Ions and Radicals Text

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Subject: Science Ions, Radicals and Valencies Grade: VIII

Ions (Cations and Anions)

Ion is an atom or group of atoms having a charge on it. The charge may be positive or negative. There are two
types of ions i.e. cations and anions. An atom or group of atoms having positive charge on it is called cation. The
cations are formed when atoms lose electrons from their outermost shells. For example, Na*, IC are cations. The
following equations show the formation of cations from atoms.

Atom -------------------------- Cation

Na -------------------------- Na+ + 1e-

Ca -------------------------- Ca+2 + 2e-

An atom or o group of atoms that has a negative charge on it, is called anion. Anion is formed by the gain or
addition of electrons to an atom. For example, CI and 02.
Following examples show the formation of an anion by addition of electrons to an atom.

Atom -------------------------- Cation

Cl + 1e--------------------------- Cl-

O + 2e--------------------------- O-2
Duplet Rule: For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration it must have 2 electrons in its K- shell if first
shell is valence shell like noble gas helium it is called duplet rule.
Octet Rule: For an atom to achieve stable electronic configuration it must have 8 electrons in its valence shell
like noble gas other than helium it is called octet rule.

Free Radicals

Free radicals are atoms or group of atoms possessing odd number of (unpaired) electrons. It is represented by
putting a dot over the symbol of an element e.g. H·, Cl·, H3C·, CO3·, OH·. Free radicals are generated by the
hemolytic (equal) breakage of the bond between two atoms when they absorb heat or light energy. A free radical
is extremely reactive species as it has the tendency to complete its octet. Table 1.9 shows some of the differences
between ions and free radicals. Most of the universe exists in the form of plasma, the fourth state of matter. Both
the cationic and anionic molecular ions are present in it.

Molecules Free Radical

Cl2 Sunlight 2Cl·

CH4 Sunlight H3C· + H·



How radicals are different from ions:

Ions are atom which bear some charge while radicals are the atoms that have odd number of electrons. Ions exist
in solution or in crystal lattice but can exist in solutions as well in air. Formation of ion is not affected by the
presence of light however radicals may form in the presence of light.
What is valency?
The Combining power of an element with other element is called valency. The valency depends upon the number
of electrons in the outermost shell. Valency is the number of electrons of an atom of an element can gain, lose or
share. Some elements with their symbol and common Valencies are given below in table.

S. No Elements Symbol Atomic Number Electronic structure Valency

1 Hydrogen H 1 1 1
2 Helium He 2 2 0
3 Lithium Li 3 2,1 1
4 Beryllium Be 4 2,2 2
5 Boron B 5 2,3 3

6 Carbon C 6 2,4 2 and 4

7 Nitrogen N 7 2,5 3
8 Oxygen 0 8 2,6 2
9 Flourine F 9 2,7 1
10 Neon Ne 10 2,8 0

Ex: Read the given text and answer the following questions

1. Write down at least 2 differences between atom and ion.

2. What rules atom follow to become ion.
3. Write down at least 3 differences between ion and radicals.
4. Define valency and complete the following table

Name of element Electronic structure Valency Name of element Electronic structure Valency
Sodium ( Z =11) Chlorine ( Z =17)
Oxygen ( Z =8) Beryllium ( Z =4)
Aluminum ( Z =13) Phosphorous ( Z =15)


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