Aud Reviewer Week4 5

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International Professional Practices Framework/GUIDE (A.K.A.

 Only globally recognized guidance for the internal audit profession
 contains what are considered the essential elements for the delivery of internal
audit services.
 Conceptual framework that organizes authoritative guidance promulgated by The IIA
 Mandatory Guidance- MUST FOLLOW
 Recommended Guidance

Mission of Internal Audit (E,P,RB,OA,A,I)-(A,D)

 To enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective
assurance, advice, and insight."
 Enhance and protect organizational value - internal audit activities must be directed
at increasing the organization's value or at protecting it
 Risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight-
o Assurance
o Advice – consulting
o Insight - the way we develop a clear and in-depth understanding of a particular
 Articulates what internal audit aspires to accomplish within an organization.
 demonstrates how practitioners should leverage the entire framework.


-Developed following an established due  Endorsed by The IIA through a
diligence process, which includes a formal approval process.
period of public exposure for stakeholder  Describes practices for effective
input implementation of The IIA's Core
-Conformance with the principles set forth Principles, Definition of Internal
in mandatory guidance is required and Auditing, Code of Ethics, and
essential for the professional practice of Standards
internal auditing  More specific but not
mandatory guidance
 May not be applicable to all
internal audit function
 Core Principles for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing  Implementation Guidance
 Definition of Internal Auditing  Supplemental Guidance
 Code of Ethics
 International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing (Standards)


 Define tangible internal  Implementation Guides
audit function o Getting Started - brings together
effectiveness. the relevant mandatory elements
 for the internal audit function to be of the IPPF.
considered effective, each of the o Considerations for
principles needs to be present and Implementation - specific issues
successfully operating of implementation for specific
 Demonstrates integrity, o Consideration for
competence, due Demonstrating
professional care, quality, Conformance - how to
and continuous implement
improvement. the Standard.
 Is objective and free from
undue influence.  Not intended to give detailed
 Aligns with strategies, processes and procedures but
objectives, and risks of the to provide potential or
org. acceptable approaches to
 Appropriately positioned achieving conformance with the
and adequately resourced. Standards
 Communicates effectively.  Each of the Standards has an
 Provides risk-based Implementation Guide (IG) and
assurance. each guide has the same basic
 Insightful, proactive and structure
future focused.
 Promotes organizational
 Independence- freedom  Not organized by standard or
from conditions that other mandatory elements of the
threaten the ability of the IPPF
internal audit activity to  Addresses topic areas, industry
carry out internal audit sector specific issues, processes
responsibilities in an and procedures, various tools
unbiased manner and techniques, and examples
 Objectivity- unbiased of deliverables
mental attitude that allows  Produced by a number of IIA
internal auditors to committees
perform engagements in
such a manner that they
believe in their work
product and that no quality
compromises are made
 Principles relevant to the
profession & practice of internal
auditing, and Rules of Conduct
that describe behavior expected of
internal auditors.
 applies to both parties and
that provide internal audit services.
 to promote an ethical culture in
the global profession of internal
 delineates the requirements for
performing a broad range of
internal audit activities and for
evaluating internal audit
 International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing (Standards)

Fundamental Phases in the Internal Audit Engagement Process (P,P,C)

1. Planning the engagement-MEETING MUNA
a) Obtaining an understanding of the auditee/customer
b) Setting the engagement objectives
c) Determining the required evidence
d) Deciding the nature, timing, and extent of audit tests
2. Performing the engagement - application of specific audit
procedures; evaluating the evidence gathered (FIELD WORK)
3. Communicating engagement outcomes - accurate, objective,
clear, concise, constructive, complete, timely (CLOSING) VALIDATINGGG…

Governance - combination of processes and structures implemented

by the board to inform, direct, manage, and monitor the activities of
the organization toward the achievement of its objectives
Risk Management - process to identify, assess, manage, and control
potential events or situations to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of the organization's objectives
Control - Any action taken by management, the board, and other
parties to manage risk and increase the likelihood that established
objectives and goals will be achieved

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