Information 4
Migration 6
Home 9,10
Database Settings 18
Profile Editor
Aircraft Options 21
Settings 22
A320 Family 26
A330 Family 27
B737-200 28
B737NG 29
B757 30
B767 31
CRJ200 32
Embraer E-Jets 33
Tu154 35
Buttons 36
Aircraft Data 39
Weather 50
Tools 53
Glossary 54,55
License 56
If you have any kind of problems with this software contact me via the e-mail account: or
with a X-Plane org Forum PM. The log file which is located inside the log folder must be including with your
support request, if the file is not empty.
With 1.11 the non visible code are overhauled or new written. A new database management system is
integrated and both themes are change. It also includes the A340 and partial the B757-300.
If you have use a previous Version as 1.11 a full migration is needed. Follow the intruction on the migrate page
Window Start Position on multiple screens. It could be displayed on the wrong screen.
Extracted the zip file for your system into an folder with full write/read access.
The final step is to follow the steps on the database page
Open a terminal/console window and type ldd --version and you will seen on the first row the glibc version
which is installed on your system:
ldd (GNU libc) X.XX
Open a terminal/console window where the airplanetoolbox file is located and typing chmod +x
airplanetoolbox and execute it. After that you can click on this file and the program will be started.
On newer macOS versions the security rules are stronger and none apple register devolopers application are
blocked. If you get a security alert message you can make a exception rule for my application. Hold the ctrl
and with a right mouse click on the airplanetoolbox start file a context menu should be now open. If you click
on open macOS doesn't alert you again.
Full Migration
- Copy all custom profiles into the new major version custom profiles folder.
- If you have a aiport database wich is created with Version 1.8-1.10.x than don't delete the older version. You
can migrate it to version 1.11 and above.
Start the migrate tool with the migrate starter file. Drag and drop the old database file from db/
airports into the drop zone and the migration tool copy the old data to the new format.
Incremental Migration
To migrate to a new incremental version like 1.10.x open the migration tool and drop the update zip file into
the drop zone and the migrate tool doing all the boring stuff for you.
You can start the software with an double click of the airplanetoolbox.bat file.
You can start the software with an double click of the airplanetoolbox shell file.
The most Errors are logged into the logfile which can be found inside the log folder. But it does give some
other Errors which does only show in an terminal/cmd window. If you ran into those Errors you don't see an
error dialog and you need open the application with an terminal/cmd and make a Screenshot
(STRG+ALT+PRINT) of this error and send the screenshot and logfile to me.
You have pressed the calc button and no output data is displayed, then a runtime error has occurred.
On Windows computers open a command prompt or a power shell window inside the installation folder and
drag and drop the file into this window.
On Linux click on the airplanetoolbox file with the right mouse button and on the context menu you see an
entry open in console/terminal. Click on this entry and the application will be open with an temrinal window
On macOS, drag the airplanetoolbox file over the terminal dock symbol and release the mouse button.
2 1
Click with the left mouse button and hold on anywhere which is not clickable to drag the window
3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In case of an invalid Airport Database the program try to regenerate the database automatically.
1 2
1 2
1 2
3 4 5
1) Drag and Drop here the required csv files if you want to use the offline data as source
The Airport Database Editor saves the airports into the database as an custom airport. This means your saved
custom airport will be never override on an update of the regular standard airports.
1 2
3 4 5
2) Click on this button to open the Runway and Entry Points Choose Page
- Is only available if Airport Data correct or Airport Data successfully loaded
4) Click on this button to delete the custom airport from the database
- Is only available if a csutom Airport detected
3 4
3) Put here the airport elevation and select your desire height unit (4)
2 3 4 6 7 8
3) Select a runway from List(1) and click on this button to edit the selected Runway
5) Shows exist runway entry points if a runway is selected and entry points exist
6) Select a runway from list(1) and a entry point from list(5) and click on this button to delete it
7) Select a runway from list(1) and a Entry Point from list(5) and
click on this Button to edit the selected Entry Point
8) Select a runway from list(1) and click on this button to create a new entry point
Runway Editor
1 13
7 8 9 10
3 5 11 12
2 4 6 14
15 15 16
17 18
The Editor is split into two seperated runway side. If you look on the runway chart you have two runway
designator. Fill the coressponding runway designator data into the editor fields.
Runway Editor
1 4
2 5
3 6
7 8
1,4) Uncheckmark/checkmark this field if the displaced threshold is usable / not usable for takeoff
- Jeppesen charts showing vertical lines on runway displaced threshold when not usable
- Jeppesen charts showing dot line on runway displaced threshold when is usable
2,5) Uncheckmark/checkmark this field if the runway designator side is usable / not usable for takeoff
3,6) Uncheckmark/checkmark this field if the runway designator side is usable / not usable for landing
7) Click on this button to go back to the Runway and Entry Point Choose page
- Input Data will be deleted
5 6
5) Click on this button to go back to the Runway and Entry Point Choose page
- Input Data will be deleted
2 3
4 5
1) With this Slider you can adjust the minimum Airport Size
Main Screen
3 4 5
2) Info
- Show selected Profile Info
3) Delete
- Select your desire Profile(1) and click on this button to delete your selected profile
4) Edit
- Select your desire Profile(1) and click on this button to edit your selected profile
5) New
- Opens the Profile Editor
2) Weight Inputs
- Will be filled with Standard Profile Data when an Basic Profile is selected or
it is filled with thoose Weight Data of your created profile
3 4
1) Weights in lbs
- Checkmark this option if you put lbs values into the weight input fields
2) Profile Name
- Put here the profile name
3) Back Button
- Click on this button to go back to the profile main screen
- All fields and options will be reset
4) Save Button
- Click on this button to save your profile
4) Simbrief Username
- With this option you can set your Simbrief username for the ACARS Web Import
5) Theme Switch
- With this option you can switch between the dark and light theme
6) Save Settings
- Saving start values and for the current session
- Weight Unit is set when weight unit is enable.
2) Click on this button to load the latest Simbrief ACARS data if available
- Is enable if the Simbrief username is set
Note: The coresponding pdf is require and must be on the same place as the xml file or it will be downloaded
from the simbrief server if available.
1 2 3
2) With this choosebox you can naviagte directly to the desire page
1 2
Runway Condtion Autoland
30 to 85°C - SL
ISA + 15 to ISA +70
30 to 85°C - SL
ISA + 15 to ISA +70
30 to 85°C - SL
ISA + 15 to ISA +70
44 to 85°C - SL
ISA + 29 to ISA +70
45°C to 85°C - SL
ISA + 30 to ISA + 70
45°C to 85°C - SL
ISA + 30 to ISA + 70
30°C to 68°C - SL
ISA + 15 to ISA +70
55°C to 85°C - SL 46°C to 68°C - SL 30 to 85°C - SL
ISA + 40 to ISA + 70 ISA + 31 to ISA + 70 ISA + 15 to ISA +70
SL - Sea Level (0ft/0m) - Flex must be between minimum and maximum Temperature or TOGA must be applied
Runway Condtion Autoland
Runway Condtion Autoland
Dry 29kt
Contaminated 11kt
Headwind ALL
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Runway Condtion Autoland
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Flap Limit 5
Runway Condtion Autoland
Flap 1 is not used on B757 models
TO-1 and TO-2 Thrust Options are not included
B757-300 PW2043 are not include, because no engine data are available
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Flap Limit 5
Runway Condtion Autoland
Flap 1 is not used on B767 models
TO-1 and TO-2 Thrust Options are not included
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Flap Limit 5
Runway Condtion Autoland
Dry 27kt
Contaminated 15kt
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Flap Limit 8
Runway Condtion Autoland
Flap 3 is not used on E170-175 models
TO | TO-1 | TO-2
E170LR can also uses for E170SU or E170SE
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
Runway Condtion Autoland
Dry 30kt
Contaminated 18kt
Visibility Limit LIFR, less than 2000 and lower than 10°C and Fog
For Operational Weights search for ERJ135/40/45 APM
Runway Condtion Autoland
Dry 33kt
Contaminated 10kt
Notes: Takeoff Flaps depends on tables and Takeoff Flap 15 is very seldom to use
1 2 3 4 5 6
3) Click on this button for METAR updates for selected METAR provider
4) Click on this button to select a METAR provider of the current showing page
- It automatically updating the weather from selected source or
open the Manual Weather overlay
5) Click on this button to reset the weight to the start weight value of the showing page
1 5
2 3 6
6) Put here the TORA of your runway entry point or turning pad
if it is differ to the Runway Length of your desire runway
1 4
2 3
4) Put here the LDA of your desire runway if it is differ to the runway Lenght
- If the database does have stop/clearway data it will be automatically filled the correct LDA
AC/ECS/ENG BLEEDS ENG Bleed usage or which Air Condition System supplier
1 4
2 6
3 5
1) Flap Setting
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available thrust settting
- FXX -> Flex Temperature
4) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
6) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
1 3.1 3.2 3.3
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VLS -> This is the lowest selectable speed on Manual Thrust.
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- (+xx) -> The wind additive for vls
1 4
2 5 6
1) Flap Setting
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available thrust settting
- FXX -> Flex Temperature
4) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
6) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
1 3.1 3.2 3.3
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) Wind Adjustment
VAPP = VLS + Wind Adjust
1 4.1 4.2
2 5 7
3 6
1) Flap Settings
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
7) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
1 3.1 3.2 3.3
2 4
1) Flap Setting
3) Brake Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
5) Additional Information
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
5 4.2 4.1 7
3 6
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available thrust for thrust rate
- +55 -> Assumed Temperature
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
7) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
1 3.1 3.2 3.3
2 4
1) Flap Setting
3) Brake Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
5) Additional Information
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
4.1 4.2 7
2 5
3 6
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available thrust settting
- +55 -> Assumed Temperature
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
7) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
1 5
4 3.1 3.2 3.3
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
7) Additional Information
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
4.1 4.2
2 5 7
3 6
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available Thrust Settting
- +55 -> Assumed Temperature
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
7) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
1 5
3.1 3.2 3.3
2 4
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
7) Additional Information
- LDG ALT -> Pressurize Panel Landing Altitude
1 4.1 4.2
2 5 7
3 6
1) Flap Setting
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available Thrust Settting
- +55 -> Assumed Temperature
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
- VFTO -> Zero Flaps Speed
7) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
3.1 3.2
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distances
4.1 calculated landing distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VClean -> This is the Minimum Zero Flap Speed
- V2GA -> Single engine go-around climb speed
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
4.1 4.2
2 5 7
3 6
1) Thrust N1 Number
2) Thrust Type
- TOGA -> Full available Thrust Settting
- +55 -> Assumed Temperature
3) Thrust Setting
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft is safe for takeoff
- VFS -> Single Engine Climb Speed / Zero Flap Speed
7) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distances
3.1 which autobrake
3.2 calculated landing distance
3.3 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VFS -> Minimum Zero Flap/ Gear Extended Velocity
- VACx -> Approach climb speed - X indicates which flap
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
1 4.1 4.2
2 6
1) Flap Setting
2) Thrust Rate
4) Takeoff Distances
4.1 calculated takeoff distance
4.2 calculated stoping margin
5) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft is safe for takeoff
- VFS -> Single Engine Climb Speed / Zero Flap Speed
6) Additional Information
- MFRA -> minimum altitude for flap reduction
3.1 3.2
1) Flap Setting
3) Landing Distance
3.1 calculated landing distance
3.2 calculated stoping margin
4) V-Speeds
- VFS -> Minimum Zero Flap / Gear Extended Velocity
- V2GA -> Single engine go-around climb speed
- VAPP -> This is your Approach velocity until 50ft above threshold
- VTD -> This is your touchdown velocity
- VREF -> This is the reference landing velocity
1) Flap Setting
3) V-Speeds
- V1 -> The velocity which the takeoff should no longer be aborted
- VR -> Your lift up velocity
- V2 -> The velocity at which the aircraft is safe for takeoff
- V2n -> Minimum Climb speed with one engine inoperative
- VFxx -> Flap reduction speed
- VClean -> Zero Flap Speed
1) Flap Setting
3) V-Speeds
- VClean -> Minimum Zero Flap
- VFxx -> Flap reduction speed
- VLA -> This is your Approach velocity until 5m above threshold
- VStall -> Minimum flight speed in landing configuration
VFR(Green) Visual Flight Rules | > 3000ft Ceiling and greater 5 sm Visibility
MVFR(Blue) Medium Visual Flight Rules | 1000-3000ft Ceiling and/or 3-5 Visibility
IFR(Red) Instrument Flight Rules | 500-1000ft Ceiling and/or 1 mile to less than 3 miles
LIFR(Magenta) Low Instrument Flight Rules | <500ft Ceiling and/or <1 sm Visibility
Windshear If windshear are reported for the desire runway click on this switch(Manual Weather)
2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9
2) For Airports with Statue Miles select the nearest corespond value from this choicebox
VFR(Green) Visual Flight Rules | > 3000ft Ceiling and greater 5 sm Visibility
MVFR(Blue) Medium Visual Flight Rules | 1000-3000ft Ceiling and/or 3-5 Visibility
IFR(Red) Instrument Flight Rules | 500-1000ft Ceiling and/or 1 mile to less than 3 miles
LIFR(Magenta) Low Instrument Flight Rules | <500ft Ceiling and/or <1 sm Visibility
4) Select the observed Observation -> Examples are shown in the Paranthese
1) Put your desire value in one of these fields and it will be automatically convert to the other units
1 1
2 2 3
3 4
1 1
2 2 3
3 4
1) Put here the Airport Elevation
2) Put here the SAT value 1) Put here the Airport Elevation
3) Shows the calcualted QFE 2) Put here the BARO Pressure value
GW Gross Weight
is the limiting takeoff weight calculated for a particular runway under particular
specified conditions
is the limiting landing weight calculated for a particular runway under particular
specified conditions
Is a virtual SAT value to reduce the Engine Thrust.
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio is the total pressure ratio across a jet engine.
It is the Pressure Altitude of your Airport corrected with the current SAT of your
Air Density
Are markings across the runway that denote the beginning and end of the designated
space for landing and takeoff
TOR This is the lenght which is required to lift off and reaching 35ft above Ground
MFRA This is the altitude which you can to begin to retract your flaps
Declared Distances
SWY: Stopway
CWY: Clearway
V2 The velocity at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative
Minimum Zero Flap/ Gear Extended Velocity(Landing) / Single Engine Climb Speed or
Zero Flap Speed(Takeoff)