Rule Iii

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No person, firm o
r corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall construct,
alter, repair, convert, use, occupy, move, demolish and add any building/structure or any
portion thereof or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a building permit t
herefor from the Building Official assigned in the place where the subject building/struct
ure is located or to be done. The prescribed application for building permit form (NBC F
orm B-01) shall be used by all applicants. 2. Permits supplementary to a Building Permit
shall be applied for and issued by the Building Official. These include Ancillary and the A
ccessory Permits. a. Ancillary Permits The Ancillary Permits duly signed and sealed by the
corresponding professionals and the plans and specifications shall be submitted together
with the duly notarized application for Building Permit. The Building Permit is null and vo
id if not accompanied by the Ancillary Permits. The prescribed Ancillary and other Access
ory Permits/forms shall likewise be used whenever applicable. The Ancillary Permits are t
he following: i. Architectural Permit ii. Civil/Structural Permit iii. Electrical Permit iv. Mecha
nical Permit v. Sanitary Permit vi. Plumbing Permit vii. Electronics Permit b. Accessory Per
mits i. Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for accessory parts of the pro
ject with very special functions or use which are indicated in the plans and specifications
that accompany the building permit application. These may include, among others: bank
and records vaults; swimming pools; firewalls separate from the building/structure; tower
s; silos; smokestacks; chimneys; commercial/industrial fixed ovens; industrial kilns/furnace
s; water/waste treatment tanks, septic vaults; concrete and steel tanks; booths, kiosks and
stages; and tombs, mausoleums and niches. ii. Accessory Permits are issued by the Buildi
ng Official for activities being undertaken prior to or during the processing of the buildin
g permit. The coverage is spelled out in the accessory permit form including the expiry p
eriod. These shall be signed by the concerned owner/applicant and by the concerned pr
ofessionals. These permits include, among others, ground preparation and excavation, en
croachment of foundation to public area, fencing, for fence not exceeding 1.80 meters hi
gh, sidewalk construction, temporary sidewalk enclosure and occupancy, erection of scaff
olding, erecting, repair, removal of sign; and demolition. 33 3. Exemption From Building P
ermits A building permit shall not be required for the following minor constructions and
repairs, provided these shall not violate any provision of the Code and this IRR. a. Minor
Constructions i. Sheds, outhouses, greenhouses, children’s playhouses, aviaries, poultry h
ouses and the like, not exceeding 6.00 sq. meters in total area, provided they are comple
tely detached from any other building and are intended only for the private use of the o
wner. ii. Addition of open terraces or patios resting directly on the ground, not exceedin
g 20.00 sq. meters in total floor area, exclusively for the private use of the owner. iii. Inst
allation of window grilles. iv. Garden pools for the habitation of water plants and/or aqua
rium fish not exceeding 500 millimeters in depth and exclusively for private use. v. Garde
n masonry walls other than party walls not exceeding 1.20 meters in height, footpaths, re
sidential garden walks and/or driveways. b. Repair Works i. Repair works not affecting or
involving any structural member, such as replacement of deteriorated roofing sheets or ti
les, gutters, downspouts, fascias, ceilings and/or sidings. ii. Repair and/or replacement of
non load-bearing partition walls. iii. Repair and/or replacement of any interior portion or
a house not involving addition or alteration. iv. Repair and/or replacement work of doors
and windows. v. Repair and/or replacement work of flooring. vi. Repair of perimeter fenc
e and walls. vii. Repair and/or replacement of plumbing fixtures, fittings or pipings, such
as toilet bowls, sinks, lavatories, urinals, bidets, pipes, faucets, valves for single detached
dwellings and duplexes. SECTION 302. Application for Permits 1. Any person desiring to
obtain a building permit and any ancillary/accessory permit/s together with a Building Pe
rmit shall file application/s therefor on the prescribed application forms. 2. Together with
the accomplished prescribed application form/s, the following shall be submitted to the
OBO: a. In case the applicant is the registered owner of the lot: i. Certified true copy of O
CT/TCT, on file with the Registry of Deeds, ii. Tax Declaration, and iii. Current Real Proper
ty Tax Receipt. b. In case the applicant is not the registered owner of the lot, in addition
to the above; duly notarized copy of the Contract of Lease, or Deed of Absolute Sale. 34
3. Five (5) sets of survey plans, design plans, specifications and other documents prepare
d, signed and sealed over the printed names of the duly licensed and registered professi
onals (Figs. III.1. and III.2.): a. Geodetic Engineer, in case of lot survey plans; b. Architect, i
n case of architectural documents; in case of architectural interior/interior design docume
nts, either an architect or interior designer may sign; c. Civil Engineer, in case of civil/stru
ctural documents; d. Professional Electrical Engineer, in case of electrical documents; e. Pr
ofessional Mechanical Engineer, in case of mechanical documents; f. Sanitary Engineer, in
case of sanitary documents; g. Master Plumber, in case of plumbing documents; h. Electr
onics Engineer, in case of electronics documents. 4. Architectural Documents a. Architect
ural Plans/Drawings i. Vicinity Map/Location Plan within a 2.00 kilometer radius for comm
ercial, industrial, and institutional complex and within a half-kilometer radius for residenti
al buildings, at any convenient scale showing prominent landmarks or major thoroughfar
es for easy reference. ii. Site Development Plan showing technical description, boundaries
, orientation and position of proposed building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or
proposed access road and driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildin
gs within and adjoining the lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed an
d existing buildings shall be indicated. iii. Perspective drawn at a convenient scale and ta
ken from a vantage point (bird’s eye view or eye level). iv. Floor Plans drawn to scale of
not less than 1:100 showing: gridlines, complete identification of rooms or functional spa
ces. v. Elevations, at least four (4), same scale as floor plans showing: gridlines; natural gr
ound to finish grade elevations; floor to floor heights; door and window marks, type of
material and exterior finishes; adjoining existing structure/s, if any, shown in single hatch
ed lines. vi. Sections, at least two (2), showing: gridlines; natural ground and finish levels;
outline of cut and visible structural parts; doors and windows properly labeled reflecting
the direction of opening; partitions; built-in cabinets, etc.; identification of rooms and fun
ctional spaces cut by section lines. vii. Reflected ceiling plan showing: design, location, fin
ishes and specifications of materials, lighting fixtures, diffusers, decorations, air conditioni
ng exhaust and return grills, sprinkler nozzles, if any, at scale of at least 1:100. 35 STAND
Figure III.2. PRC No. . Validity IAPOA No. O.R. No. Date PTR No. Date Place TIN 36 viii. D
etails, in the form of plans, elevations/sections: (a) Accessible ramps (b) Accessible stairs (
c) Accessible lifts/elevators (d) Accessible entrances, corridors and walkways (e) Accessibl
e functional areas/comfort rooms (f) Accessible switches, controls (g) Accessible drinking
fountains (h) Accessible public telephone booths (i) Accessible audio visual and automati
c alarm system (j) Accessible access symbols and directional signs (k) Reserved parking fo
r disabled persons (l) Typical wall/bay sections from ground to roof (m) Stairs, interior an
d exterior (n) Fire escapes/exits (o) Built-in cabinets, counters and fixed furniture (p) All ty
pes of partitions ix. Schedule of Doors and Windows showing their types, designations/m
arks, dimensions, materials, and number of sets. x. Schedule of Finishes, showing in grap
hic form: surface finishes specified for floors, ceilings, walls and baseboard trims for all b
uilding spaces per floor level. xi. Details of other major Architectural Elements. b. Architec
tural Interiors/Interior Design i. Space Plan/s or layout/s of architectural interior/s. ii. Archi
tectural interior perspective/s. iii. Furniture/furnishing/equipment/process layout/s. iv. Acc
ess plan/s, parking plan/s and the like. v. Detail design of major architectural interior ele
ments. vi. Plan and layout of interior, wall partitions, furnishing, furniture, equipment/appl
iances at a scale of at least 1:100. vii. Interior wall elevations showing: finishes, switches,
doors and convenience outlets, cross window sections with interior perspective as viewed
from the main entrance at scale of at least 1:100. viii. Floor/ceiling/wall patterns and finis
hing details. ix. List of materials used. x. Cost Estimates. c. Plans and specific locations of
all accessibility facilities of scale of at least 1:100. d. Detailed design of all such accessibili
ty facilities outside and around buildings/structures including parking areas, and their saf
ety requirements all at scale of 1:50 or any convenient scale. e. Fire Safety Documents 37
i. Layout plan of each floor indicating the fire evacuation route to safe dispersal areas, st
andpipes with fire hose, fire extinguishers, first aid kits/cabinets, fire alarm, fire operation
s room, emergency lights, signs, etc. ii. Details of windows, fire exits with grilled windows
and ladders. iii. Details of fire-resistive construction of enclosures for vertical openings. iv.
Details of fire-resistive construction materials and interior decorative materials with firer
esistive/fire-retardant/fire-spread ratings v. Other Related Documents f. Other related doc
uments 5. Civil/Structural Documents a. Site Development Plan Site Development Plan sh
owing technical description, boundaries, orientation and position of proposed non-archit
ectural horizontal structure such as: sewerage treatment plan (STP), silos, elevated tanks,
towers, fences, etc. building/structure in relation to the lot, existing or proposed access r
oad and driveways and existing public utilities/services. Existing buildings within and adjo
ining the lot shall be hatched and distances between the proposed and existing building
s shall be indicated. b. Structural Plans i. Foundation Plans and Details at scale of not less
than 1:100. ii. Floor/Roof Framing Plans and Details at scale of not less than 1:100. iii. Det
ails and Schedules of structural and civil works elements including those for deep wells,
water reservoir, pipe lines and sewer system. c. Structural Analysis and Design for all buil
dings/structures except for one storey and single detached building/structure with a total
floor area of 20.00 sq. meters or less. d. Boring and Load Tests Buildings or structures of
three (3) storeys and higher, boring tests and, if necessary, load tests shall be required in
accordance with the applicable latest approved provisions of the National Structural Cod
e of the Philippines (NSCP). However, adequate soil exploration (including boring and loa
d tests) shall also be required for lower buildings/structures at areas with potential geolo
gical/geotechnical hazards. The written report of the civil/geothecnical engineer including
but not limited to the design bearing capacity as well as the result of tests shall be subm
itted together with the other requirements in the application for a building permit. Borin
g test or load test shall also be done according to the applicable provisions of the NSCP
which set forth requirements governing excavation, grading and earthwork construction, i
ncluding fills and embankments for any building/structure and for foundation and retaini
ng structures. e. Seismic Analysis f. Other related documents 38 6. Electrical Documents E
lectrical plans and technical specifications containing the following: a. Location and Site P
lans b. Legend or Symbols c. General Notes and/or Specifications d. Electrical Layout e. S
chedule of Loads, Transformers, Generating/UPS Units (Total kVA for each of the precedi
ng items shall be indicated in the schedule) f. Design Analysis g. One Line Diagram 7. Me
chanical Documents a. Location Plan and Key Plan b. General Layout Plan for each floor,
drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100, indicating the equipment in heavier lines than th
e building outline with names of machinery and corresponding brake horsepower shall b
e indicated. c. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of building and equipment base on t
he section lines drawn to scale of at least 1:100 showing inter-floor relations and definin
g the manner of support of machines/equipment. Sections shall run longitudinally and tr
ansversely through the building length or width other than particularly detailed section f
or each machinery/equipment (fired and unfired pressure vessel, elevator, escalator, dum
bwaiter, etc.). d. Isometric drawing of gas, fuel, oil system showing: Assembly of pipes on
racks and supports, Legend and General Notes, Capacity per outlet and Complete individ
ual piping system. e. Plans drawn to scale of 1:100 indicating location of store rooms, fue
l tanks, fire extinguishing systems, fire doors, fire escape ladders and other protective faci
lities. f. Detailed drawings of all duct work installations, indicating dampers, controls, filter
s, fireproofing, acoustical and thermal insulation. g. Detailed Plans of machinery foundati
ons and supports drawn to scale of at least 1:50. h. Detailed Plans of boilers and pressur
e vessels with a working pressure of above 70 kPa regardless of kilowatt rating. i. Design
Computations and Detailed Plans of elevators, escalators, and the like drawn to scale of
1:50. j. For all installations, additions or alterations involving machinery of at most 14.9 k
W, the signature of a duly licensed Mechanical Engineer shall be sufficient except fired a
nd unfired pressure vessels, elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, central/split/packaged typ
e air conditioners and piping systems of steam, gas or fuels. k. Detailed plans of fire sup
pression systems, location of automatic and smoke detectors and alarm and initiating de
vices use to monitor the conditions that are essential for the proper operation including
switches for the position of gate valves as well as alert and evacuation signals; the detail
ed layout of the entire safe area to be protected and the heat/smoke ventilation system.
39 8. Sanitary Documents a. For deepwell, water purification plants, water collection and
distribution systems, reservoirs, drainage and sewer systems, sewage treatment plants, m
alaria control structures, and sewage disposal systems: i. Location Plan and Site Plan ii. D
etailed Plan and layout drawings of minimum scale 1:100 iii. Design Analysis and Technic
al Specifications iv. Cost Estimates b. For pest and vermin control, sanitation, and pollutio
n control facilities: i. Detailed plan, layout and drawing of abatement and control device
of minimum scale 1:100 ii. Design analysis and technical specification iii. Cost Estimates 9.
Plumbing Documents For all plumbing installations, additions and/or alterations involving
hot and cold water supply, fixtures, sewage drainage and vent system, storm drainage an
d sewerage system within or adjacent to the building: a. Location Plan and Site Plan of m
inimum scale 1:2000 b. Plumbing Plans, Layouts and Details, of minimum scale 1:50 c. Le
gend and General Notes d. Isometric drawings of the systems e. Design analysis and tech
nical specifications f. Cost Estimates 10. Electronics Documents Electronic plans and techn
ical specifications for wired or wireless telecommunications systems, broadcasting system
s, including radio and TV broadcast equipment for commercial and training purposes, ca
ble or wireless television systems, information technology (IT) systems, security and alarm
systems, electronic fire alarm systems, sound-reinforcement systems, navigational aids an
d controls, indoor and outdoor signages, electronically-controlled conveyance systems, el
ectronic/computerized process controls and automation systems, building automation, m
anagement and control systems, including, but not limited to the following: a. General la
yout plans with legends b. Single line diagram c. Riser diagram d. Isometry of the system
e. Equipment specifications f. Design analysis, as applicable g. Cost estimates 40 11. Geo
detic documents Lot Survey Plans, including but not limited to: a. Vicinity Map/Location
Plan b. Lot Plan c. Relocation Survey Plan and Report d. Line and Grade e. Detailed Topo
graphic Plan of the site and immediate vicinity 12. Clearances from Other Agencies a. A l
ocational clearance shall be obtained by the owner/permittee from the City/Municipal Zo
ning Administration. b. Whenever necessary, written clearances shall be obtained from th
e various authorities exercising and enforcing regulatory functions affecting buildings/str
uctures. Application for said clearances shall be requested by the owner/applicant and fai
lure to receive reply within seven (7) days from receipt of the application for building per
mit shall be sufficient not to cause further delay in processing the building permit applic
ation by the Building Official. Such authorities who are expected to enforce their own reg
ulations are: i. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) ii. Air Transportation
Office (ATO) iii. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) iv. Local Government U
nit (LGU) v. Department of Tourism (DOT) vi. Department of Environment and Natural Re
sources (DENR) vii. Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) viii. Depart
ment of Interior and Local Government (DILG) ix. Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) x. Depa
rtment of Education (DepEd) xi. Department of Health (DOH) xii. Philippine Institute of V
olcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) xiii. Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) x
iv. Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) xv. National Water Resources Board
(NWRB) xvi. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) xvii. Department of Agriculture (DA) x
viii. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) xix. National Housing Authority (NHA)
xx. National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP) SECTION 303. Processi
ng of Building Permits The flow of processing of building permit shall follow the procedu
re shown in Figure III.3. 1. Building Permit Application a. When satisfied that all plans, sp
ecifications and other documents are in order, the Building Official gives due course to t
he application. b. The OBO verifies conformity of the proposed buildings/structures with
the land use zoning ordinance of the city/municipality. If the project has been issued a d
evelopment permit such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, memorial park
s and other development by the HLURB or the Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod, an indi
vidual locational clearance shall not be required. 41 c. The Building Official verifies wheth
er applicants have secured the required section clearances from other agencies mentione
d in the preceding section. d. The owner/permittee for any existing building/structure tha
t shall undergo alterations, additions, conversions, renovations and/or repair not covered
by Section 301, Sub-Section 3 of this IRR shall submit, in addition to other documents, th
e most recent Certificate of Occupancy when applying for a building permit. Under any o
f this case, the Locational Clearance shall not be required. 2. Line and Grade Verification
The Line and Grade Section/Unit of the OBO: a. Verifies the lot plan as reflected in the T
orrens Title, Original Certificate of Title (OCT)/Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) and its rel
ation to the proposed buildings/structures. b. Checks compliance to establish easements/
setbacks and determines grades in relation to road lots, property lines, streets or highwa
ys, whether existing or proposed as reflected in the land use zoning or development pla
n of the city/municipality including road widening, construction of various public utilities/
services and other infrastructure projects along creeks, esteros, waterways, subject to a w
ritten clearance from the DPWH. c. Verifies that at least one (1) side of the lot has direct
access to a street/alley and that grades in relation to road lots and streets or highways,
whether existing or proposed conform to the requirements. 3. Architectural The Architect
ural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technical re
quirements for: a. Types of Construction b. Requirements of Fire Zones and Fire Resistive
Regulation c. Building projections over public streets d. Access Streets/Roads and Alleys
e. Architectural Interior/Interior Design f. Classification and General Requirements of all B
uildings by Use or Occupancy g. Maximum Height of Buildings/Structures h. Parking and
Loading/Unloading Space Requirement 42 Figure III.3. 43 i. Corner Buildings with Chaflan
s j. Occupant Load k. Glazing of Opening l. Architectural Accessibility Features m. Light a
nd Ventilation n. Construction of Buildings/Structures within the obstacle limitation surfac
es of Aerodromes o. Buildings and other Ancillary Structures within Cemeteries and Mem
orial Parks 4. Civil/Structural The Civil/Structural Section/Unit evaluates building/structure
documents as to compliance to technical requirements for: a. General Design and Constr
uction Requirements b. Structural Design Requirements c. Excavations, Foundations and
Retaining Walls d. Prefabricated Construction e. Protection and Safety Requirements for
Construction, Demolition and Excavation f. Abatement/Demolition of Buildings g. Plastics
h. Signs 5. Electrical The Electrical Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as
to compliance to technical requirements for Electrical Regulations. 6. Mechanical The Me
chanical Section/Unit evaluates building/structure documents as to compliance to technic
al requirements for Mechanical Regulations. 7. Sanitary The Sanitary Section/Unit evaluat
es building/structure documents as to compliance to technical requirements under the S
anitary Engineering Law (RA 1364). 8. Plumbing The Plumbing Section/Unit evaluates buil
ding/structure documents as to compliance to technical requirements under the Plumbin
g Law (RA 1378). 9. Electronics The Electronics Section/Unit evaluates building/structure d
ocuments as to compliance to technical requirements. 10. Fire Safety Requirements The B
uilding Official shall refer one (1) set of plans and specifications to the City/Municipal Fir
e Marshall (C/MFM), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), for his review and recommendations
with respect to fire safety and control requirements. The C/MFM shall submit his report a
nd recommendations to 44 the Building Official within five (5) working days from date of
referral. Failure of the C/MFM to act within said period shall mean that the plans and spe
cifications conform to all the requirements of the Fire Code of the Philippines (FCP). In ca
se of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of the said requirements by the C/MFM, he
shall so state in writing the reasons or grounds therefor. SECTION 304. Issuance of Buildi
ng Permit 1. When the application for building permit and the plans and specifications s
ubmitted herewith conforms to the requirements of the Code and its IRR, the Building Of
ficial shall within fifteen (15) days from payment of the required fees by the applicant, iss
ue the building permit applied for. 2. The Building Official may issue a permit for the con
struction of only a part or portion of a building/structure whenever the plans and specifi
cations submitted together with the application do not cover the entire building/structur
e. 3. The Building Official may issue a Ground Preparation and Excavation Permit even wh
ile the building permit application is still being processed subject to payment of the corr
esponding fees. 4. For excavations more than 50.00 cu. meters and more than 2.00 meter
s in depth, the owner/permittee shall post a cash bond of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.
00) for the first 50.00 cu. meters and three hundred pesos (P300.00) for every cu. meters
in excess of 50 cu. meters until the building permit is issued, said excavations shall not e
xceed 100.00 cu. meters or 3.00 meters in depth and shall not be left open without any
work being done in the site for more than one hundred twenty (120) days, otherwise the
cash bond shall be forfeited in favor of the government to cover the expense for the bac
kfilling of the excavation should the owner/permittee fail to restore the same. If the bond
is insufficient to effect the necessary restoration, additional cost to be incurred to comple
te the restoration shall be charged to the account of the owner/permittee or to whoever
shall assume ownership of the property. If the owner/permittee refuses backfilling of the
excavation, the Building Official shall initiate legal proceedings. 5. Terms and Conditions
of Permits The issued building permit shall be subject to the following terms and conditi
ons: a. That under Article 1723 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the engineer or archit
ect who drew up the plans and specifications for a building/structure is liable for damag
es if within fifteen (15) years from the completion of the building/structure, the same sho
uld collapse due to defect in the plans or specifications or defects in the ground. The en
gineer or architect who supervises the construction shall be solidarily liable with the cont
ractor should the edifice collapse due to defect in the construction or the use of inferior
materials. b. This permit shall be accompanied by the various applicable ancillary and acc
essory permits, plans and specifications signed and sealed by the corresponding design
professionals who shall be responsible for the comprehensiveness and correctness of the
plans in compliance to the Code and its IRR and to all applicable referral codes and prof
essional regulatory laws. c. That the proposed construction/erection/addition/alteration/r
enovation/conversion/ repair/moving/demolition, etc. shall be in conformity with the pro
visions of the National Building Code, and its IRR. i. That prior to commencement of the
proposed projects and construction an actual relocation survey shall be conducted by a
duly licensed Geodetic Engineer. ii. That before commencing the excavation the person
making or causing the excavation to be made shall notify in writing the owner of adjoini
ng property not less than ten (10) days before such excavation is to be made and show
how the adjoining property should be protected. 45 iii. That the supervising Architect/Civ
il Engineer shall keep at the jobsite at all times a logbook of daily construction activities
wherein the actual daily progress of construction including tests conducted, weather con
dition and other pertinent data are to be recorded, same shall be made available for scru
tiny and comments by the OBO representative during the conduct of inspection his/her i
nspection pursuant to Section 207 of the Code. iv. That upon completion of the construc
tion, the Owner shall submit the logbook duly signed and sealed to the Building Official i
ncluding as-built plans and other documents and shall also prepare and submit a Certific
ate of Completion of the project stating that the construction of the building/structure c
onform to the provision of the Code, its IRR as well as the plans and specifications. v. All
such changes, modifications and alterations shall likewise be submitted to the Building O
fficial and the subsequent amendatory permit therefor issued before any work on said ch
anges, modifications and alterations shall be started. d. That no building/structure shall b
e used until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefor as provid
ed in the Code. However, a partial Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for the Use/O
ccupancy of a portion or portions of a building/structure prior to the completion of the e
ntire building/structure. e. That this permit shall not serve as an exemption from securing
written clearances from various government authorities exercising regulatory function aff
ecting buildings/structures. f. When the construction is undertaken by contract, the work
shall be done by a duly licensed and registered contractor pursuant to the provisions of
the Contractor’s License Law (RA 4566). g. The Owner/Permittee shall submit a duly acco
mplished prescribed “Notice of Construction” to the Office of the Building Official prior t
o any construction activity. h. The Owner/Permittee shall put a Building Permit sign whic
h complies with the prescribed dimensions and information, which shall remain posted o
n the construction site for the duration of the construction. (Figs. III.4. and III.5). SECTION
305. Validity of Building Permits The issuance of a building permit shall not be construed
as an approval or authorization to the permittee to disregard or violate any of the provisi
ons of the Code. Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on approved plans and spe
cifications which are subsequently found defective, the Building official is not precluded f
rom requiring permittee to effect the necessary corrections in said plans and specificatio
ns or from preventing or ordering the stoppage of any or all building operations being c
arried on thereunder which are in violation of the Code. A building permit issued under t
he provisions of the Code shall expire and become null and void if the building or work
authorized therein is not commenced within a period of one (1) year after the issuance o
f the building permit, or is suspended or abandoned at any time after it has been comm
enced for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days. SECTION 306. Non-issuance, Suspe
nsion or Revocation of Building Permits The Building Official may order or cause the non
-issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits on any or all of the following rea
sons or grounds: 46 1. Errors found in the plans and specifications; 2. Incorrect or inaccur
ate data or information supplied; 3. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Code or a
ny rules or regulations. Notice of non- issuance, suspension or revocation of building per
mits shall always be made in writing, stating the reason or grounds thereof. Figure III.4. F
igure III.5. 47 SECTION 307. Appeal Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of a
dvice of the non- issuance, suspension or revocation of permits, the applicant/permittee
may file an appeal with the Secretary who shall render his decision within fifteen days fro
m date of receipt of notice of appeal. The decision of the Secretary shall be final subject
only to review by the Office of the President. SECTION 308. Inspection and Supervision o
f Work 1. The owner of the Building who is issued or granted a building permit under th
e Code shall engage the services of a duly licensed architect or civil engineer to undertak
e the full time inspection and supervision of the construction work. 2. Such architect or ci
vil engineer may or may not be the same architect or civil engineer who is responsible fo
r the design of the building. 3. It is understood however that in either case, the designin
g architect or civil engineer is not precluded from conducting inspection of the construct
ion work to check and determine compliance with the plans and specifications of the bui
lding submitted. 4. There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times a logbook wherein the a
ctual progress of construction including tests conducted, weather conditions and other p
ertinent data are to be recorded. 5. Upon completion of the construction, the said licens
ed architect or civil engineer shall submit the logbook, duly signed and sealed, to the Bui
lding Official. He shall also prepare and submit a Certificate of Completion of the project
stating that the construction of building conforms to the provisions of the Code as well a
s with the approved plans and specifications. SECTION 309. Certificate of Occupancy 1. T
he owner/permittee shall submit to the OBO an application of Certificate of Occupancy t
ogether with a duly notarized Certificate of Completion together with the construction lo
gbook, as-built plans and specifications and the Building Inspection Sheet all signed by
whoever is the contractor (if the construction is undertaken by contract) and signed and
sealed by the Owner’s duly licensed Architect or Civil Engineer who undertook the full ti
me inspection and supervision of the construction works. Said Plans and Specifications sh
all reflect faithfully all changes, modifications and alterations made on the originally sub
mitted Plans and Specifications on file with the OBO which are the basis of the issuance
of the original building permit. The as-built Plans and Specifications may be just an order
ly and comprehensive compilation of all the documents, which include the originally sub
mitted plans and specifications and all amendments thereto as actually built or they may
be an entirely new set of plans and specifications accurately describing and/or reflecting
therein the building/structure as actually built. 2. A notification to conduct final inspectio
n shall be endorsed by the OBO to the C/MFM, BFP, who shall issue a Fire Safety Inspect
ion Certificate within five (5) workings days if the Fire Safety requirement shall have been
complied. If, after the prescribed period no action is taken by the C/MFM, the Building O
fficial may issue the Certificate of Occupancy with the condition that the Fire Safety requi
rements shall be complied with, within the prescribed period set forth in the Fire Code of
the Philippines (PD 1185). 3. The OBO undertakes the final inspection, verification and/or
review of the building/structure based on the Certificate of Completion, construction log
book, building inspection sheets, original and as-built plans and specifications, as the cas
e may be and specifications on the prescribed standard form according to the requireme
nts set forth under Section 303. 48 4. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupanc
y, the OBO shall prepare the corresponding fees and order of payment. The Building Offi
cial then issues the Certificate of Occupancy in the form prescribed therefor after all fees
are paid. a. A partial Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for the use or occupancy of
a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire buil
ding or structure, through the proper phasing of its major independent portions without
posing hazards to its occupants, the adjacent building residents and general public. b. A
building for which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued may further be issued oth
er Certificates of Occupancy due to changes in use, whether partly or wholly, provided, t
hat the new use/s or character/s of occupancy conforms with the requirement of the Co
de and its IRR.

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