Initial Proposal Form 2023 24

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TASK 4 - Initial Project Proposal


Date Set:
w/c 8th January 2024

Review Date:
w/c 12th February 2024

Task 2: Initial Proposal Form

To pass module 2, you must initiate a project based on the acquisition activities and/or elective projects
that tutors set at the start of the module. It is important to understand that there only three supported studio
weeks to refine, interact and complete this project and research which supports this project will be ongoing
throughout the whole module cycle.

Your project must be manageable in a shared studio space which means you must be aware of the Health
and Safety implications, environmental impact and sustainability and have planned for its disposal at the
end of the assessment period. Materials and scale used must be relevant for the shared space and
equipment /materials readily available. You should also plan for any additional purchases of material or
equipment form your own budget.

To help you begin to identify your ambitions for this term, you will need to complete this initial proposal
form. This proposal form helps you to identify the themes, processes and mediums that are inspiring for
you and your development of a creative identity.

There is scope to refine this proposal at a later stage and your personal tutor will give you guidance.
However, to begin, it is important to engage with the prompts in this initial proposal and provide a
personal response to the questions. If you are finding a particular question difficult, it maybe because you
have not engaged fully with the project work on the module so far, or done enough reflection about your
own areas of interest.

At the mid module review point, you will share your proposal intention alongside your evolving work on
the Weebly site. The proposal form is a key tool in all project advice sessions or tutorials so spend time
working on this initial proposal to get the most opportunity for feedback.

You must load this initial version of your proposal ahead of mid module review and an additional
version post review acknowledging feedback received and how you have responded to it.

Jay Donald

Programme of study Illustration

What group are you in? D

Reflect on the studio work you’ve done so far on the module and consider the emerging
themes, concepts and questions.

What ideas or themes are starting to emerge from the acquisition tasks? What do you hope to
Please use this section to talk about the meaning of this project for you at this stage - what themes
or ideas are beginning to emerge? How will you expand upon these?

Meaning: to explore my own creative identity by finding what styles and mediums I most enjoy,
what social, contextual, and historical themes influence my creative choices and what learning
inspires me and how I can incorporate these into the tasks I am given to make them my own.

I have found I most enjoy being creative when I am able to put a meaning I am passionate about to
my work.

I was originally planning to either make a polymorph sculpture or a zine and after discussion with
my peers I have decided to make a zine with a collection of entries about hardships people have
faced with illustrations to go alongside them

How will you research this theme/concept?

Consider how you can build your understanding further by becoming more informed of your
theme/ concept.

Reflect on what do you already know about your emerging theme or concept. How can you deepen
this existing understanding? Are there specific books and interviews, film and exhibitions that will
broaden your understanding? Is there is a contemporary and historical context that surrounds your
theme/concept? Are there suggestions made by your tutors and peers that you can follow up?

I want to research art psychology to understand how to include effective emotional themes in my

Research surrealist media such as films or illustrations as they have a very abstract yet accurate
way of presenting their messages and themes and hope to achieve this with my illustrations.

Because I am handling sensitive themes and topics I want to ensure that I have a clear
understanding of how to appropriately illustrate the submissions I have received.

Poor Things
Jayoon Choi
The Perspective Project

From a studio perspective, what materials or processes do you need to source, arrange, or
learn to create a wider body of work and exploration?

Alongside identifying the wider themes and questions of your work, consider what materials you
might need to source, digital tools or resources to arrange and learn? Be realistic and reflect on your
time management and organisational skills from this module.

Moving forward, how can you create ways to better organise your workload and time management
to fulfil your potential?

I need to solidify my understanding of InDesign.

Make thumbnails for all my illustrations.

Choose and organise the entries before starting the illustrations.

Understand the printing process and decide on zine size before illustrating to ensure I don’t face
any errors too late in the production.

Set personal deadlines throughout the project weeks to ensure I am staying on top of things.

How would you like your work to be received?

Is there a specific context that you would like your work to be seen e.g., a magazine, online,
gallery, community, or retail space? Describe the impact that you would like your work to have on
your audience.

My zine will be printed as well as available online as a PDF

This zine will be a collection of people's hardships; therefore, I want my audience to feel empathy
for the people who have submitted the entries.

I hope to convey the emotions behind the entries through my illustrations.

After discussion with peers, I have decided to hand make my zine, using hand binding learnt from
the artist book container project. I have decided to do this as I am unsure how much the quality of
my illustrations will be effected by scanning and printing.

How will you develop this proposal?

We fully anticipate that this proposal will change as you move through the module, and we expect
you to develop a second draft after the mid module review point. Coming back and amending a
project brief is vital in this stage in your learning - as it allows you to manage your expectations
and ambition at the half way point.

Why might you need to revisit your initial concept? How will you know when things are going
well? How will you plan for when you get stuck or for when things get difficult?

I will know when things are going well if I am able to meet all the personal deadlines I set for

If unable to stay on top of those deadlines I may have to reduce the number of entries I include in
the zine or may have to simplify my illustrations.

I also need to make sure that I look into multiple options for the printing of my zine so if, for
whatever reason, I cannot go forward with my original printing plan, I have the knowledge to fall
back on and consider a different route.
How will you plan for the Health and Safety and end-of-life disposal of your project?

How will you minimise the impact of your creative process and ensuing practical or digital work on
others i.e. the studio space? What are the environmental and sustainability impacts of your piece
and the materials and processes used to create it? What is an appropriate scale at this stage in your

My project will be done traditionally and digitally, through illustration, the use of InDesign and the
printing lab. I won’t need a lot of space for my work so I shouldn’t affect others in any way in the
studio space.

I’ll be using paper for my illustrations and then scanning them to be put together on InDesign; this
should have no environmental impact.

For the printing process, I only plan to print copies for my final hand-in and copies for those who
submitted entries. I will keep my paper usage to the minimum and ensure there are no errors with
my InDesign file so I do not waste paper by printing inadequate products.

Pinterest Mood Board

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