The document provides contact information for WTS Tutoring, including the name of the compiler, Prof Khangelani Sibiyia. It lists their cell number, email, Facebook page, WhatsApp group, Instagram account, Twitter account and website. It appears to be a memo for the Pre-Maths P1 Class of 2021 that includes 112 pages of content for tutoring.
The document provides contact information for WTS Tutoring, including the name of the compiler, Prof Khangelani Sibiyia. It lists their cell number, email, Facebook page, WhatsApp group, Instagram account, Twitter account and website. It appears to be a memo for the Pre-Maths P1 Class of 2021 that includes 112 pages of content for tutoring.
The document provides contact information for WTS Tutoring, including the name of the compiler, Prof Khangelani Sibiyia. It lists their cell number, email, Facebook page, WhatsApp group, Instagram account, Twitter account and website. It appears to be a memo for the Pre-Maths P1 Class of 2021 that includes 112 pages of content for tutoring.
The document provides contact information for WTS Tutoring, including the name of the compiler, Prof Khangelani Sibiyia. It lists their cell number, email, Facebook page, WhatsApp group, Instagram account, Twitter account and website. It appears to be a memo for the Pre-Maths P1 Class of 2021 that includes 112 pages of content for tutoring.