Tran 2021
Tran 2021
Tran 2021
Ocean Engineering
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Keywords: This paper presents a study of depth tracking controller design for a hybrid AUV in the presence of model un
Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) certainty and propeller torque’s effect. Firstly, the six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) nonlinear equations of motion,
Depth control as well as the operating mechanisms and specific characteristics of the hybrid AUV, are described. Subsequently,
the model for depth-plane is extracted by decoupling and linearizing the 6-DOF AUV model. Furthermore, a
nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) is constructed to deal with the linearization errors and uncertain com
ponents in the depth-plane model. A depth tracking controller is then designed based on the backstepping
technique to guarantee the tracking error converges to an arbitrarily small neighborhood of zero. Besides, the
robust stability of the proposed controller concerning the propeller torque’s effect and the model uncertainty is
analyzed. To ensure the objectivity and feasibility of the proposed method, the depth controller is applied to the
6-DOF model of AUV so that it maintains the coupling between roll, yaw, and pitch motion. Finally, the nu
merical simulation is carried out via MATLAB/SIMULINK to verify the controller’s effectiveness, feasibility, and
1. Introduction have a sharply reduced performance when either changing the model
parameters or applying in practice. This can be seen through the com
Nowadays, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) have become a parison of simulation and experimental results in Naik and Singh (2007);
major tool for activities in deep sea because of the significant Prestero (2001); Mahapatra and Subudhi (2018). Therefore, stability
improvement in their performance. Specifically, in the scientific field is analysis and quality characterization surveys of the controller under the
surveys, data collection and environmental sampling for hydrological effect of model uncertainty is essential.
research (Wynn et al., 2014; Eichhorn et al., 2018); in the military is The control problem for AUV is a complex issue, so it is usually
clearing sea mines planted by enemies, conducting war activities with divided into three sub-problems for steering, diving and speed control
the navy (Hagen et al., 2003; Mondal et al., 2019); in the commercial (Jalving, 1994). In each sub-problem, it will be linearized to reduce
field, AUVs are used to make detailed maps and surveys of the seafloor interaction between each other, thereby simplifying the design of the
(oil and gas industries) before building subsea infrastructure (Mondal controller. Consequently, AUV usually has three main controllers that
et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2015). Therefore, research and development of are speed, steering, and diving controllers. In this paper, we only focus
controllers for AUV are essential. on studying the depth control problem (diving control problem) for
In general, the controller design bases on the assumption that the AUV. For the depth control problem, in recent years, there have been
model parameters are accurate. However, the model of AUV is a set of many research projects showing the different algorithms applied to
highly coupled nonlinear equations (Newman, 1977; Fossen, 1994) that design the depth controller for AUV. For instance, with the simplest and
lead to identifying completely accurate models (through estimation or most common algorithm, PID, there are Jalving (1994), Prestero (2001),
empirical methods, etc.) is a difficult task. Besides, many control algo Tanakitkorn et al. (2017). In Jalving (1994), after decomposing the AUV
rithms based on the linearization methods around the working point will control into three subsystems, the PID controller was built for each
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering of, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street,
District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Received 6 June 2020; Received in revised form 2 October 2020; Accepted 18 October 2020
Available online 31 December 2020
0029-8018/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
system. For the depth controller, the mathematical model of depth-plane Additionally, there exist other methods which are applied to control
is established under the state-space form by linearizing and decoupling the depth of AUV. For example, a gain scheduling controller is proposed
the motion model of AUV in the vertical plane. The pitch transfer by Silvestre and Pascoal (2007) using a reduced output feedback tech
function and the depth transfer function are then extracted from the nique for INFANTE AUV or the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE)
state-space model to analyze. Then the parameters are selected to sta technique developed in Naik and Singh (2007). Further, a constrained
bilize for the closed-loop transfer function of the whole system. In self-tuning controller based on Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Moving
following the same approach as Jalving (1994), Prestero (2001) has Average eXogenous (NARMAX) is utilized by Rout and Subudhi (2017)
developed a simple pitch-and-depth PD controller based on transfer to track a given reference for a torpedo-shaped AUV. Besides, Yu et al.
functions derived from the linear state-space model. In Tanakitkorn (2018) explores a sliding mode fuzzy control method combines with
et al. (2017), the PI-D scheme has been used to design the depth line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law to apply to a bioinspired robotic dol
controller for Delphin2 AUV. This PI-D scheme has the derivative term phin. Moreover, various H∞ control methods have been developed for
fed by an actual state of the system instead of the tracking error to avoid underwater vehicles by Liceaga-Castro and van der Molen (1995),
the effect of the sudden change of setting value. The PI-D controller will Moreira and Soares (2008), Mahapatra et al. (2016), Mahapatra and
make the system works more smoothly but this controller will not be Subudhi (2018). Similarly, the H2 optimal control methods applied to
able to process the time-varying desired signal. Moreover, the controller AUV in Moreira and Soares (2008), Wadoo et al. (2012), Qiao et al.
gain values are identified using a heuristic approach based on the (2018).
Ziegler-Nichols method. In general, the papers mentioned above often use linearizing and
Besides linear controllers, nonlinear algorithms have also been decoupling equations (3-DOF or 4-DOF) in the vertical motion of AUV
studied and applied to AUV. Specifically, Hong et al. (2010), Joe et al. for controller design, stability analysis, and simulation. It means that the
(2014), Yan et al. (2016), Tran et al. (2019) have developed various coupling between roll, pitch, and yaw motion is neglected. Note that a
sliding mode control (SMC) algorithms for the depth-plane motion of torpedo-shaped AUV has a small moment of inertia and drag in the roll
AUVs. Hong et al. (2010) presented how to build an SMC controller and motion. Thus, the roll dynamic easily suffers oscillatory when the AUV is
an experimental verification of it. This paper also addresses the effect of affected by propeller torque, unknown disturbances, yaw and pitch
positive buoyancy in the dynamic model. Nevertheless, the author did motion. Moreover, the roll motion is dynamically coupled into pitch
not analyze the stability nor pointed out the advantages of the proposed motion so unwanted roll motion can reduce the diving performance and
control algorithm. In Joe et al. (2014), a second-order SMC was designed provide no clear opportunities for suppressing roll motion (Petrich and
based on the 4-DOF diving model of AUV (ignore roll and pitch). The Stilwell, 2011). Besides, due to hydrodynamic characteristics, the mo
simulation and experiment were conducted on Cyclops AUV to verify the tion equations of AUV are highly nonlinear and strongly coupled, so it is
stability of the controller in the presence of parameter uncertainties and inevitable to have model uncertainties in the linear process. Therefore, it
external disturbances. However, the internal stability of the closed-loop is necessary to investigate the robust stability and performance of the
system was not guaranteed. An integral-fast terminal sliding mode controller in the presence of propeller torque’s effect and model un
control (IFTSMC) was explored by Yan et al. (2016) to control the AUV certainties. On the other hand, the simulation model of AUV should be
under the effect of parameter perturbations and wave disturbances. 6-DOF to ensure objectivity as well as the accuracy of the designed
Notwithstanding, this paper only proves the convergence on the 3-DOF controller.
linear motion model of AUV in the vertical plane. Tran et al. (2019) Motivated by the aforementioned analysis, this paper focuses on
proposed an indirect strategy to control depth for the hybrid AUV designing the nonlinear tracking controller for the vertical motion of a
through pitch angle control. The simulation results show the simplicity hybrid AUV. The control laws are produced by employing the back
and effectiveness of the proposed strategy. But the paper does not stepping technique to ensure stability and force the depth tracking error
analyze the stability and performance of the controller when there are to an arbitrarily small neighborhood of zero, regardless of propeller
parameter uncertainties. torque’s effect and model uncertainties. The designed controller is
Moreover, several studies on backstepping techniques applied to applied to a 6-DOF nonlinear model to ensure objectivity and feasibility.
depth control have been developed by Lapierre (2009), Cao et al. The simulation results will be specific evidence showing the efficiency,
(2011), Wei et al. (2015), Gharesi et al. (2017), Mahapatra and Subudhi disturbances rejection ability, robustness, and superiority of the pro
(2018). Lapierre (2009) proposed the adaptive controller and switching posed method.
schemes to resolve external parameter uncertainty. In this paper, the The remnant of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
adaptive laws were developed instead of the disturbance rejection to the AUV 6-DOF models, the operating mechanisms and specific char
ensure the robustness. The simulation results show that the controller acteristics of the hybrid AUV, and formulates control problem. Section 3
can handle when there are parameter uncertainties. However, the con proposes the design of nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) and
trol performance isn’t high, such as the response time is slow, the control backstepping controller for the depth-plane motion of the AUV and also
signal is not smooth. Another backstepping controller combined with analyzes the robust stability of the proposed controller under propeller
adaptive law to solve the parameter uncertainty and external distur torque’s effect and model uncertainties. In Section 4, the numerical
bance was also discovered by Cao et al. (2011). Nevertheless, the simulations and discussions are carried out to validates the previous
controller design and verification simulation were based only on the analysis and design. Finally, the conclusions of this work are presented
3-DOF model in depth-plane. Wei et al. (2015) formulated a linear in Section 5.
state-space equation for vertical motion of AUV, then used backstepping
techniques to build controllers. This paper addressed model un 2. AUV modelling and problem formulation
certainties and developed a nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) to
deal with it. Similarly, a backstepping controller combines with a linear 2.1. AUV modelling
extended state observer (LESO) was design by Gharesi et al. (2017).
Further, Mahapatra and Subudhi (2018) explored a depth control using The model will be considered in this paper is the AUV2000
the backstepping technique and nonlinear H-infinity technique. In this mentioned in (Tran et al., 2019), AUV2000 shown in Fig. 1 is a hybrid
paper, random perturbations and uncertain hydrodynamic parameters AUV designed to integrate the outstanding characteristics of conven
were used to investigate the robustness of the proposed controller. The tional AUV and underwater glider (a type of AUV that employs
simulation and experiment results demonstrated the controller’s effec variable-buoyancy propulsion instead of traditional propellers or
tiveness and feasibility, however, the control performance decline is thrusters). Therefore AUV2000 can operate in two separate modes,
proportional to the uncertainty magnitude. specifically without using the thruster (Glider mode) and using the
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
thruster (AUV mode). However, in this paper, we only focus on 2.1.2. Dynamic model of hybrid AUV
designing the depth controller for AUV2000 in AUV mode. Following to (Prestero, 2001), the 6-DOF nonlinear dynamic equa
tions of motion of AUV2000 can be expressed as
2.1.1. Kinematics model [ ( ) ] ∑
In accordance with SNAME (SNAME, 1950), the 6-DOF nonlinear m u̇ − vr + wq − xG q2 + r2 + yG (pq − ṙ) + zG (pr + q̇) = Xext (2a)
kinematic and dynamic equations of motion of AUV are described in the [ ( ) ] ∑
earth-fixed frame {e} and the body-fixed frame {b} as shown in Fig. 2. m v̇ − wp + ur − yG r2 + p2 + zG (qr − ṗ) + xG (qp + ṙ) = Yext (2b)
According to Fossen, we have coordinate transform relating the trans
[ ( ) ] ∑
lational velocities and the rotational velocities between {b} and {e} for m ẇ − uq + vp − zG p2 + q2 + xG (rp − q̇) + yG (rq + ṗ) = Zext (2c)
various underwater vehicles in general and AUV in particular as follows:
( ) ∑
⎧ Ixx ṗ + Izz − Iyy qr + m[yG (ẇ − uq + vp) − zG (v̇ − wp + ur)] = Kext (2d)
⎪ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎪ ẋ u ∑
⎪ (2e)
⎣ ⎦
⎨ ẏ = J1 (η2 )⎣ v ⎦ Iyy q̇ + (Ixx − Izz )rp + m[zG (u̇ − vr + wq) − xG (ẇ − uq + vp)] = Mext
⎡ ż ⎤ ⎡w ⎤ (1) ∑
⎪ φ̇ p ( )
⎪ ⎣ θ̇ ⎦ = J2 (η2 )⎣ q ⎦ Izz ṙ + Iyy − Ixx pq + m[xG (v̇ − wp + ur) − yG (u̇ − vr + wq)] = Next (2f)
⎩ ψ̇ r
where m is the AUV’s mass, (xG , yG , zG ) is the center of gravity, and Ixx ,
Iyy , Izz respectively are inertial moments about the x, y, and z axes. The
⎡ ⎤
cos ψ cos θ − sin ψ cos φ + cos ψ sin θ sin φ sin ψ sin φ + cos ψ sin θ cos φ
⎢ ⎥
J1 (η2 ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ sin ψ cos θ cos ψ cos φ + sin ψ sin θ sin φ − cos ψ sin φ + sin ψ sin θ cos φ ⎦
− sin θ cos θ sin φ cos θ cos φ
⎡ ⎤
1 sin φ tan θ cos φ tan θ
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢0 cos φ − sin φ ⎥
J2 (η2 ) = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ sin φ cos φ ⎦
cos θ cos θ
where right side of equations (2a)-(2f) are the sum of the components of the
force and moment acting on the vehicle:
Xext = X u̇ u̇ + Z ẇ wq + Z q˙ q2 − Y v˙vr − Y r˙r2 + Xu|u| u|u|
− (W − B)sin θ + Xprop
η1 = [ x y z ]T : the position of the vehicle with respect to {e}
η2 = [ φ θ ψ ]T : the orientation (roll, pitch, yaw) of the vehicle Yext = Y v˙v̇ + Y r˙ṙ + X u̇ ur − Z ẇ wp − Z q̇ pq + Yv|v| v|v| + Yr|r| r|r| + Yuvl uv
with respect to {e} +(W − B)cos θ sin φ + Yrud
υ1 = [ u v w ]T : the translational velocities of the vehicle with (3b)
respect to {b}
υ2 = [ p q r ]T : the rotational velocities of the vehicle with respect Zext = Z ẇ ẇ + Z q˙ q̇ − X u˙ uq + Y v˙vp + Y r˙rp + Zw|w| w|w| + Zq|q| q|q|
( ) (3c)
to {b} + Zuwl + Zuwf uw + Zuqf uq + (W − B)cos θ cos φ
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
∑ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( )
Kext = K p˙ ṗ + Z ẇ − Y v˙ wv + Z q˙ + Y r˙ vq − Z q̇ + Y r˙ wr + N r˙ Vvar = Sc . lc − xp (4)
− M q̇ qr + Kp|p| p|p| + (yG W − yB B)cos θ cos φ where Sc is the cross section of cylinder, lc is the length of cylinder, and
− (zG W − zB B)cos θ sin φ + Kprop (3d) xp is the piston position.
From Fig. 3 the formula for determining the buoyancy center of AUV
∑ ( ) ( ) can be expressed as
Mext = Z q˙ ẇ + M q˙ q̇ −Z ẇ − X u̇ uw − Y r˙vp + K p˙ − N r˙ rp − Z q˙ uq
( ) ⎡ ⎤T
+ Mw|w| w|w| + Mq|q| q|q| + Muwl + Muwf uw + Muqf uq c l +x
⎢Vvar 2 + Vfix lfix ⎥
rcb = [xB , 0, 0]T = ⎣ , 0, 0⎦ (5)
− (zG W − zB B)sin θ − (xG W − xB B)cos θ cos φ Vvar + Vfix
∑ ( ) ( ) and the buoyancy of AUV is:
Next = N v˙v̇ + N r˙ṙ − X u̇ − Y v˙ uv + Z q˙ wp − K p˙ − M q˙ pq + Y r˙ur ( )
B = ρg Vfix + Vvar (6)
+ Nv|v| v|v| + Nr|r| r|r| + Nuvl uv + (xG W − xB B)cos θ sin φ
+ (yG W − yB B)sin θ + Nrud (3f) where ρ is the density of fluid, g is the gravitational acceleration.
In (3a)-(3f), X(.) , Y(.) , Z(.) , K(.) , M(.) , N(.) are the added mass, damping Analysis of the counterweight system. Denote the total weight of
and lift terms, (xB , yB , zB ) is the center of buoyancy, W and B respectively
are weight and buoyancy of AUV. The propeller force and torque are AUV without counterweight (Fig. 4) as m , and let →h r = [l , l , l ]T be
h hx hy hz
Xprop and Kprop , and the rudder force and moment are Yrud and Nrud . In this the mass center of mh in the body-fixed frame. Because the counter
paper, since we only concentrate on depth control, we will reduce Yrud , weight’s mass mm is evenly distributed around the x-axis, the mass
Nrud to zero in subsequent calculations. r = [x , 0, 0]T
center of the counterweight in the body-fixed frame is → m m
where xm is the counterweight position. As a result, the center of gravity
2.1.3. The novel characteristic and operating mechanisms of AUV2000 of AUV can be determined by the following formula:
As mentioned above, AUV2000 is a hybrid AUV that is designed to [ ]T
mh →
rh + mm →
rm mh lhx + mm xm mh lhy mh lhz
operate without using the thruster. Therefore, many structural elements ̅→
rcg = = [xG , yG , zG ]T = , ,
mh + mm mh + mm mh + mm mh + mm
resemble those of a typical underwater glider, the most significant of
which are counterweight system and ballast system. In this section, the (7)
dissection of these operating mechanisms of AUV2000 is presented,
and the weight of AUV is:
thereby paving the way for the construction of the controller in the next
section. W = mg = (mh + mm )g (8)
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
+ Mq|q| q|q| − mzG wq − zG W sin θ + xB B cos θ ė = − u sin θ + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ − żd (17)
− (muq + W cos θ)xG
Define the first control Lyapunov function (CLF) as: V1 := 12e2 whose
time derivative is
Now, from (10) and (11), we can derive pitch dynamic equation as ( )
following form: V̇ 1 = eė = e − u sin θ + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ − żd
q̇ = fq + gq xG + d (12)
The first virtual control law is selected as follows:
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
⎨ α = θ − θd (18a)
⎪ k1 e − żd Step 3. From (22a) and (12), the derivative of the second virtual
⎩ θd = (18b)
U0 control law can be derived as
( ) ( )
V̇ 1 = e u(θ − sin θ) − uθ + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ − żd = ue(θ − sin θ) + e − u(α + θd ) + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ − żd
( ) (
k1 e − żd u
= ue(θ − sin θ) − ueα + e − u + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ − żd =− k1 e2 − ueα + e u(θ − sin θ) + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ
U0 U0
( ))
+ żd − 1
=− k1 e2 − ueα + pe (19)
( )
( ( )) V̇ 3 = V̇ 2 + ββ̇ = − k1 e2 − k2 α2 + pα + αβ cos φ + β fq + gq xG + d − q̇d
u U0
where pe = e u(θ − sin θ) + v cos θ sin φ + w cos θ cos φ + żd − 1 ( )
U0 u
= − k1 e2 − k2 α2 + pα + β fq + gq xG + d − q̇d + α cos φ
(20) U0
The control law is then designed as
Step 2. Differentiating (18a) with respect to time and utilizing (9b), − k3 β − fq + q̇d − α − ̂
xG = (26)
we can obtain: gq
(( ) )
Set pα = pe + α θ̇d + ue (cos φ − 1) − r sin φ (23) Continue to set pd = pβ + β̃
dḋ (29)
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
Fig. 5. The depth response when the desired depth is constant by the proposed controller (blue solid line) and the controller in Tran et al. (2019) (red solid line) with
desired depth (black dotted line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 6. The state response of AUV2000 when the desired depth is constant by the proposed controller (blue solid line) and the controller in Tran et al. (2019) (red
solid line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 7. The depth response with the composite desired depth by the proposed controller (blue solid line) and the controller in Tran et al. (2019) (red solid line). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
Fig. 8. The state response of AUV2000 with the composite desired depth by the proposed controller (blue solid line) and the controller in Tran et al. (2019) (red solid
line). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 9. The depth response with the composite desired depth by the proposed controller with NDO (blue solid line) and without NDO (red solid line) in the presence
of the model uncertainties. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 10. The state response of AUV2000 with the composite desired depth by the proposed controller with NDO (blue solid line) and without NDO (red solid line) in
the presence of the model uncertainties. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
Because of the similarity when using the nonlinear algorithm to build The paper provides a new approach to building the depth tracking
the controller for AUV2000, the comparison of control performances are controllers for AUV2000 - a hybrid AUV type. The proposed controller
constructed between the proposed backstepping controller and the has been applied to the 6-DOF AUV model to ensure nonlinearity and
controller developed in Tran et al. (2019). strongly coupled in the motion equations as well as a feasibility study for
practical applications. The paper also considered the effect of roll angle
4.1.1. The desired depth is constant and model uncertainty on the controller and proved the stability of the
Fig. 5 shows that both the Tran’s controller and the backstepping developed controller. The numerical simulations have been carried out
controller perform consistently with the 6-DOF model, not only speeding and validated to verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed
up the convergence process of the vehicle to the desired depth but also method. Moreover, the simulations results demonstrate the proposed
stabilizing the equilibria. However, the proposed backstepping control law has superior performance to previous ones and solves the
controller has better control performance, such as no overshoot and depth control problem more fully for the depth tracking problem in the
faster convergence. Because Fig. 6 shows the pitch angle during presence of the model uncertainties and propeller torque’s effect.
maneuvering is always within the limit (smaller than 70◦ ), this ensures
that the AUV will not fall into a singular point. Moreover, the roll angle Declaration of competing interest
overshoots when counterweight displaces abruptly then recovers to an
equilibrium. Therefore, it indicates that the proposed controller can The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
operate consistently, even when including the involvement of the roll interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
angle, roll rate, sway velocity, yaw rate. the work reported in this paper.
H.N. Tran et al. Ocean Engineering 220 (2021) 108257
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