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CA Final

Advanced Auditing,
Assurance & Professional Ethics

MCQ Booklet

CA Shubham Keswani
[CA (AIR 8), EY, B. Com(H), SRCC]

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)

S No. Topic Pg No.
1 Standards 1-5
SQC-1/SA 220 1
SA 230 2
SA 240 4
SA 250 6
SA 260 7
SA 299 7
SA 320 8
SA 402 9
SA 530 9
SA 550 11
SA 560 12
SA 570 13
SA 580 14
SA 620 15
SA 701 15
SA 705 15
SA 710 16
2 Professional Ethics 17-19
3 Audit Planning 20-22
4 RAIC + SA 315/330 23-26
5 Group Audit + SA 600 27-28
6 Bank Audit 29-31
7 NBFC Audit 32
8 PSU Audit 33-34
9 Internal Audit 35-40
10/11/12 DD/ FA/ Investigation 41-42
13 Specialised Areas 43-45
14 Audit Related Services 46-47
15 Review of Financial Information 48-49
16 Standards on Assurance Engagements 50
17 Digital Auditing 51-56
18 Emerging Areas 57-58
19 CARO 2020 59-65
20 Case Scenarios 66-88

MCQs Instructions
Compilation of all MCQs on ICAI BOS portal. Some case scenarios covered in our Ques Bank as they
were already covered in ICAI SM (New Course) have not been included again in this book. Relevant
explanations have been included wherever it was required.

CA Shubham Keswani
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
Standards on Auditing
SQC-1/SA 220

1. What is the maximum recommended 3me limit within which assembly of engagement files should be completed
a<er the engagement reports have been finalized?
a. 30 days
b. 65 days
c. 45 days
d. 60 days

2. At least ............, the firm should obtain wriCen confirma3on of compliance with its policies and procedures on
independence from all firm personnel required to be independent in terms of the requirements of the Code.
a. Half yearly
b. Annually
c. Once in two years
d. Once in three years

3. What is excluded from the defini3on of "Firm"?

a. Sole prac>>oner
b. Partnership
c. Corpora>on
d. Other en>ty of professional accountants

4. PMP Ltd. is an associate of PMP Inc, a company based in Kuwait. PMP Ltd. is listed in India having its corporate
office at Assam. The company’s opera3ons have remained stable over the years and the management is looking to
expand the opera3ons for which the management is considering different business ventures.

The company’s auditors issued clean audit report on the audit of the financial statements for the year ended 31
March 2023.

For the financial year ended 31 March 2024, the auditors made some changes in their audit team. While the audit
partner remained the same, the field incharge has been replaced, as the field incharge who was engaged in the
audit of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 has le< the firm. The audit team has a new
person as External Quality Control Reviewer (EQCR) who has specialized knowledge of the industry in which the
company is opera3ng. EQCR has been employed with the firm for over 2.5 years and is yet to clear his CA (Chartered
Accountancy) final exams. The changes were made on the basis of the considera3on that the firm has enough
experience of engagement with this client.

The audit team commenced the work for audit of the year ended 31 March 2024 a<er detailed planning and it was
observed that EQCR had various comments on certain maCers which were not accepted by the audit partner. Audit
partner had beCer understanding of the client and a<er assessing the comments of the EQCR did not find those
relevant. The audit partner without concurrence of the EQCR finalized the audit and issued the audit report. In the
given situa3on, please advise which one of the following is correct?

a. The changes in the audit team were not appropriate except for the field incharge who had leF the firm. EQCR
should have been a member of the Ins>tute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

CA Shubham Keswani 1
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
b. The audit partner did the right thing by ignoring the comments of EQCR as he is the final authority to decide
on any maNer and take decisions. Further EQCR was junior to the audit partner.

c. The audit partner must discuss each and every comment of EQCR with the client and ensure that a proper
disclosure in respect of those points should be made either in the financial statements or the audit report.

d. EQCR had sufficient and appropriate experience. He should have been given the authority to objec>vely
evaluate various maNers, before the report is issued, the significant judgments the engagement team made
and the conclusions they reached in formula>ng the report. By ignoring the comments of the EQCR, audit
partner took addi>onal professional responsibility on himself. By considering the comments of EQCR, he could
have passed the responsibility to EQCR.

5. Bansal Arora & Co., a Chartered Accountants firm, is currently performing an audit for Wool Ltd., a sizable
manufacturing company. Mr. Bhavesh Bansal, an experienced audit engagement partner, holds the responsibility of
ensuring that the audit engagement aligns with the professional standards, adheres to regulatory requirements,
and complies with the legal obliga3ons. His du3es encompass the overall supervision, direc3on, and the final
issuance of the audit report. While conduc3ng the audit, the engagement team encounters a complex issue
pertaining to the valua3on of the company's inventory. Within the team, there are difference of opinions on how
to address this maCer, resul3ng in a conten3ous situa3on. What is Mr. Bhavesh’s responsibility in this situa3on?

a. Mr. Bhavesh shall adhere to the firm’s policies only for addressing and resolving differences of opinion.
b. Mr. Bhavesh should secure management’s representa>on concerning the valua>on and proceed with further
audit procedures.
c. Mr. Bhavesh should ensure that appropriate consulta>on occurs within the engagement team and, if
necessary, with individuals at an appropriate level within or outside the firm.
d. Mr. Bhavesh should communicate the issue to the client's management for resolu>on.

Q Ans Reason
1 D Recommended time limit for assembly of engagement files should be completed after the
engagement reports have been finalized is 60 days.
2 B At least annually, firm should obtain written confirmation of compliance with policies and procedures
on independence from all firm personnel required to be independent as per terms of code.
3 C Corporation excluded from definition of firm.
4 A EQCR should be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
5 C Ensure that appropriate consultation occurs within the engagement team and, if necessary, with
individuals at an appropriate level within or outside the firm on contentious matters.

SA 230
1. Consider the term Experienced auditor. Which of the following statements is most appropriate in rela3on to

a. It is a term not specifically defined under Standards on Audi>ng. It generally means an auditor who has
reasonable prac>cal audit experience.

b. It is a term not specifically defined under Standards on Audi>ng. It generally means an auditor who has
minimum 5 years of experience.

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
c. It is a term specifically defined under Standards on Audi3ng. It refers to a person who has prac3cal audit
experience and reasonable understanding of audi3ng processes, SAs, business environment of en3ty and
audi3ng and financial repor3ng issues relevant to en3ty’s industry.

d. It is a term specifically defined under Standards on Audi>ng. It refers to a person who has prac>cal audit
experience of minimum 5 years and reasonable understanding of audi>ng processes, SAs, business
environment of en>ty and audi>ng and financial repor>ng issues relevant to en>ty’s industry.

2. The audit of DST Limited is near comple3on. CA Shweta had performed risk assessment procedures and tests of
controls. Besides, various tests were performed to verify management asser3ons regarding transac3ons and
balances. Further, substan3ve analy3cal procedures had also been performed. The process of finaliza3on of audit
report is in last stages. The team has started to prepare audit documenta3on for being placed in audit file. They are
puang various informa3on now in wri3ng as part of audit documenta3on so that audit file is complete before issue
of audit report. Which of following statements is in accordance with Standards on Audi3ng?

a. The approach followed by team is proper as it is auditor’s duty to see that audit documenta>on is prepared at
>me of issue of audit report.
b. The approach followed by team is proper as audit file has to be assembled before issue of audit report.
c. The approach followed by team is not proper as audit documenta>on is being prepared at the >me of
finaliza>on of audit report.
d. The approach followed by team is not proper as audit documenta>on can be prepared in 60 days from date
of auditor’s report.

Ans. c
Reason: The auditor has to prepare documenta>on on >mely basis. Documenta>on prepared aFer the audit work has
been performed is likely to be less accurate than documenta>on prepared at the >me such work is performed in
accordance with SA 230.

3. Mr. C, auditor of a listed company, DEX Limited, signed its audit report on 21.8.2022. The regulator called the
audit file in connec3on with some proceedings on 20.7.2023. He submiCed audit files in the form of editable Excel
files without any security feature on 10.8.2023. It later transpired that the audit file was modified between
20.7.2023 and 10.8.2023 by dele3ng certain informa3on and adding fresh informa3on in its place.

Which of the following statements is likely to be correct in this regard?

a. Audit file was required to be assembled by 21.8.2022. Modifica>on in the audit file aFer 21.8.2022 was
generally not permissible.
b. Audit file was required to be assembled by 21.8.2022. Modifica>on in the audit file before 20.7.2023 was
generally permissible.
c. Audit file was required to be assembled by 20.10.2023. Modifica>on in the audit file before 20.7.2023 was
generally permissible.
d. Audit file was required to be assembled by 20.10.2022. Modifica>on in the audit file aFer 20.10.2022 was
generally not permissible except in certain excep>onal circumstances.

Ans (d)
Reason: Audit file to be assembled within 60 days of date of Audit report & no modifica>ons allowed aFer that except
in excep>onal circumstances.

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
SA 240
1. Where the auditor has doubts about the integrity or honesty of management or those charged with governance,
the auditor may consider it appropriate to _____
a. Obtain legal advice
b. Modify audit opinion
c. Communicate to regulatory authori>es
d. Withdraw from the engagement

Reason: It’s only a doubt not conclusion about fraud that’s why beNer to take legal advice then consider other ac>ons.

2. An audit Firm is conduc3ng an audit of a publicly listed manufacturing company. The engagement team members
have a good working rela3onship with the company's management and have not encountered any issues related to
fraud in previous audits. With regards to the discussion to be made by the engagement team, please choose the
correct op3on from the following:-

a. Since the engagement team has a good rela>onship with management and no prior issues of fraud have been
encountered, they can skip the discussion on fraud risks.
b. The engagement team should have a discussion among team members, emphasizing how and where the
en>tys financial statements may be suscep>ble to material misstatement due to fraud.
c. The engagement team should solely rely on managements representa>ons about the absence of fraud and
there is as such no requirement the discussion on fraud risks.
d. The engagement team should discuss fraud risks only if they have encountered issues of fraud in previous

Ans. (b)
Reason: As per SA 240, Para 15, SA 315 requires discussion among engagement team members and determina>on by
engagement partner of maNers to be communicated to those team members not involved in the discussion.
This discussion place par>cular emphasis on how and where en>ty’s financial statements may be suscep>ble to
material misstatement due to fraud, including how fraud might occur. Discussion shall occur notwithstanding
engagement team members’ beliefs that management and TCWG are honest and have integrity.

3. BB Ltd. is a large mul3na3onal company. The auditor is conduc3ng a retrospec3ve review of management's
judgments and assump3ons related to significant accoun3ng es3mates from the prior year's financial statements.
What is the primary objec3ve of performing such review?

a. To assess the accuracy of the auditors professional judgments made in the prior year based on informa>on
available at the >me.
b. To determine whether there is a possible bias on the part of management in making significant accoun>ng
c. To reassess the accuracy of the auditors procedures performed in the prior year’s audit engagement.
d. To reassess the materiality thresholds used in the prior year’s audit.

Ans. (b)
Explana3on: To determine whether there is a possible bias on the part of management in making significant
accoun>ng es>mates. According to SA 240, Para A46, the purpose of performing a retrospec>ve review of
management judgments and assump>ons related to significant accoun>ng es>mates reflected in the financial
statements of the prior year is to determine whether there is an indica>on of a possible bias on the part of

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management. It is not intended to call into ques>on the auditor’s professional judgments made in the prior year that
were based on informa>on available at the >me.

Author’s note: Same topic covered in SA 540

4. SK Ltd. is undergoing an audit. The auditor has performed ini3al risk assessments and conducted audit procedures
to gather evidence. The auditor now needs to evaluate whether the assessments of risks of material misstatement
at the asser3on level remain appropriate. What is the purpose of such evalua3on?

a. To determine the financial statement asser>ons that are most suscep>ble to fraud.
b. To determine the materiality thresholds for the audit only
c. To gain further insight into the risks of material misstatement due to fraud and decide if addi>onal or different
audit procedures are required.
d. To quan>fy the likelihood and magnitude of poten>al fraud occurrences
Ans. c
Reason: According to SA 240, Para A48, read with SA 330, requires the auditor, based on the audit procedures
performed and the audit evidence obtained, to evaluate whether the assessments of the risks of material
misstatement at the asser>on level remain appropriate. This evalua>on is primarily a qualita>ve maNer based on the
auditor’s judgment. Such an evalua>on may provide further insight about the risks of material misstatement due to
fraud and whether there is a need to perform addi>onal or different audit procedures.

5. Dakksha Ltd. is a manufacturing company. During the audit, the auditor suspects the possibility of material
misstatements in the financial statements due to fraud. The auditor has iden3fied a specific risk related to
inappropriate journal entries. How can the auditor address the risk of material misstatement in such a scenario?

a. The auditor should focus on reviewing the journal entries made at the period end, as they are more likely to
contain inappropriate or unauthorized entries.
b. The auditor should focus on reviewing the journal entries made throughout the year or at the period end but
ignore the possibility of misstatements through consolida>ng adjustments and reclassifica>ons, as they are
less significant in rela>on to fraud risks.
c. The auditor should perform a comprehensive review of the financial repor>ng process throughout the year,
including the examina>on of journal entries, consolida>ng adjustments, and reclassifica>ons.
d. The auditor should rely solely on managements representa>ons regarding the accuracy of the financial
repor>ng process.

Ans. (c)
Reason: As per SA 240, Para A41, material misstatements of financial statements due to fraud can involve manipula>on
of the financial repor>ng process, including inappropriate or unauthorized journal entries, consolida>ng adjustments,
and reclassifica>ons. In this scenario, to effec>vely address the risk of material misstatement due to fraud, auditor
should perform comprehensive review of financial repor>ng process throughout the year. This includes examining not
only the journal entries made at the period end but also the consolida>ng adjustments and reclassifica>ons.

6. UCama Ltd. is a large manufacturing company. The company's financial statements indicate a consistent increase
in revenue and profitability over the past few years. However, during the audit, the auditor becomes aware of
several red flags, including significant related-party transac3ons, unusual adjustments to inventory, and conflic3ng
informa3on provided by management. The auditor suspects the poten3al for fraudulent financial repor3ng. In this
scenario, what is the auditor's responsibility?

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)

a. The auditor should assume that management will not override controls and focus solely on detec>ng material
b. The auditor should exercise professional skep>cism and be alert to the poten>al for management override of
controls to manipulate the financial statements.
c. The auditor should rely on the effec>veness of internal controls to prevent management override and
minimize the risk of fraud.
d. The auditor should primarily focus on detec>ng fraud using specialized forensic techniques and disregard the
poten>al for management override of controls.

Ans (b)

7. If the auditor has iden3fied a fraud or has obtained informa3on that indicates that a fraud may exist, the auditor
shall communicate these maCers _____ to the appropriate level of management in order to inform those with
primary responsibility for the preven3on and detec3on of fraud of maCers relevant to their responsibili3es.
a. On a >mely basis
b. At the end of audit
c. Monthly basis
d. Quarterly basis

Ans (a)

SA 250
1. M/s ABC & Associates are the statutory auditors of PQR Ltd. for the FY 2023-24. While conduc3ng the audit, CA
Aman, the engagement partner no3ced the following:
ü Payments of various fines and penal3es
ü Unusual cash payments
ü Payments to various government employees not supported by any document
ü No3ces received from various regulatory authori3es.
ü Heavy payments to legal counsels.
CA Aman should consider the above as indica3ve of:

a. Doubt on Internal Controls of PQR Ltd.

b. Doubt of non-compliance to laws by PQR Ltd.
c. Doubt on the accoun>ng system of PQR Ltd.
d. Doubt on the going concern assump>on of PQR Ltd.

2. CA D is auditor of a company having manufacturing facili3es in about 10 acres of land in NCR. The premises have
been newly built with promoters funds. The company started its opera3ons in August 2023 and an unmodified
opinion was expressed on financial statements of company for year 2023-24. Subsequently, company has received
a no3ce from Director, Town & Country planning of having failed to conform to various rules rela3ng to covered
area and floors. The company would have to pay a heavy regularisa3on and compounding fees or otherwise even
face demoli3on of building. The above situa3on is an example of: -

a. Inherent limita>ons of internal controls opera>ng in the company

b. Inherent limita>ons on auditor’s ability to detect material misstatements
c. Inherent risk
d. Sampling risk
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Ans (b)
Reason: It is an example of inherent limita>ons on auditor’s ability to detect material misstatements due to occurrence
of non-compliance with laws and regula>ons in accordance with SA 200 and SA 250.

SA 260
Ms. Kee, the engagement partner of Best Hospitality Limited’s audit team did not perform the necessary
communica3on with those charged with governance over some cri3cal issues iden3fied during the course of the
audit. Moreover, when management iden3fied that the engagement partner has not communicated to those
charged with governance of the Best Hospitality Limited, they also chose not to communicate. Upon iden3fica3on
of this issue, the personnel charged with governance inquired with management and auditors as to why there was
no communica3on of the cri3cal maCers to them.

Upon such inquiry, Engagement Partner contended that it was the responsibility of Management to communicate
first, then only the audit team should communicate. However, Management was of the view that they are not liable
to communicate to those charged with governance. As an Engagement Quality Control Reviewer, what will be your

a. The auditor is responsible for communica>ng maNers required by SA 260 to those charged with governance.
Also, management has a responsibility to communicate maNers of governance interest to those charged with
governance. Communica>on by the auditor does not relieve management of its responsibility.

b. SAs are not applicable to the management and hence the management was not responsible for
communica>ng the same to those charged with governance. Also, as per SA 260, Auditor can only
communicate when management has already informed those charged with governance about the maNers.
Auditors cannot communicate first without management’s communica>on.

c. Communica>on by management with those charged with governance of maNers that the auditor is required
to communicate does relieve the auditor of the responsibility to also communicate them if the management
has already communicated. Hence, in the current case Management should have communicated as it was their

d. SA 260 requires the auditor to perform procedures specifically to iden>fy any other maNers to communicate
with those charged with governance which includes maNers already communicated by the management of
non-material nature. Hence, it was the responsibility of the Auditor to communicate.

Ans (a)
Reason: Auditor is responsible for communica>ng maNers required by SA 260 to TCWG. Also, management has
responsibility to communicate maNers of governance interest to TCWG. Communica>on by auditor doesn’t relieve
management of its responsibility.

SA 299
X, Y and Z are joint auditors of a company engaged in manufacturing of chemicals. They have developed a joint audit
plan and iden3fied common areas. Besides, they have also iden3fied and allocated work by signing work alloca3on
documents among themselves. Verifica3on of trade receivables was allocated to Z. Which of the following
statements is in accordance with relevant SA in this regard?

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a. X and Y should necessarily review work performed by Z to ascertain whether work has been actually performed
in accordance with Standards on Audi>ng.
b. X and Y should perform tests to ascertain whether work has been actually performed in accordance with
Standards on Audi>ng.
c. X and Y are en>tled to assume that Z has actually performed work in accordance with Standards on Audi>ng.
d. X and Y are not en>tled to assume that Z shall bring to their no>ce significant observa>ons relevant to
responsibili>es no>ced during the course of the audit.

Ans (c)
Reason: Joint Auditors are en>tled to assume that other Join Auditor has actually performed work as per SA.

SA 320
Performance materiality means the amount or amounts set by the auditor at ____ than materiality for the financial
statements as a whole to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and
undetected misstatements _________ materiality for the financial statements as a whole.
a. higher, exceeds
b. less, exceeds
c. less, falls below
d. higher, falls below

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
SA 402
Wani Private Limited uses ERP so<ware for all business processes. The applica3on is hosted in cloud and is
maintained by a third party. Statutory Auditor is not confident about the risk management process in the third party
organiza3on and requests for audit access to such data centre. The request was declined and management informed
that the third party is ISO cer3fied and audit on controls at Service Organisa3on is regularly being conducted. What
the auditor should do?

a. Do not ask for anything else since the Third Party is ISO cer>fied.
b. Insist on conduc>ng audit in the Third Party.
c. Take the ISO cer>ficate.
d. Take the Service Organisa>on control audit report to review.

Ans (d) Take Type 1/2 Report.

SA 530
1. Lots Limited has trade receivables amoun3ng to Rs.1.80 crore in its financial statements as on 31 March, 2023.
CA Z as statutory auditor has decided to test 3 trade receivables from 15 trade receivables outstanding as on the
balance sheet date. The details of the sampling method chosen by him is summarized in the table below.: -

Name of Trade Receivable Dr Balance (₹) Cumulative balance Sample

AK Industries 400000 400000
BJ Trade Ltd 500000 900000
Dot slim products 1500000 2400000 Selected Sample (1)
DN Pvt Ltd 2000000 4400000
DST Ltd 3500000 7900000
EE & Co. 200000 8100000
JM & Co. 375000 8475000 Selected Sample (2)
KIM Industries 225000 8700000
MAP Enterprises 1425000 10125000
NIP Ltd 5600000 15725000 Selected Sample (3)
PIT Ltd 1500000 17225000
RER Ltd 600000 17825000
SMO & Co. 50000 17875000
TER Systems 25000 17900000
UTK Industries 100000 18000000

First sample was chosen by selec3ng a random number from random number generator which was 2200000. This
number fell in cumula3ve balance rela3ng to Dot Slim products. Hence, first sample of this balance was taken.
Therea<er, sampling interval was added to last value and again process is repeated to obtain 3 samples. Which of
following statements is true in above depicted situa3on?

a. The above method of sampling fits descrip>on of the systema>c selec>on method and it promotes audit
b. The above method of sampling fits descrip>on of the monetary unit sampling method. In such a method,
larger value items have a greater chance for selec>on.
c. The above method of sampling fits descrip>on of the monetary unit sampling method. However, the method
has no predisposi>on toward selec>ng large-value items.

CA Shubham Keswani 9
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
d. The above method of sampling fits descrip>on of the systema>c selec>on method combined with random
sampling and it promotes audit efficiency.

2. BDJ Private Ltd. was established in 2001 and since then the company’s opera3ons have grown significantly. The
company is based in Kanpur and has branch offices outside Kanpur.

The company is engaged in tours and travels business and because of the nature of the business, it has voluminous
transac3ons. The annual turnover of the company is INR 700 crore.

During the audit of the financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 March 2023, the auditors
observed wide varia3on in various details of sales and various expenses as compared to last year. Various balances
of trade receivables, loans and advances, statutory liabili3es showed significant increase and many balances were
found to be non-moving which were aged for more than 3 years.

On the basis of the materiality and planned procedures, the audit team requested the client for tes3ng of various
samples for sales, expenses etc. The client observed that the number of samples that the team has requested
increased as compared to last year and asked the team to cut down on the number of samples so that it is the same
number of samples which were tested in the previous years. The audit team did not agree with this and explained
various factors which the team had considered for sample selec3on and the reasons for changes in the samples and
also explained the requirements of SA 530 to the client but the client s3ll did not agree.

Now there is a situa3on of deadlock and you are requested to provide your guidance to resolve this maCer.

a. The argument of the client is not valid. Sample selec>on is based on certain principles as per SA 530 and that
is on the assessment of the audit team. It may change year on year and hence the client should provide the
required informa>on to the audit team.
b. The audit team should make a formal request in wri>ng for these details from the client and if the client s>ll
refuses then they should report this maNer to the audit partner. In that case, the audi>ng standards require
audit partner to check some of the documents which may not be provided by the client to the audit team.
c. In the given situa>on, the audit team instead of gekng into any arguments should cut down the number of
samples and should increase their procedures around analy>cal work. That would resolve the problem.
d. The explana>on of the audit team is not valid. Referring SA 530 was not correct in this case. The audit team
should have explained their en>re approach around risk assessment to the client before star>ng the fieldwork
and should have formally shared that with the client in wri>ng.

3. During the audit of SAT Limited, CA. K has taken a sample of 50 purchase invoices for performing certain audit
procedures. The total of 50 purchase invoices is Rs. 10 lacs. Out of the above sample, he detected a misstatement
in 2 purchase invoices amoun3ng to Rs. 5,000. Tolerable misstatement related to his tes3ng is Rs. 2,00,000.
Purchases reflected in the statement of profit and loss is Rs.5 crores. Which of the following statements is most
appropriate in this regard?

a. Projected misstatement is likely less than tolerable misstatement. No further ac>on is required from the
b. Projected misstatement is likely less than tolerable misstatement. However, the sample size should be
increased for further tes>ng keeping in view the misstatements found.
c. Projected misstatement is likely more than tolerable misstatement. Therefore, the sample size should be
increased for further tes>ng.

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d. Projected misstatement is likely more than tolerable misstatement. Therefore, controls rela>ng to purchases
need to be tested more vigorously.

4. Auditors do not normally examine all the informa3on available to them as it would be imprac3cal to do so and
using audit sampling will produce valid conclusions. Random selec3on ensures that all items in the popula3on have
an equal chance of selec3on, e.g. by use of random number tables or random number generators. Block sampling
method includes selec3on of a block or blocks of con3nuous items from within the organisa3on.
Which of the following selec3on can be considered as block sampling method?

a. Auditor Mr. A divided the trade receivables into 2 groups as: balances above ₹ 20 lakh and balances between
₹ 10 lakh to ₹ 20 lakh and selected different percentage of items from each group.
b. Auditor Mr. A determined the star>ng point as 10 for the list of receivables and selected every 10th balance
for receivables thereaFer as samples to perform the tests.
c. Auditor Mr. A selected sample size as all the high-value balances from the list of trade receivables to ensure
that these balances shown are correctly recorded.
d. Auditor Mr. A uses a sample of 50 consecu>ve cheques to test whether cheques are signed by authorised
signatories rather than picking 50 single cheques throughout the year.

5. CA P, as part of a statutory audit exercise, is tes3ng a company's internal controls over purchase orders it places
for acquiring capital assets. The company places huge orders for the acquisi3on of capital assets every year, keeping
in view the nature of its business and corresponding requirements.
While tes3ng controls in a sample of purchase orders for the acquisi3on of capital assets, he failed to no3ce a lack
of adherence to certain established parameters for placing such orders. The above situa3on is indica3ve of _______

a. Sampling risk
b. Non-sampling risk
c. Control risk
d. Inherent risk

Q Ans Reason
1 D Sampling interval concept is used in systematic selection method.
2 A Sample selection is based on principles as per SA 530 and on the assessment of audit team. It may
change year on year and hence client should provide required information to the audit team
3 C Projected misstatement = (5,000/10L) * 5 Cr = ₹2.5 L i.e. greated than TM of 2L. Hence, reasonable
basis for conclusion not reached, more testing to be done.
4 D Selection of contagious/continuous items in population is block selection.
5 B Since its auditor couldn’t check samples properly it’s a non-sampling risk.

SA 550
M/s Ram Raj & Associates have been appointed as statutory auditors of Venus Ltd. for the FY 2022-23. During the
year, the company has entered into some related party transac3ons. CA Ram, the engagement partner has taken a
management representa3on leCer regarding the proper accoun3ng, presenta3on and disclosure of such related
party transac3ons. Is there any further responsibility of CA Ram with respect to the other procedures to be
performed for related party transac3ons?
a. No, there is no further responsibility of CA Ram as the best audit evidence for the related party transac>on is
the management representa>on leNer.

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b. No, there is no further responsibility of CA Ram as the audit firm is responsible for verifying the balances and
disclosure of related party transac>ons. The iden>fica>on of related party transac>ons is the responsibility of
the management of Venus Ltd.
c. Yes, the audit firm has the responsibility to perform the audit procedures to iden>fy, assess and respond to
the risk of material misstatement arising from the en>ty’s failure to appropriately account for related party
rela>onships, transac>ons and balances.
d. Yes, the auditor has the responsibility to detect fraud and error with respect to the related party transac>ons.

Ans (c)
Reason: Audit firm has the responsibility to perform the audit procedures to iden>fy, assess and respond to the risk
of material misstatement arising from the en>ty’s failure to appropriately account for related party rela>onships,
transac>ons and balances.

SA 560
1. When the management amends the financial statements, which were already issued, what audit procedures is
the auditor required to perform?
a. Carry out the audit procedures necessary to gain sufficient appropriate audit evidence over the event.
b. Extend the audit procedures to the date of the new auditors report.
c. Provide a new auditors report on the amended financial statements. The new auditors report shall not be
dated earlier than the date of approval of the amended financial statements
d. All of above

2. CA Jayant is statutory auditor of a listed company Move and Move Limited for financial year 2023-24. On 15th
June, 2024, there was an incident of fire in a logis3cs park where part inventories of company were also stored. It
resulted in loss of inventories to the tune of Rs.20 crore for the company. Profit before tax in dra< financial
statements of the company for year 2023-24 is Rs.25 crore. Which statement is most appropriate in this regard?

a. The above situa>on is in nature of adjus>ng event and auditor’s duty is to see those financial statements for
year 2023-24 should be adjusted to include above informa>on.
b. The above situa>on is in nature of non-adjus>ng event and auditor’s duty is to see that its nature and probable
financial impact is disclosed in financial statements for year 2023-24.
c. The above situa>on is in nature of non-adjus>ng event and auditor’s duty is to see those financial statements
for year 2023-24 should be adjusted to include above informa>on.
d. The above situa>on is in nature of adjus>ng event and auditor’s duty is to see that its nature and probable
financial impact is disclosed in financial statements for year 2023-24.

3. Mr. Sunil Verma is conduc3ng the statutory audit of Upshaant Ltd., an unlisted public company, for FY 2023- 24
as an engagement partner on behalf of Verma & Associates having six partners out of which four are chartered
accountants and two are advocates. This was the third consecu3ve year of audit by the said audit firm of Upshaant
Ltd. For current year’s audit, a new audit engagement leCer was sent by the audit firm to the company.

The financial statements of Upshaant Ltd. for FY 2023- 24 was required to be amended due to occurrence of
subsequent events a<er the balance sheet date because of which the audit report was also amended by Verma &
Associates which indicated that the auditor’s procedures on subsequent events were restricted solely to the
amendment of the financial statements described in the relevant note to the financial statements.

Whether due to amendment in audit report, its date need to be changed and what other alterna3ve was available
to Verma & Associates with respect to such amendment in financial statements?
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a. Date of audit report will be changed. Alterna>ve available was to provide new or amended audit report by
including a Key MaNers paragraph.
b. Original Date of audit report will remain unchanged and addi>onal date will be included. Alterna>ve available
was to provide new or amended audit report by extending the Basis of opinion paragraph.
c. Date of audit report will be changed. Alterna>ve available was to provide new or amended audit report by
including an Emphasis of MaNer paragraph or Other MaNer(s) paragraph.
d. Original Date of audit report will remain unchanged and addi>onal date will be included. Alterna>ve available
was to provide new or amended audit report by including an Emphasis of MaNer paragraph or Other MaNer(s)

4. Which of the following statements is not correct about performing audit procedures to iden3fy subsequent
a. The procedures are to be performed for the period between the date of financial statements & date of
auditor’s report or as near as prac>cable.
b. Obtain wriNen representa>on from the management that events have been adjusted or disclosed as per
applicable financial repor>ng framework
c. Perform addi>onal procedures on maNers which have already yielded sa>sfactory conclusions.
d. The auditor has to perform procedures in respect of all the facts which would have an impact on the auditor’s

Q Ans Reason
1 d All procedures required as per SA 560.
2 b The event has occurred after closure of year. It is a non-adjusting subsequent event and it does not
have effect on items of financial statements for year 2023-24. However, financial impact is material.
Inventories destroyed are 80% of PBT. Impact should be disclosed in financial statements for year
2023-24 in accordance with SA 560.
3 d Whenever F.S. are amended to give effect to a subsequent event. There are two options. Original Date
of audit report remain unchanged and addi>onal date will be included (dual da>ng). Alterna>ve
available was to provide new or amended audit report by including an Emphasis of MaNer paragraph
or Other MaNer(s) paragraph.
4 c No need to perform addi>onal procedures on maNers which have already yielded sa>sfactory

SA 570
1. TPL Limited is engaged in business of construc3on of flyovers and its opera3ons are restricted to one state. During
year 2023-24, owing to adverse findings of a safety audit conducted by state government, one of the flyovers
constructed by company in a city has been closed. The company has been blacklisted and issued show cause no3ce
as to recovery of costs. Further, directors of company have also been arrested under proceedings launched under
law due to shoddy quality of construc3on endangering lives of ci3zens. Even Supreme Court has denied any relief
to directors. CA T is auditor of the company for financial year 2023-24. The second rung of management has provided
cash flow forecast for coming years to him reflec3ng avenues from where cash flows would be generated and related
ouulows. However, he remains unconvinced regarding assump3ons behind cash flow forecast. What are
implica3ons for auditor’s report in this regard?

a. Express Disclaimer of opinion

b. Express qualified opinion
c. Express adverse opinion
d. Express qualified or adverse opinion depending upon circumstances.
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2. Which of the following is not an indicator about material uncertainty over the en3ty’s ability to con3nue as a
going concern:
a. Net liability or net current liability posi>on.
b. Cancella>on of company’s produc>on license due to change on government policies.
c. Non-declara>on of dividend to equity shareholders.
d. Substan>al opera>ng losses or significant deteriora>on in the value of assets used to generate cash flows.

3. CA Chetan has no3ced as part of statutory audit of a company that its key financial ra3os are in red and its topline
has fallen dras3cally over years. The company is struggling to pay its loans and even TDS deducted from employee
salaries is deposited a<er a gap of about five to six months with interest. The company is filing its GSTR-3B just in
nick of 3me to avoid blocking of its e-way bill genera3on facility on e-way bill portal. In these circumstances,
company has prepared a cash flow forecast for coming years. Which is not likely to be a reliable and appropriate
audit procedure in this regard?
a. Check arithme>cal accuracy of cash flow forecast
b. Accept increase in cash flow from sales and realiza>on from customers.
c. Make inquiry regarding how piled up statutory dues would be paid
d. Check whether any material payments have been leF out in cash outlows

S No. Ans. Reason

1 c Blacklisting by government and proceedings to recover costs and legal proceedings are
examples of events which cast doubt on entity’s ability to continue as going concern. The
auditor is unconvinced about the going concern assumption which management has sought to
justify by preparing cash flow forecast. Adverse opinion is to be issued in such case in
accordance with SA 570.
2 c Non declaration of dividend isn’t a material uncertainty.
3 b In a business where company’s sales are falling, auditor has to question company regarding
increase in cash flow from sales and customers. He has to ask basis of assumptions behind
increased cash flows. He cannot meekly accept cash flows shown in forecast in such a situation
where there is uncertainty about going concern assumption in accordance with SA 570.

SA 580
Arrange the following audit procedures in proper order, in case of requested wriCen representa3ons not provided:
(i) Take appropriate ac3ons including determining possible effect on audit opinion.
(ii) Re-evaluate integrity of management.
(iii) Discuss maCer with management.
(iv) Evaluate effect on reliability of representa3ons (oral or wriCen) and audit evidence.

a. (i)-4 (ii)-2 (iii)-1 (iv)-3

b. (i)-2 (ii)-3 (iii)-4 (iv)-3
c. (i)-2 (ii)-4 (iii)-1 (iv)-3
d. (i)-4 (ii)-1 (iii)-3 (iv)-2

Ans (a)

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SA 620
An auditor’s expert may be either an auditor’s internal or an external expert. Which of the following cannot be an
auditor’s internal expert?

a. Partner of the Auditor’s Firm

b. Temporary Staff of the Auditor’s Firm
c. Permanent Staff of Auditor’s Network Firm
d. A Prospec3ve CA, soon to join the Auditor’s Firm as a Partner.

SA 701
1. Descrip3on of each key audit maCer in the “key audit maCers sec3on” needs to cover except following aspects:
a. Reference to related disclosures, if any, in the financial statements.
b. Explana>on on the maNer given by management.
c. How the maNer was addressed in the audit.
d. Why the maNer was considered to be one of most significance in the audit and therefore determined to be a
key audit maNer.

Ans (b)

2. While audi3ng the complete set of consolidated financial statements of Tulips Ltd., a listed company, using a fair
presenta3on framework, M/s Pintu & Co., a Chartered Accountant firm, discovered that the consolidated financial
statements are materially misstated due to the non-consolida3on of a subsidiary. The material misstatement is
deemed to be pervasive to the consolidated financial statements. The effects of the misstatement on the
consolidated financial statements have not been determined because it was not prac3cable to do so. Thus, M/s
Pintu & Co. decided to provide an adverse opinion for the same and further determined that, there are no key audit
maCers other than the maCer to be described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion sec3on. Comment whether M/s
Pintu & Co. needs to report under SA 701 ‘Communica3ng Key Audit MaCers in the Independent Auditor’s Report’?

a. M/s Pintu & Co. have the op>on to follow SA 701, thus, need not to report any key audit maNers.
b. SA 701 is mandatory in the case of audit of listed en>>es, however, as there are no key audit maNers other
than the maNer to be described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion sec>on, no ‘Key Audit MaNers’ para needs
to be stated under audit report.
c. SA 701 is mandatory in the case of audit of listed en>>es, however, as there are no key audit maNers other
than the maNer to be described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion sec>on, M/s Pintu & Co. shall state, under
‘Key Audit MaNers’ para, that ‘except for the maNer described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion sec>on, we
have determined that there are no other key audit maNers to communicate in our report.’
d. M/s Pintu & Co. is under compulsion to follow SA 701 as the audit is of a listed company and shall report under
‘Key Audit MaNers’ para the maNer same as stated in ‘Adverse Opinion’ para regarding non- consolida>on of
a subsidiary.

Ans (c)

SA 705
1. CA Kamal is the statutory auditor of Autocover Ltd. for the FY 2023-24. The company is engaged in the business
of manufacture of car accessories. CA Kamal no3ced that the inventories of the company amoun3ng to ₹ 46 crore
(equal to 25% of the total assets of the company) at the end of the year do not exist. Also, sales amoun3ng to ₹ 33
crore (equal to 10% of the total sales during the year) have not actually occurred. CA Kamal no3ced both the
material discrepancies just before the finalisa3on of the audit report for the year ending 31.03.2024. CA. Kamal
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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
considers that the above misstatement would distort the true and fair view to a greater extent. What is correct
course of ac3on that CA Kamal should consider in such a situa3on?

a. CA Kamal should consider withdrawing from the audit engagement or issuing a disclaimer of opinion for the
FY 2022-23.
b. CA Kamal should consider issuing an adverse opinion and men>oning both the material discrepancies in the
basis for adverse opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report.
c. CA Kamal should ask the management to explain both the discrepancies in the notes to accounts and he
himself should highlight the maNer in the Key Audit maNer paragraph of the auditor’s report.
d. CA Kamal should give a qualified opinion along with the specific men>on of the maNers in the Emphasis of
maNer paragraph in the auditor’s report along with appropriate disclosure in the notes to accounts to be made
by the management of Autocover Ltd.

Ans (b)
Descrip3on: Since impact of material misstatement isn’t restricted to single element of F.S. its deemed to be pervasive.
Also Auditor has SAAE, hence, adverse opinion issued.

2. During the conduct of audit, it was found that the management has inten3onally made material misstatements
in the several items of the financial statements to deceive the users of the financial statements, to reduce the
pressures of mee3ng market expecta3ons and to increase the reputa3on of the company. What would be the
implica3ons on the auditor’s report if no adjustments are made to the financial statements regarding the
misstatements made by the management?

a. The auditor would issue a qualified audit opinion sta>ng that ‘except for’ these maNers the financial
statements are fairly presented. The auditor should also include a ‘Basis for Qualified Opinion’ paragraph
below the opinion paragraph.
b. The auditor would issue an adverse audit opinion sta>ng that ‘except for’ these maNers the financial
statements are fairly presented. The auditor should also include a ‘Basis for Qualified Opinion’ paragraph
below the opinion paragraph.
c. The auditor would issue an adverse audit opinion sta>ng that financial statements ‘do not give a true and fair
view’. The auditor should also include a ‘Basis for Adverse Opinion’ paragraph below the opinion paragraph.
d. The auditor would issue an adverse audit opinion sta>ng that financial statements ‘do not give a true and fair
view’. The auditor should also include a ‘Basis for Qualified Opinion’ paragraph below the opinion paragraph.
Ans. c
SA 710
CA Ram iden3fied that there was a misstatement last year and the same is s3ll not corrected. Although unmodified
audit report was issued last year by CA Ram. Guide CA Ram on the audit opinion considering the fact that the last
year’s misstatement has been iden3fied in the current year and unmodified opinion was issued in the last year?

a. In accordance with SA 710, CA Ram should give unmodified opinion, but include Other maNers paragraph in
the audit report as last year’s profit is being reflected in reserve and surplus.
b. In accordance with SA 710, CA Ram should seek legal opinion.
c. In accordance with SA 710, CA Ram should qualify current period audit report with respect to corresponding
figures only.
d. In accordance with SA 710, CA Ram should give unmodified opinion, but last period’s modified opinion should
be highlighted in Emphasis of maNer paragraph.

Ans (c)
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Ch-2 Professional Ethics

1. CA Ram is prac3cing in the field of financial management planning for over 12 years. He has gained exper3se in
this domain over others. Mr. Ratan, a student of Chartered Accountancy course, is very much impressed with the
knowledge of CA Ram. He approached CA Ram to take guidance on some topics of financial management subject
related to his course. CA Ram, on request, decided to spare some 3me and started providing private tutorship to
Mr. Ratan along with some other aspirants for 3 days in a week and for 2 hours in a day. However, he forgot to take
specific permission for such private tutorship from the Council. Later on, he came to know that the Council has
passed a Resolu3on under Regula3on 190A gran3ng general permission (for private tutorship, and part-3me
tutorship under Coaching organiza3on of the Ins3tute) and specific permission (for parame or full-3me tutorship
under any educa3onal ins3tu3on other than Coaching organiza3on of the Ins3tute). Such general and specific
permission granted is subject to the condi3on that the direct teaching hours devoted to such ac3vi3es taken
together should _______________ in order to be able to undertake aCest func3ons.

a. not exceed 25 hours a week.

b. not exceed 21 hours a week.
c. not exceed 25 hours a month.
d. not exceed 21 hours a month.

2. CA. Intelligent, a Chartered Accountant in prac3ce, provides part-3me tutorship under the coaching organiza3on
of the Ins3tute. On 30th June, 2023, he was awarded Best Faculty of the year as gra3tude from the Ins3tute. Later
on, CA. Intelligent posted his framed photograph on his website wherein he was receiving the said award from the
Ins3tute. As per Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, under which clause Intelligent is liable for misconduct?

a. Clause (6) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
b. Clause (9) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
c. Clause (7) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
d. Clause (8) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

3. How can auditors effec3vely mi3gate in3mida3on threats?

a. By forming personal rela>onships with the client's management to build trust.

b. By accep>ng giFs and financial incen>ves from the client.
c. By maintaining independence and repor>ng any threats or pressures to appropriate par>es.
d. By refraining from seeking clarifica>on from the client during the audit.

4. What does NOCLAR stand for in the context of audi3ng?

a. Na>onal Obliga>on for Compliance with Laws and Regula>ons
b. Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulatory Requirements
c. New Oversight of Client Legal and Regulatory Compliance
d. New compliance with laws and regula>ons

5. CA Mridul has been appointed as statutory auditor of PQT Limited, a reputed listed company engaged in the
manufacturing of electronic products, in accordance with provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Currently, he is
also ac3vely involved in advising the government in favour of proposed legisla3on likely to be introduced in one of
the coming sessions of Parliament to aCract investments and cuang-edge technology in the electronic products
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sector on behalf of his client. He has par3cipated in TV programmes on the maCer, wriCen ar3cles in business
papers on the subject, and given key sugges3ons to the government in this regard. In all public appearances and
statements, he has openly stated the fact of being associated with PQT Limited in the capacity of auditor. Which of
the following statements is likely to be correct in this regard?

a. The described situa>on can involve self-interest threats to the independence of the auditor.
b. The described situa>on can involve familiarity threats to the independence of the auditor.
c. The described situa>on can involve advocacy threats to the independence of the auditor.
d. The described situa>on can involve self-review threats to the independence of the auditor.

6. CA. D, a chartered accountant in prac3ce, availed of a loan against his personal investments from a bank. He
issued 2 cheques towards repayment of the said loan as per the instalments due. However, both the cheques were
returned back by the bank with the remarks "Insufficient funds". As per Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, under
which clause CA D is liable for misconduct?

a. Clause (6) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
b. Clause (4) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
c. Clause (12) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
d. Clause (2) of Part IV of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

7. CA Dharma has established another branch in the same city. Branch was inaugurated on 3rd October 2023 and
on 4th October 2023, friends of CA Dharma gave an ar3cle on the front page of local newspaper congratula3ng CA
Dharma on opening of another branch which also includes half page photograph of CA Dharma with his consent. In
your opinion was the news in newspaper a misconduct on the part of CA Dharma and what ac3ons can be taken
against him?

a. Yes, it is a misconduct under clause 8 of Part I of Second Schedule and he can be reprimanded, his name can
be removed from the register of members for 3 years and fine upto ₹ 5,00,000.
b. Yes, it is a misconduct under under clause 5 Part I of First Schedule and he can be reprimanded, his name can
be removed from the register of members for 3 months and fine upto ₹ 1,00,000.
c. Yes, it is a misconduct under clause 7 of Part I of First Schedule and he can be reprimanded, his name can be
removed from the register of members for 3 months and fine upto ₹ 1,00,000.
d. Yes, it is a misconduct under clause 8 of Part I of Second Schedule and he can be reprimanded, his name can
be removed from the register of members permanently and fine upto ₹ 5,00,000.

8. Mr. Hopeful, an aspiring student of ICAI, approached Mr. WiCy, a prac3cing Chartered Accountant, for the purpose
of ar3cleship. Mr. WiCy, the principal, offered him s3pend at the rate of ₹ 2,000 per month to be paid every sixth
month along with interest at the rate of 10% per annum compounded monthly to compensate such late payment
on the plea that cycle of professional receipts from clients is six months. Mr. Hopeful agreed for such late payment
in the hope of geang extra s3pend in the form of interest. Mr. WiCy, however, used to disburse salary to all of his
employees on 3me. As per Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, under which clause Mr. WiCy is liable for misconduct.

a. Clause (1) of Part II of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
b. Clause (4) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
c. Mr. WiNy is paying interest thus he is not liable for misconduct.
d. Clause (10) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

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Q Ans Reason
1 A For CAiP teaching activity allowed for 25 hrs a week.
2 A Only passport size pic allowed on website not framed photograph.
3 C All other points shall create threat.
4 B NOCLAR stands for Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulatory Requirements.
5 C Lobbying in favour of legislation is an advocacy threat.
6 D Bouncing of cheque due to insufficiency of funds is other misconduct.
7 C Advertisement in newspaper is misconduct under clause 7/1/1.
8 A Contravention of Provision, Regulation or guideline is guilty under clause 1/2/2.

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Ch-3 Audit Planning, Strategy, and Execution

1. RJ Private Limited having its office at Bangalore and opera3ons spread across Southern India, had a discussion
with its statutory auditors regarding the audit plan and the 3melines. In the past years, there have been significant
delays in comple3on of audit work and the management wanted that for the current year, audit should get
completed on 3me. For doing this, the audit team suggested that the informa3on for the purpose of audit should
be ready on 3me and only then the 3melines as agreed can be achieved. On the basis of the discussions with the
client & the auditors and internal discussions amongst the audit team members, a detailed audit programme was
prepared by the audit team for the current year’s audit. But the audit team discussed that they will not document
this audit programme 3ll the comple3on of the audit work because at various stages, the work may require changes.
If the audit team documents the audit programme then it would create problems later on at the 3me of assembling
of the audit file wherein the audit team would have to show the changes made by them in the audit programme
during the course of the audit. You are required to share your views in respect of this understanding and approach
of the auditor.

a. The decision of audit team regarding not documen>ng the audit programme is very good as this would avoid
unnecessary problems of documenta>on of changes made in the audit programme at the >me of assembly of
b. Instead of considering the audit programme, the audit team could have prepared a checklist. In case of a
checklist, such problem will not arise. Because in case of a checklist if any changes are made then the final
checklist can be kept in the file along with old working checklist used during the audit.
c. The approach of the audit team not to document audit programme is not correct. The audit team needs to
document it properly at the >me of planning stage itself and any changes made aFer that should also be
documented with explana>ons.
d. The decision of audit team not to document the audit programme is not correct. Their concern that the
changes may arise in the audit programme is valid, however, to take care of that, the audit team can take
approval from the ICAI later on when those changes will be made. The audit team will have to document the
changes and the approval note of the ICAI.

2. CA Sameer, a<er developing the audit strategy for Menka Ltd., develops an audit plan but finds a need to revise
the materiality levels set earlier and therefore, a devia3on from the already set audit strategy is felt necessary.
In this case, he should:

a. Con>nue with the Audit Plan without considering the Audit Strategy.
b. Drop the audit and withdraw from the engagement.
c. First Modify the audit strategy and thereaFer, prepare the audit plan according to the modified strategy.
d. Devise a new audit plan and then, change the strategy as per the Revised Plan.

3. Kshi3j Private Ltd. is a company based out of Kochi having opera3ons primarily in Europe. Because of the nature
of the opera3ons of the company, it is required to prepare its financial statements as per Interna3onal Standards
for repor3ng to the local regulatory authori3es over there.

Since the business is based in Europe, the audit team is also required to visit the loca3ons wherever the company
has offices and is accordingly, required to perform certain audit procedures over there.

During the audit of this company for the financial year ended 31 March, 2023, the auditors, who had planned their
work appropriately and had a large team for conduc3ng the audit, were facing lot of challenges at various stages.
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They were also required to revisit their materiality level during the course of the work.

However, at the 3me of final reviews when this was discussed with the Audit Partner (Audit In charge), he was not
convinced with the approach of the audit team wherein they reassessed their plans con3nuously resul3ng in waste
of 3me.

In this situa3on, please advise which one of the following would be correct.

a. Audit Partner being the senior most team member is right and same thing should be considered by audit team
by documen>ng it in the audit file.
b. Audit Partner’s view is not correct as the audit team did the right thing.
c. Audit Partner was correct, however, during the course of an audit which required visits at various loca>ons it
was mandatory.
d. Audit Partner’s view is not correct because the materiality was revised by the audit team which is a big thing
and same should have been considered by the audit partner.

4. Meta Builders Limited is engaged in business of building apartments. Not all apartments built are sold by company
in a housing complex. It con3nues to own certain number of apartments in different housing complexes built by it.
However, the company has a policy not to let these apartments vacant for a significant period of 3me and these are
being let out from to 3me. During the course of audit of this company, CA J considers that rental revenues be tested
based upon occupancy of premises, considering rent fixed for different types of apartments and other similar
considera3ons to detect material misstatements at level of revenue asser3on pertaining to rents.
Which of following statements is not appropriate in situa3on?

a. He may choose to solely rely upon above procedures, if he considers that such procedures would reduce audit
risk to an acceptably low level.
b. He may choose to solely rely upon detailed checking of transac>ons pertaining to rental revenues.
c. He cannot choose to solely rely upon above procedures described in situa>on.
d. He may choose to rely upon above procedures and detailed checking of transac>ons pertaining to rental

5. AK & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants, have been opera3ng for the last 6 years. Due to the quality of service
offered by the firm, it has made its name and is quite renowned especially in Southern India where its head office
is located. The firm has a staff size of 240 including graduates, Chartered Accountants, Management Consultants,
Company Secretaries and lawyers.

The firm has 3 branches other than head office at Bangalore, Chennai and Pune.

The firm has got many clients for statutory audit over the period and ensures that to maintain the quality of work,
proper planning is done by each team before star3ng any engagement.

One of the engagement team, picked up for statutory audit of Sun Private Ltd., was involved in the process of
planning of audit for the financial year ended 31 March, 2023.

The audit for the financial year ended 31 March, 2022 was conducted by a different engagement team. However,
the engagement team of Sun Private Ltd. for the current year has got the industry experience.

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
The audit team is confused during the planning work and would like to have your views on following points. Please
advise by answering one of them.

a. The engagement team should consult the previous year’s engagement team during the course of their
b. The engagement team should be independent and hence, cannot consult the previous year’s engagement
team during the course of their planning.
c. The engagement team needs to maintain confiden>ality and hence, cannot consult the previous year’s
engagement team during the course of their planning.
d. Only the Partner who is going to sign the audit report may consult the previous year’s audit team.

Answer key:
Q Ans Reason
Audit team needs to document audit program properly at the >me of planning stage itself and any
1 C changes made aFer that should also be documented with explana>ons.
2 C Audit plan & strategy are inter-related, change in one would lead to change in other.
3 B Audit plans should be revised if required by change in circumstances.
4 C Procedures mentioned in case not enough for risk assessment.
5 A Engagement team can consult previous year’s engagement team during the course of their planning.

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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
Ch-4 RAIC + SA 315/330

1. While assessing the risk of material misstatement at asser3on level of MET Limited, CA K had an expecta3on that
controls pertaining to revenue are opera3ng effec3vely. In par3cular, he expects that there exist robust controls in
company so that revenue of company is not overstated and it is intended to place reliance on such controls. Which
of the following statements is most appropriate in the above situa3on?

a. He should design and perform tests of controls that provide him with more persuasive audit evidence.
b. He should design and perform tests of controls that provide him with less persuasive audit evidence.
c. He should not design and perform tests of controls.
d. He should design and perform tests of controls in such a manner that shows their opera>ng effec>veness at

2. SK Private Limited is a medium-sized company having opera3ons in Jharkhand. The company manufactures some
parts and sells that to various dealers on ex-works basis. The financial statements of the company are prepared as
per Ind AS and internal financial controls report is also applicable on the same.

During the course of audit of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2024, the management of the
company had a detailed discussion with the auditors for audit planning. Further, it was also decided that any
observa3ons of the auditors should also be discussed with the management before conclusion by the audit team
which was not done in the past years.

Considering this, the auditors started the risk assessment and requested the management to share their
documenta3on for the same on which the management said that they don’t have any risks and if the auditors come
across any such thing they can discuss that with the management.

But the auditors were not convinced with the view of the management and the same thing has happened in the
past years as well.

You are required to provide your inputs to resolve this maCer.

a. The requirement of the audit team is not correct.

b. The view of the management is correct because of the applicability of Ind AS.
c. The view of the management is correct because of the applicability of internal financial controls repor>ng.
d. The view of the management is not correct.

3. Adequate design and effec3ve implementa3on of Internal Controls may not lead to the iden3fica3on of:

a. Frauds and errors.

b. Design and Implementa>on gaps in Processes.
c. Abuse by Process Owners.
d. Segrega>on of Du>es.

4. COBIT is________________________________
a. best prac>ce IT governance and management framework published by Informa>on Systems Audit and Control
Associa>on (ISACA). It provides the required tools, resources and guidelines that are relevant to IT governance,
risk, compliance and informa>on security.
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b. one of the most popular frameworks for improving cri>cal infrastructure cyber security published by Na>onal
Ins>tute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
c. the most widely adopted informa>on security standard for the payments card industry issued by Payment
Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC).
d. set of best prac>ce processes and procedures for IT services management in a company like change
management, incident management, problem management, IT opera>ons and IT asset management in
accordance with ISO 20000.

5. Kshi3j Private Ltd. is a company based out of Noida having opera3ons in India and Dubai. The company’s
opera3ons in Dubai have increase over the last 2 years and the management is earning very good profits.

Because of the profits, the management also planned that they should now focus on strengthening of internal
controls of the company and for that purpose they have discussed with the statutory auditors to carry out the audit
for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 very rigorously.

The report on internal financial controls is also applicable to the company and hence the auditors during the course
of their work asked for Risk-control matrices from the company. During the year ended 31 March 2023, Risk-control
matrix was not available with the company and was prepared in a dra< manner and the same was shared with the
audit team during that year and the auditors completed their work on the basis of that.

However, for the year ended 31 March 2024, the auditors would like to have robust documenta3on and are not
ready to accept the same Risk-control matrices. In the given situa3on, please suggest what should be the course of

a. The request of audit team is correct and the management should provide that.
b. The requirement of audit team is not jus>fied considering the fact that it’s a private company and auditor
anyways is required to perform rigorous audit procedures.
c. The requirement of audit team is not jus>fied considering the fact that last year same documenta>on was
used by them.
d. In case of a private company on which internal financial controls report is required, the auditor is not allowed
to take any Risk-control matrix from the management. Seems to be an ethical issue.

6. The management of Magoo Ltd. has developed a strong internal control in its accoun3ng system in such a way
that the work of one person is reviewed by another. Since no individual employee is allowed to handle a task alone
from the beginning to the end, the chances of early detec3on of frauds and errors are high. CA. Olive has been
appointed as an auditor of the company for current Financial Year 2023-24. Before star3ng the audit, she wants to
evaluate the internal control system of Magoo Ltd. To facilitate the accumula3on of the informa3on necessary for
the proper review and evalua3on of internal controls, CA. Olive decided to use internal control ques3onnaire to
know and assimilate the system and evaluate the same.

Which of the following ques3ons need not be framed under internal control ques3onnaire rela3ng to purchases?

a. Are authorized signatories for purchases limited to elected officials?

b. Are payments approved only on original invoices?
c. Does authorized officials thoroughly review the documents before signing cheques?
d. Are monthly bank reconcilia>ons implemented for each and every bank accounts of the company?
1) A 2) D 3) C 4) A 5) A 6) D
CA Shubham Keswani 24
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
7. ABC Ltd. is in the business of trading garments. Within a span of five years since its incorpora>on, the company has
gained a good market reputa>on. Last year, in its Kochi warehouse the inventory was less than 1% of total inventory
value, so the auditor instead of witnessing or performing the physical count of inventory relied upon the
management’s inventory confirma>on and management in turn relied upon the warehouse keeper’s stock register
without verifying the actual count. The same year there was some difference between the store register and books of
accounts closing balance. The management considered it to be an immaterial amount and wrote it off through
“Miscellaneous Profit and Loss Account”.

In the current year, while performing analy>cal procedure, the auditor saw a significant reduc>on in sales through
Kochi warehouse, whereas there was a spike in freight charges to Kochi. Through further examina>on, the auditor
no>ced that there was increase in number of shipments to Kochi and increase in number of invoice cancella>on
instances and sales return instances from the customers of GST unregistered category. However, this year the inventory
lying at Kochi is 4.5% as per books.

The Auditor enquired on the periodicity of physical verifica>on and sales process through Kochi warehouse. The
management gave the following response to the auditor:
1. The physical verifica>on takes place every six months and the warehouse keeper is responsible for physical
verifica>on and sending records back to the head office.
2. Because of low opera>ons in past years the warehouse keeper himself takes care of invoicing and dispatching the
3. Monthly invoice details along with the monthly stock register is sent to the head office.
4. Further, this year too there is a substan>al difference among inventory as per books, inventory as per stock
register and inventory as per physical verifica>on in descending order.

The auditor decided to visit the Kochi warehouse and conduct the root cause analysis and get the correct closing value
of the inventory.

AFer the visit, the auditor concluded that the warehouse keeper was issuing the stocks with invoices, however on the
sales return the credit notes were issued to various customers and the entry was made in the stock register of “Goods
received on sales return” but physically the goods were never returned.

The Auditor also doubts that the same instance might have happened last year as well because of which there was a
difference between physical stock and the books.

On this informa>on, the management has asked auditor that why this was not brought into no>ce last year and
whether the audit not conducted properly then. Further, a consultant was appointed by the management for the
overview of internal controls with regard to verifica>on of inventory and suggest recommenda>ons.

1. In the view of the above case scenario, which according to you is the correct statement.
a) Only the errors can be expected to be iden>fied during the audit.
b) Only the statutory compliance can be expected out of a Statutory Audit.
c) The Auditor contends that last year the inventory levels in Kochi was not in the sampling materiality level and
therefore, the issue was not iden>fied. This is a part of the audit risk.
d) The Management is of the view that all the frauds and errors must be iden>fied with the statutory audit.

2. Which components of audit risks are represented in the aforesaid scenario?

a) Inherent Risk & Control Risk – Inherent risk due to its nature of business or opera>ons and Control risk due to
inappropriate design and ineffec>ve implementa>on of internal controls.
CA Shubham Keswani 25
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
b) Control Risk & Detec>on risk- Control risk due to inappropriate design and ineffec>ve implementa>on of
internal controls and audit detec>on risk due to possibility of auditor not iden>fying risk of misstatement.
c) Fraud risk due to nature and size of opera>ons and high likelihood of fraud due to its significance.
d) Risk of Error because there was error in the presenta>on in the financial statement last year.

3. Which Internal Control seems to have been compromised as the root cause here?
a) Lack in safeguarding the assets of company.
b) Lapse in compliance controls leading to noncompliance of sharing inventory level with the GST department.
c) Segrega>on of Duty.
d) Inadequate Records and Documents leading to nonrecording of correct inventory value.

4. To ensure that such instances are not taking place in other warehouses as well, the management wants to get an
audit done. Which of the following audits is right in the above case scenario:
a) Management Audit as there seems to be a lapse at decision making.
b) Internal Audit as there seems to be lapse in internal control system and other such lapses in internal controls
can also be iden>fied.
c) Opera>onal Audit as there is lapse in general working of opera>ons.
d) Tax Audit as the Tax Auditor needs to value the inventory and iden>fy the differences.

5. Which Segrega3on of Du3es aspect seems to have been compromised here?

a) Authoriza>on, Execu>on & Record keeping.
b) Authoriza>on, Execu>on & Custodian.
c) Execu>on, Custodian & Record keeping.
d) Custodian, Record keeping & Authoriza>on.

1) C 2) B 3) C 4) B 5) C

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Ch-5 Group Audit + SA 600
1. B Limited controls en3ty C Limited (75%) and en3ty A Limited (an investment company). En3ty B Limited reduced
the control of en3ty C Limited from 75% to 60%. With regard to that certain adjustments were made to account for
the change in the shareholding of en3ty C Limited which is consolidated. These adjustments are known as:

a. Memorandum adjustments.
b. Current period consolida>on adjustments.
c. Permanent consolida>on adjustments.
d. Temporary period consolida>on adjustments.

2. KB Ltd. is engaged in the business of construc3on. It has mul3ple subsidiaries and associates in India. The
company acquired PPP Gmbh in Germany on 1 February 2024. The company also obtained control in PPP Gmbh on
the same date. Its investment in PPP Gmbh was of a huge amount. The company has been preparing its CFS over
the last few years and this has also become a maCer of concern for the company for the year ended 31 March 2024.
The management is of the view that consolida3on of PPP Gmbh would not be required in CFS for the year ended 31
March 2024 because this is the first year of acquisi3on. However, the auditors have not been agreeing for the same.
The 3meline of submission of audited financial statements is due in few months’ 3me. In the mean3me, the
management moved on the consolida3on of PPP Gmbh taking audited financial statements of PPP Gmbh which are
available in the GAAP of its local country and GAAP conversion adjustments from its local GAAP to Indian GAAP
have been made by the parent company. GAAP conversion adjustments are significant at CFS level.

In the mean3me, the management has also been consul3ng whether the consolida3on would be required or not
also considering the fact that compara3ve figures in case of PPP Gmbh would not be available.

Further, the auditors have also raised observa3ons regarding the GAAP conversion adjustments over which
management has a disagreement. As per the management the auditors are not required to comment on GAAP
adjustments because audited financial statements of PPP Gmbh have been given to the auditors. Please help to
resolve these maCers.

a. Consolida>on of PPP Gmbh should be done but GAAP conversion adjustments are not required to be audited.
b. Consolida>on of PPP Gmbh should not be done and accordingly, GAAP conversion adjustments would not
c. Consolida>on of PPP Gmbh should be done and GAAP conversion adjustments are also required to be audited.
d. Consolida>on of PPP Gmbh is a choice of management as the accoun>ng standard does not mandate this.
However, in case it is done then the GAAP conversion adjustments would be required to be audited.

3. En3ty P, is audited by a different auditor than the parent en3ty Q. The principle auditor i.e. the auditor of en3ty
Q, decides to use the work of auditor of component i.e. en3ty P, in rela3on to audit of consolidated financial
statements. In doing so, he should comply with requirements of:

a. SA 600, “Using the work of Another Auditor”.

b. SA 299, “Joint Audit of Financial statements”.
c. SA 720, “The Auditor’s Responsibili>es Rela>ng to Other Informa>on”.
d. SRS 4410, “Compila>on Engagements”.

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4. CA P is statutory auditor of a group involving joint ventures, subsidiaries and associates. The parent is a listed
company. While repor3ng for consolidated financial statements, he is in a dilemma regarding repor3ng of internal
financial controls in the group. Which of following statements is most appropriate in this regard?

a. The auditor is required to report on the adequacy and opera>ng effec>veness of the internal financial controls
over financial repor>ng in the case of consolidated financial statements in respect of all the components.
b. The auditor is required to report on the adequacy and opera>ng effec>veness of the internal financial controls
over financial repor>ng in the case of consolidated financial statements in respect of those components that
are Indian companies under the Companies Act, 2013.
c. The auditor is required to report on the adequacy and opera>ng effec>veness of the internal financial controls
over financial repor>ng in the case of consolidated financial statements in respect of those components that
are incorporated as companies.
d. The auditor is required to report on the adequacy and opera>ng effec>veness of the internal financial controls
over financial repor>ng in case of standalone financial statements only.

5. ALEXA Private Limited has been opera3ng in India for the past 15 years with three group companies – one
subsidiary in India and the other two in Singapore and Germany. The acquisi3ons of these subsidiaries were gradual,
with control obtained a<er ini3al investments. The statutory auditors have determined that all group companies
are significant for the audit of consolidated financial statements. For the year ending March 31, 2023, the audited
financial statements of all components are available, except for the German company, whose audit has been
delayed and won't be completed before the release date of the consolidated financial statements (CFS) of the parent
company. The financial statements of the German company for the consolida3on audit of CFS, what could be the
possible situa3on?

a. Since the audit of the German company is in progress, its financial statements subject to audit can be
considered by the auditor of the parent company. Audited and signed financials can be provided to auditors
even aFer the release of audited CFS, as this is a maNer of documenta>on only.
b. If the auditor does not receive audited financial statements of the German company, he should modify his
audit report.
c. The management should provide management accounts to the auditors of CFS, and the auditor can men>on
this point in the "other maNers" paragraph in his audit report, which is an acceptable approach.
d. The auditor should exclude the financial statements of the German company from the CFS.

Q Ans Reason
1 C Adjustments due to change in shareholding are permanent consolidation adjustments.
2 C Consolidation of subsidiary is required in any case & GAAP adjustments need to be done.
3 A SA 600 applicable to use of work of Component auditor.
4 B Auditor is required to report on the adequacy and operating effectiveness of the internal financial
controls over financial reporting in the case of consolidated financial statements in respect of those
components that are Indian companies under the Companies Act, 2013.
5 B Since all group companies are significant for audit of CFS, non-receipt of subsidiary F.S. would require
modification in audit report.

CA Shubham Keswani 28
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Ch-6 Bank Audit
1. A bank has some non-interest-bearing staff advances. In the Balance Sheet these should be presented under:
a. ‘Term loans’ under ‘Advances’.
b. ‘Cash Credits, OverdraFs and Loans Repayable on Demand’ under ‘Advances’.
c. ‘Advances in India – Others’ under ‘Advances’ Schedule.
d. ‘Others’ under ‘Other assets.

2. You are the internal auditor of FCD Bank Limited for the year 2022-23 and the bank maintains all the data on
computer. You are instructed by your senior to verify the loan against fixed deposits of the Navi Mumbai branch. As
per the scope of audit, you need to ensure that proper lien has been marked on all the fixed deposits against which
loan has been issued. Which of the following procedure you will follow for the same:

a. Ensure that all the fixed deposit receipts are aNached along with the approved loan documents.
b. Ensure that all the fixed deposit receipts, against which the loan has been sanc>oned, are discharged in favour
of bank and check that the lien is marked in the computer soFware.
c. Discuss the process followed for lien marking with the branch manager.
d. Ensure that all the fixed deposit receipts, against which the loan has been sanc>oned, are discharged in favour
of bank, check that the lien is marked in the computer soFware and the fixed deposit should be kept separately
with the branch manager.

3. XYZ bank had an NPA account of M/s Glenpark showing recoverable amount of ₹ 55 lakh in the books. It sold the
NPA for ₹ 56 lakh. Please select as to which of the following op3ons is the correct accoun3ng:

a. Credit the excess of ₹ 1 lakh to profit on sale of assets.

b. Let the amount remain in Glenpark account.
c. Credit the excess of ₹ 1 lakh to Provision for loss on sale of NPAs.
d. Return ₹ 1 lakh to the party purchasing the NPA.

4. As an auditor conduc3ng an audit of Laxmidham Bank, you while reviewing the bank's system for iden3fica3on
and classifica3on of advances through CBS, discover a significant delay in the system's accuracy in determining the
crystalliza3on date of NPAs. Due to this delay, several accounts that should have been classified as NPAs were not
recognized as such by the system for an extended period. What should the auditor do in this situa3on?

a. The auditor should ignore the delay in the systems accuracy as it does not impact the overall financial
statements of the bank.
b. The auditor should report the system error and recommend correc>ve measures to ensure accurate
iden>fica>on and classifica>on of advances.
c. The auditor should rely solely on the banks classifica>on of the loan account as an NPA.
d. The auditor should rely solely on the banks assurance regarding the accuracy of the system despite the
observed delay as CBS is in place.

5. As an auditor conduc3ng an audit of Ramashri Bank, you are reviewing the treatment of inopera3ve accounts
(both current and savings) to mi3gate the risk of fraud. During your audit, you no3ce a significant reduc3on in the
balances of certain inopera3ve accounts compared to the previous year. You decide to examine the authoriza3ons
for withdrawals from these accounts. Upon inves3ga3on, you discover that some of the accounts were revived
without authority, and also withdrawals were made without appropriate authorisa3on. How should the auditor
respond in this situa3on?
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CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)

a. The auditor should consider the reduc>on in balances as a normal occurrence but report any the lack of
authority in respect to revival of such accounts.
b. The auditor should report the reduc>on in balances only and there is no authority required for revival of such
c. The auditor should report the lack of authority in respect to revival of such accounts and withdrawals made
without appropriate documenta>on, recommending correc>ve measures.
d. The auditor should proceed with the audit without considering the irregulari>es in the revival and withdrawals
of accounts as there are inopera>ve.

6. PFS Bank was engaged in the business of providing Poruolio Management Services to its customers, for which it
took prior approval from RBI. Your firm has been appointed as the statutory auditors of the Bank’s financial
statements for the year 2023-24. Your senior has instructed you to verify the transac3ons of Poruolio Management
Services (PMS). While verifying the transac3ons you no3ced that the bank has not prepared separate record for
PMS transac3ons from the Bank’s own investments. As a statutory auditor what will be your decision for verifica3on
of PMS transac3ons?

a. It is not necessary to maintain separate records for PMS clients from Bank’s own investments, so the auditor
can verify the PMS transac>ons as part of investment verifica>on for Bank’s financial statements and submit
the audit report accordingly.
b. As per RBI guidelines PMS investments need to be audited separately by the external auditors and the auditors
are required to give a cer>ficate separately for the same. So, in the above case the auditor should not verify
the PMS transac>ons and advise the bank to segregate the PMS transac>ons from its own investments and
provide the cer>ficate of external auditor.
c. The auditor can give a qualified opinion in his audit report on the financial statements of the Bank and report
the maNer in special purpose cer>ficate.
d. Auditor should verify that PMS funds are not u>lised for lending, inter-bank deposits or deposits to corporate
bodies and bills re-discoun>ng only. So, whether the PMS transac>ons are recorded separately or not will not
maNer for the auditor.

7. Early Warning Signals (EWS) are those, which when no3ced in any loan account, should alert the bank officials
about some wrongdoings in the loan account which may, later, turn out to be fraudulent. CA P has recently joined
GIST Bank Limited as a credit officer. He is reviewing the credit poruolio of the branch assigned to him.

Which of the following is not likely to be an example of such early warning signals regarding a credit facility availed
by a borrower from branch?

a. Invoca>on of bank guarantee issued by branch

b. Devolvement of leNer of credit issued by branch
c. Non-reversal of expired bank guarantee issued by branch
d. Funding of interest by sanc>oning addi>onal credit facili>es by branch

8. CA Somya is conduc3ng statutory branch audit of a na3onalized bank. It is no3ced that branch is having “office
accounts”. Banks have large number of transac3ons with other banks, branches and controlling offices or other
establishments and such transac3ons are carried out through office accounts.

While scru3nizing “office accounts” of branch, she no3ces transac3ons of varied nature passed through such
CA Shubham Keswani 30
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)

Which of the following type of entries passed through such accounts is likely to be objec3onable?

a. Cash sent to other branches

b. Credit card related transac>ons of customers
c. Parking of subsidies received from Govt on account of various schemes
d. Passing entries from office accounts to customer accounts in batch mode

Q Ans Reason
1 A Non-interest-bearing staff advances shown under ‘Others’ under ‘Other assets.
2 B Procedure to check marking lien on FDs against which loan issued:
Ensure that all fixed deposit receipts, against which loan has been sanctioned, are discharged in favour
of bank and check that the lien is marked in the computer software.
3 C Profit on sale of NPA retained to meet loss on sale of other NPAs
4 B Auditor should report system error and recommend corrective measures to ensure accurate
identification and classification of advances.
5 C For inoperative a/cs: Auditor should report lack of authority in respect to revival of such accounts and
withdrawals made without appropriate documentation, recommending corrective measures.
6 B As per RBI guidelines PMS investments need to be audited separately by the external auditors and the
auditors are required to give a certificate separately for the same. So, in the above case the auditor
should not verify the PMS transactions and advise the bank to segregate the PMS transactions from its
own investments and provide the certificate of external auditor.
7 C Non-reversal of expired bank guarantee issued by branch isn’t any issue for the bank.
8 D Passing entries from office accounts to customer accounts in batch mode is objectionable.

CA Shubham Keswani 31
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Ch-7 NBFC Audit

1. 50:50 test determina3on is popularly used in :

a. Banking Company.
b. Insurance Company.
c. NBFC Company.
d. Stock Trading Company

CA Shubham Keswani 32
CA Final Audit MCQ Booklet (ICAI BOS Portal MCQs)
Ch-8 PSU Audit

1. A report submiCed by you a<er an audit of a public sector unit is more likely to be finally reviewed by
a. Public Accounts CommiNee (PAC).
b. CommiNee on Public Undertakings (COPU).
c. Es>mates CommiNee.
d. Public sector CommiNee. Your Answer: Public Accounts CommiNee (PAC).

2. In Case of PSU, Direct Repor3ng Engagement does not include

a. Performance audits.
b. Compliance audits.
c. Financial audits.
d. Comprehensive Audit.

3. You have been given an assignment of audit of IT department of a PSU. A checklist was handed over to you which
contained many ques3ons such as,
ü Are separate user names and passwords assigned to individual users?
ü Are periodical changes of passwords ensured?
ü Are external (offsite) data backups maintained at a place outside the premises?
The type of audit being conducted is likely to be:

a. Comprehensive audit.
b. Propriety audit.
c. Compliance audit.
d. Financial audit.

4. NOP Ltd. is a joint venture of Central Government and a private company engaged in the business of electricity
distribu3on in Chennai. The Central Government holds 51% shares of the company. The company is acknowledged
for its consumer-friendly prac3ces. Ini3ally it was completely owned by the Government and was running into
significant losses but a<er the joint venture, the aggregate technical and commercial losses of the company showed
a record decline. The opera3ons of the company have improved significantly as claimed by the management of the

The C&AG wants to conduct the performance audit of one of the departments of the company through a
subordinate office of Indian Audit and Accounts Department. For this purpose, the audit programme has also been
finalized and the Accountant General has in3mated the company that the audit would start within a day’s 3me.

The company is concerned because the programme which has been received from the Accountant General is quite
detailed and would involve significant 3me. Further the management of the company is quite surprised as to why
this audit should be conducted as this is not a company subject to such types of audits as per law. The management
of the company would like to have your inputs in respect of this maCer. Please guide.

a. The no>ce for such type of audit should give reasonable >me to the management to prepare themselves.
Further it should not be a detailed audit requiring significant >me of the company.
b. The C&AG may conduct such type of audits in respect of NOP Ltd. which would get covered in this criteria,
however, the no>ce for conduc>ng such type of audit should give reasonable >me to the management to
prepare themselves.
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c. In case of a joint venture such type of audit cannot be performed as per the Companies Act, 2013. The
company should write to the Registrar of Companies in respect of this maNer and >ll that >me no audit can
be started.
d. In case of a joint venture such type of audit cannot be performed as per the Companies Act, 2013. Further,
wherever this is applicable, that is only for a small period of >me. The company should write to the Ministry
of Corporate Affairs in respect of this maNer.

S No. Ans Reason

1 B COPU reviews accounts & reports of PSUs while PAC does same for govt departments.
2 C Financial audit is attestation engagement.
3 C Since auditor is checking compliance with policies/controls its compliance audit.
4 B C&AG can order performance audit of Govt Co. & notice for conducting such type of audit should
give reasonable time to the management to prepare themselves.

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Ch-9 Internal Audit
1. ABC limited has appointed Mr. X to perform the internal audit for their purchase func3ons, while performing the
audit Mr. X wanted to speak to some of the vendors to establish the authen3city of purchases? Which of the
statement is true?

a. Mr. X should not approach any third party as it is out of his scope and authority.
b. Mr. X may approach sample vendor through the management (unless a fraud is suspected) and collected
required evidences.
c. Mr. X may approach any of the vendor on surprise basis and ask them to submit required informa>on directly
to the auditor.
d. Mr. X should keep any such audit checks out of scope and try other methods of establishing the authen>city.

2. While doing the Internal Audit of Purchase opera3ons of a manufacturing company, which of the following areas
does not form part of scope of work.
a. Recruitment
b. Purchase order approvals
c. Vendor Selec>on
d. Receipt of materials

3. CFO of the Company directs the Internal Audit head for not was3ng 3me for audi3ng some ac3vi3es ci3ng the
reason that this may not add value to business and no major audit issue was noted in past. What ac3on should be
taken by CIA to respond to such direc3ons from the CFO.

a. CFO being a senior leader and responsible person should be given high importance, hence CIA should obey to
his direc>ons.
b. CIA should ignore any such feedback and con>nue to do his audit checks as per approved plan and scope.
c. CIA may reduce the coverage and sample size in such area basis the comfort provided by CFO in such areas.
d. CIA should independently evaluate the level of risk and exposure involved in such ac>vity and take
independent judgement for reviewing such ac>vi>es. The results of such evalua>on and not audi>ng any
major ac>vi>es should be factored in Internal Audit plan and approved from Audit CommiNee.

4. As per requirements of Companies Act 2013, which of the following companies are required to appoint an internal
a. Private Company having paid up share capital of INR 50 Crores
b. Private Company having outstanding loans from banks for INR 50 Crores
c. Unlisted Public Company having outstanding loans from banks for INR 50 Crores
d. Listed Company having outstanding loans from banks for INR 50 Crores

5. While performing a complex opera3onal audit of a large oil and gas company, CIA is assigned task to review the
complex drilling func3on of the Company. Please suggest, which of the following step should NOT be taken by the
CIA to complete the assigned audit.

a. CIA and relevant team members should undertake business understanding and knowledge sessions from
business to finalise detailed audit checks to be performed.
b. Involve subject maNer expert for adequate guidance and supervision to ensure all relevant risks and
transac>ons are audited in such process.

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c. Team members should be provided adequate training in advance so that they can review underlying
transac>ons adequately.
d. Perform detailed audit for the ac>vi>es easily understood by the audit team and other ac>vi>es may be
excluded from scope of work for audit.

6. Which one of the following ac3vi3es is performed by the internal auditor?

a. Verify a purchase transac>on to assess if company policy is followed for obtaining minimum price from vendor
b. Nego>a>ng a purchase contract with vendor
c. Approving a purchase transac>on on behalf of the Company
d. Authorizing a payment transac>on

7. During the dealers meet of a large FMCG company, CIA overheard some manipula3ons being done by dealers by
taking undue favours from the sales managers that helped them withdrawing more commission than allowed as
per company policy. Please suggest, best course of ac3on to be taken by CIA in such scenario.

a. CIA should discuss the maNer with audit commiNee and take prior approval to include detailed audit of sales
func>on in plan.
b. CIA should ignore the conversa>on and just focus on approved audit plan and scope of coverage.
c. If Sales Audit is not part of plan Ini>al review of some suspicious transac>on should be performed and detailed
audit should be conducted in case of any 'Red Flag'. If sales audit is part of plan - Special focus should be given
to such transac>on during audit to establish whether or not any such manipula>on is being done.
d. CIA should discuss the maNer with CFO and Sales head and if permiNed he may extend his scope of verifica>on.

8. While doing the internal audit of produc3on opera3ons of a manufacturing company, which of the following
areas does not form part of scope of work.

a. Produc>on Planning
b. Consump>on Recording
c. Finished Good Quality Checks
d. Receipt of materials

9. While performing the internal audit of human recourse func3on, which of the following would form part of the
scope of work.

a. Salary Processing
b. Purchases
c. Invoice Recording
d. Payment Processing

10. What should Chief Internal Auditor do, In case of lack of sufficient resources and budget for performing the
internal audit plan approved by the Audit CommiCee of the Company?

a. Complete the areas which can be completed using exis>ng resources and post-pone the balance plan to
subsequent years.
b. Apprise the audit commiNee of the challenges and corresponding exposure of the Company due to non-
performance of the complete plan
c. Reduce the audit scope and allocated >me of each area so that complete plan can be executed in the year.
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d. Consult CFO for the key priority areas and perform the audit as per direc>ons from the CFO. Your Answer:
Reduce the audit scope and allocated >me of each area so that complete plan can be executed in the year.

11. While performing the internal audit of the Accounts and Finance func3on, CIA noted that the company has not
implemented adequate segrega3on of du3es in bill process func3on while CFO men3ons limita3on of manpower
as reasons of not implemen3ng SOD. Please suggest which of the following recommenda3on be given by CIA to the
company to mi3gate the risk.

a. CIA should recommend compensa>on controls un>l manpower is not extended.

b. CIA may accept the business limita>on of shortage of manpower and ignore the finding.
c. CIA should recommend deployment of addi>onal manpower for building SOD and close the report without
factoring the inputs of CFO.
d. CIA should benchmark the manpower of similar opera>ons at other companies and recommend to increase
manpower or counter the CFO response by establishing that exis>ng manpower is sufficient for building SOD
in process.

12. ABC limited has appointed Mr. X to perform the internal audit for their taxes and government dues, while
performing the audit Mr. X noted some unauthorised input credits taken by the Company. Which of the statement
is not appropriate.

a. Auditor may discuss with management to take their opinion and ignore the incorrect credits as it saves some
money for the organiza>on.
b. Auditor should evaluate the process design failure which allows recording of such transac>ons.
c. Auditor should increase sample and perform detailed checks to ensure if there are more such transac>ons.
d. Auditor should report the cri>cal findings immediately and seek management explana>on.

13. While performing the audit of the procure to pay func3on, CIA noted that the purchase team is not using the
ERP system on real 3me basis and all transac3ons are updated in the system a<er one week. However, on detailed
review he does not find any problem in the transac3on so executed? Please suggest which of the following
statement would be most appropriate in such situa3on.

a. CIA should raise the audit risk of delay in upda>ng the ERP with recommenda>on to ensure >mely upda>ng
the system.
b. CIA may ignore the fact of delay as there is no issue noted in detailed transac>on review.
c. CIA should perform detailed root cause analyses for such delays in discussion with management and
appropriate measures be recommended to mi>gate the risk emana>ng due to delayed upda>ng.
d. CIA should assess whether delays are normal basis benchmark study and highlight abnormal delays to the

14. Who can appoint internal auditor in a Company?

a. Chief Financial Officer
b. Chief Execu>ve Officer
c. Board of Directors / Audit CommiNee
d. Shareholders

15. The Board of Directors of Young Ltd., a listed company, appointed Mr. Old, a Cost Accountant (not in prac3ce),
to conduct an internal audit of the func3ons and ac3vi3es of the company. The job of Mr. Old would be of an
independent management func3on, involving a con3nuous and cri3cal appraisal of the func3oning of the company
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with a view to suggest improvements thereto and add value to and strengthen the overall governance mechanism
of the company, including the en3ty’s strategic risk management and internal control system. However, some of the
officers of the company are against the appointment of a Cost Accountant who is not in prac3ce as an internal
auditor. State whether those officers are correct or not in their viewpoint by referring to the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013?

a. The view point of the officers is correct because as per sec>on 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, the internal
auditor shall be a chartered accountant in prac>ce only.
b. The view point of the officers is correct because as per sec>on 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, the internal
auditor shall a cost accountant in prac>ce only.
c. The view point of the officers is correct because as per sec>on 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, the internal
auditor shall be an employee of the company only.
d. The view point of the officers is incorrect because as per sec>on 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, the internal
auditor shall either be a chartered accountant or a cost accountant (whether engaged in prac>ce or not), or
such other professional as may be decided by the Board.

16. Who can decide the Scope of Work for Internal Audit?

a. Board of Directors / Audit CommiNee

b. Chief Execu>ve Officer
c. Chief Internal Auditor
d. Chief Financial Officer

17. “We perform Limited” is a listed company. CA K, its Chief Internal auditor, has joined recently. On taking over
responsibili3es, he finds that many prior audit issues highlighted in previous internal audit reports are s3ll open.
Taking the maCer seriously, he compiles status of prior audit issues in the shape of ATR (Ac3on taken report) duly
ageing pending issues and genuine reasons for delay on basis of available material and inputs received. Which of
the following statements is likely to be correct in this regard?

a. The Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for closure of prior audit issues through >mely implementa>on of
ac>on plans included in past audits.
b. The Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for con>nuously monitoring the closure of prior audit issues through
>mely implementa>on of ac>on plans included in past audits. However, the responsibility for implementa>on
of the ac>on plan lies with management.
c. The Chief Internal Auditor, by resor>ng to such ac>ons, is going beyond scope of his work.
d. The Chief Internal Auditor should have immediately escalated such delays to top management and his
approach highlighted above is not proper.

18. Which of the following is not the responsibility of the Internal Auditor?

a. Planning an Internal Audit Engagement

b. Perform Internal Audit checks in independent and unbiased manner
c. Implement the internal control ac>vi>es.
d. Repor>ng internal audit findings to the Audit CommiNee

19. While performing the internal audit of Sales func3on, which of the following would not form part of the scope
of work.
a. Sales Planning
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b. Order Processing
c. Performance appraisal of employees
d. Dispatch of Materials

20. Which of the following factor would trigger to review and revisit the approved risk based internal audit plan?
a. Stategic changes to enter new markets
b. Replacement of CEO of the Company
c. Automa>on and changes in the cri>cal business processes.
d. Increase in sales by 25%

Q Ans Reason
During the coarse of audit if auditor feel need to approach third party it may be
done aFer discussing with management and rou>ng the requirement through
management unless he has reasons to believe that the informa>on may be altered
1 B or modified.
Recruitment is the area audited in HR audit, thus, Purchase func>on audit does
2 A not cover recruitment areas.
CIA should consider the important feedback given by any responsible authority,
however should not be completely influenced to ignore his du>es of independent
assessmenet and judgement. Accordingly, CIA should perform independent
3 D assessment and take appropriate ac>on.
4 D Every Listed co. required to appoint internal auditor.
Scope of audit and review coverage should not be limited for the limita>on of
knowledge and capability. CIA need to seek relevant knowledge and experience to
5 D perform quality audit.
Internal Audit is an important element of management controlling func>on, it
helps management to set up appropriate systems and processes in place to
mi>gate risk while remaining independent to the opera>ons. Accordingly, he may
verify a purchase transac>on to iden>fy gaps but cannot perform a management
6 A func>on of nego>a>on or approving a purchase transac>on or payment.
Any suspicious fraud scenario need to be reviewed in detail in >mely manner. CIA
has authority to extended his scope for adequate coverage. Audit commiNee need
7 C to informed and approval be taken at the earliest.
Receipt of Material is the area audited in Supply Chain or Inventory audit and
8 D hence Produc>on func>on audit does not cover Receipt of Materials areas.
Salary Processing is the process and ac>vity reviewed under Human Resource and
9 A Payroll area.
CIA performs the audit as per the audit chater and plan approved by the audit
commiNee. Any key decision impac>ng the comple>on of work already approved
by the audit commiNee should be taken in discussion with Audit commiNee so
10 B that audit commiNee can provide direc>ons for priori>sa>on.
CIA should recommend best and effec>ve control to mi>gate the risk by business
challenges and limita>ons should also be factored. Hence, compensa>ng
monitoring control be implemented un>l budget is increased by management for
11 A manpower.

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Auditor should not ignore any such non compliances whether or not financially it
is in interest of the organisa>on. Any statutory non-ompliance or tax
12 A noncompliance should be reported by the auditor.
Internal audit has responsibility to highlight all design as well as opera>on gaps.
Design gaps that allows delay in upda>ng the system should be highlighted with
appropriate recommenda>on. Further, detailed root cause analyses is important
13 C to recommend best solu>on for the issue noted.
As per sec>on 138, the internal auditor shall either be a chartered accountant or
a cost accountant (whether engaged in the prac>ce or not), or such other
professional as may be decided by the Board to conduct an internal audit of the
func>ons and ac>vi>es of the company. Accordingly, Internal Auditor is appointed
14 C by the Board of Directors or the Audit CommiNee.
The view point of the officers is incorrect because as per sec>on 138 of the
Companies Act, 2013, the internal auditor shall either be a chartered accountant
or a cost accountant (whether engaged in prac>ce or not), or such other
15 D professional as may be decided by the Board.
For Companies required to appoint Internal Auditor as per Sec 138 of Companies
Act, 2013, Rule 13(2) of Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014, states: “The Audit
CommiNee or Board shall, in consulta>on with the Internal Auditor, formulate
scope, func>oning, periodicity, and methodology for conduc>ng the internal
audit.” Hence, in these class of companies, the Audit CommiNee or the Board, in
conjunc>on with management and the Chief of Internal Audit, is expected to
16 A exercise the responsibility to formulate the scope of work for Intern Audit
The Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for con>nuously monitoring the closure
of prior audit issues through a >mely implementa>on of ac>on plans included in
past audits. The implementa>on responsibility of ac>on plans lies with
17 B management, not with the internal auditor
Internal Auditor is required to plan and conduct internal audit engagement to
provide independent assurance to the audit commiNee. Through internal audit
report, he must provide audit recommenda>on to improve control environment
and address the highlighted audit finding. However, the responsibility of
18 C implementa>on of internal controls lies with management.
Performance appraisal are part of Human Resource audit. Its not covered under
19 C Sales Audit.
Risk based internal audit plan is based on the cri>cality of the process risk at
inherent level and residual risks aFer factoring the controls already implemented
by the organisa>on. Hence, key changes in the business process or automa>on
would impact the assessment of the risk iden>fied which should be assessed again
20 C to check the relevance and effec>veness of the exis>ng internal audit plan.

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Ch-10/11/12 Due Diligence, Forensic Accounting & Investigation

1. For the financial year ended 31 March 2024, a due diligence was done for the company, which impacted the
company significantly in terms of its reputa3on and business. The company lost some significant contracts during
the process of inves3ga3on itself. At the 3me of due diligence review, the reviewer assessed the business feasibility
also so as to assess whether the current business would be more beneficial in future or not. The management did
not understand this perspec3ve. The management argued that the reviewer has no powers to assess the business
feasibility, as the company was running a profitable business from many years.

Which of the following statement should be correct?

a. The conten>on of the management was correct.
b. Reviewer was correct, as due diligence covers assessment of business feasibility as well.
c. Reviewer was correct as due diligence covers assessment of business feasibility as well, however, as the
company was doing this business for decades it should not have been carried out by the reviewer.
d. Management was correct; however, it should have discussed the same with the investor as part of the sale

2. One of the clients of Bhuvan & Co. is planning to acquire another company to expand its business. In this regard,
due diligence is to be carried out to check if the proposed merger would create opera3onal synergies. Also, a full-
fledged financial due diligence is planned to be carried out a<er a price has been agreed for the business acquisi3on
they want to include, Cash flow, Accoun3ng Policies, Brief history of the target and background of its promoters,
Accoun3ng Informa3on System etc. in the scope of the same.

Which among the following is NOT a maCer included in the scope of a full-fledged financial due diligence?

a. Cash flow.
b. Accoun>ng Policies.
c. Brief history of the target and background of its promoters.
d. Accoun>ng Informa>on System.

3. During the course of due diligence, an ar3cled assistant enquires to the principal whether it is required to verify
the leCer of comfort given by the target company to a bank. Whether leCer of comfort given to banks by the target
company needs to be reviewed as part of the financial due diligence. Choose the correct reasoning from below?

a. Yes, the objec>ve of due diligence exercise will be to look specifically for any hidden liabili>es or over-valued
assets and since, leNer of comfort given to banks is a hidden liability, it should be reviewed.
b. Yes, leNer of comfort given to banks is a guarantee and will be disclosed in the notes to accounts of the financial
statements and calls for verifica>on and review.
c. No, due diligence involves the review of only disclosed assets and liabili>es of the target company and hence,
leNer of comfort does not call for review.
d. No, leNer of comfort does not involve financial implica>ons and hence it need not be reviewed as part of
financial due diligence.

4. At the 3me of inves3ga3on, the reviewer asked about the background of the promoters of the company. The
management explained that there was no need for this inves3ga3on. Further, the management explained that the
company has already gone through the processes of due diligence and forensic accoun3ng in the previous years and

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there was no doubt raised on promoters of the company. So, the background of promoters cannot be shared with
the reviewer. The management may refuse to share the details of promoters. Comment on this?

a. Since the company has already went through due diligence and forensic accoun>ng in the previous years, the
management may refuse to provide promoters details to the reviewer.
b. As the background of promoters has no bearing on the financials of the company, the reviewer should not ask
for the details of promoters and the management may refuse to provide the same.
c. Since the company went through processes of forensic accoun>ng in the past, and set up new processes and
internal controls, the reviewer should not inves>gate into the background of promoters.
d. The conten>on of the management is not correct. Your Answer: Since the company has already went through
due diligence and forensic accoun>ng in the previous years, the management may refuse to provide promoters
details to the reviewer. Descrip>on: The conten>on of the management is not correct.

5. AB Ltd. which is based in Mumbai, is in the business of manufacturing leather products since 1995 and wants to
acquire FC Leathers Private Limited, which is based in Pune and engaged in the business of selling leather products
manufactured by different companies. Before acquisi3on AB Ltd. wants to get a due diligence review to be done of
FC Leathers. AB Ltd. appointed S & S Associates for conduc3ng overall due diligence of FC Leathers. During the
review the accountant asked FC Leathers to provide financial projec3ons of the company for next five years, but FC
leathers refused to provide the same and claimed that financial projec3ons is not a part of due diligence review.
Whether the objec3on raised by the management of FC Leathers is correct? Give reason.

a. The objec>on raised by FC Leathers is correct, as due diligence doesn’t include review of financial projec>ons.
b. The objec>on raised by FC Leathers is not correct, as due diligence refers to an examina>on of a poten>al
investment to confirm all material facts of the prospec>ve business which a company wants to acquire and
financial projec>on is a part of same.
c. The objec>on raised by FC Leathers is correct, as reviewer cannot comment on financial projec>ons in his
d. The objec>on raised by FC Leathers is not correct, as the target company cannot refuse in providing any
informa>on required by the reviewer.

6. The reviewer for due diligence reviewed the consulta3on documents pertaining to various li3ga3ons going on
including those related to maCers of taxa3on and also asked for the documents related to these maCers. Further,
he also suggested that the decision taken by the company in some maCers was not correct. Which of the following
statement should be correct?

a. The reviewer needs to have independent assessment of legal/ tax cases and any outcome needs to be
discussed with the management.
b. The company should not have provided the documents as those are confiden>al.
c. The reviewer can study the tax consulta>on document but cannot give his opinion as the company already
took the opinion from professional consultant.
d. Tax and legal maNers are not a part of review of due diligence exercise. Your Answer: The company should not
have provided the documents as those are confiden>al.

1) B 2) D 3) A 4) D 5) B 6) A

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Ch-13 Specialised Areas

1. Who is eligible to be appointed as the auditor for summary financial statements:

a. Chartered Accountant eligible to be appointed as auditor
b. Auditor of the historical financial statements
c. Any professional
d. Any person

2. SA 805 does not apply while audi3ng historical financial informa3on contained in________
a. A schedule of net tangible assets including related notes
b. A statement of cash receipts and disbursements
c. Liability for incurred but not reported claims in an insurance portolio
d. Complete set of financial statements

3. SA 800 defines special purpose framework to mean _____________?

a. A financial repor>ng framework designed to meet the financial informa>on needs of specific users. The
financial repor>ng framework may be a fair presenta>on framework or a compliance framework.
b. A financial repor>ng framework designed to meet the financial informa>on needs of special users. The
financial repor>ng framework may be a fair presenta>on framework or a compliance framework.
c. A financial repor>ng framework designed to meet the financial informa>on needs of special users. The
financial repor>ng framework can be a fair presenta>on framework only.
d. A financial repor>ng framework designed to meet the financial informa>on needs of specific users. The
financial repor>ng framework can be a compliance framework only.

4. An interpreta3on is _______ when adop3on of another reasonable interpreta3on would have produced a
material difference in the informa3on presented in the financial statements.
a. Not significant
b. Significant
c. Material
d. Non-material

5. Financial statements prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework may be the only financial
statements an en3ty prepares. In such circumstances, those financial statements may be used by users other than
those for whom the financial repor3ng framework is designed. Despite the broad distribu3on of the financial
statements in those circumstances, the financial statements are s3ll considered to be:
a. Applicable financial repor>ng framework
b. General purpose financial statements
c. Special purpose financial statements
d. Regular purpose financial statements

6. In the case of an auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements, the auditor’s report shall also describe
the _______ for which the financial statements are prepared.
a. Objec>ve
b. Purpose
c. Intend
d. Applicable standard
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7. If the auditor expresses an adverse opinion or disclaim an opinion on the en3ty’s complete set of financial
statements as a whole, what type of audit opinion the auditor may issue for single financial statement that forms
part of those financial statements or on a specific element that forms part of those financial statements.
I. Disclaimer of opinion
II. Unmodified opinion
III. Modified opinion
IV. Adverse opinion

a. Only I
b. Only II
c. Only IV
d. I or III or IV

8. In case the auditor does not accept the engagement to report on summary financial statements due to applied
criteria being unacceptable or inability to obtain agreement of management, is he s3ll required to accept and report
on the summary financial statements?
a. Yes, if required by the intended users of the summary financial statements
b. Yes, if required by those charged with governance
c. Yes, if required by law or regula>on
d. No, he is not required to accept the engagement

9. While audi3ng summary financial statements of X Limited, CA C no3ces that summary financial statements are
not accompanied by audited financial statements. What CA C should do specifically in light of above situa3on?
a. Evaluate whether summary financial statements are prepared in accordance with applied criteria.
b. Evaluate whether summary financial statements describe clearly from whom or where the audited financial
statements are available or the law or regula>on that specifies that the audited financial statements need not
be made available to the intended users of the summary financial statements and establishes the criteria for
the prepara>on of the summary financial statements.
c. Evaluate whether summary financial statements describe clearly from whom or where the audited financial
statements are available and whether these are prepared in accordance with applied criteria.
d. Evaluate whether the law or regula>on that specifies that the audited financial statements need not be made
available to the intended users of the summary financial statements and establishes the criteria for the
prepara>on of the summary financial statements and whether summary financial statements are prepared in
accordance with applied criteria.

10. Distribu3on and use of the auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements are:
a. Not restricted
b. Restricted
c. Limited
d. Confined

S No. Ans Reason

1 B Auditor of historical financial statements is eligible to be appointed as auditor for summary F.S.
2 D SA 805 does not apply while auditing historical financial info. contained in complete set of F.S.
3 A SA 800 defines special purpose framework to mean a financial reporting framework designed to meet
the financial information needs of specific users. The financial reporting framework may be a fair
presentation framework or a compliance framework.

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4 B An interpretation is significant when adoption of another reasonable interpretation would have
produced a material difference in the information presented in the financial statements.
5 C Financial statements prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework may be the only
financial statements an entity prepares. In such circumstances, those financial statements may be
used by users other than those for whom the financial reporting framework is designed. Despite the
broad distribution of the financial statements in those circumstances, the financial statements are
still considered to be special purpose F.S.
6 B In the case of an auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements, the auditor’s report shall
also describe the purpose for which the financial statements are prepared.
7 D If auditor expresses an adverse opinion or disclaim an opinion on the entity’s complete set of financial
statements as a whole, auditor may issue adverse/modified/disclaimer of opinion for single financial
statement that forms part of those financial statements or on a specific element that forms part of
those financial statements.
8 C If required by law/regulation, auditor is required to accept the engagement to report on summary
financial statements even though applied criteria being unacceptable or inability to obtain agreement
of management.
9 B If summary financial statements are not accompanied by audited financial statements. Evaluate
whether summary financial statements describe clearly from whom or where the audited financial
statements are available or the law or regulation that specifies that the audited financial statements
need not be made available to the intended users of the summary financial statements and
establishes the criteria for the preparation of the summary financial statements.
10 B Distribution and use of the auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements are restricted.

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Ch-14 Audit Related Services
1. CA Y has accepted an engagement to perform agreed upon procedures in rela3on to sales and profits of
broadcas3ng segment of a renowned media house. Which of following statements is likely to be false in this regard?

a. The users are unlikely to draw their own conclusions from report of CA Y in this regard.
b. The engagement leNer should include a statement that the distribu>on of the report of CA Y would be
restricted to the specified par>es who have agreed to the procedures to be performed.
c. CA Y should carry out procedures of an audit nature to which he and the media house have agreed.
d. Independence is not a requirement for agreed-upon procedures engagement. A statement to that effect
should be made in the report itself by CA Y.

2. SRS 4410 is applicable to an engagement when:

a. a prac>>oner agrees to perform certain procedures rela>ng to individual items of financial data in accordance
with SRS
b. a prac>>oner agrees to perform certain procedures rela>ng to individual items of non-financial data in
accordance with SRS
c. a prac>>oner agrees to assist management with the prepara>on and presenta>on of historical financial
informa>on without obtaining any assurance on that informa>on and to report on the engagement in
accordance with SRS
d. a prac>>oner agrees to assist management with the prepara>on and presenta>on of historical financial
informa>on in accordance with SRS

3. A Chartered accountant in prac3ce has accepted an engagement to verify purchases of a company from related
par3es and report thereupon. Which of following statements is likely to be correct in this regard?
a. SRS 4400 would be applicable in such type of engagement. The report would include assurance on findings.
b. SRS 4410 would be applicable in such type of engagement. The report would not include assurance on findings.
c. SRS 4400 would be applicable in such type of engagement. The report would not include assurance on findings.
d. SRS 4410 would be applicable in such type of engagement. The report would include assurance on findings.

4. Which of the following is not correct about a “compila3on engagement” performed in accordance with Standards
on Related Services?
a. Engagement level quality control requirements are not applicable to a compila>on engagement.
b. The prac>>oner obtains an acknowledgement from management that they have taken responsibility for the
final version of the compiled financial informa>on.
c. The prac>>oners report includes responsibili>es of management in rela>on to the compila>on engagement.
d. The prac>>oner iden>fies applicable financial repor>ng framework in report

5. While repor3ng under an agreed-upon procedures engagement performed under SRS 4400, the prac33oner’s
report is unlikely to contain__________
a. Lis>ng of specific procedures performed
b. a statement regarding restricted use of report
c. a statement that in case audit or review had been performed, other maNers might have come to light that
would have been reported
d. a descrip>on of areas where improvements have been suggested

6. Which of following is false in an engagement to perform agreed upon procedures in respect of trade payables of
a company and to report thereupon?
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a. A lis>ng of the procedures to be performed as agreed-upon between the par>es is not an essen>al part of
such an engagement.
b. Procedures to be performed can include obtaining external confirma>ons.
c. Procedures to be performed can include inquiry and analysis.
d. The report includes a categorical asser>on that had addi>onal procedures been performed as in an audit or a
review, other maNers might have come to light that would have been reported.

7. Which of following is false regarding compila3on engagement to be performed in accordance with Standards on
Related Services?
a. The prac>>oner may provide assistance to management with significant judgments.
b. The prac>>oner considers materiality in such type of engagement.
c. The prac>>oner is not in a posi>on to propose amendments to management in compila>on engagement.
d. The prac>>oner is required to keep engagement documenta>on. Your Answer: The prac>>oner is required to
keep engagement documenta>on.

8. Which of following statements is most appropriate regarding a compila3on engagement undertaken by

prac33oner in accordance with Standards on Related Services?
a. It provides reasonable assurance.
b. It provides moderate assurance.
c. It provides no assurance.
d. It provides limited assurance.

S No. Ans Reason

1 A Users are likely to draw their own conclusions from report in which CA performs agreed upon
2 C SRS 4410 is applicable when a practitioner agrees to assist management with the preparation and
presentation of historical financial information without obtaining any assurance on that information
and to report on the engagement in accordance with SRS
3 C SRS 4400 would be applicable in such type of engagement. The report would not include assurance
on findings.
4 A Engagement level quality control requirements are applicable to compilation engagement.
5 D While reporting under agreed-upon procedures engagement under SRS 4400, the practitioner’s
report is unlikely to contain a description of areas where improvements have been suggested.
6 A A listing of procedures to be performed as agreed-upon between the parties is an essential part of
such an agreed upon procedures engagement.
7 C The practitioner can propose amendments to management in compilation engagement.
8 C Compilation engagement provides no assurance.

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Ch-15 Review of Financial Information

1. CA R has accepted an engagement involving review of historical financial statements of an en3ty in accordance
with SRE 2400. Nothing has come to his knowledge which could cause him to believe that financial statements could
be materially misstated. In such a situa3on, which of following procedures was unlikely to have been performed by
a. Inquiry about complex transac>ons
b. Inquiry about suspected frauds
c. Comparing financial informa>on with prior periods
d. Sending external confirma>ons

2. Which of following is a defining difference between SRE 2400 and SRE 2410?
a. SRE 2400 deals with prac>>oners responsibili>es when engaged to perform a review of historical financial
statements, when the prac>>oner is not the auditor of the en>ty’s financial statements. However, SRE 2410
deals with auditors professional responsibili>es when the auditor undertakes an engagement to review
interim financial informa>on of a client of which he is the auditor
b. SRE 2400 deals with auditors professional responsibili>es when the auditor undertakes an engagement to
review interim financial informa>on of a client of which he is the auditor. However, SRE 2410 deals with
prac>>oners responsibili>es when engaged to perform a review of historical financial statements, when the
prac>>oner is not the auditor of the en>tys financial statements.
c. SQC 1 is not applicable to SRE 2400 whereas it is applicable to SRE 2410.
d. SQC is applicable to SRE 2400 whereas it is not applicable to SRE 2410.

3. Which of following statements is most appropriate in context of an auditor performing review of financial
statements under SRE 2410?
a. It is, ordinarily, necessary for him to send an inquiry leNer to company’s lawyer for corrobora>ng inquiries
about company’s li>ga>ons.
b. It is, ordinarily, not necessary for him to send an inquiry leNer to company’s lawyer for corrobora>ng inquiries
about company’s li>ga>ons.
c. It is necessary for the auditor to perform other procedures to iden>fy events occurring aFer date of the review
d. It is, ordinarily, not necessary for auditor to obtain evidence that the interim financial informa>on agrees or
reconciles with the underlying accoun>ng records by tracing the interim financial informa>on to accoun>ng

4. While performing review of financial informa3on of a corporate client of which CA X is also auditor, it would not
be necessary for him to ____________
a. communicate with management a maNer that comes to his aNen>on leading him to believe that it is necessary
to make material adjustment to interim financial informa>on for it to be prepared, in all material respects, in
accordance with the applicable financial repor>ng framework
b. make a statement that auditor is responsible for expressing an opinion on interim financial informa>on based
on a review in review report
c. make a statement that that such a review consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for
financial and accoun>ng maNers, and applying analy>cal and other review procedures in review report
d. obtain wriNen representa>ons from management on certain maNers Your Answer: communicate with
management a maNer that comes to his aNen>on leading him to believe that it is necessary to make material
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adjustment to interim financial informa>on for it to be prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
the applicable financial repor>ng framework

5. If the auditor is unable to complete the review, the auditor should:

a. Communicate in wri>ng to appropriate level of management and to those charged with governance the reason
why review cannot be completed
b. Consider whether it is appropriate to issue a report
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. Either (a) or (b)

6. If the auditor’s preliminary knowledge of the engagement circumstances indicates inability to complete review
due to limita3on on scope of the auditor’s review imposed by management, the auditor:
a. Should accept the review engagement
b. Should communicate this fact to those charged with governance
c. Should not accept the review engagement
d. Both (a) & (b)

S No. Ans Reason

1 D Inquiry & analytical procedures are performed in review engagement.
2 A SRE 2400 deals with practitioners responsibilities when engaged to perform a review of historical
financial statements, when the practitioner is not the auditor of the entity’s financial statements.
However, SRE 2410 deals with auditors professional responsibilities when the auditor undertakes an
engagement to review interim financial information of a client of which he is the auditor
3 B Under SRE 2410, It is, ordinarily, not necessary for practitioner to send an inquiry letter to company’s
lawyer for corroborating inquiries about company’s litigations.
4 B While performing review of financial information of a corporate client of which CA X is also auditor,
it would not be necessary for him to make a statement that auditor is responsible for expressing an
opinion on interim financial information based on a review in review report.
5 C If auditor unable to complete the review, auditor should Communicate in writing to appropriate level
of management and to TCWG the reason why review cannot be completed & consider whether it is
appropriate to issue a report.
6 C If the auditor’s preliminary knowledge of the engagement circumstances indicates inability to
complete review due to limitation on scope of the auditor’s review imposed by management, the
auditor should not accept the review engagement.

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Ch-16 Standards on Assurance Engagements

1. Before agreeing to accept or con3nue an engagement, the service auditor shall determine whether the criteria
to be applied by the service organiza3on to prepare the descrip3on of its system will be:
a. Suitable only.
b. Suitable and available to user en>>es and their auditors also.
c. Suitable and available to user en>>es only.
d. Suitable and available to user auditors only.

2. In case of a type 2 report issued under SAE 3402, if work of internal audit func3on has been used in performing
tests of controls, which of following is true regarding repor3ng implica3ons in service auditors report?

a. That part of the service auditors assurance report that describes the service auditors tests of controls and the
results includes a descrip>on of the internal auditors work and of the service auditors procedures with respect
to that work.
b. Internal auditors work is not referred to in service auditors assurance report.
c. A descrip>on of the internal auditors work and of the service auditors procedures with respect to that work
are stated in service auditors responsibility sec>on
d. The ques>on of reference to internal auditors work does not arise as in such assurance reports ul>mate
responsibility is of service auditor.

3. Which of following is a hallmark of repor3ng under SAE 3400?

a. Reference to managements responsibility

b. Iden>fica>on of prospec>ve financial informa>on
c. A statement of nega>ve assurance
d. Date of report

4. A company is in its start-up phase and its future business prospects are dependent not only upon funding by
stream of VC (venture capital) funds but also how its product would be perceived by poten3al customers. The
company asks CA P to prepare a projec3on for a coffee table discussion with venture capital firms and also provide
a report duly signed by him providing assurance on such projec3ons.

What is likely appropriate course of ac3on for him?

a. Such a repor>ng is outside the scope of services which can be rendered by Chartered Accountants. Therefore,
such engagement should be straightaway refused.
b. He can report in respect of examina>on of evidence suppor>ng the assump>ons in such financial informa>on
and on accuracy of projec>ons.
c. He can report in respect of examina>on of evidence suppor>ng the assump>ons in such financial informa>on
but not on accuracy of projec>ons.
d. He can report only in respect of examina>on of evidence suppor>ng the assump>ons in such financial
informa>on when management expects these future events described in situa>on to take place.

1) b 2) a 3) c 4) c
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Ch-17 Digital Auditing

1. ABC Ltd uses CRM system to punch the sales orders in the system. On an hourly basis all the sales orders are
transferred from CRM to SAP for further execu3ng the delivery and invoicing. Name the IT dependency geang
impacted here.

a. Interface
b. Restricted Access
c. Automated Control
d. Reports

2. Which of the following is not an example of Next Genera3on Technology. Select one op3on from the following:

a. Metaverse
b. Macros & scripts
c. Drone Technology
d. Virtual Reality

3. ABC Ltd is developing controls to ensure that access to programs and data is authen3cated and authorized to
meet financial repor3ng objec3ves. Which amongst the men3oned controls is not part of access management

a. Transac>ons of administra>ve and sensi>ve generic IDs are monitored

b. Development, tes>ng and produc>on environments are appropriately segregated
c. Access rights to applica>ons are periodically monitored for appropriateness
d. Access of terminated user is removed an a >mely basis

4. What are the three stages of the cyber risk? Select the correct sequence.

a. 1) Assessing the cyber risk 2) Impact of cyber risk 3) Managing the cyber risk
b. 1) Impact the cyber risk 2) Managing the cyber risk 3) Assessing the cyber risk
c. 1) Managing the cyber risk 2) Assessing the cyber risk 3) Impact the cyber risk
d. 1) Assessing the cyber risk 2) Managing the cyber risk 3) Impact the cyber risk

5. Company X has invested on automa3on and working towards digital audit by seang up IT infrastructure to
embrace the latest technologies. What do you think is a challenge when comes to digital audit.
Select one op3on from the following:

a. Informed decisions
b. Standardized Processes
c. Increased Efficiency
d. Data Security

6. What is the full form of RPA? Select one op3on from the following.

a. Robo>c Price Automa>on

b. Revenue Process Automa>on
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c. Revenue Price Automa>on
d. Robo>c Process Automa>on

7. Mr. A is star3ng an audit of the company X. He wants to understand the extent to which the company relies upon
IT. What are the three stages of understanding the IT environment. Select one op3on from the following:

a. Execute - Iden>fy - Understand

b. Understand - Execute - Iden>fy
c. Understand - Execute - Assess
d. Understand - Iden>fy - Assess

8. It is form of spoofing where an aCacker impersonates a known business or person with fake website or domain
to fool people into the trus3ng them.

a. Email Spoofing
b. Trojan
c. Fileless Malware
d. Domain Spoofing

9. Select one op3on which you think is not an advantage of audi3ng digitally.

a. Improved Quality of Audits

b. Automa>on and Ease
c. Reluctance to change
d. Decrease human dependency

10. Which amongst the following is not a challenge in adap3ng Digital Audit.

a. Targe>ng the right processes this is a key for successful automa>on.

b. Governance and data security in the risk framework.
c. Improved Risk Assessment
d. Know what benefits the organiza>on wants to achieve with automa>on

11. It is a type of cyberaCack that leverage domain name system queries and responses to bypass tradi3onal security
measures and transmit data and code within the network. Select the correct op3on of cyber-aCack from the

a. Phising aNack
b. DNS Tunneling
c. Trojan
d. Denial of Service (DOS) ANack

12. Name the type of cyber-aCack which overwhelm the target system so it cannot respond to legi3mate requests.
In such cases the target site is flooded with illegi3mate service requests and is forced to deny service to legi3mate
users. Select one op3on from the following.

a. Ransomware
b. Phishing
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c. Denial-of-service or Distributed denial-of-service
d. Spoofing

13. Mr. Z is a former employee of XYZ ltd, his termina3on was not 3mely executed and there was a delay in the
termina3on because of which he had the direct access to the company network, sensi3ve data and informa3on.
Select the possibility of cyber-aCack in this case.

a. IOT Based ANack

b. Insider Threat
c. Smishing
d. Malware

14. It is a type of automated tool that is based on decentralised and distributed ledger, crea3ng a block of
informa3on. These blocks are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous
block, a 3me stamp, and transac3on data. Select the correct op3on for the type of automated technology used

a. AI
b. Blockchain
c. IOT
d. RPA

15. Which emerging 3-D digital space technology which uses Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality to allow people
to have lifelike personal and business experiences online. Select one op3on from the following.

a. Augment Reality
b. NFTs
c. Drone Technology
d. Metaverse

16. Which of these controls are not part of change management domain?

a. Changes are adequately tracked and recorded

b. Segrega>on of du>es are maintained between developer and implementor
c. Batch jobs scheduled are monitored for failures and access is restricted
d. Emergency changes are approved

17. XYZ Ltd is in process of developing the cybersecurity framework and are at the stage of forming the policies
around "protect from the risk". Select one op3on which does not fall under the stage of "protect from cyber risk".

a. Data Security
b. Informa>on Protec>on processes and procedures
c. Access Controls
d. Recovery Planning

18. Remote audit or virtual audit is when the auditor uses the online or electronic means to conduct the audit.
Select one op3on which is not an advantage of remote audit.
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a. Cost and >me effec>ve

b. Easy & direct access to evidences
c. Security and Doctored Documents
d. Flexibility to work and involvement of global experts

19. Remote audit or virtual audit is when the auditor uses the online or electronic means to conduct the audit. What
are the advantages of remote audit. Select one or more op3ons from the following:

a. Flexibility to work and involvement of global experts

b. Cost and >me effec>ve
c. Easy & direct access to evidences
d. All of the above

20. CA K is statutory auditor of JKP Limited. The company relies heavily upon its IT systems for func3oning. It has
come to the no3ce of CA K that, during the year under audit, it tried to target the company’s IT systems using
ransomware aCacks by sending phishing emails. These aCacks were not targeted directly at the company’s financial
system. Further, these aCacks were not successful and were thwarted.
Which of the following is most appropriate statement in this situa3on?

a. It is an IT risk alone to be dealt with by company’s IT department. It has liNle importance for auditor.
b. It is a cyber risk to be dealt with in accordance with company’s cyber security policy. It has no impact upon
audit risk.
c. It is a business risk and has impact upon assessing audit risk.
d. It is a business risk to be considered by company management as part of its risk assessment process. The
auditor is not concerned with it.

21. Safe Health Insurance Limited is a company working in the field of health insurance sector. It is now using a claim
management system where incoming claims can be immediately iden3fied on the website itself. A form is issued to
the customer who signs it. The details are verified by the system against data present in it. Such system has allowed
faster processing of claims, error-free data valida3on and increased customer sa3sfac3on. In respect of situa3on
regarding working of insurance company in health insurance sector, which of following technologies has likely been
a. Internet of things
b. Data analy>cs
c. Robo>c process automa>on
d. Power BI

Q Ans Reason
Interfaces are programmed logic that transfer data from one IT system to another(Here
1 a from CRM to SAP).
Macros and scripts can be treated as most common technique to automated the data and
this has been in the used by auditors and auditees very commonly. However other examples
2 b like Metaverse/VR/Drone technology are budding technologies.
Development, testing and production environments are appropriately segregated - Is the
3 b part of change management domain.

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No organization is completely immune to a cyber risk. The three stages are first to assess
the cyber risk, evaluating the impact of attack which would vary from organization to
4 a organization and attack to attack, lastly is to manage the risk.
Data security and privacy remains the prime concern while adapting technological
advancement. Companies should evaluate the tools and should make sure all the regulatory
5 d compliances are adhere to
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the automation of the repetitive processes performed
by users. It is a software technology that emulate humans actions interacting with digital
systems and software. Process efficiency, customer experience and control effectiveness
contributed to RPA. Robotic Process Automation software bots can interact with any
6 d application or system the same way people do.
The auditor needs to understand where risks might arise from the entity's use of IT
(required as per SA315R). Understanding the IT environment, identifying the IT system,
automated and manual controls and assessing the complexity of the IT environment are the
7 d 3 stages of understanding IT environment.
Domain spoofing is a form of phishing where an attacker impersonates a known business or
person with fake website or email domain to fool people into the trusting them. Typically,
the domain appears to be legitimate at first glance, but a closer look will reveal subtle
8 d differences.
Training & development are critical to ensure teams understand how and why they are
using the technology. Reluctance to change is obvious, however continuous training help
9 c them to get better.
Digital Audit is having an advantage that using the automation in the audit streamlines the
10 c process and testing and it ultimately improves the risk assessment procedure.
Denial of Service (DOS) Attack Description: DNS Tunneling is a method of cyber attack that
encodes the data of other programs or protocols in DNS queries and responses. DNS
tunneling attacks exploit the DNS protocol to tunnel malware and other data through a
11 b client-server model.
Denial-of-service or Distributed denial-of-service is a cyber-attack in which perpetrator
sends more traffic than the target can handle, causing it to fail, making it unable to provide
12 c service to its normal users.
Insider Threat - When current or former employees that pose danger to an organization
because they have direct access to the company network, sensitive data, and intellectual
property (IP), as well as knowledge of business processes, company policies or other
13 b information that would help carry out such an attack.
A blockchain is a distributed ledger that maintains a continuously growing information and
records, called blocks. These blocks are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a
14 b cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.
The metaverse is the emerging 3-D digital space that uses virtual reality, augmented reality,
and other advanced internet technology to allow people to have lifelike personal and
business experiences online. It represents a convergence of digital technology to combine
and extend the reach and use of cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented
15 d reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).
Batch jobs scheduled are monitored for failures and access is restricted Description: Batch
jobs scheduled are monitored for failures and access is restricted - This control is a part of
16 c computer operations domain.

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Recover Planning is a part of stage "recover from risk" which is the last step in cyber
framework. Entity should undertake appropriate actions to recover from the attack and
17 d make sure the business is up and running.
Remote Audit has an disadvantage that while performing the audit they can be presented
with doctored documents to omit relevant information. This may call for additional
planning, some additional/different audit procedures and it increases the concern around
18 c security and confidentiality.
19 d All are the advantages of having the remote audit.
Cyber risk is business risk. Even if cyber- attack is not directly targeted at company’s
financial system, access gained by attackers may provide them ability to modify financial
records or automated controls. It represents risk of material misstatements. It has impact
20 c upon audit risk assessment activities.
21 C Technology discussed is Robotic Process Automation.

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Ch-18 Emerging Areas

1. Business responsibility and sustainability repor3ng (BRSR) has become mandatory for certain listed companies
from financial year 2022-23 in accordance with SEBI circular. The mandatory repor3ng is applicable to: -

a. Top 1000 listed companies by revenue

b. Top 1000 listed companies by profits before taxes
c. Top 1000 listed companies by market capitaliza>on
d. Top 1000 listed companies to decided by SEBI in accordance with certain criteria in different sectors

2. A listed company is including sustainability repor3ng as part of its annual report in accordance with Global
repor3ng ini3a3ve framework (GRI) on a voluntary basis. Such repor3ng talks about 6 capitals of integrated
repor3ng. The company has launched a programme under the name of “Saksham” to standardise quality of its
branch accountants spread across various towns of India including turnaround 3me (TAT) and opera3onal efficiency.
Under which capital above descrip3on needs repor3ng?

a. Intellectual capital
b. Social and rela>onship capital
c. Natural capital
d. Human capital

3. The norms of Extended producer responsibility (EPR) are applicable to a listed company required to do mandatory
BRSR repor3ng. EPR norms require processing of plas3c packaging waste through recycling, re-use or end of life
disposal. The listed company has to register on portal of Central Pollu3on Control Board in this regard. Which
principles requires such informa3on?

a. Principle 1
b. Principle 2
c. Principle 3
d. Principle 4

4. BRSR repor3ng is founded upon 9 principles. Which of following is most appropriate descrip3on of Principle 2?

a. It states that businesses should respect the interests of and be responsive to all its stakeholders.
b. It states that businesses should respect and make efforts to protect and restore the environment.
c. It states that businesses should provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable and safe.
d. It states that businesses should promote inclusive growth and equitable development.

5. One of 9 principles of BRSR repor3ng requires companies to provide details of social impact assessments (SIAs)
of the projects undertaken by the company based upon applicable laws. Which principle is most likely to include
such indicators?

a. Principle 8
b. Principle 1
c. Principle 9
d. Principle 3

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Q Ans Reason
1 c BRSR reporting is mandatory from financial year 2022-23 for top 1000 listed companies by market
capitalization in accordance with SEBI circular dated 10.5.2021 in this regard.
2 d It is a capacity building programme for employees and helps in improving skills of employees.
3 b It relates to principle 2 which states that businesses should provide goods and services in a manner
that is sustainable and safe.
4 c Principle 2 states that businesses should provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable
and safe.
5 a Detail of social impact assessments of projects concern issue of inclusive growth and equitable
development which is subject matter of principle 8.

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Ch-19 CARO 2020

1. CA Aar3 is in the midst of performing audit procedures in the month of March 2024 for conduc3ng a statutory
audit of Tess Products Private Limited engaged in manufacturing of footwear products for the year 2023-24. The
turnover of the company as per profit and loss account for the immediately preceding financial year is ₹ 35 crores.
In the last week of March 2024, she gathered that the turnover of the company during the year 2023-24 would also
be just nearing ₹ 35 crores. The company is also registered as a Small Enterprise under the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006. Its present paid-up share capital is ₹3.50 crores, which has remained unchanged
for the past few years. Besides, it is availing and u3lizing a working capital credit facility of ₹2 crores from a bank
during all these years, including the year 2023-24. The company has acquired all shares of a company based in Hong
Kong during the year 2023-24. She wants to be sure about the applicability or otherwise of CARO 2020 for suitably
planning and direc3ng her audit procedures for year 2022-23.

Iden3fy likely correct statement in this regard:

a. Repor>ng under CARO, 2020 would not be applicable as it is a small company.

b. Repor>ng under CARO, 2020 would not be applicable as it is registered as a small enterprise under Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises Act, 2006.
c. Repor>ng under CARO, 2020 would be applicable as it is not a small company.
d. Repor>ng under CARO, 2020 would not be applicable as it meets certain threshold criteria prescribed for
private companies.

Ans (c)
Reason: In defini>on of small Co. it clearly states it should neither be holding nor a subsidiary company, since Tess
Products Pvt Ltd acquired a Hong Kong based Co., it shall fail to meet defini>on of small co.

2. Following is the extract of information taken from financial statements of AAF Private Limited for the financial
year 2023-24: - (All Figs in tables are in ₹ 000s)

Particulars 31/03/24 31/03/23

Paid up share capital 75000 75000
Long term borrowings 24500 30000
Short term borrowings 55000 50000
Other current liabilities 350 550
Property, Plant and Equipment 48500 56000
Depreciation 7500 9500
Profit/(Loss) after tax (5000) (6000)
Assume that there are no taxation adjustments.
The schedule of short-term borrowings reflects as under: -

Particulars 31/03/24 31/03/23

Loans repayable on demand from MMT Bank (secured)
(Cash credit limit against hypothecation of stocks guaranteed 55000 50000
by all directors)

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It has been further noticed during the course of audit that quarterly statements filed by company with its bank
for availing cash credit facilities of ₹5.50 crores during the year vis-à-vis books of accounts reflect following
details: -

Period ending Value of stocks as Value of stocks

per quarterly per Books of
30.6.23 statements 80000 accounts 70000
30.9.23 70000 65000
31.12.23 85000 70000
31.3.24 80000 80000

It has also been noticed that long term borrowings consist of a term loan from MMT Bank. Term loan
outstanding has reduced in comparison to last year. However, during the year 2023-24, company has not paid
one instalment of ₹ 5 lakhs on time which is overdue for 65 days as on balance sheet date. The credit facilities
have been classified as Standard assets by the Bank in accordance with prudential guidelines of RBI Other
current liabilities as on 31/3/24 include TDS payable of ₹ 1.00 lac (out of which ₹ 0.60 lac for month of Feb 24
was due for deposit on 7.3.24). The balance Rs 0.40 lac pertains to month of March 2024.
You are part of engagement team conducting audit of AAF Private Limited. As part of assigned work, you are
also responsible for providing information/input to your senior for reporting under CARO, 2020 for financial year
Based on above, answer the following questions:

(i) Considering description about short-term borrowings in the case study, which of following statements is in
accordance with CARO, 2020?
a. The statutory auditor is required to provide details of differences in quarterly statements filed with
bankers with its books of accounts.
b. The statutory auditor is required to provide details of differences only in respect of those quarterly
statements where there is discrepancy of more than 10% as compared to its books of accounts.
c. The statutory auditor is not required to provide details of differences as reporting requirement is
triggered only when working capital limits have been sanctioned in excess of ₹ 10 crore during any point
of time of the year.
d. The statutory auditor is not required to provide details of differences, as at end of year, books of
accounts are in agreement with quarterly statement filed.

(ii) The company has not paid one instalment of ₹ 5 lakhs on time which is overdue for more than 65 days as
on balance sheet date. Identify likely correct statement in this regard in relation to reporting under CARO,
2020: -
a. The account has not become NPA as on 31.3.24. Hence, there is no reporting requirement.
b. The reporting requirement is necessary only when company is declared a wilful defaulter by Bank. In the
given situation, there is no reporting requirement.
c. Amount of default along with period of default is required to be reported.
d. The reporting requirement is necessary only when company has diverted amount of term loan for some
other purpose. In the given situation, there is no reporting requirement.

(iii) As regards TDS payable of ₹ 1.00 lakh included in other current liabilities, what input would be provided
by you to your senior for reporting under CARO, 2020?
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a. TDS payable of ₹ 1.00 lac in financial statements shall not be reported as it does not meet necessary
reporting requirements.
b. It is in nature of undisputed statutory dues. Hence, outstanding amount of ₹ 1.00 lac not deposited is to
be reported.
c. It is in nature of undisputed statutory dues. However, only outstanding amount of ₹ 0.60 lac not
deposited is to be reported.
d. TDS payable of ₹ 1.00 lac does not fall under meaning of “undisputed statutory dues”. Hence there is no
question of reporting.

(iv) The company has reflected losses in its financial statements for year 2023-24 and 2022-23. Which of
following statements is likely to be correct in this regard while reporting under CARO, 2020 for year 2023-
a. Losses reflected in statement of profit and loss for year 2023-24 and 2022-23 are required to be
reported under CARO, 2020.
b. Loss reflected in statement of profit and loss for year 2023-24 is alone required to be reported under
CARO, 2020.
c. There is no requirement to report losses reflected in statement o f profit and loss under CARO, 2020.
d. The company’s losses reflected in statement of profit and loss in financial year 2023-24 and 2022-
23 are less than prescribed percentage threshold limit of paid- up capital. Hence, these are not required
to be reported.

S No. Ans Reason

1 a If working capital facility sanctioned > 5 Cr then statutory auditor is required to provide details
of differences in quarterly statements filed with bankers with its books of accounts.
2 c Any default on repayment of loan then auditor needs to report amount of default along with
period of default.
3 a Undisputed statutory dues overdue for more than 6 month on last day of FY need to be reported.
4 c Only CASH losses need to be reported. There is no requirement to report losses reflected in
statement of profit and loss under CARO, 2020.

3. CA Paras is in the midst of conduc3ng statutory audit for the year 2023-24 of “Meto Chemicals Limited”, a listed
company. He is colla3ng informa3on required for repor3ng under CARO, 2020 from management. Audit procedures
as are necessary in the circumstances will be performed on the informa3on so obtained. The company’s revenue
from sale of products is ₹15,000 crore.
During the course of this exercise, he obtained the following informa3on: -

A. The management has provided the following details of dues that have not been deposited on 31st March, 2023
on account of disputes: -

Name of Nature of Forum where Period to Amt (₹ in Amt unpaid Other comments
Statute dues dispute which amt cr) (₹ in cr)
pending relates
Income tax Income Tax CIT (Appeals) AY 18-19 50 50
Act, 1961
Income tax Income Tax ITAT AY 14-15 10 10 Demand stayed
Act, 1961 by ITAT pending
completion of

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hearing by the
EPF Act PF Hon’ble High FY 17-18 0.10 0.10
Contribution Court of
Municipal Property Tax Hon’ble High FY 15-16 0.15 0.15
Corporation Court of
Act Rajasthan
The company has already made a provision of ₹10 crore in its financial statements considering the likely outcome
of ongoing maCers under dispute at ITAT. However, no provision has been made in respect of income tax maCers
pending before CIT(Appeals), PF contribu3on maCer and property tax maCer pending before Hon’ble High Court.

B. The following informa3on is available from financial statements / records of the company. (₹ in crore)

Non-current assets As at 31.3.24 As at 31.3.23

PPE 3,500 4,000
Right of use asset 450 700
Intangible asset 42 40

Values stated above are as per gross block. Right-of-use assets consist of leases where the company has obtained
the right-of-use asset under lease agreement in accordance with Ind AS 116.

C. Meto Chemicals Limited produces goods for which the Central Government has specified maintenance of cost
records. Besides, cost audit has also been mandated under sec3on 148(2) of the Companies Act. The cost auditor
has already examined cost records and issued the cost audit report.

D. During the course of audit, CA Paras has found that physical verifica3on of inventories of the company has been
conducted during the year by management. The following is a summary of inventory as per physical verifica3on
conducted by management vis-à-vis its books of account as at the year-end: -

Particulars As per physical verification As per book of a/c

Raw material 1,000 1,020
Work in progress 200 220
Finished goods 2,000 2,290
Stores & spares 150 120
Total 3,350 3,650

E. During the course of audit, he is informed by management that two supervisory employees have been dismissed
from service due to fraud of ₹ 25 lakh commiCed by them during the year 2023-24. The amount has also been
subsequently recovered from them during the year itself.

On the basis of the abovemen3oned facts, you are required to answer the following MCQs:

1. Select the correct statement rela3ng to repor3ng of statutory dues which have not been deposited on account of
disputes under clause 3(vii)(b) of CARO, 2020?

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a. Only maNers rela>ng to income tax pending before CIT (Appeals) and PF contribu>on maNer pending before
Hon’ble High Court need to be reported.
b. Only Income tax maNer pending before ITAT needs to be reported.
c. All the four maNers for which informa>on has been provided in the fact paNern need to be reported.
d. Income tax maNer pending before CIT (Appeals), PF contribu>on maNer and property tax maNer pending
before Hon’ble High Court need to be reported, maNer pending with ITAT does not require repor>ng.

2. Iden3fy the correct statement rela3ng to repor3ng du3es of the auditor under clause 3(i) of CARO, 2020 with
regard to:
a. It is the duty of the auditor to report whether company is maintaining proper records showing full par>culars,
including quan>ta>ve details and situa>on of Property, Plant and Equipment. Similarly, there is a duty to report
on whether company is maintaining proper records showing full par>culars of intangible assets. However, this
duty does not extend to repor>ng on maintenance of records for Right-of-use assets. Further, auditor has to
report on whether Property, Plant and Equipment have been physically verified by management at reasonable
intervals. This to report on physical verifica>on by management does not extend to Right-of-use assets.

b. It is the duty of the auditor to report whether company is maintaining proper records showing full par>culars,
including quan>ta>ve details and situa>on of Property, Plant and Equipment. This duty also applies to
repor>ng on maintenance of records for Right-of-use assets and intangible assets. Further, auditor has to
report on whether Property, Plant and Equipment have been physically verified by management at reasonable
intervals. This duty to report on physical verifica>on by management also extends to Right-of-use assets.

c. It is the duty of the auditor to report whether company is maintaining proper records showing full par>culars,
including quan>ta>ve details and situa>on of Property, Plant and Equipment. This duty does not extend to
repor>ng on maintenance of records for Right-of-use assets and intangible assets. Further, auditor has to
report on whether Property, Plant and Equipment have been physically verified by management at reasonable
intervals. This duty to report on physical verifica>on by management does not extend to Right-of-use assets.

d. It is the duty of the auditor to report whether company is maintaining proper records showing full par>culars,
including quan>ta>ve details and situa>on of Property, Plant and Equipment. This duty also applies to
repor>ng on maintenance of records for Right-of-use assets and intangible assets. Further, auditor has to
report on whether Property, Plant and Equipment have been physically verified by management at reasonable
intervals. However, this duty to report on physical verifica>on by management does not extend to Right-of-
use assets.

3. As regards cost records is concerned, which of the following statement is correct regarding repor3ng under clause
3(vi) of CARO, 2020?

a. The auditor is required to report whether prescribed cost accounts and cost records have been so made and

b. The auditor is not required to report on maintenance of cost accounts and cost records since cost auditor has
already issued the cost audit report. In such situa>ons, the auditor does not have any duty to report under
CARO, 2020.

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c. The auditor is required to examine the cost audit report as well as take into account any qualifica>ons therein
and report them under clause 3(vi) of CARO, 2020. However, his duty to report on maintenance of cost
accounts and cost records does not exist anymore.

d. The auditor has a duty to report on cost accounts (or cost statements) only. The clause does not require the
auditor to comment on maintenance of cost records (e.g. cost records rela>ng to materials, labour, overheads)
where specified by the Central Government.

4. Considering the values of inventories arrived upon physical verifica3on conducted by management vis - à-vis
values reflected in its books of account, select the correct op3on for instance in the case study to be reported by
the auditor on inventories under clause 3(ii)(a) of CARO, 2020?

a. Differences in all classes of inventories (raw material, work-in-progress, finished goods and stores and spares)
should be reported irrespec>ve of the materiality and the auditor should also comment on whether they have
been properly dealt with in the books of account.

b. There is no instance to be reported in the given case since the difference between the total value of inventories
as per books and physical verifica>on is less than 10%.

c. To report differences in the value of work-inprogress, finished goods and stores and spares since the difference
in each class of inventory is 10% or more (based on value aFer adjustments). The auditor should also comment
on whether they have been properly dealt with in the books of account.

d. To report differences in the value of finished goods and stores and spares since the difference in each class of
inventory is more than 10% (based on value as per books of accounts). The auditor should also comment on
whether they have been properly dealt with in the books of account.

5. Should the fraud described in para [E] of the case be reported by the auditor under clause 3(xi)(a) of CARO, 2020?
a. There is no duty to report since the amount involved is less than ₹1 crore.
b. It is a fraud on the company and the auditor should report the nature of fraud and amount involved. The duty
to report the fraud under this clause is irrespec>ve of the amount involved.
c. The requirement to report the fraud does not apply in the current situa>on since the fraud was not discovered
by the auditor.
d. The requirement to report the fraud does not apply in the current situa>on since the amount has been fully
recovered during the year from the employees who commiNed the fraud.

S No. Ans Reasons

1 C All disputed statutory dues need to be reported.
2 B It is the duty of the auditor to report whether company is maintaining proper records showing full
particulars, including quantitative details and situation of Property, Plant and Equipment. This duty
also applies to reporting on maintenance of records for Right-of-use assets and intangible assets.
Further, auditor has to report on whether Property, Plant and Equipment have been physically
verified by management at reasonable intervals. This duty to report on physical verification by
management also extends to Right-of-use assets.
3 A The auditor is required to report whether prescribed cost accounts and cost records have been so
made and maintained.

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4 C To report differences in the value of work-in progress, finished goods and stores and spares since the
difference in each class of inventory is 10% or more (based on value after adjustments). The auditor
should also comment on whether they have been properly dealt with in the books of account.
5 B It is a fraud on the company and the auditor should report the nature of fraud and amount involved.
The duty to report the fraud under this clause is irrespective of the amount involved.

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Case Scenarios
1. Rainbow Non-Bank Limited, a “Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit Taking Non-Banking Financial
Company”, was opera3ng appropriately 3ll the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to unforeseen condi3ons
during the pandemic and a<er that, the opera3ng revenue of the NBFC started decreasing. Following is the posi3on
of Net Owned Funds of the company during the last 4 financial years:
Financial Year Net Owned Funds
FY 20-21 ₹12 Cr
FY 21-22 ₹5 Cr
FY 22-23 ₹3 Cr
FY 23-24 ₹2.5 Cr

Rainbow Non-Bank Limited appointed Tirthankara & Company as their statutory auditor for FY 2023-24. Rainbow
Non-Bank was involved in re-financing of accounts payables of other companies (i.e., paying to accounts payables
on behalf of the company on the due date and allowing addi3onal credit period by charging interest).

To test for understatement in existence or valua3on of accounts payable, Mr. Abhinandan (Engagement Partner)
decided to test recorded & refinanced accounts payables on a sample basis. He also decided to verify refinanced
accounts payable against signed contracts. Mr. Abhinandan did not iden3fy any misstatements.

While performing audit procedures in the month of March 2024 itself, it was no3ced by Mr. Abhinandan that Senior
Sales Manager from Rainbow Non-Bank agreed to refinance the accounts payables of Opal Stones India Limited,
but on the due date, he issued payment to his personal account instead of issuing payments to Accounts Payables
of Opals Stones India Limited, The maCer was flagged by him to audit commiCee and amount was subsequently
recovered. Due to this Opal Stones had to pay an addi3onal amount of ₹ 4 crore over and above amount of accounts
payables of ₹ 25 crore embezzled by the Senior Sales Manager. As Opal Stones had to shell out extra funds due to
above, it was proposing to file a suit against the company. However, nego3a3ons were s3ll going on between two
companies to seCle the maCer. There was no disclosure in financial statements regarding these nego3a3ons.

No other observa3on was iden3fied by Mr. Abhinandan. He is considering to express an unmodified opinion in
above situa3on. He has also approached EQCR to review working papers and documenta3on.

On the basis of the abovemen3oned facts, you are required to choose the most appropriate answer for the following

1. While reviewing working papers of Mr. Abhinandan, the Engagement Quality Control Reviewer (EQCR) iden3fied
that the audit procedure followed to test for understatement in exisChe ence or valua3on of accounts payable
refinanced is not relevant. However, Mr. Abhinandan did not understand the comments provided by his EQCR.

Kindly guide Mr. Abhinandan with respect to the “relevance of the audit procedure” by selec3ng the appropriate
op3on from below:

a. Relevance deals with the logical connec>on with, or bearing upon, the purpose of the audit procedure and,
where appropriate, the asser>on under considera>on. In the current case, tes>ng accounts payable by
following stated audit procedure will be relevant for tes>ng overstatement in existence or valua>on of
accounts payable and not their understatement.

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b. Relevance deals with the logical connec>on with, or bearing upon, the purpose of the audit procedure and,
where appropriate, the asser>on under considera>on. In the current case, tes>ng accounts payable will give
comfort on completeness and valua>on but not on existence.

c. The relevance of the informa>on to be used as audit evidence, and therefore of the audit evidence itself, is
influenced by its source and its nature, and the circumstances under which it is obtained, including the controls
over its prepara>on and maintenance where relevant.

d. The relevance of audit evidence is increased when it is obtained from independent sources outside the en>ty

2. During the review of Mr. Abhinandan's working papers, the External Conformity and Quality Review (EQCR)
observed that Rainbow Non-Bank Limited's performance was subpar, with the Net Owned Funds (NOF) standing at
₹2.5 crore at the close of FY23-24. The EQCR believed that Mr. Abhandan was expected to include the NOF in the
auditor's cer3ficate for the year-end. However, Mr. Abhinandan disagreed with the same. Can you please provide
guidance on the accurate repor3ng obliga3on in the current case.

a. Every NBFC is required to submit a cer>ficate from the Statutory Auditor that it is engaged in business of NBFC
requiring it to hold cer>ficate of registra>on and it is eligible to hold it. Cer>ficate with reference to the posi>on
of the company as of the end of the financial year ended March 31 is required to be submiNed.

b. Non-banking financial company whose NOF falls below ₹ 200 Lakh shall submit a cer>ficate from its Statutory

c. A cer>ficate from the Statutory Auditor with reference to the posi>on of the company as of the end of the
financial year ended March 31 may be submiNed to the Regional Office of the Department of Non-Banking
Supervision. However, the same is not mandatory.

d. Only for NBFC - MFI, a cer>ficate from the Statutory Auditor with reference to the posi>on of the company as
of the end of the financial year ended March 31 should be submiNed to the Regional Office of the Department
of Non-Banking Supervision.

3. Considering the overall materiality of ₹ 2 crore, EQCR believes that Mr. Abhinandan should not issue an
unmodified opinion. Mr. Abhinandan, however, argues that he has not iden3fied any material misstatement. To
guide Mr. Abhinandan appropriately, the following op3on is the most suitable:

a. If the auditor has expressed an unmodified opinion on the financial statements, then the auditor shall describe
in the Basis for Opinion sec>on the reasons for any other maNers of which the auditor is aware that would
have required a modifica>on to the opinion and the effects thereof.

b. If there is a material misstatement in the financial statements that relate to the non-disclosure of informa>on
that should be disclosed, then the auditor shall discuss the nondisclosure with those charged with governance,
and where the impact of non-disclosure is material but not pervasive, then the auditor should issue a qualified

c. When evalua>ng the outcome of li>ga>on, the Auditor should record in the audit report the interests and
rela>onships of management that may create threats in the li>ga>on and any applicable safeguards to save
the company from outcomes of li>ga>on, whether legal or not.

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d. If the auditor has expressed an unmodified opinion along with the “Emphasis of MaNer” Paragraph, then the
auditor shall describe in the “Basis for Emphasis of MaNer” sec>on the reasons for any other maNers of which
the auditor is aware that would have required a modifica>on to the opinion and the effects thereof.

S No. Ans Reason

1 A Relevance deals with the logical connection with, or bearing upon, the purpose of the audit
procedure and, where appropriate, the assertion under consideration. In the current case, testing
accounts payable by following stated audit procedure will be relevant for testing overstatement in
existence or valuation of accounts payable and not their understatement.
2 A Every NBFC is required to submit a certificate from the Statutory Auditor that it is engaged in business
of NBFC requiring it to hold certificate of registration and it is eligible to hold it. Certificate with
reference to the position of the company as of the end of the financial year ended March 31 is
required to be submitted.
3 B If there is a material misstatement in the financial statements that relate to the non-disclosure of
information that should be disclosed, then the auditor shall discuss the nondisclosure with those
charged with governance, and where the impact of non-disclosure is material but not pervasive, then
the auditor should issue a qualified opinion.

2. MINSAN Ltd., an unlisted company in South India, is engaged in the business of spice oil extrac3on. Total paid up
capital of the company is ₹ 9 crore. Details of annual turnover and profit of the company for the last 3 years are
given below:
Year ended Turnover (₹ in crore) Profit (loss)before tax (₹ in crore)
31-03-2022 527.21 (Audited) 50.16
31-03-2023 301.37 (Audited) 01.25
31-03-2024 104.13 (provisional) (10.25)

The company is using conven3onal method for extrac3on of oil from spices. This requires more human interven3on
and hence, cost of produc3on is high as compared to innova3ve method used by other new companies. Though the
company had significant growth in the past years, it has not done well over the last two financial years due to

A new compe3tor viz, Natural Extracts Ltd, had come in the market during the year 2022 and by the end of March,
2023, they captured around 75% of market share by offering the product at a reduced price. They use new machinery
which allows whole range of automated extrac3on method, thus, minimizing manual steps and reducing cost of

In order to reduce cost of produc3on and thereby re-capture the market, the management of MINSAN Ltd. has
planned to erect a new plant with an automa3c machine. The es3mated cost of plant & machinery is ₹ 90 lakh. The
company approached SA Bank Ltd. for a term loan of ₹ 80 lakh which would be repaid in 5 years. On 28-12-2023,
the bank had sanc3oned the loan; and disbursed ₹ 40 lakh 3ll 31 March, 2024.

MINSAN Ltd. has appointed M/s Check & Check, Chartered Accountants, as auditors of the company at its AGM held
on 18-09-2023 for a period of 5 years. As agreed, the audit team commenced their audit work for the year 2023-
2024 in February, and completed the work by the end of May, 2024. The audit team submiCed following findings to
the engagement partner:
• PX Ltd., one of the material suppliers, filed a case against the company on 12-09-2023 for a compensa3on of ₹
3 crore.

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• Company has made an es3mate for allowance of debtors @5%.
• 70% of the value of inventory was only covered in physical verifica3on during the year 2021-22 due to outbreak
of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) and subsequent lockdown thereof.
• Company got a show cause no3ce from State Pollu3on Control Board for the contraven3on of the provisions
of Hazardous and waste Management Rule.

Three incidences of fraud no3ced (total ₹ 1.02 crore)- fraud commiCed by the Purchase manager ₹ 85 lakh, by
Accounts manager ₹ 15 lakh and by a cashier ₹ 2 lakh.

1. Though the company had significant growth in the past years, it has not done well over the last two financial
years. As per SA 570, there are certain events or condi3ons that individually or collec3vely may cast significant
doubt about the going concern assump3ons. In order to assess whether MINSAN Ltd is a going concern or not,
which of the following audit procedures should NOT be performed?

a. Analysis and discuss with the management of the company to find out whether installa>on of new plant and
machinery would enable the company to reduce cost of produc>on.
b. Inquire the company’s legal counsel regarding existence of legal li>ga>on and claim against the company,
reasonableness of management assessments of their outcome and es>mate of their financial implica>on.
c. Evalua>ng management’s future plan and strategy to increase market share of product.
d. Analysis and discussion of the company’s cash flow and profit of the previous years with the projected

2. Company has made an es3mate for allowance of debtors @5%. Some financial statement items cannot be
measured precisely but can only be es3mated. The nature and reliability of informa3on available to management
to support the making of an accoun3ng es3mate varies widely, which thereby affects the degree of es3ma3ng
uncertainty associated with accoun3ng es3mates. Please advise which among the following may have higher
es3mate uncertainty and higher risk as per SA 540?

a. Judgments about the outcome of pending li>ga>on with PX Ltd. against the company.
b. Es>mates made for inventory obsolescence that are frequently made and updated.
c. A model used to measure the accoun>ng es>mates is well known and the assump>ons to the model are
observable in market place.
d. Accoun>ng es>mate made for allowance for doubtul debts where the result of the auditors review of similar
accoun>ng es>mates made in the prior period financial statements do not indicate any substan>al difference
between the original accoun>ng es>mate and the actual outcome.

3. Company got a show cause no3ce from State Pollu3on Control Board. As per SA 250, the auditor shall perform
the audit procedures to help iden3fy instances of non-compliance with other laws and regula3ons that may have a
material effect on the financial statements. As the audit team of the company became aware of informa3on
concerning an instance of noncompliance with law, what would NOT be the audit procedure to be performed?

a. Monitoring legal requirement and compliance with code of conduct and ensuring that opera>ng procedures
are designed to assist in the preven>on of non-compliance with law and regula>on and report accordingly.
b. Evaluate the implica>on of non-compliance in rela>on to other aspects of audit including risk assessment and
reliability of wriNen representa>on and take appropriate ac>on.
c. Discuss the maNer with management and if they do not provide sufficient informa>on; and if the effect of
non-compliance seems to be material, legal advice may be obtained.

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d. Understand the nature of the act and circumstances in which it has occurred and obtain further informa>on
to evaluate the possible effect on the financial statement.

4. The company in the notes accompanying its financial statements disclosed the existence of suit filed against the
company with full details. Based on the audit evidence obtained, it is necessary to draw user’s aCen3on to the
maCer presented in the financial statement by way of clear addi3onal communica3on as there is an uncertainty
rela3ng to the future outcome of the li3ga3on. In this situa3on, which of the following repor3ng op3on would be
correct if auditor is sa3sfied with the conclusions reached by the management and this maCer is fundamental to
the reader of financial statements?

a. Include an Emphasis of MaNer paragraph in Auditors report having a clear reference to the maNer being
emphasized and issue a qualified opinion.
b. Include in the Basis for Adverse opinion paragraph and issue an adverse opinion having a clear reference to
the maNer referred in the notes on accounts.
c. Include in the Basis for Disclaimer of opinion paragraph having a clear reference to the maNer and issue a
disclaimer opinion.
d. Include an Emphasis of MaNer Paragraph in Auditors report having a clear reference to the maNer being
emphasized and to where relevant disclosures that fully describe the maNer can be found in the financial

S No Ans Reason
1 D Projected cash flows are seen not prior period.
2 A Judgments about the outcome of pending litigation with PX Ltd. against the company have high
estimation uncertainty.
3 A Monitoring legal requirement and compliance with code of conduct and ensuring that operating
procedures are designed to assist in the prevention of non-compliance with law and regulation.
4 D EOM Para included in Auditors report having a clear reference to the matter being emphasized and
to where relevant disclosures that fully describe the matter can be found in FS.

3. CA. Subhadra is conduc3ng statutory audit of a branch of FNB Bank. The branch is having deposits of ₹ 450 crore
and advances of ₹300 crore respec3vely reflected in its financial statements as on 31st March 2024. While
performing audit procedures, she no3ced the following: -

1. While reviewing advances of the branch, she came across the following par3culars of two cash credit accounts: -
(₹ in crore)

Name of Sanctioned limit Value of primary Value of Net worth of Net worth of
borrower security collateral borrower guarantor
KT Fab 10.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 3.00
PM Décor 15.00 25.00 12.00 7.50 5.00

Following further informa3on is also available in respect of above noted accounts: -

Informa3on pertaining to KT Fab (₹ in Cr)

As on Drawing Power Outstanding balances
31.12.23 9.00 9.61

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31.01.24 9.25 9.55
28.02.24 9.50 9.60
31.03.24 9.50 9.75
The outstanding balance in the account has remained more than ₹9.50 crore beginning from 31st December, 2023
3ll 31st March, 2024 on all days.

Informa3on pertaining to PM Décor (₹ in crore)

As on Drawing Power Outstanding balances
31.12.23 12.00 12.50
31.01.24 12.50 12.25
28.02.24 12.50 12.40
31.03.24 12.50 12.50

Both units are working and their financial posi3on is sa3sfactory. The branch has classified both accounts as
Standard Assets.

2. On reviewing “Statement of Accounts classified as NPA” as on 31.03.24, she finds that an educa3on loan was
granted to son of Mr. X, a customer of bank, for pursuing short dura3on technical higher studies abroad for ₹50.00
lakh some3me back repayable in 5 years. The loan was granted against security of residen3al house of Mr. X, valuing
₹60.00 lakh assessed by bank’s empanelled valuer. However, the name of bank’s empanelled valuer has now been
removed due to certain irregulari3es. Later, value of residen3al house got reassessed from another valuer and he
gave a report reflec3ng realisable value of residen3al house for ₹20.00 lakh.

Meanwhile, the instalments in educa3on loan account are overdue for 110 days as on 31st March, 2024. The account
was classified as standard asset 3ll last year i.e.,31st March, 2023.

3. While verifying deposits of the branch, she no3ced that inopera3ve accounts for less than 10 years are to the
tune of ₹5 crore reflected in the balance sheet of the branch. She plans to focus her audit procedures on this segment
too. One of her team members has suggested the following audit procedures in this regard:
• Verifying whether there exists a system of informing customers on accounts turning inopera3ve.
• Iden3fica3on of cases where there is significant reduc3on in balances as compared to last year.
• Tes3ng debits in inopera3ve accounts.
• Verifying auto ac3va3on of inopera3ve accounts. .

4. While gathering informa3on to be included in LFAR, she comes across some cases of advance accounts which
became non-performing within a rela3vely short span of 3me. The details of few such iden3fied accounts are as

Account name Sanctioned Amount Nature of facility Date of first sanction Date of renewal
(₹ in Cr)
ABC Industries 1.00 Cash Credit 10/05/23 N.A.
XY Pvt Ltd 0.50 Cash Credit 01/07/23 N.A.
SK & Sons 1.50 Cash Credit 04/04/22 04/04/23
DK Creations 0.75 Term loan 01/10/23 N.A.

5. The branch also sends substan3al number of Inland outward bills for collec3on. The bank has a system under
which account of customer on whose behalf bill has been sent for collec3on is credited only a<er the bill has been

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actually collected from the drawee either by the bank itself or through its agents. One of her team members has
joCed following audit procedures for Inland outward bills sent for collec3on: -
• Verifica3on of outward bills for collec3on as on closing date.
• Verifica3on of accrual of commission income in respect of bills outstanding as on closing date.
• Verifica3on of accrual of charges in account of customer on whose behalf bill was sent for recovery where
bill has been returned unpaid.

On the basis of the abovemen3oned facts, you are required to answer the following MCQs:

1. Keeping in view informa3on stated in respect of two borrower accounts at para [1] of case scenario, which of the
following statement is correct?
a. The classifica>on made by branch is not proper. Both accounts should be classified as non - performing assets.
b. The classifica>on made by branch is not proper. Borrower account of KT Fab should be classified as Standard
asset. However, borrower account of PM Décor should be classified as non-performing asset.
c. The classifica>on made by branch is not proper. Borrower account of KT Fab should be classified as
nonperforming asset. However, borrower account of PM Décor should be classified as Standard asset.
d. The classifica>on made by branch is proper.

2. Considering issue rela3ng to educa3on loan described in para [1] of case scenario, how should it be classified in
books of branch as on 31st March, 2024?
a. Sub-standard asset
b. Doubtul asset
c. SMA
d. Loss asset

3. As discussed in para [3] of case scenario, one of team members has suggested certain audit procedures described
in case scenario for verifica3on of inopera3ve accounts. Which of audit procedure(s)/ combina3on of procedures
are relevant in such a situa3on?

a. Iden>fica>on of cases where there is significant reduc>on in balances as compared to last year, tes>ng debits
in inopera>ve accounts and verifying auto-ac>va>on of inopera>ve accounts.
b. Verifying whether there exists a system of informing customers on account turning inopera>ve, iden>fica>on
of cases where there is significant reduc>on in balances as compared to last year and verifying auto ac>va>on
of inopera>ve accounts.
c. Verifying whether there exists a system of informing customers on account turning inopera>ve, tes>ng debits
in inopera>ve accounts and verifying auto ac>va>on of inopera>ve accounts.
d. Verifying whether there exists a system of informing customers on account turning inopera>ve, iden>fica>on
of cases where there is significant reduc>on in balances as compared to last year and tes>ng debits in
inopera>ve accounts.

4. Quick mortality cases are required to be stated in LFAR by statutory branch auditor. With reference to the
par3culars in para [4] above, which of the following statement is correct?

a. All the four cases reflected in the table in para [4] are quick mortality cases. Quick mortality cases are indica>ve
of shortcomings in credit appraisal.
b. Only the case of DK crea>ons is in nature of quick mortality case. Quick mortality cases are indica>ve of
shortcomings in credit appraisal.

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c. Cases of ABC Industries, XY Pvt Ltd and DK crea>ons are in nature of quick mortality cases. Quick mortality
cases are indica>ve of shortcomings in credit appraisal.
d. Cases of XY Pvt Ltd and DK crea>ons are in nature of quick mortality cases. Quick mortality cases are indica>ve
of shortcomings in credit disbursement.

5. One of her team members has planned certain audit procedures described in case scenario at para [5] for
verifica3on of Inland outward bills for collec3on. Which of the following audit procedure(s)/combina3on of
procedures are likely to be relevant in such situa3on?

a. To verify bills for collec>on on closing date.

b. To verify bills for collec>on on closing date and verifica>on of accrual of commission in respect of bills
outstanding as on closing date.
c. To verify accrual of charges in account of customer on whose behalf bill was sent for recovery where bill has
been returned unpaid.
d. To verify accrual of commission in respect of bills outstanding as on closing date and verifica>on of accrual of
charges in the account of customer on whose behalf bill was sent for recovery where bill has been returned

S No. Ans Reason

1 C Accounts where outstanding balance more than Drawing power/sanctioned limit à classify as NPA.
2 B Erosion in value of security is significant when realisable value of security < 50 % of value assessed
by bank or accepted by RBI at time of last inspection. Straight-away classified under doubtful
category and provisioning should be made.
3 D Verifying whether there exists a system of informing customers on account turning inoperative,
identification of cases where there is significant reduction in balances as compared to last year and
testing debits in inoperative accounts.
4 C Accounts turning into NPA within 12 months from date of sanction are termed as quick mortality
accounts. Hence, cases of ABC Industries, XY Pvt Ltd and DK creations are in nature of quick
mortality cases. Quick mortality cases are indicative of shortcomings in credit appraisal.
5 C For verification of Inland outward bills for collection à auditor shall verify accrual of charges in
account of customer on whose behalf bill was sent for recovery where bill has been returned

5. M/s JKL & Associates, Chartered Accountants were ac3ng as the statutory auditors of M/s IBS Bank Limited.
During the statutory audit for the relevant financial year, the following observa3ons were made:
• Interest income included the following:
- ₹ 5 lakh rela3ng to a short-term crop loan where instalment was overdue for one crop season.
- ₹ 7 lakh rela3ng to an advance (guaranteed equally by Government of India & Government of Tamil Nadu)
where the instalment was due for more than six months.

• A 25 month old NPA account worth ₹ 43 lakh (net book value) was sold to an asset reconstruc3on company for
₹ 45 lakh. The profit from the above transac3on was taken to the P&L account. The above NPA was sold
‘without recourse’ and at cash basis. The auditors no3ced a discrepancy in this transac3on and hence decided
to report the same.

A<er comple3ng the bank audit, JKL & Associates agreed to take up the following management consultancy and
other services for one of the start-up company based in Noida:
(i) Seang up execu3ve incen3ve plan and wage incen3ve plan.
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(ii) Price-fixa3on and other management decision making.
(iii) Conduct a periodical audit and advisor for tax maCers.

Mr. K, one of the partners of the firm felt that providing the above services could result in professional misconduct.
Hence, he resigned from the partnership and became a sole prac33oner. One of the clients of JKL & associates came
to know about the issue and they approached Mr. K to conduct the statutory audit for the financial year. Mr. K took
up the assignment without informing the previous firm. Annoyed by this, Mr. J filed a complaint to ICAI regarding
the act of Mr. K. A<er enquiry, it was decided that Mr. K was guilty of professional misconduct.

A<er this incident, Mr. K also decided to file a complaint against Mr. J. When he was thinking about a reason for the
same, he remembered that Mr. J had entered into an agreement with two of his ar3cled clerks to pay s3pend on an
annual basis, while others were paid on monthly basis. Realising that this act is in viola3on of Regula3on 48 of the
Act, he filed a complaint to ICAI. A<er enquiry, it was found that Mr. J was guilty of professional misconduct.

On the basis of the abovemen3oned facts, you are required to choose the most appropriate answer for the following

1. From the above facts and details, what is the correct amount of interest which the bank should account in its
financial statements?
a. Nil.
b. Rs. 8.5 lakh.
c. Rs. 5 lakh.
d. Rs. 3.5 lakh.

2. What could be the possible amount classified as NPA rela3ng to the accounts with respect to observa3on
regarding the inclusion of interest income given below:
- Rs. 5 lakh rela3ng to a short-term crop loan where instalment was overdue for one crop season.
- Rs. 7 lakh rela3ng to an advance (guaranteed equally by Government of India & Government of Tamil Nadu) where
the instalment was due for more than six months.

a. Rs. 12 lakh.
b. 8.5 lakh.
c. Rs. 7 lakh.
d. Rs. 3.5 lakh.

3. In NPA, sale to asset reconstruc3on company, what discrepancy auditor might have no3ced:

a. The NPA had not completed 30 months.

b. Sale was made ‘without recourse’.
c. Sale was made for cash basis.
d. The profit of ₹ 2 lakh was taken to P&L account.

S No. Ans Reason

1 C Short term crop loan overdue for 1 crop season is not treated as NPA. Also income on govt
guaranteed advance recognised on realisation basis.
2 D 50% of 7 Lakhs i.e. ₹3.5 L guaranteed by state govt treated as NPA.
3 D Profit on sale of NPA is retained to meet loss on sale of other NPAs not taken to P&L.

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6. CA. Rajveer is in midst of finalizing audit reports of four clients. On reviewing each file, it is no3ced as under: -

[A] In case of a company engaged in business of selling of agricultural products which are outside ambit of GST,
engagement team has found that substan3al part of revenues of the company (about 75%) is generated through
cash sales. However, there is no proper system and internal control to verify accuracy of revenues generated through
cash sales. Therefore, team has been unable to verify such revenues generated through cash sales.

[B] Excel Limited has been dragged to court by Rare Limited for stealing its trade secrets using cyber the< and filed
a claim for Rs.50 crore. On reviewing audit file of Excel Limited, CA Rajveer finds that legal opinion of company’s
standing counsel is ambiguous. There are precedent case laws both in favour and against on such issue. The financial
statements of Excel Limited are silent on this li3ga3on maCer.

[C]It is no3ced on review of audit file of a client that net profit before tax was Rs.2 crore on a turnover of Rs.100
crore. There is an export receivable from a chain of stores outstanding in financial statements of Rs.3 crore for which
there is no chance of recovery. The said chain of stores has gone bankrupt. There is also no hope of recovering
money through ECGC (Export credit Guarantee Corpora3on) due to certain technical issues. Debt has not been
wriCen off by the client despite being communicated to client.

[D] On reviewing file of a client, it is no3ced that team was not informed about finished goods of Rs.1 crore lying at
a loca3on taken on rent in February 2024. The said issue was flagged at 3me of reconciling inventories by the team.
Hence, team could not aCend physical inventory coun3ng. The alterna3ve procedures cannot be performed in
absence of adequate records pertaining to above loca3on. Total inventories reflected in financial statements is Rs.
8 crores. PBT of client is Rs.10 crores.

1. As regards descrip3on regarding revenues generated through cash sales of a company, which of the following
statements is most appropriate in terms of SA 705?
a. Qualified opinion will be issued and basis for qualified opinion will also be provided.
b. Adverse opinion will be issued and basis for adverse opinion will also be provided.
c. A disclaimer of opinion will be issued and basis for disclaimer of opinion will also be provided. Besides,
statement in audit report will be changed from “financial statements have been audited” to “auditor was
engaged to audit financial statements.”
d. A disclaimer of opinion will be issued and basis for disclaimer of opinion will also be provided. Besides,
statement in audit report will be changed from “financial statements have been audited” to “financial
statements have not been audited.”

2. Considering li3ga3on maCer of Excel Limited, which of the following statements is most appropriate in this
a. Unmodified opinion needs to be expressed by auditor
b. It amounts to non-disclosure of a material con>ngent liability by the company. Adverse opinion needs to be
expressed by auditor.
c. It amounts to non-disclosure of a material con>ngent liability by the company. Qualified opinion needs be
expressed by auditor.
d. The company has not made a material provision resul>ng in material misstatement.

3. Considering descrip3on of issue regarding no recoverability of export receivable of Rs.3 crore from a chain of
stores, which type of opinion is appropriate to be issued in audit report?
a. Disclaimer of opinion
b. Unmodified opinion
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c. Qualified opinion
d. Adverse opinion

4. Regarding issue of not informing team regarding inventory of finished goods lying at a loca3on taken on rent in
February 2024, which type of opinion is appropriate to be issued in case of this client?
a. Modified opinion
b. Qualified opinion
c. Unmodified opinion
d. Either Modified or Qualified opinion

S No. Ans Reason

1 C Impact is material & pervasive (75%) & no evidence available hence Disclaimer of opinion issued.
2 C In case Non-disclosure of a material contingent liability by company à Qualified opinion needs be
expressed by auditor.
3 D Here ICAI answer is little unclear, as per my opinion it should be Qualified opinion as impact is
restricted to debtors.
4 B Impact is material but not pervasive hence qualified opinion.

7. CA & Co. Chartered Accountants have been appointed as the auditors of ZXC company. The company has obtained
a license from the Central Government for itself to promote the sport of hockey in the rural areas of India. The
company’s average annual profit was es3mated to be around Rs. 50 lakh. This profit would not be distributed as
dividend to the shareholders, however, it would be applied towards its objec3ve of promo3ng sports in the country.
During the course of audit for the financial year 2023-24, the following observa3ons with respect to the company
were made by the auditors:

The company was not maintaining proper records with respect to the fixed assets maintained by it. The value of
fixed assets of the company amounts to Rs. 1.50 crore approximately.

Physical verifica3on for the same was not carried out at regular intervals. The last physical verifica3on was
conducted on 31st July 2022.

As a result of the above observa3ons, the auditors decided to report the same in the Companies (Auditors Report)
Order. However, the management of the company was against the decision of the auditors and insisted that the
observa3ons need not be reported. A<er several discussions between the auditors and the management, CA & Co.
decided not to report the issues.

CA & Co. Chartered Accountants, were also ac3ng as auditors for another company, LS Ltd. and KD Bank Ltd. During
the course of audit of LS Ltd., there was a difference of opinion between the management and the auditors as to
which among the following are the areas which the auditor should take into account to determine “Key Audit
MaCer” as per SA 701:
(i) The effect on audit of significant transac3ons that took place in the financial year.
(ii) Areas of high risk as assessed and reported by management’s expert.
(iii) Significant auditor judgement rela3ng to areas in the financials that involved significant management

During the audit of KD Bank Ltd., the auditors and the management had a certain difference of opinion as to the
amount and the items which needs to be disclosed under the head of con3ngent liabili3es. However, apart from
that, the auditors had observed the following:
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• 59 agricultural loan accounts (guaranteed by Government of Delhi) amoun3ng to Rs. 29 lakh were overdue for
more than two years.
• 73 (guaranteed by Government of India) agricultural loan accounts amoun3ng to Rs. 25 lakh were overdue for
more than two years.
• 6 corporate loans accounts (guaranteed three each by Government of India and Government of Delhi)
amoun3ng to Rs. 25 lakh for each company were overdue for more than three and a half months.

On hearing about the efficient services provided by CA & Co. Chartered Accountants, they were offered to provide
incorpora3on services to RS General Insurance Ltd. which was proposed to be set up with a paid-up share capital
of Rs. 113 crore, of which preliminary expenses of Rs. 17 crore were included. The audit firm a<er taking into
considera3on all the facts and figures with respect to its new assignments, decided not to undertake both of them.

1. Is the decision of CA & Co. of not repor3ng the issues of ZXC in CARO, 2020 jus3fied? If so, under what reason?
a) No. CARO, 2020 is applicable to ZXC and hence the same has to be reported under clause (i) of CARO.
b) Yes. CARO, 2020 is not applicable to ZXC and hence the same need not to be reported.
c) No. As per SA 240, the auditor has to maintain professional scep>cism when it comes to issues in the area of
fixed assets and hence the same has to be reported.
d) Yes. As per SA 320, the auditor aFer taking into account the materiality of the issue, he may either choose to
report or not report about the same. Your Answer: Yes. CARO, 2020 is not applicable to ZXC and hence the
same need not to be reported.

2. What is the total amount of loans that should be classified as NPA by KD Bank?
a) 79
b) 100
c) 204
d) 104

3. Which among the following has to be reported by the auditor as con3ngent liability of KD Bank Ltd.?
a) Guarantee given by KD Bank on behalf of cons>tuent located in Myanmar.
b) A percentage of the total bills purchased by KD Bank.
c) Claims against the bank acknowledged as debt.
d) Unpaid salary of Rs. 5 lakh to five staffs of KD Bank Ltd., who are currently undergoing a court trail.

4. As per SA 701- Communica3ng Key audit maCers in the Independent auditor’s Report, which among the following
areas should CA & Co. take into account to determine “Key Audit MaCer”?
(i) The effect on audit of significant transac3ons that took place in the financial year.
(ii) Areas of high risk as assessed and reported by management’s expert.
(iii) Significant auditor judgement rela3ng to areas in the financials that involved significant management

a) (i) & (ii)

b) (ii) only
c) (i) & (iii)
d) (i), (ii) & (iii)

S No. Ans Reason

1 B CARO 2020 not applicable to Sec 8 Company.

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2 D ₹ 29L (delhi govt) + ₹75 L (3* ₹25L) = ₹104 L NPA [State govt guarantee]
3 A Guarantee given by Bank on behalf of constituents is contingent liability.
4 C Refer SA 701 [Significant JRT] includes risk assessed by auditor not management.

8. Bhuvan & Co. Chartered Accountants, mainly into statutory audit and tax audit, is now exploring the areas of due
diligence and inves3ga3on assignments. In this regard, the following events may be noted:

(a) One of the clients of Bhuvan & Co. is planning to acquire another company to expand its business. In this regard,
due diligence is to be carried out to check if the proposed merger would create opera3onal synergies. Also, a full-
fledged financial due diligence is planned to be carried out a<er a price has been agreed for the business acquisi3on
they want to include, Cash flow, Accoun3ng Policies, Brief history of the target and background of its promoters,
Accoun3ng Informa3on System etc. in the scope of the same.

(b) During the course of due diligence, an ar3cled assistant enquires to the principal whether it is required to verify
the leCer of comfort given by the target company to a bank.

(c) Further, Bhuvan & Co. has also received an order in wri3ng from the Central Government, in respect of one of
its clients, to carry out an inves3ga3on under sec3on 210 of the Companies Act 2013. With respect to this
inves3ga3on, Bhuvan & Co. is contempla3ng on the geang the assistance of an expert with respect to certain

(d) During the course of carrying out inves3ga3on as above, Bhuvan & Co. requires certain evidence from a place
outside India in order to establish the correctness of an investment in the shares of a company outside India.

1. Whether leCer of comfort given to banks by the target company needs to be reviewed as part of the financial due
diligence. Choose the correct reasoning from below?
a) Yes, the objec>ve of due diligence exercise will be to look specifically for any hidden liabili>es or over-valued
assets and since, leNer of comfort given to banks is a hidden liability, it should be reviewed.
b) Yes, leNer of comfort given to banks is a guarantee and will be disclosed in the notes to accounts of the financial
statements and calls for verifica>on and review.
c) No, due diligence involves the review of only disclosed assets and liabili>es of the target company and hence,
leNer of comfort does not call for review.
d) No, leNer of comfort does not involve financial implica>ons and hence it need not be reviewed as part of
financial due diligence

2. Which among the following is NOT a maCer included in the scope of a full-fledged financial due diligence?
a) Cash flow.
b) Accoun>ng Policies.
c) Brief history of the target and background of its promoters.
d) Accoun>ng Informa>on System.

3. Which among the following is NOT an instance of where the Central Government may order an inves3ga3on into
the affairs of the company under sec3on 210?
a) On a request from creditors to inves>gate the affairs of the company.
b) On the receipt of a report of the Registrar or inspector.
c) On in>ma>on by a special resolu>on passed by a company that the affairs of the company ought to be
d) In public interest.
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4. Can Bhuvan & Co. take the assistance of experts in pursuing the inves3ga3on? Choose the correct reasoning from
the below?
a) Yes, Bhuvan & Co. should consider whether assistance of other experts like engineers, lawyers, etc. is
necessary in the interest of a comprehensive and full proof examina>on of documents and informa>on.
b) Yes, SA 620 – Using the work of experts, has a specific paragraph on using an expert’s assistance for
c) No, the objec>ve of SA 620 is to use the work of expert for audit of historical financial statements and not for
inves>ga>on purposes.
d) No, since inves>ga>on is analy>cal in nature and requires a thorough mind, capable of observing, collec>ng
and evalua>ng facts, the usage of an expert will hinder the independence of the inves>gator.

5. What should be the procedure of Bhuvan & Co. to seek evidence from outside India for the inves3ga3on?
a) Seeking evidence from outside India for investment in shares outside India is outside the scope of
b) An applica>on is to be made to the competent court in India by the inspector and such court may issue a leNer
of request to a court or an authority in such country for seeking evidence.
c) The evidence can be sought by electronic mail by wri>ng to the concerned authori>es of the en>ty outside
d) Powers of seeking evidence outside India is available only to an inves>gator under sec>on 212- Serious Fraud

S No. Ans Reasons

1 A Objective of due diligence exercise will be to look specifically for any hidden liabilities or over-valued
assets and since, letter of comfort given to banks is a hidden liability, it should be reviewed.
2 D Accounting Information System is NOT a matter included in the scope of a full-fledged financial due
3 A CG may order an investigation into the affairs of the company u/s 210:
a) On the receipt of a report of the Registrar or inspector.
b) On intimation by a special resolution passed by a company that the affairs of the company
ought to be investigated.
c) In public interest.
4 A Assistance of experts can be taken in investigation.
5 B To seek evidence from outside India for the investigation à application is to be made to the
competent court in India by the inspector and such court may issue a letter of request to a court or
an authority in such country for seeking evidence.

9. Andy & Co. a reputed Chartered Accountants firm is appointed as a statutory auditor of Manava Swaroopam
Limited. The Company is into manufacturing of copper products. The company has advanced in all its endeavours
by supplying million Copper units. The company has incorporated another company “Daiva Swaroopam Private
Limited” by inves3ng 45% in the share capital of the company and at the same 3me having 100% control over the
Board of Directors as per the agreement with the majority shareholder. The company is listed in the US Stock
Exchange but in the process of lis3ng in the Indian Stock Exchanges, having a net worth of INR 245 crore. The product
is promoted by Ali Baba, as its product Brand Ambassador. You are the audit manager in-charge of the audit team
this year and your 1 year trainee asks you the following ques3ons listed down.

He has also noted down some of the ques3ons for you to answer to discuss the impact on the planning stage a<er
understanding the en3ty and its environment:
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• The company is required to appoint the Internal Auditor as per provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the
company complied with the same by delega3ng the du3es to an employee, who joined the company as 1st
year Architect. The audit team is planning to use the work performed by the Internal Audit func3on as the
reports given by him are designed in a marvellous fashion. Even the Board of Directors are astonished by the
design of the Internal Audit report.

• The company is planning to use the working papers of the previous auditor by demanding the audit working
papers from him ci3ng the confiden3ality clause. The auditor also plans to use the same for tes3ng the opening
balances during the year. The previous year auditor having been appointed as the auditor of subsidiary; the
company plans to use his work for verifying the investment balance during the year.

1. The engagement partner has requested you to comment upon the usage of work of Internal auditor by the
engagement team in accordance with relevant Standard on Audi3ng:
a) As the work done by the internal auditor is marvellously designed and presented the same can be considered
to the extent the statutory auditor can use it. As the work is highly appreciated even by the Board of Directors,
the same should be definitely used by Andy & Co.

b) The work done by the Internal Auditor need to be assessed for the sufficiency and should be used to avoid the
double work. The audit team of Andy & Co. need to reduce the unnecessary work as the same has been
performed by the other auditor.

c) The auditor is required to assess the competence and professional care of the work performed by the Internal
Auditor. Thus, the auditor Andy & Co. needs to reconsider the audit strategy and cannot use the work of the
Internal Auditor.

d) The work performed by the internal auditor can be used by the External Auditor in this case if the architect is
not an employee of the company but is in private prac>ce. Your Answer: As the work done by the internal
auditor is marvellously designed and presented the same can be considered to the extent the statutory auditor
can use it. As the work is highly appreciated even by the Board of Directors, the same should be definitely used
by Andy & Co.

2. The Trainee asked whether the audit team is to perform any procedures over the investment in Daiva Swaroopam
Private Limited:
a) The company needs to prepare the consolidated financial statements and the same need to be audited by the
auditor and the auditor needs to consider the financial informa>on and also assess regarding the need to use
of the work of the component auditor.
b) The auditor needs to perform audit procedures over the balances in investments and transac>ons with its
related party.
c) The auditor need not perform any procedures as the investment in Daiva Swaroopam Private Limited has
already been made in the previous year.
d) Both (a) & (b).

3. The trainee asked about role of auditor in case the investment in Daiva Swaroopam Private Limited is increased
to 60% in the next year:
a) The auditor need not do any addi>onal procedures compared to this year except for audit procedures over
the increase in Investment value and its disclosures in the Financial Statements.

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b) The auditor should also audit the group consolidated financial statements as the consolida>on becomes
applicable for the company being the investment is raised from 45% to 60%.
c) The auditor needs to audit the subsidiary’s books of accounts to get comfort over the balances in the material
subsidiary. Thus, the audit strategy will change for verifying the investment.
d) The auditor can either on its own, audit the subsidiary or use the work of another auditor to get comfort over
the balances in the subsidiary from the next year.

4. The trainee asked you whether the IND AS is applicable to the group or not?
a) Yes, but only Manava Swaroopam Limited need to prepare its financial statements as per the Companies
(Indian Accoun>ng Standards Rules), 2015.
b) Yes, the Company Manava Swaroopam Limited and its subsidiaries (including associates) need to prepare its
financial statements as per the Companies (Indian Accoun>ng Standards Rules), 2015.
c) The Company is not required to prepare financial statements as per Companies (Indian Accoun>ng Standards
Rules), 2015 as the company’s net worth is below 250 crore and is not listed in any recognised stock exchange
in India.
d) The Company is required to prepare books of accounts as per US GAAP as it is listed in US Stock Exchange and
get the books audited by the CPA but not the Indian Chartered Accountant.

S No. Ans Reason

1 C Auditor is required to assess competence and professional care of work performed by Internal
2 D Company needs to prepare the consolidated financial statements if has subsidiary and same need to
be audited by auditor and auditor needs to consider the financial information and also assess
regarding the need to use of the work of the component auditor. The auditor needs to perform audit
procedures over the balances in investments and transactions with its related party.
3 A If shareholding in subsidiary increased à auditor need not do any additional procedures compared
except for audit procedures over the increase in Investment value and its disclosures in F.S.
4 B Since Co. is in process of listing on Indian stock exchange à Ind AS is applicable.

10. M/s ANS & Associates have been appointed as statutory auditors of Delco Ltd., listed company (referred to as
‘Company’) for the Financial Year 2023-24. Delco Ltd. deals in the manufacture of shoes.

During the course of the audit, the auditor found that the company has acquired two subsidiaries namely Sole Ltd.
dealing in the manufacture of shoe soles and Soccer Ltd. dealing in the manufacture of kid shoes. The auditors of
Sole Ltd. and Soccer Ltd. are M/s XYZ & Associates.

Delco Ltd. has prepared the consolidated financial statements under Indian Accoun3ng Standards and consolidated
the financial statements of subsidiary Sole Ltd. during the current financial year. However, the company has not
consolidated the financial statements of Soccer Ltd. which was also acquired during the current financial year as the
company has not yet been able to ascertain the fair values of certain material assets and liabili3es of Soccer Ltd. as
on the acquisi3on date. This acquisi3on is accounted for as an investment in the books of Delco Ltd. Had the
company consolidated the financial statements of both the subsidiary, there would have been material impact on
important elements of the financial statements.

At the 3me of finaliza3on of the Audit Report of the company for the year ended March 31 , 2024, the auditors are
considering their repor3ng responsibility for non-consolida3on of the financial statements of Soccer Limited. The
auditors also asked the management to disclose their reason for non-consolida3on of financial of Soccer Ltd. in the
notes to accounts.
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Also the financial statements of Delco Ltd. of the current financial year include the corresponding figures (without
consolida3on) of the previous financial year i.e. FY 2022-23.

Further, the auditors are also considering the implica3ons on their responsibili3es and the management’s
responsibili3es with respect to the financial statements and in the audit of such financial statements.

1. With respect to the non-consolida3on of financial statements of Soccer Ltd. with the financial statements of Delco
Ltd., how should the auditor deal with the same in their audit report?
a. The auditor should give a disclaimer of opinion.
b. The auditor should give an adverse opinion if the impact is material and pervasive in his audit report.
c. The auditor should men>on this fact in the emphasis of maNer paragraph pervasive in his audit report.
d. The auditor should men>on this fact in other maNer paragraph pervasive in his audit report.

2. With respect to the corresponding figures of the financial year 2022-23 in the current year financial statements,
what are the auditors repor3ng responsibility for the same?
a. The auditor’s opinion should refer to each period for which the financial statements are presented.
b. The auditors need to report on the current year financials only be it compara>ve or corresponding figures.
c. The auditor’s opinion shall not refer to the corresponding figures except if the previous period audit report is
other than an unqualified opinion or the auditor has sufficient evidence that a material misstatement exists in
the financial statement of prior period which was not addressed earlier.
d. The auditor has no repor>ng responsibility for the financial statements of any year other than the current
financial year for which they have been appointed.

3. What is the repor3ng responsibility of the auditor in case, the prior period financial statements are not audited?
a. The auditors need to report such maNer in the Key Audit MaNers paragraph in his report.
b. The auditors need to report such maNer in the other maNer paragraph in his report.
c. The auditor will be responsible for obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence that opening balance so not
contain any material misstatement.
d. Both b & c.

4. Preparing the financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial repor3ng framework is the
responsibility of the management of Delco Ltd. Which of the following is correct in regard to the disclosure of such
management responsibility:
a. This is implied responsibility of management and is presumed in an audit of financial statements and therefore
need not be specifically men>oned anywhere.
b. The management may undertake to accept such responsibility through an engagement leNer itself.
c. The auditor report should describe the management responsibility in a sec>on with heading “responsibility of
management for financial statements”.
d. The auditor’s report should refer to the responsibility of auditors and not that of the management as the same
is obvious.

5. If the auditors of Delco Ltd. decides to give a qualified/ adverse opinion in the current financial year with respect
to the non-consolida3on of financials of Soccer Ltd., which of the following is true with regard to the use of EOM
paragraph for some other maCer:-
a. The auditor cannot add EOM paragraph in his report on any maNer as a qualified/ adverse opinion is given by
the auditor.

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b. EOM paragraph on a maNer can be added if auditors opinion is neither qualified/ nor adverse in respect to
that par>cular maNer and the maNer is fundamental to the user’s understanding of financial statements.
c. EOM paragraph on any maNer can be added in the auditor’s report even if the report is qualified/ adverse
with respect to that par>cular maNer.
d. EOM paragraph indicates that the auditor’s opinion is modified in respect to the maNer emphasized.

6. If the management discloses the fact of non-consolida3on of financial statements of Soccer Ltd. In the notes to
accounts of current financial year, what will be the impact on the audit report:-
a. The disclosure in notes to accounts is the responsibility of the management preparing the financial statements.
As such it will not impact the auditor’s opinion in present case.
b. The auditor can ignore the issue of non-consolida>on as management is taking the responsibility of the same
by disclosing the facts in notes to accounts.
c. The auditor should give an unmodified opinion with disclosure of the fact in other maNer paragraph.
d. The auditor cannot give an adverse or qualified opinion in this case as the management has disclosed the
reason of such non consolida>on the notes to accounts.

S No. Ans Reasons

1 B Auditor should give an adverse opinion if the impact is material and pervasive in his audit report.
2 C Auditor’s opinion shall not refer to the corresponding figures except if the previous period audit
report is other than an unqualified opinion or the auditor has sufficient evidence that a material
misstatement exists in the financial statement of prior period which was not addressed earlier.
3 D In case, prior period financial statements are not audited
a. The auditors need to report such matter in the other matter paragraph in his report.
b. The auditor will be responsible for obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence that opening
balance so not contain any material misstatement.
4 C Auditor report should describe the management responsibility in a section with heading
“responsibility of management for financial statements”.
5 B EOM para on a matter can be added if auditors opinion is neither qualified/ nor adverse in respect to
that particular matter and matter is fundamental to the user’s understanding of financial statements.
6 A Disclosure of non-consolidation in notes to accounts is responsibility of management preparing the
F.S. As such it will not impact the auditor’s opinion in present case.

11. The Chanakya Bank Ltd. was having 150 branches all over India by the year ending 31 March, 2024. Ten branches
of the bank were already covered for concurrent audit and the Bank’s Audit CommiCee decided to include the below
men3oned branches for concurrent audit from the year 2023-24.
(i) Banaras branch which deals in treasury func3ons like investments and inter bank borrowings but not in bill re-
(ii) Allahabad branch which started foreign exchange business from February 2024.
(iii) Rae Bareilly branch whose aggregate deposits were more than 35% of the aggregate deposits of the bank. Sista
and Associates, Chartered Accountants were appointed as the stock auditors by the Bank’s audit commiCee for
five branches for year 2023-24. The Bank’s management appointed and fixed the remunera3on of Sista and
Associates, Chartered Accountants as the statutory auditors also for the year 2023-24, for the same five
branches for which they were given the assignment of stock audit.

At the Kanpur branch of the bank there were high value cash deposits in one of the current account during April

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Your firm has been appointed as the concurrent auditors for the Kanpur branch for the year 2023-24. The cash
collected by the branch was remiCed to currency chest on the very same day but, during the concurrent audit for
the month of April 2023 itself the auditor no3ced that the branch was unable to show in3ma3ons sent via e-mail
to currency chest for the cash remiCance.

1. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants were already appointed for stock audit by the audit commiCee for
the five branches, so whether Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants are authorised to accept the
appointment as statutory auditors for the same branches? Select correct op3on from the following

a. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants cannot accept the appointment as it was not offered by the audit
commiNee and Bank’s management is not authorised to appoint the auditors.
b. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants can accept the appointment as they were already appointed for
the stock audit of those branches by the audit commiNee.
c. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants can accept the appointment as they have been appointed
statutory auditors for the same five branches for which they were conduc>ng stock audit.
d. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants cannot accept the appointment as the audit firms should not
undertake statutory audit assignment while they are associated with internal assignments in the Bank during
the same year.

2. Whether the Bank’s Management is authorised to appoint and fix the remunera3on of statutory auditors without
consul3ng the Audit CommiCee of the Board of Directors or members in Annual General Mee3ng? Select correct
op3on from the following:

a. Bank’s Management cannot appoint or fix the remunera>on of the statutory auditor unless the same is passed
by a resolu>on in the Annual General Mee>ng of the Bank.
b. Bank’s Management can appoint and fix the remunera>on of statutory auditors only in consulta>on with the
Audit CommiNee of the Board of Directors.
c. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants were already appointed for stock audit by the audit commiNee,
therefore only audit commiNee was authorised to appoint or fix their remunera>on as statutory auditors.
d. Sista and Associates, Chartered Accountants were already appointed for stock audit by the audit commiNee,
so the Bank’s Management is authorised to appoint the same firm as the statutory auditors without consul>ng
the audit commiNee or members in the Annual General Mee>ng.

3. You have been asked by your senior to verify the high value cash deposits at the Kanpur branch. What parameters/
documents will you verify as the concurrent auditor of the branch? Select correct op3on from the following:

a. Concurrent auditor has to verify the details of cash remiNance to Currency Chest only.
b. You need to verify the KYC documents of the customer/s and the reason for high value cash deposit in the
account like nature of business or sale of property etc.
c. Verify the KYC documents of the account in which cash is deposited; verify the reason for high value cash
deposit in the account like nature of business/ transac>on etc.; verify the discrepancies found in the cash of
the customer/s, if any and ensure that the records of Currency Chest remiNance is maintained properly.
d. As a concurrent auditor you need to verify the reason of regular cash deposit in the account/s and the nature
of discrepancies, if any, found in cash deposited by the customer/s.

4. How the discrepancy of not preserving the in3ma3ons of cash remiCances to currency chest by Kanpur branch of
the bank should be dealt by the concurrent auditor in his audit report? Select correct op3on from the following:

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a. The auditor should report the maNer as a major irregularity in his audit report to the management.
b. The auditor should verify the details from e-mail sent to currency chest and close the maNer.
c. As it is a minor irregularity the auditor can ignore the same.
d. The auditor should discuss the importance of preserving the hard / soF copy of e-mail sent for cash remiNance
with the Branch Manager and check for its compliance in the next audit period.

S No. Ans Reasons

1 D Audit firm Cannot undertake statutory audit assignment while they are associated with internal
assignments in the Bank during the same year.
2 A Bank’s Management cannot appoint or fix the remuneration of the statutory auditor unless same is
passed by a resolution in AGM of the Bank.
3 C For high value cash deposits à Verify the KYC documents of the account in which cash is deposited;
verify the reason for high value cash deposit in the account like nature of business/ transaction etc.;
verify the discrepancies found in the cash of the customer/s, if any and ensure that the records of
Currency Chest remittance is maintained properly.
4 D If there is discrepancy of not preserving intimations of cash remittances to currency chest by Kanpur
branch of the bank à concurrent auditor should discuss importance of preserving hard / soft copy
of e-mail sent for cash remittance with the Branch Manager and check for its compliance in the next
audit period.

12. Mr. Ayush, the proprietor of BCD & Co Chartered Accountants, was appointed to audit the financial statements
of Amrita Industries Private Limited for the Financial Year 2023-24. These financial statements were prepared in
accordance with the Dutch GAAP and the terms & condi3ons specified in the contract between Amrita Industries
Private Limited and Dutch Industries b.v. (Pvt. Ltd is known as b.v. in Dutch). One of the terms and condi3ons of the
contract was to get the financial statements audited from an independent auditor. The contract also s3pulated
auditors to take into account misstatements of € 5000 or more while framing their report. Any misstatements
iden3fied below this threshold did not require correc3on or adjustment in terms of s3pula3on in contract. While
planning audit, the audit team had also determined performance materiality at € 10000 and overall materiality at
€ 200000. The following informa3on extracted from general purpose financial statements of Amrita Industries Pvt.
Ltd. prepared in accordance with provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 is given as under: -
(Figures in ₹ in cr)
Particulars FY 23-24 FY 22-23
Turnover 300 250
Borrowings from bank 100 75
Paid up capital 25 25

The borrowings from bank consisted of working capital credit facili3es only. The company had been enjoying such
credit facili3es with a sanc3oned amount of ₹75 crore in Financial Year 22-23. The credit facili3es were enhanced
to ₹ 100 crore at beginning of Financial Year 23-24. Outstanding balance in above credit facili3es has never crossed
sanc3oned limits at any 3me during each of the above years.

Mr. Shubham, partner at BB & Associates, Chartered Accountants firm, was appointed as engagement partner for
audit of general-purpose financial statements of Amrita Industries Private Limited for FY 2023-24. Before finalising
audit plan, BB & Associates asked for internal audit reports. However, management informed him that there was
no internal audit team or func3on in the organiza3on.

During the course of audit of general-purpose financial statements, Mr. Anand, an audit execu3ve performed risk
assessment procedures, test of controls and substan3ve procedures. He performed a trend analysis to compare the
purchases of raw materials in various months. He also performed purchase– produc3on–sale cycle analysis to
understand inventory holding. Besides going through the company’s internal control manuals and visi3ng
company’s plant, inquiries were also made with company’s informa3on system personnel to provide informa3on
about control failures. Diligent inquiries were also made from company’s marke3ng personnel regarding contractual
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arrangements with customers. Inquiries were also made from company’s in-house legal counsel and
communica3ons were also made with company’s external legal counsel by sending a leCer of inquiry.

While issuing the report, BCD & Co inserted an Other MaCer Paragraph in the Audit Report specifying the use of a
special purpose financial repor3ng framework for preparing and presen3ng the financial statements. On the other
hand, BB & Associates decided to issue an adverse opinion on all financial statement except for cash flow statement
and an unmodified opinion on cash flow statement. As per BB & Associates, the cash flow statement was prepared
as per the required method, and hence, it did reflect the appropriate figures.

On the basis of the abovemen3oned facts, you are required to answer the following MCQs:

1. The audit team of BCD & Co were not sure which materiality to choose to evaluate the effect of iden3fied
misstatements on the audit and of uncorrected misstatements, if any, on the financial statements in order to form
an opinion and to conclude as to whether the auditor has obtained reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
You are required to guide the audit team by selec3ng the appropriate op3on from below:

a. In the case of special purpose financial statements, management may agree with the intended users on a
threshold below which misstatements iden>fied during the audit will not be corrected or otherwise adjusted.
The existence of such a threshold does not relieve the auditor from the requirement to determine materiality
in accordance with SA 320 for purposes of planning and performing the audit of the special purpose financial

b. In the case of special purpose financial statements, management may agree with the intended users on a
threshold below which misstatements iden>fied during the audit will not be corrected or otherwise adjusted.
The existence of such a threshold is sufficient to comply with the requirement of determining materiality in
accordance with SA 320 for purposes of planning and performing the audit of the special purpose financial

c. In the case of special purpose financial statements, misstatements based on considera>on of the financial
informa>on needs of the intended users are considered material and pervasive. However, the auditor needs to
follow the threshold limit provided in terms of the contract, and such thresholds should be considered as the
performance materiality for planning and performing the audit.

d. The auditor is required to comply with each requirement of an SA unless, in the circumstances of the audit, the
en>re SA is not relevant, or the requirement is not relevant because it is condi>onal and the condi>on does not
exist. In the case of an audit of special purpose financial statements, the requirements of SA 320 are not
applicable in en>rety.

2. Mr. Manish, the audit manager of BCD & Co., objected to the inser3on of the Other MaCer Paragraph in the audit
report. According to him, there is no such requirement to insert Other MaCer Paragraph to disclose the use of a
Special Purpose Framework. Whether conten3on of Mr. Manish is in order?

a. The auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements shall include an Other MaNer paragraph aler>ng
users of the auditor’s report that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with a special purpose
framework and that, as a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose.

b. To avoid misunderstandings, the auditor shall men>on that the financial statements are prepared in accordance
with a special purpose framework and, therefore, may not be suitable for another purpose in Management’s
Responsibility sec>on. Adding an Other MaNer Paragraph for this will result in duplica>on of the maNer, and the
same should be avoided.

c. The auditor may consider it appropriate to indicate that the auditor’s report is intended solely for the specific
users and may not be suitable for another purpose by adding a Key Audit MaNer in the Key Audit MaNer
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d. The auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements shall include an Emphasis of MaNer paragraph
aler>ng users of the auditor’s report that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with a special
purpose framework and that, as a result, the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose.

3. Mr. Chitrang, the audit manager at BB & Associates Chartered Accountant, is seeking your guidance in dra<ing
separate opinions on the cash flow statement and Other Financial Statements. Guide the audit manager by selec3ng
the appropriate op3on from below:

a. When the auditor considers it necessary to express an adverse opinion or disclaim an opinion on the financial
statements as a whole, the auditor’s report shall not include an unmodified opinion with respect to the same
financial repor>ng framework on a single financial statement or one or more specific elements, accounts or
items of a financial statement.

b. The expression of a disclaimer of opinion regarding the results of opera>ons, and cash flows, where relevant,
and an unmodified opinion regarding the financial posi>on is allowed. In this case, the auditor has expressed a
disclaimer of opinion on the financial statements as a whole and separate opinion on cash flows.

c. The expression of an unmodified opinion on financial statements prepared under a given financial repor>ng
framework and, within the same report, the expression of an adverse opinion on the same financial statements
under the same financial repor>ng framework is permissible.

d. An adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion rela>ng to a specific maNer described within the Basis for Opinion
sec>on does not limit the auditor's responsibility to issue an unmodified opinion on iden>fied maNers that
would not require a modifica>on of the auditor’s opinion.

4. The company has violated provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 by not appoin3ng an internal auditor. Which of
following statement is likely to be correct reason necessita3ng appointment of internal auditor and for maCers
rela3ng to appointment of internal auditor for the financial year 2023-24 in described situa3on in accordance with
provisions of law?

a. The company was required to appoint internal auditor during financial year 2023-24 as it fulfilled necessary
condi>on rela>ng to turnover during financial year 2022-23. Such an internal auditor may have been either an
individual or a partnership firm only.

b. The company was required to appoint internal auditor during financial year 2023-24 as it fulfilled all necessary
condi>ons rela>ng to turnover, borrowings from banks and paid up capital during financial year 2023-24. Such
an internal auditor may have been either an individual, a partnership firm or a body corporate.

c. The company was required to appoint internal auditor during financial year 2023-24 as it fulfilled necessary
condi>on rela>ng to turnover during financial year 2022-23. Such an internal auditor may have been either an
individual, a partnership firm or a body corporate.

d. The company was required to appoint internal auditor during financial year 2023-24 as it fulfilled necessary
condi>ons rela>ng to turnover and borrowings from banks during financial year 2023-24. Such an internal
auditor may have been either an individual or a partnership firm.

5. Mr. Anand, an audit execu3ve, has performed various procedures during the course of audit. Which of the
following procedure/combina3ons of procedures is/are not likely to be considered as risk assessment procedures?

a. Performing trend analysis, going through company’s internal control manuals and visi>ng company’s plant

b. Inquiries from company’s marke>ng personnel and with in-house legal counsel

c. Communica>on with company’s external legal counsel by sending a leNer of inquiry

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d. Inquiries made with company’s informa>on system personnel to provide informa>on about control failures and
going through company’s internal control manuals

S No. Ans Reasons

1 A In case of special purpose financial statements, management may agree with the intended users on
a threshold below which misstatements identified during the audit will not be corrected or otherwise
adjusted. The existence of such a threshold does not relieve the auditor from the requirement to
determine materiality in accordance with SA 320 for purposes of planning and performing the audit
of the special purpose financial statements.
2 D Auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements shall include an Emphasis of Matter
paragraph alerting users of the auditor’s report that the financial statements are prepared in
accordance with a special purpose framework and that, as a result, the F.S. may not be suitable for
another purpose.
3 A When auditor considers it necessary to express an adverse opinion or disclaim an opinion on the
financial statements as a whole, auditor’s report shall not include an unmodified opinion with respect
to the same financial reporting framework on a single financial statement or one or more specific
elements, accounts or items of a financial statement.
4 C Since last financial year turnover > 200 Cr. Such an internal auditor may have been either an
individual, a partnership firm or a body corporate.
5 C External confirmation is a substantive procedure not risk assessment procedure.

CA Shubham Keswani 88

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