1984 Mammoth-Bone Dwellings On The Russian Plain
1984 Mammoth-Bone Dwellings On The Russian Plain
1984 Mammoth-Bone Dwellings On The Russian Plain
n 1871 G. S. Kiryakov, who was a my of Sciences worked at the site from which the cultural remains are buried
heap left by hunters who had stripped many Pleistocene sites without mam 2 0,000 B.P., the Scandinavian ice sheet
the meat from mammoth carcasses and moth bones, is in the Ukrainian Repub covered all northern Russia and extend
left the bones on the ground. lic. A few mammoth-bone sites are in ed to near the 55th parallel.
It was not until the 192 0's that bet the Byelorussian Republic or the Rus Human communities living on the
ter methods for opening up mammoth sian Republic. All three republics lie Russian plain during the Valdai could
bone sites were developed. Among the on the central Russian plain, which have experienced considerable climatic
innovations was that of excavating the stretches from the Carpathian foothills fluctuation. There is some evidence that
entire occupied area of a community, in the west to the Ural Mountains in the during the late Valdai (after 18,000 B.P. )
rather than working in narrow trenches east and occupies the southern half of the climate warmed and cooled in cycles
as earlier workers had done. When the the European U.S.S.R. This vast area is of about 1,000 years' duration. Cold,
new techniques were applied at Gontsy drained by three major river systems, dry stadial periods alternated with
and other sites, it became clear that the the Dnestr, the Don and the Dnepr, warmer, wetter interstadial periods. In
mammoth bones were not merely re flowing south to the Black Sea and the the stadial periods. the mean January
fuse. On the contrary, the bone was the Sea of Asov. temperatures may have been as low as
structural material for an extraordinary Most of the Paleolithic sites in this 35 to 40 degrees below zero Celsius
style of building. The mammoth-bone region are near a river, and the sites clus (- 31 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit). The
structures were generally round or oval tered around each major river tend to average July temperature might have
in plan. Skulls, mandibles, scapulas and have a certain cultural unity. The set been about 18 degrees above 0 C. (64
other bones formed the foundations. tlements that include mammoth-bone degrees F.).
The superstructure was probably a dwellings are mainly found along the Except for a shallow summer thaw
wood frame covered with hides or sod. Dnepr and its tributaries. layer the ground was permanently fro
About a dozen sites in the Ukraine are The Dnepr sites show both cultural zen; the frozen layer began at a depth of
now known to include mammoth-bone similarities and similarities in their orig about 1.5 meters below the surface and
dwellings. In the late 1960's one of the inal geographic situation. All of them extended downward. The permafrost
most intriguing mammoth-bone sites are buried in geologic deposits on a river and the thaw layer were of great signifi
was found near the town of Mezhirich. terrace or on the edge of a plateau ad cance to the inhabitants in storing food.
Ivan Pidoplichko of the U.S.S.R. Acade- jacent to a river valley. The deposits in Periglacial steppe vegetation consist-