Coshh Assessment: Job / Task: Heavy Duty Degreaser and Cleaner

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Site Location :Department:Substance Name:-Grease cutter Plus

Carried Out By Date Analysis No CRA 011


Job / Task: Heavy duty degreaser and cleaner Small (up to 1L) Amount being used Small (up to 1L) Medium (1L to 5L) Large (Over 5L) X Corrosive to eyes corrosive to the skin Exposure and or Inhalation: Severely irritating to the respiratory system Ingestion Cause to burns mouth, throat and stomach Health Hazards

Groups at risk: Kitchen operatives/Stores workers

Evaluation of hazards before safety / control measures in place 3 Note:

Others at risk: Pot wash operatives

Risk Rating = Likelihood x Severity

HEALTH HAZARD Corrosive to eyes corrosive to the skin corrosive to the respiratory system Harmful if swallowed


12 Substantial 12 Substantial 12 Substantial 8 Moderate

Existing safety / control measures (if applicable) 4

Ensure PPE including chemical splash goggles, wear a face shield over the goggle. Use chemical -resistant. Impervious gloves. Use synthetic apron, other protective equipment as necessary to prevent skin contact. Use in ventilated area and users to wear face mask. When ventilation is inadequate and occupational exposure limits are exceeded then a respirator must be used. Only to be used by trained personnel and must be kept in original containers
Evaluation of hazards with safety / control measures in place 5 Note:

HEALTH HAZARD Corrosive to eyes corrosive to the skin corrosive to the respiratory system


Risk Rating =

4 Tolerable 3 Tolerable 8 Moderate

Likelihood x Severity

Harmful if swallowed

4 Tolerable

6 Likelihood (L)
1= Highly Unlikely 2= Unlikely 3= Likely 4= Very Likely 5= Certain

Risk Rating
Severity (S)
1= Minor (no lost time) 2= Under 3 day absence 3= Over 3 day absence 4= Chronic Injury 5= Fatal / Terminal

Rating Action Bands

1 - 3 Trivial Risk 3-4 Tolerable Risk 5-12 Moderate Risk 12-20 Substantial Risk 20-25 Intolerable Risk

COSHH ASSESSMENT Additional controls required (To reduce residual risks below 3)

Obtain and read the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) before use.

Additional Information

FIRST AID : 1) In case of contact with eyes, immediately flush eyes with cool running water. Remove contact lenses and continue flushing with plenty of water at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. EXPOSURE LIMITS Refer MSDSs

FIRE: In case of fire, use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire.

STORAGE: Keep out of the reach of children. Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool and well ventilated area.

SPILLAGE: Ventilate area of leak or spill. Don't touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective equipment. Stop leak if without risk. Don't allow to enter drains or water courses. For large spills dyke spilt material or otherwise contain material to ensure runoff does not reach a waterway. Place spilt material in an appropriate container for disposal.

Is the manufacturers data sheet (MSDS) attached to this assessment? (essential) Yes No

Is maintenance of engineering controls in pla Yes

x x


Where RPE is used, is it inspected and tested? N/A Yes No Is health surveillance required? Note - Records must be kept for 40 years

Is monitoring required? Yes


Has information, instruction and training been provided?





PPE CONTROL MEASURES (tick if applicable)



1st review (date & sign) 2nd review (date & sign) 3rd review (date & sign)


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