Antenna Array
Antenna Array
Antenna Array
EC 15-1702
Antennas and Propagation
• Prof. C. A Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and design, John
Wiley student edition, 3/e, (2012), ISBN:978-81-265-2422-8
• PhD Theses/Journals
• Other Sources…
Students are requested to refrain from using the learning resources outside this domain
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 - Array of 2 Isotropic Sources 1
Module II 9.1
Module 7 Antennas/Section 10 Antenna Arrays
Course Outcomes
Usually the radiation pattern of a single element is relatively wide, and each element
provides low values of directivity (gain).
This can only be accomplished by increasing the electrical size of the antenna.
Enlarging the dimensions of single elements often leads to more directive
In an array of identical elements, there are at least five controls that can be
used to shape the overall pattern of the antenna.
These are:
An electronically steered
phased MSA array
Case 1.
2 Element Isotropic Array of Same Amplitude and Phase; d=λ/2
Case 2.
2 Element Isotropic Array of Same Amplitude and Opposite Phase; d=λ/2
Case 3.
2 Element Isotropic Array of Same Amplitude and Phase Quadrature ; d=λ/2
Case 4.
2 Element Isotropic Array of Same Amplitude and Phase Quadrature; d=λ/4
Case 5.
2 Element Isotropic Array of Same Amplitude and any Phase Difference
Case 6.
2 Element Array of Non-Isotropic but similar point sources
Maximum lies along the
Axis direction
End Fire Array
θ 0 60 90 120 180
E 0.707 0 0.707 1 0.707
General Case:
2 Element Isotropic Array of Same Amplitude and any Phase Difference
E = Cos (ψ/2)
Ψ = k d Cos θ + β
Horizontal Dipoles
Vertical Dipoles
EC 15-1702
Antennas and Propagation
• Prof. C. A Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and design, John
Wiley student edition, 3/e, (2012), ISBN:978-81-265-2422-8
• PhD Theses/Journals
• Other Sources…
Students are requested to refrain from using the learning resources outside this domain
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 - Array of 2 Isotropic Sources 1
Module II 9.2
Module 7 Antennas/Section 10 Antenna Arrays
Course Outcomes
Pattern Multiplication
By varying the separation d and/or the phase β between the elements, the characteristics of
the array factor and of the total field of the array can be controlled.
The total Phase Pattern is the addition of the phase pattern of the individual
sources and that of the array of isotropic point sources
In order to synthesize the total pattern of an array, the designer is not only
required to select the proper radiating elements but the geometry (positioning)
and excitation of the individual elements.
(a). β = 0, d = λ/4
Ψ = π/2 . Cos θ
E = Cos θ * Cos (π/4.Cos θ)
Cos θ Cos (π/4.Cos θ)
The nulls are obtained by setting the total
field equal to zero
ie, At θ = θn
En = Cos θn * Cos (π/4.Cos θn) =0
Cos θn = 0 ; θn =π/2
The only null occurs at θ = 90◦ and is due to the pattern of
and the individual elements.
Cos (π/4.Cos θn) =0; Since the array factor is nearly isotropic (within 3 dB), the
π/4.Cos θn = π/2 ; θn does not exist element pattern and the total pattern are almost identical in
19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 - Array of 2
October 2023 8
Isotropic Sources
E = Cos θ * Cos (ψ/2); Ψ = k d Cos θ + β 9.2
π/4(Cos θn - 1) = - π/2; θn = 1800 In the total pattern, the null at θ = 90◦ is due to the element
pattern while that toward θ = 180◦ is due to the array factor.
19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 - Array of 2
October 2023 10
Isotropic Sources
Pattern Multiplication - Examples
Case 1
2 Element Isotropic array, d= λ/2
Case 2
2 Element Isotropic array, d= λ
Case 3
4 Element Isotropic array, d= λ/2
Case 4
8 Element Isotropic array, d= λ/2
Case 1
2 Element Isotropic array, d= λ/2
Case 3
4 Element Isotropic array, d= λ/2
Unit Pattern
(Case 1)
E = Cos (π/2 . Cos θ)
19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 - Array of 2
October 2023 14
Isotropic Sources
Group Pattern
(Case 2)
E = Cos (π. Cos θ)
Case 4
8 Element Isotropic array, d= λ/2
For n = N , 2N , 3N,...,
AF attains its maximum values because it
reduces to a sin(0)/0 form.
Thus the maximum of the first minor lobe of the array factor is 13.46
dB down from the maximum at the major lobe
19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 - Array of 2
October 2023 31
Isotropic Sources
Next Class
EC 15-1702
Antennas and Propagation
• Prof. C. A Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and design, John
Wiley student edition, 3/e, (2012), ISBN:978-81-265-2422-8
• PhD Theses/Journals
• Other Sources…
Students are requested to refrain from using the learning resources outside this domain
Module 7 Antennas/Section 10 Antenna Arrays
Course Outcomes
Broadside Array
The maximum radiation is directed normal to the axis of the array [θ0 = 90◦]
To optimize the design, the maxima of the single element and of the array
factor should both be directed toward θ0 = 90◦ .
The requirements of the single elements can be accomplished by the
judicious choice of the radiators
those of the array factor by the proper separation and excitation of the
individual radiators.
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 5
We know
The first maximum of the array factor
occurs when ψ=0
Find β which satisfies the above
Why d≠nλ
This value of ψ makes the array factor attain its maximum value.
Thus for a uniform array with β = 0 and d = nλ, in addition to having the maxima of
the array factor directed broadside (θ0 = 90◦ ) to the axis of the array, there are
additional maxima directed along the axis (θ0 = 0◦ , 180◦ ) of the array (endfire
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 8
One of the objectives in many designs is to avoid multiple maxima, in addition to the
main maximum, which are referred to as grating lobes.
Often it may be required to select the largest spacing between the elements but with no
grating lobes.
To avoid any grating lobe, the largest spacing between the elements should be less than
one wavelength (dmax < λ).
The only maximum occurs at broadside (θ0 = 90◦) In addition to the maximum at θ0 = 90◦ , there are
additional maxima directed toward θ0 = 0◦ , 180◦ .
Broadside Array
Thus for d = nλ, n = 1, 2, 3,... there exist four maxima; two in the
broadside directions and two along the axis of the array.
To have only one end-fire maximum and to avoid any grating lobes,
the maximum spacing between the elements should be less than
October 2023 < λ/2. 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 14
Grating Lobes in an Endfire Array Pattern
Scanning Array
The lower side lobe by the ordinary end-fire is not sufficient to offset the benefit from the narrower beamwidth of
the Hansen-Woodyard that leads to the higher directivity.
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 23
Umax = 1 at θ=90
U0 = Prad/4π
Umax = 1 at θ=0
U0 = Prad/4π
In the design of any antenna system, the most important design parameters are usually
the number of elements, spacing between the elements, excitation (amplitude and
phase), half-power beamwidth, directivity, and side lobe level.
In a design procedure some of these parameters are specified and the others are then
The parameters and the order in which they are specified and those that are
determined vary among designs.
For a uniform array, other than for the Hansen-Woodyard end-fire, the side lobe is
always approximately −13.5 dB.
For the Hansen-Woodyard end-fire array the side lobe level is somewhat compromised
above the −13.5 dB in order to gain about 1.805 (or 2.56 dB) in directivity.
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 35
Design Approach:
Specify the half-power beamwidth or directivity and
determine most of the other parameters using equations
and graphs .
October 2023 19-203-0702 Antennas and Propagation : Module 2 36