single union of civil
engineers in the country that is now the PICE. During the term of F. F Cruz
PICE acquired another properly in Quezon City, to be its National
Headquarters. The Makati Cityland Condo units were later converted into the
PICE Center for Continuing Professional Education and the Computer
Training Center. The CPE Program of the PICE intensified and almost all PICE
chapters were able to develop their capability in conducting their local
seminars with speakers coming from the PICE National Speakers' Bureau
through the National CPE Committee and the National Administrative Office.
Because of the commitment of the National Board to intensify the membership
campaign in the PICE , PICE regular chapters reached 94 while student
chapters (DECS-accredited) rose to 104 at year-end. PICE has about 43,000
regular members on record, 7,900 student members, 1,574 life members, and
44 Fellows. The National Administrative Office continued to accommodate the
request from Engineering offices, Consultants or Contractors to post their C E
Staff requirements at the Headquarters Bulletin Board. Members who come
daily scan our Bulletin Board to check out our Employment opportunities. PICE
has also started to receive applications for reference for apprenticeship
coming from new C E Graduates or graduating students. Dissemination of
various profession or organization - related informations to all chapters, other
groups is another service that has greatly improved since the acquisition of
modern office equipment. PICE also offered free assistance to members
residing in the provinces in the renewal of their PRC licenses, provided there
is proper Chapter endorsement and authorization.

With the changing trends in the practice of civil engineering and the new
direction that the construction industry itself is taking, 1998 PICE President
Felipe F Cruz spearheaded the transformation of the old PICE Foundation,
Inc., first by expanding its objectives and setting a wider participation of past
presidents who will act as Trustees and of leading members who will actively
participate in the R & 0 work, then renaming it the PICE Research and
Development Foundation and causing the necessary SEC registration.
Attendance in the National Conventions in 1997 and 1998 increased from the
previous years.

Bashir ID Rasuman, the president of PICE Cebu Chapter was elected

14th president of PICE in 1999. It was during his term that the national board
started an outreach program with the chapters by holding some of the board
meetings in the regional centers and inviting the officials of the chapters within
the said region to the meeting to achieve a closer interaction. The Outreach
program proved to be effective because the national board members became
closer to the chapters and were able to address their concerns on a more
special level especially that the PRC cancelled the requirements for CPE units
for the renewal of PRC license and the chapters were starting to experience
its repercussions. The Chapters have by this time developed the capability to
organize their own CPE program with minimal help from the national office.
The PICE Computer Center was organized and computers and engineering
softwares were acquired. The PICE Training Center planned out some training
courses on the 5 areas of specialization. The PICE Library was revived and
new books were acquired. In 1999 the PICE National Office transferred to a

51 | Civil Engineering Orientation

new and bigger office in Quezon City, complete with a Board room and Library.
The By-Laws were also studied and a set of amendments were presented to
the Electoral College and were ratified. One of the outstanding features of the
Amended By-Laws is the institutionalization of the the establishment of the five
(5) Specialty Divisions for Construction Management and Engineering;
Structural Engineering; Transportation Engineering; Geotechnical
Engineering and Water Engineering. Also, the College of Fellows was
constituted and Angel R Lazaro, Jr became its 1st Chancellor. PICE, upon
closer study of the situation, withdrew as an intervenor in the court case of
CECOPHIL vs. DPWH, a conflict concerning the question of allowing
corporations to practice civil engineering. PICE gave financial assistance to
deserving masteral students in the completion of their thesis, under the
auspices of the PICE Research and Development Committee. On the
international involvement of PICE, Pres. Rasuman, for PICE, signed an
Agreement of Cooperation with the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulics
Engineers. Also, Pres. Rasuman and Past President F F Cruz were attending
meetings with its international counterparts from the American Society of Civil
Engineers, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Korean Society of Civil
Engineers and the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulics Engineers for the
holding of the 2nd International Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian
Region (CECAR 2) PICE also is a charter organizer of the Asian Civil
Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC), the body established to oversee
the preparations for the international conference otherwise known as CECAR
The 25th national Convention of PICE was held in Cebu City after SEC
clarified the provisions of the By-Laws concerning the venue of the National
Conventions. It has an unmatched attendance record of 5,300 delegates.
Efren H Sison was elected president for 2000 and 2001 His administration is
anchored on the concept under the acronym USA Unity + Strength =
Achievement. He initiated fast moving programs and continued others
designed and intended to provide and enhance the opportunities for the
professional development and personal advancement of members. This year,
the 5 specialty divisions were reconstituted and criteria and guidelines for
accreditation of specialist members were circularized to all members. The
earning of CPD units was set to be one of the requirements for a members
elevation to the status of Specialist Member.

PICE and ASEP entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the

Office of Civil Defense/National Disaster Coordinating Council under the Dept.
of National Defense for the National Emergency Response Action Program.
In this partnership PICE and ASEP were setting up a network for the provision
of technical assistance in times of earthquakes and calamities and more
importantly, for disaster preparedness. PICE was to provide the bulk of expert
technical volunteers while ASEP will provide the technical training. The signing
of the NERAP Memorandum of Agreement coincided with the opening of
CAST 2000, a specialty conference on concrete jointly sponsored by PICE
and ASEP. CAST 2000 had an impressive technical program with about 30
never before presented technical papers. PICE harnessed its relationship with
other groups to achieve PICE's objective: the advancement of knowledge and
practice of civil engineering and entered into a Memorandum of Agreement
with the following organizations: PRC Board of Civil Engineering, Association
of Consulting Civil Engineers of the Philippines and the Council of Engineering
Consultants of the Philippines to sponsor a seminar at least once a year about
the practice of foreign civil engineers in the Philippines as embodied in the
PRC Board of Civil Engineering Resolution 23 of 2000 (revising No 17, series

52 | Civil Engineering Orientation

of 1998) PRC Board of Civil Engineering to cooperate with the PRC Board of
Civil Engineering in launching an awareness campaign, extend assistance,
monitor, file complaints regarding the practice of foreign civil engineers. The
Philippine Association of Building Officials formed a partnership with PICE in
the pursuance of the National Emergency Response Action Program or
NERAP. PICE will coordinate with the Building Officials in the conduct of rapid
evaluation of structures in times of earthquakes or disasters where the NERAP
teams will be required. The Publications Committee regularly printed
newsletters and a special issue of the Journal on Disaster Preparedness. In
the INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, PICE renewed its Agreements of
Cooperation with the following Societies: ASCE, JSCE and KSCE PICE also
co-founded the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC) along
with ASCE, JSCE and KSCE. ACECC will organize the Civil Engineering
Conferences in the Asian Region, the first was held in Manila in 1998 and the
next one will be in Tokyo, Japan in 2001 It was during his term that PRC
conferred the Most Outstanding Civil Engineer Award for 2000 to past
president, Felipe F Cruz.

In the area of MEMBERS' WELFARE, the PICE actively pursued Free

regional seminars were conducted in conjunction with the Regional
Consultation Meeting of the National Board in San Fernando City, La Union
for Region I and CAR, Olongapo City for Region III and Naga City for Region
V. Insurance coverage for the PICE members was made possible with a
scheme where PICE will earn from premiums which will be used to establish
a PICE Scholarship Program under the chairmanship of IPP Bashir D
Rasuman. The reach-out program started by IPP Rasuman was continued and
offered opportunities for the chapter presidents to confer and interact with the
national board members to discuss chapter and professional issues. In 2000,
PICE was fully computerized. The PICE website, VANN [me org ph, was
launched in July 2000 and contains almost every imaginable data about PICE,
even the contents of our Library and links with international counterpart
associations. Total membership was 50,192 and Life Members at 2,188 at
year end. Eight Members have been elevated to the status of Fellow, namely
Rafael F. Erfe, Dr. Romeo A. Estariero, Capistrano Ramientos, Jr., Bashir D.
Rasuman, Hermenegildo P Manzano, Jr., Eustaquio T. Coronel, Jr., Emilio M
Morales and Rolando G Roque In the Student Affairs, three new student
chapters were added to the 116 chapters Perhaps the best achievement of
our PICE Students in schools located in Metro Manila was the volunteer work
for the Habitat for Humanity in their Muntinlupa project Several housed were
built by the students. A combination of hands-on learning and community work
in progress. The 1st National Student Summit was held during the National
Midyear Convention in Iloilo City at the Central Philippines University on June
28 to July 1, 2000. For the first time, the search for the Most Outstanding Civil
Engineering Student was launched known as MOCES. PICE gave the highest
commendation to Bryan Christopher Que of De La Salle University for
academic excellence and contributions to the furtherance of the PICE student
the Banaue Rice Terraces as the 1st PICE Landmark Award. For the CIVIL
the adoption of the Manual of Practice prepared by the Mis. Oriental-Cagayan
de Oro City Chapter. The year was capped with the 26th National Convention
hosted by PICE Makati Chapter held at the Manila Hotel attended by some
1,880 delegates. On the second term of Pres. Efren H. Sison, the year 2001
is perhaps the most momentous one for PICE so far. This was the year that

53 | Civil Engineering Orientation

PICE won the most coveted PRC award -The Most Outstanding Accredited
Professional Organization of the Year Most of the criteria for this award
perfectly matched the program of Pres. Sison and were the focus of his
administration - Continuing Professional Development, Community Extension
Program, Members' Welfare and Student Career Development Program and
Value Formation For the Continuing Professional Development, the
accreditation of Specialist Members under the Five Specialty Division started.
Civil Engineers who have been given the certificate of recognition by PRC
automatically became a Specialist Member. A power-packed committee
headed by President Efren H Sison prepared the Manual of Professional
Practice for Civil Engineers. This book was copyrighted and launched last
October 24, 2001.

The PICE National Board started to workout MOAs with Colleges and
Universities to make this a textbook for the ethics subject in the CE course.
The Manual was prepared to guide civil engineers in the practice of their
profession. Regional conferences were conducted from July to October 2001
in Regions IV, VI, I/CAR and III. The topics selected were those that are
pertinent to the respective regions and offered opportunities for net-working
and fund-raising for the chapter. Meanwhile the Midyear National Convention
was hosted by PICE Cagayan de Oro - Misamis Oriental Chapter with DPWH
Sec. Simeon A Datumanong as the Guest Speaker Free Seminars were
conducted from January 2001, for professionals and students conducted
separately almost every weekend. The National Board sponsored this
program, with the assistance of the chapter where the seminars are held. This
program addresses two objectives - Continuing Professional Development
and Member's Welfare. Some of the main topics presented in the free
seminars were The State of Civil Engineering Profession Today, Disaster
Quick Response Action Program, and other technical topics. PICE has
concentrated on its community extension work because civil engineering is a
profession in the Service of the Society. The Disaster Quick Response
Program (DQRP) is an undertaking of the PICE and ASEP with OCC)-NOCC-
ONO for the rapid assessment of structures during calamities. Trainings were
financed by the OCD-NDCC and started in August 2001 at Baguio City. PICE
also entered to a Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Building
Officials (PASO) for this undertaking. This program highlights the members'
spirit of volunteerism and concern for the community. PICE wants to involve
all members who will become DORP volunteers in the rapid inspection of
affected structures during earthquakes. PICE entered into a Memorandum of
Agreement with the Habitat for Humanity for the construction of houses for the
marginalized families. The student members provided the manpower in the
construction of the houses while, professional members provided the technical
supervision. As part of the Outreach program of the National Board of
Oirectors,regular consultation meetings were conducted with the officials of
the chapters Batangas, !locos Norte - Laoag, Davao, Isabela, Baguio,
Bacolod, Iloilo, Naga, Pangasinan, Angeles City, Oriental Mindoro,
Pampanga, Leyte, Cabanatuan - N Ecija, La Union. The national officers truly
networked with the members and became very familiar with the particular
settings of the chapter. The computerization program for PICE Operations was
completed in 2001 PICE now has an integrated membership data bank serving
all our chapters nationwide. The Data Bank also has other information related
to the practice of the profession. Our official websrte was launched in July2001
- and main e-mail address picenatl@skyinet net The PICE Library has an
impressive selection of publications available to all members. The PICE

54 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Insurance Program was also launched for the insurance coverage of
members. The Student Career Development program featured free seminars
for student members to inculcate good values and professional background
training PICE will propose to the Academic Community the possibility of
prescribing the Manual of Professional Practice for Civil Engineers as a
textbook for the Civil Engineering Course and in return, PICE will conduct
seminars for students in lieu of OJTs, The CE Education Forum - Full support
was extended to the Civil Engineering Education Congress in May 2001 The
formation of the Association of Civil Engineering Educators of the Philippines
was realized in that conference. Organizational Gains - PICE has various
Standing and Special Committees to attend to the plans and programs of PICE
for the profession and members in: Organizational Aspect, Practice of the
Profession, Community Service, International Affairs, Members, Welfare, Civil
Engineering Education, Student Activities. Landmark Award - The 1st National
Outstanding Civil Engineering Historic landmark Award went to the IFUGAO
RICE TERRACES. While, the 2nd National Outstanding Civil Engineering
Historic landmark Award went to the MT. SAMAT CROSS. International
Relationships- the cause of the success of the First International Civil
Engineering Conference in the Asian Region in 1998, ASCE, PICE and JSCE
initiated the formation of the ACECC - Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating

Pres. Efren H Sison and PP Bashir 0. Rasuman and Chair of

International Affairs signed an Agreement of Cooperation with the Hongkong
Institution of Engineers' (HKIE) President Dr. John W. K Luk and Secretary
and Director General Ir P K Kwok. As of Dec 31, 2001 PICE had a total of
54,509 members 52,026 regular and alternate members and 2483 life
members in 95 Chapters and over 16,000 student members in 120 student
chapters. DPWH Undersecretary, Manuel M Bonoan served his first term as
PICE National President in 2002 The PICE National Board of Directors
continued the implementation of the following plans and programs:

 Continuing Professional Development

 Members' Personal Welfare
 Community Extension Program
 Student Career Development and Value - Formation Program
 Setting of the civil engineering professional standards and ethics
 Upgrading of the civil engineering education
 International program
 Issues on Practice of the profession and legal matters

Continuing Professional Development (CPO) Program is still the main

thrust of the PICE for the advancement of the knowledge and practice of civil
engineering. Among the projects that were implemented for the CPO Program
are the conduct of a series of Regional Conferences, Free Seminars (under
the Members' Welfare Committee) and the technical tracks during Midyear
and National Convention. Regional Conferences were held in Region IV —
March 25, 2002 in Sta. Cruz, Marinduque; in Region V — August 30-31, 2002
in, Legazpi City; in Region I/CAR (Left Side) — September 6-7, 2003 at
Pangasinan; in Region III - October 4-5, 2002 at Olongapo City; in Region IV
— October 11-12, 2002 in Batangas City. The Free Seminars were well
attended. Modules for the professional and student levels were simultaneously
held. Topics on value formation and how to select the area of specialization
were featured in the free seminars for students. The Student members'

55 | Civil Engineering Orientation

participation in PICE events had increased over the years. PICE took on the
noble task of creating a program and sustaining a culture of professional
excellence for the young prospective engineers. It is now one of the missions
of PICE. The role of the 5 Specialty Divisions were further strengthened in
upgrading the level of practice thru specialization and the evaluation of
members to the specialist category. From 2000, the Five (5) SPECIALTY
DIVISIONS developed the criteria and requirements to be upgraded to the
PICE Specialist Member Category.

The Activities of the Specialty Divisions are:

 periodic assessment of the quality of practice

 setting of standards and practices
 preparation of CPO Program for implementation by the various
 administration of technical sessions during national conventions,
conferences and seminars
 peer recognition

The Members' Welfare Program was also strengthened, aimed at

providing opportunities and perks for personal development of members. The
PICE Library Facilities, the PICE Website are in place and an e-mail network
was started. Disaster Quick Response Program (DQRP), the PICE program
that combines the practice of profession with active community involvement,
gave focus on the concerns for safety/prevention of loss lives and destruction
of properties. With the Office of Civil Defense-National Disaster Coordinating
Council's support, The training of volunteers from our Chapters continued. The
training for Luzon chapter volunteers in Region I, II, Ill, NCR and part of Region
IV was conducted last June 14-15, 2002 at NIAAuditorium and attended by
some 200 volunteers from PICE and the LGUs The PICE-ASEP-DORP Team
in close coordination with the Office of Civil Defense-National Disaster
Coordinating Council (OCO-NOCC) thru Major General Melchor Rosales (Ret
), OCD-NDCC Administrator, was involved in the rapid assessment of
Structures after the March 6, 2002 earthquake in the areas of General Santos
city, Koronadal, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani Provinces. Our chapters in the
areas were quick to provide information & participated in the inspection of
damaged structures.

In July 2002 PICE also participated in the Mini-Sagip Internal

Assessment of Domestic Response capability of the Philippines to National
Disaster & also the Sagip 2002 Program of the OND Sagip 2002 or the 3rd
International Work Group Seminar & Exercises Multilateral Disaster Response
& Humanitarian Assistance Program.

Other Achievements:

 The use of the Manual of Practice for Civil Engineering was further
promoted to set the civil engineering professional standards and
 Upgrading of the civil engineering education through advocacy
work; involvement in the review of the Civil Engineering curriculum.
 PICE submitted to Professional Regulation Commission PICE's
position on the WTO-GATS issues on Cross Border Supply,
Commercial Presence, Consumption Abroad, Mobility Movement of
Natural Persons

56 | Civil Engineering Orientation

 PICE was one of the signatories in the Code of Good Governance
for all professions which was initiated and formulated by the
Professional Regulation Commission. The purpose is to define the
ethical environment in which all Filipino professionals shall
discharge their professional duties.
 PICE's involvement in the revision of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations for the National Building Code intensified
 The preparations of a Civil Engineering Code was started during the
 On the proposed amendments to the PICE By-laws, the Electoral
College approved the following amendments to the PICE by-laws at
the Bacolod Convention Plaza Hotel on June 28, 2002 during the
National Mid-Year Convention and the Referendum consisting of
the Retirement of Members; Deletion of Section 7 — Retirement of
Members and replace it with President Emeritus or Member
Emeritus and Section 13, Article II was amended that approved the
amnesty for members and Proposed Fee Increases for the
Ratification of the Electoral College.
 PBAC Representation - PICE has established partnership with Non-
Government Agencies as we participated in the various activities of
some agencies: Land Bank, Bureau of Treasury, Bureau of
Fisheries , Civil Service Commission, University of the Philippines
— Diliman, Philippine Ports Authority.
 The Awards for Most Outstanding Chapter, Chapter Special
Awards: Outstanding Community Project and Outstanding
Newsletter were given. Also the Most Outstanding Civil Engineering
Student Awards (MOCES) 2002; Best Celebrated Civil Engineering
Week for 2002 and the Mutya ng PICE 2002 Award.
 PICE has yet to install the Landmark Awards for The 1st National
Outstanding Civil Engineering Historic Landmark Award the
IFUGAO RICE TERRACES and the 2nd National Outstanding Civil
Engineering Historic landmark Award the MT. SAMAT CROSS

Code of Ethics

Fundamental Principles

Civil engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of
the civil engineering profession by:

1. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human

welfare and the environment;
2. being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their
employers/employees and clients;
3. striving to increase the competence and prestige of the civil
engineering profession; and
4. supporting the professional and technical societies of their

Fundamental Canons

1. Civil Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare
of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of
sustainable development in the performance of their duties

57 | Civil Engineering Orientation

2. Civil Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their
3. Civil Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective
and truthful manner.
4. Civil Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer
or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of
5. Civil Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit
of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others
6. Civil Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and
enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the civil engineering
7. Civil Engineers shall continue their professional development
throughout their careers, and shall provide opportunities for the
professional development of those civil engineers under their

The R.A. 544, Civil Engineering Law

Republic Act No. 544

(As Amended by R.A. 1582)
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering in the

Approved, June 17, 1950 (As amended by R.A. No. 1582, approved on June 16, 1956).

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in

Congress assembled:
Article I


Section 1. Title of Act.” This Act shall be known as the “Civil Engineering Law.”

Section 2. Definition of Terms.”

a) The practice of civil engineering within the meaning and intent of

this Act shall embrace services in the form of consultation, design,
preparation of plans, specifications, estimates, erection, installation
and supervision of the construction of streets, bridges, highways,
railroads, airports and hangars, port works, canals, river and shore
improvements, lighthouses, and dry docks; buildings, fixed
structures for irrigation, flood protection, drainage, water supply and
sewerage works; demolition of permanent structures; and tunnels.
The enumeration of any work in this section shall not be construed
as excluding any other work requiring civil engineering knowledge
and application.

b) The term “civil engineer” as used in this act shall mean a person
duly registered with the Board for Civil Engineers in the manner as
hereinafter provided.

58 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Article II


Section 3. Composition of Board.” Within thirty days after the approval of this Act
there shall be created a Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers, hereinafter
referred to as the Board, to be composed of a chairman and two members
who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines, upon
recommendation of the Commissioner of PRC. The members of the Board
shall hold office for a term of three years after appointment or until their
successors shall have been appointed and shall have qualified. The first
members of the Board appointed under this Act shall hold office for the
following terms: One member for one year; one member for two years; and
one member for three years. Each member of the Board shall qualify by
taking the proper oath of office before entering upon the performance of his
duties. Any member of the Board may be removed by the President of the
Philippines, upon recommendation by the Professional Regulation
Commission for neglect of duty, incompetency, malpractice,
unprofessional, unethical, immoral, or dishonorable conduct, after having
been given opportunity to defend himself in a proper administrative
investigation: Provided, That during the process of investigation, the
President of the Philippines, upon the recommendation of the PRC, shall
have the power to suspend such member under investigation and shall
appoint a temporary member in his place. Vacancies in the Board shall be
filled for the un-expired term only.

Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Board.” The Board for Civil Engineers is vested
with authority, conformable with the provisions of this Act, to administer
oaths, issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the practice
of civil engineering, issue certificates of recognition to civil engineers
already registered under this Act for advanced studies, research, and/or
highly specialized training in any branch of civil engineering subject to the
approval of the PRC, to investigate such violations of this Act and the
regulations, there under as may come to the knowledge of the Board and,
for this purpose, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure
appearance of witnesses in connection with the charges presented to the
Board, to inspect at least once a year educational institutions offering
courses in civil engineering, civil engineering works, projects or
corporations, established in the Philippines and, for safeguarding of life,
health and property, to discharge such other powers and duties as may
affect ethical and technological standards of the civil engineering
profession in the Philippines. For the purpose of this Act, the Director of
Public Works and/or his authorized representative in the provinces and
chartered cities shall be ex-officio agents of the Board and as such it shall
be their duty to help in the enforcement of the provisions of this Act. The
Board may, with the approval of the Professional Regulation Commission
issue such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry out
the provisions of this Act. The board shall also adopt a code of ethics in the
practice of civil engineering and have an official seal to authenticate its
official documents.

59 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Section 5. Qualifications of Board Members.” Each member of the Board shall, at the
time of his appointment:

a) Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines;

b) Be at least thirty years of age and of good moral character;

c) Be a graduate of civil engineering from a recognized and legally

constituted school, institute, college or university.

d) Be a registered civil engineer duly qualified to practice civil engineering

in the Philippines;

e) Have practiced civil engineering, with a certificate as such, for a period

of not less than ten years prior to his appointment.

f) Not be a member of the faculty of any school, institute, college, or

university where civil engineering course is taught, nor have a
pecuniary interest in such institutions;

g) No former members of the faculty of any school, institute or university

where civil engineering is taught can become a member of the Board
unless he had stopped teaching for at least three consecutive years.

Section 6. Fees and Compensation of Board.” The Board for Civil Engineers shall
charge for each application for examination the sum of P100 (one hundred)
payable to the collecting and disbursing officer of the PRC upon filing of
said application, and for each certificate of registration, fifty pesos. Each
member of the Board shall receive a compensation of fifteen pesos for each
applicant examined. A civil engineer in the service of the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines appointed as member of the Board shall
receive the compensation as herein provided, in addition to his salary in the
Government. All authorized expenses of the Board, including the
compensation provided for herein, shall be paid by the collecting and
disbursing officer of the PRC out of such appropriation as may be made for
the purpose. (See RA 6511 & PD 223)

Section 7. Annual Report.” The Board shall, at the end of each fiscal year, submit to
the PRC a detailed report of its activities and proceedings during the period
covered by the fiscal year ended.

Article III


Section 8. Examination Requirement.” All applicants for registration for the practice
of civil engineering shall berequired to pass a technical examination as
hereinafter provided.

Section 9. Holding of Examination.” Examination of candidates desiring to practice

civil engineering in the Philippines shall be given in the City of Manila of
each year, provided that such days do not fall on official holidays, otherwise
the examinations shall be held on the days next following.

60 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Section 10. Subjects of Examination.” Applicants for certificate of registration as civil
engineer shall be examined, in the discretion of the Board, on the
following subjects: mathematics, including algebra, plane and spherical
trigonometry, analytics, descriptive and solid geometry, differential and
integral calculus, and rational and applied mechanics; hydraulics;
surveying, including highway and railroad surveying; plane, topographic
and hydrographic surveying, and advance surveying; design and
construction of highways and railroads, masonry structures, wooden and
reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, towers, walls, foundations, piers,
ports, wharves, aqueducts, sanitary engineering works, water supply
systems, dikes, dams and irrigation and drainage canals.

Section 11. Executive Officer of the Board.” The Commissioner of Professional

Regulation Commission shall be the executive officer of the Board and
shall conduct the examinations given by the said Board. He shall
designate any subordinate officer of the Professional Regulation
Commission to act as the Secretary and custodian of all records including
examination papers and minutes of the deliberation of the Board.

Section 12. Qualifications for Examination.” Any person applying for admission to the
civil engineering examination as herein provided shall, prior to the date of
the examination, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that he has the
following qualifications:

a) Be at least twenty-one years of age;

b) Be a citizen of the Philippines;

c) Be of good reputation and moral character; and

d) Be a graduate of a four-year course in civil engineering from a school,

institute, college or university recognized by the Government or the
State wherein it is established.

Section 13. Oath of Civil Engineers.” All successful candidates in the examination
shall be required to take a professional oath before the Board of Civil
Engineers or other Government Officials authorized to administer oaths,
prior to entering upon the practice of the civil engineering profession.

Section 14. Seal and Use of Seal.” All registered civil engineers shall obtain a seal of
such design as the Board shall authorize and direct: Provided, however,
that the serial number of the certificate issued by the Board shall be
included in the design of the seal. Plans and specifications prepared by,
or under the direct supervision of a registered civil engineer shall be
stamped with said seal during the life of the registrant’s certificate, and it
shall be unlawful for anyone to stamp or seal any documents with said
seal after the certificate of registrant named thereon has expired or has
been revoked, unless said certificate shall have been renewed or re-

Section 15. Exemption from Registration.”

1. Registration shall not be required of the following persons:

61 | Civil Engineering Orientation

a) Officers or enlisted men of the United States and Philippine
Armed Forces, and civilian employees of the Government of
the United States stationed in the Philippines while rendering
civil engineering services for the United States and/or

b) Civil engineers or experts called in by the Philippine

Government for consultation, or specific designand
construction of fixed structures as defined under this Act,
provided that their practice shall be limited to such work.

2. Any person residing in the Philippines may make plans on

specifications for any of the following: a. Any building in chartered cities
or in towns with building ordinances, not exceeding the space
requirement specified therein, requiring the services of a civil engineer.
b. Any wooden building enlargement or alteration which is to be used
for farm purposes only and costing not more than ten thousand pesos.
c. Provided, however. That there shall be nothing in this Act that will
prevent any person from constructing his own (wooden or light
material) residential house, utilizing the services of a person or persons
required for the purpose, without the use of a civil engineer, as long as
he does not violate local ordinances of the place where the building is
to be constructed.

3. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent draftsmen, student clerk-or-work,

superintendents, and other employees of those lawfully engaged in the
practice of civil engineering under the provisions of this Act, from acting
under the instruction, control or supervision of their employer.

4. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent any person who prior to the
approval of this Act have been lawfully engaged in the practice of
“maestro de obras” to continue as such, provided they shall not
undertake the making of plans supervision for the following classes of

a) Building of concrete whether reinforced or not.

b) Building of more than two stories.
c) Building with frames of structural steel.
d) Building of structures intended for public gathering or assemblies
such as theatres, cinematographs, stadia, churches, or
structures of like nature.

5. Nor shall anything in this Act prevent professional architects and

engineers to practice their professions.

Section 16. Refusal to Issue Certificate.” The Board for Civil Engineers shall not issue
a certificate to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction
of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, or to any person guilty
of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or to any person guilty of immoral or
dishonorable conduct, or to any person of unsound mind. In the event of
a refusal to issue a certificate to any person, the Board shall give to the
applicant a written statement setting forth its reason for such action, which
statement shall be incorporated in the records of the Board.

62 | Civil Engineering Orientation

Section 17. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates. “ The Board shall have the
power, after due notice and hearings to suspend or revoke the certificate
of registration for any cause mentioned in the preceding section.

Section 18. Re-issue and Replacement of Certificates. “ The Board may, after the
expiration of one year from the date of certificate of registration is revoked
and for reasons it may deem sufficient, entertain an application for a new
certificate of registration from the registrant concerned. Such application
shall be accomplished in the same form prescribed for examination, but
the Board may, in its discretion, exempt the applicant from taking the
requisite examination.

Section 19. Transitory Provisions.” As soon as this Act takes effect, any person
desiring to practice the profession of civil engineering shall be required to
obtain a certificate of registration in the manner and under the conditions
hereinafter provided. All civil engineers duly licensed under the provisions
of Act Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, as amended, at
the time this Act takes effect, shall be automatically registered under the
provisions hereof. Certificates of registration held by such persons in good
standing shall have the same force and effect as though the same have
been issued under the provisions of this Act. All graduates in civil
engineering from a school, institute, college, or university recognized by
the Government who have passed the civil service examination for senior
civil engineer and have been practicing or employed in the Government
as such during five years are exempted from taking examination.

Article V


Section 23. Preparation of plans and supervisions of construction by registered civil

engineer.” It shall be unlawful for any person to order or otherwise cause
the construction, reconstruction, or alteration of any building or structure
intended for public gathering or assembly such as theaters,
cinematographs, stadia, churches or structures of like nature, and any
other engineering structures mentioned in section two of this Act unless
the designs, plans, and specifications of same have been prepared under
the responsible charge of, and signed and sealed by a registered civil
engineer, and unless the construction, reconstruction and/or alteration
thereof are executed under the responsible charge and direct supervision
of a civil engineer. Plans and designs of structures must be approved as
provided by law or ordinance of a city or province or municipality where
the said structure is to be constructed.

Section 24. The practice of civil engineering is a professional service, admission to

which must be determined upon individual, personal qualifications.
Hence, no firm, partnership, corporation or association may be registered
or licensed as such for the practice of civil engineering: Provided,
however, That persons properly registered and licensed as civil engineers
may, among themselves or with a person or persons properly registered
and licensed as architects, form, and obtain registration of, a firm,
partnership or association using the term “Engineers” or “Engineers and
Architects,” but, nobody shall be a member or partner of such firm,
partnership or association unless he is duly licensed civil engineer or
architect, and the members who are civil engineers shall only render work
and services proper for a civil engineer, as defined in this Act, and the

63 | Civil Engineering Orientation

members who are architects shall also only render work and services
proper for an architect, as defined in the law regulating the practice of
architecture; individual members of such firms, partnership or association
shall be responsible for their own respective acts.

Section 25. Reciprocity requirements.” No person who is not a citizen of the

Philippines at the time he applies to take the examination shall be allowed
to take it unless he can prove in the manner provided by the Rules of
Court that, by specific provision of law, the country of which he is a citizen,
subject, or national either admits citizens of the Philippines to the practice
of the same profession without restriction or allows them to practice it after
an examination on terms of strict and absolute equality with citizens,
subjects, or nationals of the country concerned, including the
unconditional recognition of degrees issued by institutions of learning duly
recognized for the purpose by the Government of the Philippines:
Provided, That if he is not a citizen of the Philippines, and was admitted
to the practice of a profession in the Philippines after December 8, 1941,
his active practice in that profession, either in the Philippines or in the
state or country where he was practicing his profession, shall not have
been interrupted for a period of two years or more prior to July 4, 1946,
and that the country or state from which he comes allows the citizens of
the Philippines by specific provision of law, to practice the same
profession without restriction or on terms of strict and absolute equality
with citizens, subjects or nationals of the country or state concerned.

Section 26. Roster of civil engineers.” A roster showing the names and places of
business of all registered civil engineers shall be prepared by the
Commissioner of PRC periodically but at least once a year. Copies of this
roster shall be placed on file with the PRC and furnished to all department
heads, mayors of all chartered cities, to the Director of Public Works, to
such other Bureaus, government entities or agencies and municipal and
provincial authorities as may be deemed necessary and to the public upon

Section 27. Repeal. “All laws, parts of laws, orders, ordinances, or regulations in
conflict with the provisions hereof; including parts of Act Numbered
Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, as amended, as pertains to the
practice of civil engineering, are hereby repealed, except the provisions
of Act Numbered Thirtyone hundred and fifty nine amending Act
Numbered Twenty-nine hundred and eighty-five, pertaining to the practice
of “maestro de obras.”

Section 28. Construction of Act.” If any part or section of this Act shall be declared
unconstitutional, such declarations shall not invalidate the other
provisions hereof.

Section 29. Effectivity. “This Act shall take effect upon its approval.”

64 | Civil Engineering Orientation


Learning Outcome:

Intended learning outcome: Understand the advancement and development of Civil


● Understand the history of Civil Engineering

● comprehending ethical and professional responsibilities
● recognize the effects of civil engineering in a sociocultural, economic, and
environmental context.
● Check out the notable structure
● learn about the BSCE curriculum


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation

“We shape our buildings,
thereafter they shape us”
- Winston churchill


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Civil engineering is the most ancient engineering discipline. It is the branch of engineering
concerned with the design and maintenance of roads, bridges, dams, and similar structures.
It can be traced back to the first time someone put a roof over his or her head or laid a tree
trunk across a river to make crossing easier.

Civil engineers have a unique duty to shape the world's future. They have been empowering
the technological and societal advancement of the world. Its goal is to construct and maintain
the infrastructures that we depend on everyday such as roads, bridges, water management
systems, and flood control systems while taking into account what is best for the society and
environment. Civil engineering’s objectives for the world’s future are to develop a safe and
sustainable society: from ensuring the availability of potable water, building resilient
infrastructures, and finding solutions to meet the growing demand of the ever-growing


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
History Civil engineering

It is difficult to determine the history of emergence and beginning of civil

engineering, however, that the history of civil engineering is a mirror of the
history of human beings on this earth. Man used the old shelter caves to
protect themselves from the weather and harsh environment, and used a tree
trunk to cross the river, which being the demonstration of ancient age civil

Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the beginnings of human existence. The earliest practices of Civil
engineering may have commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq)
when humans started to abandon a nomadic existence, thus causing a need for the construction of shelter. During
this time, transportation became increasingly important leading to the development of the wheel and sailing.

Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engineering and architecture, and the term engineer
and architect were mainly geographical variations referring to the same person, often used interchangeably. The
construction of Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC) might be considered the first instances of large structure


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
History Civil engineering

Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first documented engineer, built a famous stepped
pyramid for King Djoser located at Saqqara Necropolis. With simple tools and
mathematics he created a monument that stands to this day. His greatest contribution to
engineering was his discovery of the art of building with shaped stones. Those who
followed him carried engineering to remarkable heights using skill and imagination.

Acient historic civil engineering constructions include the Qanat water management system (the oldest older than 3000 years and
longer than 71 km,) the Parthenon by Iktinos in Ancient Greece (447-438 BC), the Appian Way by Roman engineers (c. 312 BC),
the Great Wall of China by General Meng T’ien under orders from Ch’in Emperor Shih Huang Ti (c. 220 BC) and the stupas
constructed in ancient Sri Lanka like the Jetavanaramaya and the extensive irrigation works in Anuradhapura. The Romans
developed civil structures throughout their empire, including especially aqueducts, insulae, harbours, bridges, dams and roads.

Other remarkable historical structures are Sennacherib's Aqueduct at Jerwan built in 691 BC; Li Ping's irrigation projects in China
(around 220 BC); Julius Caesar's Bridge over the Rhine River built in 55 BC, numerous bridges built by other Romans in and
around Rome(e.g. the pons Fabricius); Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduct, Nimes, France) built in 19 BC; the extensive system of
highways the Romans built to facilitate trading and (more importantly) fast manoeuvring of legions; extensive irrigation system
constructed by the Hohokam Indians, Salt River, AZ around 600 AD; first dykes defending against high water in Friesland, The
Netherlands around 1000 AD; El Camino Real - The Royal Road, Eastern Branch, TX and Western Branch, NM (1500s AD).


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
History Civil engineering

Machu Picchu, Peru, built at around 1450,

at the height of the Inca Empire is
considered an engineering marvel. It was
built in the Andes Mountains assisted by
some of history’s most ingenious water
resource engineers. The people of Machu
Picchu built a mountain top city with running
water, drainage systems, food production
and stone structures so advanced that they
endured for over 500 years.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
History Civil engineering

A treatise on Architecture, Book called Vitruvius' De Archiectura,

was published at 1AD in Rome and survived to give us a look at
engineering education in ancient times. It was probably written
around 15 BC by the Roman architect Vitruvius and dedicated to
his patron, the emperor Caesar Augustus, as a guide for building

Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design

and construction was carried out by artisans, such as stonemasons and carpenters, rising to the role
of master builder. Knowledge was retained in guilds and seldom supplanted by advances. Structures,
roads and infrastructure that existed were repetitive, and increases in scale were incremental.
One of the earliest examples of a scientific approach to physical and mathematical problems
applicable to civil engineering is the work of Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, including Archimedes
Principle, which underpins our understanding of buoyancy, and practical solutions such as
Archimedes’ screw. Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, used arithmetic in the 7th century AD,
based on Hindu-Arabic numerals, for excavation (volume) computations.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Educational and Institutional history of Civil engineering

In the 18th century, the term civil engineering was coined to

incorporate all things civilian as opposed to military engineering. The
first engineering school, The National School of Bridges and
Highways, France, was opened in 1747. The first self-proclaimed civil
engineer was John Smeaton who constructed the Eddystone
Lighthouse. In 1771, Smeaton and some of his colleagues formed the
Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, a group of leaders of the
profession who met informally over dinner. Though there was
evidence of some technical meetings, it was little more than a social


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Educational and Institutional history of Civil engineering

In 1818, the world's first engineering society, the Institution of Civil Engineers was founded in
London, and in 1820 the eminent engineer Thomas Telford became its first president. The
institution received a Royal Charter in 1828, formally recognizing civil engineering as
a profession. Its charter defined civil engineering as: “Civil engineering is the application of
physical and scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked to advances in
understanding of physics and mathematics throughout history. Because civil engineering is a
wide ranging profession, including several separate specialized sub-disciplines, its history is
linked to knowledge of structures, material science, geography, geology, soil, hydrology,
environment, mechanics and other fields.”

The first private college to teach Civil Engineering in the United States was
Norwich University founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge. The first degree in Civil
Engineering in the United States was awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835.
The first such degree to be awarded to a woman was granted by Cornell University to Nora
Stanton Blatch in 1905.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Civil Engineering in the Philippines and A Brief History
of Philippine Institute Civil Engineers (PICE)

Civil Engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the

design constructions, including works like roads, bridges,
pipelines, railways, canals, dams, sewage systems, airports,
etc. Civil Engineering also deals with the maintenance of the
physical and natural build of the environment, durability, and the
safety in the field structure. Civil Engineers are united through the
mandate of organization of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
and is usually called PICE. This organization aims to build a strong
foundation among all Civil Engineers in the Philippines.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Civil Engineering in the Philippines and A Brief History
of Philippine Institute Civil Engineers (PICE)
December 11,1973 PICE was issued a certificate of registration to culminate and fulfill the vision to
merge the two separate organizations in the country, Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) and
Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE).

Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) was the first Civil Engineering organization in the
country formed by a group of Civil Engineers mostly from the government sector and was headed by
Engr. Marcial Kasilag who holds the 1st slot in the PRC Registry of Civil Engineers. PSCE was formed
during the late twenties.

In 1937, another group of Civil Engineers came and formed the Philippine Association of Civil
Engineers (PACE). They came mostly from the private sector and Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes led the
said group and was the first president of the organization. The main objectives of the organization is
to ascend the standards of the profession, inspire research and engineering knowledge and
technology to members, foster good fellowship among members, and promote better relationships
and communication with other technological and scientific societies.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Civil Engineering in the Philippines and A Brief History
of Philippine Institute Civil Engineers (PICE)
PSCE and PACE as one

Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE) proved that they are more active than Philippine
Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) resulting in migration of members from PSCE to PACE. Under the
administration of the late PACE president Cesar A. Caliwara exerted more effort to merge the two
organization, calling both panel of representative to convene and commence a series of
conversation to make a new and united organization that will benefit the entire Civil Engineers and
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) came and formed.

PICE Objectives and Goals

PICE aims to conscientiously advance the interest and promote the welfare of members,
promote prestige and public awareness of the profession, and enhance social responsibility and
community involvement of Civil Engineers. PICE also observes integrity,
professionalism, excellence, social responsibility and leadership as their core values that must be
developed and exercised among the members of the organization.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Introduction to BS Civil
Engineering as a Bachelor
Program and as a Profession


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Curriculum Description

Civil Engineering is a profession that applies the basic principles of science

in conjunction with mathematical and computational tools to solve problems
associated with developing and sustaining civilized life on our planet.

The Civil Engineering curriculum is designed to prepare graduates to apply

knowledge of mathematics, calculus-based physics, chemistry, and at least one
additional area of basic science, consistent with the Program Educational Objectives;
apply knowledge of technical areas appropriate to civil engineering; conduct civil
engineering experiments and analyze and interpret the resulting data; design a
system component, or process in more than one civil engineering context; explain
basic concepts in management, business, public policy, and leadership; and explain
the importance of professional licensure.


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
The BSCE Curriculum of`Batangas State University (BatStateU) has a total
of 188 credit units usually completed with eight (8) semesters and two (2)
Midterm classes. BatStateU – Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering has five
(5) options of tracks/ specializations namely:

Structural Engineering
Construction Engineering and Management
Water Resources Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Transportation Engineering


The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation
Program Educational Objectives

The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering within three to five

years after graduation shall:

1. successfully participate as partners in nation-building in engineering

projects involving structural, geotechnical, water resources, transportation and

2. adhere to professional, moral and ethical standards in the practice of civil



The National Engineering University
CE-401 : Civil Engineering Orientation

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