2023 1st Quarter Newsletter Approved
2023 1st Quarter Newsletter Approved
2023 1st Quarter Newsletter Approved
05 30
DPWH R3 to implement 2,452 projects The Human Resource and Administrative
worth P98.47-B this 2023 Division of DPWH - Region III
09 33
DPWH inaugurates P237.9-M
bridge project in Tarlac
12 47
RD Tolentino, ARD Ayag attend Bataan- We are all equal!
Cavite Interlink Bridge Milestones Ceremony
18 52
DPWH conducts PGS Strategy Refresh
22 59
DPWH bags awards in ADC 2023 Sportsfest
DPWH trust rating up due to FOI: Official
Editorial Team
Let us know
Allan V. Mantaring
what you Editor
District Engineers
Technical Division Chiefs
District Public Affairs &
Information Officers
The DPWH-Regional Contributors
Office III Infra Bulletin
is accepting original
articles - news and
RD Roseller A. Tolentino
feature stories, opinions, ARD Denise Maria M. Ayag
and photo releases - all Technical Consultants
subject for edit. However,
we reserve the right to
accept or reject articles
found to be not in
accordance with our
editorial policies. For
further inquiry, please
send us an email at
construction of
cojuangco bridge,
paniqui, tarlac
he Department of Public and other essential relief items to the DPWH equipment and personnel
Works and Highways – BRP Tarlac and BRP Davao del Sur. in Subic Bay while loading relief
Bureau of Equipment items onto ships bound for the ports
assisted the Department of Social “The request was sent by the of Iligan City and Zamboanga City.
Welfare and Development in the NDRRMC to Secretary Manuel
loading of relief resources aboard Bonoan through Bureau of Ilao also thanked DPWH Region
Philippine Navy ships that are Maintenance Director Melvin III Director Roseller Tolentino,
planned to be distributed to the areas Navarro, and we were told that the Equipment Management Division
severely affected by the flooding in cranes are needed to expedite the Chief Danilo Danganan, Nueva Ecija
the Visayas and Mindanao. transfer of DSWD carg o to the sea 2nd District Engineer Elpidio Trinidad,
assets of the Philippine Navy,” Ilao Zambales 2nd District Engineer
BOE Director Toribio Noel Ilao explained. Rosbe Dizon and Equipment
said that the National Disaster Risk Service Unit Head Ransted Lerio for
Reduction Management Council Meanwhile, Ilao assigned Nueva their support in the mobilization of
has made an urgent request for the Ecija Area Equipment Engineer equipment and manpower.#
provision of two (2) mobile cranes to Edwin Lopez and Engineer Marvin
load boxes of family food packs, tents, Liwanag to oversee the deployed
he Department of Public The learning and development Deputy Regional Director Carlo
Works and Highways program aimed to equip DPWH Lorenzo Datu and Ms. Jag Lyra
Region III Public Affairs public affairs and information Costamero of the PIA-CL facilitated
and Information Off ice in officers with essential knowledge, the capacity training workshop.
collaboration with the Philippine skills, and abilities to ensure the The participants were welcomed
Information Agency – Central delivery of the right message to by Mr. Jason Legaspi of the Human
Luzon (PIA-CL) conducted a the agency’s stakeholders. Resource Development Section.#
3-day Intermediate Training for
Information Officers on January
24-26, 2023.
n commemoration of Ash Tahanan ng Nazareth, and reminded employees to practice
Wednesday, a holy mass attended by employees of the spiritual discipline centered
was held in the morning of Regional Office III and Pampanga on prayer, fasting and charity.
February 22, 2023 at the DPWH 1st District Engineering Office. Meanwhile, Assistant Regional
Gymnasium led by Rev. Fr. June Director Denise Maria Ayag said
Siccion, Apostolate Director of In his message, Regional that this day will remind us that we
Bahay Pag ibig and Munting Director Roseller Tolentino live because of God’s love for us.#
new PGS Strategy will help DPWH major outcomes towards its DPWH adopted the PGS as
endeavors to be more operationally sustainable development goals: the official strategy management
and organizationally effective by reduced travel time, improved road tool in 2009, entered Proficiency
setting priorities, by refining the network safety, as well as lives and Stage or third of the four (4)-stage
targets responsive to needs of the properties protected from natural pathway in 2017, and was handed
changing times, and by looking disasters. the Silver Governance Trailblazer
for better ways of doing things to Award by the Philippines PGS
improve current conditions. DPWH seeks to achieve the practitioner in the Institute for
final stage of the PGS Pathway Solidarity in Asia (ISA) during its
“With PGS, we will be able or the Institutionalization Stage Public Revalida focused on the
to gauge the performance of by implementing a culture of significant advancements in public
the Department holistically and governance within the organization sector governance.#
systematize the implementation with PGS as a gauge to the holistic
and monitoring of its strategy”, performance of the Department Scan the
added Senior Undersecretary driving all other systems QR code
to view
Sadain. implemented in the agency the article
including Quality Management online
The updates on the DPWH System and Strategic Performance
PGS Strategy Map and Enterprise Management System.
Scorecard focuses on three (3)
he Department of Public Among the technical opposite, or staggered lighting
Works and Highways requirements of the DO include: arrangement; while tertiary roads
(DPWH) has issued its street lights must be uniform may use single or staggered
latest guidelines on the standard and free from dark bands or lighting arrangement.
designs for solar-powered roadway abrupt variations; could be high
lighting along national roads. pressure sodium (HPS) or light The DO also sets lamp wattage,
emitting diode (LED) lighting; mounting height, spacing, use of
DPWH Secretary Manuel M. color temperature can vary pole arms, depending on road
Bonoan, through Department between warm white and warm classification, width, number of
Order No. 19, series of 2023,
issued the standard design
drawings, following the
approval on the use of solar-
powered street lights on
public works projects.
ngr. Kenneth Part of the requirements to
Edward Fernando complete his postgraduate studies
of the Regional was to conduct and submit a
Construction Division research paper which he eventually
spent almost two years in presented at the 77th Annual
Tokyo, Japan to complete Conference of the Japan Society
his Master’s Degree in of Civil Engineers held at Kyoto
Engineering major in University on September 15-16,
Social Inf rastructure 2022.
Management at the
Shibaura Institute of Fernando’s work titled
Technology. “Investigation of Stakeholders’
Strongly Held Perspectives on the
In 2020, Fernando Suspension of a Road-Widening
was able to pursue his Project in the Philippines” explored
postgraduate studies the strongest perspectives
under the Japan of affected stakeholders on a
International Cooperation suspended road-widening project
Agency (JICA) Road using the Q methodology, a
Asset Management method designed to examine
Program - Long-Term people’s views about a particular
Training, a learning and topic.
development program
that helped deepen his In his oral presentation,
understanding of Road Fernando clearly conveyed to
Asset Management. his audience the relevance and
importance of his research, which
JICA’s Long Term is why he became the recipient of
Training Program is the Excellent Presentation Award.
primarily developed
to strategically train His postgraduate journey at
personnel tasked with Shibaura Institute of Technology
the role of establishing ended on September 22, 2022, the
road asset management day of his graduation.
in developing countries.
Each program participant Fernando is now back in the
was given the opportunity office and is eager to apply, and
to study at graduate share, what he learned in road asset
schools in Japan to master management as he knows it is a
the knowledge and crucial aspect in the development
technology involved in of the transportation network in
Road Asset Management. the region.#
he Department of Public Santos further emphasized office for a final interview. As well
Works and Highways that the residents of Bulacan’s 6th as being examined and carefully
- Bulacan 2nd District District will greatly benefit from evaluated were the other applicants
Engineering Office (DEO) upholds this job fair as it will provide them who made the short list.
its commitment to aiding and with employment opportunities
serving the public by participating that can enhance their quality of Among the open positions were
in the Mega Job Fair held at the life and, in turn, stimulate the local welders, mechanical engineers,
6th Congressional District Office economy. electrical engineers, site engineers,
in Dulong Bayan, Poblacion, Santa safety officers, electrician, foreman,
Maria, Bulacan on March 18, 2023. With over 2,500 job vacancies, backhoe operator, HR staff and
hundreds of job seekers flocked to checker.
District Engineer George DC. the venue in an effort to find a job Meanwhile, the Bulacan 2nd
Santos extended his support to that matches their qualifications DEO set-up a booth and played
the activity with the aim of helping and get hired by their preferred audio-video presentations that
workers displaced by the COVID-19 companies and agencies. showcased its completed and
pandemic to recover through ongoing projects. Informational
employment. The DEO partnered Seven (7) participating materials such as newsletters
with different government contactors, including L.R. Tiqui and flyers containing DPWH’s
contractors that offered job Builders, Inc., Royal Crown Monarch accomplishments were also
opportunities to residents of the Construction & Supplies Corp., distributed. An information desk
6th district of Bulacan. JB Construction & Supply Devt., was also made available to respond
JD Legaspi Construction, C&F to queries pertaining to the office’s
“Our goal is to help job seekers Construction & Development services, programs, and projects.
secure decent work and at the Corporation, JAGONBUILD
same time assist our contractors Construction, and Triple 8 Bulacan 6th District
with their manpower needs,” Construction and Supply Inc., Representative Salvador Pleyto
Santos said. screened hundreds of applications mentioned that many of the job
and notified a total of 23 qualified seekers who attended the said
applicants to report to their main event were recent graduates who
he Department of Public To kindle the spirit of giving, mass presided over by Fr. Carmelo
Works and Highways employees were also given the Agustin, and where employees
Pampanga 2nd District opportunity to partake in an donned their contemporary
Engineering Office definitely had office tradition of conducting a ‘ternos’.
a jampacked Holiday Season as community outreach program.
various activities have been lined Sacks of rice were donated to the “Seeing the cheers as well as the
up by the management to spread detainees and jail officers of the spirit of the season shared through
the joy of this auspicious occasion. Guagua District Jail, and to the these gifts and activities fills our
seminarians and orphans living in hearts with joy and appreciation.
A Belen and Christmas Tree the Somascan Fathers Seminary Everyone deserves to enjoy and
decoration contest kick-off the in Lubao. feel happy this holiday season,
celebration and continued with especially for all the hard work and
the distribution of sacks of rice The culminating activity effort they have put in as well as
and Noche Buena packages to all for the DPWH Pampanga 2nd the competence they have shown
employees. DEO’s Yuletide celebration was a in overcoming the challenges they
Philippine Culture themed Year- have faced this year,” DE Gregorio
End Party that opened with a D. Audea, Jr. said.#
ublic trust and confidence “Before the implementation of In the past, the official said
in the Department the FOI program, people did not the public was not aware of the
of Public Works and know DPWH’s accomplishment,” department’s undertakings,
Highways (DPWH) rose over the he said, admitting that indeed they including the road and bridge
past few years as it implements lacked public engagement before. inventories. Thus, it is easy for them
the government’s Freedom of to criticize and blame the agency.
Information (FOI) program, an FOI, he said, did a lot of things
official said Thursday. for the department as it is not just Because of the absence of public
about informing the public of the engagement, the public had the
Andro Santiago, Officer-in- agency’s gains but is also a means tendency to seek the help of the
Charge (OIC) of the DPWH’s media and even air their grievances
Stakeholders Affairs Division, in to show that they are “committed to on social media platforms, he said.
ANILA, Philippines The meeting was held on Output 1 were either completed
– The Department Tuesday, February 14, at the DPWH or scheduled to begin in all pilot
of Public Works and Head Office in Port Area, Manila. regions during the first quarter.
Highways (DPWH) held its second
coordination meeting with the Sadain said, in a statement, Additionally, all regions carried
Japan International Cooperation that the second joint coordinating out various slope protection
Agency (JICA) to discuss the meeting was a progress evaluation projects, are developing an
implementation of the JICA-funded of the project’s continued execution emergency response handbook,
Technical Cooperation Project (TCP) in pilot areas of the Cordillera and are holding various emergency
on road disaster prevention in the Administrative Region (CAR), response or Output 2 training
Philippines. Regions 7 and 11. workshops.
According to the DPWH The pilot regions are anticipated While under Output 3, pilot
on Wednesday, other to complete four outputs in two road segments for danger maps
countermeasures on mountainous years or until 2025. were also identified. – Kimberly D.
roads in the country were also part Albaño, INQUIRER.net intern
of the discussion. Reported outputs are as
follows: Countermeasure Works; Scan the
QR code
“This is a timely assembly of Emergency Response; Hazard to view
experts as the country further Mapping, and; Road Disaster the article
strengthens measures that will Information Management, which online
ensure public safety in case of the will be completed by the JICA
“Big One,” and learning from the counterpart.
recent earthquake devastation
in Turkey and Syria,” JICA-TCP DPWH stated that topographic
Chairman Emil Sadain said. and geographical surveys under
ed by Remedios P. Laurel, Human Resource Development: oversees procurement, utilization,
HRAD is a dynamic HRAD’s Human Resource and inventory of supplies and
division supporting Development Section provides equipment. It optimizes resource
DPWH Regional Office III. It continuous training programs allocation and contributes to fiscal
ensures operational efficiency and to enhance employee skills, responsibility.
empowers employees through knowledge, and capabilities.
various administrative services. It invests in the workforce to Cash Management: The Cash
HRAD’s responsibilities include contribute to overall growth and Section manages f inancial
human resource management, success. transactions, including payroll
records management, supply and processing and safekeeping of
property management, and cash Records Management: collections. It ensures transparency,
management. Meticulous professionals in the accountability, and eff icient
Records Management Section financial management.
Human Resource Management: ensure proper maintenance,
HRAD implements policies security, control, retention, and Under the leadership of
on recruitment, employee archiving of physical records. Remedios P. Laurel, HRAD
welfare, performance evaluation, They ensure the integrity and strengthens DPWH Regional
compensation, incentives, and accessibility of critical information Office III by enhancing efficiency,
employee relations. It creates for informed decision-making. empowering employees, and
a positive work environment, driving growth and success.#
supports employees, and fosters Supply and Property
professional growth. Management: HRAD’s Supply and
Property Management Section
Construction of a 6.7-meter-wide portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) and provision of paved shoulders with lined canals and catchwalls
in Brgy. Dibut, San Luis, Aurora
Improvement of off-carriageway along Jose Abad Santos Avenue (JASA), Brgy. Sta. Isabel, Dinalupihan, Bataan
Construction of Flood Control Structure along Balsik River, Daang Bago Section, Dinalupihan, Bataan
Construction of Paved Road along Jose Abad Santos Ave. (JASA), Dinalupihan, Bataan
Construction of Flood Control Structure along Paysawan River, Brgy. Paysawan, Bagac, Bataan
Construction of River Control Project along Angat River, San Jose Section Baliuag, Bulacan
Asset Preservation - Preventive Maintenance - Tertiary Roads, Gen Alejo Santos Highway, Angat, Bulacan
Construction of Multipurpose Building, Legislative Building (Municipal Grounds), Brgy. Sagaba, Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija
Construction of Multipurpose Building, (Public Market), Brgy. Sto. Niño 3rd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
Construction of 319.4-lineal Meter Slope Protection/Concrete LIning of Malayop Creek, Brgy. Dulong Bayan, Quezon, Nueva Ecija
Construction of Flood Mitigation Structure along Peñaranda River, Brgy. San Roque, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija
Construction of Slope Protection along Porac River, Pio Section, Porac, Pampanga
Rehabilitation of Canal System, Porac Gumain River Irrigation System (PORAC RIS), Guagua, Pampanga
Construction of Reinforced Concrete Slope Protection with Road Dike along Abacan River, Brgy. Pulung Maragul, Angeles City, Pampanga
(Asphalt Overlay) Arayat-Magalang-Mabalacat Road, Brgy. Sto. Rosario, Magalang and Brgy. Bundagul, Mabalacat, Pampanga
Construction of Flood MItigation Structure, Tambak River (Upstream), Phase III, Zambales
Construction of Flood MItigation Structure, Tambak River (Upstream), Phase IV, Iba, Zambales
Asset Preservation Program, Preventive Maintenance - Primary Roads Jose Abad Santos Ave (JASA), K0122+493 - K0122+731, Olongapo City
Flood Management Program, Construction/Maintenance of Flood Mitigation Structures and Drainage Systems, Rehabilitation of Cabaoangan
Creek, Subic, Zambales
Convergence and Special Support Program, Sustainable Infrastructure Projects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG) Access Roads and/or Bridges from the
National Road/s to Major/Strategic Public buildings/Facilities, Construction of Road at Barangay San Rafael, San Marcelino, Zambales
We are all equal!
his is what Public Works to participate in the activities year until 2028 which is, “WE
and Highways Region lined up by the Department to for Gender Equality and Inclusive
3 Director Roseller commemorate the 2023 National Society”.
Tolentino reiterated at the start Women’s Month.
of the month-long celebration According to the PCW, “the
of National Women’s Month this “It is important for us men new theme sparks a renewed
March 2023. to think about how gender commitment to the advocacy
influences the opportunities we and banks on the gains achieved
DPWH offices in Region III, have in life and how sometimes, during the 2016-2022 theme,
Tolentino said, advocate for these opportunities do not come WE Make CHANGE Work for
maintaining a gender-equitable to women because they are Women, which emphasized the
workplace - an environment women,” Ayag said. need for compassionate and
where male and female harmonized networks towards
employees are considered Ayag suggested that men gender equality and women’s
equal members and are free to in the workplace should push empowerment (GEWE).”
participate in all types of social and promote gender equality
activities and both are given policies and they can start by The recurring theme, as stated
equal employment opportunities. simply recognizing the ideas of by the PCW, also aligns with
their female colleagues fairly, by the Philippine Development
“Management always ensures listening to their perspective, Plan 2023-2028, which aims
that men and women are treated and by considering their inputs for “deep economic and social
as equal partners in infrastructure in the programs and projects transformation to reinvigorate
development and that their rights implemented by the DPWH. job creation and accelerate
are equally respected,” Tolentino poverty reduction by steering the
added. Meanwhile, the Philippine economy back on a high-growth
Commission on Women (PCW) path.”#
Assistant Regional Director launched a new recurring theme
Denise Maria M. Ayag on the other for the celebration of National
hand encouraged all employees Women’s Month starting this
Quarterly Dialogue of Administrative Officers
Chief Administrative Officer Remedios Laurel facilitated on March 31, 2023 the quarterly dialogue among
the Administrative Officers of DPWH Region III, wherein they discussed various issues and concerns
related to administrative functions.
Some of the topics that were covered during the meeting include the implementation of newly issued
Department Orders and the compliance of Regional and District Engineering Offices with various office
guidelines. These guidelines included the Conduct of Physical Count of PPEs and the Hiring and Rehiring
of Contract of Service Employees.#
lenten recollection
A Holy Mass and Lenten Recollection held on March 23, 2023 at the DPWH Regional Office III Gymnasium
was attended by employees of the Regional and District Engineering Offices of the Department of Public
Works and Highways.#
DPWH -ADEO performs ‘duck, cover and hold’ procedure during Q1 NSED
Bataan 1st DEO Joins CY 2023 1st Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
DPWH Zambales 1st District Engineering Office participates in NDRRMC’s nationwide simultaneous
earthquake drill
et’s face it. The desk job
you work at isn’t doing your
midsection any favors. It’s
hard to stay fit when you sit all
day. It’s not just your fitness that’s
at stake either. All that sitting is
slowly hurting your overall health.
Lack of physical activity is linked to
health problems like heart disease,
diabetes, and even breast or colon
cancer. Unfortunately, desk jobs
are becoming more common in
our modern life. And we need
those jobs to take care of our
basic necessities. So, how can you
balance your desk job with your
health and fitness? It takes some
work, but it’s possible. Try these
eavy lifting, repetitive Combine aerobic exercise, such your lower back. Adjust the height
movements and sitting as swimming or walking, with of your chair so that your feet rest
at a desk all day can take exercises that strengthen and flat on the floor or on a footrest and
a toll on your back. Get the facts stretch your back muscles and your thighs are parallel to the floor.
about back pain at work and how abdomen. Exercises that increase Remove your wallet or cellphone
to prevent it. your balance and strength can also from your back pocket when sitting
decrease your risk of falling and to prevent putting extra pressure
Whether it’s dull and achy or injuring your back. Consider tai chi, on your buttocks or lower back.
sharp and stabbing, back pain yoga and weight-bearing exercises
can make it hard to concentrate that challenge your balance. Lift properly. When lifting
on your job. Unfortunately, many and carrying a heavy object, get
occupations — such as close to the object, bend
nursing, construction your knees and tighten
and factory work — your stomach muscles.
can place signif icant Use your leg muscles
demands on your back. to support your body as
Even routine office work you stand up. Hold the
can cause or worsen back object close to your body.
pain. Understand what Maintain the natural curve
causes back pain at work of your back. Don’t twist
and what you can do to when lifting. If an object
prevent it. is too heavy to lift safely,
ask someone to help you.
Common causes of Modify repetitive tasks.
back pain at work Use lifting devices, when
A number of factors can available, to help you lift
contribute to back pain at loads. Try to alternate
work. For example: physically demanding
tasks with less demanding
Force. Exerting too ones. If you work at a
much force on your back computer, make sure that
— such as by lifting or your monitor, keyboard,
moving heavy objects — mouse and chair are
can cause injury. positioned properly. If
Repetition. Repeating certain For most healthy adults, the you frequently talk on the phone
movements, especially those that Department of Health and Human and type or write at the same time,
involve twisting or rotating your Services recommends at least place your phone on speaker or
spine, can injure your back. 150 minutes a week of moderate use a headset. Avoid unnecessary
Inactivity. An inactive job or a aerobic activity or 75 minutes a bending, twisting and reaching.
desk job can contribute to back week of vigorous aerobic activity Limit the time you spend carrying
pain, especially if you have poor — preferably spread throughout heavy briefcases, purses and bags.
posture or sit all day in a chair with the week — and strength training Listen to your body. If you must
inadequate back support. exercises at least twice a week. sit for a prolonged period, change
Back pain and lifestyle factors your position often. Periodically
Of course, factors such as aging, If you smoke, quit. Smoking walk around and gently stretch
obesity and poor physical condition reduces blood flow to your lower your muscles to relieve tension.
can also contribute to back pain. spine, which can contribute to Examine your work environment
While you can’t control your age, spinal disk degeneration and and address situations that might
you can focus on maintaining a slow healing from back injuries. aggravate your back. Even simple
healthy weight, which minimizes Coughing associated with smoking steps can help prevent back injury
stress on your back. can also cause back pain. and pain.#
ccording to one Bible “I will fear no evil, for you are generations of believers have
app, the most popular with me.” claimed this powerful promise.
verse of 2020 was Isaiah Notice how the psalmist refers
41:10: “Do not fear, for I am with you.” Psalm 23 encourages us with to God directly as “you” here. This
In 2019, it was Philippians 4:6: “Do at least three truths about God as truth was very personal for him!
not be anxious about anything.” our Shepherd. First, He provides Which verse of this psalm
In 2018, it was also Isaiah 41:10, and all we need: “I lack nothing” (v. 1). best describes your current
in 2017, it was Joshua 1:9: “Do not This doesn’t mean our wish list is circumstances? Are you enjoying
be afraid; do not be discouraged.” His agenda. God’s provision for us is green pastures? Or, are you in the
Clearly, our lives in this fallen world based on His wisdom and sovereign depths of a dark valley? In either
are dominated by fear and worry. purposes. But as His sheep, we can case, rejoice and trust in God’s
Our only genuine source of hope be sure His “goodness and love will loving care.
is God. Thankfully, those who follow me all the days of my life”
follow God have the Lord as our (v. 6). Pray with Us
Shepherd. Sheep and shepherds
are our topic of Bible study this Second, “He guides me along Oh Lord, our Shepherd, calm our
month. Throughout Scripture, the right paths” (v. 3). This requires hearts with the truths that David
sheep, shepherds, and flocks both knowledge of righteousness proclaims. In Your wisdom You
are mentioned a combined 500 and practical wisdom to choose provide all we need, guiding us in
times! In fact, sheep are the most it in our daily lives. This is “for his righteousness and dwelling with
frequently mentioned animals in name’s sake”—His glory is always us through both dark and peaceful
the Bible. the primary purpose. Finally, God times.
is always with us (v. Scan the
4). This is true even QR code
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, and especially in to view
I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your the darkest valleys the article
rod and your staff, they comfort me. or circumstances. online
His presence
Psalm 23:4 means we need
fear no evil. Many
your life?
everal times in these verses
Jesus says, “Do not worry,” Matthew 6:25-34
or “Do not be anxious.” Yet
simply telling an anxious person
to stop being anxious rarely helps. drives my desire for control, and God, who is in control, also loves
Does anyone who is anxious make realizing that I’m not in control us and knows what is best for us—
the choice to be that way? Why, intensifies my insecurity—and the always.
then, would Jesus say this? His result is anxiety.
words run much deeper than Father, help us to let go of our
simply saying “Stop it.” He reminds Jesus points out that God worry and stop being anxious about
us that there are things beyond our provides abundantly for the birds tomorrow. Teach us to trust in you,
control that require us to trust in of the air and the flowers of the knowing you will work all things
God’s care and provision. field. God cares deeply for all of his for good, in line with your purpose
creation. So we can be confident and for your glory. Amen.#
I’ve had to learn this lesson that God will certainly provide for
repeatedly in life. I’ve never been in us. Scan the
charge. Yet my humanness wants QR code
desperately to be in control. I don’t to view
And with God’s providence the article
like being dependent on others. comes his amazing power to reset online
And I often give lip-service to my our focus in life. We cannot get past
dependence on God. My insecurity our anxiety without knowing that