Flavaglines Crohn Colitis Prohibitins
Flavaglines Crohn Colitis Prohibitins
Flavaglines Crohn Colitis Prohibitins
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Han et al Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016
with diverse functions, including regulation of cell cycle progres- (50 -CAGAAUGUCAACAUCACACUGCGCA-30 ) or Stealth
sion, apoptosis, and transcription, depending on their posttransla- RNAi Negative Control Med GC (Life Technologies, Carlsbad,
tional modifications and subcellular localization.7 The best CA) at 20 mm concentration using Amaxa electroporation with
characterized function of PHB and PHB2 is their role in main- Nucleofector kit T (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland).
taining the structure and function of mitochondria, including res-
piration and protein metabolism, while residing in the inner Induction of Colitis in Mice
mitochondrial membrane as heterodimers.8–10 In IECs, PHB is Eight-week-old wild-type (C57BL/6) male and female mice
predominantly localized in the mitochondria, where it has been were administered orally DSS (molecular weight, 50,000; MP
shown to be required for optimal activity of complexes I and IV of Biomedicals, Solon, OH) at 2.5% (wt/vol) in tap water ad libitum
the electron transport chain (ETC).11–14 During IBD, expression of for 6 days. Controls were administered normal tap water throughout
PHB is decreased in uninvolved and inflamed epithelium.12,14 the treatment period. Mice were intraperitoneally injected with
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016 Flavaglines Ameliorate Experimental Colitis
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Han et al Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016
and 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (Dako, Carpinteria, CA). Sections were epithelial proliferation. To determine whether very low (nanomolar)
counterstained with hematoxylin. doses of FL3 or FL37 affect IEC viability, polarized Caco2-BBE or
The oxidative damage to proteins was assessed using IEC-6 cell monolayers were treated with increasing concentrations
a protein carbonyl assay kit (Cayman Chemicals) according to of FL3 or FL37 for 16 hours and markers of cell proliferation or
the manufacturer’s protocol. apoptosis were measured. Ten and 50 nanomolar of FL3 or FL37
enhanced cell viability in Caco2-BBE cells as measured by lactate
Statistical Analyses dehydrogenase release (Fig. 1A). IEC-6 nontransformed cells were
Values are expressed as mean 6 SEM. Comparisons used as a second in vitro model of IECs. FL3 and FL37 increased
between FL3 or FL37 treatment versus vehicle control were ana- viability of IEC-6 cells at the higher doses tested (see Fig. A,
lyzed by unpaired Student’s t test. Comparisons between FL3 or Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.com/IBD/B116).
FL37 combined with TNFa or IFNg treatment were analyzed by To determine whether increased cell viability was associated with
FIGURE 1. FL3 and FL37 decrease apoptosis in Caco2-BBE cells. Cells were treated with increasing concentrations of FL3 or FL37 for 16 hours A,
Cell viability using lactate dehydrogenase assay; *P , 0.05 versus vehicle; n ¼ 8 per treatment across 2 separate experiments. B, Representative
Western blots of PCNA protein expression, a marker of cell proliferation. C, Apoptosis measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; *P ,
0.05 versus vehicle; n ¼ 4 per treatment. D, TUNEL-positive cells were quantified across 20 fields; *P , 0.05 versus vehicle.
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016 Flavaglines Ameliorate Experimental Colitis
FIGURE 2. FL3 and FL37 increase protein expression of known flavagline targets PHB and PHB2 in IECs. A, Polarized Caco2-BBE cells were treated
with increasing concentrations of FL3 or FL37 for 2 hours. Representative Western blots are shown for PHB, PHB2, and b-actin (loading control). B,
Caco2-BBE cells were treated with 10 nM FL3 or FL37 for increasing time. Representative Western blots are shown for PHB, PHB2, phospho-p38-
MAPK, total p38-MAPK, and b-tubulin (loading control).
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Han et al Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016
and Cox2 induction (see Fig. A, Supplemental Digital Content 3, associated with increased cell proliferation. TUNEL staining re-
http://links.lww.com/IBD/B118). All further experiments were vealed that pretreatment with FL3 or FL37 prevented TNFa- or
performed with FL3 or FL37 at a concentration of 10 nM because IFNg-induced Caco2-BBE apoptosis (Fig. 4C).
this was the lowest most effective dose at preventing TNFa- or
IFNg-induced loss of PHB protein expression. Pretreatment with FL3 or FL37 Protects
Against Cytokine-induced Barrier Dysfunction
Pretreatment with FL3 or FL37 Prevented IEC in Caco2-BBE Cell Monolayers
Apoptosis Induced by TNFa or IFNg Ten nanomolar of FL3 or FL37 increased transepithelial
We next determined whether FL3 or FL37 affected electrical resistance (Fig. 5A) and decreased translocation of FITC-
cytokine-induced proliferation and/or apoptosis in IECs. TNFa dextran between Caco2-BBE monolayers from the apical chamber
or IFNg significantly decreased Caco2-BBE cell viability in to the basolateral chamber (Fig. 5B). Pretreatment with 10 nM FL3
FIGURE 4. Pretreatment with FL3 or FL37 prevented Caco2-BBE apoptosis induced by TNFa or IFNg. Cells were pretreated with 10 nM FL3 or FL37
for 1 hour, followed by treatment with 10 ng/mL TNFa or 50 ng/mL IFNg for 16 hours. A, Cell viability using lactate dehydrogenase assay; n ¼ 8 per
treatment across 2 separate experiments. B, Representative Western blots of PCNA protein expression, a marker of cell proliferation. C, TUNEL-
positive cells were quantified across 20 fields; *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01 versus no tx + vehicle; #P , 0.01 versus TNFa + vehicle; †P , 0.05 versus IFNg
+ vehicle. No tx, no treatment.
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Han et al Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016
model of colonic epithelial ulceration.35 Mice given vehicle during distal colon the most severely affected. Hemotoxylin and eosin–
DSS administration showed significant weight loss starting on day stained sections of distal colon of water control mice treated with
5 of DSS treatment (Fig. 8A). In contrast, FL3-treated mice main- FL3 showed similar histology to mice given water and vehicle
tained their body weight during the course of DSS treatment and (Fig. 8C). Distal colon sections of DSS-treated mice given vehi-
exhibited body weights similar to control mice given water. On day cle showed severe inflammatory infiltration, complete crypt loss
6, the mice treated with DSS were assigned a clinical score con- in focal areas, and increased ulceration. In contrast, mice treated
sisting of severity of body weight loss, stool consistency, and the with FL3 during DSS showed moderate inflammatory infiltra-
presence of gross bleeding or blood in the stool. FL3-treated mice tion, less crypt loss, and less ulceration compared with mice
given DSS exhibited a significantly lower clinical score compared given vehicle (Fig. 8C). Histological scoring of inflammation
with vehicle-treated mice given DSS (Fig. 8B). revealed that FL3-treated mice given DSS exhibited a signifi-
DSS-induced colitis is histopathologically characterized cantly less damage (severity of inflammatory infiltration, ulcer-
by infiltration of inflammatory cells into the mucosa and ation, and crypt damage) compared with vehicle-treated mice
submucosa, epithelial ulceration, and crypt damage, with the given DSS (Fig. 8B).
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016 Flavaglines Ameliorate Experimental Colitis
Our study is the first to characterize the therapeutic potential
of flavaglines in the intestinal epithelium during inflammation. We
FIGURE 7. p38-MAPK activation is necessary for protective effect of show that the flavaglines FL3 and FL37 protect against apoptosis
FL3 and FL37 on TNFa-induced mitochondrial-derived ROS and and barrier dysfunction in cultured IECs basally and during
increased permeability. Caco2-BBE monolayers were pretreated with proinflammatory cytokine treatment. Protective effects of FL3 were
20 mM p38-MAPK inhibitor SB203580 for 1 hour, then treated with 10 corroborated in vivo, with FL3 administration reducing the severity
nM FL3 or FL37 for 1 hour, and finally treated with 10 ng/mL TNFa for of DSS-induced colitis and barrier permeability.
16 hours A, Mitochondrial ROS levels were measured using mitoSOX Since the first flavagline, rocaglamide, was first isolated in
dye; n ¼ 8 per treatment. B, Rate of 4 kDa FITC-dextran translocation 1992, more than 60 natural flavaglines have been identified.20,36
from apical to basolateral chamber (nanograms per milliliter
Crude extracts from leaves and flowers of different Aglaia (family
per minute); n $ 6 per treatment; *P , 0.05 versus no tx; #P , 0.05
Meliaceae) plants, from which flavaglines are extracted, are used
versus TNFa.
in several countries of southeast Asia as traditional medicine for
the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and allergic inflam-
A reduction in colon length is a gross indicator of disease matory disorders, such as asthma.6 However, these plants contain
severity in the DSS model of colitis. All animals treated with DSS many classes of pharmacologically active agents, and the above-
showed reduced colon length compared with water controls; cited activities may not involve flavaglines but other classes of
however, shrinkage was less severe in FL3-treated mice compared drugs. Interest in flavaglines as therapeutic compounds stems
with vehicle controls (Fig. 8D). In addition, FL3 treatment signif- from their anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and cytoprotective prop-
icantly reduced myeloperoxidase activity, a marker of neutrophil erties. At very low nanomolar concentrations, flavaglines enhance
infiltration, in the distal colon during DSS colitis (Fig. 8E). Intes- survival of neurons and cardiomyocytes when challenged with
tinal permeability was measured using translocation of 4 kDa numerous stressors.3 In this study, we assessed the effect of
FITC-dextran into serum in DSS-treated mice. Barrier dysfunc- FL3 and FL37 in IECs because both compounds were shown to
tion is one of the earliest events in DSS-induced colitis that pre- display in vivo anticancer and cardioprotective effects. As an
cedes evident inflammation or mucosal damage. Therefore, we in vitro model of inflammation, cultured IECs were challenged
measured intestinal permeability after 3 days of DSS treatment. with TNFa and IFNg, 2 proinflammatory cytokines involved
FL3-treated mice showed decreased FITC-dextran translocation in IBD pathogenesis.37,38 Similar to results in neurons and
compared with vehicle-treated mice during DSS colitis (Fig. 8F). cardiomyocytes, FL3 and FL37 exhibited prosurvival and
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Han et al Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016
anti-inflammatory effects in IECs at nanomolar concentrations mitochondrial stress participates in the pathology of IBD.22,24,41
during TNFa and IFNg treatment. FL3 and FL37 inhibited TNFa Our results suggest that FL3 and FL37 protection of mitochon-
and IFNg downstream proinflammatory signaling as evidenced by drial function in IECs is associated with decreased apoptosis,
reduced nuclear factor kappa B and Cox2 expression, maintained enhanced cell viability, and sustained epithelial barrier function
cell viability, reduced TNFa- and IFNg-induced apoptosis, and during TNFa-induced damage. FL3 and FL37 also protected
prevented TNFa- and IFNg-increased epithelial permeability. We against IFNg-induced apoptosis and epithelial barrier dysfunction,
went on to demonstrate that mitochondrial dysfunction, as char- but unlike TNFa, these effects of IFNg were not associated with
acterized by increased mitochondrial-derived ROS, reduced activ- altered mitochondrial function, suggesting that FL3 and FL37
ity of ETC complexes and ultimately decreased ATP production, cytoprotective effects against IFNg involve signaling pathways
was induced by TNFa33 but not IFNg, and was prevented by FL3 beyond those regulating mitochondrial function.
or FL37. Importantly, multiple studies have reported mitochon- FL3 and FL37 rapidly induced expression of PHB and
drial dysfunction in the epithelium during IBD and experimental PHB2 in IECs, which are established flavagline targets.3 Our
models of colitis.12,25,27,28,39,40 Recent studies indicate that mito- study demonstrated that PHB expression was essential for FL3
chondria integrate cellular homeostasis signaling and that or FL37 inhibition of TNFa-induced mitochondrial-derived ROS
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 22, Number 1, January 2016 Flavaglines Ameliorate Experimental Colitis
production in IECs. Furthermore, we show that FL3 and FL37 pattern of p38-MAPK activation during a time course of FL3 or
preserve ETC complex I activity during TNFa treatment. Com- FL37 treatment was similar to that of PHB and PHB2 induction.
plex I of the ETC is a predominant site of PHB binding, resulting Activation of p38-MAPK by flavaglines has been demonstrated in
in optimal activity of complex I and the respiratory chain.11,13 lymphocytes, which causes immunosuppression through selective
Previous studies have shown that TNFa reduces PHB expression inhibition of the transcription factor nuclear factor of activated T
in IECs,32,42 which we also confirm in the current study (Fig. 3). cells (NFAT).6 NFAT is expressed in the intestinal epithelium where
Therefore, our results suggest that FL3 and FL37 promote mito- it regulates differentiation, cell cycle, and apoptosis.43 It is not
chondrial function in IECs during stress induced by TNFa by known whether PHBs mediate activation of p38-MAPK or NFAT
sustaining PHB expression and ETC complex I activity, which by flavaglines.7 We show that p38-MAPK activation is essential for
are targets of TNFa-induced damage.33,42 the protective effects of FL3 and FL37 on IEC barrier permeability
FL3 and FL37 rapidly induced activation of p38-MAPK in and mitochondrial-derived ROS production during TNFa treatment.
IECs, but not activation of Stat3, SAPK/JNK, ERK, or AKT. The Future studies will elucidate whether p38-MAPK activation by FL3
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