Bio PP 1
Bio PP 1
Bio PP 1
Cambridge IGCSE™
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BIOLOGY 0610/42
Paper 4 Theory (Extended) October/November 2023
1 hour 15 minutes
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● The total mark for this paper is 80.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
DC (LK/CB) 312799/3
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1 (a) Red blood cells are specialised cells that transport oxygen.
State the substance in red blood cells that combines with oxygen.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) State the name of the component of blood that promotes blood clotting.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) Some students investigated the effect of immersing red blood cells in different concentrations
of salt solution.
They measured the diameters of samples of red blood cells and calculated the mean.
They then immersed each red blood cell sample in a different concentration of salt solution.
After two minutes they measured and calculated the mean of the samples again.
Table 1.1
(i) Calculate the percentage increase in the mean diameter of red blood cells that were
immersed in the 0.8% salt solution.
............................................................ %
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(ii) Explain the results for the red blood cells that were immersed in the 1.8% salt solution.
Salt solution have lower water pottential than red blood cell resulting in osmosis movement of
water molecules from cell in the solution resulting in reduction in mean diameter of red blood cell
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) State why there was no change in the mean diameter of the red blood cells immersed in
the 0.9% salt solution.
This may be because water pottential is same between the solution and cell
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(d) State why red blood cells burst when immersed in pure water but plant cells do not.
Plant cell contain cell wall which can handle turgor preassure exerted from vacuole but red blood cell
can not due to absence of cell wall which results in cell bursting when preasure exerted
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
1 ................................................................................................................................................
It is used in chemical reaction in cytoplasm of cell
it is used in photosynthesis
2 ................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 12]
2 Fig. 2.1 is a photograph of some leaves of a water lily, which is a hydrophyte. The water lily has
adaptive features that are found in many different hydrophytes.
Fig. 2.1
Adaptive features are features that an organism adapt due to environmental causes in
order to survive
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
Fig. 2.2
(i) State the names of the parts labelled A, B and C in Fig. 2.2.
Upper epidermis
A ........................................................................................................................................
Spongy mesophyll cells
B ........................................................................................................................................
Air gap
C ........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain how part C in Fig. 2.2 adapts the hydrophyte for its environment.
Air gaps traps air allowing plant to stay afloat in the water to help plant with gaseous exchange in
upper epidermis and photosynthsis
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) A scientist calculated the mean number of stomata per mm2 in the upper and lower epidermis
in tomato plants and water lily plants. Tomato plants are a type of terrestrial plant.
Table 2.1
tomato 10 129
(i) Compare and explain the differences in the mean number of stomata in a tomato plant
and in a water lily plant.
As water lily is hydrophyte plant it stays afloat in the water, hence the plant can not perform
gaseous exchange from lower epidermis hence it have adapted to have stomata in upper
epidermis leading to 475 mean number of stomata per mm2 in upper epidermis and 0 in lower
epidermis. While tomata is terrestrial plant it needs to prevent transpiration from surface of the
plant due to which it have adapted to have stomata in lower epidermis to limit water vapours
diffusing from surface of the plant due to light intensity.
..................................................................................................................................... [5]
(ii) State the name of the cells that control the opening and closing of stomata.
Guard cells
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 14]
3 Fig. 3.1 is a diagram of the junction between two neurones in a healthy person.
Fig. 3.2 is a diagram of the junction between the same two neurones in a person who has
Parkinson’s disease. This disease affects the nervous system.
receptor protein
receptor protein
(b) Parkinson’s disease affects neurones in the brain that are responsible for movement.
Using the information in Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2, suggest and explain the effect of Parkinson’s
disease on a person’s movement.
............................................................................................................................................. [5]
(c) Describe two ways nervous control differs from hormonal control.
Nervous system works via electrical signals by neurotransmitter while hormonal control works by
1 ................................................................................................................................................
hormonal glands excreting hormones in blood
Nervous system is extremely fast in response and travelling inside in organsim and hormonal control
2 ................................................................................................................................................
takes time to be excreted in the blood and effects to appear but are long lasting
(d) (i) The shape of the receptor proteins shown in Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2 is important for their
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Cell membranes also contain protein carriers. Describe the role of protein carriers.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 13]
4 A scientist investigated the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis in one species of
The total surface area of the discs was kept the same for each temperature.
The volume of oxygen that was produced by the leaf discs was measured and used to estimate
the rate of photosynthesis.
rate of
photosynthesis 25
/ arbitrary units
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
temperature / °C
Fig. 4.1
40 °C [1]
............................................................................................................................................. [6]
(c) Carbon dioxide was supplied in excess at each temperature during the investigation.
Explain why.
So carbondioxide is not limmiting factor otherwise rate of photosynthesis leading to false results
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) Suggest why not all of the oxygen produced by the leaf is released.
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
Cholorophyll traps light and powers the reaction of photosynthesis so plant can manufacture
............................................................................................................................................. [2]
[Total: 12]
5 (a) Describe two ways in which the circulatory system of a fish is different from the circulatory
system of a mammal.
Circulatory system in humans consists of 4 hearted chamber whereas in fish it is only 2 chambers
1 ................................................................................................................................................
Blood passes through human heart twice in a single beat but in fish it only passes once
2 ................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
hepatic artery
renal vein D
Fig. 5.1
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(i) State the letter from Fig. 5.1 that identifies where these processes occur:
absorption of the products of digestion into the blood .......................................................
excretion of carbon dioxide from the body ........................................................................
(ii) Identify the name of the blood vessel labelled X in Fig. 5.1.
............................................................................................................................................. [4]
[Total: 14]
(b) During pregnancy, antibodies are acquired by the fetus from the mother.
(c) A baby was breastfed for six months. The concentration of antibodies in the baby’s blood
obtained from breast milk and the concentration of antibodies made by the baby itself were
of antibodies in
the baby’s blood
/ arbitrary units
20 stopped
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
age of the baby / months
antibodies acquired by the baby from the mother
antibodies produced by the baby
Fig. 6.1
(i) Complete the sentences to describe the changes in antibody concentration in the baby.
After birth the concentration of antibodies acquired from the mother decreases
rapidly to 0 arbitrary units at ....................................... months.
Antibodies start being produced by cells called ....................................... in the baby
....................................... arbitrary units at 4 months.
The concentration of antibodies acquired from the mother and the concentration of
antibodies produced by the baby are the same at ....................................... months.
(ii) Describe the benefits of breastfeeding a baby for the first six months of life.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) State two ways, other than breastfeeding, that a baby can acquire immunity.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................. [3]
State the chemical elements present in all proteins that are also found in carbohydrates and
............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 15]
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