156109635512-AL-BASEERA 4 (Vol. 2 - Issue. 2) DEC-2013
156109635512-AL-BASEERA 4 (Vol. 2 - Issue. 2) DEC-2013
156109635512-AL-BASEERA 4 (Vol. 2 - Issue. 2) DEC-2013
Defending Prophet’s honor is religious and social duty of
every Muslim, The Holy Prophet () being more valuable than our
own lives and souls.
The theme of love rests in its high correlation with
obedience. That the one whom someone loves, his obedience and
submission to him becomes easier, even to the extent of contentment
and pleasure. Love of Allah and Holy Prophet () has been stressed
upon in the article so that obedience of Allah and his Prophet and
submission to them is expressed as easy and doable, and an
instigation to avoid disobedience is generated. Success of a man lies
in obedience of Allah and that of Holy Prophet ().
In this article, the facet of “Love” with Holy Prophet () has
been comprehensively narrated. The prophet was deputed to be
obeyed and followed to the dooms day unchecked of followers’
class, color or ethnicity. Such unconditioned following required his
person to be of an extensively inclusive character, which it did, and
that every single instant of his esteemed life is preserved. The most
divinely of the services is moral building of nations on practical
patterns. One way is of preaching, while even cultured is to
assemble written material to be followed for long or elsewise
forcefully bind people to follow ethical doctrines and avoid vice.
Assistant Professor, Govt. College for Women, Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 22
his hair bits left behind from hair cut or those of nails these were
considered sacrosanct blessings by his disciples. Yes, this was zenith
of love and fondness.
Then this fondness of prophet’s person, attributes, and
customs is core of Qur’anic message. Hence the denier of his honor
is already out of Islamic sphere. Instance of an Ansari woman is
related, who lost all of his father, uncles, brothers, and husband on
the day of Uhad , but she kept on asking about the prophet, and upon
being ascertained of his life she said that every mishap was trivial to
her till the Prophet lives (5). While, just a single incident of Hazrat
Ali is enough proof of fondness of disciples. It was the time when
Prophet left for Madinah along with Abu Bakr, but in fear of Infidels
setting out in his search upon finding his home vacant, Ali laid on
his bed as if ready to be killed for him; an instance of extreme
fondness pushing panic away (6).
The society nurtured by the prophet was of high rank, where
leadership and law were not limited to his person rather a set of
systems was devised to carry the emblem of peace and moderation
ever after. The personnel were deliberately raised on customary
patterns. They bore intellect, skill, spiritualism, socialization,
military expertize, judiciary, theocracy and hence through this
trained group the wings of new civilization spread on every facet of
life giving it proper set of order, rules, and standards.
The Prophet had got such a blessed air that his company
elevated most ordinary of the Bedouins to the level of revolutionary
figures of history. They were militia men of their own sort. They
were such conquerors, rulers, and flag bearers of Prophet’s message
that every power was humbled down to their feet.
There is a lesson rather a call for every single Muslim in
their lives; a lesson of Prophet’s fondness; a lesson of nurturing his
honor, which finally concludes in an unmatched eternal success. Or
else only failure will loom in darkness of ignorance. Allah (swt)
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 25
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((O Muhammad!) say, if your fathers, and your
sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your
tribe, and the wealth you have acquired, and the
merchandize upon which you fear from slump, and
dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than Allah
and his Messenger and striving in His way, then
wait till Allah bringeth His command. Allah
Guideth not the wrongdoing folk.)
Love of Parents, Brothers, sisters, wives, wealth, tribe, trade
and the dwelling place is all an instinctive stuff. Nevertheless, man
has been sternly warned of being led astray by this instinct to
overlook the regard of Allah and his Prophet. Not just regard rather
preference of them both is required over each and everything and
every single person on the face of Earth whoever he may be. It is
quoted of Prophet:
(None of you is a true believer unless I turn out to
be more lovable to him than his parents and all
others” (8)
However, Love with prophet requires extreme care. It is not
limited to calling him respectfully rather one who does not observe
appropriate manners is threatened to lose all his deeds pronouncing
it something of infidelity. It holds equally after him just like it did
during his life span. Instances of his life time are literally awesome.
It was the time of his death. People were weeping bitterly in
the mosque. Here, Umer Ibnul Khattab entered the mosque. He was
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 26
not ready to accept that Prophet had died. He fiercely shouted upon
those who were weeping:
"Some of the hypocrites claim that the Prophet
died. The Prophet did not die, but went to his Lord in
the same way as Moses son of Imran did. He stayed
away for forty nights, but finally came back though
they said he had been dead. By Allah, the Prophet
will soon descend back and will cut off the hands and
legs of those who claim his death."
It is also relate of him that he shouted upon them: “Anyone
who claims Prophet’s death will be killed”
In Ayesha’s words
“In the meantime, Abubakr came out of his house at
Al-Sunh on a mare back and went towards the
mosque. There he dismounted and went straight to
Ayesha’s abode where Prophet was. The prophet was
covered with a Yemeni mantle. He uncovered his
face, lent to kiss him, and wept. He said: "My father
and mother be sacrificed for your sake. Allah, verily,
will not cause you to die twice. You have just
experienced the death that Allah had destined."
Abu Salma relates of Ibne Abbas: “When Abu Bakr came
out, Umar was still addressing people, Abubakr stepped forward and
said to Umer: “Umer Calm down” then addressed the gathering:
“One who worships Muhammad should know that
Muhammad is dead, while for those who worship
Allah, Allah is alive and will never die” then recited
this verse from Holy Qur’aan (Translation):
“Muhammad is no more than a Messenger and
indeed (many) Messengers have passed away
before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn
back on your heels (like disbelievers)? And he who
turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 27
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of Abu Jahl, Abu Lahb, and Abdullah bin Ubayyi like people, do not
refrain from making fun of the Prophet, and some despite claiming
faith and righteousness, go such far that they consider Muhammad
one of their own sort. Anticipation of their destiny reflects none
other than agony of grave and thereafter. We pray to Allah for true
respect and regard for the Prophet. (16)
A staunch one of Prophet’s devotees is Asmaa’ the daughter
of Abubakr. She relates: “After Muhammad , and Abubakr had
left for Madinah, Abu Jahl Ibne Hisham and some others came to
our door and inquired about them (Muhammad and Abu Bakr), I
denied that I knew anything. Abu Jahl slapped me such fiercely
that my earring tore my ear to bleed but I did not acquiesce in
betraying the secret (17). It’s perhaps in the same context:
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(Verily in the Messenger of Allah ye have a good
example for him who looketh unto Allah and the last
day, and remembereth Allah much.)
Besides Muslims, even Infidels have been ordered to observe
prophet’s respect and avoid dual sense expressions with hidden
derogatory implications as was the practice of the Jews. So believers
have been guided with a warning note for the infidels:
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(And there are some among them who vex the Holy
Prophet (with their ill-tongued remarks) and say He
is highly credulous (readily believes what he hears)
Say: He readily listens to only what is good for you;
believing in Allah and giving credence to (the words
of) the believers, and he is a mercy to those of you
who believe. And those who hurt Apostle of Allah, for
them is a painful torment.)
Hence any letter signifying insulting sense, uttered for
Prophet leaves the culprit deserving death sentence, whichever sense
it may be brought in, like the hypocrites had pretended, so they were
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tells people that it’s only the Honor of the Prophet that his curser
will be killed. (29)
Accounts of the Illustrious and Contemporary Works:
Ibne Wahb relates of Abdullah Ibne Umer, that a Christian
monk talked derogatory of the Prophet. When the instance was
related to Umer Ibne Khattab, he said that why was then he let
In another instance Imam Malik was demanded Juristic
opinion about a Christian culprit of Prophet’s disrespect. He opined,
the culprit be beheaded. (31)
Movement of Prophet’s Honor:
The Christian derogatory acts signify a mind overwhelmed
by repeated defeats in crusades. However, even embarrassing is
what occurred in Lahore in year 1983. Mushtaq Raj advocate an
ardent supporter of communism wrote a book in Urdu “Afaqi
Ishtimalyat”. It was translated in English as “Heavenly
Communism” and distributed free among bar members and the
literate faction. Courage of the author was awful. Religion itself was
ridiculed, all the prophets including Muhammad were mocked at,
and even weird comments were directed towards Allah’s mighty
The World Association of Muslim Jurists was moved. An
emergency meeting was called, and the demands were clear. All the
copies of the sacrilegious material be confiscated, and the culprit be
hanged. The resolution won substantial agreement. But unluckily, a
case against Mushtaq Raj could be registered only under Religious
sacrilege act, as there was no law yet against humiliation of Prophet,
hence the culprit remained at liberty. Faithful Muslims were deeply
distressed. The same year, World Association of Muslim Jurists
organized a conference of notable Religious Scholars and Lawyers.
It was demanded with mutual agreement that the culprit be awarded
death sentence in accordance with Islamic Law, but pertaining to no
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 35
law in this regard at the time of crime, the demand could not find the
desired response, and even the Clause did not find home.
Then in 1986, renowned advocate Asma Jehangir termed
The Prophet an Illiterate and Ignorant person. The faithful were
seriously disturbed. Asma Jehangir was asked to apologize but she
refused. An extra ordinary session of World Association of Muslim
Jurists was held in Lahore, in which not only was Asma Jehangir’s
act condemned but also the government was demanded
implementation of Blasphemy law. Copies of resolution were sent to
Provincial Governments as well as Members of Parliament.
The same year Member parliament Nithar Fatimah moved a
bill that Humiliation of Prophet should be followed by death
sentence. The bill won massive majority and no one could dare
oppose it, and finally on 2nd of October year 1986 the bill was
passed with joint agreement adding to constitution clause 295 (c).
The fondness of Pakistanis’ for their beloved Prophet brought
tremendous victory. However, there was still a big flaw. The
scoundrel was suggested either of Death or Life imprisonment. The
Lovers of Prophets were once again at loggerheads with the Law
makers. The clause 295(c) was challenged in Federal Shariat Court,
and the Historical decision came on 30th of October year 1990. Any
deficiency was removed by Mian Nawaz Sharif‘s address to the
nation in which he clearly said that least punishment for sacrilege of
Prophet’s honor is death. Now the things became easy. Any
blasphemy act will be directly reported to court and the scoundrel
will be brought to Law. (32)
Today, after Salman Tatheer’s murder by Ghazi Mumtaz
Husain Qadri, the debate is once again alive. By one faction Salman
Tatheer is being hailed as flag bearer and martyr of Liberalism,
while the other is connecting Mumtaz Husain Qadri to Ghazi Ilm
Deen Shaheed. Now, the Liberals are demanding replication of
blasphemy law with minor or no punishment. So, alongside scores
of processions and protest rallies, “Prophet’s Dignity Conference”
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 36
murdering Rajpal in the room. Ghazi Ilm Din refused saying, to him
the said murder was not disgrace rather an honor. Ghazi Ilm din was
awarded death sentence while Quaid-e-Azam was severely criticized
by Hindu press for taking Ghazi Ilm din’s side despite advocating
Hindu-Muslim unity otherwise. But Quaid-e-Azam did not care.
Ghazi Ilm din was hanged on 31st of October, 1929. Before,
being hanged Ghazi Ilm Din expressed his desire of observing two
bows of prayer (2 rak’ats), and right at the moment when his throat
was strangled, he said in loud voice, “O people! Be witness that I
have killed Rajpal for bringing humiliation to the Prophet, and am
sacrificing my life for His (Prophet’s) honor, while reciting the
testimony. After being hanged to death, body of Ghazi Ilm Din
Shaheed was buried in jail graveyard in Karachi without funeral
prayer. Muslims protested, while Allama Iqbal assured the
administration that there won’t be any disturbance on the occasion
of funeral. So, after 15 days of burial, Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed’s
body was drew fresh from ground. The funeral profession attended
by millions was the biggest in the history of historic city of Lahore.
Everyone wanted to shoulder the Remarkable Lover of Prophet.
Allama Iqbal himself lowered Ghazi Ilm din Shaheed’s body into
the grave in tears, and his words in Punjabi are quoted “Tarkhanan
da munda bazi lai gaya, assi gallan kardey reh gayey” (Carpenters’
son took the lead, we remained the chatterers).
Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed’s strangulation was momentous in
devising of religious sacrilege laws by the British rulers, which was
merged into Pakistan Penal Code after independence. Later
President General Zia-ul-Haq amended it with least punishment of
Life imprisonment for sacrilege of Qur’an and Death for humiliation
of Prophet. (34)
It reveals that Prophet’s humiliation legitimizes killing of the
culprit. The killer in this particular case won’t be punished rather
imparted reward and respect, while the state is obliged to bring the
scoundrel to law with eventual death sentence.
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 38
1. Syed Qasim Mehmood. Islamic Encyclopedia. Shahkaar
Book Foundation. Karachi. Page 177
2. Aal Imran; 32
3. Aal Imran; 132
4. Ibn-e-Hisham: Seerat-ul-Nabi Kamil. Volume II. Sheikh
Ghulam Ali and Sons. Lahore. Page 220
5. Imam Hafiz Allama abu Naeem Ahmed bin Abdullah
Asphahani Shafi’i. Hilyat-ul-Auliyaa wa tabaqat-ul-
asfiyaa’. Translated by: Muhammad Asghar Mughal.
Volume II. Dar-ul-Isha’at. Karachi. 2006. Page 404
6. Abu Essa bin Tirmidhi. Tirmidhi Sharif. Translated by:
Allama Badi-ul-Zaman. Chapter: Manaqib ka bayan.
Volume II. Rahmaniyah Book House. Urdu Bazar Lahore.
Page 781
7. Altaubah; 24
8. Muhammad Ibn-e-Ismail Bukhari. Saheeh Bukhari: Book of
Faith: Chapter of “Prophet’s Love, a part of faith”.
Translated by: Maulana Amjad Ali. Volume I. Muhammad
Saeed and Sons, Book Sellers. Qur’aan Mahal. Karachi.
Page 91
9. Imam Jamal-ul-Din Ab-ul-farj Ibn-e-Jauzi. Hayat-e-Farouq-
e-Azam. Translated by: Allama Shah Hasan Atta. Nafees
Academy. Karachi. Pages: 97-98
10. Allama Qadi Muhammad Sanaullah Panipati. Tafseer-e-
Mazhari. Translated by: Maulana syed Abd-ul-Daim
Aljalali. Volume IX. Saeed M H Company. Karachi. Page:
11. Abu BakrAhmed bin Husain Al-Baihaqi. Dalail-ul-
Nubuwwah wa Ma’rifatu Ahwaale Sahib-el-Shariyah.
Research by: Dr. abdul Mu’tee Qal’ajee. Volume III. Dar-
ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah. Beirut. Lebanon. Page 459
12. Al-Ankaboot; 40
13. Al-Haqqah; 4-7
14. Al-Hujuraat; 2
15. Ibn-e-Hisham: Seerat-ul-Nabi Kamil. Volume II. Sheikh
Ghulam Ali and Sons. Lahore. Page 230
16. www.islamicacademy.org
Defending Prophet’s Integrity 41