Book Personal Best 8c

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8 LANGUAGE modals of obligation and advice

8C Is there an app for that?

1 A What apps do you have on your phone? What are they for? How often do you use them?

B Look at the three apps. What do you think each app does? How can they help you improve your health?

a b c

Repeat x10
Breathe in
Next exercise Deep sleep: 5h 20m
Breathe out
Light sleep: 3h 18m

2 A Read the posts by Sophie, Tom and Kate below. They ask their friend Rob, a fitness expert, for advice.
What problems do they have? Choose the correct options.
1 Sophie can’t sleep at night / isn’t sure how much sleep she needs.
2 Tom feels unfit / wants to lose weight.
3 Kate is looking for a new job / is stressed.
B Which app do you think Rob recommends for each person? Read his replies and check.

Sophie Tom Kate

I have to get up at 5 a.m. every Rob, I didn’t know you were While you’re giving everyone
day as I start work at 7. I don’t such an expert! Got any advice, Rob, can you give me
go to bed till past midnight, suggestions for me? This some? I really need to chill
so I’m only getting 5 hours of morning I had to run for the out. I’m so anxious about my
sleep a night. When I drive to bus and I felt awful. I’m so new job that I can’t relax and
work I’m so sleepy! How do unfit. I really must do more it’s really worrying me. I've
I know if I’m getting enough exercise, but I just don’t heard that meditation can
sleep? @RobDanes, you have have time to go to the gym help. Is there an app for that?
a lot of health apps – can you or to do fitness classes.
recommend one for me? Rob
Rob Hey Kate! You shouldn’t
Rob Hi Tom! You don’t have to worry about it – we all get
Check out Sleep Friend. It tells go to the gym to get fit. stressed. Just learn some
you when you should go to bed Try the Workout for 7 app, meditation techniques which
and get up. It also monitors sleep it’s really worked for me. you can do at home regularly.
cycles, so it knows when you’re You exercise really hard for Get the iRelax app. It shows
in light sleep or deep sleep, and 7 minutes, and it has the you what to do, creates a
its alarm goes off when you’re same effect as going for a meditation schedule and
sleeping lightly. You should get long run or doing a session reminds you when to do
more than 6 hours of sleep a in the gym. The app shows it. Good luck and let’s get
night though, and you mustn’t you exactly what to do. together soon.
drive when you’re very tired!

3 A Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1 Sleep Friend wakes you up when you’re in deep sleep.
2 Workout for 7 isn’t as good as going for a run.
3 iRelax tells you when to meditate.


152 EXTRA PRACTICE: Workbook page 46

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